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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1883)
T1IK DAILY HttK OAF Ml \ AIOXH VV , IIT\iV. IK HE AILY BEE. TWELFTH Y OMAHA , XEB. MONDAY MOKXIXCS , JUNK 18 , I88IJ. NO. 310 ' SLAUGHTERED INNOCENTS. The Horrors of Theatrical Death Trans Eclipsed in England , Nearly Two Hundred Children Crushed , Suffocated , or Tram pled to Death , The Joyous Light of Many a Homo in Sunderland Gone Out Forever , Some Vnnilllrs Men-It of l < ' ! vi- ttlo Oni'b A Plight Till HI/TAILS 0V Till. I'VLVMITV. l DNpatih to Tin Kn LO.VIION , Juno 17. The toiiiblo calam ity at Sundoiland , Dtuhain count ) , Sat- uul.iy ov oning , is the subject of univer sal unhappy comment. The hall has boon smioundcd to-day by distiessed and excited u uvula. It appeals theio was an cnteitainmeiit in Victoiia hall by a conjuior , attended almost altogether by ehildien , being in at tendance. The body of the hall had been entirely cleaicd of occupants , when some 1,200 of the little ones came itish- ing down the stuns fiom the galloiy. At the top of the fust tlight of stahs was a door w Inch opened only tw enty inches , and thus but ono child was poimitted to pass tluough at a time. At this point , while a mass of childien were pushing forwaid , one of them fell and was unable to tiso , owing to the others crowding. The result was that a gieat number were pushed dow n , trampled on and suffocat ed. The scene was tenible. No effort could stop the mad rush of the amighted childien. They came on , pell-mell , though stiangely without much shouting , and soon 178 w ere knocked down and SUKtOC'ATEI ) TO DKA1H by othei s trampling upon them. The greater number of the bodies , which w ere badly mangled from the trampling , laid sov en or eight feet deep. Many of the victims , and others w ho w ore not killed , had their clothing torn fiom their bodies , and this , together with the bleeding bodies of the unfoitunates , shows the tenible natuio of the stiugglo. The ex citement in tow n w hen the new s of the disaster spread w as tori ifie , G reat crow ds uuhcd to the scene , until tw enty thou sand poisons smiounded the hall. The feeling was so intense that the authoiitios 01 del lid out the Sixty-eighth infantry to piescivo oidei. The vunk of getting out bodies begin immediatelj. They weio lai'J out in the hall , and the patents of the killed w 010 admitted to identify the bodies of their childien. A most heait- lendmg scone tianspited while identifica tion was in piogiess. Motheis of the dead chilli on constantly utteied piercing sluieks , and many fainted on discoveiy of the bodies of their little ones. THE WUTll THAI' . \ ITho stall way fiom the galleiy at the top the landing on which occuued the pressmo which led to the accident , was fiom five to six foot wide and the galleiy door through which the children were allow j"M < i. mss , r > uo at r Mum , jp'hioh oir nciimst jo is regarded as the direct cause of the calamity , was fitted with a bolt which lodged in a hole in the floor , thus nan owing the p.issageway for the pur- poge of facilitating ticket taking when the audien/e was enteiingtho hall. The janitor says the scene behind the galloiy door Mas foaiful. Some childien weio fixed upiight in the heap and actually ( IVSI'IMI roil 1IUEVTH , so gieat was the piessmoof the ciovul behind - hind them. The majoiityof the childien in the hall were under Kijeais of age. "When the disaster happened the janitor and wife , and soveial otheis , hastily summoned the by-standcis and wont to woik immediately to give the sullen ers lolicf. They fust sent out of the build ing by other exits the little ones still in the hall , by this way aveiting the feats of a f uither ciush. Those who went to the lescuo of the sufleiers found the work of removing the heap of biuisod , crushed and suflocated no easy task. Twohun- died childien weio UhSCUFI ) HtOVt TUB 1'ILK who weio piactically uninjuied. Many others weie found in an unconscious con dition , but of these a number vvotoio- stored and at once sent to their homes. Those who woie dead , with a nunibei whoso wounds weio legarded as fatal , wcie laid out in the main hall , when local doctors were in attendance , win used every efFoit to lestoro those in when : a spaik of life could be discovoied. Ai : eye witness says ho saw lying on the Hag. stones , a shoit distance fiom the button of thu stairs , seven dead bodies of children Many of those who came to assist in 10 mov ing the dead and rescuing thohviin weio utteily oveicome by the distiessint sight of so many dead and dying childien TUB Fvrvi , usr. A number of deaths have occmiei since the first repoit , and the total list i1 now placed at 18 ( . Ono of the pel soni who lespondcd quickly to the call foi help , sajs , many who volunteeied to as sist in lescuing the childien , sickenei at the spectacle and fled homfied fion * ho distiessmg scene. The lescuei-s' efforts forts weio dnected tow aids i caching tin childien who woie , appaiently , alive So tightly weio the victims jammed to gcthoi it was legal ded dangeiotts to dui ; them out of the hoploss mass less the of foit would lesnlt in milling oil tin limbs of living cluldion as wel as mutilating the dead ; they theiefon jnoceeded sjstcmatically to lift oil tin topmost. A few of those beneath hai survived , and their inoamngaiid low cue of pain could bo distinctly l"Mid amid thi excitement and cries of thebeieaved pai cuts and fi lends , who weio thronging th adjacent sticets. The disaster was lefei ted to in all th clufrchcs of Simdeiland to-day , and b ; many preachets of London. Ptajor weio olleied for the patents andfneud and v ictims. THE ST Mill ASK from the galleiy w as a w hiding one. Hot ! the audience alid ofhcials weie in the hai at the time of the disaster , and w ere mi a ware for some time of the toinblo Iragc cly being enacted at the door. They wer not iufouncd until Graham , hall keepoi tvlio , strolling near by the scene of th calamity , vras attracted by the gronns an gave the alarm , Mi ; Fay , who gave th entertainment , was busy packing up hi I " lepart , when a man lushed up i < . ! f informed him of the disaster ( ter andThi. vdiately foil down speechless in a fit. Some of the families whose home's weio so suddenly daikcncd lovr OVKU iHUKKi'iiii.nHi-.N. Ono man and wife pushed their way into the hall , in which lav the hndics of the victims , and without beta av ing any emotion began to scan the faces of the dead. Uecogni/mg the face of ono of his childten. the fathoi , pointing with his finger , exclaimed , "That's one. " Passing on again he iecogiii/cd anothei , and then a thud. St.uigoiIIUJ in a fit of agony , ho cried , "My God' all my family gone , " and ov01 whelmed with gnef ho sank to the floor. In some homes there aie live childien dead. Queen Viotoiia sent a telegram to the maym of Sundeiland , e\i > iessing her gtief at the disaster. The childien of v ai ions Sunday Schools also sent tele- giams of sjmpathv Flags weio at half mast. One Sunday school loses thntj schulais by the eatastiopho. Many stn- vivois had" then aims broken in the ciush , othois aio sufleung fiom luokon libs or luptuio of the inteinal oigans Graham tlio the child- , hull-keeper , sajs - ion , not twenty j'.uds from the door , came piessing foi ward unawiuo of the ti.igetly , thus making mattoia ten times woiso than they loallj weie. 1IIK SChNK INMIU : rilh II VI.L during the identification baflles doseup- tion. It was painful in the cstiomo. The faces of the dead cluldion in almost eveiy case weio black , swollen fiom suf focation , of which many died. Many lips weioeiackedand bleeding. Patents , rushing wildly about , would fall upon tliu bodies of their dead children , w ith loud wailing and weeping , and clasp the un conscious forms in their aims , vainly 011- deavoiing to note any sign of life. Many poor motheis Bwooned awaj-at the lirst sight of the dead , while otheis werowild , almost violent , ill their hysteiical gtief. The-act of loiuoving thcdcadfiomthohall to-day was the ocoasionforaieiiowalof la mentation and confusion. Many patents rushed thiough the police coidon ap pointed for the pieseivation of oidei and there was a scene of gloat confusion. Ono of the witnesses of the calanutj stated to-daj-that for the iiist five min utes there was a great lack of assistance , and from this cause alone there were cot- tainlj' ono hundred lives lost. The weather was warm and the passageway v or'close , so that in a shoit time aftei the catastiopho a humble sickening stench came fiom the main outlet of the hall. THE JATJ.VT HKPOllls tonight figme up 188 dead. The giavest feais aio felt the number will jet be shown to have i cached at least 200. The eagerness of the ehildien to dopait fiom the hall was caused by their desno to 10- ceivo pii/es piomised them. Graham thiows the blame for the calamity upon the man connected with the entoitam- meiit , who , it appeals , fastened the dooi hilf open , in older that the pii/es might bo given the childien , ono at a tune1 , while leaving the hall. Ono sad incident was witnessed in the vicinity of the hall. A lad was sitting on the tailing nuarMutton stieet , cij'ing. A passer-by inquiied the cause of Jus giiof. "Whj' , sii , " said ho , "I was in the place theio , and when I was coming out a boy that w as dj ing bit my hands , and that's him"ho added , iminthu ; to thocoi _ ] > Rjj i f * " " * " " " * * * * " ho kJiilu lyif0' nlU'"by. \ GHNKIlAIj KOKIMGX XI3WS. bpcclal li iiltclic t 1 lir Bn' . BF.ULIN , Juno 17. The arrest of Kr.i- i-owiski , the Polish author , has caused a decided sensation in political ciicles. The discovoiy of a i evolutional y docu ment in Kr.wowiski's house in Dresden has led to the airest of a piomineiit telo- giaph official , who was foimorly a captain in the Prussian ainiy. Ho was aiiested at Scha-beig , a few miles east of this citj' , and charged with high tieason. For the present his name has been suppiessed fiom publication. LONDON , Juno 17. The piinco of Wales has nominated P. Loiillard's five- year-old brown hoise "hoquois" for the lace for the Stockbiidge cup , to bo inn at Stockbiidgo , 21st hist. Mvnmn , Juno 17. It is stated that a patty of natives in Boinco killed the stall of the Biitish Noith Boinco company. LONDON , Juno 17. AdvicesfiomSieiia Leone state that ohief Gybpow o has again in.ulo a laid on the Biitish settlement in Sheibio ; that a Biitish expedition was sent out against him in consequence , which succeeded in capturing and limn ing font nidi u of Ins stockaded towns , including one gaiiisoned by 1,500 war- liors. The Biitish sustained no loss of men owing to the oflectivo use of the batterj' on boaul her majesty's gun boat Rocket. The Cj'bpow ! o fled and a 10- w aid was of lei ed for his captuio , which is expected to occur shortly. KINGSTON , Juno 17. A tolegiam an nounces the sinking of the piopellci Canada near Uockpoit , bound up , loaded with general moichandiso. The vucck- ing steamer Hastings has gone to the lescnc. MAUSKII.UN , Juno 17. An aeronaut mimed Jams , accompanied by an acties * and a moichant , dopaitcd fiom hoio in i ! balloon last evening tocioss a pait of the Meditoiranean. The balloon and occu pants weio picked up at sea. BhYKhrm , Juno 17 The Tilth- him expelled fiom the distant of Maiacl many Ameiican families , whom thej tieated with the gieatest inhumanity. LONDON , Juno 17. Painell will visil Anienca in the autumn. Anl-.Mi ( > ii ( > i > olj Con v rut lo n. special IlNpatch to Tut tttr KhVUNKNeb. . , Juno 17. An anti monopoly convention was held jestoidaj afteinoon to elect ten delegates to tin distiict convention to bo held at C'oliim bus ne < t week. Senatoi A. U. Conno and Itopicscntativcs .Stedwell and Havei aio on the delegation. A mass meeting to make airangoment for the foiuth of , ) uly colobiation wa held List i niow n up. jM.tlal Ii > i ateh to 1 IIK Hi r BEHNOMKOOD , Wis. , Juno 17. Th saw mill of Yoik A ; Co. was blown t atoms yesteiday by a boiler explosion George Ha/en was killed. The JUIlo Team. b | > celal to TIIK DKK | INhvv YOUK , Juno 17. Thodhectorai. the National Kiilo association report th actual amount needed i § 7,500. Thu far ? 3,987 liavo been subscribed , ain jilothjc * have been made which woul raise that sum to ? 1SOO. TJio directoi icpoit that .lames Gordon Bennett has guaranteed the expenses of the team to the extent of SU.MK ) , and state that if it had not bei-n fin Hennelt'a hbeiality , the team would ha\e to lomain at'homo , as the general public had thus far failed to do anything. TinUiiKtnj ; Missouri , * > pirlal llihtttli | tiiTmc Urn. IVVNSVS Cm , June 17 The liver heie is UH ( feet above' lovt water nmik at midnight. A laigo portion of the bottom lands aio ON eilowed ( , and senoiis damage has been done , which will bo M-iy greatly incicased by a ftnthor use. The Juno liso is about duo. If it comes now , with the piosent stage of water , the loss will be very heavy. The water now en- cicaches upon llatlem , opposite this city A Lost ScltooniM' . sjn-clnl Hi < iutcli | to 'lilt Hn- MII.WM Ki'i : , June 17 The schooner T. C Wilson , tlmtj-fno tons , which left Kacine , May 17 , the daj bofoio.tho cyclone theio , has not been heaid fiom since. It is now thought almost ceitain she his gone down with Captain Moss and two men , who composed hei ciow. STATIMOTTIXCJS. * The imputation of I'liliu Clock liiis Incic.wcil diliinjf the ji ust jeu iW pe'r cent Auiueta o of 10,000 ] ) iniils mtaj of local ft eight is ii-Loiu'il at Weeping Water. A iimnbei of cattle Ime recently dioil in Bullet county fiom thu bite of inttlcin.iktM. The liiiirulo ( .ouiit ) comnii > " < ionertt lm\oilo- culcil not to plaeo the U. 1" . lands on the tii\ list. Tlicro IIIM lioen hitilud , fed anil icloaded for hhipniunt at Illaii , in ono month , 14.1 c.irs of stock. The miU-inunopolists of Hivlino count } deelnied in fiiMir of tnwiiNhip orgiim/ation. Tlio mictionrci of the O too land H ilu S JH that lie soli ! an 80 aero tract , on an axur.igo , m about three inimilex. DoWitt ckuniH thu fu\\u t iillu men of any town in Xcbi. ka. Doano College iecci\ed ln t weckaclicck for ? lr > 00 from un estuto in Miussachuictt < . St.iutiin is to hr.xo : i nuw lintel. It is uiulenitoud tint thu U. 1' . propose to niaku Beatrice n division utition , andha\o contrictcil for grounds near th it town upon which to erect m.ichino hluipi , round housus , etc. Tlio state in tlitia w ill loc.ite their cncaiiii- incut in Crete in August. The school for Inditn pujiiU in Ciunoa is to accommoil.tto 50'l children. Sixteen hundred feet of now hewei pipolmo been l.ud at the penitentiary , .uulthodr.uniigo is now % eij tine Tlio Masonic grand loilgo meets nt lio.itiico this week. Xcatlj all of the iiidiiiancc < > \\hichlu\o been pii-cil by the fathers of Onl foi two jeaio ate declared to bo Aoid. Kii'inont rejoice oxci the prospects of the en ction of -10,000 Im-hel cip icitj cle\ator at th it plnce. I'leniont is to bo the headquarters of tlio organ/ition ! of Second Dij Ad\ontints in Nu- briiska , Xickersou expects to bo the r.iilwivy centio of Doilgo comity wlicn the now Omali.i road is built. built.W. W. L. Mav , of rrctnont , has received his coininis ion foi ieaip ] ( > intincnt its lust coin- missioiiLr , fiom ( ! oDavves , for the tenn of tin eo je.iic. An excntxion to the \\hito mount lins of Xow liigl.ind ! , inulci the atiNpices of the No- lira.ska St ito Tcachcis' associ.ition , is now at tracting much attention among the classes wliobo hununei vac.ition is now commenced. Tlio glanders arc spieading badly in 1'latto county. } k 1i ' 'n. * ' > > uwuiiUo'iiun liuuiivccn in thu Matte river near .Silver creek. It is de scribed as hcing as long as a telegraph polo , u * l.irgo around as a b.urel and walking on eight leg" . Nc.u Grant ! Island the other day an in dulgent mother allowed her tw o-j eat -old h iby to fall out of thu window of a car on the Un ion Pacific. The train was run b ick and the joungntur picked up , not much the worse of the tumble. John B , , the apostle of piohihitioti , ha-s agiin continued operations in this state. McC'iNik , the now town on thu liurlington & Misnouri road , near the Coloiado line , h.'ui 11 daily papci. Libetty anticipates a boom now that the rcscivatlon is hold. They have four lumber Jarils theio now. An offoit was undo to cxtahliiih a Kaloon in lirock , but ajxtition with ! J40 cigners put n stop to the Hclicmo. Ai-couling to the new law whicli took effect Juno 1 , 'U pounds of o.its novm.iKu a bushel. Ihutings ho.s begun woik on hei now col lege. lleidhtones foi all the graves of thn Holdieiti buiied in tlio Hastings tenieteryaru lieing i in ) ' 11.u I'd foi tin no not already mippliuil uitl monunients. This is being domi liy StiicKl mil post. post.Tlio Tlio ( ! . A. It. of the Fust congicsiional ilix- drict will hold n leunion nt Weeping Watei .Inlj it , i and 5 Thu citizens uro making pieiarations | for thu accommodation of aboui 8,000 people. In many fields in I'lattu bottom the con htandu in i inds of Water. Tlio old cipitol building at Lincoln Willsooi Ito a thing of the past. Parties aru now at Woik tearing it down. Tlio members of the Nebraska bar will tin an evulsion to the mount dim this Minnnei. Theio am no\v in Nebraska just 1I7 ! Piesby teri.m chinches and lO.t minUtcr * . 5,110" ) mem hen and 5,571) ) chililtun in thu Sabbatli schoolx , Thn internal revenue collections in Nebranki foi the month of May Weio ? 1ML' , IUO 8r , liein ( . the 1 irgest of any ono month jut recoidud it ihstrict. Six biiMiirsH hoiispri , 51 hotel , livery Htablo , ul.icksmith shoi.inilt\vodwellngHaruincoursi | ! if lonstruction in tliu now town of Crab ( ) i chai il. The York Democrat is naid to bo iirintiMl 01 the first printing ptess u\or brought to tlii tatii. There aio riimorH that Scrilnier is to have link. 'I'lie cattln diivo , MI fat this KCIISOU , exceed all expectations. A ( ! . A. It. post was uittahlUhed at Lowe ] Lust week. Knch business liloek in I'aiihcld has bee supplied with a ladder , to bo used in cao n fnu. fnu.Mi. Mi. CvttiH McCormick , of Chicago , ha donated sK)0 | ) to the now colkgo at Hactingr \ land and asKoeiation has been organ i/ud at Central City. Whcelei county h w oxer 0,000 he id of cat tin within its liinltH. It is said that ceitain patties are makin i ( Foils to ascertain thu names of tlio "Invinci lilo ! U" who hung the Millet niutdeiurs n Thu Miccuxxfnl vuiikiiig'nf tliu Ki'arno } cam liiw induced capitalists in thu east to write t Kearney official * us Hoards the | > rii pi > ct i I'reituig vviNilen , hominy ami other milU . th it | il.ico. The fitht c-ar load of crockery fiom the l.ouli villopiittfty w.w shipped west hwtwock , an the utUcns of LouUvilIu feel Honiuthing prou iner tlio fact. The iiottery now wotks H | men , and will boon incie.ixu lU force. A public meeting was held in thoKoveri mcnt hchool liiililiii ( , ' on the Otoe reuervatioi anil a ngninst the ile ecraton ! of India graven drawn up and forwarded to Wiuhii ! | IS ton , and the land office wax asked to net ajia 10 acres of land for an Indian cemetery. Mem'ck county iiapcr * are crj Ing for n Ulttl lug machine , DISTINGUISHED DEAD. 4 _ The Busy Life of James Washington Shcahan , the Noted Journalist , At An End , The Founder of the OhicngoTmios , and Oo-Lrtboier of Douglas , Diesiof Overwork i Dcatlt ol Albou C , | ntchos to Tin 1U > CHIOUIO , June 17 .liiuii's Washington .Slieahan , olio bf the must widely known jumnaliBts in the west , and for many jeais the leading e-ditmtal w liter on The Chicago Ttibune , died at half-past fi I'clock this inoiniiig , aftir hngonng at le.ith's door for mail } weeks His ail- nient was extreme ncivons ] iiostiation. md u general giving w.ij of the \ital 'unctions. Mr. Shcahan was widely nown in the west , both fiom his inti mate association with Judge' Douglas and eng conncctiuh with the1 now spaperintor- osts of Chicago. Ho was bmn in Halti- iioio Fein nary 22 , 18.'Ht , and iccoivc'd a iboml education at the Jesuit school at Fi edei ick , Jld. _ For sev end j e.n s ho i e- xnted congiosiiniml . ] itiue < i > dingH fm : lie Associated J'less While he was : hus employed ho became acquainted w ith Senator Douglas , and at his instance came to Chicago for the pmposo of pub- ishiug a democnitic newspapui. Ho came hero in 1851 and founded The Chicago Times , and made it a local power mil tlio organ of the domooiaoy in the un thu ust. Frqju 18ol to 'dO ho was the nest prominent , of the leading men of ; ho demociacy of the noithwest. In 1800 his comprehensive biogiaphy of Stephen A. Douglas was published. Dining the sameycar * lie sold The Chica go Times to Cyrtis II. McCornuek. The Following Dccdmber , with his former staff of writers,1 lip began the publication of The Post , which in turn ho sold to 1'ho Republican' in 1805. Ho lomained in the olllcc , lie over , during the admin- istration of MrJ jDaiia. When thatgen- tleman left tin jiaper in 1800 , Slieahan accepted an e itoiial position on The Ttibuno which 1 u tetaincd to the time of Ins death. S. ' UOSTO.V , Jnn l7. Albert n. Ihad- stioet died at IV&lroso highlands Satur- d.iy night , agC-if 7 ! > yeaia. Dining the war ho was appointed dooi Keeper of the hoiibo of roprfcsentativ es , Washington , which oflico he bccupied neaily twelve yeais. Ho waafa lineal descendent of of Samuel Bradatrcot. AstiLAM ) , Ky. , Juno 17. Di. llieh.ud Pioctor was inbtantly killed atjAIciiiam ' colheiy this mon'iing by a falling timber. The deceased was well Knonn tlnoughout this section of the state. Jlnvorly'8 J'fnii Ol' .SottlciniMit. * < 1 DUj ntch to TliR'n/f. Cmc'Aoo , .Tttnolo. A Now Yoik spec- nil saj-s , tconceining Ilaveilys allaiis. As far aB.tovpalod thu plain of settlement is that MeConno.ll shall assume Haveily's liabilities , aniluceivo in coiiMilciation theieof llavcily * . intdiest in his thcaties in Chicago an < Tc .pklyn , Whatllavorly's estimated by poisons directly intoiostcd n their settlement at § 70,000. What vill bo done with the throe thcaties ncntioned is not yet known , as McCon- lell is not a theatiical manager and has 10 c\peiicnco in the amusement business o wariant his taking the management indcr his own pcisonal dnection. An UnniliDeal. . idal UNpitdi to'I in : llrv. LO.MIO.N , Juno 1C. The national lifle association have decided not to allow the Vmeiican team to use the sciowwind _ uigo in coniietitions ] at Wimdlodon ex cept in the mtoi national match. The a/otto legiets this decision and thinks hat if the Ameiicans ate beaten they vill be able to claim that they weio landicappcd because not allowed like 'nglish iiflemen to use in pieliminnrjr contests e.x.ictly thesamu appliances they ised in a match. However , says The ja/otte , theio aio not wanting signs that ho Amciicans may give the Engligh a sound buatni" . A Ili-avy Pnlltii'o. tit'Jiirllir. Clin Af.o , Juno 10. A Reason of e\- laoidmaiy excitement pievailed on change immediately after the opening his nun mug , by a luinoi fieolj' bandied about that the fnm of MeGcoch , Evei- ngliam it Co. , who have for a long time ) ast been looked upon as the heaviest lealeis in lard and other piovisions on the Chicago boaid , had failed. This was vonfied in a measino soon aftcrvnud by v member of the firm circulating about in the floor of the 'change and notifying with whom they weie inteiested in piovision deals to close them out. Something in the natuio of a panic appealed to sei/u the piovision corner , and for a time the inteiest in othei trad ing was lost. The effect was ROCII at once in quotations of lard and July op tion , which yesterday lan up to § ll.f)7X and closed steady at § 11.50. It sold Ij down to v-lO.da as the initial diop and then kept on descending the scale until fll.'O was i cached , which would be equal in point of compaiison to a diop of tOi per bushel in wheat. Othoi options fell _ the elloct in , i like milliner , but all wen 'in a measnio somewhat locovoied in torn and at 11 o'clock the July option hai gone back to § ! ( Hr > , butsubsetpiontlj'agaii declined to § ! ) W ) . The edbit to ascot tan the extent to which McGeoch had booi npe'iutnij , ' failed , both upon applicatioi to the linn and membeis of the boaul o tiado. The liabilities of McGeoch , Kveuny ham it Co , will bo veij * heavy. 'I'll failling ni.itket bionght in its tiaii ] ilenty of Illinois of other inipondin failuies , but up to lliO : ! thoto vvi : nothing definite to topoit. the biokon liimdcckiied to the Associate I'u'.ss that the ) would make no statomoii of any kind befoio to-moirow. 1'ote McCcoch , the head of the tun is a lemdunt of Milwaukee and , and is staled "Tho Miluunkc ! milkman. " Hois reputed to have bee the loader in the number of bull mou iiie-iits on both the Chicago and Mtlwai kco matkets , and failed heio two yeai ago , His film came prominently befoi the ] iublic two weeks ago by their tofiisi to icceivo n large consignment of lar from Chicago on the ground that it vu tainted , and over which disputed fact a investigation un the boanl u now in pn gloss. The fu in his since accepted the lard in question under piotcst. Tin * CollapM1 In Kuril. iQUh tuTnr UKK io , Juno 17 The cleiks weio busy in the oflicos of all firms which wont to the wall yesterday in the bursting of the lard coiner , trjiug to biing older out of chaos. None of the piopiiotom , however - over , wet o willing to talk , and nothing will bo known till tn-iuoirou , possibly not till Tuesday 01 latoi The statement is made , on what is clamu'd to be good authoiity , that on Fndaj night McGeoch went to 1'lnl. Armour and explained the situation , sijing § 1,000,000 would c.v.ry him successfully tluough the deal Aimour agreeA to let him have § 250,000 , that two other largo operators hoio uudeitook to advance like amounts , making tin oo-iuai tors of a million , and that thc'ii 7\lcieoch \ toli-gi-aplied AU'\an der Mitchell , of Milwaukee , for the 10- miiming § 250,000 , that Mitchell leplied that ho vvna willing to advance § 1,000 , 000 if it would cany the deal tluough HIIC- eoshfulh , butdio had looked the gioiiml over and was suio sovoial millions would bo ri'ipmed to complete it , so ho de clined to enter the sj ndicato , Il'lUM'sOII . - . spiclM Dliitiittcli tnl ill MlK. W vsniMiTov , Juno 17 - Major Xickor- son's Moeond v\ifo did not leave the citj with him , as was lopoiicd , but htus been luno foi the past tluee weeks , and has no idia , she sajs , where the major is. As soon as she was advised of the action of the Philadelphia conit , xho iiifoimod the maoi | that she could not live with him , anil thoj Hopciatcd. She has not soon him since. t ( lioAVnshon Coin t S | ii l Dtipitcli to Tin. liir. SANTOMO , Texas , Juno 17. It is unnoted that the finding in the couit imiitml in the Wiisson case was dismissal fiom ( hoaimy , with a toim of yoais of penitentiaiy semtudo , with recommend ation to piesidontial clemeiicv. Xl'VVH. hpcolal Dujmtcli tiiTiiK UKR. LO.MION , Juno 10. The Bolivia and City of Homo , fiom Now Yoik , have ai- rived out. NhW YOIIK , Juno li. ( Anived , the Helvetia from Lucipool , Jason fiom Amsterdam , and Normandie fiom Havic. Crook anil Ills t'npllv cs. spochl | ) Nvttili | tii Tun H > K Tuoso.v , Aii/ona , June 17. Col. Bid- die ai lived with live Mexican women taken fiom the Apaches. Ciook is at Wilcov. Tlio Tow Icslim-.v Alms House. piclal DlipnUh tnl in Ilu' BOSTON Juno l-Tho ( ! , - govoinoi , eon- . * to his foimor has ti.uj assinances , up- pioved the wattantfl , salanes and expens es of the state alms house at Towkslnuj' , for Fein tun j' , Match , Apul and Maj , amounting to $110,000 TIIIJY 'll l TIGHT. Tlio Contest on tln > Part nt'thc Doinl- The olloi toonattliuluvul vvomenfiom _ "tho territory lying wilhin two blocks of the Third wind school house is being mot bj1 the victims with detoimined opposi tion and by the residents of thu mine austociatie poitions of the city with a stoini of indignation. Driving them oil of then old staniinng ground , it is claimed , onlj' scattorn them bioadcast thionghont the citj' , and they ate now to bo found in numbeiH on Tlur- tooth , Sixteenth .md othoi stioots , whoio they weio never befoio tolerated , and wheio they ollbnd the eyes of their more faultless sistcis , who gathoi their skirts about them , like the Phaiisoo , and thank God that they aio not like other women ai e. e.It will bo lomcmhotc'd that thiiteen women , in all , weio uttested and taken bofoio Judge Boneko as inmates of houses of ill-fame on Ninth and Eleventh stieots and a juty tnal was de manded in each ease. Thoj'weio atiaigneil on Sitinday afteinonn , and the tnal of the lust case postponed to next Satur day. The juiy in the case is composed of M. Goldsmith , I ) . Iveniston , John S. Collins , S. Moitonson , Geoigo Duncan , and 1) . S. Mitchell. Thodofc'iidnnts have engaged four attoineysand will make a determined tight. The aiithontios talk of pioeeeding also against the paitics who rent houses to women , some of whom are clmigcd outrageous louts by their landloids. It is said that one woman has paid as high as 7 < > per month foi a house that was not woith § 20 per month. No plan has as yet been pioposed foi solving this serious social pioblem. A Caul In llrplj. Til till ! lilltor ot 'III ! IlKK In The Watchman of last week there is a diiinkon maudlin aiticlu which con tains an infamous pcisonal attack , s < pointedly diiected to a gentleman n this city , that theio is no doubting win is meant thoioby. To notice anjthni' that appeals in that slandcious am icadoiless sheet , is as a usual thing con sidcic'd beneath the dignity of a peihoi of icapcctahility. But as has boeiilinl ; said , "theio aio occasions when the sigm lieaiiee of the accuser is lost in the mag iiitndo of the accusation. " What th animus of that wouiidioly and groiindlci attack can bo it is haul to imagine , union it be that the poison assailed is an liisli man who has taken an active put tun deep mtoiost ill advancing the wolfaio e his eoiintiyinen , or because of pin devilish maliciousness. Itut lot that b as it maj it is a Initially innpiitoii assault upon a charactoi that challenge ! thu ilosest sciutiny , and is inentnukcoi ing with the natuio of the disioimtabl and contaminating sheet in which it a ] pea is I am aiithon/cd by the geiith maniefeiied to in the aiticlo , to pn j , notinco that pait of it chaiging him wit u Iniving sent auiionj minis letteis to eei I in tain omploj os about some one , as a mis jerahlo , contemptible ) ho , "made out i i- whole cloth , " and to demand the piodin rs turn of the letters in question foi exam 10 nation and comparison , by well-know d anil honoiable gentlemen , w ith the ham vv nting of the accused. To these w h w are personally acquainted with the goi n tlomon whoso rowrtatton ia sought to 1 ' ; blackened , Urn denial b unnccimary. J is made for the beiielit of the many who know him only by name. If the above rc'quest be not complied with , or the charge retracted , the author of the aiticlo must stand before this com munity branded , as ho is already , a liar and slanderer. ( ! B. T. IMMtSONAU Oliver N. l.nekn } , a retired nimlmnt from llnrnellsville , New York , nnil Chief Clerk Xowninn .Iiunlson , of tlio I'nllinnn licmlimivr- teis nt .leinoy City , are logintcrud at the Pax- tdii. They nro on a IOIIK tiip , I'liinliinlng busl noMHwith pleainre , and pniK | o Hieing mitnc- tiling of Km , Mexico , Arl/nnu and Colorado liefoio tluij return wwt. Mi. A C. livcnKirt ) | forincily with Tilt HH , and nnw with , ! . .1. Hrnvvii , IILS pine In Itluuii , N. Y. , nnil will not ictitin alone. Mr. Davenport Is one of tlio ) < mn nienwhodn tliu went invvell IIH themselves tjood by eoiniii ( ? out him to iniiku nuw IIOIIII-H for tliom clvc < s , Jlon. ilolm. A. Cteiyhton mid v\ife hnvo re- tmnod from a months vMt to Ohio ntid will bowaiinl ) w eleoined li ick home , w hei e their nhxcMien is alwiijs felt. I'rof. and Mrn. Sehenck and daiithtei | , of Diijton , ikwmpnti } them and will upend tlio mimmcr in tiiin cit > , O. Wheeler.I. M. l.nj ton , ( teorgo I'errin , C. ( J. McN'ell and wife , W. ! ' . Campbell and Ms ! ltd ! , of Chicago ; It. J Scott , of Den Mniiics ; 1 * . K. Learyand mother , 1M. Lomj , .1. K. Convis and John W. Henry , of Chicago , are Kiieits at tlio ( < rand I'aiitic. Seiinlor Ciinlield Ictvcs this inornin for the South I'lntte conntiy , vxhein ho will invent In a few nioro tracts of land. Tlio Nenutot Is ox busy ns ever , and , likn Midas , tnin.s nil ho toiuhes into gold. ( ! . W. linrnlmrt , Duncan ; A , H. lilewin , Hastings ; C. Iv. llnntington and H. ( > . ( ! r- rett , Xorth Uenil , were at the 1'axton jextei- day. Chief Clerk Montmorency , of the geneinl htipeiintenilent'H otlleu It. iV M rnll\\ay , has gonu to Utah , to bo nlvcnt nhnut three weekn. ll . 1' . VanUnren , of Now York , linn ar rived in the city to vinit her HOIIH , S. S. mid 1 * . YnnHinen , forneveral weekH. VA. OMlrien is now located in this city as u-portcr raid convoxKer for thu mercantile tigenej of It. ( ! . Dun iV. Co. Miss dura Drown ictnrned Satin day fiom Chicago , whciu HIO hiw been attending Mrx. ( ir.utt'H 1 ulies aciidcniy , Dt. Clurlos Abort and wifn rotnined ji'Htei- day from a visit , to Minneapolis and legixlcrci ! at tliu ( tiund 1'acific. Kev. Williutl Hcott , v\eiil toCieto Saturday to ailibe s tho.Y. M. C. A. , of that place hi" ' uveniug. li. K. Kittridge , Into of Loekpott , N. Y. his been engigud OH night clitk at thu 1'nxton W. C. Klielby , of Menoinoneo , Win , , legi teied at thu Metromlt.m ] ! jiHteulay. 1'liH J. I.oliurgm , of Itonlder , Colo. , tig Intelul at tliu 1'axton joitenla ) . C' C. Spcnj , of the Yankton iigeney , ii'gif leii'il at the Mlllnid jeritculiiy. M'IH. Alf. 1) . Moriis Is veiling hei nirttci Mrs. ho KJU , in Ninth I'hitto. Hon. Low May , the ftah commUnloner , * n turncil to Fremont jestcnlay , Oeorgo X. TJoel , of KinMlt , win a gitrnt i the ( ii.unl Pacific } entutilay. I ) . I ! . Tlioinpnon , of Ja'ncoln , was at U ( ! i md Pacific jesterdny. C. ( ! . Wooilworth , of Itnffalo , ipgixteiod i the Mlllnid } i'U nluy. ( ! en. 1'iteher , IT. H. A , was a west liomi pussengei vi'Hteiilay. A. and ( ! . ( ! . Ilallnin , of Mnrra > , la. , at at the Mettopolitnn , Klierilf Dave Millet left for Cedar Itnpii jehterilny afteinoon. ( ! eo. Shledloy , of Kans.u * City , was at tl Paxton jesteidiiy. T. J1' Palniet , of I'lattNiiinuth , was nt tl Paxton jesterdny. .fumi'i O'Kiien , of .St. I'niil , in a gncst i tliu Motiopolitnn. Mm. ( ! . W. CnmingH , of Ueiivei , In a gnet of thu I'n\ton. ClniH. II. Shaw , of Chcvennu , in at tl Metiopolitan. Alex. .Senforth , of Konrnny , is a guest of tl Metiopolitnn. II. II. Iliet-Htand , of HiiKtingri , is at tl Metro politnn. .Tolin 1 ( . Hnttlett , of Minneip < ilis , in at th Milliud. J. PngKluy , of Hivuiton , Is nt the Metn politnn. Hon. Win. A. Paxton hnHiutmncil from tli w ertt. ertt.Hon. Hon. John II. HarncH , Poncn , is at the Mi Innl. Innl.A A , H , liinhop , of Denver , in nt tlio Paxtot IMw IMily , of Denver , is at thu Millard. Congiehxinnn Laird in hi town. COMPLETE TREATMENT , S A tliiKlu ili o ( sanfunlii Itaillral Curu lnst.ui rillutui tliu iiuiiit tlnluit Sncc/int , ' nr llcail C'ul TH tllU lie 111 US llIIKlJjIe , HtllM | UlltCTJ ( rointliu iiiiiunnil vvun , pruMiilM lUngl ! ! , ; NnUm 10 the lltail , iiirts Niruiiis hc'iuladiu , unit . I lillNniul I u\er In ( lironlu C'uturrli It rlc-uiws I m n iwil | nil IKCS uf foul IIIIICIH , retorts thu M.MH.H H Kinill , tixstoanil luarlnirhtn uir < .t.tul , ( rots t liciul , thrnit anil lininclil il tnliti ol iillcimltu nut nHciiciii nnil jinrllluH tliu Invatli tnp' tliu con le nnil urruktH tliu prnKKui "I catarrh touuanlt ci line imttlo lladleal Ciiru , onu Imx Catanhal h j- ji tint mill Stnfunl'x InliaUr , till In onu pickaxe , i- li\ nil ilnu' l < U fur il Auk fur HANHIUKH ItAi ih et'ui : I'OTTIIII Hum AMiCiiKu , cu. , I I'or tlio rclltl nnil pruvcntli .fU tliu INh CAM' 11' IS AlTUr U- nl Itlieiiniatlkin , N'uurol la , Stl U1 Ic-a , L'oniihs , CiiUN , Weak ll.i 1II htnniacli anil IluiitU , hhout II 1'ulns , Nuiuljiicss , lljatcria , 1- main I'alni , I'aliiltatloii , IJ p 110 ih , I.hcr Complaint , Illlllouj 10 \ y / o vtr . Malaria and eiililenilca , * ' v > t'OLUNb1 I'l\SThliafan ELI /tLtCTWC\\THIO IIATIKHY C6HIIIN 'u r . ' IH\\ _ * wt | | , 8 porous riaktiranillai It at pain. "Jc. siwhvro , SUNDAY PICNICS. A Kentucky School Exhibition Suddenly Closed with a Fnueral , A Jealous Hibernian , in Chicago , Displays His Prowess as a Cutthroat , TinHoillcHof Tvvo Women ItoducctI to DiiHt Sundry Salilmth A School i\1iluitlnn. : SHdal | 1 GUKKNIIUIUI. Kv. , Juno 17. Dining a school exhibition at Sulphur Well , Met- calfo county , Marshal Henry Bcauclianip asked J B. Winfioy and J. Piii'o to < lo- sist fiom making a disturbance. Wm- fioy and Piico opened file and Beau- champ loluined it. Mr. Finland , a by- standei , was shot dead , Beauehaiup was nun tally wounded. A laily , Miss Philli- pot , was sttuck on the cheek , The ncgio has not been heaid fiom since. Ho is supposed to bo dead in the bushes , wheio ho hid Winfiey escaped injury ; Piico was badly wounded. No aircsta- A Ha/or Out. Sp tot Dispatch to Tin. UMU Cnii'AOo , Juno 17.On Ninth avenue to-night , Thomas McQniic , a dock labor er , met Mis. Maty Little , piopriutor of a laundiy , and cut her tfhiat with a rax-or , which lie then tin tied upon himself. Tlio w oman died in a few minutes and tlio man will piobably iccover. Jealousy was the cause. A M\cly Sjiiclftl IH p ti li to Tllf HPK. Nivv : HAVII.V , Juno 17. Asoiiousfight occuned at the steamboat landing to-duy. Ollicois atteniited ] to attest a drunken passenger of the Grand Republic. They woto lesisted by the ciowd , and several ollieers and others severely beaten. Stnlilicd With n IMn. Sici | ! ul UUpntiU to 1 UK ! ! . , BOSTON , June 1(1. ( Bornaid J. M altan , IJ joais of age , was fatally stabbed in the neck , Saturday night , with a shawl- pin , in the hands of a dissolute woman named LU. Finnegan. Mahan hail re fused to drink in her company. Tin ; lli'llivitiIliaIn . 'Jliidnl ttiintch | to Tills III n. CINOIN.NAII , Juno 18. The Bellovua house , a well-known lull top losort ivt the head of Elm stieet , is on the since midnight and still burning at 1:110 : a. m. The house is valued at ! ? ; iO,000. A Iltiiittnn Parly. SpuUl lllsuikli | to Tin llrf Sr. Louis , Juno 17. The shoiift'of Dunklin county , Mo. , with a posne of fifty men , is hunting for a man naiueil 1 lav den , who hist Wednesday killed Cajit. C. L. .lohnson , who tesided near Kellott , by shooting him. Kriiin Turun till. S | > ulul lll ) iutcli to'Liu lifl. . ST. Lotus , Juno 17. Judge Cheutur- Iviuiu , wlioso .absence .caused no much -4 comment for suvoral weeks past , lotunied totlio city to-night. Ho held n , long- confeionco with his father and HOIIIO fi iends. Noai ly all the statements which have been published about him weio news ( o him and excited surprise. Ho would not bo intoiviewed. Ho said ho would prepate a statement for publica tion in a day or two. Tvvo Hoilli'h Cremated. Hpulnl Dispatch t 1 III Htr. WASHINGTON , Pa. , Juno 17. The re mains of Mrs. Beit ha Blechorwho died in Now York on the UOtfi , weio put in tho- letort at the LoMoyno fmnaco at 91 o'clock last night , and thu ashes lomovcd : at midnight. She was a Goiman , mill a member of the United States ciemntion of company. The ashes will bo sent to- * Cailsihue , Germany. The body of Mrs. Coinolia Wolboig , wife of Simon Wol- berg , a mining bioker , of Now York , airived at 11 o clock this moining , and was taken immediately to the crematory and placed in the totort. When the > ashes ate lifted they will bo sent toiler- late lesidonco and put in an inn iuid' placed on the pallor mantel. A Ilriol' lint Dcf'lHlvc I'rUf nilal UnpuUli to'1 lit III * . SIKUIIKNVILLI : , Juno 17. A pi i/o fight , shoit but totiilic , was fought yesterday afteinodn in Colliery township , fifteen miles ft out heio , between Tom Duffy , superintendent of the Chcrij * Hill mines , and Peter Murphy , a minor. Both art young men and weigh about 175 poinula each. Onlylivo i omuls were fought , but Murphy was whipped and touibly pun ished. Theio wore 300 spectators. The aflatr wound up in a riot. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLH Works tliroiiKli tlio Mood , regulating , tonltiR. anil Invigorating all the functions of tlio body. Ringworm Humor and Sail-Rheum. ItAYKItAM , MASS. , Aug. 12 , 1878.\j C. I. IIoo Co. : Gentlemen * - I have liadiliiRvvorm humor and salt-rhenm so badly that my body was covered with raw soics ; so , also , my head and ( ace. I have had any number o ( doctotslntho last sev en v ears , anil none of tlie-in could cure me. Ono day my mother was lu the city of Tatinton , and found one of > our cook books , and la icailhiRlt I found many people tcstlfvliiBto- cure.s from the use of yom harsaparllla and Olive Ointment. I tclt forced to try U. although 1 had seen ninny things advertised that nuvcr did mo any Bood. I have now Bl taken two small bottles and one large ono ol baisatiarlll. ! , and used tlneo boxes of Oint ment. 1 now call myself cured. Nothing ran bo seen of the humor but the dim out lines of the goics. I shall take two more bottles , and then the cure will be complete. III us thuof Biliousness , Sick Headache. thu rnrsrir.u ) , MASS. ttr M I'ssns , C. I. HOOD & Co. : C ents-1'leaso Bend mo by express twobottles Hoot ) H SAU- HAPAiiu.LAaiidafevv Cook Hooks for dis tribution. Your preparation has worked wonders In the case of my wife , who has M been troubled with sick headache and bil III iousness for years , bho only tookonehalt ON teasi'oonfiilnt ailoso , ami has not been so > \vellforflvo years as now. She found that vvltliln a week after taking U she felt very much better , and Is now entirely free front on , those seveio headaches. She has not taken : D , any of any account since last bprlug. and lat- what little she hail Is lent to i V some others. tck , some good , and wo must have it lu the house. . ICJI. lc- HOOD'S SARSAPAITILLA. 1180 KO. IssoM by all druggists. Itlco St , or six KU laruo bottles for | b. Prepared pulybyO. J * IIOOD & CO , Apothecaries. Lowell , Ha I Or" US9 UOOD'3