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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1881)
0 3 THE OMAHA DAIL H.H ELEVENTH YEAR < BJ All A , TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 30 , 1881 , NO. 50 PIIOBATE NOTICE. SUtc of Nebraska , Douulas County (9 ! At & County Court , held at the County Court Itooni , In nnd for fnkl County , August 2mh. A. 1 > . 18S1. Present , HOWAHD Ft. HJIIT1I. County .linljr. In the nnttcr ol the cttito of James K . l h , tie ccawJ-l On reading ami "liny the volition of Martha M. Ifh , praying that&dmlntatratlon of KtKlotntc may l > o granted to hern * nclmlnl'tmtlx ; f OnUrcd , That Sctr.inbcr Kith , A. I > . 1FE1. nt 10 o'clock n , m. , It aligned for hcarlnit nilil peti tion , vhr.i all pcrsoni Intcrcitcd In mM matter may Appear at a County Court to be hcldj In and for ( iilil County , ami Miow calico wliy the Uroyer of petitioner t\\m \ { > \ notlo Kranttil , anil that no tice ot pendency of RtiU | Hiltlpn nnJ tlio hcarlni : tlicrtxjt.lie gh en In nil persons Interested In Fnld matUT , by publlMilng a copy of thisordcrln TIIK Outi \ WKhKLr llrn , ixiCH ] i xpcrprlnt Hl In said Oou ty , for three succo < slve woi'kn , prior to nald < l y fhearlnu. HOWAHD II. SMITH , Poiintv .lnHgn' Exnmiuixtloii oFTonohor.v I will ho present at inj * offlce lit Crclphlon lilock on the flret Situnlay of each month to c\ amlnc such applicants M may desire to teach 1 In the pulills schools In l > ( ni ! i county. Quar terly ctairlnatlon first batunliy In I'cliNury , Jlfty , Atignst and Noember. . \ J.J I'OIXTS , County Snpt , 1'uhllc Instruction. Alig2 11 1 t anditilst'iim tr 1'UULIO KINDEHGAUTEN , Council llUitTn , Iowa. Conduced by JII' ' Sum nddy , of Chicago , Ills. Will rcglii Rcpt. fl. 1BS1. MI Eililv will ro- ( el\orVcwucll-ip.iali1lcd'lnlIcs to train in the Normal K ( , ' . Course. For partlculan apply until August Mth , to 931 Mrnroo St. , Chicago. LKQAL NOTICK. John McFaddcnw III rtnko notice that on the lOtbof August , 1SS1 , Charles Uratulcs , Just Ice ol thcll'cacc , of 1st pruolnct , Douglas Co. , Neb. , to- Hutti an order of nt Uchiecnt for thcRUra of $20.25 In on action pending holaro htm , uhcrcln Arnc Kratz Is plaintiff and John defendant , that property coiwlstlng of household liinilturc mid IinpIcmcntB has b-cn attacluxl under said order , bald cacao was continued to 21st ol September , 1681. 10 o'clock p.m. 3gl7w3t _ AUNO KUATC. Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE. Tc Hugh KIntlyand oil others whom It may con < > f < ern : You will take noilco that on the ? th day ol November , 1878 , Uary A. Uugdalo purchaicd at trrA.surcr' sale lor' tones for the 1877 , the W i ol lot 'J , block K , In the city of Omaha , said let wa- tatcd In the name of Huh Klnsly and the time ot redemption han cNf Ircd , and that on the 25th lay of November , 18SC , I will apply to Bald treas. oior for a deed to the abet o described real cstatu. MAIIY A. UUQUALK , Hy JAMF.S Y. MOIITON , Attornuv. ou0-v,3t ! 7J1AKEN UP A red jearllng bull , on J Jt , Kto-tn'a farm , nix miles west of Omaha * nuglO-w6t _ 11. I , . McKI.llON. GOOD Agents wanted to sell the Life of PRESIDENT GARFIELD , 'l viudng ! a full and accurate account ot his brief 1ut e\cntful adinlnlrtratlon ; thu great conllct with the "Stclnarts" headed by Conliling ; the assassinate him , Ith full pirtlculars of hU cnkr , ono of tlio mor.t critical and remarkable on record. The Intense Interest excited causes thousand' ) to desire lull parti. < nlars , hence thlo Uiook must tell Immensely. fTcrms liberal. Outflt , fOc. Circulars free. Address - dross liUUIlAltPBItOS. , Pubs. , t _ Kansao City , ilo. TTtAKEN UP OiK-dun mulu , letter V brando i on leftside of the nock , A' t" Jjl3-w , t On Crclchtou , ond. UP-A r il ar TAKEN a yeariu ; ; riiri , . ? - t-ituluiliu.iioii 1'Vniai _ T.U.w4t AGENTS WAN1K1) KOIt the Fastest bclllnir Book of th Atfel Foundations of Success. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The l w of trade , lejral forms , how to transact - act butlnoss , valuable tables , social etiquette , \ mrlluncutary usage , how to conduct public btulneta ; In fact It is complete Guide to Suc cess for all classes. A family nectsd.y. Address for circulars and special terms , INGIIOR PUB- MSHFNO RP. . Kt r iil . Mn. AGENTS WANTED ron ODK NEW BOOK BfBLE FOR THE YOUNG , ' lielng the Story of the Scriptures , by Rev. Ocora Alexander Crook , I ) . D. , In tlmple and attractiv " : ,0 , J for old and younp. trofuseiyTriustra , Ceil , maklni ; a most Intuastlng and Impressive youUi 6 Instnictor. E\ cry parent will secure this work. Preachers , you should circulate It. Prioo 93.00. Bend for circulars vith extra tcnns , J II. CHAMBERS & CO. St. LouU Mo. lor the VOHI. , " Bemir the story cf the Scriptures by Ilev. Oeo. Alexander Crook , D. D. , In elmple and attrac tive Untfuafce for old and younif. I'rofueely lllustrat J , makln a molt IntorestlnR and Im- prcsaive youth's Instructor. Every parent will Beuuro ttils work il'ieacberaou shnuld clr- culatolf. Prii $ S.OO. Sent1 for clrcultra with xtr eras. J. K. UHAMnKKSJt . . Hi. lnn\a. \ CAEPET HOUSE d. B. DETWILER 1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NED. Body Brussels , JL26 to $1.76 ; Taportry Brus els. * 1.15 to 81.05 ; 3-ply Cariwt , $1.25 to 81.40 IJerf 2-ply IngraJn , 81.00 to * 1.16j Cbein 2-ply Ingrain , iOc to OEc. ' Blattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades at'Lowest Market Prices. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Samples furnished at yard-rates CEO , n , i > u/ia * . A. C. CAMIM DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , 8 W COR. 16TH & DOUOI.AS HT3. , Iv 21'tf QUA II A. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY AT - - LAW. ' 2 Tarnham St. . Omaha Nth MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate of the St. Lou i School of Uldulvos , t ( BOB California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north e , where calls will be promptly respond ed to at any hour during the day or night. mlTdS J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J , II. Thlelo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 230 Dougla * Street Omaha Neb. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW D , S , BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AUBAC1I BLOCK , Cor. Dourlaj and l&th SU , Umah * Neb. To Contractors. Bid * will be received till Aujpwt 31 t , 1881 , for the erection of thrie-ttorjr britk building on Jarnbam anU 15th St. , In the city of Omaha , Neb , Plini and ( peclflrationi'can be fcccu at the fflco of A. T. Large. Thorisht to reject any or all bid * reserved. IIKNltY DO1ILE. 771-88 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS -AT 9 FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS 8T8 , , No 1 t/t on Itarncj street , near new eour house. t2600. No 2 Lot on C M ttrect near 22J , ? 2KX ) . No J tx > t on Oiiltoriria street near 22J , ? 1K)0 ( ) No i Lot on lUrcy street nunr U. I1. Ue-ot | NeO J block In Sktnn's 3 < l addition near Con cut , $ S 0. No 8 T\\olots OKDccntur near Campbell St. 1700. 1700.No No 10 Blots on Colfax street near llatisoou Park , nt rcomnablr prlovs , 100 cliolco roMrnco lot In Credit Koncltr nin OtaiidxIowatUlitloiK n short ilUtAtico ooullicaito U. 1 * . and 11. & M. dcpatg , prices front f 100 up wnrds. ISloH on 21st , 22 l , 3d anil Saundcn ttrcctf north of and nijolnmj ; K. V. Smith's addition f400j terms caip No 09 Full corner lot on Douglas street no-i 10th , $ ' > SOO. No 70 UornerOOxllO ( cctloton Douglas nca ; near llth etrttft , $3100. No. 71 Thrae lota In Olsc'a addition near Saun Icra street , 81000 73 Lot on Becatur street , near Irene Shlnn'i 2d addition 6115. No. 75 82 < rttO tcct on PaclOc street near U. P mil U. & M. < ! cols , $30011. No. 70 SpJondld warehouse lot 77x132 foot fit ) itrect near tfoncs , 3600. No "i 3 lots on Harncy stroct no r 18th,82000 No 81 Lot In Olsa'i addition near Stundcr I'reet , 8500. No. 82 Lot In Olscs' addition aeu Saundcr street , 300. No 83 2 lets on 10th near PuclOc and Nat "flrks , S1KXJ. No 80 Lot on Cliarlca street near Saundon ( COO. COO.No87 Txit on Lcavenworth nccr 15th , 81,100 No& > LotonCalducll street near Saundcn No 89 Lot on Chicago near 2Sd street , $1600. No 00 Lot on Ulonilo near Campbell street $75. 81 lots iBilillards & CaldweU's addition , Shcr mana\cni > rl IGth street , Kprlnif , Saratoga an < Florence streets , $700 and upwnr Js. No 122- lots on Ibth street , near Poppleton' aew re.sid9nco,81COO. No 12J iot 71x310 feet on Sherman avenue 10th street , S1100 No 124 8 loin on Bc11c\ue street , near she tower , S50to S76'cach. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , nca ghat toner , 850 to $76 each. No 120 Lot on 18th btrcot , e white lew works , 8511 No ' .27-42 lots , 3 } acres near head of St. Mary' avenue , on rood to Park , ? > 0fl. No 129 Lo on California Hour Crcljjhton Co ] epc , 8375. No I'M A lots near now goern merit corral , 82. x207i acr 9 each. 8300. No 1U1 Lot In ( Use's addition on Cameron St near Suuntkr * , make an oflcr. No. IGO Lot In Olso's addition CusslusSt. near State , incxo an offer. No 102 Lot in disc's addition ou Caaslus ncai Saundcn , make an offer. No 103 1 block In lioyd'e addition addlttoi near Omaka IlarrackB. maKe tn offer. No IM 7 lots In Henry & Shcf.ton'i odd.t'-r rear hijth chool , price from 81250 upward. \ ' 170 Lot on PaclOc street , near 16th , uiA ' NolTl 'lots on Webster"stuet , both 3Svflcr S2000 for corner and 61800 .for-Jr do. do.No 173 . } lot on Casa near lith street. $1000 No 175 tot on Sherman avenue lUn stroc near Izard , 44x132 , $ .1400. No 177 C lota In Grnrxhlcw. tnike.nn offer. No ISO ( Lot In Smrm'fl addition on Pier St oar end stoect car track , 8525. No 131 TV o Iota in Nclson'a aUitlon , 1 o aaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng $300 each. No 183 TU-o Rllt edge lots on Cam street nca 21st. on a corner , SCOOO. No 185 Lot on Stward street , ucar Saunderg make an olTur. No 180 3 iota on Scward street , near Irene make an offer No leoj , lot'on Davenport near 25Ui , 8500. No afil , lot on Dh Ision near Cumin ; , ' Nt , $200 No 1&8J , block In Uoyd's addition , nutr Oniah barracks , 84DQ. No 18 ! ) ) , J lot on Plcrco near Oth street , 8550. No I'JuJ , lot on lltli near Karnluin , t'JlOO No 101 J , l > beautiful lotti In Slilun'a o < lditlo ) $1200. No 102) ) , 2 lota on 18th street near whlto leai norks , * 1UJO. No 1931 , lot on ,20th street near Sherman , $401 No 10IJ , 2 lot n 22d ttreet , near Clark , 6000 No IIWJ , 3 bexullful lota on baundcra bt. nea street car turn table , 1275. No IIWJ , lot ou 15tli near Plcjco § t. $ . .00. No 201Lot In Glso'a addition on Cunaron t near Hainidcrs , VWI. No VKhJ Lot on Cameron street near Samidcrs $300. $300.No 203 I/jtln .ShJnn'H addition on SaunJcrs Bttcet , near street oar tuni table , $ # 50. Ho 2U4 Ucuutiful lot in Nelson's suldltlon , o Division street near Uinilng , 8 50. No. 2U5 Two lota on street , near lot $150.No . No 200 Two lojson Sixteenth street , near th nail \\oika , 815UO. No 208 Ono-hulflot on California street m-a 21ut , 870U. No i09 Ixt on 18th street near Nicholas , $000 Ne 210 Lot on Capitol at cnuo near 2Jd , 15UO Na 212 Lot HSxMlO feet on Colfax street , nca UaiHwotu Park , nith luiproicmcnta , 82700. No 213 Two acres on CumliiL' street , 81000. No 215 Olio-half aero on California , near Kin ncdybtroct.8350. No 216 Beautiful lot on Hamilton street nca street ear turn taole , 81000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. 8500. A few aero lots only remain mi oIJ In "J'arl Place" llttlo west of Crcl htoii ColUgt , prices rangn | ? f loni $276 to 8300 each and on easy terms Lota In Horbach'a 1st and 2d a > Idltlons ; alia lots In Parker'eijhlnn't ; Nelaou'n , Tcrrac-o's , K. V. Smith's. Ittalk-k'e , and all the other additions at any price and atanv terms. Tin aurca In the city limits on the road to the ! > arracks at $37A per aero. Four beautiful residence loU In front o CrelKhton College ; will cut them up to unit. Nine residence Iota north of Crel 'hton College jrouiHh , from $700 to jlOOO each. Thirty resilient lots in ParUcr'ri addition , MX blocks north of thcjcml of tlicrtrccs air track on Saundcn ) street , 8300 each , ? 10 down , tialain.0 suit , at 8 per cent Intercut. A fuw lots left In Terrace addition on the ro.ii to the Park , near head of St. Mary's aeiiuo , > ; 7:0 each. To thoHo who will build a t200 ! rebldencc , f\ejrstiinuat8 p r vent liitercat. LoU In Lake's addition at * .lfxj to $350 each , 10 roars time atU per cent Interest , to thobe who mild. 'IheoldTousIey 40-acro tract with houto nnd ill Improvement * , adjolnlnjf race tourta and fulr LTOunds' for hOOO. Tracts of D , 1U , 15 , 20 , 40 or SO acres , Hlthliull- ding * and other linpro\cincnU and adjoining the aty , nt all prleea. 3500 of the hcfct rcsldcncn lots In the city of Omaha any location jou desire nortli , cast , outh or west , and at bed rock 250 choice busincu lots In all the principal bui ncaa streets In Omaha , tarjlm ; from * 100 to 7000 each. Two hundred houses and loU rntixlnj ; from > 00to $16,000 , and located In e\ cry part ot the tv. lArge number of excellent arms In Douglas. arpy , Saundern , Dole , Wa hlneton , Hurt , and thcr ( rood counties In eastern Nebraska. 12,000 acres best landi In DougUs , 7000 acres tctt land * In Sarpy county , and lart'o tracts In 11 the eastern tier of counllei. Oier 1X10,000 acres of tlio bcbt land In the Ne- raska for tulo by this agency Ver ) laryo amounts of suburban 'property In ne to ten , twenty awl f > rty aero pieces , located Ithlu ono to three , four or Iho miles of the oatotllco some \cry cheap pieces. New Uaui ] of Omaha , published by fleer o P Jemls puln. unmountcu mapd 60 cenU each ; lountcd , colored and with cloth back , 81. W irch. IIou > cs,8tores , hoteli , farms , lots.l ande. otlu-cs oomsctu. . to rent or lease , Taxes iiald , rents collected , doodi , mort'Tii'e . nd all kinds of real estatu documents made out u short notltc. GEO. PTBEMIS1 leal Estate Exchange 16th and Douglas Street , ) MAHA , . - NEB , HURRAH , HHRRAH , HURRAH Three Ohcers for the President's ' Pluck , Ha Gains Ground Faat and Will Got Well , Dr. Hamilton Stakes His Surgi cal Reputation on it. Cheering Bulletin * From tlic Wliito House Sick Oliaiubor. National As < oclatctl Prc-a. W.\aiii.voTo.v , August 'JO 0:15 : u , in. The uumiiiit , ' ( hcpsiiij ; of tin woniul 1ms revoked no syniptonu ilotrimciitji.1 to the fnvoriiblu vuiuli- tioa ro ] > ortcd in tlio morning liullutin , Tlio wound uiul gland are both doint. wall. Carc'ful inijuii-y of tlio attend' nuts in tlio prcsiitunl'a sick cliiunbci fails to ulicit any iiiforiniition of n dis appointing character , The president slept better than for suvoral nights nnd the periods of natural sleep wore longer. The incidents of the night comprised the administration of several portions of liquid nourish ment , the giving of an eneniatn. two sponge baths , n change- \vatch by tlio nurses between . ' ! and 4 this morn ing After midnight the president had no fovcr. Mr * . Garlieldlmd | a good night's rest and found the situation this morning , favorable as she expected. Private Secretary Brown , too , had tlio first good night's rest ho has had in several days. The pulse at 7 o'clock was 104. The improvement seems to have well satisfied the public that the president was in no danger. The fooling at the white house is ono of increasing hope. At the examination this morning iho wound was found doing well. No rapid repair is yet noticeable , but thu granulations are butter. The How of pus is slightly nioro copious and the character satisfactory. Dr. Boynton - ton says that the fueling among the members of the family is ono of in- reasing hope. Dr. Boynton says the president looks bettoi and feels bet ter. During the night the president appeared to bo thinking of all ho had sullurod , the shot , the shook , the body incision , the swollen gland and its incision , &c. , and about 2 o'clock * his morning ho said : "I wonder nt how many nioro stations I shall have * o stop. " Dr. Bliss feels confident ntfain , and is now loth to admit that ho over gave the president up. It is well known , liowcver that Friday night not one of the physicians believed the presi dent would get well. Now not one uf tlmm think ho will din. The cab inet too are staining confidence HIS LUNUSHOUNI * . Tlio report that the president's lungs arc affected , showing indications of blood poisoning , is positively de nied by Dr. Reyburn and Dr. Boyiiton , Dr. Itoyburn said ho hod examined them , and they were all rijlit. r Boynton said that the lungs had boon tested a number of times. The phy sicians , of course , bearing in mind that the next stage below the lowest which the president has yet reached would bo some pyumic : affection of the lungs , have carefully watched these organs from day to day. I ex amined them myself to-day , "and I nm satisfied that they uro perfectly well , " said Boynton. The dnctor further said that ho considered the danger to the president from pytum.i to bo passed. The rumor , too , that a secretion of pus had been found in the knee joint is also authoritatively denied. Dr. Hamilton said on hU way to the train for Now York last evening , "I'll stake my reputation as a surgeon on the president's recovery. " mi. HAMILTON'S OONKIHENCK. NKW YOUK , August 2Dr. ! . Frank H. Hamilton said to a reporter on his arrival this morning , and in reply to a request for an interview. "I think you will bo satisfied if I say that the president is going to got woll. I have no time to dwell on the subject now , " ho added , "but the worst has passed and I personally have no doubt whatever that ho will recover entirely. A TOUGH YAKN. "Is the president cheerful ? " "If you should eo his face , not withstanding its swollen appearance , you would think so. Ho has never ihown any despondency. Why , on Saturday , when every ono had almost nitiroly abandoned hope , ho got oil' lis little joke. During the late elec- jon , when Florida was in doubt , jeneral Swaim was continually in the labitof saying to him , 'General , you don't intend to give up Florida , do on ? ' until it passed into a by-word. " 'Woll ' , on Saturday , TresidontJar field saw that the physician had ibout abandoned hope and turning to Jionoral Swaim , who was present , ho aid , "General , you don't intend to n'vo up Florida , do you ? " His face ut ho time was illuminated with a smile , ho joke was so patent , and turned o icatly on General Swain that all aughod , and oven Mrs. Garficld , whoso eyes wore sull'used with tears , oula not help indulging in a smilo. UKC'KIVINd THE OOOI .NKWS. C&KVKtANU , 0. . August 2'J. There s great satisfaction in-family circles t Mentor nnd Hiram. A telegram rom the president's sons to friends nt ionic says : "Father is safe. " FIIKMONT , 0 , , August 2 ! ) . Presi. cut Hayes has private advices of the rently improved condition of tlio resident , and feels much encouraged , 'ho immediate attendants of the resident promise an improvement so ccidcd ns to give Holid ground for ! iu well-founded hopo. WHAT A I1ISHOP THINKS. Lo.vno.v , August 2'J. The Protest * nt Episcopalian bishop of Fenn , in a ermdn to the Seaforth church yester- ay , about the assassination of Gar- old , and supposing ho was dead , said iat the death of the president was lovitablo , as ho had dared to attempt to strangle crime , nnd intimntod tlm it was the result of a plot to brin about n chmigo of administration i order to prevent the completion of th Investigation , MONDAY'S BULLETINS. 7 A. M. IUIM.ETIN. Information just received from th sick room is to the olj'oct thattth president slept well during the nigh The febrile rise subsided nbout mil night. In the opinion of thophys lions thu president has fully held hi own since yesterday. Pulse , 101. 8 A. M , UUI.I.KTIN. No change has occurred in thq siti ation fiinco the last report. The coi iMihation of the physicians nnd the : examination will soon tiiko place , am their mornint ; bulletin is expected n the usual hour. MANSION , 8 a. m. Th president's symptoms this inimiin nro us fuvorablo as yesterday at th same hour. Ho slept , nwnkonini ; n intervals , lie took nnd retained th liquid nourishment administered Hi mind continues perfectly clean Pills 100 , toinnorattiro S)8.5 ) , respiration , 17 [ Signed ] D. W. BLISS , .T. J. WoonwAJtn , ' D. II. AHNKW , J. K. BAUNES , ROUT. Hr.YiiuiiN. TKN A. M. 1IUU.KTIN. The president continues to do well Ho is cheerful nnd perfectly clea minded all the time , nnd up to tin hour no symptom of the case has do vclopcd an unfavorable feature. ' At the morning dressing of th wound the appearance of the "gather ing" was so well developed that HI is made n slight incision in the with n knife. A liberal discharge o pus followed. There are now foil discharges from the tlnnd nnd th swelling has begun to diminish. ELEVKN A. M. lIUtLRTIN , The favorable condition of the pres ident continues without any iutornip tion up to this timo. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. ExKiumvB MANSION , 12JJO : n. in. At the morning dressing of the proa : dent an additional point of suppura tion was recognized in hi.s swolle , which being inserted gave exit t some healthy looking pus. The otl or openings on the exterior of th swelling uro likewise discharging , bu though less terse , the tame faction has not yet materially diminished in size Nothing new has boon observed in th condition of the wound. The usua daily rise of temperature has not ye occurred And the general conditio has not materially changed since inorn ing. Pulse 100 , temperature 'JH. ( respiration 18. (5 ( ( Signed. ) J. J. WOOUWAIIU. D. W. BLISS , v J. K. DAHNIVO UOII'T HKYIIUR.V , D. H. AONEW. TWO P. M. BULLETIN. The president has continued to tnk the usual amountof nourishment to-dn ; in addition to koumiss , milk porridg undpeptonizod milk. Ho has swa lowed to-day a portion of the chieko broth , which ho relished ox coedingly. During the mornin also a measurement was take of the president's limbs for the sak of ascertaining how much ho had los in weight. It is probable that hi weight is now from 130 to 140 pounds The favorable conditions continue ! without interruption up to 2 p. in. , a which time the usual febrile rise was scarcely noticeable , and Dr. Blis said that all was going woll. RIX P. M. IIUILETIN. Dr. Bliss took the president's pnls at 430 ; p. m. , and found it 104 , full and boating firmly. The doctor a that hour expressed his belief also that the expected rise in temporatur for the evening would bo tcoinpara tivcly slight. OFFICIAL lIULLETiy. _ vK MANSION , 7 p. m. The following bulletin just issued give the president's condition at li30 ; this evening , as follows : The daily rise in the president's temperature began later this after noon than yesterday , but rose 8-10 o a degree. The frequency of the pulse is now the same as at this hour yes terday. Ho has taken willingly the liquid food prescribed during the day nnd in addition during the nfternooi u small piece of milk toast. At the evening dressing a pretty free dis charge of healthy pus took place fron the parotid swelling , which is per ccptibly diminishing. The doctors suy there is no material change Pulse 110 , temperature 100.C , rcsni ration 10. ( Signed ) D. W. BLISS , H. HKYIIUUN , J , W. BAUNKS , J. J. WoODWAIlIt , D. II. AONKW. I' . .M. IIULI.UTIN. The febrile rise is gradually subsid ing nnd nil the indications remain fav orable. The president has already had ono comfortable nap. TKN P. M , IIULLKTIN. The president's symptoms are favorable - able for a good night. The mansion is closed , nnd the inmates are pre paring to retire. Hope is still in creasing. The Cramer Mystery. S'ltlonal Associated Prcas. NJW HAVKN , Conn. , August 2'J. I'ho coroner's jury in the Cramer case liold a special session this evening at rt'est Haven , Henry C. Allan testi- led to seeing Jennie Cramer in u juggy with u young 'man who has linco been identified ns .las , Malley , > n Friday evening , August 13. Blanche Douglas was taken to jail this even- ng and locked up on charge ot pt > r- ury. _ Stenmor Movements- National Atuoclatcd Pro * . Liyntu-ooL , August 2'J. Arrived hrdinia , Montreal , Iowa , and Bui- [ arian , Boston , City of Chester , from few York. QUEIINSTOWN , August 20. Sailed ho 28th the Abyssinia mid Bothnia , or New York. VERY FAVORABLE , Latest Bulletins This Morning From Washington , V ft * They Show the President's Con ditlon to bo Improving. Ho Eats With Much Rolieh and Sloop ? Tranquilly , Interesting Sermon nt tlio Whit Hottnc. National Ansoclatitl Pro * * . WASIUNIITON , August ZV. Dr. Hlis thinks from tlio present appearance of the case that the evening liullotii will umku n bettor showing ovun thai Inst night. Dr. Baxter , who him Ion had no fricnilly feelings toward Hi physicians , stated to-day thai if th president's stomach hold out and h received necessary care ho was now it a position to recover. lir.AINK'rt UAIII.KUKAM. Tlio following was cabled this after noon : To Lowell , London : The president 1ms n good night n < u is having a good day. At i ! p. in. his pulse 100 , and a doorcase since/ the forenoon. For many days past the pulse has shown n decided incrcnso by this tiinu in the afternoon. The res piration is normal , and nil other symptoms nro reported by the sur geons to bo favorable. [ Signed ] BI.AINK , Secretary. Dr. Bliss at 2J)0 : ) stated that the president was doine splendidly. The pulse since noon had ringed from 1X to 103 , and was improved in quality. Examination showed that the lungs were in excellent condition. The evening bulletin was generally con Huloroa fnvornblc. The high temper atnro was caused by pus which line collected in thu gland , mid it had nub sided since the pus 1ms boon removed To-day's statements of the prcsi dent's physicians , official and other wise , ahow that the patient lias had i bettor day than yesterday , while ul that can bo learned from the doctor and others who have access to the sick room fully coincide. Ho has no really gained in strength , but all the symptoms show at least iv slight im proveniont. Nothing whatever of ni unfavorable character has thus fa been developed. To-day there was a now face for th president to see , Mr. 0. O. Rockwell whoso wife is H sister of Mrs. Gar field. Mr. Rockwell says that ho ox pcctod to find the president unable to use Ms hanrt. frojji wln.1 Jy Jm'l linard but the president reached out his arm took the proffered hand , and gave it i good grip. Mr. Rockwell says h thinks that the president will recover This feeling is shared by all who have soon him to-day. OUITIIAU (3AHELES.S. District-Attorney Corkhill visited Ouiteaii in the jail on Sunday at the lattor's request. Guitoau complainoi of bad treatment nt McOill'a 'hands aim wished him tried for assault niu battbry. Ho was persuaded out o the idea. Guitoau was handed a letter tor from hit ) brother-in-law , Gee Scoyille , of Chicago , who offered ti defend him when indicted , llo sail that Scovillo was an ordinary lawyer , and would not do. Ho was not much of n lawyer himself , but could boat his brother-in-law. When the cast came up ho would have eminent coun sel. At present ho did not care to bo bothered with it. After the evening bulletin had been iEsuod Dr Agnew was asked what ho thought of the fair Htatcmont of the president's condition , and "What do you think of the condition ] " was furtlior asked. " "There is nothing unfavorable in it. ' Dr. Hamilton's positive slatoinenl before .ho wont homo that ho woulc stake his reputation as a surgeon on the president's recovery has had much ofl'opt on the ininda of all to-day. Dr. Bliss lias boon fooling very confident to-day. Ho said that the size of the swollen gland Was percept ibly reduced now. There was indi cations that another opening would have to ho made in the gland tomorrow row mowing , but ho said it would as sist progress , and would not at all re tard the case. The wound , ho said , was looking bettor to.night than the morning dressing. The granulations were piling up hotter. , A catheter could bo pushed in about twelve inches yet , but the channel doomed slightly smaller. Ho fears no dan gerous result from the wound in any event. Ho thinks the bullet 1ms worked its way down the cavity ajid uoonis nearer tlio rectum. This is indicated by the gradual disappearance of the fooling noticed near the illiao region as if a liard tissue was encountered. Thu doctor says : "Tho nearer it gels , tu thu rectum the easier it will bo to got } ut , and you know wo must cut tin ball out some time. " Ho says tin incident's stomach mid bowels are all ight. * ANOTIIHU t'AIILKUUAM. The following has been sent ; .lOwoll , Minister at London : At 10:30 : to-night the general eon- lition of the president is favorable. . .ate in the afternoon the pulse rose o 112 , and his temperature to 100 , > oth a little higher than the surgeon * expected. The pulse has now fallen o 10(5 ( and the fever is subsiding. The wrolid swelling is steadily improving nd is at last diminishing in size. Tlio ipprohonsions of blood poison grow ess every hour. [ Signed ] BLAINE , Secretary , Mrs. Garfield s face reflects her re- tored confidence and the children ave boon BO greatly relieved by the ncouraging air that a largo part of ho day has boon doyotod by them to utside recreation. The cabinet has nude up its mind it will tuko a week f steady improvement to place the case on n safe footing. Even Attorney- General MoYoagh , who has been very gloomy from the first , cays that n week of such day as to-day will plnca the president in a fair way to ward recovery. Ho can see nothing unfavorable at present , but nays ho will run the rink of now complications until assimilat ing food 1ms made decided progress in the olemancry septic of tlio blood , Ho docs not like these febrile rises. Each ono uses up tissue. When they cease ho will cease to bo despondent. Postmaster-General Jainen firmly believes the turning point has been passed. The object of his visit to Now York the other night was for consultation with the vice-president as to whether in the cane of the presi dent's death ho should prefer to come to Washington just before or just after thu end had como. All the cabinet were at the White House to-night , but leit earlier than usual. Dr. AK.IIOW went homo with the nltorncy-tionoral , and tlio mansion \ Dr. Uliss and Dr. Koyburn will remain with the president to-niqht. Ho ban taken plenty of nourishment to-day , includ ing nioro toast , chicken broth and four ononmta. Late reports show that ho is resting well and all conditions re- innin very favorable. TUESDAY'S 'BULLETINS. TWO A. M. IIUU.UT1N. Reports from the sick room up to this hour have nothing unfavorable in their character. The physicians are sleeping ns much ns usual and thu president seems to bo getting better 'rest also. No material change in the president's condition has occurred in tlio last hour. A TRAGIC SCENE Enacted nt tlio White House Fri day-Mr * . Gnrflold'a Faith- Anaoctatcil Press NBW YOUK. August 29. The fol lowing special is published in The Evening Post , from Washington : "As hope returns more is learned in detail of the terrible anxiety of the last few iTuys. It appears that the surgeons , after the alarming symp toms of the morning decided that it was useless longer to continue the struggle and two ot their number were selected to wail on Mrs. Gartield and inform her that medical science could do no more and that she must prepare for thu worst. The interview which occurred between these sur geons and Mrs. Garliold will , if re ports nro true , bo regarded as one of the most dramatic incidents in this extraordinary cose. Capt. Henry , marshal of the dis trict , n friend of the president's fam ily , said that Mrs. Garfield hoard thu news with great composure , and that , smothering her emotion , iho arose am said : "Gentlemen , j on shall not givi him up. Ho is not going O'dio. ' Ho is going to live. I fcol,3 know it. Go back to your post , every ono ol you , and leave it not until every remedy is exhausted until death it self has sot his seal upon him , for 1 will not believe that ho is dying. Go hack and do what you can. You can not do more , but don't give up. I am his wife , and I say that wo will no ! give up until tlio end itself is upon us ! " " $ Mrs. Garfield has never surrendered more than n moment or two to hoi grief , and then she has retired to lici room , and after a brief absoncj lias returned to her post of duty at the president's bed-side. SUMMER SPORTS. Rnoiug nt Brighton Boach. National Assomtcd Press. Ni\v : YORK , August 2 ! ) . The first race at Brighton Beach , five furlongs , was won by Banter , Lucy Long second end ; time , 1:05. : The second race , inilo , was won by Blantom , Victor second ; time , 1 : ! ( ) . The third race , three-fourths of a mile , was won by Cridgo , Mnsalino second ; time , llfi. : The fourth race , mile and n half , was won by Ingomar ; time , 2IJ8. : The fifth race wan won by Andy Woodcock , Eunice second ; time , 222. ; Bao Ball. / BUITAI.O , August 2f ) . BufTalos 0 , Clovnlands U. Titov , August 2'J. Treys f , Bos tons ! . PUOVIIIKSCK , August 29. Provi dence 12 , Worceetors 0. Niw : YOHK , August 29. Metro politans 4 , Atlanlics 2 , AFTER THE LYNCHERS. TOUBOSSOO'H Governor Oilers Goiior- ous Rownrtla for Thorn. National Associated I'rcsa. NAHIIVIM.K , Tonn. , August 2 ! ) . Governor Hawkins oilers the follow ing ro winds ; Five thousand dollars for the apprehension of all or any ol the persons who participated in the mob which lynched Houston Turnoy , at Murfreosboro , July 18 , 1881 ; 5,000for all or any ono or more ol the poroons who mobbed Felix Witoy , in Luke county , July 14 ; 85,000 for the persons who mobbed Mike Wells , in Dyer county , August 1. A former proclamation ollbringii reward of 8500 , Tor the arrest and conviction of anyone ono or nil of these who participated in the Springfield mob , has boon revoked ind n reward of $5,000 offered in stead , Fire Fiouil Frolics. S'atlonal Associated Press. # ANKHVIU.H , O , , August 29. The low and grist mill belonging to Wm. I'erry and located in Mount Sterling , jurnod to the gound. Loss not given , tfo Insurance. YOITNOSTOWN , Ohio , August 2 ! ) . L'Jio hoisting house of the Lcadvillo Uoal company's shaft caught lire from i spark and the hoisting house and a mmbor of cars were dostioyod. Loss $10,000 $ , fully insured. I'lKituETOwN , Ind. , August 29. I'ho barrel and wagon factory of A. \ Johnson was entirely destroyed by ire with all its contents. Loss 50,000 , HORRIBLE AFAOHE OUTRAGE. The Whole Town of Eureka , N , M. , Massacred. The Rod Devlin I.onva Seventy Glmstly National A socl Uxl I'rci * . TuM > .s , A. T. , August 29. An ap parently reliable report cornea from Tombstone to the oiled that tlio town of Eureka , Now Mexico , has been at tacked by lndiaimprcsumnbly Apaches , who are known to bo in that neigh borhood in largo numbois , and all the citizens , about seventy in number. killed. No particulars can bo learned lit this time. A mm Tin : WASMI.VHTO.V , August 29A Fort Grande , Colo. , telegram from Gen. Pope says that the troops pursuing the Mexico Indian raiders will erosn the lino. A telegram from Gen. Hatch lhroui n Gon. Whip- plo _ corroborates this. The Amoiican lumps nro only eight inilcn in tji0rear. Agent Stephens , of the Standing Hock Indians , is leaving Dakota aaoncy. STEAMER BUNK. ConMdoraolo Iio of Life In Feared. National Associated I'rcM llAummn , Conn. , August 29. The report has reached hero that the , ntoamor State of Now York wan sunk nt the dock at Goodspeed Landing , Conn. , this morning. A dispach says it is feared that there has boon a losa of life , as several of the passengora nro missing. The details will bo sent nt onco. Gooust' LANDING , Conn. , Aug ust 29. The State of Now York last niqht struck a snag at this point nnd \vas wink. The haggago-mastor was drowned , but all thu passengers were saved. HEAVY EMBEZZLEMENT. Auothor Confldontial Cleric Goon Aiitrny for S1O.OOO. National Awoolatotl trc ti. OIIIUAMO , August 29. Adolph J. Schado , of Pittsburg , was , arrested hero this morning for omboz/.lomont of 910,000 from the third national bank of Pittsburg in which concern ho was teller and confidential clerk.- Gambling ruined him , ho lied first to Now York and thence to IIis ) city. ON THEIR WAY WESTWARD. The Ponca Delegate * Rotarnlng from Washington- Natlonnl Arsoclatuil 1'rcss. CiuoAoo , August 29. A largo Indian - , dian delegation , comprising reprcson-- t'utivus of the OgalUla , liralo , Yanktonia , Sacs ; Ponca. Winnobngo. nnd Omaha Indmiia , who have boon nt Washington the past two weeks at tempting to adjust what is knowfi aa. the Ponca question , loft this city tint morning for the. west. Killed in a QuaneL National Anioclatcil Truu. NKIAONVIM.K , O. , August 29. At Lick Run , Dick Williamson and two brothers named Scott nnd James Tip- ton < piarrollod , nnd Williamson shot Scott Tintoi ) through the stomach and James Tipton through the shoulder. The Tiptons returned the firX ) , but failed to Imng down their game. Scott Tipton will die. Williamson was ar rested at Xaoloski. ( The RniuloBs Bolt- National AHsoclntuU 1'rcsn. CINCINNATI , O. , August 29.-No rain has fallen since June , and the whole section from hero as far south us Alabama is literally parched. MATTOON , 111. , August 29. Water is readily sold nt one dollar per bar- Ynl. There litin been no ruin since Juno itOth. Tlio drouth is unpruco- dented , A Now Dank in Mexico. National Associated Prus * . dry OK MKXICO , Aiifjust 2'J. ' The Mexican Spanish nioronants of this city are organizing a bank in opposi tion to the Franco-Egyptian mink. The capital ot the bank will bo 84,000,000 , 82,000,000 of which will bo raised immediately , and the other 82,000,000 , will bo issued in bills. The government ollors no guarantees to the projector of the bank , neither do they place any obHtaclcs in the way of tliuir visiting tlio principal cit ies of the interior in the interest of the bank , nor to their establishing brunch banks in such interior cities an they may wish. The merchants who are interested in the above scheme think they should have the same guarantees from the government that wore given the Franco-Egyptian bank , nnd for this purpose they have prepared - pared : v bill , which will bo submitted to congress on its reassembling in September. * i Foreign Affairs. National Associated Prusa. LONDON , August 20. A dispatch says that the inhabitants of Susu are beseeching the French to occupy the town in order to prevent and punish crimu. In Tyrone county Mr. Itylotts , home rulu candidate for parliament , has espoused tlio canso of the laborers , who will support him , Mr. Parnell has left Belfast for New Castle. lie will return to Tyrone rene ou Thursday. Thoa. Uroiumn , latosscrotary of the land league , Juts received a formal no tice from the Irish executive commit * tee that ho is remanded to Kiliiiun- luuii jail for three months. A dispatch from Berlin Bays that Dr , Kuril m has received a bill ap- winling him bishop of Trevca. Dr. ICnrum is now staying at Yursoin with I'rince IHsnmrck , Small Comfort' When you nro continually coiifliint' , an loyiiiu everybody around you , and hoping t will KO away uf Itu own accord , you ore running u tlaugerous rink better use Dr. InoMAB1 KLKCTUIO OIL , an unfailing rem edy m all Fuch cases , eodhv