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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
THE OMAHA 'DAILY ' BEE. TWELFTH OMAHA * NEB3 TTBIDAY MORNING JJN.fc ( 15 , 1883 308 THE STARS ARE OUT , And They Shine With Brazen Brightness as Freedom Dawns Upon Them , 'The Jury in tha Star Route Trial Unloose the Bonds of the Conspirators. The Verdict Greeted With Teare , Oheera and Hearty Hand Shaking. 'The Government Lawyers Sur prised at an Agreement of Any Kind , While Ingersoll Opens His Doors for a Geueal Ju bilation. r-t The Authorities Viciously De nounced Between Drinks Scenes and Incidents. A Largo Variety of Capital News. Special Dispatch to Tm Un. WASHINGTON , Jane 14. The jury in the titar route caao this morning brought In u vordiot of not guilty. "You can ask the jury whether they have any communication to make to the court , " said Jadgo Wyllo to the crier when the criminal court , bearing the star route case , re-assembled this morning , The crier soon returned with a message that the jury desired to communicate with the court. They filed Into the court room not apparently any werao for their confinement. When they were seated the judgn said ; "Gen tlemen of the jury , the court has sent ior you for the pniposo of Inquiring whether you have any communication to make. " The foreman , In reply , stated that the jury had agreed upon a verdict , and a painful alienee fell upon the court room , only to bo broken by wild shouts of applause when , In clear tones , the voice of the foreman stated that the verdict was "not guilty. " Immediately the decorum of the conrt of justice waa forgotten , and cheora resounded from all quarters uf the crowded room. Mrs. 8. A. Dor- aoy sprang to her fo3t clapping her handu , while tears streamed down her cheeks , and there weio many ladles In the court room who were silently weeping , Djvidgo Baked to have the verdiof recorded , which waa done , while1deputy marshals were . vainly endeavoring to quell the \ ' tumult. 8. W. Doraej andBrady were the recipients ol worm congratulations , and as they left the court room they were greeted wlth'iuaowed cheora by the crowd h front ot tbe r- * < - 'LJ , Wh v * udM was oomewhat restored by reason ol the defendants and friends leaviuj the room , the judge , with a fen words , discharged the jury. In tbi ante-room and nails the jury was be- eet by a throng of interested persons prominent among them bolnj defendants , and Mrs. S. W , Dareey and Mrs. Feck , wh ( thanked them for their vordlo " will tears in their eyes. As the foremat reached the sidewalk a large crowc assembled there burst into cheers , which were renewed as each juroi made his way out of the court house The foreman stated to a ropreaenta tlve of the Assoplatod Press that fivi ballots were taken by thi jury. The first ballot w upon the question of the oxlatonci of a conspiracy , and the ballot reaultei In 3 for and 9 apalnat conspiracy. Oi the second ballot 9 waa Increased ti 10 , although thu vote was than upoi the Inuojtmca or guilt of defondanta This vote remained unchanged nntl about 3 o'clock thb morning irhon ui acquittal waa agreed upon. COMMENTS ON THE VEUDICI Bpe tal Dispatch to Tni BII. A TALK WITH BLISS. WASHINGTON , June 14 Mr. Bliss when asked to-night what he though of the verdict , said It had been a BU : prise to him as well ns to hla nasociati counsel. He oald ho would not h v been surprised at a disagreement c the jury ; that , in fact , ho had been o the opinion that the jury wonld stam about nine for conviction and thro for acquittal. The very men , how ever , whom ho depended on as oertali to vote for conviction voted the othe way. He did not think the honoatj of the jury shamld be Impugned because cause of the verdict. When 12 met united in a verdict , no lawyer wonli care to say they had been influenced Ho believed the members of the jnr ; to be mistaken , but that was til Their opinions must be accepted a honest. Speaking of further proceeding against the defendants who had jnn been acquitted , ho said ho thoughtth cases against Kollcg ? , Brady , am others Indicted with Brady , wonld gi over till fall , as Judge Wyllo propose * to hour cases of local Importance ba fore again taking up the star ronti casoo. Against the Djraeya , Valloani Minor there wore practically no mor criminal cases , One indictment wa on record , but It waa one which hat boon laid aside bacauso of the fact tha Bordell's initials and Yallo'a nam wore improperly sot down In It , am moreover , It did not differ from th one on which the jury had just rendered dored a verdict of acquittal. As t the proposed civil suits agalna the defendants , ho could say little Be did not think civil proceeding could be successfully malntalno against Brady , as ho had not receive .money from the government for lei vloes In carrying the malli. The prc in civil eolta wonld be foi th ooovory of money paid the contract- irs Improperly ; money for which no ervlcca baa been rendered ; ' for money aid illegally for expedited services. Bo said ho did not know whether 'ho wonld have oharga of the civil suits or ot , but know ho would not take the management of them If they wore to 'to prosecuted In Washington or at any onsidorablo distance from Now York Ity. Ho did not think the eovorn- mout wonld want to begin any civil nils In Washington. BRBWSriCRAND BUSS , WASHINGTON , Juno 14. The news f the vordiot in the Star route trial 'cached ' the department of jnstloo , horty ] after 10 o clojk this morning , At the time the attorney general was consultation with George Bliss. iVheu the news was announced ho iad ( to Bliss : "What do you think of thai ? " "I am aatoulshod , " waa the reply , 'I thought sorno of the jurors might ; ot muddled on the conspiracy qnea- loubnt I did not anticipate acquittal. " "Well , " said the attorney general , 'that settles 1 * . When twelve men groo the matter la settled. I feel attaticd the government has present- d the caao in tha beat , possible man- icr. " jtmon UARRIOAN , : ield out nlono for conviction for tong eng time , ho says : "I finally came ; o the conclusion that eleven headc were batter than one , especially when orao of thu others wore educated and mart gentlomun. A few minutes be- 'oro wo cimo Into court I wont over , because I didn't feel llko opposing lovcn men. I gave the defendant ! ho benefit of the doubt and voted foi cqulttal. FOREMAN CRANE ays the jury voted first on the qnoa- ion as to whether there was any con- piracy. Is was then proposed , aftoi omo discussion , to vote upon the guilt 3r Innocence of the Individuals , which , > f course , wonld carry conspiracy with t. "John W. Djrsey , " said Orane , 'headed ' the list , and wo acquitted Im the first night. Then wo o mo to Vallo , and acquitted him. Then , 1 , It stood ten to two on Stephen iV . Dorsoy , ten to two on Brady , and line to three on Minor. That is the way the jury stood up to this morn- 'ng , though I believe there was a shange of one vote on Stephen W. Dorsoy last night , making it stand lovon to one in hla case. " EX-SENATOR KELLOdO AND OEN. BIUDT will Monday next bo called upon tc plead to the indictments in their cases , It la not probable the ttlal of the eases will take plaoa before next an umn , as precedence will bo giver cjsoa cf local Importance. TUB JUBUATION. There waa a largo gathering ol rlends of the star route defendant ! at Chi. Ingersoll'a house to-night. In doora the acquitted men , their counao and a large number of their moro In imato friends , many of them women , met to exchange mutual cangratula tlons. Out in the street , a orowi numbering two ortfa ee hundred per sons had gathered , partly out o ! ouri oalty and partly to express eympath ] with defendants. They cheered In- geraoll and o'thpr counsel , as well a ' ' ' od for Bpoechos. Ool. Ingersoll an Jndpoa Wilson and Oarponter spok briefly , denouncing the governmen for its tactics 'n the star route trlah eulogizing the jury which acqulttei the defendants and congratulating th latter and their friends. The crowd Indoors and out was d full sympathy with the speakers. Ii side the house women waved thel handkerchiefs and clapped their hand in applause , and the crowd outside became came hoarse In Its enthusiasm. Gan Brady , J. W. Doraoy , Minor ani Yalle mingled with the groups In GJ ! Ingeraoll'a parlors , and received th congratulations of their friends. Mra J. VV. Doraey , Mra. Pock , and half dczjn other women , near relatives c the defendants , moved about , ohattln and laughing with acquaintances. Al the men who have been prominent a sympathizers with the defendants wor pruaont in the house , and the crow ontaldo was made op of people whoa faces wore conspicuous In tha coui room during the trial. At the conolnilon of the spoec ! making Colonel Ingorsoll Invited th crowd Into the house whore llqnl refreshments were spread. One c those who cauio into the house we Juror Eyaao. Ho was selzad by th hand by Mra. Dorsey and Mrs. Pool who linking armo with him , onthuslai tloally escorted him through the pai lor , presenting htm to every one cone ono of the twelve honest men. Aftc n hour or so of hand shaking th crowd dispersed. Oolonol Ingereoll. when naked if h had anything to say about the verdict replied , "the vordiot Is the only revenge vongo I want. I think it is the moc popular verdict that hu bson give In this country for many years. " CAPITAL NOTB3. BpecliI Dispatch to Tni Bi . HOSES KP.cnrriNo MUTAKEH. WASHINGTON , Jane 14. Informa tlon WM received to-d y that Ohlc Moiofl , with an Interpreter and tw chiefs , Is on the way to Washington t confer with Secretary Teller about th reservation In Washington terrltorj h 1f of which wta recently throw open to sattloment. MRS MAHON MULCHED OF 400. This morning Judge James , in th c&in of J. Q. Blgelow against Buttl E MtHon to restrain payment of th "Bottlo and the b by'r ' fund and for decree maklnp Blgolow an allowanc for bin BCrvicoQ as counsel , signed a order discharging the restraining 01 der and dismissing the bill on condl tlon of payment of $400 to Blgolo for his expenses In def ending Sargeat Mason on his trial for shooting i gnlteau. | [ Judge William Lllloy of rhonmatlsi In the head. Shipping News i BpwUl DUpatch to Tni BII. Niw YOBK , Jnna , 14. Arrlvei Waosland , from Amsterdam ; 8ta < of Alabama. THE DEATH OF DUKES. iniontown Unanimously Agree That it Was Well Dosorvoil. Congratulations and Tenders of Aid Pouring in Upon the Nutt Family. ublio Bubscriptiono Started to Defend the Young Avenger. 'he ' Barrett Gang Fortify Themselves Against the Kentucky Authorities. The Coming Trial of Frank Jurat ; Other Crime * and Conrt Caiern- 7he Uiilontown Trngody. pectkl Uli < | iatrh to Tui Ilni. UNIONTOWN , Pa. , Juno 14 The hooting of N. S Dakcs last evening , ho slayer of Ojtpt. A. 0 Nutt , by the ion of the lattur. was the nil absorbing iop'c ' to day , Tno excitement hae omparatlvoly subaldad , however , nnd ivoryotio apparently Is breathing n Igh of relief , now that the last ohup- or hni been added to the tragedy. The coronor'o jury rcsninud Invcatlgiv- lon this morning. Only ono witness ostlQod last night. Polioamau " 'ogg toatlfisd that ho was ntand- ng on the Tromont corner when o heard a shot fired. Witncos looked round and saw Dakos ] leaving the ornor ot Plttsburg street , as the first hot was fired. As he looked into the ostoffico door Nutt shot again. There wore a few shots fired before Oflisei egg made an arrest. Jno. R. Wll- on testified as to Baiding ( In front o ! .ho poaioffloo after the shots had boon Irod. WltnosM saw a man come round the corner and another aftoi 1m. Ho went to the pootefflss door , nd saw Dnkos lying on the floor. The testimony of Laclns Martin was lorroborativo of the above. After hearing several moro wit- esses the jury retired and In a fen minutes returned with the following erdlo * : "Wo find that said Nicholas ! . Dakes came to his death from wonnds received from a revolver fired n the hands of Jamns Nntt on the ornor of Main and Pittoburg street ! n Unloutown on tha 13th day of Juno , bout the houo of 7:15 : o'clock p. m ' A vile rumor became ourrunt hen o-dny , through the instrumentality ol Dakoa' friends , that Mra. Nutt , widow of Captain No it , had encourAged Aged her aon to attack and slay Dakes It is stated upon good authority tha Dakes met young Nntt on the etreol and laughed in his face in a uneerlnf manner , and thus himself preolpltatot he tragedy. BXOITEMtST 3UB8IDINQ , The excitement over the Dukes Nntt tragedy is subsiding , and every thing is quiet hero to-ulght. Yonni afternoon hacFa/vcry affecting Inter view with his mother In the parlor o Sheriff Hoover. Mrs. Nutt waa ac oompanied by her two brothers. Th son was assured by his uncle that th sympathy of the public was with him As stated this afternoon , Dukes' re mains were taken to bii mother' homo. The latter takes the death c her son very hard , and says she frc qnontly warned him to stay away fror Unlontown , and ho replied ho was no afraid. The funeral will take plaa Saturday , but no arrangements for i have yat boon completed. This evening a brans band nppearei on the street and plaved several tune jait opposite where Dukes was shot When { nterrogtted as to whether the were jubilating over the death o Dakcs , they replied it was the uaur summer night cjncort , and shortl after returned to their rooms. Pabll sentiment Is strongly in favor of Null There are a few exceptions , howevot to bo found among a cjrtaln ollqno o politicians who are afraid to oxpree themselves. Messages have bee pouring In all day from a see Ions , tendering sympathy t the NuttJ family , and offering peci nlaiy asslstanoa to be used for the do fence In Pittaburg a public ant sorlption has been started for th sauio purpose. The trial , it la thought , will tak place at the September term of'aourl and as bis offento is not bailable h will have to remain In prloon nnt that tlmo. Ia an Interview to-nlghi Mrs , Nntt said she h d entreated he son over and over again to promts that ho wonld never assail Dukes , ba while listening patiently never slgnl fit o what he intended doing. A Negro Lynched. Special Dlgpsitch to Tui Dn. ENTERPRISE , Miss. , Juno 14 Lai night twenty men , friends of Edwar McLinehlln , on Irish peddler , cam from Meridian , disguised , ovorpovt ored the guard , ] broke down the c la booeo door , took tbo negro , Aaro Ilarrlf , out and hanged him from th railway bridge. Kentucky Criminals. Special Dltpatcb to Tui DM. CINCINKATI , June 11 , The News Journal's ' Monnt Sterling ( Ivy. ) specie nays : This haa boon the mst eveutfr day of the trial of Barrett and his as socbtoa. The otrcot wa ) cruwdoi this morning to BOO Capt , Puroh an ton Boldlen start to arrest Jnme Morrison , Bwrett's son-ln-Iaw , an John Profit , as accessories. The * men have fortified themselves In < nvo In Monlfoe county , with six wel ! armed friends , and say they will nc be taken alive. The cases of Wa Hedge and Wm. Profit were continue till to-morrow. Barnott's brother hi bean released as Innocent. Wn Oartwrlght and James Btllari charged with the murder of Holtoi wore brought In by a deputy shorll The Oommerotal-Gacotte's Oattlett burg ( Ky. ) special says : The sherl has been ordered by the judge to pn .Ino a Kuardsnfllotont to protect Wm. Dlrely Irom the violence of > mob , at 'Utnors were current that he would bo ikon from j ll and lynched. Dlroly rill bo well defended at tke preliml- . Ills laiy elimination to-motroir. ibaenco from Ashland after the mnr- ler was not the cause of ny snspl. ilon , aud ho returned ad worked tome tlmo for a bricklayer there. lie lays ho did not know the nataro of hli irrcst until his arrival hotcn It Is said Dannie Gibbons had no bMoalot , nor lid thu other girl , and thls'breaksono if Iho strongest links In the chain ol ilrcnuistancos rolld on to prove Dlro ly's guilt. . Civil night * tcUl Dlir tch to Tin llu , ( . QALVESTON , Juno 14.- The News' -lUstta special says : Iu > the Halted States district conrt to-day , an opln- un was rendered In the criminal pros out Ion under the civil act of congress .if Muroh , 1875 , for th4 , penalty of $500 for excluding LauriTrEtana from the ladles' car ou tho' Houston & Texas Central. Nlnoto n similar ancs were also disposed pf , and the ourt hold the lair nn onotltutlounl , nd tl'at ' the thing * alleiv d were COR- I'ztblo ' by otato trlbunalrunly. Also hut the act was an Infringement on ho rights of several states , The Trial of Frank' Jnmtm. 11H DUB. It1-Vltu Lfnt'l > VVjl VW * KAKSVS CITY , Juno 141Tho Times > jkllatlu ( ! ttj ) jptclal sayl : The cjaa Cftlnut Fr < tnk J < imen will bo called on londay next. SubcuU\a have been ssuod fur about ono hundred wit- OSBCP. It Is admlttod that no case an bo ratdo agalnat tho'prlsoucr for llllug Sheets In the GUUatin bank obbery. The ptiaouorJ ooniH coufi lent of being able to prove an alibi lu ho Winston train robbery , whllo thu irosooatlon Is cald to h&Vo good ovl * lonoo of his complicity. 'f ( 1 " Tha IiAke Front of Chicago. I peclil Dltpatch to Tn iiis. ' OUIOAQO , Juno 14 , Judge Harlan , if the federal court , delivered a nnm- tor ot opinions to-day among them mo brought by the attorney general jf the state of Illinois' , in behalf of the people , to restrain the Illinois Central railroad company from further encroaching on the bder { harbor of Oalcngo , the suit Involving the long- mooted tltlo to many million dollars' worth of property. Ti o suit was brought In a state OJHrtVand came be fore J ndgo Harlan oh an application if the railroad company for Its truna- . 'or to the United States conrt , The decision la a victory for the company , he court refusing to remand the case : o the state court oa tba ground thai constitutional questions are Involved. R&1X.ROAD Special Ulepatchcs to Tni Uu. OATIIEIIIN03 IK CUIIOAOO , OHICAOO , June 14 The general passenger agents of th railways north of the Ohio liver nnd rtst of the Mls < slsslppl , cnutlnuod In passion to-day. It was decided to pool t o'busluosa re ceived from western ll&os and restore and maintain rates between Ohlojc and Si. Louis and thu western torml rtus of the trunk Unoj which have somewhat of Xjdcinorallzei " " . conference was hold with westers lilies on the irregularities In , Oillfornii business , especially the payment o street commissions at San Francisco No agreement could bo reached anc the mooting adjourned. The railway telegraph superintendents onts continued in cession to-day , n < adjourned this evening to meet li Boston In 1884. TOE YARDUiBTBBS. DENVBB , June 14. The convontloi of yardmutors of the United State and Canada concluded its labors thl afternoon , The rffioors for the cnminj year are no follows : John 0. Gimp bell , of Pennsylvania , president ; W J. Konuoy , of Chicago , vloo president John 0. Robinson , of Uoaton , sooonc vice president ; Joiaph Sanger , of In dlanapolls , secretary and treasurer ; E H. Hastings , of Manchoator , cor responding nocretary , Atlanta , Ga was ( selected as the next place o mooting. The banquet and ball to- ulfjbt was & most brilliant sffilr. KAILWAV TELKOUAl'U MEN. CihcAOo , Juno 13. The railwa ; telegraph snpurlntoudents' assoolatloi of the United States met hero to-da ; and considered matters ohkfly of In torort to Ihomtolvos. Aciong the matters tors dooldod on was infliction of fin on operators for leaving their key open. lu the evening they vlaltei the railway exposition , TUB 1IA3TKU OAK BUILDEnS. Too master cor builders assoolatloi continued in soulon to-day , dlscnaso iron freight cars , standard whoc cntgo , grinding cast Iron wheels , stoc tired wheels , refrigerator oars , stoat for heating passenger coaches , and a the evening soulon rules for inter change of freight cars. * JORSONAL > . M. D. Welch , I/ncolnj W. B. Etgei West Point ; H. R. Wodehousa nnd F. a Kinaom , Nebraska City and It , A. llei too , Western , registered at the Pazton lai 0. W. Tuokor , of Tokain&h , Is n tuoi of the Mlllard. JOB. 13. Bartlett , of the Thomas orchci tro , registered at tha MlllarJ Uat alfiht. Hon. K. M. Ojrroll , 0. B Coon and A F , demon ? , of Ilobron , were at the Mi lard last night. Mrs , Pattern of New York , and Mn Brown uf I'hiladolphla , are guosta at th Grand Pacific. Ambrose Illcbardji has returned from buslntsi trip to Don Moines and la at th Grand Pacific , James N. Simmons and H. A. Miller , < Denver , are at tha Metropolitan. James R. Smith , of Blair , la at U Metropolitan. John Beatty , Jr. , of O den , Is at U Mlllard , A. D. Duckworth , of North FUtte , Is i tha Pax ton. Mile * Zentmeyer , ot BchnyUr , b a gm of th Futon. THE OLD WORLD , Four of the Dynamiters Oon- Yiclod and Sentenood ta Lifo Imprisonmont/ Progroaa of tbo Religious Re formation in Germany The Vatican Pleased. A Vari tjr of Conor- ! foreign NAVI ENOX.AMD. IK > clil Dtipttch to Tin lint. LONDON , JnueU14 , The trial of Dr. Gallagher , Burnard QalUghor , 'VhUoho d , Ourtln , Wi'son ' and Aus- utt < h WAS eoutinnud this morning , 'ho'oonrt eiatod that It considered lie evidence against Bernard Uilla- hur nnd Aneb.irgti Waa anfllolont tea a rnbtnlttcd to the jury. Jus'loo ' rove concurred in the doolilon , but lihcus oxproeslug an opinion i to ho u ttaiato result. It Is thought Intro woru gtitvo doubts as to the ufllcloucy of the evidence gainst Aucbnrgh. Clarke , of ho cunnsul for the defense , h Uenpod the crown to point to a sin- Jo tjllnblu of orldono1) ( ; lvou at the rlp.l outsldo of tlmt of the Informer ijcch which showed Hint the intcn- on cf thu ptiioneis was to Dsaall the nthorlty ot tho"oroarn i.r to ovornwo irllamotit. Ho declared that Bor- nd Q iltaghor's stAtement contained o evidence against anybody but him- olf. Whltuhoad cxpronsod n dcnlro to ddross tin jury hlmanlf , and hla ouusel thorefuru rotroatcd , Mr. MrUhlnBou , on behalf of Bor- iard Qillaghur , orcued that there wns 10 oaao against his client , Barnard Gallagher , nsho acted whllo under the "nflaonoo uf liquor , There was noth- ng autpiolons In the older brother , mo waa hotter eft than the younger mo , seeding money to the latter. Ho onfidontly asked for a discharge t the prisoner. Mr. Mithlnson ad mitted that Bernard had a onoral knowledge of the lOitilo designs of the dynamiters , nt said Itmntit bo remembered that o was a resident of Brooklyn , and iould not bo judged by the same taudard as an Englishman was. It was a matter of common knowledge hat plots oxlsvod lu America for the manufacture of dyuamlto for use igalnat England , almost with the con- ilvanco of the American government. Clarke ana Rowlands protentod agalnsl this language , und doolarod thatthorc was no proof that ouch wat .ho caca Justice Brett declared counsel had no right to make ach n rutnark. IIu nuld tboro wni no 'roof ' of the cxlatonco in Annrion ol ilotc or coiniivancothoroit ou the par I f th'o govornruont of that oountry , usllco O.ilorldgo also rebuked Math- naou. QoBold : "I think It only due ; oour friendly rolitlono with thatgroal government that you uarotorvodlj irlthdraw your statomcut " Mathln ion cald hewould gladly accede to thief of tbo court , fur the dofonrn ? closed , an < tBiJhul , Loiloitor' general replied on the part of the prosecution Upon conclusion of hla remark Justice Oolorldgo began hit charge ti the jnry. LONDON , unno 14 The jury In th dynamlto caeo returned a verdict o nnilty against Dr. Gallagher , Wilson Whltohoad and Oartln , and a vordlo of not guilty In the caao of Anabargl and Bernard Gallagher. The fen ; men found guilty wore sentenced ti lifo-long psnal servitude. Dr. Gnlla ghor klssud and shook hands with hi brother , and Ansburgh , Whltohoad Wilson and Oartln each shook hand with Bernard Gallagher and klsaoc Ansburgh fraternally. The convict ; were convoyed to Mllbank prison A mob hissed the police and the mill ary guard at the prison has buei strengthened. It Is stated that Lord Granvlllo of crotl to medlato between Franco ant adDguscar. M. Toasot , French mln attr to England , who contemplate : .cavingLoudononaccountof ill health hus postponed his deptrtnro onowo ° l for important diplomatic reasons. H haa recently had long lutorviawd will Lord Gnnvllle.j LONDOK , Juno 14 Lird Oarllng- foid , minister uf agriculture , recelvoc yesterday an Influential depn'atloi ' roprosentlog towns In England claim Ing ten millions of pnoplo , the objro of which was to "protest against re strlotlons of the food supply. " C r llugford stated that the decrease In th Importation of American cattle we due to the fact that bettor prices wor obtained lu America , and not to system of oomnuleory slaughter a British ports. Ho said the government mont will 03ntlnno to act up to th spirit of the present laws , and nc strain them In the direction of furthc prohibition as urged by the opponent of importation of American cittlo. QKHMANY. Special Dispatch to Till ! ! . BEULIN , Juno 14 The commlttc of the lower house of tha landtag , sol ting during rcoesj , adopted the fire three olr.nsea of the oh or oh bill. Th third clauao was amended no aa I transfer tlio right of raising objootlor to chnrch appointment from the coi trol of the government to the govoi nors of province * . 0 auao four , plv lug power to the Kovernmont to rojc < nominees on civil , religious or oduc : tloual grounds , waa rejaoted. It thought probable the oluuso will t allowed to drop. It Is reported dlfloroncaa have arise between Von Bcuttloher , secretary < state and Interior , and Saholz , mlnli tor of finance. It Is also rumored D Maybaoh , " minister of public works , about to resign. The government has resolved I purchase six railways , Including tl Upper Blleslan and Berlin & Han burg roads. The estimated cost 326,000.000 marks , oxoludlnt ? the Be Un & Hamburg road , for which spool arrangements will be made. Tl possession of theM roads will enab the government to control the ontho system of railways lu the kingdom , GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS , BpttlalDdpatchM to Tni Ilia. T1IK VATICAN AH ROUK , Juno 14 The action of Germany respecting the May laws and ecclesiastical legislation has occasioned much difference of opinion at the Vatican , and there Is a grooving tend ency lu the highest quarters in favor ot accepting the concessions offered by Germany and of not opposing the intended legislation. rilAMOK AMD CHINA. PARIS , Juno 14 , A dispatch from Shanghai says : "L. Ilnug Ohang , Ohluoso commander , Informed the French minister that China had no Intention of war agMutt Franco. The French minister replied that Chinese soldiers captured In Tiuqnln will bo conoldurod pillagers and nutntuatlly hot. A VILI.AQK UKATROYKI ) . PARIS , Juno 14. The village of Vftlolrea la the Department of Sivoy has bntundi The Inhabitant * barely escaped with their lives. A.11 the live stock , Including over 1.000 head of oxou , porlthod. KARTHQUAKR IN KUUAUOR , PANAMA , Juno 14. An earthquake occurred lu Ecuador ou the 10th of May. There WAS qront nlarut at Quito. People camped on the streets fearing n otfaalylsui , In KiUulugn the shook was very severe , throwing several houses. Thnno romsialng threaten to fell. Villages In the vicinity were almost destroyed. VU80F.I.LNEOUH , TORONTO , Juno 14. An order was obtained In chambers dis missing the action brought by Honty Allen alias Lard Contyro against Mr. lUohards , guardian of the heiress whom ho DO badly duped. The action was for fatso arrest , and was dis missed because Allen failed to furnish socdrlty for'tho coats. TELKQRAPH NOTES 8jwcl l DlipfttotM to Tui Bat. A car with 1,000,000 young shad , tent by Prof. Buird , of thi United States ilih commission , for distribution lu Loud- ana wnteiR , has arrived la New Ocle na. 'The general man Rer ot the Grand Trunk railway states that the relations of that company with the Now York Central nro perfectly tmtUfaotory. There Is no OIUSB far any ddturbnnae through pai- songorcftra are being run and tratBo ex changed aa heretofore. llubon H. I'los' , capitalist , llftnnatohel oontnlulng Bccutltics value 1 at $80,000 In the Brooklyn ferryboat. The Uolico sub- rcquently captured Owen Qulun and JimeaCullen with the property ia their Jirooka lliblnaon , n negro lioy at Col umbia , H. 0. , waa contoucod to state prison for flttoen yoara for nttomptoil ns- Hnult o i Mra. Simoon 1'hylor , of Bedford townnhlp. Troopn wore cnlled out Mou- day nitjht to provout lynohlug , llnmpililra RcjinbUoaiis > SpoclAl lls ) tcli to Tun U . OOKU3RU , N. H. , Juno 14 , The republican senatorial caucus nomina ted Ed-vard H. Rollins for United States eonator. The caucus adopted a resolution that the legislature should also ohooio a senator for the Ung term Henry W , Blair wai selected on ihc fiat ballot. The" Entire wpttbiioat vote In the legislature la 200 and Rol tins must obtain 70 moro votes that ho .received In the caucus and 48 abovi tbo total number participating ( o In sure his return. Sjvcnty-slx member * absented themselves from the caucus , The democratic caucus unanimous ly nominated Hon. Harry Blngham , of Littleton , for senator and voted to oppose the election of moro than one senator this cession. The Oaao In a Nutanoll. Pioneer Pess. There is ono thing to bo demonstrated stratod , If possible , In Iowa this fall and that Is that the republican part ] can hold Us own at the palla a ulnol the entanglement of the prohibition question. It h very doubtful if II can bo done. The great fltrongholi of the parly , where at each preside ! ) tlal election mej jrltius were rolled ii | to 40,000 and 50,000 , Is breaking U [ Into weak and dluorganliod factious Last fall but five out of olovuu din trlots were carried for the republi cans , and these five districts had an aggregate majority of but 11,200 , , whllo the fix opposition districts had 10,032 majority over the republican * or a majority In the atato of 4,742 During the winter , with the discus slon of Iho prohibition question , tin opposition has gained steadily. Thni it Is that GJU. Weaver has hopes f J the successful o/ganlz tlou next yea of an anti-monopoly party which cai elect a United States senator. Commencement Exorcises of the No brae It ft Conference Seminary a York , Nebraska. Examinations begin Friday , th 22nd , and oloao on Wednesday , th 27th. Sunday morning (24) ( ) the b ! onntal sermon Trill bo preached b Rev. Geo. S. Alexander , of Syn case , On the evening of the sum day the biennial Icotnro will bo d ( llvorod by Iluv. Stephen Boworo , Pi D. , of IMlaOlty. Monday , 25 Entertainment c music department Tuodday , 20 Phllophonlan soclot entertainment. Wednesday , 27 Contest bet wee Zdtrunathlans nnd Aniogoans , Thursday , 28 Commoncemonl Graduating ndtlroMOB and biocalat reato. The Tciitlmoiiy of a Phyiiolan- James Beashcr , M. I ) , , of Slgournej Iowa , soya for nuvornl years I hnve bee using UOUKU Bnl ain , called UK. HALL'S BALSAM roil THK LUNGS and In almost every caaa throughout m practioo I have had entire sucoom. I ha\ uiod and prescribed hundred * of bottle ever ituco the days of my army practli (1803) ( ) , when I wai surgeon of lloiplt l < No. 7 , Louisville , Ky. Henry' * Oarbollo Balva- It li the bent iklre for onti , bruito iore , niton , salt rbeotn , tott r. ohanpt baadJ , chilblains , oprni and _ aJl kinds i skla smptfoM , frwfclw sosl pimplti. , CROOK'S ' CAPTIVES. The Disposition of the ApaoliQ Prisoners Worrying the Government. Lincoln and Teller Pondering Over tbo Hair-Lifting Oonnundrum. The Latter Beady to Show the Youthful Idea How Not to Qhoot. Gonornl Orook Break * Camp and BUrti for tba BpocUl Dlupitct M to Tux HBI. WASUINQTOK , Juno 11. No com munication has boon received nt the war department fioni General Oroolc , nsklng lot Instrnotlotid aa to thn dispo sition of his Indian prisoners , nor have any luotiustlons yet been sent him. Sccrotaiy Lincoln has on ap propriation for the subsistence of 500 Indlaus , which Is available for the care of those Indiana until eomo ar > nuiRoinout shall have boon made with the interior department for their final disposition. Tht-y will , there fore , bo held M prisoners of wnr until such tiruo as the Interior department la prepared to take charge of ( hem. Two considerations will have to bo Weighed In determining whrro to put thorn first , the Importance of locat ing them at such a dlstanco from the Moilcft" border that they will bo unable - able to repeat their periodical raids ; nd second , to avoid wringing them In ontact with other tribes , who are now oil disposed and peaceable , but upon horn they might exert an evil in- nenoo. Secretary Teller's views upon ho subject ore expressed In the fol lowing circular : iNTKllton DKl'illTMRNT , 1 WASHINOTOM , Juno 14 , 1883. j on. K T. Lincoln , UscrtUij of War : SIB : I understand Gen. Orook will eon return to the vicinity of San Gar- os Qonoy ( ; with a largo number of rene - o Indians , who are guilty of mur- er , theft aud other crimes. I do not hlnk theio Indians ought to bo al- owcd to rotnrn to the agency , Such know has been the practice. There an bo no permanent peace if these Indians are allowed to mnrdnr people , .teal . their stock , and then surrender homstlvrn and return to the phoney obo onpported by the government. I hlnk thu criminals should bo held as irlsonora and punished for their irlinos. The children shonldbe taken rom their parents and put to school. think wo can accept aud care for ihlldren of eohool ago. I shall bo iloaacdto honrfrom you as to the num- ior uf children , ns soon nn yon receive Gon. Crook's report. Very respect- ully , HENUY M. TELLEU. HGKNEH AT THE CAMP. Juno 14. Gan. Orook eft Stiver Greek yesterday morning , und after several hours match camped at , a place called Joyces , To-morrow hevexpecla to reach numirpcinton th * Southern Pjclfio , which will plane him In telegraphic communication with the military authorities and per mit him to send b ok Mexican women and children to their homes. Among bo articles captured with the Indiana was an album recognized as belonging , o Judge McOomas. Tlio Boun * Lard Inqalry. Dispatch to TUB Un. OUIUAOO , June 14. The board of rndo committee Investlqatlntt the illogod Adulteration of lard by Fowler Bros. , heard a number of witnesses his afternoon. Two of them , formerly employed by that firm , testified aa to ociot pipes leading to the lard tanks and that they carrl. d quantities of allow nnd cotton seud oil into the room from which those pipes ran. Reviling tha Prlocn 'poclal Dispatch to Tim ll . PiTTSBUKO , Juno 14 The eastern ron manufactures bavo oilled all man ufacturers of bam , rods , band hoops , ovaln , platen , shoots and other shapes of extra Iron , to bo hold nt the rooms of the American iron and stool asso ciation , Philadelphia , the third Thnrs- dpy In Jnno , for Iho pnrpnso of ar ranging if pouelblo a now schedule of prlreo to conform with the changes made in the now UrllTlaw. A O. Jordan died near Chattanooga yodterdny , ngrdlG ? jears. U R E THIS Of 11UALTII. BLOOD marvellous results ot HOOD'S THE BAi-Aitii.i.A upon nil humors and lo\v conditions of tlio blood ( ns prov- en by tlio cures cHectcd ) Vy provo it the best 111.001) Mill ) ICINB. Such has been the sue CeSS Ot this article at homely that near- ly every family In \\holonclgu- borhoods have been taking It at the same time , eradicates scrofula , \ital and CHrlch- cs the blood thercby rcstsrlng and ling the whole sjs- tcm. llood'ao /SAIIBAI-ARILLA puri fies tlio / /blood. Hood's SAR3A- I'ARti.LAfW f /cures dyspepsia. Hood's , SAKHA- / rSj/1'ARiu.v cures bilious ness. / oA peculiar point In Hood's BAUBAFARILLA is tliat it builds up and strengthens thu system , \\lillu It eradicates disease , and as nature's jrcat assistant proves Itself linaluable as a pro tection Irom diseases that orluln.ito in changes ol the seasons , of climate and ol life. SCROFULA. 135 HOWARD STREET , ) I.OWIXL , MAbS . Jail. IT. I .C. I. llooi ) & Co. : Gentlemen I ba\o used HOOD'B bARSArARiLLA In my family for scrofulous humor with wonderful success , aud am Imppy to tell you that it la the best medicine uu OUT used. I do sin cerely udvlito any ono who Is troubled will * scrofula to clvo this valuable remedy a trial , and assure them they will not bo disappoint- ( Cobura Ghuttuf V > y ° C0riCKEBINQ. \ . ncd/s BABaAPAWLLA Is sold by an Drug- fUts. PrUe ft ptf bottle ; six for ( S. Fre > LDOODOOaLr nlU3s. .