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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
- - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r------- , - - - - . - U 2 1r11 DAiLY BEE---011A1IA , SATURDAY SEP C EMBER 22 , 1883 - X'4Xh1.T . H EAU. t.1i , YC poopk , and yo oa nil ye iflVlfl(18 of the worki , flop BiLtor will 2nftko you well ana to re joico. 2. It ahrill cure the people tnd p sickueM and aulThring tzndv.r foot. 8. i3o thou nbC afraid when yotr iutily i 8ick , or you have ldght'a di or Liver Coin1nInt , for 11op I3ittom will cure you. 4. BOth low Bfl(1 ( 11Rh , rich flUd poor know the vahioof 1101) Bitterg ( or bi1iou , nervous niulJU icunatic cmii 1ftinti. b. ClonBo mo 'vitlt IlOj ) 13\tters \ arni i 1iaiI have robu9t ftllcl blooming health. G. Add ilisoaso upon dicao and let the worst coino , I am Hafo if I uo IIOj ) hitters. ' 7. For nil my life liavo Iboon plagued citli 8iCk7WM anL sfl1Cs , and ziot until a yo. ago was I cured , by hop flitters , Ho that k0C1)Oth his bofles from achin icir lthouiiatism , and Neuralgia , vith q. l3atcrs , doetli wisely. , U , ' 1.ugIt } tl.on lIMt sorefl , Iitnples freckles , salt IaOIIIfl1 ) erysipula , b1oo poizoning , y.3t. hop Bettors will ranzovc thorn nil , 10. WI.atsstiian is there , feeble and aick from fen.ili , .oIIIliamts ) , who tiesirotli I not lieaitb 4I1(1 tiseth lIOj ) Bitters and is made we I 11. Lot. lict neglect to tiso ITo ) Bit. tora bring or. iious Kidney anJ Liver complaints. 12. Keep tl.r OfltZUO from being fur. red , thy blood p.Lro , and thy stonrnch from indigestion by using hop bitters. 13. All my pastis und aches and tils. case go like chalt before tim wind when I U80 flop Bitters. A 14. Mark the man who WaR ncarly dead and given up by the doctors after using 1101) Bitters and bocomoth well , 15. CoMe from worrying about ncr , vousness , general debility , and urinary trOUlle , for Hop Bittern will restore you. _ _ _ - ifovr&ncI ag u ; , dIItrIctM In tropIcn .tnd odier reons 'IltciI bvcpldemIc , iiid Ind'oed In iii IoctlItte where the condIUon are Un. f.yorablo to hoft1th this fatnon , yegct4. . . ble lnvlgorant and - : nIteratIr , 1Ioete. ter' . Stomach flj. - tot , , lai bcvn Sound : potent afeguar1 I . ovcn to fe.ble conaU. tuton. atid Iraglle frame , whfle a s cure for Indirostlon , bI1Iousnoia and kin. STOMACH died compIaint II Is withouimilval. 11TER' ' For sale by tifl Drugglita and Doal. .r. ien raIiy. - - - - fl ! JTRUE . Temperance Is not signing a pledge 01 taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept , becaus9 of . the non-removal ofthc cause -liquor. Thewayto make a man tempcrte is to kill the desire forthose drmdful artificial stimulants that car- 17 50 many bright intellects to premature graves , and desolation , strife and unhappiness - happiness into so many families. : Ttiiaft S ROWN'S ' Iaor . . B1TTE1t5atrUe on.alcolioI. Ic tonic , made in Baltimore , ( the Brown Chemical . Company , who arc old druggists - ; gists and in every particu. ; lay reliable , will , by removing - ing the crsving anpetite of . the drunkard , and by curing . the nervousness , weakncso , . and general Ill health rcult. . ing from intemperance , da more to promote tempera'ce. I In the strictest sense than I I anyotlier means now knowii. It is a wcll'authcnticatcd fact that many medicines , especially ' bktcrs , ' ar noth- ng butcheap whiskcyvilely I concocted for use in local 1' option countries. Such is not the case with BROVN'S IaoN13irrEIs. Itisamedi- cine , a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive organs - gans of the body , produc- mg good , rich blood , health and strength. Try one bot- tie. Picc $ z.oo. 'ZI.A1T PESSESN 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FANMER'S FRIEND. ERTEL'S HAY L PRESSES Are th. ohaput ; will b&t. h&y M ieu expoMe : bad more In riuJFO&d car th.n an , other ; ic warantvd or no ealo . ilend Ser Wuitr&od cb cuisr , CEO. ERTEL & CO. , Qulnoy , III. N. lL-r , Dederick : The Eoouomy Li .1,111 rcad 'to lotUs the cbailonge with E,00 ( s to the winner , Just u ' when and when , &ntl we W go for tl& , Ipolit U. E. j , 1l.waev eat me , BEWARE OF COUN1E8FEIT . , Au czceltut appetising touic'o exqllIe1tollsvoruowugedoyvrth vIiojo wtnld , cures Jy.jwpit i . ? lienlcra ) , , Jtiyer aid Ache , and el dIeordtz.efthoJlgosilyo ) Urgaul , . . A : owirtne , trnpart s delicioiii w flavor to a i ) s , . tii cbatnpagnu , sn sit Iummt'r drinIs , try 11 , bul - bewarotitcounlrrhft Mk you -a gor ; I . artHlo manufectured by .i4L .1 ( I. ii , I3lEulltT & BThd. ( ' 1L * ViUPrHMANN [ Sole AenL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ ' _ 3rw.NwW J. W. ) Ij'OOE w' : isi Uroadway. N , Y. ti a THE HFTY-MINERS. * Cc1crallon of the Twoilty-Plith Alllli yorsary of ( ho Disoiy6ry of Uo1 in Co1orao. The Nativities of the Pioneers and flardshipa of the Piko'8 ' Peak Hogira. TIirlllItig JyoiLs r Fnr13' flfc and Wontlerfiil Gi-owtli of the State. Tim twenty.lifth annLverary of the tils- covory of gold. in Cherry crook , and the imttleinont of Colorado , was celebrated it' ' ] ) cnvor ott the 13Lhi inst. by iilmtit COO of the Pioneer ocicty. The ovcitt Was Itro. iltictivo of innity interesting roinittiscences of tim early days and the liarlshiips of the 'fillers. Thu present tncmbcrshiiit of the I'miwor society shows that Now York State furn'ishiod the largest nutitber , 78 , while Otto each of the itativos of TIisais silpi , , Iitiisiaiin , , Virginia anti Itliodo Is. laud sought the uicklo goddess fortuito nt the lflUtO of thin llOCkiCEt. Ohio , as usual , was close to the top , lUUig nfThiat State , I'uiinsylvauia coiniitg itcxt with thirty-live. Thu natives of the Lasterit SLttes flt1lfl1)Cr ) l2 ; Western States , 123 ; Southern States : ; ! , atid foreign countries 31. There wore few iiistaiicea of itteit being hioki up in those days. Thu irito1 loctual trainft had tiot yet heard of Cob. rado , the culturct eastern burglar was still doing missionary work in Now Lug- hanti , and thu bogus insurance company was then relieving the widow and the orphitu in the land of thto l'urtt.aiis. There wore no rich ittoit togriiid the faces of the poor ; all wore poor alike , but brvo , thu 1)00k maker would say , but hono3t. l'iko's l'oakas the . , country wita thou called , lying midway botwcon civihi- zation on tim cast. , and Utah on the west -in the iiiidst of a sea of wildcrncs8 and plain , with its barren wastes was notcal. culatod to inspire a now coiner with much .oah , or htoito fora brighitfuturo. LYNCIf LAW. The first instance of Lynch law was graphically related by JudgQ Stone. Two young mon were arrested for robbing a fellow minor. They were tried by a miners' court and sentenced to b hung. "In the nienutimo , " says Judge Stone , "Govornor Hunt , the United States mar- shial for the district of Colorado , had learned of the afFair and dispatched to me a warrant for the arrest of the cul. prits , sending zoo at the same time a commission as deputy to execute the warrant. A crowd of nearly a thousand minors bad gathered te see tim oxocu- tion. Under a pub tree two graves had booti dug , and beside them was placed a wagon upon which Lhio two condemned criminals were standing with ropes. noosed about their iiocks and fastened tea a limb of the tree above , looking down upon their open grapes , and wnitinj the signal when th wagon should be drawn from under thorn. A hollow square of mon with loaded rifles enclosed the wagon. I jumped upon a pine log and harangued the crowd , uring them. to al. how the iriaoners a trial in the territorial courts , The PeoPle feared an escape ntd were inflexible , The crisis had come. Suddoiil breaking through the guard and leaping 111)011 tIm wagon , ! claimed the criminals as my prisoners. Instantly every rifle of the guard was 1oolod Upon ala. Siiatchiing the warruit from my 1)OCkOt ) I held it up , showitig the seal and the American eagle on thu corner , and coininetided in a loud voice to read the formal vriiiotl mandate of the warrant : ' 'Iii tue name of thio President of the United States , we coinnuuid you to take the bodies of , " etc. I got un further with the reading than the , for these words wore no sooner ut. toyed thai : a voice in the crowd slioutoil : "Boys wocui'trcsist : the president of the United States. hinorahi for Lincoliil" Inunedintoly the crowd echoed till ) cheer , ' 11ooralt for Abe Lincolal" linnieditto. , ly the gulls , of the guard vero brouiht tea a 'presont nrins ; " with toy camp knife I cut. the ropes which 1)0111141 the prisoiiera add took tltwn to jail iii Doiivor. rIn , . FIRST PLUO hAT. The first plug lint to appear in tim clit. giiig WILS worn of P. 1' . 'Wilcox. Tins was as late as 186(1 ( , nul the 1ioiicor days s'uro then considered past , but it was a sad oziunplo , anti W'LtS the first-step to a sad end. The erring brother line cotitu ( hWfl to be an Indian agent of a starveling - ing band of imprisoned Apaches in thin tieserta of Arizona , where lie goes vnn- during ltlOUt ) , a inure cadaverous shadow , will , nothung to wear but a govoriiinoiit commission anti a rod Ilanitol breuchi- clout. t41NATOiI C1iAFF'H TitAT. I can hover forgot the bright Sunday morning when the stage rolled up to the Broadwell house , . 11'or ton days and nights nine of us hind been travoloiig for . Denver. My liret transaction ie the way of business was to Invite my . comradoh mUld throsesitting about thmeoflhct to drink , lying on the counter a $20 gold piece. After waitimig some time for tha change , the clerk blandly yet firmly sug gested that it was "all right. ' Thai trannactioii made one toiuperLmco luau p lily stock of cash was not heavy. Thu IIONEEIt W0IIUN. Time early lioiIocrs had a pretty hard Limo of it , said Yo1fo Londoner , and w either had tohave the women or go home I roimiemaber th so women going around in thmeir oyory day calico dreaso8 , sowimi on our buttons , puttimig patches on out i'anthloona and taught us how to makc llapjrtcka. 'rhiore was nothing wasting ii : I those days. Aa iz : ' frozid Judge Stec ' has said they didmi t wear mother hub : bards , They didn't lowe any bangs , They didn't have any quarrels with thrt hired girl about getting up. These wor no loose haWts in those days. With thic : assistance of thiuao woimion w , kayo built up a great state Looking around ins I see a woman who : . iii those early days was known as the wo luau freighter. She wits kimown to somim as time foimuLle freighter , to others mu Mother Corker , She had two ngonm rind drivers and wits lmsa of time wholt otittmtVimliu crossing Limo llatmis tin hiarty Was attacked by Timdiaims. Thmcs tumble , hun-dy Iiiimeors got under tin i wagons mind left time vomimmi to ighit ii I out , , 'rhmo liuhtans kept circliimg moUnt I amid circling around She hiati Iomigflow , lug yellow hair anti wore fahsi ' teethi. Iater iii 1803 , wlon , time lady tool Up a ranch , it was found that site Imad m r yaluable quarry. But aim built a hotism , itisido of about twoho hours , smith ta : read' to meet theta with a shot.gun. WOWS next speak of a woimtan who ha hover turned a hungry moan or wommiru out of doors , Not twenty feet from nit stands old Mother Coborly hQrself. God bless imorl Thq first woman I ever hoved jim Colorado. Whienevor I struck Item' ranch the door was oiteit , but if it hind licoit closed time latch string would have been out. vtma iir.szv AN ! , m'A8r , Our railroads , said Senator Chalice , traverse time state in every diroc. tion , reaciming every mining camp- imi1e ommoughi in length to roach twice around time omttfre State. Last week I rode on a train of cars , racing with another train emi a rival rotd , from Par- liii's ranch to ( Itirmnisoim City , over 200 miles westward , iii time mountaIn fast floss , beyond two of time principal ruouu. fain ranges , 'hicim the two roads cross at at an elevation of over two tithes abus'o sea hovel. A forocaat'of thmis givemi twen- ty.timreo years ago would have required Immure faith to beihivo than wotmid time absolute - solute truth of time imiost miiirncuious iegc'iul ( , f Greek niythmulogy , No State hmna a more prosiorous , atid oxceilciit school system. I'hmo seimool pro. Porty of time State is estimated at , $2ih , . 000,000 , 1)cnver stainla unrivaled in hmor systoimi of high school hitmihhimigs , costimig over $ t'IOOOOO. 'I'Imo output of muir mmiimies iii 1882 was $2,71h0,000 ( , Agricultural crops , hay , graimm and vegetables , $10- 000,000. Live stock and wool $11,000 , . 000. 'I'hiu manufactories of Dcnvor alone give eimtployincimt to over 5,000 men. 'J'ho Colorado Coal amid Iroim company , of Pueblo , ttiiy recently established , has immanufacturod over 7ii,000 tons of iron I and steel in different forums and over 30- 000 kegs of nails amid spikes. We have numerous ore adiolting estab- lishniunts scattered over the state. Thme : ( Iratit smelter , located iii Doitvcr , gives coimstant hiusinesa for fifty-live railroad cars , it is the largest ore smelting estab- hisliimtomtt iii tue world. Tire business of time Denver mercimants last. year exceeded $26,000,000 , but time ivihl not purmiiit me to specify himoro. Our Denver is time wonder of all vhto ace it , aimd is known and read of of all nien. Leadvilbo staimds unrivalled iii tIme Imiatory of thu world. A Imundrod cities and towns and our cultivated fields make up rifle oh tIme mmiost important States of time Union. Every ounce of gslvd and silver produced is that much added to the iitoasUro of all values , consequently miii- ing industry is the most iniportamit and necessary to ketp in harmony time accu- znulatimig wcalthi of tint world. - - - Relation Of Chithhmmg to Bodily HanS , Frnm "Cisthing and ISis Atmosphere , " by M. it. lindati , in I'u.ulIr $ 8cicnco Monthly for October , The thinnest veil is a vestimmerit in tIme sense that it inodentes the loss of heat wlmiclm radiation causes thro imaked body : to experience. Iii the saute way a cloudy sky jirotceta time earth against too great cooling in spring nights. In covering ourselves vathm multiple envelopes of whmieim we augment the protecting thick. noes according to the rigor of time seasons , we retard tim radiation from time body by causing it. to pass through a series of stages , or by providimig relays. The linen , the ordinary dress , arid the clonic constittito for us so many artificial epidor. mnisos This heat that heaves the skin ? OCR to warm these su'perposcd envelopes ; it passes through thorn tim more slowly in proportion as they are ooror conduc- tars reaching time surface , at escapes , but without making us feel the chills which direct contact with : time atmosphere occ..taioiis , for muir clothes catch time cold for us. Time hairs and the feathers of animals perform the same function as toward their skin , serving to remove the seat of calorific exchange away from time body. Time protection we owe to our clothes is imiado more ciroctual by timo'ir always being .wadded with a stratum of warimi air. Each one of us titus has his own atmosphere1 whmi .lt goes with himn everywhere. and is rommqwed witimout being cooled. Time animal itlso finds tmiidcr its fur arm additional protection in time bed of air timat fills tue spacea'hmtween the hairs ; and it is eu accountof time airthoy inchoso that vorous substances , furs , and feathers keep warm. Experiments to determine time degree of facility wlttim which chifrerent substances - ces used for clothing allow heat to en- cape were mmmdc hy Count Rumford , Sommobier , Jlocckmmmann , .Jnnmes Starck , and M. Couiior. Time results core not in all cases consistent with each other , bitt thmoy immchicate that time pojtorty is depend- out on time texture of the substaim'ceratiier tItan cii time I. Intl of immaterial , or-as comm. corns imoim-luimmimmoima heat-its color. RELIGIOUS , In tii Methothist and Baptist churches of time South thorn mire iroo,00o nogroe. ] vammgehIst Moody Is gohim to Ireland to imutkti converts tunong time Itonmaim Catholic teimmmittry. Baitiiiiore Catholics , leein It irobabln that whom hllshoii lleckcr of thmatclty readies Huron Ito illl have bonim mnitio an Archbishop , and that hmoi'iIl tidco ; art iii time deliberations of the Conference called by thu l'opc. Spoxtidmig of the British eectiotm of the \Ves- Isyan Coinitmmmmmity , the cim.msi1 secretary says tiuit 118 iilaco. of worship , ciitImig nearly $1 , . 22i 000 , have tteoim erected timmrIng thu past year. A. etmut of about ht',0t0 ) } was last your tJXJOItthItl tipoli thirty mmuii"urvaie , \Vceloymum chaitol. Tlmo temitim animivorsary of the coimseeratlon of 1lieiici Paliock , of time l'iuteetaut Episcopal church , will ho celebrated In Illostoim , on the ltth ) bust. , iIthi a ervlco at St. 1 ¼ n1'a church , and mm breakfast at time hotel Vomidomuo , at which hhlehop Clark , of itliodo Isimimad , will liroettlo. The Conforcitco of Sunilay SchioulVorkors I lii time I'rotestammt Eimisco1mal Cimureli will ho L haitI lit the Church of time EplphiLtimy , l'hihm , . I dolphin , omm the evenings of October Ii timid IC . amid altormmoon of thin 11tI. Aim oimdoimvor will ho tootle to organize a Chumrchm Suimthmmy School I netittito. MInisters are scarce km ' , ' , 'Innipog. 'Fhme 11ev. E. A. Stafford of Gritc. Methodist Church , hmmtviimg gone to attend thmo General I Conference time congregation of hIs Church eat tI last l3tmimday morning while the choir I sang hymns amid anthems to supply thm imhncs of mm pormon. The Itoformed Eldscolmai church -In time , United State. Catiada aimtb Eimgland , Ic reported - ' ported to ntmmser 120 ciorgymea , 11,000 Sun- day' school scholar. , and I 000 tmmncIay school ) teacher. . It imiu imad 1O0 baptisms per an. I tOO commfmnmmatlnns ior annum , anti ro. C colvod 400 nmemnhters per meow ( ruin otimet - cinirches , Its coimtrlbutiomms per annum reach 5100 (100 and It has chtmrch bulitllmmge valued at imoarly Time city .f Mimutoapolla has &dded no baa I timati fifteen chnmrchea tluriimg' the past year to I those whmlcim abrcay graced time city , sue fol. I lows : ] 'rcahytcriium , I ; Universalist , lj Utmi. tarimmmi , 1 ; Ifoimmarm Catholic , 1 ; BaptIsts , 2 ; ? mletimodlsts , 8 ; Lutheran , 2 ; Cougregatioimal,4 , , . Piyrauutim Cotmgregattommal church himss raised ti.0o0 for is Inmiltllimg to ho used for a cimmrity , kImderi'arton iutlubtrial school amid ether kimi. I dred work , S J'rmfl the oonmimaratlvo sitmmmnarr of thmo I I'reshyterinn eimurvh tim the United states jmnt I issued by E'lwlmm T. hImttthuid , btate cork , under the authority of time general ussemtmbby. I gather the fact that timerts has bceim a siihml , i uilvaimce 1mm pearly evtiry narticimlar , ' 1 lie emit. tmtiiry simiits fur tma year the fihIowIImm5 I liuresi Synotla , 231 l'rrsbyterles , 182 ; entoIl. . IIatM , 078 : , 282 : immiuletors , ,215 ) is gum of TO ; itcomisurce , ISI ; ortllmmatlumis , ] 57 ; imiatailatlona , J21J ; past.tmral dlorniltitloima , ' 87 C mmmimdstera retlvetl , 61 : mnimibeters ihisinissod , ! 22 ; imihmmieteria iloseasad , 69 : sisters , 18081 ; glen. cotta , , .S7U ; cittirchies. 5,860a galim of 11f ; N chimrehmo orgmtiiirod , lGm ciomrchea illssolvetii'.8 ; I mottled cit exaumtmmaitbon , 32,132i added by ocr. tifictite , 21 tilT' total cuimmmuunicaiita , 600,725- N a gain of i,59i ; aiitmlta baptIod , l0,307 in' m fanin haidirod , IT 78 : Sunday school her. , 603,765 - gain of 7,714 , The Country School , In the country school 'rime busy item Of boys who fool \vIiI early coins. The wehl.bent. jim Upon ii chair , Thm silly grin , And vacant stare. Time wehl'tuned rule Doth thcuuprnlse Anti In that school will work both ways , Time teacher's mad Amid wears a frown ; Time boy feels bal , lImit can't sit .lown , At home hm squeals \Vithiotmt Uico.'e , Anti eats his imiesla oil mnantlepiece. - - - SINGU Lt ItITI ES. 1 onn.htanded iiihld has hieca horn at Dick. son , Tone , \Vnoilmen tire brlniiimg young finvria lntm Tnilahmassec , Florida , where they two sold for hct5. hct5.A A COW in Logan county , lenttacky , Ic time toothier of four calves born In twelve months. When a freigimt car was opetic , ! at ICeeno N. 11. , rnceimthy , a lien iluittored out , She iou ! ictm 1mm time car fifteen ihava , and hint paid three eggs for her passage ( ruin St. l.otmI. A large cat sprang from time roof of a three. story building him Coimoeq , i" . 'i. , amid catmtziit a sparrow , bitt fell to the 1iaveinent and brokn her Irnok , and the sparrow flow away. 'l'ime cat was kmhld. A tree that measured cventy.twt , Incites at time tenahi or ttj ) enmi , anti , caled over 12,000 feet , wan felled near Cmiick'a toOls Butte ccmnty , Cal. , hact week. Four elxtcen iootlogs were cimt from It. Simneon Vromnn , of lontia , N. Y. , has just received a hair of Rocky Mot.ntaln owls the first of the Idnil over seen in that tart ol thin country. They are of handsome simapo , amid the dimmnge is a thark , mottled color , Timothy ShIelds , of howard County , ? tfar hand , etatmds Ix feet elglmt Inches iii his atoc legs , amid weights 22(1 ( jouimths. lie hiss four chmlhihren , three of whom are eons , averaging clx foot two hmchmes in height , and weighing 2151 , 230 and 240 pounds , respectively. A man hiving in Minneapolis line a pet pit' whmlchIehlowa him aboutliko a dog. At one tinme iigs were made pets of by Span. Iihm , 'adios , anil very , very bug ago dogs anti pigs roamed the streets of towns In Englanil itmitl Scothamiml , aimd wore potted alike. Timero be a mueimsatl.n In Cleveland over a baby horn with two heads , two arms end four legs. Frommm time breast to the hips there wait but ono being. All time liiimh ware per- fecthy formed , It lived but two hours. ho rimother was a young wonian about 22 , and very poor. I Samuel T. Yerkes , of Royersfurd , Pa. , eirownod two PUPS in the Schuylklil. A big 1)5.155 awallowod one of them anti , as they ivera hiothm tied to a etomie , time fisf had to drag the other one ami thin stone wherever it went. Time burden mnade the fish an easy prey to Mr. Yerkea , who caught it with his hands , Atlanta , Georgia , hmaanatural born siiahc charmer , in the person of Dow Poole , a jmaIf indian boy , aged 11 years , who has three monster - ster rattle makes , which ime captured ouly last week , but now handles as thought they were kittens. lie. takes theme out of their b ix and puts them around lila neckwhmon they will dart out their tongues and explore the region beneath itis shirt without manifesting any sighs of a hostile nature , Mr. Henry H Gavott , ofBridgeport Conn. , line a decided curioslt7 in time shape o ? a dog wlthotmt fora.logo. ' ] here are ito shoulders or joints where the legs should be ; little project- lug tufts of hair are all that ii imoticeable. Time animal manages to got around in pretty lively fashion sometimes balancing itself on time two hind legs , which are perfectly formed , anti at otimer times propelling itself by imups like a kangaroo. Time Mont Pm. Jack Frost is Ofl time Iuntpkin , Grasshopper on the 'mine , Old Turkey Gobbler dines along Amid spreads lila feather flue. Then Mr. hopper thinks him smart , And springs up very high , And Mr. Gobbler reaches forth And takes him oh the fl7. So when October cornea along , And ballots fpll like snow , The little boss Snay sprtdand spring , ' But owzm im&hhs to gd. IIONI41Y FO1 TIlE LADIES. The Eumglichu tmurbaum La a very popular hat this , oasoI. lehicatonuns' gray sndala are w.rn with huimmo toilets , over silk stockings of pale Iliac , black , or dark red. Charlotte Corday cloaks of golden fawn- colored cashmere , lined with ileep cnrdlnalnre the latcet of etylisim and elegant travelling wralus. A Georgia woman has a pair of scissors that huive licoim umsoth for hixty years. 11cr uimother imisil tluimum when hmo marriott , mmd they are good scissors yet. Spanish jewelry , shmowhimg large leaves and flowers tinted In their natural colorsnnd stud. iod with tiny thiainonds amid pearls , is just muow in high V.glmo. A Strattord , Couuti. womnami dreamed that simo saiv her husband hissing a neighbor's wife , and alme awuko aumd struck lmiuum across the face anti broke hii 110.40. Nuns' gray caslimnero or cloth of the fitmest quality antI goldeit brown velvet are beauti- Itmi coiuibimiotl iii walking dresses stud car. riago costunmos lately sumit over froni Paris , Time ecoimuinicl will be glad to learn that 141105 will ho cimoaper titan aver in the fall , as tliousamuds of ldece of last yoar's Ilka have lately boon liurchased at Lyomis at cost prices. Aumunmg certain Nouigol tribes 1mm ivlmich thin l3udtllmist irayimig iumachmioo is Iii use , the aged gramithmnuthiers imufit for vork , are set to gri.uliiig omit tim mrtyors for thu whole family , Maggie lialbentitie , ii sweat Virgimmia girl of Sevetitceim years , Wits burimeil recently by Imer clotimeis takimig fire ( mmii a mumtcht which she haul Juust. uscit in lighting us jilpo..slmu vas simmokitig. A very stylish walking threes for a young girl Is misdo of crcnmmm.coloreti anti royal blue clinched tweed , trittuimeti with dark blue plush , 'I'hme mumdcrskirt is laid lit panels about three. cighiths of it yarti in itltbm with kiltimuga of time I tweed betweeiu. ; Time newest brocaileti ottoimium hlks tire in designs of fruits and traiilmug vines , and time scissors of time tiresaitiakers will itmake as great havio with apples , Iluimi8 , apricots , hops line. , ttmrtlummma rapoe , amid the hike as they tlit last seasoim with the imeatla of beasts and birds , Time black satin Liehisse hiimod with bright colored stmrahm amid trmuunmeti with real Spanishi lace , shell uIeatimige , and flute of black satin ribbomm , or whim broad baumds of jet.bontied flhlhiIuO work , forum nit elegant transition Prom time light aunmnmor wrapto the heavy win- tar cloak. "Yotmr dauglmter ? It ha impossIble ! Why you look immure like twimi sisters , " "No ; I as- stir. you she is toy cimly tlaughmtor , " replied time pleased mother , Amid time bullte old geimtle. . mean spoiled it all by reimiarkimugVehl , well , she certainly looks chit enough to be your cia. to : . " Autunma amntles of a dressy style are made I either lit the viste siiajw , with sash drapery in tIm , , back or In modified Hubbard ahapetiiess , lined whim ileehi Venetian red and trim. mcii with satin smith lace , lImp favorite nmato. rial of time wraj , beiug a fine quality of black vigogrie. rrs. ilueseil Croatia is an nit ! hatly resitltmug on Clifford streut , iii l'rovilerice , Itliode lamed. tbo is eighty oare old , thoes nil liar ( iwo vork and recently she wlmltowashmoii a long boar,1 , Iciuco between hit'r own and mm mmciglmborlmmg ganheim , Situ rises every ummoriuimmg et four o'clock , amid gets her mvork tltmt , beturo the imiajority of ht0PI0 are uii for the slay , Desirable ummmmteriuiis suitable for chmlhlreii's autumn suits are mmitCthy flue woohleti atolls such as tumeod , cmimmmeh'a hum' cloth iii firmm'cr iualitit.a thiami over , smith In self.cohirtd iulaids amid stripe. . Timers are also etyhishi cloth hi fnmmcy baoket tuattin's , amid chmovlit.s iii timmy Pin cbtcks or thmroad stripes , aimit ole , , linmou. climes 1mm clieae ilesigmi. , anti heather nmittures whichm are particularly amuumniablo f9r school dresses. Rumor reaches Aniarica that the most ( ash' ionable laiie. of I'amle ate goimmg ( mmii otis ox. trtno to time other , ut the matter of the shape of the sleee , and that time very dose fitting style will , in a Leisure , at least , give way to Tim Proachor's Quiet Habits. Sedentary and studious men sometimes - times become prostrated before they know it. Those who spend much time in close mental work and n'g. lcct to take enough exercise often find theirstomaclis unable to do thi work of digestion. The liver ha- comes torpid. Th bowels act ir- regularly. Tile brahi refuses tc serve as it once did. Their prcacitng becomes a fhmlurc , and there is a state ofgcncral misery. So many minis. ters have been rctorcd to health by the use of Brown's Iroii Bitters that thcclergy , generally arc speaking to their friends of this medicine as the very best tonic and restorer they know of. It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by ton ng it up with the purest and most 1nigoratmng prcpar.ttiomi ofiron that science has ever mache , It is ideas. ant to take , and acts immecflately with the happiest results , not only on the parsons , but on other fo1k as vchl. 8 ( mmli . The " " " " a flowing one. "pagoda" numb "nunrel" sleeves are to be wimrn , as well as thu artistic \matmtl ) Ice" and leg.o'irmuttou , ihiuipes. l'uiled sleeves tire to be iii varied styles , anti leve. disteniors , niud "arm.imuiprovers"aro to be worn with sbeavca emit clo4o up to the shoulder aimtl a 1iuff at time elbow , , The latest farmmalo favorite of tIme l'rimico of \Vttle , . is Miss Nellie Leamner , once a leading favorite in a Londuim variety show. Shin is about to lmecuuno the sue of Lord Iun- come , Sc p I etmi 1) or. The ii yellow , Time corn is turning brown ; The trees iii amte omchardm With fruitaro bending down. The gemmtian's bluest frincea Are curled in the arm ; In dusky 1ods the mmmilkweed Its hidden silk has spun. The sedgeidilaunt their harvest 1mm every mneadomv noik , Armml asteme by tIme brookeide Make asters in the brook. hIy all thmese lovely tokens September days are imore , With1 autimunim's beet of wealth And autumn's ieat of cheer , PEPPEIIM1NT DROPS. "She loves 1dm still , " is the title of a recent novelette. She probably vants to do all the talking harsoif. Wimemm Mr. Ituskin says timata cottpln should c.urt Revert years , hme fails to state who should pay for time kerosene. It Is , rai'l that John rA. Sullivan has signed the pledge , but then if he happens tohit it lie will be sure to break It. Boston has 304 electric lights , and yet lots of prominent citizens still remove their hats to the old'faehioncd lamp pests at 3 a. em , "Time chief purpose of many detectives seems to be , imot to discover crime and crinmi- nnle , but to defeat thin plane of other detectives - tives and gull thmo public. " Jay Goimbi , so wo are informed , "was once a poor farmer's lad. " It does not require much penetration to understand why that "Door farmer" became joor. "No , " said an angry Philadelphia hmuabammtl , after Imoing worsted In a battle with his wife ; "no , I won't get a divorce , but I vill have a terrible revenge. I'll buy a cornet amid practice - tice here of evenings. "A Reverend Idol" is the title of a new novel. We su1ioae the hero , a young clergymen - men , wits so Idolized by the congregation that they raised his salary from $350 to $375 without - out waiting for 1dm to ask it , Fiction is stranger than truth. At an entertaimimnent hold recnnti' in Len- don , it is said that the Princess of\\ ales core tIme plainest dress of any'of time ladies present. She displayed excellent good somurde. It doesn't hook well for a wife to be slashing around iii fine clothes , , 'with her husband S3,000,000 in debt. debt.The The new York Mail and Express , a ) ournal of good tabln eating amid good table etiquette , remarks : "The Shrewsbury oyster requires t rare combination of favorlnj circumnetances to attain time perfection which 'he now ax- hibits. " blow about the female Shrewsbury - bury ? Two hovers in Milwaukee agreed to commit suicitlo at the sammmo hommr the other imighmt. Next mnormming both vere up an hour earlier timami imsmuai to look over time hailer , amiui their clisappoinitment and disgust at such conduct on the hart of time mthmer was too deep for ut- ternunco , ho had turned and twisted in his sent for nearly an hour , vainly trying to make an un- lnresiomi on tlmn ymimug lady who sat behind hum , At last Ito asked : "Does thui train stop at Cicero ? " "I don't know , sir , " shmo quickly replied , ambling : "I hope so If you think of getting off there , " CONNUISIALITIES , A Kentucky girl refused anofleruf uuarrinmge Ott time gromind thinS her frmthmor couhtlum't stmpport any larger fanmily , Mr. Keel , of Detroit , mm writimmg to Castle Garden for a wife , was carelmul to say : "No Red hair pirsomi umetle not aplye. " An epideunmo of iniscongatlon luau nmppoareml In a umarruw sectioum of country hoar imCkimmg. 1110mm , N. 0. Nine microes lmttve run away with ntimme white girls withmmn six mmmontims , mmd there is rnticlm talk of lymmcm } law. 1.oshio Arthmmm' , 10 , amid AhmnaLacey , 1fiwcre groonr.simuntim nod bridesunaid at a wemithimig in Limicolmi Ill. Before thu ceremmiony they took tIme mmmiimlster in a rooimm with ummo wititess anti micro secretly married. 'rite girl's ummotimer is lxi it rage. A voaithmy wiilow of San Franciaco mmd a well kmmuwm hotel roan of Ozukiamid unmet fur time first timmme a few days agmi , iuml exactly fifteen muiimmutes after time meeting they vere ciugaged to he muam'rieml. 'J'hio marriage va.a solaimmmmizeti next tiny , to time unbounded smirpriso of their friexmd. \Vlien Arthmus itobrrtn antI Laura Loumgton stood up to b married at 1)uluthi , Mum. , a youmug lady startled time eimoctators by object. immg to thin ceremony on the gruund timat she was previously emigagod to tue groommi amid time emmgmmgeimmtimt wits mint brokoim off , She failed to umiake good her chainm , and time ceremony pro. ceaded without further interruptiumi , A blo.niirng young widow of Wayne county , New York , was to have been married a few days ago , The feast was spread amid theueste were cmi hianmd , but time bridegroommi failed to comb to timmme. 'i'hree tlays afterwmirtl time young imian explained that his hither , who oh. jected Is tht umiatchi , Itmiti hmitldurm his wetlding clotimea even to Imie mmmmderclothmiimg , At Ktngston , Omit , but week , solute gypsies drove to mm muimmister's mousa arid reqnestenl blot to immarry a young couple. At Situ altar , when time yuUhng woman was misketi if site wommid no' Cebit time mmmi. she etuttared anti etimmimnicred ammml finally rmmeimed from time hmuilihinig , followed by hmer aweethmeart. The latter pleadeti witim the girl to return ' but slum refused. Hv.tltlmmmmly sue mu away ant'l , cmi being caxmglut , was given a horsowhipphng by her father , It is said timat a younger semi of time lukeamf Argyil mnisimed to mmiumrry an untitled lady , amiml asked hit father's consent. fite ltmks , rephletl timat imertommmnilly bin hini tie objection to tIme imtzmtchm , hait , in view of time fact timat hmimi eldest bun hail e'spotised a daughmter of thm Qmmt'oim , ho thoxmghmt it right ta take \lajesty's h'bu.auro 011 time bubjt.ct lwfouo exmrtmsmiimg his fortmmai up , . brom eti. 11cr inn esty , thius appoaheul tim , ob' mmervoil that eimtco t me tieathm mif the Prince Comm. sort sItu imati bceim 1mm time habit of ctmmmsultimig thom Duke of Saxe.Cobmurg omm mmli fimumnily allah , 'l'imo muuatter was , thmertifort , , referred to luke Emtriicat , who roimhiemi that since time umnifmca. tioim of ( ierxmmaimy lie hmid ; ummamie it a rule to ask fr that Enmihieror's opinion cmi mill iimmporkmnt I guestlouma. Time came tmow canto before time Kaiser , vhmo decided that , as a constitutioimal sovereign , ho was bounti toascertain time views ' of hIs prlmmmo mumimmieter , happily for the umw aimsitmus pair of lovers , the irtmn Chancellor" hind no wish to consult anyhmody , and decided that the mazrimmgo might take phace , Eas the BesI Stook in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prces FURNITURE ! Mirrors Bedding Feathers I , , , And Everything pertaining to the Furni tare and Upholstery Trade. PUtSST'ER LVATOBD CHASI SHIVERICK1 To . .A.11 F1oor. 1006 , 1208 orui amid 1210 , NEll Farnaiti , St. GATE CITY PLANING MILLI ! ITANUFACT aita OF Caroenters' MateriaIs -ALSO- asll , Boors , B1ilis , stairs , stair Rai1iiis , Balllstcrs , WllOW ! & Boor FrllIcS , ' First-class facilities for the manufacture of all kinds . of ) fouMlngs. I'lanlng and hatching I j > ccilty' Orders from the country will be promptly executed. , Address au eomnmmmniMtiona to A1 IIOYP1I Prurrieto' - ' . LOUIS BRADFORD , - DALEIt iN Limber , Sash , Doors , BUilds , Sll1es , Latli ETC. ; LOW PRICES ND GOOD GRADES. Call and Get my Prices before buying elsewhere. Yards , corner ana Doughas. Also 7th a'id Drnuilc. . . . _ lvi. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! ' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COP. 13TH , OMAHA , - . . NEBRASE EtL b1i1ie'c1 iii ' , A JI S1MOII _ . . _ _ . -fl : ' . ' .LL U , . 1.'i 7 _ , , - _ _ _ ihnIli- _ _ _ _ .1 , I 1r THE LEADING - _ _ _ ParriageFactory i . iji& - c ; 1409 and 1411 Dodge Street , i . _ _ _ - _ . - OMAHA , - - - - - - NEBRASKA. W1LE S3YDii R , _ _ ) ANUFAC'FURER OF OF STRICTLY Carriages , BugieRoail , aons AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. isle and 13O ianmcy Street andr4O3 S. 13th Street , ' u'tratmnd Catalogue furnished free upon apllcattau O1lA'9A , NEB A.1 III. : DAII.Er'sr : , IANUFAOTUliEft OF FINE Bu&es & ! Carraes ! alid Spru ! ¶ aolls My Repoettory is 000StflUy flOod with a select stack. Beet Worknianship guaranteed. Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha On Long Time--Small Payments. At aiiufaotw.or Piees. A , lloe J 1MQ DO1)OIS 'iTh 1 = : ASK YOUfl GROCERS FOIl TIlE , io AHA DRY HOP YEASi - 0.3 ' WARRANTED NEVEIt TO FAIL. I 'M ' anu fa'turcd ' by- the Omaha Dry' Hop Yeast Oo , I coaxiit isni AND DAYNI'ORT itEgy , OiiAitA , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , F Engine Trimmings , . ? mflning hifaciminory , Behtin , lose , Bra.s and Iron Fittimvws1 Steam Packing at wholesale and retail , IIALLADAy WIND.MILLS , CHUR6H AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnani St , , Omaha Neb , - - - - -