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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1881)
TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY , AUGUST 30 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Wednesday Morning , Aug. 31. LOOAL BREVITIES. 4000 reitdence lotJiemb , ngent. Don't forget Sri\e'ii for i > crfumery. 2T C IIOUM-J and loin , llcmls1 agency. TlomU' rc l estate txwm. First page A. W. Niwon , Dentist , Jacob' * block. Warranted Tooth Itauhe * Rt Kuhn's. Be/rils' new map of Omaha , 25 cents. 200 farms and 000,000 acres of land Bern ! * , njrent. The Lion continues to roar for Moore Harnciw mid Saddlery. For FINB Commercial Job Printing , all at TUB BEE Job room * . Prescriptions a specially , Opera IIouso Pharmacy , 211 8. loth Street. -The democratic state central commit- Ifiv mpct at Nebraska City , Sept. 7. The regular Friday social of the Luth eran cl.tirch will bo held nt llic rcsl- dunce of J. A. Swobe , 1420 South Fifth lit ! COt. Hlgheitc.ifih price paid forpccond-hand fnrnittiro nt Abram's & Lewis' , 1121 DOUR i street. a9-2w At half pnst 2 this morning the ncv- ontli pajro of this cdiliiin < > f TIIK HKK was nccitlentally " , iied. " This accounts for n ] ianlnuabc ! shortage of rending matter nnd oxcxm of advertisements on that page. There i < said to bo more typhoid fovcr in Omnha nt present than there has been before for twelve yearn. -A woman living on Sixteenth direct between California and Webster was taken in yesterday by the police for ilrunkcnncKrt. On the way to the police hLilion fihc was very obstreperous. MUi Price who was buried Monday fiom the residence of her brother nn Klcverith near Dnvenpnrt , died very and4 clenly. She was overcome by heat Satur day at 1 o'clock and was dead at 5. At a meeting of the Board of Trade it was decided to appoint a committee to look after accomodations for -people visit ing Omaha during State lair. The com- inlttec has been nmdo up and will begin canvassing for rooms and boarding houses in a itey or two , General Passenger Agent Perceval Lowell announces the following organiza tion of tha passenger deportment C. I ) . A Q. railroad alter September 1 : 11. T. Brydoii , chief clerk of the foreign passcn- \ger and ticket tervicc ; K. L. Lomax , chief clerk of the local paswengcr and ticket nor- vice ; AV. H. Firth , chief clerk of the traveling passenger agents service nnd ml vei Using. Last evening about 7 o'clock a team nnd wagon was ( ( lulled nt the comer of .Sixteenth and Capital avenue by the liorscn getting into one of the water main ditches. It waj with difficulty they were got out. "Tho Revere House Council Bluffs ii : the beat second-class hotel in the west. " nugl7-lni PERSONALS. Adam Adaraaky and wife , of Cheyenne , are in the city on their way to New York City. 15. X. ( Jrenncll , the Ft. Calhoim po- molosljtt , Is ret'ibtered at the Creighton IIOIIH : . Dr. Graff went west to Evamton , Wy oming , yesterday to look after his mining interests. J. M. Clarke , of , the St. .Too Tubmie , is in the city for a few dayo , and is staying nt the Creighton. Prof. A. Fisher , teacher of dancing from St. Louis , is making arrangements to open a dnnclng academy. Maj. A. P. Shrcro , who is traveling in the Interest of the Lawrence , KH. , fair , c. lled at TIM : HKK office ycatcreday. Dr. Peabody is enjoying a prairie chicken shoot near Norfolk , lie will return turn to the city the latter end of the week. Sheriff Guy went out to Kearney yester day with young JImmlo Callahan , , the fir.4 boy that enters the state reform hcluml , Hon. Clinton Briggs , wife anil son , flatted yesterday for Idaho nprlngn , Colorado , where they go for the benefit of Mr .Urggb' ! health. IT. S. Commliuiloner Green IS , Haunt 1 in the city on his way back to Washington from a pleasure trip to Colorado , He will lemuin here for u few days. W. II. 1) ) . Stout , of Lincoln , Is at the Withiu-11. Hon. Frank P. Ireland , of Nebraska City , is In town. Dr. S. L. Dort.of Herman , in staying at the Creighton. Hon. J. L. Wcljster returned from Wy oming yuUerday. W. F. ItosH , of Davenpoit , Iowa , is it Omaha on business. W. W. MoKlnney , the Tckanmh block niixn , Is at the Cretahtou. J , C , Her returned yesterday from business trip to the Pacific coast. I , (5 , Heaps , correspondent of thu Chicago cage Proverb' Journal , Is in the city.1 Itobait W. Furnace , of UrownvilK1 , is ii town , nnd is stopping at the Withnell. Ma ] . Hathbun and party passed througli the city from San Francisco yentcniay. Vf. 0. I ) . Allen , secretary of the board of trade , leaves for St. Louis this evening. Cen. J. C , McBrlde , of Lincoln , arrived in Omaha yesterday to look after fair mut ter * . AV. A. Paxton left for Itadne , Wls. , yesterday , accompanied by tils fcon , who will be placed at school theie , Lord Napier and accompanying party vliu hare almost completed their circuit of the globe passed through Omaha ycbtcr. day. Lieut. T. M. 17. Miuon , of the V. S. naVy , accompanied by his wife , passed through Omaha yesterday , en route to Waiiblugton. ML * Laura If , lledler , daughter of Su perintendent Healer , of the C' ' . , 1J. & Q. returned ai far as Omaha yesterday from u pleasant trip to Utah. ChM. A. Pftilfer , of St. Joe , C. U. Fox , M. Davez aud 0 , Wonderiluh , of Lincoln , are in the city preparing bidi for the \voik on the new court houtc. They are all reg- iitert-d at tie Creighton House. OMAHA MEDICAL COLLEGE. ' Fall seeuiou begins Oct. 10 , 1881 Addrew , G. JJ. AYIIES , M. tt , Sec. BIG FIGURES. What the Eventual Cost of Omaha Sewerage will be. Estimates Given in the Report of Mr. Waring. City Engineer Rosowntor Give * n Conolso Statement of the Matter. Uco , E. WarinK , in his report in re gard to towering Omaha , estimates that the construction of the northerly main sewer which begins on Eighteen th street north of I3urt will cost $14- 210 ; the southerly main newer follows the course of nn alley between Jones nnd Lcavcnworth street nnd will cost $3,170. A sub-main sewer begins on Jnckson Btrcot above Thirteenth nnd will cost § 4,550. The Intcrnl Bowers will cost § 44,380. Flush tanks , fresh nir inlets , mnn-holcs , contingencies , engineering and royalty will bring those amounts up to § 00,882. Should the depth of the laterals be reduced to sovcn foot the cost as computed will bo § 75,510. City Engineer Rose- water's accompanying report covorw the whole matter as comprehensively as could well bo. It is addressed to the mayor nnd is as follows : In conformity with request I here with submit for your consideration n brief outline of the results of the recent - cent investigations relating to the sewerage of thu city of Omaha , with such suggestions touching the inline- diato necessities of the city as my limited time enables mo to make. The work of collecting topographi cal data essential to n thorough con sideration of the questions was done during the months of Juno and July , in connection with the surveys or dered by the city council for the grades of various streets. Additions to the topographical map of the city prepared by mo for Mr. II. 0. Phil lips , in 1872 , wore made by compila tions of nil available data since nc- cumulated in the oflicc. In addition to this , surveys of the river' front , railway lines and additions to the city were made nnd topographical features carefully noted. Pending the prose cution of this work , Mr. John Uogart , secretary of the American Society of Civil Engineers , came to Omaha , ut the instance of Col. Waring , and made a thorough and personal examination of the topography of the city , with myself , nnd of the existing sowers. Every feature of the drainage and sewerage question was carefully can- vassodland n report was than submit ted to Col. Waring embodying the re sults. Thcro were some dtita essential to the full comprehension of the drainage problem not as yet obtained which ! doom very desirablq before coming to a final conclusion. The most important ] of thcso WAS thu gauging of the north creek during heavy rain storms , with n view of get ting nt the comparative time of the water accumulation in the creeks , nnd the duration of rain falls. This , OH vet , I have been nimble to obtain , as but ono heavy rain took place in July , and that was after a period of drouth , BO that although it was the extraordinary fall of li inches in 20 minutes , yet the dry condition of the earth and the limited duration of the rain prevented n fair test being mado. The relative drainage nrca of the two creek's was , however , obtained and is as follows : North Omaha creek 4200 iicrcH ; South Omaha crook 2800 acres. The great diflbronco in the drainage urea of these crooks shows the neces sity of n careful analysis of the rate of general accumulation and the grndo of the conduits designed to carry their accumulated storm water. South Omaha Crook is bounded by very hilly slopes , which naturally dis charge storm water moro rapidly into the crook than the broad table that forms the greater part of the drainage area of the North Creole. The fact that the completion of the south sewer at given points along its line precludes any practical variance from the existing plans , leaves the problem as to the si7.o and gradients of the south conduit practically settled. I simply nlludo to this subject to show the advisability of taking a little moro time before coining to n final | conclusion as to the details of aizo and [ slope of the north conduit , and liopo that , with a reasonable appropriation to make the necessary experiment , ' may bo nblo to submit n satisfactory plan within the next four weeks Under any circumstances. I nm con vincud that the dimensions of the north conduit na designed by Mr , Phillips , is sulliciontly larue , the only question being whether it cannot bo i educed. With these preliminary remarks , I [ now como to the question of HEWKRAflK HYhTKMS , Col. Waring , in his report , full , , , ' explains the nature of the old am 1 now systems , mid I believe thu sum mary of costs forcibly points to its superior merits from nn economical 1 point of view over that of the old system , From n sanitary standpoint t no ono acquainted with the causes which lead to Bower gas generation , and to the constant dillicultics encountered - countered in efforts to avoid its entry into dwellings , will question the do cided superiority of a system that haa a uniform and regular How of water daily Bufllciont to discharge all sewerage - ago matter , before it decomposes , in to its outlet. As will bo BOOH by the design , there will be but thirty ( lush tanks needed for the sewerage of the city proper , and oven if they nro adjusted - justed to discharge once each ton hours , there will bo less than 7,000 gallons consumed daily for sewerage purposes : rnd inasmuch as the con tract with the City Water Works Co. calls for Iho supply of all needed water tor for sewerage purposes free of cost , its judicious and liberal use entails no extra cost to the city , cast. From u perusal of the estimates of Col. Waring , it will bo observed that H total of less than sixteen jnilos ol pipe , laterals , mains , and sub-maim covers the necessary provision for sowcrapo of the city , from the U. P. depot north to Iznrd street , nnd as fnr west as the hill summits , inclusive of Kount/.o nnd Ruth's addition nnd a part of various ndditions of St. Mary's avcnuo. Of the entire estimated cost of the sixteen miles , namely , $00,882 , but 822,000 is covered by mains. Allowing , in addition to this the cost of extra engineering , royalty on the patent , cost of manholes , contin gencies , etc. , n reserve of § 10,000 from the 8100,000 voted will cover the necessary expenditure out of the general fund for the mains of the whole system , This will lenvo 800,000 balance to bo expended upon the conduits for the drainage of the city , of the 825- 000 will complete the cap between ! lth nnd 13th streets , inclusive of the crossing of Oth street , A balance f of 81)5,000 ) will then bo on hand to ward any work on the North Omaha conduit an soon as mtdicicnl details can be decided upon. CONCERNINfl CONTRACTS , A careful consideration of thn work to bo done in Iho proper construction of a system of sewerage leads mo to suggest that all material , such ns pipes , brick , cement , etc. , except the shoring , bo supplied to the contract ors , and that only the work ho let with due regard to experience oi bidders - dors in sewer work. The advantage to the city by the adoption of tliis course was very strongly impressed upon mo by Mr. W. H.'Vibbard , en gineer in charge of sowenigo nt Kala- ina/.oo , Michigan , Mr. Vibbard was in charge of the construction of the Saratoga sewerage , and was nlso engaged - gaged in the Memphis sewerage con struction. His experience led him to advise the purchase of material by the city ns the only snfo menus of get ting good cement nnd mortar and uni formly good pipes ; otherwise , despite the greatest care manifested , poor ce ment nnd condemned sure to got into some of the work' when the workmen nro not wntchcd. This plan has been adopted nt Kalnmazoo , and 1 strongly urge its adoption hero. If the work of constructing sewers is begun this season it will bo import ant to provide nt once for nn effective corps of engineers to supervise the work. It will bo necessary to secure cxnct grades nnd uniform lines and good work generally , to keep nn engi neer nt each locality constantly while work is progressing. The pay of the engineer department in this city has not boon adequate in the post to secure - cure such talent ns is dcsirnble , and the city engineer's salary is based upon the hypothesis of his doing n 'great deal of outside work. The interests of the city are growing to such nn extent that this practice must soon bo abandoned , or the city work neglected. Although very much in need of skilled assistants this year by the crowded work ot the city , I was irnnblo to secure skilled nssintnnt engineers , owing to the fact that the railway companies could outbid the city , nnd I had barely engaged men before they accepted positions clse- where with more lucrative salaries. If the interests of railway compa nies nnd other corporations ad mit of paying out money liberally for engineering , the interest of the city , in the prosecution of this most important work , that is to last for years to come , nro certainly too great to bo ignored by the neglect of sulliciont appropriation tor en gineering superintendence ) . I do not say this by way of complaint , for the present city council , compared with their predecessors , lias boon liberal ; but the exceedingly limited provisions of previous administrations in this direction has made 'a movement in this matter seemingly extravagant. Hodmen nnd assistant engineers have been employed for a few months in summer and discharged in the fall or winter , nnd thus the men who have just become familiar with the locali ties tmd topography of the city , nnd begun to bo useful , were dismissed , and each year the city engineer compelled polled to train now men. The work of the city engineer is assuming such magnitude that it becomes essential for him to trust a part of the work to assistants , nnd this cannot bo done if men are employed from time to time , nor can well qualified men bo secured without assurance of steady employ ment. I have already cited you to the cost to the city of the mains of Col , 'War- ings system. The laterals , from careful oatimato , based upon n slight addition to Mr. Wiring's exhibit , will cost , if taxed upon the frontage ol property each side of the alloy through which they will pass , from SID to $1E per business lot , or $45 to $54. per residence lot. On lots having no ixl- leys the tax will bo double this amount. A rough estimate of the cost of the dyke suggested to bo built to prevent river overflow , based upon an uin bankment twelve foot wide at the top shows a total of 150.000 yards of cartl work , which , nt the cost of thirty cents n yard , nmounts to 845,000. The woik of draining the bottom from rains nnd pools during higl water season , was already outlined ii my report to the city council las spring. 1 presume it can readily bi done , and necessary pumpiingmachin cry secured at n cost not to oxccci 1 815,000. The surface sewers to catch th rain-fall of the city at the boso of th hills , thus relieving the plateau froi excessive Hoods during rain storms , will coat about 818,000 from Dodge street to Jnckson street , and ,12,000 , from Dodga north to 1/ttrd street , making a total of 850,000 for inter cepting surface drainage nt the foot of the hills between Izard and Jackson streets. The cost of a closed conduit for North Omaha Crook from 2Iid street to the river nt the foot of Chicago street , S,200 feet , will bo , if built to si/.o of Phillip s plan , about 8100,000. Cost of completing the South Omaha sewer from Ninth street to the river , § 50,000. A summary of thn approximated expenditures incident to surface drain [ age and Buwcrat'o , inclusive of river protection , may bo thus presented : .Mains on Wurrins's plans. . , , . . . § -40,000 South Omaha ereuk to Oth btrcet. L'5,000 .South Omnlm crock , from Oth to river . 00,000 , Keith Omaha creek , M btrcet to river. . . . . 150,000 iSurfacn Hovers for foot hilU . , , f.0,000 It her ilyko embankment . 45,000 d pumpd , . , . l.t.OCO Total. . . , ; . . . . . $385,000 I submit these figures , omitting none of the prospective necessary ex pcnditurcs incidental to the future growth of lite city , in order that the public may now definitely and thor oughly understand the work that is in store. The immediate necessity is that which pertains t ) the sanitary condition of the city , the other can bo carried out from time to timn to moot the requirements ot the city growth. In concluding this report , I cannot omit to express my obligation for the numerous and uniform courtesies of the motnbcri of the profession , par ticularly Mr. k John Bogart , secre tary of the American Society of En gineers , for extending every possible facility toward securing nil needed in formation , and also to Mr.V , II , Vibbard , Sanitary Engineer in charge of sewerage of Kalamazoo , and to his assistant. Mr. Geo. T. Wilson , for valuable documents and suggestion ? . REDUCED * RATE'S Made Along All Lines on Ac count of the Pair. The siatc board of agriculture hnvo made nil the necessary arrangements with the various roads centering here. The Sioux City , fc Pacific will run trains from the following points on its road , and will charge the following rates , which will include one admis sion to thn fair grounds : From Ken- nard , Bcllo Creek and Fremont , 81.50 ; from Nickeraon , 81.75 ; from Hooper , 81.JW ; from Scribncr , 82.20 ; from West Point , 82.50 ; from Wisnor , 8J1.00 ; from Pilger , 83.75 ; from Stanton - ton , Norfolk and Barth Creek , 83.50 ; from Pierce , 84.00 : from Plainviow , 8-1.05 ; from Creighton , 85.00 ; from Burnett , 8-1.00 ; from Oakdale , $4.25 ; from Ncligh , ? 4.50 ; from Clear Water , 84.85 ; from Ewing , $5. 25 ; from In- man , 85.75 ; from O'Neill City , 87.05. Excursion trains will bo run over the U. P. from various points on the road , with excursion rates at ono furo for the round trip. The B. & M. will run trains during the fair at the same rates. On the Iowa roads trains will be run over the C. & N. W. from points as far cast Cedar Rapids , with fare nt one and one-third rates to Council Blufl's. One and ono-third faro will bo charged on the 0. , 11. I. & P. and the C , , U. & Q. Trains to and from the fair grounds will bo run daily dur ing the fair week. Death of a Faithful Brnto. Old "Natch , " who made moro trips to Prospect Hill cemetery than any other horse in Christendom , is no moro. Ho was the property of Geo. Medlock , superintendent of the ceme tery , and his swinging gait and sorrel form were known when the history of Omaha . "Natch" was now. had reached the mature ago of nineteen years , For sixteen years of that time Mr. Mcdlock had employed him in going to nnd from the cemetery , and in that long period ho has averaged nt least ono trip a day. On Saturday , however , the poor brute was obliged to succumb to the foil hand of disease. Ho was taken with lung fever , and though everything was done to relieve his suflurings ho passed away to thu haven of rest for the brute creation at 1 o'clock Sunday morning. Now Xiine. A survey has been made by the B t M. railroad in Nebraska for a line from Atchison , Kas. , to Kansas City It has not been definitely decided ycl whether it will bo built , but it is like ly that it will. If such bo the case it will bo completed by the 1st o ! January next. Tha distance fron Atchison to Kansas City is forty-oighl miles , and it will not take long to con struct it. The company will run intu Kansas City via the K. P. road , this being the only available route now into the city. She Pleaded Guilty. When Judge Bonoko called Minnie Robinson in the police court yesterday morning nn independent little coloroc woman advanced with an insinuatiiij wriggle that Billy Emerson migh envy. A small chip hat was cockc < with thogroatest abandon over herlcf oyu and her gait was a good imitation of the "b-a-d" . " typical - - man. "Guilty , yerihonor , " said Minnie , gliding back to her seat. "But you don't know the charge , " suggested the court. "Oh , yes , I do , " was the reply. "Then you plead guilty to drunkenness ? " "Botyor life , jedgo. " The regula tion 810 and costs were imposed. W. T , Town is u barber by trade and claims to bo of Indian blood. Ho had been arrested on a similar charge , pleaded guilty nnd was dealt with like the other prisoner. Gen > Eataliroolc Discharged- "The state of Nebraska vs. Expe rience Estabrook , " called out Judge Benokein his court yesterday morning "Ready oa the part of the defense , " said G.V. . Ambrose , who ropro.sont- ed Gen , Estabrook. "Is Jacob Schreinor prcgentj" the judge asked. There was no answer , whereupon Mr , Ambrose asked that the case bo ) dismissed. This wns done nt the cost of the prosecution. DIED IMLLlNGS-Katlc , ibuglitor of Jacob ami Alary UillinK , ngeA 'J mouths and il day * , at : i o'clock l-'uueral will take place from the resi dence 800 Douglas btrcet this afternoon at i o'clock. ULACK-DnAUGMT " cures costiveness - ness ard sk'L-llca'lachv. . At C V , Goodman. SEWER SYSTEM , Council Adopted iWaring'a Plan Last Night. The Nocomnry Surveys to Bo Com pleted at Once- Council held its special meeting last night to consider the report of the committee on water works and sewers in relation to the Waring system of sewerage. The committee reported that they favored the Waring sanitary system of sewerage , and advised that work bo begun at once , and that the lateral connections between Howard nnd Davenport streets bo nmdo before the close of the present working season. For this purpose 840,000 in devoted , or as much as may be required. The trap i the South Omaha sewer between Ninth to Thirteenth streets , to bo completed at once and the sewer extended to a point forty feet cast of the east line of Ninth street , for which purpose the sumof § 30,000 is voted. The remainder of § 30,000 is to bo expended on the orth Omaha conduit ns soon as sulllcicnt detail are decided upon. They recommended that the ordinance voting" § 100- 000 bo passed at onco. The city clerk is authorized under the di rection of the city engineer to adver tise for the necessary material for the work to bo done the present season , council reserving thn right to reject any and nil bids. The same oflicinl wns nlso authorized to advertise for bids to do the work on the South Omaha sower. The city engineer was instructed to make the necessary plans nud surveys. Mr. Baker thought it a good deal of money to pay out for royalty , espe cially ns the amount appropriated was so small. Waring gets § 1,000 for his report , Bogart § 400 ; the royalty on the necessary 80,400 feet of pipe at ton cents n foot would bo § 8,040 , and on the Hush tanks § 300 additional , making a total of § 0,740. The city engineer was asked for an explanation nnd said that Waring has a patent on _ t ho system ; not on any particular part of the pipes , but on the whole as used in combination. This patent was now owned by a con struction company which charged a royalty. The flush tank for instance was used in this system and was an important factor , besides which there was a patent elbow joint inconnection. Mr. Dunham objected to the adop tion of the report until such time aa ho had heard Waring'a description of his system read. A copy of the report port was secured and the city clerk began to wade through it. Moat of the technical description of how the work should bo done was about as in teresting to a non-professional listener as na old patent mcdicino advertise ment. Finally Mr. Dunham said ho Imd enough , and would read the re mainder in the privacy of his cham ber. Ho did not favor voting on the adoption of the report until aU the members had boon supplied with a opy of Waring's roport. , Mr. Rosewater was again called upon for an explanation of royalty. The royalty , ho said , was simply on the system. "Do I understand that wo have to pay ten cento extra per foot for every foot of pipe laid under this syatemf" asked Mr. Baker. " 1 so understand it , " replied the city engineer. "It will be cheaper anyhow than the Phillips' system , " Hti < > < ; u.'iied Pres ident Dailey. The motion to ud"pt the report was carried. The ordinance voting § 100,000 for the cower system was passed. Council then adjourned. Regular Army Notes , Leave of absence for a month is granted to Lieutenant Carver How- land , 4th infantry , stationed at Fort Sanders. The bakallion of the Oth infantry , composed of companies D , F , G and H , now in camp at Ohoyenno , is sent by way of Park City , Utah , to Fort Thornburgh. Acting Assistant Sur geon Cockrell will accompany the troops. Lost Their Wealth. A party of four Germans occupiet a room together nt the Slnvcn house , They kept all their valuables in va liscs , and when they examined then : ntS o 'ockMondayo\ening everything was found all right. An hour and half later , ns they were go ing to bed , Henry Thoiman looked in his valise to examine his wad of greenbacks and missed § 70. Julius Strangol then began n search and found tho.lO watch he purchased in Germany , among the missing. Ono ot their room mates , n Pennsylvania German named Joseph Bernard , had nlso disappeared. Ho has not since been seen nnd n warrant was issued for his arrest yesterday. Take Advantage of It. The last excursion of the season to the Minnesota lakes will leave Council Bluffs at 7:45 : o'clock p. m. September 5th. The excursion will proceed by the favorite Sioux City route and thos.0 who have thus long delayed to take their vacations will have an opportunity to visit the hypoborean regions such as will not bo presented again this season. Maj. O'Bryan says the excursion will bo the biggest thing of the season and that ho will neglect nothing that would tend to the comfort of the par ticipants. " " - "BLACK-DnAUGHT" cures sla , indigoatiun uiui heartburn. At I K. Cocdmati , O. A. R , Attention ! The mooting place of Geo. A. Ouster Post No. 7 , has been changed to the Armory ovorY. M. C. A. rooms , corner 10th and Farnliam streets. An adjourned meeting will bo held this evening , business of importance will bo transacted and of special inter est to all comrades who expect to at tend the re-union at Lincoln. It ii important that all members attend the meeting. F. W. Moonr , C. H. FITCH , Adjutant. Commander. - * - CITY DIRECTORY , It Puts the Present Population at 38,000. Wol/o's city directory for 1881-2 madoitsappearancofrom the press yes terday , and is by far the best publica tion of the ktud that has over been put forth in Omaha. The directory is unusually full and is free from mar ring typographical blunders. The directory contains 12G40 names. Al lowing thrco persons to each family this would place the present popula- lation of the city at 37,92 ! ) . In 1880 the directory contained 11,522 names , which gave an estimated population of 30,052. A Rood feature of the direc tory is a fine map of the city which forms a frontispiece to the book. . i - Worthy ot Praise. As a rule wo do not recommend pa tent medicines , but when Wo know of ono that really is a public benefactor , and does positively cure , than wo con sider it our duty to impart that information mation to all. Electric bitters arc truly u most valuable mcdicino , and will surely euro Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Livar and Lidney complaints , oven where all other rem edies fail. Wo know whereof we speak , nnd can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at 60 cents a bottle Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you never lie bilious. ' At F r. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale , ' Lott , Found , WnnU , Itoardlntr , &c. , will be inserted - sorted In these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VKCENTS per line. The firat Insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN MONEY. ' ONEY TO LOAN Call at LavOltlce of D. M' L. Thomas ItoomS. Urclzhton Illoek. A Afifi To Ioa" at from 8 to 10 l'cr ccllt- S " " JU.WU" n jood re l eitatcsecurity , by UK. ISAAC EDWA11DS , 1109 F.irnham St. TO LOAN At 8 per ccntln- tercet In sinus of $2,500 and upnardg , for 3 toSyoars , on llrst-class city and farm property. Ilr.ins KKAL KSTATB and LOAN AiiKNcr. Ifith and Pouitlvt 8tn. HELP WANTED. - tin oiling house of 8 or 10 rooms WANTKD-A part of the city. Address .Maj. T. If. btanton , Paymaster U. S. Army , 'Fort Omitia. t > 00-l AN I ED A cook at the Shell House , Ash. W land , N'cb. fcO'J-5 WANl'rU Situation < w housekeeper , com potent to take charge nf a hotel. Wlllim to ( jo Into thctountry Itefcrcnccs exchanged Addresi 0. II. 1'ost Oltlce. faOS-1 * "TTfANTED Immediately , U ) carpenters. VV Wages ft ! VIS and S3 00 per day. Apply 1410Dodn'obtreet. W. W1NCIT 310-5 A fjood Kirl for scncral house WANTED work. Apply 1417 Howard St. 811-30 * " \T7"ANTKD One good ( Itdt-elass cook , can do Vt meats and paitcry both. Good \va res paid. Enquire Dejibt Ilotcl , Norfolk Neb. F. II. HAUJJllT . " , Prop. 807-5" ANTED A dining room girl and a kitchen girl , at OOi South I.lth St. b2 1' \T5 ANTED Man nnd wife , at the liitclllgc W ollke , No. 49. llth St. BUM ANTED. A good barber , at the ( Irccn Tree W Shop , 311 8.10th St. G. F. ELSASSKR. 4U7-tf AN I'I'D Situation by. respectable girl as W cook or liomikeeper ; stranger In the tlty Plcaso call at 1411 Chicago St. 704 30" WANTED Fifty carpenters at llojd's Open House. II ghcstuagc * payed. SHAW FIELD. 783.10 \ \ ANTED Board with pHatant rooms for VV Belt and wife In prHato family. Address , QF.O. V. MOUFOKD , Suiit. C. . St. P. M. & 0. lly. 70831" - the Creighton House , a dining WANTED-At room gfrl. BOl-sr WANTBD-AmirHoglrl , at 1812 Cummlnirs Mreet , M3-30' " to do housework- \TrANTED-A girl general VY Good waged to ono who Is competent. N. W. Cor. California and 20th Sts. 804-31' Fifty carpenters ftt Opera House , WANTED t'J.75 per day. 7U2-2 8HAW & FIELD. A glrHor general ho iifo work WANTED on Pleasant btrcet , ad house north from St. Jlury's a\cnuc , after Saturday , August 27th. 788-3U Hoarders and lodgers , 2015 Hurt WANTED I'rhato duelling , home comforts. "TTTANTED-A flrclasscook , musthaxoa re W commendation. J. W. OANMETT , 2110 Cass St. 777-31 * A | x > l table to rent ; with privl WANTED purchasing. State price. AddrcsiaEo , 1NMAN , 45J.H Vull. Crawford Co. , Iowa. Funding bridge and school bond . WANTED Clark , Billet ue. 2C-tf TO TRADE Almost now top eldt WANTED for a pliuton. Enquire at Ucv Ottlcc. "OT- FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. rHOR RKI.T An excellent cottage , SCU Ij rooms , on California btrcet near 2id-toi small family , juwiwsloii Sept. 1st. llettt * 27.M JXT month In advance. \\AlUH.Ki. . RENT Furnished room , S. W. Cor. W ! andDiUenportBU. 784-t ; iOR IIKNT One room \\lth board , 1803 Call ! lornla btrcet. 735 tf .1011 RI NT A two-story house of 7 rooms wt L' stable , on Sherman Avo. Ain'lj'nt iltrrlll1 feed itore , 207 S. 12th St. 723-11 TTIOR RENT-Nlicly ftirnlbhcd rooms , at COS JJ mtittrcct. 749-tf | 7\OR RENT ranUurnUhecl rooms. Reason 1' able prlets , brick homc , 2013Ca s St. Oi3 t T OR RKNT-Largo barn. Inquire t ISIS Chicago < cage St. U74tl T7\OR RENT A niccl } furnUheJ front room fo I ? one or two tciitlciuen , at H10 Howard t > trcc' 6831 ( 10FR IIKNT 2 furnUlied toomi oxer Me FR ' Exihanjci.N. E , ccr. lOthand ficxlt Directs. 2S9-II FOR SALE. 10H 8AHI A car load of good t.oncsa Hainan's Livery Stable. IStli bt. 80S-iO ! 011 SAI.i-Two : loU and new hoiwo & room I' S W cornir llth and Vlnton ttrceti ; tin ; iivi Appl ) on premise * bOJ PEBIAL NOTIOES-OQfltlDUBd 710n SA1.K At a liargaln , two ncrci of l ml with flnoKrme. Choice location for a TO oon. House , otablo and good well on mcml cv nly two miles from court home. Price 8300 , n < ] ill re at once. Ho * 424 , Council I ) uI. ( , I.v . _ aiig-iHMt 7Wn PAI.K Oil KXCHANflK A new 10-fool ; klft for titihtlni ? or fi'lilnir or coin ; ; down 10 rhcr. Apl'b' " * I'nclflc Uoutc , loth ht. Tutu- y. TO.V.'O- _ T on SAIK Hou c with four rootm , on ; Lcm emvorth direct , Lstncen Cth nnd 7th , l > ] ily to Iljron llcnl , 7lK-3' ) 'TOHSFS rOll SALE Young sound horses to .JL l ) iloscd out , cheap. Apiilv at 1S15 Karn ' am St. tOO-31' _ 71 OR BALK Snrall onlorn , Ciicubcrnt0m to0 ! > , ] red pepper * , etc. , for pickling iiun > o p , do- rid In all quantities. TOUSLKY IlllOH. 773-tf _ 710H SAI.K A > pan of ponies , lii''Ky ) and liar- ness ; Iniiojy n most new. A | . ] > 1y nt the atcdonlan Saloon , U. 1 * . Mock , 10th Ht. 704-tf 011 SALH A rare I'hmico to lump Into a ncll cstahllslutl cash trade. Will sell my general ork of merchandise , ultuatcd In one of the Iwst ilmilnjr poInUon 11. & M. It. 11. For further mrticularg call or address J , U. LIulngcrWarcrly , fcb. _ 740-sZ 71011 HALK Lease and furniture of a < lret-clan j hotel In a tewn of 1809 Inhabitants , In ttato Nebraska ; hag 24 bcils ; the trav clltiK uicn'n re * rt. Inquire at DEK olUcc. 7\OI5.8A1.E \ Main of Douglas ai.d Harm * coun- < tics. A. IIOSEWATEP. , 1(120 ( rarnliami.trcc _ ! 71011 SAI.i : A new nil leather top side-bar . ' I'haoton with Bpriii ! ; cushion and hack , nt W. : . Oration's xrrUgo top manufactory 314 , S. Mil st , bet , rarnham und llarnujr. 707-tf 71011 SA Ml Jfoat house nnd full lot , 12 Mocks from I' , O. nt SlWO. Jens U McUAUfK , 712-tf Opp. 1'ostollUv. JlOU SALU-Flue stock farm of 400 ncrts K001' ' house , cattle shed , orchard kc. , with i tMy roach of railroad. Prito , ( MPOO , par me at OX. JOHN L. MfCAGUK , Opp. Post Mice. oau-tf 7101 ! SAMl Neat cottace nml irood lot at J SUM. JOHN I * JltCAGUK , Opp. V. O. - . _ _ 71011 SALK- Horse , liUjrsfJ' and tunicas. Can ; bo well nt Stevenson's Capitol Atcniio barn rice , S2M > . E. C. H.U3. EOO-tf 71011 SALE A Ilrst-tlam milk dairy. Inquire nt this ottlcc. 617iu27 HOUSES AND LAND Uomla rents . stores , hotels , farms , lota , lands , oWccir rooms , etc , Hec 1st page , 7101 ! SALE Good house with four rooms and } halt lot , No. 2013 Dodge between 2tith and 'th street. Good well and shade trees ; house In good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tl TMIRE1IAS ! And farasois repaired Oy H. J SC1IUTT lltli and Farnani its. 780tf HUCK H SALE. > 'J03-tf SALE.ESTABROOK i COE. TlOtt SALE A small engine. B. W. Payne Ti J Son's m kc. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of H. . Clark & Co. 30-tf MISCELLANEOUS. STRAYED From Start's stable , Omaha , ono * ) black marc , color comewhat faded , eljiht or Inc years , welkin about eleven hundred , had ! n saddle and bridle. A reward will bo paid for er return , or Information leading to her re- wery.V. . IX Cathcy , Fort Calhnun , Neb. 7 < Uitltu2t Q Tit AY ED Ayoumrrctl cow , short tall and left ear cut , belonging to' Chan. Uaiicr. 'Ihu iuler Mill be rewarded Noi 811 10th street. 789-2' CHAH. llAliEH. pvUAHA miU > ST01i-lIafl ( orsalo all J of rorcin and Uomcatic Birds , also IJlrd anclcry goods ; at ICth fct. , bet. Douglas and > EMIS has rattling Ion ; ; lists of houses , Iota > lands aiid farms for salo. Call and get pALL ( A'l MK8. B. B. CLARKE'S No. 1 Uoanl J Ing IIouso , cor. 13th and Dodge Sttt. llcst i the. city. 510-tf B EMIS' HEAL ESTATE DOOM. bee 1st page. from my place , on 16th and Juck- sotihtrutts , on Auguut Oth , one red amihlto elfcr , 2 ytars old 74T-27 "TTTIMUE Manufactory of paper TT / > YV boxes , 1403 Kamhain street , malm , Neb. u'2 " ALL on CT address Potter * Palmer , 40 South J Mil htrcet , Council Bluff ) , Iowa , for roll- aid ticKeti ist , west , north and. south. Qioatly cducinl rates on all tlcKcti. Ecrjticket Kiiar- utecd , and tickcti bought , bold and exchanged uugl7-lm nOUTUNE TKLLKR AND MEDIUM Mr * . L' Kliza tells jiast present , and future In lo\o nd all affair * * She re\ cats the deepest sccretsof lie heart. .She posses the magnetic power to fill 11 all your vtUhus. Call at No. 1010 Chicago trcct , near IStli. aug IG-tf LOST Sunday afternoon on Ho ward St. , child's gold bracelet , iuirl.ed"Ethet. " Find- r u 111 Ua\ at Dee Olllcc. S73-tf B EXIIS' NEW CITY MAPS,23o. See 1st pag From 2415 Ilarncy street July 23 j ono largoIrlndlo cow , 0 yearn old , brandcu-on , lip with Tetter " 0. " Has come \\hito &pots on ler. Any oireghing Information where the la r return her will bo suitably rewarded. 543 tf A. JI. CLARK. ANY ONE ha ing work fora typo writer can bo accommodated by telephoning tha UK tilcc. 483-tf nAKEN UI' A red co\v. Owner can.havo the J _ same _ bj | iroIng _ property and paylnjf harges. FKAN KOItltlhB , Saundcn and Oraio St . au24owvtdf.t EMIS' HEAL ESTATE EXCHANOE.-S B 1st pant. fllllEE or four young men can be aacommodft- JL ted with board. Kofcrcnccs uxuhougkd. Ap- ily 2011 Cos * street , 4th door ucst of With St. , tr address Box 337 , postotlice. 343 ? f . BROWN Corner 12th and Chicago . streets , Is rcnily to bore or deepen w ell ) . iUctlou guaranteed. 603tf FOUOET The successors ot the American DONT ican House , on Douglas etreet , between Otb aud 10th , for board , lodging and transient cut- tamers. Respectfully Kfll-tf JULIUS * I.OUIRK RGSK. EDWARD KUEHL , MAQISTER OF PALMYSTEIIY AND CONDI flONALIBT , 493 Tenth StreetlieUces Furnhatu andllaincy. Will , with the aid of guardian , spIrlU , obtain for any ono a glance at the past and present , and on certain loiulitioni In the fu me. Hoots and Shoes made to order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. au20-lm Absolutely Pure. Mdo from Orapo Cream Tartar , No other orictlon makes such light , flaky hot bread * . uxurioii paatry. Cau lie ratcn by Dj ipcntM wltrout fear of thclll * resulting from heavy Indl ircet'blo ' food. Kuld oat * ' In caub , i\ all Gro ri KOYAL IlAKlNOiWnVlJEtt CO New Ycibi C , F.