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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1883)
Tlltt DAILY HHK OAF MI V. MOXH \ V .IT\F ! IM THE DAILY BjrtKSAL'URDAY JUJNE 10 A SYMPHONY OH SAINTS/ The Colored Troops Trot Out Their Band and Serenade Sb , St-plion : , The Immnculute Meteor Adda Els Voice to ' the Concord ol' Bwcet t-'ounde , " The Qcverumont Viciously Da- uouaced und the Jury Deiiled. Important Acoeislons to < hu Dim- coratio Ruuks- DORSEY BPEsK . Special Ul patch to Tin DIB. WASIJISOION , Juno 15 S. W. D rioy wttj suronnded late this oven- Irg by the colored republican club of this olty. Ho made a brief speech In acknowledgement of the conrtocy , in which ho said : "I thank yon for the heart you have ithown iu calling here this evening. I thank yon , not only for myself , bnt for all the defendants ; I thuul : you , not only for all the do fendunls , bnt thur families , for the courage you have shown In the pros- euco of all the dishonor that the gov ernment has tried to put npon mo in plastering the graves of mothers and the cradlea of babies with infamy by unjust power. You are bravo and strong enough to ralso np your voice and yonr right hand cg\lnit thia at tempted injustice. I tuank you for the pluck , men l.ko you can ahem lu looking in the face of power. But over aud above nil that , thla verdict has told the Btory In whoso presence huni nlty will bow down. Possibly not this year or next , bat the tlmo will c'ino when 11 will be pointed teat at Mauiuloy pointed to the trial of Warrou Hastings , ' 'Tao trombllui ; wires of intelligence that bore the message of acquittal to B&rllu , Moscow and Dunlin , told the poor , lowly and hopo'osc that thetre were yet twelve mon to be foaad who would deal j utly by them ; that tharo waa not a government largo enough , there wivi not B public tre&utty frultfnl enough , there were uot lords of gold thick enough , there wan not executive power great nnongh to eeduce the judgment of twelve hon eet man. " Tnia trial aud thla vcrdlcl boa placed npon Iho books of justice splendid record of the mauni'od oi men. The jury was mvlo uj of detaooraia nr.d republicans colored mon. white men , Protestanta , Cithollc ? , Atheiatt all ngrocd that the mon charged wen not guilty. S3 itturua out that it the DiBtriot of Columbia , where thi cloud of power oista its nhadow ovoi every Individual , twelve mon could bi found who 'would uot bond the pregnant nant hinges of the knee that thrlf might foltow fawning. ' The halk of glory and trath will hang abou them aaloug aa they live ; it will decc rate every thatched cottage that ha been built , or will be built in the uex thousand years , Good bye , I than you. " A Lunin rusu D-ESKY. Ex-Sonr.tor Djisoy hau written th following letter to the uewiy-electo Bocretary cf the r publtcau nations committee. Gen. Jno. A. Hariin , c Atohiaou , Kio i DEAIS Sir : At the time when I WE confined in a dark room , unable to BE the walls , I received 5 letter from 501 I euppoiod an anawor wea sent yet utir it turna out the Btonographl notca vrcro never trantcjlbad I regret grot thla. When I waa appointed oe < rotary of the republican national coir mittoe , at the request of Uau. Gil field , and nocapted the place at th earneat solicitation of Gen Arthu : roproaentlnp ; the Grant aide of th tonne , and Wm. E. Chandler , repr < seullog the Bl&inu aide , I made tb aanio wqaest of GJV. MoOormlcl who wao my predecesaor , that yo have made of mo. I had at that tin : A fanciful notion that a rccor iiad been kept of tha republican part that showed its life and pnrpoai that would leave a permanent hiatoi 1 of an honorable existence , and shn what had transpired In toG , -CO , 'G ' and 72 ; that that record belonged i | the repbcbHcau national cominittei and that the secretory was the propc custodian of It. Chandler gave Mi Oormlckno reco'rds. Mr. McCormlt told me he had no records to give , bave nothing moro to give you tha they have given me. I have a gro. mags of papers relating to the can palgn. Taeynre chiefly letters ad drescei to me , and letters written t me , In which no ono could have tl slightest ( nter st , except to obta cnrloua information. When I accepted the seer o tar yah ! I made a condition that not a pent of money subscribed for political pc poses should come into my bane There never waa a dollar of enbscrjb fnnda reoelvod by mo or paid out 1 mo personally. The money was nnd my direction , but all my personal e pnnsoe , and the expense * of the clcr serving with ma , were paid from r cwn pocket , amounting to over 1,3C The only records I have are the p chocks of my own contributions The bank book showing the char of my own folly I think best to ike ( ID a reminder of the splendid gra tndo of dishonest power. In t midst of the storm brought about the efforts I had pul. forth under dlruolton and in Its behalf , a bru atBaaltwas made upon mo as leader the committee , when I was not pr ent to defend myself , and uot o among the forty numbeis had t resent t courage or manhood to mlaoraUe cowardice cf an ambitlc hypocrlto. But boar in mind tl justice will some time bo written the hand of honor. So far aa I i personally concerned , If there ia n paper in my postesslon , or any supg tlon I can make , I will bo gratified reapond to your call. Sincerely yours , A. Tlin Pennsylvania Rnilroad. cial Dupitclcs ta Tna lsi. ! PiiiLADELPUii , Jane 15. 1 Ponnsylvanla railroad atockholdc privilege of subscribing to the ti stock of the company , expired this ternoon. Although the aotnal all rnpnti of fiubtcrlptions cinnot Jeamed DDlU computationa are mi whloh will take ton days , olliaors r' the company aay there la no doutn thi * . the entire allotment , amounting tu 100 000 shares , will ba taken. For some t tins.'ho rumor has boou ctarronl that the Pennsylvania railroad com- tiany intended leasing the lines of the Ljhl 'h railroad company. The stock hits not bcondltturbsd In nayporoopt- lbo ! way until to-d y , when ic took a l ip 3f t'ouly five doilurj a share. This nudden aotlvlly and enormous rise cotnos of the fact that on Third street to-day the rumored IC&BO wns given high color by asiuranoca that en agreement had been perfected aud that the Pennsylvania sallroad com pany had taken the road and guaran teed a dividend from 10 to 15 per cent on the Lehigh Volley road'a CAP- Itnl stock. Joe Saongerfoit- Special Dispatch to Tni B ST. JOE , Mo. , Juno 15. The sacn- perfect opened with every prospect of anccoaa. The city la finely decorated. The Omaha Maonnorohor ia in the beat of spirits , and the Fourth Infantry band ia prlmo. They excel. Bic'i crcboatra arrived thla morning. The grand conoerta are an aaaurod HUCCOSB. THE OLD WORLD. CHILI AND PERU. Spoclil Dispatch to Tni Um. LIMA , Jnno 15. The following par tlculara relative to the terms of peace are published here , taken from letters atolen from a optclal courier on route to G < m. Igleslaa : Onlli not to forfeit dosreca about guano and saltpeter , fa- sued February 9 and March 20 1882 ; that the not prodt of 1,000 000 tuns , dodcctinc ; expense , be equally divided batwoxn the Cailiau and Pernvlnn bondholders. Those profi'a ara only toojtno out ef thoitlandu notr worked , aa tbo future mlnen found In iho an nexed territories belong exclusively to Chill , who can dispose of ruoh newly discovered mines nt v.ill. Oalll does not hold horaulf rojponslblo far any iudcb'oducBs of Peru. Chili holds sovereignty of the Lobos l landa until aniliclent gaftrautoe to fulfill the aulo of 1.000 000 ton.Wnan the treaty n rnt fid 0 till turns over to Peru 51 p r cent of the not proceeds from iho Liboj ialitndd. Liatly , cummer * olul rol-itiona and Indemnity to the Oaillim cUzsna will bo dlaauasad afterwcrda QENER4.L FOREIGN NOr 'J. Special Dlspitcbcs ta Tus USB. THE nniuiAN PAKLIAM'SNT BEKLIN , Juno 15 The committee of the lower hbujo of the landtag , ot the church bill , has approved cianec fie of thu mc&aurovitli an amend ment allotting blshopa racognlzod bj tbo data to oxorslBo their function ! outside their dioceses. All amoud monta to the sixth clause , whloh ro pcaln the provisions of the May lawi inconsistent with the bill , ware ro jictod. Tne first' reading of the bll wax conceded by the cuntnlttco. Harr Windthorat , Ultrauioutcm t loider , and the centre party , are un decided whether to votn for the BCO oiid readlrjt ; of the church bill. Tao Emperor will hnvo an inter vlotv with the King of Denmark a Wiepbadou Saturday. This will b their firat interview aluca 1870. It 1 probably intended to make farther arrangements for strengthening th relations between Denmark and Gar many. BOMBAUDINQ MAJORCA. PARIS , Juno 15 Admiral Pierre commander i f the Francli Osot c _ isear , in a report of thu bos bardment of Majung < \ , My 1C it imjo ho demanded thu bnrrandor c the place , but received u evasive n ply. Five vceaeln opened Gro ou th town , und three f jrts , mounting tbict guns quickly silenced. The Hov quarter of the town waa duotrojoc bat the French factory and most c the American honatm vacapod Injnrj Tao garrison of 3,000 men retre < ttec The French anstainod no loos. The occupied the town and are collectln customs. , ANOTHER li RIGHT HFEECH. LONDOV , Jane 15. John Brlghi responding to a speech of Lord Gran vilu > , at n bdnquot given the former c Birmingham luat night , dwelt on tt necessity of extending the freedom < trade and franchise , and rediatrlbi butlon of Boats In the coouaona. RE forrlng to India , he aald he hoped tl Mai quia of Rlpon , viceroy , wonld t supported in carrying out his policy < wiadom and justice. He reprobate the courae ot the obstructionists j the commons , who , ho aald , nllk with the Irish rebel party , wore doit their utmost to make It Impossible fi the house to do any work , TUB SENTENCES. . Jane 15 The Times sa ; that the sentences of the dynamll conspirators , Gallagher , Whltehea Wilson and Oartlu , are severe , bi r- oonalderlngthehelnoutnoaa of thojc rB. . fonse , they received no more than the ) B.d deserts. All the London journals a prove of tbo eentenco. ay er DUBLIN , Jono 15 The Freomac x- Jonrual approves the sentence of D xka Thos. Gillagher , Henry Wilson , Jol ay Ourtin and Alfred Whltehoad. 0. HOUSE OF COMMONS , 0.Id Id LONDON , June 15. The oommo laat night paaand a bill providing f pranta to Admiral Seymour ai ep Wolsoley for services rendered darli tlho the war in England. ho by Tito Tempfirnnoo People , its Special Dltpatch to Tin lli . tal HALIFAX June 15. The Grni of Lodto ; of Good Templara of the wor jane adopted the reports of the commltt ne on the color quonttou , rejoicing in t ho vindication of the fundamental pri ho ciplea of the order by the iuatltnti of the order in fourteen out of fi'co lat of the southern states of Amerli by The secslon then closed. jm ny Railroad Mcttora. 08to Special DUpatch to THI Uii to GALVESTON , June 15 It In rumi ed that the Gilvrstuu ttcckholdo who hold a controlling intoreot { n i Santa Fo railway , have agreed to pi their earnings and stock lor five ye ; and vote against any sale of the roi 'he HIgU liiotnie in Illinois. IK' Special Dispatch to Tui Mil. ow Si-aiNdPiKLD , III. , Juno 15 , T af- Ilarpor high lcens ( > ] bill pawed t otbe lanate this afternoon by a vote .of be to 20 , the republicans supporting a the democrats opposing the m'enin Hamilton nlcuod the bill a few moments after Its piasago. The now law fixes the whisky license at $500 and beer at $160 annually , over the entire B'nto , ii.chidlng all cities nnd towoB The nqw lar goes into effect the first di\y cf Jaly uuxt. St > OHTlNa. Special IXftpatrhoii to Timbmt , TUB TUKF. CoviNdTON , Jnno 15 The LUonla Jookoj club : Club pnrao , mile and ono furloug , Drake Carter won , Emma Maulov Bosond , Cdutorvllle third ; tlmo , 2C2i. : Club put'ao , mile and a quarter , LU- tie Buttercup won , Metropolis soc- oid. Major Hughes third ; tlmot 2:14 : ] stakoi , for thrao year-old ) , mile and three furlongs , Loolatns won , Referee second , Aztec third ; time , 2:27j : Club puiao , mile boats , Lirdlliylan won , Ballnit snccnd. Odklcaf third ; ilme , 1:401,1:40 : : , l:4i BUIOIITOK BEACH , Juuo 15 Ojn'y Island racuc Threu-quarters of a mile daab , Little Mlnch won , llirrlot BOO- end , Uostatjo third ; time , 1:15 : Mile dash , Ciata B won , Little Katlo second , OontouLial third ; tlmo , 1:44 : 1:44Mllo Mlle and a quarter , Hilarity won , Binarotta second , Mont third ; tlmo , 2:11 : 2:11Fourth Fourth race , one mile , F ir Water won , G en Allen second , Doubtful third ; time , l:45j. : Ste.'plo chase , Moscow won , Oiptaln Yorkoecond , Banger third ; tlmo , 2:44 : COLUMBUS , 0 , Juno 15 Free-for- all pace Flora Bdlle won In three straight heats , Sillor Boy second , Lincoln Jack third ; tlmo , 2:18& : , 2:22 : , 2:21 | Oiaea 2U5 , : Blanche H. won in straight heats , Moodlo H. second , Kitty Woods third , Nettle R. fourth ; best time : 2.00 ] UARTFJKD , July 15 List day of Chnrtor Oek park meetlt g. Class 2:25 : , Ezra L won , Nickel second ; TAlley B iy trilrd Fronk fourth ; time , 2.21 , 2:21J : , 2:22J : , 2:23. : Class 2:42.Judge : DAVIS won in straight heat ) , H. 0. Winahlpapoond , McOuro third ; tlmo , 2:22 : , 2:25J : , 2:25 : * . BASE BALL. PHILADELPHIA , Juno 15. Buffalos , 22 ; Phllndolphiaa , 4 BOSTON , Juno 15. Ohlcatjoa , 8 BOAtOUB , 3 PROVIDENCE , Juno 15 Providence , 5 ] Dotrolts , 2 NEW Youi ? ! Juno 15. Olevolands G ; NOTYorka , 3. A Talk Witli Bishop Snauldlnc- Special Dlapttcb to Tni C . PnnniA , Juno 15 , In an interview v/lth Blahop Spanldlng thia morning the dlatlngnlahed prelate corroborate the Rtatemont that the archbishop ] o the United States have been command ed to assoni'oio nt Rome next October to a pragramma 1'or a plonarj council to be held in America Tbi 1 buelnors of the council will only par tain to osoloalaitical oflioua lu thi country , not Involving Irlah nffalra It ia throe months alnco Bishoi Spauldlng lott Roaio , nnd the hbov was the ponltficiil intentions at th tlmo of hia departure. The pUua fo t the oatabliehmont of a Oatholia mil 9 varsity In thla country are iinuiulurc 9r 9a r Anotlier Oil "WolJ. Special Dispatch to TUB lim. TiToaviLLis , Juno 15 ThoGrandi well , No 9 , near Balltovrn , was drille into band thla ufturnoon , and prove to bo a big w&H. It yielded 25 bj : rcla the first liour und 55 the nuoutu r.nd will do from 310 to 500 bjrre thu lirjt 24 hours. Bucklon'a Arnica i Tbo greatest medical wonder of t' : world , Wnrr.mtetl to speedily cure Uiuu Bruise ? , Cuts , Ulcers , Salt llhoam , Jevi Sorco , Cancers , Pile * , Chilblains , Corn Tetter , Chapped Hands , and all akin eru ] tionf , guaranteed to cure in every inntnnc or money refunded. 25 cents par box , For anlo by O. F. Ooodmun. Trndo EmlmrrnstraontB- v ' Ecprttd hy liiadetreet- 8 There wore 148 failures in the Unite States reported ta Bredstroot's dork the past week , 12 less than the pri coding wesk , 18 more than the oorro pending week of 1882 , and 06 cao : than the aame week of 1881. Cot pared with the previous week thomli die states had 37 , an increase of . New England states 28 , aa increase < 10 10 3 ; southern states 27 , an Increase < 2 ; western states 40 , a doorcase of' \ Pacific coast btatos and terriU n rlea , 1C , a decrease of 4 ; Cint ' 17 , The fa'llures generally were n ° important. TJO Grafton Iron cop pany , of Pittsburgh , Pa. , and Lei tonia , Ohio , asked an extension , ar A. 0. Tlnstmant Co. , coke mam factnreraof Pittsburgh , assigned. ] the principal trades they were aa fc lows : Grocers , 23 ; general trader 20 ; liquors , 11 ; shoos , 9 ; alothieg , : dry goods , G ; millinery , 5 ; hardwar 5 ; manufacturers , 5 ; furniture , tobacco and clgari , 3 ; produce ai provisions , 3 ; lumber , 3 ; iljur. gral etc. , 3 ; hotels and restaurants , jewelry , 3 ; brokers 2 ; drugs , 2 IB or id PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER id Iioss of Appetite , Dowels costive Id Fain in the lload , with a dull uen Ration in the back part , Pain undo 00 the Shoulder blade , fullness afte tie eutlng' , with a disinclination to ex ertion of bodr or mind , Irrltablllt ; li lion of temper , Low spirits , with a feoi on In IT of havinir neglected eomeduty en Wenriness , Dizziness , Fluttering a the heart , Dots before the oyee , Yol sa. tow Skin Headache , generally ovc the right pyo , HestlessnoES , with fit fal dreamo , niRhly ooloreu Urine anil ( Ulnpttil lo aiich ( iisen.nne dole ct rcctn micli a cimiiue fir fcelliiec BI ( ? ' OAtimUlt Ilio attnvrer. heel 'li'y | tiicrfnsothe Ai > i > rtltc , ndcanF > ol tte tody toTaUe ou J'lesli , tlm Hitny torn U noiirUlicil , and l > y tliclr Tout irs , I'llroijccut ulnsr bloiiU nroprtKlucfil , d ; t.t Murray St. , N. Y. oiuTllAn ! \ymeKKiis changot ho DUCK Ly a lnKH > npipllcotlon of thl BrK. I ho ImparUan&turulcolor. Aclilnstantaneoui 80 rcei > to..j. . nd Oi'FJCU , 5 JIDltltAY HT. , N. re. A HEARTFELT TOKEN. Witli Whloli a Kansas Man Eased the Trobbing of a Do- ceitinl Bosom. He Bores His Faithless Wife with Lend tvnd BangH the Whole Shebang. The Developments in the Fa mous ABbland Tragedy Kentucky. A Black Flnnd in Alabama. Hurl ed HollwBtd Without Prayoi . A FAithlon Wlfo Killed. Spe-lal Ulsputib to llli Uii. KANSAB GUY , Jnno 15. Johnlliy- Bor , a mechanic ngod 21 , this after noon shot and killed Ada Thorno , aged 13 , an Inuinto ol a bagnio on West Trilrd ntreot. Ilayaor married the girl about a year ago at Laavon- north. She afterward left htoa , and aovornl weeks ago entered a life ( f shama In this olty. R ysor , while nndor the aonoa of liquor , visited her this afternoon , and attempted to porauado her to return. Falling in this ho drew a re volver and fired Dvo limes , three bnlls entering the woman's head , ono her shoulder and last through her heart. Unloading , ho fired twice at the other inmates aud twice at An officer who attempted to arrest him , bnt without effect. Ho WAS then overpowered and taken to the station. O.-th Stein was Indicted to-day by the grand jury for the murder of Goo. Grcdorlck. Judge Krum's I Special Dispatch to Tin Uii. ST. Louis , Juno 15. Application was made thla afternoon in the pro bate court , by an attorney for Mia Mary Mauntng , ono of the hoira ol the Ford estate , of whloh the mUalnjj ex-Judge Chester H , Ktutn was ad < minlstrator , for the appointment ol another person to take charge of the estate. The attorney stated that from an examination of the records It WAI found false statements had boon filoc In the court. Mca. Manning , in en In terview , stated that Krum had fron $40,000 to § 50,000 which was duo her that he had failed to mnko any settle ment with her f > r three yoire ; that hli replies to her inquiries wore all uva alvo , etc. Glaroaoo Nowoomb , of Thiol's deteo tivo bureau , returned to-day and eon firmed hia previous statement tha Krarn had traveled with him fron San Francisco to O don. Krum wa rogluterod at the Palace hotel , Sai Francicoo , under the unmo of Jxme Uglily , and traveled nndor thnt name His ticket wna for Salt Like Olty , bu at Ogden he suddenly changed hi mind , und eaylng ho wonld go to Par ! City , a mining town in Utah , ho gav him the slip. Nothing has boon hunri of Kram's whereabouts since. The Anhlnnd. Criminal ! . Special Uljpatib to Tin tin OATLLTrsiinno , Ky. , Juno 15. Th preliminary hbai'tnp of the case i : Wm. Dlrcly ( soloruo ) , the uowly ar rested ptriuoner charged with commit ting , with t.wo other ncgrooi , th6 oni lago on the Glbbona fitrl , and th brother ut Aahlnnd , Kj. , continue to Monday at thorcqaaatnf detective ! Kllli , Nual aud woi tried , fouuk guilty and ordure to bf > hanged for the mnrderi On the contention of Ellis , who wi M'wcrda lynched , Neal and Gra have been ajtiteatiug the csao in tl higher courts for Iho past Elcrnonthi and wuro recently refused a now triu The arroat of Dlroly on newly dlsoov orod evidence puts an entirely no phase ou thooo calobratcd murder ; There ia great excitement in KOI tutky over the arrest of Dlroly i Ohio. Including Ellis und the vlciitr of the outrages , sixteen lives h&vo a ready baen forfeited. A Blnok Brut * Ziynohed. Special Dlipatch to TUB BXK. ' WKTUMPKA , Ala , Jane 15. Jordc Oorbon , who mnrdorod BJUJ , Oirde and serloualy wounded hla wife BE son , for the purpose * of raping C den's daughter , near OooBaooo , Moi day night , was captured by oltleat and put In jill Wednesday. Thi night ho was taken from jail by crowd of COO and hung. The crlrr was the moat deliberate , horrible an exasperating conceivable , Corbln sta ; ng around the house an hour. It wi barricaded by the wounded wlfo wll a bed on whloh lay her dead hnabam shot in the head while asleep by a gc pushed through the window. Tl daughter escaped to the woods In tl night. She was since found almo dead from fright and Is not expeotc o to live , The mother and son are voi M seriously Injured , but will recover. SidetraoBed In Mexiou. BpecUl D ! p tcte3 to Till Bu. ' GALVEBTION , Jnno 15 , A Bast men to special eayc Nijht before la the down train from Monterey ri over the body of a Mexican ly lot ; ( the track. An armed force of Mox cans arrested and jillod all the ham of the next train that puse Another train reached the station tb morning and was sidetracked. It h not yet been released. The affair w probably receive diplomatic notlo It is thought American capitalists w nee the case aa a teat of the Moxlci law for the protection of properly. Another Lynching Forty- 8pacUl Dispatch to Tin IIn. DUOUOIT , June 10 A man nami Warren , bolloved to bu the persi who outraged end stabbnd little Noti Lyona at ' Olwboyjjan , Sunday nig ! last , was'takon from the jail at th plnoa Inet night by a mob of 500 ai l.uae The girl iduutifhd him as h1 atsnilant but ha mtlntuinsd his ium cenco after being ouca lut down , 1 confession ooulu be extorted from hli Berne * Arqatttod. Special Dtipitch to lui U . LOUIHVILLK , Juno 15. Dr. Barnc for killing nla brother-in-law , Olaron 15 > yd , waa before the city court tl morning , nnd after argument fur 01 against tflo motion to disaiias , the ca was discharged. " 85.0DO Short- SpecUl Dispatch to Tu Uu. l CHICAGO , Juno 15. Dipt. Clint Spencer , postmaster at Ypillantl , hns ooen smpundcd fcr a deficit of $5COO In his account * . Ho is highly re spected , Icsl lit leg at ddttyabnrg , and wa ? supporting some hulploas rol- n 1 ffrta UNCLK HILLY. Qcncrnl SUormnn'H Partlnn Adaroso to the Weal Point Uiulots. No York Tints. While Mr. L'ncoln ' and Admiral Hodgcrs and General Terry were i peak lug more than ono of the cadets in the graduating class looked moist about the eyes , and wonld undoubted ly have shod tears had they not been young soldiers with a thousand eyes upon them. The band played "Yan- koo Doodle , " and then General Shor- mon catno up smiling. Ha looked AS hearty as over , and , aa usual , made the speech of the day , though It was impromptu. It was full ot fun and pathos , and the people cried half the time , aud then laauphed nw y their tOATB. "Yonug gentlemen , " natd the vet eran commander-iuohlof , "after the beautiful and oxhanstlvn speech of General Gallntn , ( which I heard yes. terday , and I hope you hoard , too , though I do not know whether you could hoar It or not , ) and of General Terry , whom I thank for hla address , officially , and of Admiral llodgors , there is not muah loft for me to say , for Admiral Rodpors covered almost the very ground I should hnvo cov ered had ho not usurped it. General Terry came In 18GL with a big heart and an educated mind to strengthen us id the croat work then before us. I am glad I ordered him here , and glad hocnmo , though ho had some notion of raising a constitutional question of authority. As to 11 ) dRors , 1 know him when ho was a midshipman ; when ho were n blue jacket , with losa tall to It oven thau yon have to your coats ; and when ho carried the little sword wo called n frog-sticker. ' lu Florida ho CMUC aohoro lu the EsrorgladoB , und gave tu valuable assistance. The ertny and navy are brothers. Bo brotherly witli the navy. I don't Intend to takomanj minutes , as I don't usually. In look' ' Ing at this fine graduating class , cvoi from this distance " The general paused , and iho grad uates pricked up tholr oaro , oxpoctinj a compliment. " you look exactly , " ho con tinned , "like the class last year , am the ouo before that , and the ouo o every year slnoa the olnss that I graduated uatod In. [ Laughter. ] I can BOO mj self and my old classmates , almost i yonr features. I can see moro of and , and , " mentioning dozen of his own classmates. "I 01 BOO old Joe Blankstor. In the sprln of 183G there came hero great , blf atont fellow , from Ohio , too , [ laugl tor ] , li foot 5 Inches in his Blocking n vurd across hla shonldorr , wolghiii 2CO pouuda.wlthhandahard with toll c his father's farm. Ho had hard ! over BCOU the Inside of an arlthmotl bnt bo had an houont , manly face , ar were No. 1G shops , so big the sin nukora used to charge him daub ( irlco for making them. IIIn paron were poor farmers In thoBonthwoatei part of Ohio. In the spring of 184 just before wo were graauxted , Joe tather took ill and ho had to go horn Ho waa too poor to have two nnlta olothca , BO ho traveled all that dl tar.03 In hia cadet , unifori with the short tall , it WAB prutidtmtlal oampnl u year , nnd , ' attended n great mrto muc.ttti atill clad in hla fr < > y uniform. tha npcakore talked about the tyrant of the govGrnmant , the proaldun at white pal&co , the golden spoo ho nto out of , nnd the soft carpoto tralkcd on. Ho epoko of that arlat cratlo class on the North river , who " 'wasp waUted wnmfiroa" were pa $30 a month and found for doing not ing. ing."I'm "I'm ono of 'om , " Bild JOP , turuli to a man who stood by him ; * 'I'm o of the wairp-walatod wampiroa. " "Hia remark was overheard , and ! was boasted up to the stand. The was a shout aa Boon aa ho waa aoo The orator waa silenced and the crov shouted : 'If that'a a aamplo , glvo moro. ' The academy was on i verge of dissolution in 1840. I belles that that Incident carried It throuj tbo crisis. " To illustrate the fact that graduatli from West Point did not noooassrl make n good man , the general oo tinned : 'Bryan P. Tildon waa member of my c'aas ; ho came from tl beat schoola of Boston , and at once 1 of the class. Wo were all afraid him ho know too much. At the 01 of the four years ho waa about tl middle of the claes. Ho had an ho orablo record till ho went with f troopa to the Olty of Mexico , ai there ho wanted to got rich. Ho out mltted robbery , and waa condemn for murder , and the scaffold w orooted to hang him on. Just In t nloh of tlmo the treaty was signed "ai ho escaped. Bat he lost hU comm slon , wont back to Boston , and fou olonty of lawyers to whitewash hli [ Laughter ] Joe Blankstor eec lake uny ot us and butt our heads t gothor , and could make behave onrsolvor. Ho was strlc on by lightening while performance of duty , and now 1 buried , I believe , In the sands cf Fled d . Tildon eventually died , aud t a costly monument , I bollovo at lei ho ought to have. When those in approach the gates ono will stand aj but the other , 1 think , will bo chic I love every cadet that looks II Blankstor , even to this day. I lo to see yon strong and manly. If y don't love your profeciion , go aw id quick. You may , ouo and all , boooi heroes , as others have before yon. in bog yon , ono arid all , to look upon i to kindly , for this may bo the last tlrai it ehall over comn to Weat Point , at a id at rate. In an cfliolal capacity. In t idr short months I shall cheerfully a ) r willingly resign my oommlselou. \ will surely comn back from tiun time If I can. I hops you will aoc < n this beautiful day as the smllo Provldonco Good-bye ono aud al I have hoard General Shorm speak on a great many occaslonn , 1 uevor saw him eo deeply affected as Jo ce waa to-day , when ho bade his oflic id farewell to West Point. Nearly oyi l&dy iu the assemblage was in tea 10 and half the cadels were trying ooucoal tholr faces. The bind app prlntoly played "Auld L ng Byn and the oommoncomont oxerclies wi over. " TI3B MABDLH WIDOW. Mrs. A. T. Stownrt'a Isolation in Her Kirch Avenue Palaco. N , Y. Jjuraal. Alone in her marble palace lives the widow of A. T , Stewart. Ills re mains , whloh are supposed tu be rest ing beneath the magnificent mauso leum of Garden Olty , are scarcely moro secluded than is the pcrsonalUy of Mr. Stewart. The greater portion of the Stewart mansion Is closed , dust gathers npon Its painting and furniture , its blinds of white and gold shut out the exterior view , and , save a small suite of rooms on the western corner , the mansion Is practically descried. There Is something touching In her splendid Isolation within call of the fashion , care , elegance and bustling activity of a restless social world. A lady with silvery gray halrwhoeo features ore still clearly cut and boar the evidence of refinement , Is Mrs. Stewart. Her oyea ore yet nndlmmcd. She stoop ) slightly. Sao Is of kindly presence , although her features bear the traces of much Buffering , and a habitual aternnots ot expression soi- tlos npon her features when in repose. llor ftou , when lit up with Interest of a passing topic , affords the observer a fair Idea of what Mrs. Stewart was iu her prltnr. With the aid of a allvor crutch-handled oano aho can got about fairly. H it there are times when the sorvicoa of her personal attendant are much In rcqnoat. A WOMAN OF METHOD. Mrs. Stewart ia a woman of method. When able , she rises by 10 o'clock , and breakfasts usually alone. Her tasks are few and modest , and her rich bnt simple breakfast equipage contains the old-fashioned meal of tea , dry toast , and aomo light , easily digested food , na chicken or full. Wlnoa aho rarely touches , save toward evening , preparatory to retirement , between ! ) and 10 o'clock , when n glass of purt aotn as A gentle , stlmn < lant to a night of peaceful repose. 4 But detpito her long yoara ol monrnlng , life has certain duties to be performed , and n business tact , In liorltod probably from her husband , li still characteristic of Mrs. Stewart' ) domestic habits. There MO certain pensioners to b ( looked cfor , accounts of personal ox ponditurrs to too Investigated , Istton to bo answered , aud old Irlotida to bi received. Bjuldos nil thrao , her aig nature lir.s to bo obtained to onndrj 1 business fornnlltloa that are India- t pjiin-xblo. All thla takes up mon tlmi thnn would at first appear , COMIIINO HKU HAIR. Ono of her favorite pastimes , pci cullar to memy people , Is to indulge li the luxury of having her hair brushed Her silver bralda are long and line and though lucroaaln ; ; yoara may hav told upon her strength , time has added od to rnthot than detracted from th glory of her hair. This operatic B usually laota for on hour or mon n while her companion aouiotlmua it y a relative -roada from the nownpapoi B ; or from a religions book , as her fane , d may incline. 10 Her tnnods are various aud oapr lo cious. Ever-changing fancies arecoi ts tiuually occurring to.hor mind. Oi : n diiyoho may ba bright , sanguine , ar 0 , exceedingly pleimut ; the next at i'a may bo plunged into utter denpon o. cncy , and will rufuno comfort fro o.of her most attached frlomla. Whi s- laboring nndor theau morbid reflo ttona aho hi boon known to Ho f lionrs upon lu < r oouoh utterly ulono lO Hnr hUDband'H p irirnit hatiga in h bedroom , protected by n Mini ! ci Of tain. Sin will lock at It for an he 'F ' at iv thuo , and than aitn the curtn L's wlU rumaiu Uglily drawna for days. US Under nomu conditions her vitall tie Is nnrprlslng , and her lioiUli , upon t o- whole , lo good , considering the meul re tuffuring aho has undorgona. n id palaoa la watchud night nnd day , ute h- to tot to nco Mrs. Stewart ia ono of t Inipueaibllitloa to thoao who are i : Included among her warmest friem Ilio Trail o Tribunal. Special Dispatch to TIIK UBB. 10 Pirrsituno , Juno 15. The tro ro tribunal , appointed to settle the wag n.rd of railroad coal minors , mot this aft rd noon , bnt did not transact any bu aa nosa , ai Eoonczsr Oliver , ono of t 10 miners' representative ? , who olali ro ho waa ( Uncharged on account of 1 connection with the trlbun declined to soivo longer. T inn vacancy will bo filled by the court' rmurow , aud the miners' officers i n- still hopofnl of aottlomont. Oih ( na think Oliver's roalgnatlon la a sign 10 trouble , and believe another Btrl will bo inaugurated , of id 10 D- D10 10 idn n- n.d CUTICUIIA TllKATilENT , hr tha c as TIIK ikln , 80 lp , and biood dlietiji , com lie In the Internal uia ol Ciitlcura llesolvont , id now blood puilOer , and the external uas ol Ci curaand Cutlcura Hoip , the K' t ikln cuiw Is. SALT RHEUM. Will McDonald , KW Pell born St. , Chlci . D.Id Krittfully acknowlodc acureol , Salt llheuca Id biad neck , armt , and Irgiilor > Tentecn j'c not iblt to walk except on birds tnd knees ono yeirj not able to tulphlmie UBk tried bundrcdi nl remidlet ; doctori pronoun k- his ca bopelcBf ptrmanoKtljr curtd by Ci kIn rura Keiolrent ( b > ocd pur I tit r ) Internally , | UullcurA and Cullcuia Heap ( the great ikln c\ I OS exteinilljr. PeOn'A8IB ' IBS n. E. Carpenter , Ei'i , Henderson , K , cured o ( I'jotlatli or Lvprovy ot twenty yi en Btacdli g by Cutlcura llc'olvont ( blood pun Internally , aid Cnt cur * and Cu lima Soap ( great t kin cures ) externally. Tn racit wont lull me on record , Cure certified to bcloi ko JiMtlco cf the ptaca a-d prml'eut clt't IDS fllic' < d with lloalrtr and ncalr dlstnoi the vo snU to us for Hits trttlinonlal In full. . ou ay OKIN DI3EACEV. none r. II. Ir > ku , Kii | , , Dutrol' , Mich , tuffered I jwiuail d acrlpthii Irom a iklndiscati wh no appctrel on till hind > , h al and fico acd n ly dfstroj elklaeyxi. Themoit varefil docl ,1 , ln < filled tihulpi Im , and a tir all cad lallid ay uuid thi Cu kma lUaolvint ( ilood pur Ilir ) ternallv , Ont'cura and Cutlcura Sotp ( Ihu ft ffO ikln itiror ) cxicrDally. and wm curid , * tA ud remained ptrlnctly well to th'a day. 1 6K M HUMOnO. to ITra. 8. K. Whlpplo. Dcoitur , Mich , , wr ; pt tlut hoi IJU.D , ho d , ud inmu pattioi her bi ire wtro almost law. ll d covcrod with i i of aid nofia , tuflired feardlly and tried 1. " erylLlnjr. I'erm nanlly cmeil liy Cutleurt an olvont ( blood purifier ) and Cutluamand Cull la Heap , the grtat skin curta mt CutlouraRfim-ilUnarofor saleby he drugK ! ti , fr..eol Cuilcura , small boxes , I Ul large lioxoi 91. Cutlcura Uiaolrdif , tfl pot I tlo , Outlcura Soap , J5c ; Cutlcura Bharliig B iry 160 , POTTER DRUQAND OHEM10AU Oo.Ooi toro For Hough , Chapprd or Or ro- 8liIn , Dlackhoadi , I' mpla , 6 DIem'ihe , and Inlantllo Humor' , uio Cullc ! ra 8o . ixfulilto Skin lieautiUcr , and To Jre B t h : * nd hurncry Stnatlvo , * cl > THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Reservation Apaches Protest Against the Eeception of Crook's ' Oaptives , The Methods of Architect Hill Pretty Thoroughly Vtn- tilatad. the RoTcnne trlott Uthor Bffatteri- CAPITAL NOTES Sprclal Dlipatch to Till tin A nifl DIFKK1IKNUE. WASHINOTON , Jnno 15 Tha com- mltteo appointed to InvnstluKte the allegations of fraud ngalnofcSaporvh' Ing Architect 11111 , rosuaiod it ef.ting this forenoon , 'ilio oomtrti'.uo do- cldcd to reoutuo the examination of Stlncmotz in conticoluu with the charges of fraud and cOrrnp'lon In the oonstrnotioa of the 1'niUilel. phlft postofilce , WltncBshad oonoludod hu calculations , and waa prop \rovl to show the dlir ronoB between the ptiao paid by the government to contractors for dressing stone for the entire building and the aotual cost of the work , based npon a liberal oa'.imato tor labor. The total amount paid by the povornmont to contractors waa 5818,700 ; cost to contractors , allow ing a liberate estimate , at leait 30 per cont. for profit , wan $413 700 , habing $375,00) unnecessarily paid by the government. The basement and a portion of the aaoond story hav ing been begun under a 15 pr cent contract , those portions could not bo Included In hia calculation , although the estimated difference in the two pricoj would add about $100,000 to the previous totals. This concluded Stluenut r.'o Icoll- monyand the question arose whether the commlttos ntid the dof-icse would admit that the same exeats relatively existed In the ooat of other public buildings erected under Bill , or wheth er the prosecution would bo required to repent their prooi with expert tes timony aa to each , Alexander , of the committee , suggested as the same principle wonld extend to all buildings It would scorn to davolvo upon the prosecution to convict Hill with fraud , as charged in tK > alleged oxtruva- ganco in the erection of the Philadel phia building. Colcman replied that It might bo as bad in principle to otoal 50,000 aa $2,000,000 , but the do enso might say "of ono building wo admit extravagance , but you have not connected Hill with any fraud. " The prosecution were able and proposed to jrovo the same extravagance , mls- Ttanngoment or fraud were shown In connection with all buildings , and that contracts continued to bo mr.dc after bho turporvlalnp architect had boon ropoutcdly warned and udvlsod of their unfairness to the r.ovornrnont. A long dlsonsalon onuued flmired with several nuarp posnugoa between coun i10 sel The point , however , WDB not do- 10 oldnd aud the oonnnlttoo adjourned id until to-morrow , whun Stluomutz will 10 ba crcua-rxnmlncd. 10i im THK ArAOlIK rilOTKHT. m WABIUKOTOK , Juvi 15.Tl > fol- m ttloerem wna ructNuf. io-day by Siorotnry Vellur : or "SAN OAULOI , Ar ZJCG , Jan1 15. A largo number of lojdlug Indiana or Taey sent for mot in osuiitll to-day irnr mo , und oirnostly protected ngtlcst nr the return of the Uhlraofthniu' men in troubla Is euro and boyr. They say to f jllow f uoh a course. They want the ohlofa nnd heul men purijhed ) i\nd the other nion tout where they ul onnnot lo'tur > . They do not o j'ct or to womim Mid chlldruu earning here , nd and Aak mo to makn kuovn their ho viowo to yon and Ganornl Crook ot and nr .o their adoption. All bands la. unite in this rcqueot. They eay they icnlrn to ruuiatu ut peace with thur whlto neighbors , bnt CluraoihuuB will does return to the warpith us ooon as they grow strong again and the reservation es Indians will then bo charged vtith hav sr- si- ing aided and encouraged them. As siho suring them of my confidence In the wis dom of the authorities who would have ils us to decide the matter , I promised them to present the petition us an evidence ' of the justness of tholr position. [ Signed ] WIMXMC , Agent. Secretary Teller telegraphed Wilcox directing him to rcoolvo uouo of the ira Ohlrioahuas except the children. The of secretary saya the bucks must take ko ore of themselves and the women. MOTIOE TO koI The secretary of the , treasury gives notice that exchanges of , continued 3J per cent bonds Into throe I cents will not be made during Ser next , the books of these two S loans being then closed for prepara tion of the August lit dividend. Con- lull tinned bonds received ( or exchange tbo during July will bo exchanged npon II- the rooponlntr of the books August 1 , Interest at 3J per cent remaining to that date. JIEWAUD OF MBK1T. on in , v'Tho president has. appointed Wm. ( erin : K , Brown , of Kansas , register of the ceU land cflho at Lirnod , Kansas , vies 0. itlmd A. Morris , term of office expired , ire ) THE KEVKNN * DICTUICTS. It Is understood general order for redaction o ! internal revenue districts Y.r . has been determined npon , and the r will bo of Dor question finally disposed the next week. er- 'e ' a THE OAPTUHED APACHES. All Secretary Lincoln will noc decide at uld present what dlspotltlon will be made of the captured Apaches. Ho will wait until ho receives moro definite bo. information from Gen. Orook. Ich . iar. Shipping ; Newii or- orho Spoo al Dlepitchca to Tin llli. : Inat LONDON , Jnno 15. Arrived out : has Abysainnlsi , Now York. NEW YOKK , Juno 15. Arrived : Thingvallu , Hulllu. Its ) dy CAl'SUEl ) . kbey. . Tnov , Jnno 15. The yaoht Ilebo Ra opaized in a squall on Lake Chnra- . cu.all plnin. The oaytjla and mate were all drowned , . Oc ; ot Builnais Failure * . Dap Special Dispatch to Tus DIB. tan N W VOUK , June 15 , Bualnois ( alluua for the laat Bovoa.dayu ISO , an kin igaltnt 173 laat week. New Eng-\ jra ) hiad 24' middle states 20 , weaterri'53 , lltt , lon'hura 35 , Pacifip states 18Newd ! .3 York city 11 , and Canada 10. Y