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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - . - - - _ - - - . - - - - - - - -w-- - . - . - _ _ - - - - - _ ' _ _ r------ I - - - , THE DAILY BEE --OMAHA , SATURDAY , SEPTEfBER 22 , 1883. - , I The Nebraska National Bank. ' ; l 4j4 Up ( aita1 2fl.OOO S. turplus Fund , I4a1&l883 II 000 . \ \ ft. .IOIINSO ? . ; , Prekeflt. of Steele , John , p Co " , : . TOUZALtN , ye Prest4ent , of floton. w. v. tonst : , of wY. MOftft & Co. JOft COT.tlNS U 11. & .J S. Collins. it. wOOLWoitif , Counclk & Attorasy it tt.w. S. I1PEfl , of flon ft..d & Co. y. TATCziiIorfo tnn7 1,111 c..thii.r of Ui. tlrt N4tIon iftok of Omaha. . This flank op od for buIi.AprU 27 , lOSt Till : DIREQt1ltS AND l'OCXlIOLDHftS fttt , &tnoIlg th. 1eag bualnes men o Om&hs. , nS It. buIne.i I. 04uctod with e.pecL.l r.terenc. to th boat nd Incruing tnt.reteolItmsrcntUe i&tronft VOLLIXTWNS roclye promit ittentlon iiif brg , Iowt obtlnablo hc. or elsewhere. lNTEItE.4 ltowed on time depoSIts upon fetor. ibte illion IctiUnth of benk. enil benker , FOltIl : ( ExCliANoi , Government flomIs en Coniitv eI City Secuntir , 1ought em ) w1t. J. 14' Rodefer , Broker , Otn ( , llontI * , Commercial Paper .i.I . eli other I i cirItiee ijealt it. . ' Ilo.n 4 , Nt' . S VeerfSt. , Couiicll-fIlutt , id Fi1AI1CE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Nr.w YonK , September 21. Mnney-Eay at2@J2. her cent , closed at 2 .P ° ccitt. Prime ' . cent. 1'aper-t7 lint. . Hzcliango billa-Stoady at 4.82 ; unatid , I Government3- @ } per cent higher on all 1 I9BttCfI , it.ocks-Opened firm wIth Alight advance. Villard' were attacked nud declined to 1 . ' Per CCI1 and to 1 per cent on ether actIve etocks. This WM followed by arallly of to 1 per cent , tha iiiiproernent being general. Then the beare turned their attentIon to Loui.viflo & Na.h'iI1e , forcing the stock down to 48 , aguIn.t6O at upanitig. ' 1'hi .harp break affected the whole list unfaorabIy , more eepecially Villard'snnd Union Pacific. Still later another Ireak in ViIIard'a carried North. em Pacific to 34i , preferred to 6S. Other leaditig eharce al..o . . weakened ; many Bold down to the lowest figure. of the day. Near the cloee there svas a fractional recovery. As compared with la.t night'e closing pric.- . , Northern l'aclflc I. clown 2 per cant , lire. lorred 2j imr cent ; Oregon 29 per cent , Union Pacific 1 per cent , and other stoek3 to ecut. Chicago Burlington & Quincy rose per cent , Illinois Central per cent. couroNs. S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Pacific6'sof'93. . . . . 130 8TOCXS AN ! ) BONDS. . /unerican ExpresB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Burl. , Cetlar 1aliI3 & Northern 79 Central l'ucific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CG Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 : do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 'Clii. , Burl. & Qulicy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124k Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 do phi , naked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Port Vayiio & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilanetibal & St. .Toaepli a.kod. . . . . . . . 110 (10 do (10 tild. . . . . . . . . . . 11)2. ) flhjiioi Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 hid. , Blue. . . . & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 125 KalLai & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120k Lake Shore k Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 102 , / Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 liIIS.SOUI11'ACifiC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98. Nortlicrii Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 (10 do pfd 68 Northwretnrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12& do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115k . Ohio & Mltisissiiipi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 do do 4)fl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peoria Decatur & .Evan8vllle. . . . . . . . . 15 hock Isand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 St. I'atd & Mflwiiulcee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051 d do do hid. . . . . . . . . . . . 120. . St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 109 . St. l'aul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 . ' do do ifcl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 b ; Wnbiu.h , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . do do do Itfil. . . . . . . . . 23 \ Woetern Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 80 f.A.ked. * 1x. dividend. GRAIN ANI ) t'ItOVISIONS. CUICAGO CIIICAO0 , September 21.- Flour Dull and unchanged. V'lieat-letnand active and prices have ad. vanced ; regular oigc : for Septotnlcr ; U5c for October ; 97Adjt)7.c ) fur November ; 99@99. for December ; No. 2 Slirlng , tJ4c ; No. : i i.iiriiig , Sic : No. 2 red % s'i.iter . , I 05. Corn-Unsettled and higher ; 50@50c for , September antI October ; 50@5Oc for November ; 48J@48c for the year ; 5O@5Oo for May. Oats-Finn ; 2Tjc for cash. ; 27c27c for October ; 28jc for Noveiiiler ; 27c for the year ; 29c for January ; 32Ac for Mny. ltC- hIgher ut 55.c. liairloy-ull arid unchanged at COc. Flax Seed-Opened active arid dull at I 32. Timothy -Weaker ; nice bright 1 27@1 30 ; I prune , i 25@1 26 : l'ork---lemand fair and market firm ; 10 75 for ca.Mhl ; 10 701O 75for September ; 10 72@ ! (3J10 75 for October ; 10 ti7l0 70 for Novet. . . her ; 10 55@1O 57 for the year ; 11 45@11 47 for .Lautiary. Lard-Quiet ; 7 95(1)7 ( ) 97 for caiih Septoin liar and October ; 7 72@7 Th for oveiubor ; 7 70@7 72 for the year ; 7 7f'7 77 for Jati uary. Bulk Mcatii-Iti fair demand ; shoulders , i ; 25 ; short Hb , U 15 ; short clear , 6 50. flutter-Firm ; fair to fancy creamery , 20(28c ( ; good to faticy dairy , 12a23o. ; Eggs-Jngoatl doinatid at 21c. Whisky-Steady and unchanged at 1 16. CArT lloAlw-Whoat-Wenkor ; regular 95c b. for October ; 'J7o for November ; 98o for Do- cetuber. Corn-Irregular ; Sic for September 50c forOctober ; 4iJo for Novomjier ; 48o for tILe year. year.OatiIrregular ; 27c for September ; 27Zc for October ; 28c for ovomber ; 29.ju for Do. cenehier. I'ork-llfghier ; 10 75 for October and November ; 10 50 for the year. L.ard-Irregiilar ; 7 97 for October ; 7 65 for the year. Cheese-Market firmer ; choice full cream Ch&OilImLrS , 10I1mc ? ; choice full cream flats , 11 a 1lftc ; good part skim cheddar. . . mmii flats , n aThc ; hard kiimms , 2@ Ic. 1 1 . easy ; green salt daniageti , Oc ; green salt cLmreI , light , f. salt heavy , 8c ; salt cLf , lie ; tiryaszilted , lie ; dry calf , ISo. 'l'ahlow-No. 1 , 7c ; No. 2 , Gjc ; cake , 7.c. Ott ( all-Sales of rcttIar wheat , 900,900 bmmehmels ; corn , 1,050,000 bmmiil.cls ; sat , 125,000 bushels ; liork , 3,250 barrels ; lard , 2,750 tiurces. 'IOLEIIO , 'roLRr.o , September 21.W'heatTenmatid active ; r\o , 2 red winter cash and Septemit. ber I 01. dorn-Quiet and firm ; leigh mnIzed 55c ; No , 2 cash , September , October and oveii- liar , SSc. Oats-1)ull nail nominal ; No. 2 cash anti September , 2tJlc. PEOJUA l'ILOLL'CX. I ' - FItOILIA , September 21.-Corn-FIrm ; high mixed , 4U@j4llc ; No. 2 jm.ixod . , 48@48c. Oats-Better and tirmNu. ; 2 white , 29j Whiky-Firzn at SI 15. HF , LOWS I9LOHVCN. Sr. LOCIH , Septomnbor 2I.-Vhoat-.Ae. tive anti higher ; 'ery unsettled. No. 2 red , l 00.1 01 forcaeh ; 1 0l bid for So1mthmxe. berami4 October ; 1 03k fwr Novemutter. Corn--Opened higher and closed lower at 4fl@l6o for cash ; 4Ojo for Sept.cmnber ; 45jo ! for October4Io ; for November. Oats-Slow at 25@25o for cash ; 25c for &ptembor ; 25c bid , fur October ; 20c for Ntveuiber , _ i _ j _ _ ilynNominally at t.3c. liarloy-Qimiot ; G07t'c. lititter-Stoady ; daIry , 18@22c ; croanmory , 25 ( .28c. 1ggi--Steadynt 1T 22c. Corn Meal- iran at 2 15. Whisky-I 14. ClolNu 1'incin-.WhoatStronger ; 1 01 for October ; 1 03A@1 031 for November ; 1 05 for 1)ecenmber : 1 07 blil for January. Corn-Firit 40c for October ; 41fiI42o for November I4C for the year : 41c [ or lay. Oats-eaker ; 26o bid for November ; 2SAc hitti for the year ; 3lc for May. CINCINNATI. . CINcINNATI , Septomober 21 - Wheat - Strong ; No. 2 roil winter , I 016i1 05 for cLh. Caret -Quiet' 52c. OM.e--Strotiger at 29@30O. ltye-Stoady at 1WIC. l'ork-Duli at ii S0ih1 75. Lard-EaSIer at 7 85. hulk Mot.-Duhl amiti nomninsl. Whisky-Stendy at 1 13. OIILWAUKXg. ? tttl.'YAUriR , .SepLotu1er 21.-Wheat- \\eakrr : 13 , for ca.Mh nimel Sortemnber ; t)1o ) for I Iar I ) IZc for Novcmnlwr. CorntrIItgar : c. 2 , Sllc.rejecto.I : . 4. c ( ) , ti - ( it tutu samtteti M 0 , 2 , l ; ) . I Ltghtr ; Sn , 2 , SSc. Iiitity : . ; O. 2 , 63o for cash. . . NEW Oll.EANti. Nk % tluEANS , Seiteiiibcr 21.-Corn- QimI.'t and weak ; ititred , SUe ; white , GOc. U.i - I.Lier ; mit 35@c. : ; Corn Meiil-1)uhl mimiti lower at 2 155J2 20. l'ork--Quiot and steady at 12 00. Lard . -.F'irin ; tierce 8 50 ; ket , 8 75. hulk . .tmits-1"air . eenmaiid. \Vlilsky- Steady amid unchanged , , NEW TOILK. Nw'onK , Septommmbor h1.-Whoat-Cash © higher ; optiomle opened steatly , mu ! . vmincod 4L1le , closing f'mrni ; ummgriideit roil , 9caj1 ( Ii ; No. 4 red , tJ4&Jt)5c ) ; No. 8 roil , I. u0901 0G , 1 0T ( Icilvereil : N' . ' . 2 red , I 12 ( ; 1 13 in elevator ; 1 136id. 13 afloat ; 1 12 .ob. Corn-Cash. , @ 1C amid options 5iigc higher ; ungraded , S9p1fl2c ; Iso.2 , 62 In ole. vntIr ) ; 63@fe ; : afloat. Oats-49c hlher amid firm ; immixod weat em , 'J3C J30c ; wlnte , I5c' l'ork-Qmiiet anti lint. ; iiev mues , 12Q25c. Lard-Lower ; lmrimno statn. 8 45. Butter-Quiet amid firmn at 10@28c. BALTIMORE. I3ALTI 110)15 ) , September 21.-.Vhoat-West. or. . . , higher and stroug ; No. 2 winter red cash , 1 Osc@1 08k. Corn-Western , dull and steady ; mixed cash 592@6l. Oatt-Firm ; western white , 3TI39c ; mixed , 34@30c. Ryo-QtIli3t at 62@64c. Butter-Firm ; vert mm packed , 10@20c ; croamiiery , 200327c. : EgmsFirmmiat 23@24c. WThisky-Quiet at 1 18@1 18. KANSAS CITY riLoliucE. KANSAS CITY , Soptember2l.-Thie Daily In. dicator reports : Vhent-1Iigher ; No. 2 red fall , 83@81c for cash ; 8Sc for October ; $6 hid for Novomuber. Corn-38.1@i38& or czutlm ; 380 bId for Oc. tobor ; S4c bid for November. Uats-1"irmn 21jc bid for cash. LIVEIII'OOL LIVERPooL , Septomnber 21. - Broadatuffa- Quiet and steady. - \Vtie' t-\Viittcr , Ibi 5d8s lid. ; spring , 8s 3dPJ8s fid , Corn-New , Ss Sd. - LLVE STOCK. ChICAGO. CHICAGo , September 21.-The Drovers'Jour. rmal reports : liogs-Ireavy amid lOc lower ; light and immixod , steady ; packlmmg 4 40@4 70 ; packiimg : uid shipping , 4 75@5 20 ; light , 4 70f5 25 ; sidjis , 3 00@4 30. Cattlo-Activo and lOc higher ; host 30c higher than Wednesday ; exports , 5 0036 35 ; good to choice shippitig , 5 1501J5 80 ; common to medhmmu , 3 95@4 90 ; cammuitlg and butcher. lug , active ; inferior to fair cows , 2 4053 00 ; mnOdiucu to good , 3 250J4 00 ; stockers anti food. : era , 3 00l 25 ; range , lOu higher ; 262 Texans , 1,010 pounds , 4 25 ; 435 'rexatig. 1,0-10 pounds , 4 35 ; Texans tailings , 3 503 75 ; 159Vyomn. . iug haif.breed , , 1,146 imomimids , 4 50 ; 180 half. broede , 1,170 PoUnds 4 80 ; 82 Toxtuis , lOSO 1)ULtdil , , 4 30 ; iii Wyoming , 1,247 pounds , 4 60 ; 383 Texans , 950 ioUlldB , 4 10. Sheep-Steady and fairly active ; inferior to fair , 2 50@3 00 percwt ; medium to good , 3 25 c3 75 ; choice to extra , 4 004 30 ; lam bs , hOt head , 1 00@3 75 ; Texans , 2 953 75. ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , September 21.-Cattlo-DuhI ; only local buyers hiresotit ; natives , 5 40 ; mm- t'tves , butchering stuff , 3 00(4 25 ; Texans , 3 404 00 ; Indians , 3 506j4 25 Sheep-Quiet and umichatigeti ; fair to rimne mnuttous , 3 25@4 25 ; Texans , 2 r.o@a 75. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , September 21.-Time Indicator reports : Cattle-Unchanged ; fat steers 5 00@5 50 ; stockers amiti feodert , 3 7501J4 50 ; ¶ 'oxatms , 3 65. Uogi.-1"iriiier at 4 554 05. Shcep-Uuchaiiged ; natives at 3 00. TIIAF'PIC. FLOUR Atil ) 011/tIN , CHIc/too , September 21.-ltocoipts and ship. mnents of flour amid grain for the hiast 21 hours have boomi as follows : Iloceipts. Shmip'ts Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 6,000 Whiuitt , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 135,000 87,00. Crmm , bushieSt. . . . . . . . . . . . -110,000 512,00 Out. , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 140,000 . 99,000 Ihye , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 50,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 52,000 10,000 NEV YonE , September 21.-Receipts ama ! shmipmnotitsof flour and grain for the hast 2 I hitiurs have boom. wt follows : Receipts Ship'ts , \Vjioat bushels. . . . . . . . . . 39,000 72,000 Curt , , bmishmel . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,000 107,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . , , . , 53,000 ISA''IASCITT , Seuto3er 2l.-ltocei1it amid shiipmnent of gratti for the last 24 hour. . Imvo boemi mm follows : Beceipts. Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 2,000 .1 000 Core. , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 19,900 2,000 LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO , Scptomnber 21.-Receipts anti ship. moats of live stock for time last 21 hours have beau us follows : Receipts. Shuii'ts. hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 . . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Sr. LouIHSeptambar2l-Recoipta and qhijm. Inent.s of hive stock for the Past 24 hours hiavo boon as follows : Iteccipts , Shi1i'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 1,500 51.0011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . , , . KANSAS Cmrv , Soittemnber 21.-1eccipts ! and slilitmemits of live Ht.OCk for the past 21 hours have been as follows : . Iloceipta. Shlp't41. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 . . . . hugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMitJIA MiItICETS , WIIOICHLIIO l'vlcos , OErlCE or 'l'iii : OfAmrA 11KV , Iritlay 1venImom' , .Sept.omziber 21. The following htlicilS are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers and commimimissiomi mimer' chants , with the exception of grain , which is ( jUOt0i at the itrices furmiishmoil by thu elevators ama ! other local buyers : (1 nt Iii. \VIIVAT-Cash No. 2 , TIc ; No. 3 , 05c ; to. jectial 42c , liAItLv.r-Casht No , 2I3c ; No. 3 , 40c. Itvm-Ca.qhm , lIe. Coiis-Mlxod , Ole. OLm-2Oc. JlvO Stock. FAT SYxERS-Ilighet at 3 00f3 75 , FAT Cows-2 75(3j3 15. Hoas-l 00@4 25. SIIEIII'-FInn at 3 00.3 25. CALvxi-Fairquahity4 S0500'good ; . butch' ers' stock , 6 00 , Cured Meats. IIAM1-14f 150. - BAcoN-Unchanged at 12@13C. SIIoULluIis-luhl at 8@So Dnloi IIF.EV-I-Ic. 1AflhAt 910C in tier-cos. TALLow-Firma at S t'06 25 In barrels. I'ouln'y , Fish aimit ( Iatno. SrnlNa CIIIcKr.Ns - Small , unchanged , 1 25@2 00 : large , quiet at 8 00 ; old , 3 25. Prairie chickens , 1 7@2 00 P ° eioz. WhITE Vftill-UImclmaIiged , 910C4 pike and lake trout the smme. General I'roiluco. Eons-18c. BlJrrEn-ComInttn ts ooil , 7@lOc ; choice dairy , 166jt7 : woet , high colored grsss , 12@ 130 : cookIng , Sc. POTATOES-New qtilet and nuirket well sup. pilot ! at 45fjI.0c her ho. ONIoNs-2t.t'Oo ; r tot , Ngw OAnnAax-70@SSc tIer dozen. liosay-Cahifornia , In comb , er pound , 20 @ 2lc ; streimmeel , l0fi2e. Ciirs-ActIve , Vs o quote 9(11o. ( 'J'OMATOc.-IhItmle ) ) grown , t'OcOiJl 00 ICT bus ) . , : ( ImmAras-In lmaekcts anti crates , 7o her lb. (1 roe II Fi'it Its. 1.EIoNs-Qttiet at c. 00@7 50 per lox , I'a/tVIIES-NatIves 1 00(1 25 her basket ; California at 2 25@2 tiO. CAIl lOILNIA I'LUMS-IIL good eloimianti ; 2 2S02 50 ver box. . ; ier bunch , 2 00 ® 4 00. 4I'1'lE--8 00@8 50 liar huh , C..i.i t0I1NIA I iAmtTiir l'RAltM-Ifl gonil tie. 1.1:0. : . I itt. : ) k,1zl ) 50 her IRiX. Cidiforimia llmchlc.M iIui'rrt , Chirgeami , etc. Ituars , peritox , $3 tCz.3 ( ) 50. CALII-OII..IA ('K4-2 000J2 50 icr case. Fiestim- anti StIhlsttelTs. \ 'INTER'IEATlbo't ( quality , 1matont , at 3 25@3 65 , SF.CONIJ QCALITY-2 0001J3 25. 141'mtmNtlVIIEAI'llOtit quality , patent , at 3 hfJ43 ( iS , SECONI ) QUAI.1TT-2 t.0ciJ3 25. lIlIANSSc per cwt. Ciioi'rml : FEEI-l'er 00 lbs. 85e. Coims ZIIEAL-4 001 10 P ° " cwt. SCRKENINO-60@700 per cwt , Grocers Ijit. CANNED 000IS-OyBtOrB ( Standard ) , imor case , 3 70@3 'JO ; strawberries , 2 Itt , imr case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 50 ; Bartlett P ° ° . per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , P ° ' case , 2 75' ; egg lilUtmis , 2 II' , icr case , 2 90 : greet. gages , 2 Itt , 11cr Clt.5C , 2 90 ; ( to choice , 3 Itt , icr case , 4 50' limo APPIOB , 2 itt , imor emote , 4 00@ 5 , 75 ; poaches , 2 10 , imer 0050 , 3 00 ; ( Ii ) 3 Il , , per case , 4 00aJ4 ( .0 ; do ( lilo ) , 3 Itt , POT COBO , 2 00 ; do pie , 6 lb , iter dozen , ' 2 30. 1tic-Louisiatia hrlmo to choice , 7c ; fair 6c Patma , ( bc. 1'iem-No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. I InackOrel , kits , I 00 ; faintly nItIckerol , half brls. , 5 25 ; famnily mackerel kits , $ Sc ; No. 1 white fish. . , half Itch. . , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits 1 05. Synum'StiLIlltLtd Corn , , 'JSc , bula ; tamidard do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gitlloim kegs , 1 ( ill. SoDA-In lb papers , 3 30 ior case ; keg Nxw , in barrel. , 6 00 ; do it. half barrels , 3 50 ; itlflail , ( ti barrels , 7 ( JO ; do in half barrels , 4 04) ; gherldns. in barrels , S 00 ; do in limdf barrels , .1 50. i'EALI--t4tltipOWiier , good , 450J155c ; choice 00 @TSc ; good lluperiah , 4001J43c ; choice , 60@05c ; Yonng Ilysomi , good , 3flCt.0c ; choice , 65c@il ( Ri ; .1 lquum , natural leaf , 35c ; Japilli , choice , OOj7bc ( ; Ooiomig , good , 3540c ; On utig , choice , -lOOjSSc ; Souchotmg , good , 35J40c ( ; choice , 354m.I5c 1o1'E-bisal , j mcii and larger , 10c , int.h , lie : inch , 1ic. Woomw.swAmE-Two : hoop pails , 1 75 ; three hoop jialls 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pin' iteer vashmbitrs , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wehibuckets , 3 50. LEAD-Bar , 1 (35. ( SoAi'H-K'irlc's Savon lmnlierial , 3 .15 ; Kirk's satimiot , 3 (30 ( ; Kirk's t.tamidurd , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Iltissian , 5 25 ; Kirlc's outoca , 2 15 ; Kfrk'i Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 'fOe ; Kirk's imiaiio1'ia , doz. PoTAumal'enmi.ylvania cans , 4 case , in case , 3 :15 : ; llaihb .ts , bail , 2 duz. in case , 1 1)0 ) ; Ammehom bail , 2 duz. iii case , 1 50. I'KANUTS-liOa.Stel , choice , red Tcriiiesseo , 12c tier Itt ; f'umcy white , l2lcperlhraw-whmito ; Virginia , raw , lie ; roasted , l3c CANuLmas-Iloxes lb. . , lOs , 15c ; Sit , 15c ; Ioxes 40 lba , 16 oz. , Os , 15c , MATCIIEtI-Per caddie , 62c ; round , cases , 5 10 ; square cases , 3 40. Covvamt-Ordinmiry grades , 3@9c ; fair 10 © l0c ; good i0@i1c ; prinmo , 1212.c ; ehmoicti 1313c ; ItIiiCy green aiid yellow , 14fJ150 ; oh governmnemmt J : va , 20@20c ; Levering's roasted , l4c' Arbucklo's roasted , iSo ; McLaughlin' . x.x.kx roasted , l5e ; imitation .Java , 16t : 18jc. 18jc.VINEGAmINew VINEGAmI-New york apIe lOc ; Ohio aim. pie , l3e. SALT-I ) ray loads , per html , ii ; .Amthmtom , iii sacks , 3 50 ; lihils dairy 60 , Ss , 3 30. SIJOAIn-Powdorcd , 1OAC ; cut loaf , lOAc ; grunimlatod , 9i ; commfeetiommertt' A , lIe ; Stand. aol extra C , 8&c ; extra C , 8c ; medium yel' low , 7.c ; dark yellow , 7jc. STAILcIl-Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn Starhm , Pc ; Excelsior ( Ibis. , 7c ; Corn , Nc. SI'icEit-l'ei'pcr , lie ; allspice , lOc ; cloves 25c' cassia , iic. ! d mmKEsE-1uII cream , I Ic. LT-Aiierieatm 3 b ; Greenwich. . , 3 ' 10 ; Western , 2 75 ; I'.orthi Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye 4 65 ; .Jcwell lye , 2 76. lvy CootIs , Bmton' Covros-Atlaiitmc A , 8e ; Apple' ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Nc ; Boot PS' 8c , Buckeye i.Li , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chitto. tiango A 64c ; GreatFalisE 8.c ; 1Joosior,6c ; homiest \ ¼ 'i.ltlm , Sc ; Jmidiamm 1tntd A , Nc ; imithiati Standard A Nc ; Imidiami Orchard , d. sv. , 6c ; l6lwretIco ljj , (3c ( ; P.Iystic . Ilker , 7c ; l'equot A , 8c ; Utica 0 , 5c ; Wachmusott B , 7c ; do A , 8o (10 E 48 , 12c. FmsE IloowN Coi-roNie-Ahiemi.Ialo 4.1 7c , Alligator 3.1 , & Argyle ' 1.1 , 7.c ; Atfammtic 1414 , tic Badgex tate X 4.1 , 6c ; liouningtoti C .1.1 , 6c ; Buckeye S 4.1 , 6Ac ; italian Orchard At 9.8 , 8c ; Lacimmila 0 39 , 8c ; Lehigh B 4-I 9c ; l'eppc'rell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 39 , 7fc ; do 31 , , 7c ; do J 39 , 8c ; l'ocassot 0 4.1 , 7.c ; \Vtuisiitta 4.-I , l3o. BLEACH El ) Corrons-Androscoggln L 4-I , 9c ; Illackatono AA Immiperial 8jc ; tin do half bleached tic ; Cabot 4.1 , 8'c ! ; Fidelity 4.1 , 'Jc ; Fruit o the I.oom , Ojc ; do cambric 4.4 , 124 ; doVater 'rwist , 1Oc ; Gioat Fulls Q , 'Jo : Itmijiami heal shrunk 4.4 , 12c ; Lomisdimlo , bc ; C , catmmbrjo 37 , l2c ; Now York Mills , l2c ; I'O(1110t A , bc ; J'epporol , N (1 'l'wills , 12c ; J'OCaiiiIltM , l'ocietset 5.4 , 8 ; Utica , lie ; \Vanmsutta 0 X X , 12e. 1)ucm < s ( Colored-Albatmy ) J browmm , Sc ; do 0 , urn1 , lie ; do XX sttipes 11d lihmilds , 12 1.2o ; tIn XX.k hirown aitti driLl , , stripes timiti plaids , 12 1.2c ; Arllngtomi fammcy , ilk ; Jirumtswick brown , 8 l.2c ; Ulmariot maticy , 12 1.2c ; do ox. tm heavy , 20c ; lmd 1 1 LIver brow : . , extra hmemivy , 11 i.2c ; Indiana A bruwim , lOc ; Neponset A browmm , 150 , 'r1cKINs-Arnhiakoaf AC A32 , lOc ; do XX hihtie 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arr.mwantma . , 9 l.2c ; Clare. imwnt Jill , Ili l.2o ; Commontogms , extra , 17 1.2o ; Jinmriilt.umi 1) , 11 I.2c ; Lowiat.omi A 30 , 115c ; 'iiiii nohaha1.1 , 20c ; Oi.ea , , slIjier extra 1.4 , 28c ; J'oari ihiver 32 , 10 1.-Ic ; i'utmmamn "X blue stmljio , 12c ; Slietuclcet 5 , 10 l.2c ; tin 55 , 12c ; 'Veomimait's blue 29 , tIc. JENIMH-Ammmoskeag , limio and hrown,16 1.2c ; Atahmver 1)1) hihitu , 15 l.2c ; Arlliigtou X Woo Scotch , 18 l.2c ; Concord 000 , Idimo muiti lirivrm , I 2 1 .2c ; iii , 4./i.A tltm ih. . , , I 1 1 .2 ; tIn XX h ih. . , titi , 14 1.2c ; I layimiaker's huime and browit 9 1 2e ; Mystic ltiverlJstrlio , l(3I.2c ; l'oamI Itiver , blue cmiii ! brown , IGe ; iJimeasyille , bhimim and Ir.i'mi 11 1.2u. CAsliltoat - lianmnril , 5e , ; Etidyst.omme limming , 2 1 loch double face , 81c ; Cattier A. glnzetl , rite ; ' .1acthiattsmm glove fimmii.m , l3tc ; Newport titi , t3u , do lazad , 5c ; l'tsiuot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid fitmishi , tie. CoitsT Aculronct.ggln attoou , 8c ; Claremidomi ti7c. Commestoggmc sat. teens , 7jc ; Ihtslhmwohl , Nc ; lnJiamm Orchiarti , 7c ; Narragansett , iniproved , 18e ; l'upperjhl sat. teen , tItc ; ltockport , tic. Pmtmniis-Allens , tite : Amnormean , 6c ; irililn , ( ic ; Ilerwick , ' 1e ; Cochoish ; Ciiciestoga , I Ijaukirkc' Uuunell , titt7c ; lddystomme e ; ' (31tucest.or , 6c' harmony , bite ; Kmmlckorboc'kcr , 6c ; Men-imnao D , 7c ; Mystic , r4c ; Hiiraunos , tie ; lloimthibrldge , tic ; do ( lltighziams , he ; ! .ltul. . bore 5c ; Oriental , 14e , ( iIiuIt/tms-Arnuskeag 9c ; Aigylo , lOic ; Atlantic , 8c ; Cumnberlaud , 7o ; Iligimlaral , 7c ; Kenilworthm , Otc ; I'Iuiiktt , tI'e ' ; Sussex , Sc. CorroNAnr.i-AlJbervlllo , 13tc ; Agao , 20c ; American , lIe ; Artisimin , 21k ; CaIn , 1) and 'I. ' , 13c ; Clarion 1) amid T , bltc ; 1)ocan Co. StriJies 1) amm. ! ' 1' ' , 11ie JCey.tono , lOtc ; Nami tucket , itIc ; Nonpareif , 150 ; Ocoin : 1) itntl T , lOte ; Itoyal , BIte ; Susso ; 12c ; 'l'loga , Wachu. sett skirting checks , 12o ; do Nammkln l2tcs York , itialmi Nammkin 12c ; do chocks , sti-Ijies and faiccy , 12kv ; do t .z 20e , ' 10.4 do SIIeE'IINOB-Afldroscoggln . 27cI D-l , 25.c (10 3.4 , 82cm Continental C 42. lIc ; Fruit of the Loom 10.1 ; 27c ; New \'ork mu his 98. OSe ; do 78 , OOei do 58 , ? 2c ; l'eimmiirako 10.4 , 25t' ; I'equot 10.4 , 28c : do .4 , lOc : thit .19 , Itic ; Pc.i.i'caoll . ( Ni , 21)o ; titi 67 , 21c ; do7 , iSe ; Utica 90 , Otic ; ito ti,2'2tc ; do 48 , lTc. 1)rugs , Dituni ANt ) ChEMICALS Acid , Carbolic , 450 ; Acid 'l'artaric , t.Sc ; Ilaisatu Coitabia , her Itt , be ; ibsrk Sarsafras , 11cr It. , 12c ; Calomel per Ib , 750 ; inohitnidla , her or , $1 (35 ( ; CImloro. form , iier It , , SSc ; 1)ovcr's l'owders , ier Ib , 1 25 ; h'ii.stimmi : Salts , per lb. Sic ; ( Uycerltrn , pure er lb 30cr Ieti , Acetate , her lb , 2'2c ; Oil , bastor. k0. 1. tier gal , t 40 , 0 Cstor , No. 3 , pr gal. $1 20 ; Oil , Olive , hier gal. SI 50 OH , . Origanun. , tiOC Oplunm , 5 00 ; Quinine , 1' . & \l ; . and It. t S. 15cr OZ , $1 90 ; l'otassiuimi , Iodide , per itt , Si (35 ; Sahlcin mr ox , 40c ; Sulphate tif LtorphiflB , ur oz , 3 ,5 , Sulphur flour , per Itt , 4c ; Strychnine , hier ox , $1 25. Paints , 011K antI Varntshcn. I Oiis-110 ° carbon , r'r ' gallon , 12c ; 150 ° headlight , 9er gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight , gallon , io9c ; 150 ° wnter white , ISo ; hin peeti , raw , ; hr gallon. SC.c : linseed , boiled , 'er gahlOti , SOc Nerd , winter tr'ti , , t'r gallomi , 85cm No. 1 , 75eNn. ; 2 , 750 ; castor , XXX ur gal lomi , I 40 : o. 3 , 1 20 : sweet , per a\Iotm1 \ Nra : .Irmn \V Ii. , pci- gallon , I Cd ; lishm , V. , H , , pergmsllomi , , ( 'iSe : mieatsft'ut extra , tier gallon , tkic ; No. I , 750 ; luimricatimmg , zen' , 11cr gallon , & ) c ; stmmnttier , iSo ; golilemt mnacimine , No , I , iter gal. Ititi , 3.'ic ; No. 2 , 250 ; eltormit , itigumil , Per gallon NOc ; timrpontimie , Per gallon , t.Sc ; Italithib , 74 a 11cr gallon , ir. l'AINTS IN Ol1.-W'hite toad , Omaha P. 1 , , tic ; white load , St. 1ummbt pure , li't' ' : 5.Ia.rso'ilies . ) TOU1I 1 to I' ) lb CBt1B 24tc : F ronch zinc , greet. . seal , 12c : Frmich zinc , ret ! seal , tic ; l"rtmch r.iiie , iii vmuimi.h , isst , 20cm Pt cud. . zinc , III oH tt.qst. , lr : raw tititi tttrttt , titulier , 1. II. . ciii. . , lOc ; raw ittiti burnt Sienna , itic ; ammtiyko ltnmn-n ( Sc ; refitted lmiti1iIilck , 12c ; coach. black , alit ! ivory black , itie ; tlroit black , lOc ; I'russian Iiittti , 30c ; ttltratIIiLrtIie blue , 18 ; chrommio groom. I , . SI. & U , , lIe ; bhimiel amt. ! shutter groom. , L. 51 , & 1) . , lOc ; l'muls green , INc ; lmiku rod , 150 ; Veimetiami roil. Dc ; Ttmseaim reti , 22c ; Amen. Call Venmuliltun 1. & 1' . , ISo ; chmniomie elhtnv , I. , lit. , 0. it 1) . 0. , lbc ; yellow ocliro , Do ; golden oclire , lOc , liatetit dryer , Sc ; grain'ing cohtirs , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut , 530 ! ash , ito. Iry Paints , \Vhite leash , Nc ; Freitch zinc be ; I'arin whiting , 2tc ; whiting gilder. , Ic : whiting coiii'l 1c ; latuphlack , ( enmmimuit.owu , 14c ; lamiiiiiilack , ordinary , tOe ; l'russiui : blue , 55c ; ultrmunarlno , iSo ; vmuul3'ke , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , Ic ; timmmber raw , 4c ; sietmna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4e ; Paris grooli , genuine , 2r. . ; [ 'otis itroon , commmtonL2techratiiogreon ) ; , N.Y. , 20c ; cImroimia green , K. , Plc ; venmmiiiliomm , Emmg. , TOe ; venmnillion , Amnenicmimm , iSe ; Italian red , iDe ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cokitsoss , 2ic ; Venetian red , 4\Iuerlcmnm , 1c ; rod load , 7c ; chrome yellow , gonuimmu , 20c ; chrommm yol. lt > w , K. , i2c ochmro , michelle , $ c ; ochre , Fneuch , 2c ; ochmro , .Amenicati , 2eViimttir' ; niinonmtl , 2c ; lehigh 1rtwu , 2.c ; Spanish browm. . , 2&c ; 1 rhmco' , , inliteniti , Oc. VAnNmmlr.s-hiarrols her gallon : 1"urni. tore extra , $1 10 ; furnIture , No , I , $1 ; ex.acht , extra , $1 40' ciaCh , No. 1 , $1 20 ; lmuuar , tixtra , 1 75 ; iait10 , 70c ; a.phmaltum , oxtr , SSc ; shielhito , 3 50 ; hiflXi oil tittitib , .1 50. Letet her. I. is solo SSo to 42c ; hemlock solo2Rc to 350 ; I ii t kit ) , SOo to 1 00 ; runner ( iSo to SOc ; lt 75 , 1 , calf , 850 to 1 20 ; hemlock tIlpe'r , 23c tAm 250 ; oak uper1 21c ; tiiligttor , 4 00 to 50 ; Calf kid , 32@3r , : ( , reisoti hiti , 2 50 t. . 2 75 ; oak kip , SOc to I 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; Frommchi k'ip , I 10 tit 1 5.5 ; French. . calf , 1 25 tim 2 00 ; rims. MUtS , 5 130 to 7 50 ; hitting. . . , 6 (8) ( ) to 10 ( .0 ; toli. ) itigs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; 11. b. Murncct , , SOO to : Isc ; pelilo 0. 1) . Slorocco , 85c ; s'mimomi , , 2 Ml bi 8 00. li/tRNESit-NO. 1 star oak , -12c ; No 2 do , 8te ) ; No. I Ohio , ittk , 38c ; No. 2 do , f5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee Sic : No , 2 do Sit' Lu mu fer. wlIor.IsAm.E. : \Ve quote lumlier , lath mumd shingles on ziars at Omaha nt the ftlhiwimig i.rmcus . : . .LoisrtEm ) SCANTLINU-iti. ft. atmti under 22 00 ; ' 18 ft , 23 50. 'l'mMmiEmnm-10 fetit and immmder , 22 00. Tmimtxmt AND , loisi'- ft , 23 (10 ( ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 2'2 ft , 26 rio ; 24 ft , 26 50 , FENCING-NO. 1 , 4 ama ! 6 in. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SIIErrING-No. 1 (2d ( CIfltflotl boon ! . ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LittE-Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk 11cr imushni' Sric ; cement , buil , 2 213 ; bowa imiwtor bbl , 2 lit ) ; Iudr tier hit. soc ; 'l'arred felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 110. heavy flnrthvaro List. 'Iron , rates , 2 00 ; Itluw steel sitocitl cast , 7c cnmciblo , Sc ; sPecial or Gerittami , tie ; , cast ton ! do , 15@20 ; woguq itpokes , sot , 2 25(3 00 ; hubs lair set , 1 25 ; felInes , sawed ( lry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70J8Sc ; axles , each , 7r square mmts per Itt , 7llc ; wiatimers , . II , , 801118c ; rivets , iter II , , tic ; coil chmitin , Iter Itt , Ci@12c ; malleable , Sc iron wedges , tie ; crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth Ic ; sirimmgtcei , 7@Sc ; llimrtiemt's hmorselities , 5 25 Bunion's mnitleshiocs , 6 2 ! , BAmnialVmmtsIu car lots , Gb per 100. NAILS-ltmtes , 10 to 130 , 3 35. SHOT-Shot , I $15 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; .niemital powder , kegs , I ; 10 ; tb. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blastItt' , lce&s , 3 85 ; f misc , per 100 feet , SOc. CoAm.-C'umimberlamitl hilucksmnithi 12 00 : idor. na rum. Biossbtmrg , 12 \ ; . lumm.p . , 4 (30 ( ; "tVhm'mtolirecst mnmt , 4 00 ; Iowa hinimI , , .1 00 ; rowi mint , 1 1)0 ) ; itocIc Smning , 7 00 ; 4'tmmtltnls' cites , ii SOSzjl2 00 ; Coon. . . City , 7 00 , or toIi , IioI'ses mUlti 1'.Iimies. Hxtm tiraft htorsos , 175(3J225 ; commnon draft. hmorseit , 100@l50 ; extra larit. . horses , llO@125 ; ciIiitmmoIi tim genii fanimi horses , 1)O@l00 ) ; extra I Jugs , ti0711 ; cintimnomm jilugs , 20(5Jl0. ( 5Iumr.s-Ixtrzt , 1254150 ; good , i001I0 ; fair , 75@100 ; coamniomi , )8Xii7f' ) . IiItiimoI'H. ALcemror18S hrof , 2 2Spor witmo gall. . . . , ; extra California spirits , 188 jiroof , 1 25 11cr iiroof gdton : ; tmiide roll iteil spirits , I 87 j rtiiI , 1 23 l'r tiroof galinim ; rtm.lbitliied wimisicies , 1 001 so ; fimmo bletmilod , 1 riXj2 ( 50' Kih , tucky bounliomis , 2 ( )061J7 ) 00 ; Kemmtucy timmil l'oimmmsylvzumia rycs , 2 0067 00. JlRANmnni-lIiilitrt.ed , 6 00JI600 ( ; tiommmeutic 1 400J4 00. ( IINM-linpolted , 4 50t6 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300 , ItUMI3-IflmiiontCtI , 4 50516 90 ; Now } bmglammd , 2 OOcjiJ4 00 ; tiomnoittic , b 5O(5J3 ( 50. l'KACII SN ! ) A'i'ms llmtANmn'-l 7raij4 00. CImAtIOAaNiat-lmcijxirtetI 11Cr VWtO , 28 0O@ 34 00 ; Amoican , porcwte , 12 0O@lt ) 00. Wool. Menino mmnwwdsol , light 14@lGe ; heavy , 1a@Ir. ; rmicdimmmti unwatthiecl , light , l8fPJ2Oc ; woalted , choice , :12e : ; fair , 30c ; tub and waidmotl , 28c ; hurry , black and cott.od wool , 2@Gc tess. Tobaccos. FINE CUT-Clilnmnwi , 20t3Oc ; good , 'l@ SOc ; Bose Laf , , be ; l'remnimini , 650 ; Jiamnontl Cruwim , 55c ; Svtiut. Sixteen , 47o. SiI0KINI-O. H , , 20e ; Muskovy , 250 ; Dtmr. htmitri , 8 cii. , toe ; 1)tmnhamn , 4 oz. ri2c ; 1)unlmami. . , 2 ox. , r.r.Soul ; of North Canohmmmi ! , 8 ox , , 4lc ; Seal of North. Carohimma , 4 tsz. 4Cc ; Seal of omtlm Cartihina , 2 c , , . , 'INc ; 0 , C , Iimrhiitmn , 4 dix , , 280 ; 0 , IC. Ditmhittii , 2 ( il. . , SOc ; ( Judo Nisi , 's , 2 Ic ; 'I'ommt amid .1 erry , 23c. Pz.ut : 'l'OIIACCO-CliImiaT , ! iOc ; Bullion , f30c ; horseshoe , INc ; Star , 18c ; mdli ) ' , ho ; 11cr' trn"tt , 18cm lihaclc. LS0il0c. A POSITIVE 1lt ) No , I sill cure any ca.o Ims ( titir 115)5 'ir less , No. 2 ivIll cure ttio iiot ob4liatc case ito mitattur of how lomig .taiuliig , , A/Ian's / Soluble Modicaf0d Bou jios No Ilmuisoolti iIis of cbobt , , , cojahila , or cli at sari. thai wood , that etc c'ertaiii to IruidImco , I Siieisia by I tlutrl9 hog the iIStitIgC of ( ho bltillail , _ I ' tic I Sold hi ) ' mill vrtm.rglsts , or mimahloil on recoil of hlrlcU , Fir further hiartlcuiar5 scimil for circiilsr , ( , l'.0. itox IrB3. J. rrqi oiiy Perfect substitute for Mother' . .1 3111k , The most iouristil.igt'iet , ' for Imivahlile imt1 tiursitig mnothre. ( ionimeiitltsl by all l'hyslclan. ltit.Im In all ciirnatt.s , floiti by all , Irugtsts. 76 cents. Bend for ( tie latmiPiliet. r. t rrui.i & co. , iiotu&thm-20t 4 ! Central Wharf , hiouWn , IIMS , SSil.S. . . _ . - - - - THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , lIaslongbcen scltnowleilge.I antI more so .t thi. iIy thsti P.tiV , other , The IMI tThhl ot titeilirel .clence I. emer InereitsinE , atid Its ntmnieruus trnche. are tirt'tmght nearer amid assist to 'erfctlon , and tie en. man cnn any longer grasp tlicmii all hence th. necessity for dlhIlnj the labor. Ama ) ( II. tni. beyond all doubt that disease , aecttmiK the en ltotulnMy org&tia nee.I Ida1 stud , loot. than at. ; . thing else , If we would Bnd.natand and kn.w bow I. treat theta ; .roperl. lilt. II. YAINKR Is ( nfl ; aware that them. Br. man , , physklin , , and some aen.Ihl , l.eolile. bu will ronitemun liOn for niakltig this class of , hlses.os a spe. daiLy , but h.Lsha11iy to know that with tnot l'et son , of teflnmenI antI Intelligence a m.d rt.hightcn . ( MI view is taken of the suiject , antI that the iil.slc. tall who ileerte. hitniseD to teilemln the ifl0cttt at , . ! .amlng them front icons. thin death , Iq no Ices a lilt ! Iamithropl.t intl L'enefactor to hI. rare that. th. sat. get. , . or 1.tiYslcn who 1. ; close apt.IlcMlon In mu , ; oIlier branch of 1mb. l'rfe'.Ios. AntI fortumiatel for Inum.nntt ; , the day I. dawnl.g . it hen the ta.o ! . ' . Iatmthrouil.y that tondcueil , , the , lctlnm. of folly or trOt. , , III. . the heprrs iiti.1n the Jewish law , to di. Immicaret ! forha. hastctlaay , A Few Reasons Why you .i.oitld try ( hi. celobrateti hr. II. W'Agiier' methids of cute : 1. "Dr. II , Vaiter , is a itatural .lishiiam. . " 1) ) . 14. Fost.stt , The ( Ireatcal tJnIti l'Ircmoiaglsl. , 2. ' , I'ew , onvI " Cal you as a doctor. ha. .1 , Siss. , 'limo'nrll's ureatest I'lI'iiomiiist. , , S. ' ' 'ott mire is tit..letftlly . itolkiotit In our l.miowl , tlge of tlI.caso anti iiie.ticiuc's. " liii. J. ltATTItltWt' . 1. "ilin mktd amid teed ; relief In your 're. cure. " PR , .1. Ntssa. 0. "Dr. ii. ' , % ngner Is a rm'gilar gmn.httsto from Ocilevume lloq1ItaI , New York clt ; his' , bin ! s ry cx tcmisho haisiltal ltrCtle , iutitl Is ( borough ! ; lostetl on nil hmamicles , of his teloicil .cleite , , c-specially oim ctmroile disease , . " Inn. . BsowtnLL & Itwiso. 6. "lit. II. S'aner hits liutnortahizeil hiiedf , I. hi. woutlerful iliqeoteny of js'tlflO tomiivslle for ut - tate an , ! sexual dlseascs.-.Vlrgi.ta , . City Chromlcio. , 1. "l'hitntatmtl , of LatitUde Clock to pro llta-San , I' cltrotklo. , 8 , "VIto Ioctor' . bug experience as ix siwwialist should remoter him nec ; succcsatu1.-ILcky Noun. ( alt. News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tinme a ulisetission of the secret sire sac en tlrcly , oidel by the pmofei'alon , attut nc.tilcal ii oks ci tul. a few year , ago would hardly nietitloti It. ' rho l.hbicliui . Ii of a ditTcrenlotluiou ; he I , astute that It is his ultmty-ilisareeable though It mcd ) ' be-to lmatmdlo tlmls mnatk'r without lei et antI .i.itic .laiily . about It ; end Itito1Ilgttt iarut and guardians trill ( liatik hint for doing so , Tht.rcsults attendimig title dt'stnictIte nice tiers for. nienly miot tmnticrstooti , or mmot. Inoier13 t'etluttsto.l ; mu , , . ! Ito imtmi.ortaiice being attached to a subject tO.lch . by hUt , , ature does Imot ltmvlte dose Ins cotlgiuthout , It a a. ii liliugly Ignorud 'ui , iutbl Is generally comtracteil , by the young a hue nttei..Ung .clio.i ! ; older 'omnlamIocms thmougim their eatim1 Ic , tnay be rcsonsiblo for It , or it insy be acqumlroil through ac. blent. 'Iii , . . , . cs I erleutceil , Li. . . irtlco sill ho re.eatetl , tjnii , xliii itgahii , until at last thu habit lticoiuos On. . tool L-emm. , I letely etishave , the lctlin. Mental amid miorvou , at tilctkiiie mc usually the InituarY results of self .liu , . Atmiutig the isjutniiius clYceb. lieu ) be iimctitIotitI lassi. tutle , dejection or Irrius Iblilty of temper alit ! gosoral , leblhlty. Tue boy nooks , surluilomi , aliti rarely joluts itt the , .ltorts of hits cemn1.anions. 11 Ito be it yonuig mcxii Ito ii iii ho lit(3o toutid lii comimuiy u ithu kite otlr , sex , amid Is trouble. ! tutu uxoecdiu , mutt ! uunoyiig , , bashfui.est , I , , their t.a'tct. ' ions ulnoamu. , eiuisIom.t . , and omu1tlotm , , on the face , etc. , are also irmiiImicmit symtoums. if the itt tloloitly , iieristO ! 1mm , moore senloims ulisturbicicts , take Ilaco. ( Iraut iahi.ittl.iI of the Iteitri , or e.ilemlIO tntnulslomiui , are t.xieriem.cctl . , muid the sutterer uitsy fail into a comuijioto state of ldincy be. fort' , minally , death reIiees liii. . . . 'in mull those cmigago.I It. thiI tIitngeron , timitetlcie , I tioUlil say , lust of mull , stomi IL at t.ticu . ; inaku et cry 1iomuiblo elicit to do so ; but if you fall , If omit mmcrcuu , 3sti-tn Is already too imuich , atid coutsu. iutntly , slIl.i owen brokeui , Lake souito u.erve . tiiui.j to tuft you Imi your elloit , limit ing freed ytitmnseIl frito , the hitthilt , I ii omihit Rmrti'r , couisoI voim to go through. a regular course ( if treatuimemit , for it l a greah muilitake Li , suppose tint ally' titie mitay , for solute ( hue , ho it ci cry ,0 lIttle ght e hiiuui.olf um , to Limhi fiusciutittiuig but ilauugerouc cactoiiemit without suffering front its tall cotusequeuuecs itt somimu futumu Umuuc. 'l'hitu ( If ) OUII mumo.u win , arc luinsi iteisteil to till the thtitic eumjoiuuud by u ethioclc is msiarmnluigly large , mitch it. mutest of itut. hi caset this tiuitorttmtiatut uouullthouu , of tiiitut can be ( rutted to the iractko of selt-ahtiso , tuhilcim haul boat abamidoutuil ) .oslu i4O. Imdeei. mu tow iuiuuuutlu , ' htruietice tif title hualilt Is stilticiemut to imaltico , tpeiuuuattirrhuiuit hmu later yeiusium.l I hut o moan ; of stucim cases umuder treat. mum ) . , st ( lie lirescuit day. Young MeL Vhio max ; be suffering fromit thuo effects of youthful follies or indiscretion. will tb rrll Lu avail titeulseleM of title , ti.o . gremutest lunoum oter halt ! at the altar of stif. fenimig huuuiauity , , , DR. Vsosni will guaratitco to for. felt $ . . ( X ) for ciery ( 'itse of sen.iuual . tuookuuosi or hnluate disease cit am.y . kind muI , character _ whiich ho under. takes to and faIls to cure. Middle Aged Men , Titer. arc 'many at tue ago of to to dOnhio apt troubloil with too frcIluL'tiL euuucuiatlomms of thue hilad , ter , oftom. . acooiui1iauiie.l by a ihigiut ottuarthuig or bumruu. 11mg sensatlotu , auth a ucaketihuig of the systemu , iii a . ( lie ixticit call miot uuccouutt ( tir ( Ill cxatuuiui. hug thu uulaxry dejiositsut rojiy soihiuuium.t . sill often be found , autil sOinethtuie stu.alI . hartldc5 ut uhijtutuitmi , will hIll ear , or the oior uulhh he of thiiui uuull ( hit hue , agaimu cluautgiuug to a dark utiuci t.rj.Iil . usitnramicp. There are miuatiy muuetuy muicim ii hi , 'lit' of thil hihiletuity , lg.oratut , . of the camuor , whlchu is the , . ctuuiil stage of , .eiuiiuual-weak- tie. , . lit V. itili guanutiteon herfoct ciuru lii all easco atud ii iut.althuy restountium. . of the gcm.lLu-uniuuary . or' gills. gills.CnimltaUon , fico , 'flicrougl , oxatuuiuuxtioti utud ad. .10. ' 5. A111 ( .lmflflImullcittkiC udinuihil be uuddreieul , lr. IIctur3 hIuniy % ' . , , I' . l. case , humor , ( Jitiomailu Thu 'u'oUtug ? iaul'N l'oeket Cou.jailouu , . , huy Dr. hi % S'agmuer , he warthi its nuight I , . gohil to oumig muem , , Prko , iO5 eitt by uuialh to atuy addrtss. Let Your Light Shine , Dr. Yammer thu ecithratcI specialist , of lictiter ( : olo. , a . . . .trcct , liclititcit iii letting ( i.e . world know ii list Ito cat , do , ntiil ho iloing for thiousuitud , if liii. kIlos jun , lii , trcntuiiot Stir lost muiauuhiooil Is slmru to is iii i.iun . a minute ( hunt . .ist.'rlty us ill lleee. 'retu thuuusaual tcstimuuouulai , fruami a I utor ( hue United States froim , thuoeo i.e . ha' ' , cured , he i eiof i , , tsitlt ii thtuit lie tine. cure ( lit. worid. cisc. of tieeo , , hisuuusos , 'iho , itillicted frumim chircuiho antI utoxtual diseases of orory khuud sihi litutl hilmmm tiit-lr beet friend. Itutid lilt nih t crtlseuttec.t lii uuil our city halters , maid call on limit for ad. lee , xii w , kmtuwyou ahhh corruborato us in sahuig its is ( Ito suf tercr' , true rlemtd.-iocky ( Oiuunralmm Nusti.l Relief to the Afflicted. In motlicities , a. lui adence , the 1PCJftli5 are ( hue ones wit. , always ( vjutue. to ( lie front amiul , uormuilleh , great rstuits , ihuhe remark Is ruhicciall ; alulllcOblv tote to Or , II. Wagmier , of tiil city , lie atauttle itt ( tie toi of tiIsirtiftiitlou , , amid tint cures I. . . lben50riu5 for ( hue uuufortunats wouiil Iieeiu womudorful If not liroherlY , . hosed lii this light of stieruthhic lie I. emidorasl l.y ( i.e . mumoet ouuiimieut ( of thu Inodical faculty. hits ohhlco itt 413 I.aratnlr street , whore lie sill sprout. il ) cifocta cure for ( ito suitTorlmig of eIther sex , Ito uuiat' tr how coun.hlciLtsd . , their couuiulaIut.-l'ou.ieroy . , . icuiuocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. l'crttonsat a , littusnro who wltt ( ohio trcatI by 1)r , Yuu.guuer miceil lit lcd linkwuirul huccutumsu hf huabiilt : to visit. hiimmm. I I this ) ' it ill rite ti , (1w . his it ill semI a lIst of qutatloute a Idehi tujalulee liluti to soid , uueuhhciuies , tiouuiuivl autO aclyhto to thoiutauiuls , lie lute mutter sent , us has latiumits I , , entry city. hmmi and statloui it. . ( Joloraiuu , , liii sell as aihoter ( lie ( Suited States. See huls aihuirusu , hut hits tul.urthseuuucuit.-hlcui S Ct TrIbune. Shall We Reform ? Speelfie rctrilituue for all , iusuasee he the theory ltracth(4u at lureleult of o.iimciittsl itui.I . exjucrheuuou hui0slclauiN ' utah Its all large cuimuuuuuuiuiltiee ( ItO ) ' icit e theIr siivti'altlos , to ext-el In wiuihu they ihirect theIr stu.hie . , and irctlco. lit. l'aguier Is it successful II. hustratinu , ( if miuntlern , .chis.1 of S1iCCi4itleH. uuuul hii uuprtx cduuitoul success hut the treatmmivmit of 'rivatc diease is as souudeuful iii , it Is Itatteriug-1 , ref. 1 , . 'iltosu tihio tied uuuedk'aI relIef for time uumot , IehIcat4I of ihlhVuiMtt S ill flutul am , iLCtiOumhulibtuei ! atud sue. ceseful huiYsklami , It , ( tie hfl0fl ( if Dr. Vaguler , No. 313 IArluuier street , tshtu Is highly rocummituieuudeul by the muttstlcud uroft.ssluimi itt htomiie amiul mttioarul.-i'emmieroy's iicmnocrat. BIgotry aml , umuet , give way to sladouri and the also h1iY5I01 belIeves lii lotUng iii. light .111,10 , Stir ( Ito glory of his fellow mumen. l'rlmitcr' . hik : Is the t.rcl , I.e . cat l.est tisu to guide the ueary aud sIck ouu , to thai fuUiutAlii of health. If title artlci huuld lie iutrummwutal as a "hOllChlLIt4IIV' set p. out tihiihl to guIde sulferimug huunauiity 1011(3 Lo.zlmuic , truct , leiu'.er , ( ioioruuilo , It will amisser ( hue iturpoac for shich it wa. writteum. A.drtsuc ! lIlt. IIENItY WAaNER , 1' . 0. box 83Iir taut itt 3(3 ( Lartuier Street , ionver , Cob. ' thu column headed 'fto % Nocutalt ; forth , HIuc114,5 MAX MEYER &CO. IMPOIITEItSLOF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBEItS OF DOMESTIC afflA1TOBAOOO1PIPE8 , $ OKER'AETIabEg $ ' ' PROPRIETORS OF TIlE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND TIlE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIG4UtS : Combination , Grapes , Proross , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOlt PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. ± , 0 SALEM FLOUR. Tili flour . I , ntatle at Salem , Itichartlson Cor , Nointska ! . , Ii. the Combined Roller Atone Byateun. W , glee RXCT.tISlVk . polo of . . our flour to otto , firm In a ptaoo. We have opened a branch at 1618 Oxpltol aveau Ouuaha. Write for i'nlc.s. Address ebtler 4LXsJ'DX1TJfl ma Salem or Omaha , ileb. I. "t DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Coinp'y FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &c. " . . . . . . ' xoa ) l'LLr33.lLm. tra't. . i. III' . i:1NIIcDIaD. : : . MANUyAyrUltBhr. OY aWozed IronCoruies1 Niudo Caps1FiniaIs , Skyllglmtt &a Thirteenth fittest Neb HENRY LEHMANN . JOBBER OF I \VaIl \ Paper anVo \ Sliaes. , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED ' 1118 FARNAM STREET , . OMAHA NED. . J. A. WAKEFIELD , I WhOLESALE AND ItETAIL DEALER IN LuMber , Lath , liluales , Peketg ! , II , DUUII , BLINDS , MOllLflIG , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , g ( . STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , NEB Granite Ironware. / \ , .L Tj .Ltj 131OILING. BOILING , PRESERVING I3AICTNG , . ' . 'b. , 4r rci LIGHT HANDSOME . . / - 1t W1IoLi:8oME. : DUIiABLE. ( % , The Best % Vai'o Made l'or the Kitchen. j \'sRo MAHUFACIIJflED OULY IIY THE 'r si , iorns STAMPING COMPANY , ST5 LOUIS. F i1o 1J too , llary , a IJollofllhh11ihill Bo1or. CARPET SEASON ! J. B. DETWILER tIIlvitosItItoattOlltioll : of thopublio to hi Large and Well Selected Stock I : : -OF- . Jw z Enthracing a/i the Late Patterns in cvoryt/ing in the Carpet Line , athlls Oil Cloths axEd iudo Shaaes IN LARCE QUANTiTIES AND AT LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY ; r. 13 PWIIiE. , 1313 Farnam Street , Omaha1 Nob. H , /1 - : : : L