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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
. - _ _ ) - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . * 1 . _ t THE OMAHAf DAILY 'BEE. ' \ \ . ' 4"ibarj ' , ' : : - - - TE- : . \ TIIIRTEENTII YEAR. . OMAIIANEB. SATURDAY MoRNING , SEPTEMBER 22 1883. NO. 83. POLITICAL PIGTURES. Thc Passing Sh Pill1o 111 Natural Colors y.dllator Van Wyck. A Striking Resemblance Between the Jacob of Old and the Jacob of To-day. The Iireprrsslblo 00fl1110t1 Ilin PoRtal T'legrLtplt auul the Ittieaval' Ijanib ; . i.tcal . ; 1)patcl ; t ; ( ) TIIR 1i } . ] 4'AIUIIUUY , 13 , Scptembcr 21.-Tue Jefferson county fair has been in prog. resB here since Wcdticstlay. The nttend anco has been good , and exhibits of pro. nuct8 fully equal to the premium ( us. plays of t1iost.ate fair. The attenthiuce tolay vai unusually large , farmers coining - ing from far and near to hear and see Senator \7an Wyck . his ndt1res , coy- \ crIIg as it did , pressing issues oftlie day , l - - partictilar1y the Kncvnls land cases , was vtui the closest attention , imd , nuith conchisioii the Goiterid was warmly 1iplatided and congratulated. llL address - dress in brief was as follows : There are other matters which interest all industries and all citizens. You remember a few years ago the country was startled by exposures of Credit Mobihier connected with the structure of the U. P. rnilrftad. In the face of universal condemnation titat frauduhent system has been the basis of iiearly every road since built. We are told vit1i authority of absolute power that private property cannot be distributed or controlled. What is meant ly private lroperty ill corporate fran- hiises ? It ; is really the only property in which the puoiio ; have a 3.intownorslup . .and over which the courts say they have full control. Yet uiider this guise of private property are practiced more frauds , more gambling , more oppression thati nil other capital combined. If thies gentlemen desire to be lot alone they can invest in purely private enterprises , merchandising , farming , mining or cattle grazing , if they will be satisfied with the favor , granted to ordinary iitortals by a generous gov- crnmneiit , and not bid it defiance by fencing thousands and tens of thonstnds of acres , or even in the lumber trade if we could remove the tariff which Prop - , p vents Canada lumber from entering our I ports. Truly to him that bath i4I , . the nioro shall be demanded , accordiitg to Goiilds vorioii of the cripturcs. r' Everywhere the tendency isto combine capital anddrive out mneii of small means to build up an iiiflucmice dangerous to the prosperity of the masses-an aristoracy threatening the1 polvor and .prerogatiyes ot the people. . - - - The 1dy plitic the Iaw pakiiig pow- or-which is the pe plo , have always discouraged - couraged the concentration of hat-go wealth in thio hands of the few. If Gould and Vanderbilt could live to the ago of Methuselahi , whiat would be- 4 _ . . come of the remaining population ? Let - ' our Jaws say they are not absolute masters - tors of their own. ' [ 'hey say time Nation shall not always stiffer from long con- tiflUel and aljslute aggregations of wealth in the hands of one family by ( le nying time power of entailment. Had not thiat. hegislatiomi come dowii to us from time past , and if now for the first time proposed , the fat sheep and svoil paid editors and lawyers of corporations would cry out-communism. P1AYINO .TACOP. wo are nosy treated to a new feature- the protection of time gods , not so mnuchi to prohmerty as justifying the presemit mode of obtaining it-as revealed in the wonderful - derful autobiography Gould dictated to the Senate coniinittco. Some miowspaper ; have clammed a striking resuimiblauco in ? ; ' li3'8iogItomiiy and tact between tim aii $ ciemit Jacob amid J. Gould , but. Gouhd depicts - picts a still stronger similarity in rolig. w , iotms acal and faith. low' great eventsin history repeat themselves. Jacob operated - ted iii tock. amid iimanipulate1 time jmolcs ill time watering troughs. 'fliere ts'ns no protemise timist lie essayed to beat his father-ui-law the conimt-for - - by doubling - lie modestly justified his acts by saying .imo had mmmdc for the old man most of his property. That was a grand picture when time cider - der Jacob was wrestling iii prayer , amid would imot lot the amigol go until lie re- cuirod the blessing. Centuries conic and go and the picture is presented of an . ' other Jacob-or acorruption of the word lt kjacob , and for brevity Jay-boiiiimd time blacksmith simo1 in Delaware county , wrestiiimg in prnycr for a blessing. lie .ovidently did not pray as time one of old , ) "Give misc iioitimoi poverty nor riciios. " 111mm was very mmmcli like imis railroad prac- tices-on oncaide-and for all there is iii it. So bountifully did the bICSSIflg coimmo S that lie has been surfeited , oyorloadcd , afl(1 is now manipulating stocks and building other roads , so ha says , phil- antlirojiically , that is to leiicfit others , for he really wants no muoro of the bless. in , . It tvit:3 a wise forethought of Gould's to ceate praying , otherwise there would probably have been miothming left for time Vanderbilt family. Tim n imtmi1maimiE ; t'oyjyr. No oimu RtteimiIts time defense of Credit fobilior riimgs , the addition in one year of $1,000,000,0000f vorLhmiess stocks by watcriiig-tlie comnbimmation mid imools to prevoiit coimipetitioli. Political leaders , generally lawyers mmd editors whose papers are sustdiicd by Cal por.itioii patromuigo , shmijipers with 1iber.l drawlaCks , dealers in graimi amid % coal with special rates , using time language 1 of Tweed laughminly nsktiiuieopio "S\'hmaL 5. - ' calm you donboutit , " amid advise tlmoni of their conmimlote igiior.mceof such abstruse questions , that no remedy can thsi art time IiImrvoses of thmoir masters. They tell you this with free knowledge that at least $100,000,000 is stolen every year froimi tour to pay dividends on fraudu. tent ant1 watercU stocks and bonds. 'rime irreiirossibho conflict must conic at LImo ballot-box. Seine facetious defemiders of this robbery blandly inquire wimat is time reitiedyl Thu people were asked that question during time arrogaimcc of slavery , aimdanswerod it .at time ballot- ii lxaud defended it , emi the battlefield. TImoromnody is with the people at lime bilot-box , wlioii they shall elect execti- tire officers who ( late grapple with wealth corporatiomis and have charters forfoitem wliero law Ims boemi violated , and who will thi their property on the satno basis 'with the citizen.'hon the imeopie elect State and iational Legia- lattmrcs that will not betray them , amid sea that the maim who issues stocks and bonds in excess of thio cost of a rOal shall be ptiimihieml time same its lie who forges a a legal tender imotuorn govcrmnent bond , and rtsmi , , , , ihmi , , miIliomis cf acres of titi- earned miiiii 1.tmFitI ; land grants to time pmibiiii d imiat ii , mind rescue national roads front tiestruetivo leases amiti compel PaY- meat , .f interest on bommds loaned by the gorcrmiritmmt. ; titoit trill be muisworcd time qticstiwi , ivlmero is time remedy ? ' mOSTAI. TIL(1ImUII. The natiomm ( hiring time oxporiomices of time few mouths past. have becim educated UI ) to the mmeccssmty of govcrimimielmt postal telograjmim , \1tit ; and watch time iimoro- nments mu Congress. Time \Vestcrn Utmion has absorbed every now hue so am ? to have absolute control. 1.1ucit . of time business ( If time coummtry is at their moercy , a gigami- tic votvor equal t time govorimmemit itself , claimnimig to be oven greater than time imeo. 1mb whelm crcatcl it. It huts already $50,000,000 stocks and bonds in excess of actual expenditure , which cost miot a dollar , time dividcimds on which imavo mme doubt repaid limo real cost. Suppose 10 11cr ccimt of timmit unionist , $ ii,000,000 , is takeim to Wasimingtomm iiext winter to be judiciously exomided. \Vlnit thou ? Wait and see. Timms corn- Pafl ) ' flow arrogantly asslimno that time natiomi has ho right to benefit themselves by cheap telegraphing as by 'timeap post- ago. Gould stated that postal mmsatters simould be loft to such as imo. Time PeoPle would prefer trlmoit lie undertakes sucim service tlma lie does imot prelude it by prayer. Ti15 KNItVALH LANI ) . You will expect me to say a word in reference to time Demivor and St. Joe , known aS the Knovals lands , whore for ten years settlers amid purchasers had occupied - cupied , improved , paid taxes and received patcxmts froims the United States. During the winter of 1881-2 , Mr. Brown , of Lincoln , as attormmey for set- tiers and others , with Mr.Vooluortim , attorney for Knevals , nroparcd a bill for relief. Mr. Brown timoms understood tim t Kmiovals would accept $2.75 peracro , and it was supposed a bill allowing 2.5O per acre , time governniemmt prco for hand witiiimi railroad limits , would readily lass. Then the additional 25 cents per acre Cotml(1 be paid Kisovals , if notimimig else could be dommo. 'rise bill iii that shape passed tue Sen. ate , but did not pass the House. Time next winter , the Sonata bill was still in time House , had time unaimimous en- dorsenmemit of time House Cornmnittoo ems Public Lands , amid time help of Mr. Racy- ai and Woolworth , who , to their credit he it said , did all in their power to secure its passago. It ; should thou have become a law , but Nebraska was weak iii time House , having only one member. During that wiimtor Mr. Brown was informed - formed that lie was mistaken as to time amount Knevals would take , that it was $ : .oo er acre instead of $27f , How- oser , it was thought bestto perfect fpos- sible the bill as it passed time Senate , and if satisfactory terms could not be made , thou go back t Congress and ask for time additional 50 cents per acre. We also had valuable aid in time Irouse frons misms-residents iii Ohio , lilincis amid Pennsylvania. Our mmmmmimm object was to keep all this force with us for time next1Coimgress , which would imavo becmi done , hind not , ummfortn- nateiy , other counsels interfered. We alsu desired to stay proceedings eu the part of Kmsevals , wimich was substantially done. Above all others time actual settlers were best protected. Not a foot of tlmeir lammd couiil be taken. Time occupying claimants act of this State secured to theism flint all taxes and inqrovemnents should be first paid. In no event could Kisuvals have oltmumietl fromis timeimi snore timami time Imiolmey they voluntarily pay. Now timey itt-i , forced to encumber their muds by mnortgago. which sissy prove a greater bother to sense than Kmiovahmm' title. Prime iii imiany cases decrees have been entered , but without proof or stipulation and could readily have beemi opened. Kitevals wanted to get rid of time moms who were most in the way amid could hold him in cimeck , amid imad aim apparent and real advantage , and lie succeeded in btaimmimig what lie most desired. Early last sumnmmmor a shot gums policy was proclaimed iii time immtcrest of time set- thels ; soOli thus kimiglit errantry became a pliant , huble suppliant , at time fee of lCmmovais iii New lork City , 1,500 mmmilea away , besooclming him to imaimm isis terms , which ins did-$3.5O pr acre cash-time settlers to aiI him in his further contests with time settlers , amid he would miot promn- isa amsy aid iii time passage of a relief bill by Congress. Froimi shot gumis amid blood to a suppli- eating attitude was is long distance. 'J'ime cimargo was sustaimmed , therefore it is mnyste- riolms amid womidorful that lcriovuls could 111050 time mn.smm amid boards as if lie owned them ; too wommdorful to be accounted for ly a siiiiplo clmild.hike , homiest ignorance. Such wommders mmus'er hmapjmmi except froimm deep design. A clime to time mutter may ho found iii time industriously circulated argunmeimt that time mmmi rcsidoimts mao mme inure woithmy of commsideratioim tlmitit Kmmovais , Is that truel Aio mmmcmi wimo nave Iouglmt a fmti hittim- died acres , paying time ovummmimioimt price , rocuivimmg guverimmmseiit patcimtsiimvailimmg lie Imimmim's rights , nttemmiptiimg to wrest fromim 110 ililili time labor of hiimisohf , svifo and ehmihireim 110 111010 worthy of COlmHidula. tiomi timami a railmoad grant for which nothi- ill , , 15 1mmid , seeking time imoinestetiti of tIme. settler , imiitl , svlmemi early defeated mim time imiterior tlopartnmcmst , in ; mfter years , ammlommg its baimkrupt effects , dispose of ii tioubtfmml title to iimmuiythousammd acres for a few cents per acre ? Beskicit time imoim residents iii time case are frieimds amid allies of time settlers. 'J'hose of Ohio brougimt mimoro assistance iii Coimgrcss than all time Nebraska dub- gation calm do , amid without that immtlueimco we cannot hope for success , so that it was mimoro than a blummdor to divide our forces amid estrammge aim ebemmsemmt so esscmmtial. Still I ama hopeful we may repair time damage dommu by tlmis umifortumiate breaking - ing UI ) time forces. I boiievo that Congress will defend time nations title to time extent of immdemmmify. mug every misaim by the payment of wimat. over may be necessary to mmmko good timat title. CORPORATION INFLUENCE. The Ilifilleilco WioUa by Rctaillc Lawyers in LcisaIiic ilalls , Tlmurlmr' , TeRtlimmony Ief.iro the Si'ii- mite Comimmltico-Tho Lelali ( If aim Econoiiibmt. Naw Yorsu , September 21.-Thurber , 0110 ( if time leaders in the miti-i1unopoly muovenmetit , was befomo time Senate sub- Comnimmittee oii Labor and Educatitn to (1113' . lIe saul omie of tue greatest diili- culties with whicim reforimiemsu had to dciii was the f.tct tinit miew representatives iii Congress ammd State Legislatures tvcre iii time pay of rlulroal ( 1511(1 other corpora- tioii. lii thu last Congress , 'l'hmurber its- surted , t hero vere 20 1 haivyoms , a limajority if whom weic retaimmud by corjrnmatkiimi , ( 'V voro directly or mmmdi. rcctly imitluemiced by OtlielS iii legisiatioim in time immtemest of corporatiomis. Semester Call timougimt time witness wis wrolig in his statemmmomit , and that lie greatly mmmisrepresemmtcd time atandani ot mmimr- alit ) ' amnommg public mmmcmi. lie ulid not believe timero were temm mmmcmi iii Coimrss true were retaiimed by aimy corpormitmous. lie dil mmot kimow one. Senator Pugh acknowledged there were a large number of legislators who were interested direct- by or indirectly iii corporations. Senator Blair paid he did not own a share of stock iii any railroad , nor had ho received a single pass fmoimm a railroad siimce lie immid been in nmbiio life. As an instance of legislators leaning toward corporations , wimemi it. cause to a downright struggle , Thurber CiLIMI time oppositioim iii Congress to time Itegium tramisporiatioms bill. Prof. , lohn M. ( iregory , for thmirteon years a professor of lmolitical ecoimomimy witim time lilimmois Iimdustral umiisersiity , said time ammtagonismn between capital amid labor was not smroiy aim ocomionmic prob. loin , but it was largely a social questiomi. The trouble arose from time social dis- timiction of classes consequent upon list-ge accumniulntioim of wealth. The real ground of discontent was time disparity - ity amid time relative coimditions of time laborer amid ca1)itahist. Education wasa large factor , and as a remedy for this state of msfiuirs , technical education was specially immsportaimt. _ _ _ _ _ IIbROA1) MtTTEHS. The Baggage Siui'slmers' Conventluim and tin , ititto Var. CIrmoAno , Soptemnber 21.-Time comivems- tion of time imistiomial association of general baggage agents concluded timis afterimoon. Time systeims of ciieckimmg baggage at private residences , hotels , etc. , was immmamiimnously commdenmned. A resolutioms was adopted rccomnmmsendimmg that if practicable time immaximumn weight of single pieces of ciii- igrant baggage be phace at 250 poms ds , time arnoumit allowed to other travelers. Time annual conventioim vill be held iii St. Louis in February. TI.fE StATE WAR. ChicAGo , Sept. 21.-Time war on pm- songer rates between Chicago and Lotus- villa , after remaining at $4.50 for two days , took a sharp turn dowmivard timis mornhmmg , and at this imqsmr ( anon ) are selling - ing at $ Ei with m rebate of $5 over time Pan Handle , and $4 witim a rebate of $3 over time Louisville , New Albammy amid Chicago , mmsakiimg the actual rate to Louisville one dollar. The object of time rebate ticket is to lrovent person's front taking advantage of time Louisville rate to go to Indianapolis amid other imiternmediato poimits. Time Lousviile , New Albany Oimicmgo : is also seilimig a straight $4 ticket to Louisville , good three days , and roummd trii ) ticket , good thirty day , for $9 , time regular price ono way. It is imnpossiIie to say what time miext move will be. No slew ( lOVchoJmImlents in time passemmgcr tar to Louisville this uvemiing. Time rate rcimsmmiims at one dollar after rebate. Senutom Ijavrtaon In Iimsvn. 1)es MomNe8 , Septeniber 21.-Senator Ilarrisoim , of Immdiaiia , addressed aim immm- mneimse imiecting to.mmighit 1mm time larmjest hail iii time city , wimicim tsas not able to luil(1 half t e Peel > 10 sisimiimg to Imear himii. He spoke on imatioimai issues and cimielly iii reply to time late speeches of McIomi- mild amid llemmdricks iii this state. lie has lime ! an unusually emmtimusiastic wel- comimo here , publicly mind privately , mmd imims roonm at time imotol trims timroimged with visitors all time aftorzmoomm. lie miummkes his closing speech iii Limo state at Cimaritoms to.imiorrow mmigimt. - Time Svmrclgi Otlit Fellows. PimovimmNcn , September 21.-Imm time Sovereigim Grammd Lodge of Odd Fellows , to-day , a miumaber of appeals from time grand lodges were passed upon. Time poimmts in time decisions arc of a technical character. Time judiciary comimmittee up. proveul all decisions of time grand sire , save cue. A resolution on time nmattor of time "l'atriarcimul Circle" was ummammimoushy adopted amid time gramid sire immstructed to promulgate tins msammme , The resoltmtioim unreservedly aimjiroveim time course of time grand sire iii issuing proclaimRmtions on October 13 , 1882 , and April 18 , 188i. Time Elscat Ioniil Coimvcmmlloi. , LOUi'YlJ.LR , iCy. , Septemuber 21'i'iie cduc.stiommai coimvontioii was iii session to. day , tiioimgii mmiaimy delegates loire ilu. parted. 'l'hmo topic of discimssiomi was ' 'time best system of schools ummlum ; State control , " which ir. A. A. ? mlimmcr , of Iississippi , treated very ably. A res- ( ) ititiIm fmn'oriimg federal aiti to education % .LLS atlimimted with hut one dissemitimig voice. 'i'imo colivomitiomi adjourned this eveliiiig , every ( limO riio has lmrticiImte(1 ) ( being plemised with Limo cordisi treat- immcimt received whuloimi lemmtucky. Stilt F'i , , 1)LI mmmugt'u. NEtv i'Oim1C , Suptemmiber 21.---SuiL imims been colmmmmmummceI iii lime Sujrummmo Commit by Lesilo E. Sboason. brother of time well- known inihiard jmhayum , miguimist time immig Island htailroad eomiijnumy to recover $10 , . 000 daummiugems roceWod 1mm a collisiomm mm that road on time 18th just. - - A Cold Jmiy In Ilssouml. Cziiooo , Soptoimibor 21't'hmu laiiy News himdepcndummcu ( ste. ) special says a cold wave frommi time Northwest roacimed hero before diism'im this mnormmimig and time mercury dropped from P11 degrees to 44 , Car HInjs Iturumliug , CmIIcAao , Soptoniper 21.-'i'imo Even- big Journal's Quiuicy ( Ill , ) special says : ( Joiicral Sumerimmteimdent Woodward , of the Jiammihal St. J00 road , received a telegram fromim I Iammimmbal this Immormmiumg that time car simO1)5 burumimig , - - - THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. A Point lii CiiI ervieo ilciorm Raisc ill Favor of o1iers , all Sailors , Ail Important Dooision out the Tariff 011 Oortain Classes of Iron "TIme Irish Itopuibli ; , " Takes t1i a- tnt-i' tbr Collatorim I mmmiii IsMItt'R Treasury Nt8. 1'l'I'Aim NOV ES. L 'm'omT ONTILlt'RTAuilri. . \\'AmusnroN , Soptemnbci 2 1Time 1 do. cision tmf the Secretary of 1me Treasury in regard to the construction of "chiitrcoai trait' ' mtimd ' 'round imous' : .rrovisimls of time last. tat-ill act , is advcrYtt time claiuims of uiummumumfacturors out both imomnts. I mu imis decisiomi of time for elmarcomil iron it is lucId to relate only to time iroim which is otluerwiso diitb1i1o smmmdor time pmtnLgritmim ill which it ) ms"found , ; simd time pmoision for rivets , screws , minus and feuice wire rotis is hell to govern time nste of duty emu those articles1 iiotwithmstaimd- ing time apparetit provusloum clsewimeme imm time tam h fur iromi of time size amid value iuitiuied iii time jesragraphm relative to rivet , screw , mmmiii amid femico Itoh rods. ciVmL snuvica. Secretary F'obgor has raicd aim imupor. t-amit i1tiostioii iii regard to time olerattomu of time new civil service law , which lie states in a letter , addra.seul by imimu , to ime comnmmmissioimers A few ( lays ao ime immade rcItuisitmen 011 time Couuimiiis- siomm for a umersomi to fill a $900 clerksimip. Time conimnussioms yesterday certified to imimus time mmainesof four pemis front tviiichm to hUskS his selection. Time secretary hhmutla iuimnsolf in doubt as to wimetimor ace- timi ITiSI , of time Revised Statutes , does smut himnit hums iii inakimig his seiecFmoum fromum fournanmes. Ho sa'simi , imisietter to tIme commmmnisaioumor , that t us aectiomm gives preference , other timings .siing eituah , to hiomsorably dischmmsrged so4.liers amid aumlors of time late war , and thai soctiomu seven , of time civil service act -oyides nothuimmg commtaimicd that time act small be conatrmmed to take away time p-efertpco givemm iii see- tioum 1701 to that class.f Time Secretary asks for furti' ' 'iimformmiatiomi cii time subject. His opiidt'mlis ! if ommo of time ICmSOmmS ) seumt to iuini is ; imm1iouuorably ; lis cimarged sailor or soldier ho insist select that oume. A CAflIIT IflSMISSCD. Cadet Joimim y hlansiltoms , fourth class ( If the l'ulmiitary Acmultbmiy , is dismumiased froimi ifo scrvicmm for conduct. umubecommiimmg mlii oflicer amid a. gemitlommian. The Postmnastov Gemmoral , lets gone to New York to look imito th operations of time postoflice in that , city. Time visit nma ) be extended to floson amid themi t Iowa. Tile muuisms Time secret service dl'isbim of time treasury - ury ( lopartmuommt reel t'OV from 1Boston one of time five dollarnotes of tim Irish Repubhic , previomly , . cirenia- tiou. 1t is said yiili riamum55crts to be it fairimimitation of'4lii' : Ca Itcd .tate treasury miotes. - Tl1I ] 1316 1'OOIj. The Overland 1SIanagem4 Refer time I'ool I'liumi to a Ciimumnlttcc. SAN Fn.tNcisco , Septemimbur 21.-At time opening ( if time sccommd mmmeotiimg this mmmorning of time railroad managers , P.ttcr , of time Burhimmgtomi & Missouri railroad , oll'cred time following resolmmtioum : ' 'it is time sense of this umicetiumg timist thu several railroads now comicerumed iii time irathic be- tweemm time castein states amid time Pacific coast should be worbed imm iuaruimony amid 111)011 equal rates. ' ' 'J'lmimi rcsmmlted iii time formation of it commmummitteo commmpose(1 frcigimt mmmanmmgers , wimo were iii- atructed to devise soimue plums wimoreby time earmmiumgs mmiigimt ho pooled aimd distributed ammmommg timemum iii mmcii pro- hOi'tioli US would be equitable to all. 'lime commfememmeo timoum adjuimriicd to ilfoimilay umcxt , Aiimnng otmtside railroaders time feeling gajums grommud that time Nortimerim 1aciiic will contimmue Ii. . immaimmtaizm time imi- ilepemmtlcuit POsitiOmi attuibutoil to it , rely- upon time good ohlicera of time t'nioii Pus- cilie to mmimstain it in its dommmnmel. - - Covcmumom-cmicruiI'rm Bail. Qunnv.o , C.tNAmA , Septumuibur 21.-Time Govermior-Goumural's bail at time citadel last night was us grnmmd success , mmimme imummdred ammd fifty-two imivitatiomma beimig accepted out of time large umummuber issued. A bril. hunt assemmublago wits presomut. Lord Lorumo , I'rimmco George , of Wales , Vice- Adummiral Commmmmierehl amid a party frommm time Iloot , Lord Joimim H. harvey , 11ev. Dr. iaitoum , ux.lmtor of Prince George. amid ladies in waitimg mumado up time vice-regal iirty. 'iVeatimor turn. Time 8prumgumo ltow. S Pimovmnsca , Septouuiber 21.A decree wits filed eumjoiningVnm. . Sprague , Evimmi Hammdolpii msmmd others froimi iumturfuremsce iii the mmtanmtgemument of time Aquithueck cciii- mammy by ( I. Ii. Pommmeroy , assignee , up- JOimmtCd by time court. Sprmmguu imiom lmewm rmmuummiumg time immilims anti ( iICliUcd Imu WOtul(1 kill tummy umvsn sent by I'ouimeroy to tithe iIosaessiomm.Vimetimur Sprague will now yield 1)cavoumlIly ) isrci'ardol ulmeurtimimi , 4mlOt II.I , t'iiis ( , . Cjimu.too , Suimtemimbur 21.-'l'hio Cimiemmgo Drivimmg l'ark has added mtumotlmer macu to its full mmmeutiimg mmogmnmm1mlme for a Imumso of $1,000 , ocim t all stahliomis , to ho trotted Limo first ( ui second day of time mmmeetimmg , emmtriwm to close October 1st. TIme mmieet- iumg is to be hold fuomum Octoleur 11th to 1Jthm : , ttmml cumtries , except to time shsiliomms chose Scptcimmber 24th , , Purses Itggit3gatilmg $17,000umro offered. i'laimiumg 111111 JhmmrumOl , Nsw Youumc , Soptemmmber 21.-A lire this uuiorumimig destroyed time jilamming mmmiii of Robert Ellis. Loss $15,000. 'limo iimiiis were aurrouumdcd by 1miiea of iummmbcr , wimicim fell a prey IL ) time lisuimes mind which mmiostly belommgod to 0. L. Sclmmiyier & Co tu'imo estimumato their loss at $10,000. 'l'imu latter is alummoat wholly imsured. - - - Ills Last Himimorsiuumll. ErvuiOIIAM , Ill. , Sept. 21.-eGao. W. ityamm , of Barrett's circus , ihied last uuiglmt. Ityamm fell In time umiorumimmg m'iiilo emmduav- orimmg to throw a double somimorsoult at re- imearsal. He was 19 yours old. . 111mm real umamno was A SIQNAL KICK. T1ll Weather Bullolin Pnrosclv MaLi- la1c to Mislca Operators Ill GiCEO , Time Corn Speculators Itiek gmsInst llmuzen'mi Umtuuecesary Atrm. Cmtmr.suo , September 21.-llefore ad. junmrmumnemmt. of time board of trade time secretary wrapril to order and au- mimtmnccd timitt emi time floor f time Exeimnmmge , earlier in time day , umitltiiatel time sigmumul service weather report. Aim alteration svas mmmdc imm time fbutros amidtime stitteimmimmit. SO cbmiumged as to give a contrary - ry ummeamulmig to time ommo ( irigimmaliy hutemid. etL Befote time deception vmss iliscoveristi a liercuptiblo dudlimmo imm corim resulted , a muimmuulsem' of umeummilors losing tbmomeby. 'rime ilocummiemit. mofurrcd to by time secretary wits time usumisi copy of time dispatch frunim time chief sigmmnl officer to time observer at Chicago , ( tirectimig hums to give as Wide Publicity usa possible to time fact that iumdmcatiomis Imimited to frost. Friday mmmiii Sumtsmrtlay msigiut in all States mmorth of 'l'ommmuevaeo. A kmiot of ooruitors gatimered msbotmt it wlmeum hosted cmi Olmaimge istiti soomi utter it was noticosi there wore imiterbimmeatiomsa made after posting by soumme tmmmknowmi pcri amid a limio on the hswer immargiu , to timu efFect timat time state- mutants 1mm tIme beemm comitradicted , and not iommg afterward time entire bimliutims disap- licisred mmmysturiousby. Time secretary Pm- emit-ed a duplicate cotmy amid reati it. froums the baicommy amid lund it ) ) OstCI usgaimi. It is kmmowmi a portiouu of time operators 1)15 tue boant object to posting time sigmial service buhiotimma cmi 'Cimiumgo. It is be- bored time aetiomm of to-day was an ox- vreaaiomm of timut feelmmmg , partiouhisr re aentmmmemit beimug expressedby mimic of time operators , whit ) seumimed to thmimmk time cimiof muigmual officer was ptmtthig ems umimiecessary mimis ims askimmg that as wide publicity as lIossible be girds ida predietiomms. It cami- hot be leariucd hunt aim1 stops thims fur imisve beumm takemi. lopkmmig to an othlcial imivestigatiomi into time immutiiumtiomm of time buhiotimm. The State ( ) t ilmc ' .Vcatlicr. CumeAco , Sejmtemmmber 22 , 1 it. rn.-Tlio folhowimmg diapistclmcs vcre received here at mum mdmmiglmt : St. Paul-No iimdieatiomms of frost ; svcatlmer cloudy amid wetwitlm liglmt. fog ; timermnommioter at 58. Kttokuit , Iowa-Cold. ciiougim at. maid- mmigimt for frost , bitt the sky is overcast witii clouds. Sprimmgfield , 111.-Cloudy and cool ; no frost ui , to mmmmtimmmu.lmt. Si : . l'asml-llepomts fromn time mmorthuwest simow mme immdiumtiomma of frost. iii Dskmta , thiormsmomnotur rammgiumg froimu 43 to 55. All crops are already harvested imm Dakota , amid luL little coism is growmi imm ilhimmime- solo , aumd tiiiit wits rmuimmed by time lisat frost. illenmplmis , Teams-No immdicatioums of frost. ; atmmmospimere , though cool1 is yet several degrees above time frost line , aimd time probabilities are that this ucotion mviii escape a visitation. St. Louis-Nojmdiczstjoum of frost here ; Highs arnmor Iv htb r' ' . Ommmaima-taiimy , colt all day iii this vieium'mty mirnier to.nIgmt. . . Ri frc'st at 1 o'clock. It is probably there will not be msmmy frost ammywimere 1mm Nebraska. No damage hiss bueim done iii this state by frost as yet. Limmcolim , Nob.-Temmmperaturo 52 ; no frost. Coummcil Bluffs , Ia.-Cloar amid cold with immdicatiomms of frost. No imarimi dune by frost timums fur iii timis sectiomm. Peoriim , ] ll.--Itaimi ; mm frost. . Detroit , Micim.Time predicted frost failed to materialize ; witrmmmor 1mm Cammuidim ho possibility of frost ; timurommmummmetcr 62. Sioux City , lmt.-No frost to.umiglmt ; chommdy 811(1 cool ; last frost. imarmnless. Drs ? , lloisus ; , IowA , Septommmbum- . - - No eigmm of frost ; slight muimm at this lmour Cmnvir.ANI' : ' , optommmber 21.'limo sig- mmiii iiiicei' , ( iii duty to.umigimt thumbs frost imflOSuiiibe 1mm tIme hake regiomm to.umigimL 'limo cold wave did not set iii as early as expected Frtst is imossihie tu-mmmorrow mmigimt , lout mm mmi i Ic ely em m aecoim mmt of high Wimmlml imecommmammyimmg time cold wine. TIl ( , iCimlgImt4 of I4iillm HJilht I lug. Pirrsmmuimu , Septeunbem is atutteti tlmat time disergummuizatioum of Limo Kmmigimts ( Sf Labor is timreatemmuul eu mtccoummt ( If time ) roecediumgs takemi at time mmmcotimmg of time geimemiti ; tmlstIllilby at Ciimeimmmmatm. Pitts- bmmrg mmmcmimbors of time order esoclahly , it is said , will withdraw frommm time orgnniaa- tion , because Frnmmk K. Fowler , a pro- mmoumimcod free trader , imaim iieemm lhmicetl at time hmeimd ( if time executive board created at. time Ciumcimmmmati mmicctimmg , amid whmicim will imerciifter direct. amid commtrol time or- dotIt Comes frmnmu mimic of thom highest otlicerim of time order , whmi are protoctioum- immts , timimt timoy will wit.hmtlruiw frommi it. at miii early day , ammd that tbmuy coimmpose a muma- jority ( If time order , but. were out gemmer. eralud by time free traders , who arc aimp- ported ily time Cobdwum Club , Protecting time Millers , , Septemmmber2l.-.A bmmyer of wheat with tramisit nipearcd cmi time floor of tIme cimammiber of comnmimeice toduty to itmy wheat with a transit of thu time Chicago , ilhilwiiukco St. l'mmuul rIuul. I Jo was bidtliimg time mumiilers' lLSu4OCmuttmm ) ll1c05 , amid takmmmg thu tritusit with it I t hi believedby mimmiumy mmsumibors , of time hoard that. time imuyer is mmimmmply aim ngoimt. for time 1.hilwumumkeo . tt St. l'miuil road , wimichm less gomie immto time itmlmilmess of bum- hug as m'ull as shmiilmimmg wimoat , It is lie. lieved time road tithes thmimi uuiuamms of jue. toctiumg time I'lilIem'lLIIMIeiuItiOIm. ' ( ( 1)romiglmt tim Nosy htItmImHiiire , lovmmm , N. Ii . , Septommibur 21.-'J'hmu Dull woods , imoar time gicuit fails , mire vim fire. 'rime People jsre figimtiumg time flimuoca. Great scarcity of water hero. 'I'imat jmart. of time Cocimeco mmmiii operated by water iii ruimumilig Oh half tiflm ( , . 'I'ime sissy amid grist. umm'mllmt of time surrnummlimmg country itt-c shut. down , molis aumd stroituums tiricil up , amid cattle are driven a bug distaumec to water. Fmeii F'Iglmts br limit icr , lios'roN , Soptemmibeu' 21.-'l'ho Dommio- cratie caucuses smere humid to.mmmghmt. 1mm ward 22 Lime caucus bmoko up mum ii free fight , and iii ward 8 there was a bolt. . All delegates electedare for Butler. F'rigimttml Act lilomit. Siutunuvistu , Ill , , Sopt.emmiber 21.- \Vmiie } time carpoumturs syoru at work jim slmisft house of time itivertomi coal ummimit smear tiit city this aftorumoomm , mm vlummmi weight of eigimt. imummda was tiropped ned- dentally frouui the hands of ammo of the workmen. It foil to the bottomum of time shaft , a distance of 240 foot , striking IlowatoumVmlliama , hiterail ) ' cloaviimg lies ahoumidors and half time ribs of the loft side. Thmoinjmmrodmuun will die. A lb 1' , firaketumasum hurt. Special ll.iimitciu to 'l'iiu Itum. Fmsmmnosr , Neb , , optommiber -.lnmmues Potorsoum , brakeman for Comithuct.or Morn- imotmso , had his leg crmmaimed below time huico by trusimi No. 7 , as it. was pulling omit. of lucre last uuight. ] ) r. Abbott , isa- sktod by Ir Schuttbor , anipumt.atoul time log betwoeum time knee amid ankle. Time doctors aim ) ' lie I m % ery itiw , as his mmorvosms systommi received a tormibie shock. lie 1mm a wife ammil two cimildromi mit. Omnabims , amid him rimmi on this mail eight. or imbue years. Time Now Line to Brazil , Nitty Yommm , Soptemmiber 21.-'imo oil- ! 0cm-a amid directors of time Cemmtrisl iSoumtim Ammiorica 'J'elegrapim commipaumy are elated over time successful opemuimmg of timoir hues to Brazil. Comummectiomms were minnie witim time United States , via ( , ialvestouu , Texas. Commgratumlmutory tebegraumus were seumt. imy time ebesmumber of commerce to time Coot- unorcial assoeiiitlimmms of Rio tb Jammoiro , 1) ) ' Presidumit Jammmcs A. Sorymmiser , of the COlulpusum ) ' , to Buirout do Capeiiol1 director goumerisi bureau of tolegampim , Itmo tie .Jaum- eire by Preaklommt Arumuhd , of Now York , coirco Excluaumge to time Associmicas Coma. mumorcmal of Rio do .Jmsumoiro. 'rite opcmiimmg ( if time mmcmv hues gives Amimerican mmior cimamutmu time advantage of direct. coimmmmmumii- catmomu with Rio (10 .Jauueiro , By time old route to Lisbomm umiessagea hind to cross time Atlamitie ocemsii twice before deliver ) ' . Time limme of time comupmsmiy amid its commmmec- thuis coumiprise 5,010 muuilos of waler amid 507 mmmiies ( If laud hues amid commmmect ox- elusively wmtim 20,000 immihes of wires iii Mexico ammd Comitral amid South Aumuerica. Ammy of time \Vestermm Umm'moui conijmislmy'a ( ) tilccs imm time Ummitod. States mviii accept. mmueasaes for tIme Cemutrusi amid S sutim Amumermeaum commmpuuy. : 1 i.e I'lttsbumrg Eiloiomm. Pirrsmuumma , September 21.-Yestor- day's boiler expbosioms amid its terrible re- stilts was tIme all.nbsorbimmg topic No more deutthms reported , but \Vmii. Stewart - art amid \Vumi. Iiodemmuuum mire still us a lire- curious commditioui aimd will probably die , .leaaio Douglass , reported dead last umight , isatill liviumg. his comiditiomu is ssmehm , hmosv. aver , that deatim is expectedany muommmeumt. Louis House , cite Qf lime victinis , was buried this aftorumoomm. 'i'ime cause of the exlmlosiomi is a mmsystory , amid trill probably remmmain so , as time emily vorsomms whmo could throw nimy light on time comlitiomi of the boiier before time oxlmhmsiomi arc ( lead. 1emmjammmium ! Yusmmmg , the boiler immapector's cbemk , stated to.mmlghmt timist time ) ' imisti mme record of time exploded boiler ; that it imaut miot been imuspectod because time iuispcctors did miot kmsow imnytimimug about. it. He said time law reqtmires all parsons operat. immg steisumm boilers to miotify time inalect.or ) , but this was mmot elomme. Time pemmalty for failure to do this s a flume of $5,000 amid tire yeisra' iunprisonrncmmt , besides boimig mcapoumsibhe for mill immjmmries maid damuimmges sustained by others iii case. ci lszjuloumlon- Two more Injured stero reported to-day , , Martimm McHuii. , and Wihlmamum .Jones , but tiieir imujuries am-c mmcl sorloims. Death iii time Dmim'icmesH , 1(00K rsz.ANII , ill. , Septemmibor 21.- .Joaepim Baker , it leadiuug jeweler , was fommmmd ( lead this mmlormmimmg , a immiho above i'mfoiiime ' , his wagoum aiui'o hums amid his mmtriugghiimg hmIrsu attuscimud by Imis mieck aumd imis arimm brokoum. lie started hmommmo frommu time I I ilisdutlo fai r last evemmiimg uuumd imi time diukmmcss time horse amiti driver were 1mitchieil Imoadlommg ovem a wasimoumt , mmmiido by time river's ommcmoacimmmmummt vim time imighm- ivay . 'I'tvmm.Forly ( miiu to Jlmuie. Susturimt , S. 0 , Septuummbor 21.Yea - tuitlusy is umegmo iii time upjmer lmart. of thus couuumty ( Immtmtmged mm tvimmto girl , hiuttio 1)ixoim , 12 ycam's of imgo 'lime sister of time t'ictimum , iii tryiuug to pmotect imer , trims stubbed by time mmegmo , bimt umot fatally. Last muigimt a p irty of citizomms took time mu egmu , tiul imi mmm to a t rcej shot iii mmm , iiumd heat hmimmu to is jelly. Chief .lumHtlco Cmieridgo , Iii Cimicimgo. OlImMuO , , Scimtomimimer 21.-Lord Chief , fumsticu Coiuridgi trill reiscim timia city to- unorromv. Tuesday evemmiimg lie will be giveum a bammquct , at wlmkmim imbomit. 800 rep- ressimtative busimmemma mimiti Professiolmitl mimeum trill ho prcseumt.Vedmmeumday evommimmg lie will be tcmmdered a jmrivistu dimmer by Ibis. Emumory A. Storrmm. Time ljthcmi I4oiigmme. Mu 1.wAuKsn , Septoummbor 21.-'iime Na- times ! Liimeral League mimut' at 10 a. in. l'icsideimtVakeummamm read time oponimmg address. 'Phme commsmnitteo mm credemmtiaimm was apjmoimmtcd. Aboumt. 100 delegates are preaeumt. Tici Teimumensee liemikimug. Poii'isiiouTii , N. F. , i4uptommmber 21.- Time Uumitc.i States mmtcammmtir 'I'ummimeaseo is ill reortod leakimmg. Cuirpemmtermm lowe been msummt froimm time miisvy yard , iuumd imimo mviii io bromughmt to time yzirmi as qtmickly us 10)551 bie. - 'J'iIJlGlt4tt'iI NOTJ.9. 4hOX. Cimirmmnelelum , us 1)uuimo , conoctoil ; with time I ibii , fume art ox poitioim killed Iii mimsei yo4uriiumy. lie mits 2 ! years old aunt had cuui- lderalio jimupeity 101(1 ( umiouioy. [ limo hiumnulreti risorioms 41 ! thmo Commmmecticmmt State irisou \Vutliuriioid wore takeim sick siuiihouiiy ycsterday , It issmmjiiomoi timoy syoro poIsoiiei iI corimuit mmioust , No scrlomms mesimit aumtlclinitlni. Cimicagu I miter Oceiumm special ( iota I ) mm ( muiimm I ii , : 'J'iuu etiiturs of Sommtimorim I II Immois mime t itt Dim ( himolmm yestcrlay iuumd orgaumio1 time l'rcss 4tssodustioum ( If Seuitlmurtm Iillmmois. Cimsj um maim , triui , umumipl roil time Iiustomi-limiiimuiu gistmme 1mm Jhi.tomm hiss telegraiimei1 his reslgmmui. tlimm , , owimmg ti , the gummoral iiissuitisfiuctiomm smitim imis decmsiti. . \Vtliimmtmm Iteauner ii fumrunor , hisimmi umear Jlroormmfield , ui , , suicltlcd yesterday , tusk. lug 110150mm. 'i'hmu ( irammil llnjdiis cimmi , fulled to appear to ( lily , iimmtl time gamtmo was fiirfulteil to l'comia , 9 to 0. Amcimlu'euimm , hotter kmmowmm as "lirig" Young , abrakeummumum mm time Altomm mouth , was i-mimi over hear Ylalcim , Ill. , yotordisy mmmurtmuimg ammil liotli legs wore cmmt oil , lie resIde at Sprlmmm. tiolti. 'fimoinas ilIcNoamim } ' , of Sprimmgiiohd , Ill. , svai crmmimotl to doatim imm a coilkimom cii tue'um ivi.ii i-oath , near husmmmsibai , rub. , yesterday uumoriihtmg , Time now ( lumiumi himmo stomumior Oregon , vim ii trial ti-li. yesterilay , tmesdu twotmty kumots iii ami I imiimr , Time bmmlitiurs jiromnisu time Siulim to croti I time Aihiutlo Iii fimu days. THE OLD WORLD. A Brilliant GatherIng of Royalty Re- yiewiI1 Toois at llamur. Prof. Nordonskjold Successfully- Scales "Greenland's ' ioy - Serlotmif amid Bloody fliots iii Croatia --lttsimmaick'g hleallm atsil an Emumisty Budget. GENEIIutIA FOltErnx NOTII9. imisMAmicK's numnitEm. 13Iimt1.i ( , Soptommuber 21.-l3ismarck , ia a letter to time nmnyor of Frankfort-on- . tiio.ilhmumi , deciiuuiimg aim imivitatiomm to a. banquet , says hue is oniy jtmst beginning to recover lila , amid expresses Ida regrets that time orders of mmietlmcal nt.tcntl- ismits forbid hums bommmg preacuut , A ) tOLAT. tint.ammiLvrioN. Time Etmuporor , Crown Prince , l'rincca Vm'iliimun niul Frederick Cimarles , Prince ( \Vnlea , time Kimmgs of Spaims , Saxony amid Sorvia , amid time Dmmkcs of Edinburgim , Coimmmaugimt and Cuummbritle , witmuissed time parade aini participated in tIme miow of time Sevemit.ii corps at 1iamnbur. You ( icr IrOehme , to.dmsy. 'i'hio Emperor apppointed Kimig Alfommso to isis imouiorary- couummumaumd of a Prifaslaum regimnemit. After review a grand diumuier was given time royal visitors. Kimig Alfomiso occupied time seat of honor betwceum time Emuiiniror and Emimpress. Time Kimug of Suixommy , lrimice of Wales aiud Crosvmm Pritmcoae emit on time right of time Eumipress , and. King Miiais amid Duchess of ( Yonuiaugimt veru Omi time Vmmmlrcss' left. Time Euim1mo- i-or gave a toast. iii hmouior of time armmiy lciuitc Alfommso , rospommdimmg , said it. afForded - od hminm great pleasure to immako time no- qimaimibuico ( If time arimmy amid lie drank to its wahf'are. Thuo festivities closed with a. lmerformmsimuice at time opera of Carniomu n.t lCiimiious Theater , Trebohie Bittimii taking Part iii Carimmemi. Time Emmiporor amid alL distimiguisimed visitors were prosemit. sminu005 mo-ru IN OILOATIA Peamtaimta fromus Gradezoz and Bullavar msssommibled at Farkaswiiuch yesterday , ni-mused with umsuakets , mixes and cudgels , shmoutiumgVo womi't imelomig to Ilummgary _ " A somalI body of immibtary attemsmimtcd to disperse the snob but wore forced to witimuiraw , Relumforceumiomits at mmmiduiight w'ere received iviths a volley of stomies mmd shots. The soldiers returmmed time fire , killmimg tout and woummlimmg mutiny of time ummob. Two soldiers were wounded. AN RMPTY UUIfltT. Tim , lIAour. , Septoimiber 21.-Time iudget for 188estimmmmitea time deficit. in time treasury at $12,000,000. It proposes a loaum of $20,000,000 to cover time deiicieuicy aumd for othmer purposes. ' 'ON OhtHENLA1U' " $ TOY MOUNTAINS. CO1INIIAausN , Sopteumibor 91.-Advices fronmProf , Nordommskjold's expedition to Oeeniand were received via Thai-so , Scothnumd. Timey state time expedition started fromu Autloibsiumick time 4tlm of Septopburoaeimod a distance of 360 ku- oimicmters f'iiand , attainimmg a height of4 7,000 feet above the sort. This iatiio first. timime hmuumsamu beigg iavo pcnot.rsted so far luito Oreezmhaftd. Viuo whole ro- : giomi is aim ice desert , proving no open water imilamud , Very vushmmablo sciemitific clatmi trims obtusiumed. Aloumg time umortim- western coast. a cold streammm flows , which iuidimces very low temflleratUre , but emu time onstemim shore time weather is mmot so severe 1511(1 that. coast. is accessible to ateammiors in autummimi. 'i'ime oxpeditiomm will roturum via Iteikiaumick. uJANuC FA5LUIL } . LoNimoN , Sept. 21.-itoports received iii LOmmiiui from illouufreal says timimmi aim- otlmer Cammndiaum bammk is imm difficulty. Leuuiimmg batik ofliciimis immid fimmaumeial flu- timoritics lucre say timoy have private ad- vicuui timist flatly doumy these rummuors. o'mmNnmmuu ON vim muumLiN , hush. LNIION ) , Soptemmmhor 21.-It is stated timimt O'loummmell lmims expressed hmis disgust at the fitct. timid timeroimits beuuu urn stops takomi imm Irolitumd to imrocmuro fummds for imia do- femmae. lie is rclioltcl as sayimig bitterly , ' ' 1 hi i'mleo timern ltubiium Irisimummeum. " Ha said if mmecessumry 20,000 pounds could be collected witimimi a iveek to save time lifo of a mumutum who commiummitted time ummoat popu- iuir ummuumiber simmce time mmimootiumg of Censta- ble 'l'aibot. ' AI'IE.L rout hELm' . LONDON , September 21.-A commmmnit.too of Laumeamsimire operatives appealed to time 'i'rado Ummiommists of Great Britain for as- sistamice for the atrikimmg weavers. Ton thmouaauud weavers are idle , ( ILAIOITONa's wELcoMn. ' Giadatoumo lauded at Oraveseuni yostor- ' clay amtd was received by a large gather- iumJ : of his supporters , ivimo presemited imim. aim address. Ho proceeded to Lou.- doim. O'iIONNEI.L'S iEFENSS ) , 14lNfION Septcmmmier 21.-Cimarbos J. } Ommy , time solicitor.rotaimmed for timedefemise of O'Doiimmoli , 1mm been refused accesato his clicumt , time govormmor of the prison imi- forumuimig imimmi that. as O'Dommmmoil ma au Aimmericauu , tIme Aimmericrum cousaul must first be commmmimtuimicatcd with mis regard to time defense , - Time Fever Subsides. Cl uu.ivuits , Zulox. , Septommiber 21.-Oimiy four mints' cases of fever' Imare occurred. It in expocteil thuat after time umumims- ber will steadily decrease , , HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA I.acarefuimyrep.iretlextmctor ( ho i.t.t remedies 0Z the veetuibio Imngttouim known to mnetflcai eel- cure mis .tltenmtti'ci , hitood l'utltierI , Iiuzttic * awl Tousles , iuchi ae Sarsaparlila , Yeilvwiocktitiflinmmtu. iaimdeitozt , mm-ri-b , , SiatusirakeWIlti Cherry hark muiti oilier Ieievted roots. b.tris anti IICIJL A fliediusitic. hOto aimylitmng time , comm to falely udge4 oiiiy m0 us reuht. We i'umntwitmiatfacUon to thu gtomiou. record Hood's Sarsaparfli.I has euterut for Useul upon thu ha-arts of uhousaimliof people him New } : ngmazusl ito huii u pcrsonaUy or hitcltrceti been mu- I i.levcd of terribi eulerIiliI 5 MCII alt other iemeites 4 failed tb read , . ( 1eesrii. C. I. hIou.i Vo.i Gent.-iieue .SOtI 100 lo' rxt'reM ( WI ) UQimles mio.i s banapusrtli.t anti a few tookiooks for tilsmributtor , . Your prej.aratlou has worked , ontiee in tle ct)541 ot ely wime. iuo tlL&s 501 Iiotibie.i wilt' pieli mtussewmte aisti biUousnes tez year , . bite Oy took vnt-aamr teaspoonfum al a doee. ' andiuisiioLm.ueowemtfor iivoyegn.a.q cow bm. huntS ( SM wimititi ii WOti ititer akInm it Ihto ied yen utucli i.emnr 014 SI 110W coUnty fito fwui uIto.o so- Ycre hteadirItcs , StIe lust. mioL maken any of any so- count elite. bit spmiu. saC what Iltti she ) usd Isieu to do otimen oOi , awtwo have Ii ii , iii. ' imou.ue. Teun truir. mtOMmi mm. usim , l'tUsitei4 , Mass. V. I. 11001) CO M.Qtheeaelea LOWU , Mess , . . 1rtu.j i.tx toji. om 01' . 'r-