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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE VTCATf. OI\1 \ Air A. THURSDAY MORNING. SKITI3MUI3R1. 1881. NO. (11 ( REAL ESTATE BARGAINS VT AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND JOUBLAS STS , , No 1 Lot on Hartley street , near new court houie , it-lM ) . Ko 2 Lot on Ca s street near 2.M , tiSOO. No -tot on OAltornlft ttroct near 22dl 00. No 5 Lot on Slarcy etrcet near U. I' , depot , If J1200. Xo a } block In Shlim'a S.1 uldltlon near Con- ent , SSW. No S Two lota on Dccattir near Cnniptidl St. , C700.No No 10 S loU on Colfax street near llanseom furl : , at reasonable prices , 100 tliolco rcMttcnca lot * In Credit Fonder nnd Oniinh lowaddltlonna nhort dl < tntua southeast of U. 1 * . and I ) , ti M. depots , prices from S100 up- IS lot * on 31st , 22il , 23.1 and Sanndcrs streets , north nt n-ul adjoining IX V. Smith's addition , (400 ; terms cany No 00 ( 'ull corner lot on Douglas street near 10th , S2500. Xo 70 Comer GOxllO feet lot on Couch ; near near llth street , SHOO. No. 71 Thrrolotslti Glue's addition near Soun ders utrcet , 81000 73 Lot on Dccatur street , near Irene Shlnn's -2da < lditlonn5. No. "n S2xCG feet on Pacific street near U , P .and It. i M. depots , 8300J. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feet 9th etrcet near Jones , $3600. No 78 3 loU on Harncy street near 10th$2000. No SI Lot In Qiao's addition near SaunJers 'rcet , fc500. No. 32 Lot in UIses' addition near Saundcrs street , . $300. No S3 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and Nail wirks , SUM. No Stf Lot on Charles street near Saundcjs , 4500.No37 No37 Lot on Lcavcnworth near IBth , $1,100. NoiW LotonCaldtvelt street near Sounders No' 89 Dot on Chicago near 22d street. $1600. No M Lot on Blonde near Campbell street . $76. 31 lota In Hlllards & Caldvrcll's addition , Sher man av einie , ICth street , Spring , Saratoga and Florence streets , $700 and upwards. No 122 2 lots on Ibth street , near Popplcton's BOW residence , $1003. No 123 Lot 7K310 feet on Sherman avenue , 16th street , 61100 No 124 8 lots on Hellenic street , near shot tower , ? .10to ftfi'cach. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near shat tower , $50 to $76 each. No 120 Lot on 18th street , no w hltc lead works , 862S No 127 2 lots , 3J oercsnear head of St. Mary's STOUUC , on road to Park , $2500. No 129 Lo on California near Crelghton Col- No 1UO-U lots near now government corral , 62 } X207J acres each. S300 , No 101 Lot In Olso's addition on Cameron St. near .Sounders , make an offer. No. tbO Lot in Glse's addition on Casilus St. , near State , make an offer. No 10. ! Lot In Qlso's addition on Casslus near Saunders , niako an oiler. No 103 1 block in Boyd's addition addition near Omaha liarracks , make an offer. No 101 7 lots in Henry St Shelton's addition near high school , price fromS1250upward. 170 Lot on Pacific street , near 15th , make an offer. offer.No No 171 2 loU on Webster itreet , near 21st , both * > 00 or $2000 for corner and $1800 .for In \ t do- doNe \ / No 173- 1 lot on Cassnear 14th fired , StOOO \ / No 175 -Lot on Sncrinan avenue ICth street -1 fnear Izard I , 44X132 , 81400. " 9 No 177 3 lota in Orandv lew. make an offer , No ISO Lot In Shnm'a addition on Pier St. , Jl < nr end street car traclc sp5. - , . * " ' ' vr * fiO'lSl Two lots In Nelson's addition , ! on aaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cuuilng , $300 each. No 1SJ Two gilt cdjo lots on Cass street near 21st. on a cornerSC000. No 1K5 Lot on Seward street , near Saundcn , make tit offer. No IbC 3 lots on Seward Btrect , near Irene , \ make an offer No Ibrt ) , lot'on Davenport near 25th , S500. No lb"j , lot on Division near Cumin ; , ' t. , 200. No 1S3J , block In Bojd's additionnear Uinaha barrack * . 8400. No 16 ! ) * , i ' lot on Piorcn near flth street , 8550. No IfliJj.'J lot on lltli near Farnlum , S2100 No UH j , 2 beautiful lots in Shinn's addition , $1200. No 102J , 2 lots on IStli street near white lead workf , SlUi'J. No 10JJ , lot on 20th street near Sherman , S400 , No 101 } , 2 lots on 22d strict , near Clark , $000. Na 19UJ , 3 beautiful lots on baundcrs t. near is Street car turn table , 8127.1. No 1D9J , lot on 16th near PleJco st. 8500. No 2U1Ix > t In GUo's addition on Cameron st. , near tUundus , 8500. No 20J Lot on Cameron btrcct iicarSatinders. 000No 203 Lot In Shlnn's addition on Saundcrs street , near street car turn table , ( A'M. No 2M Bountiful lot in Nelson's addition , on Dh MOM street nuur Ciimlng , $350. No. 205 Ttt o lots on Costcllar street , near 10th No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth Btrect , near the nail works , 81500. No 203 Ono-hulf lot on California itreet near 21st , $700 , Hatiscom Park , with Improvements , S27W ) . No 213 Two acres ou Cumin' street , $1000. No 210 One-half aim on California , near Ken nedy etrctt , W50. No 210 lieautlful lot on Hamilton street near trcct car turn taolo , ? 10K ( ) . . . . . No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark , J500. A few aero lots only remain unxold In "Park Placo" little west of Crelghton Collegt , prices raniruig fiom S276 to $300each and on easy terms. Lots in Horbacn's 1st and 2d additions ; also lots In Parker'sShlnn's ; Nelson'ii , Terrace's , E. V. Smith's. Kedkk's , and all tlio other additions at any prkoand at any terms. Ten acres in the city limits on the road to the I barracks at J376 per acre. Four beautiful residence lots In front of Crclffhton College ; will cut them up to suit. S -K Nine residence lots north of Crelghton College 5 - * s. ground ! , from 8700 toglOOO each. Thirty re < Ident lots In Parker's addition , six blocks north of the cnd ot the ktrues car track on Saundcrs street , J300 each , 10 down , balance suit , at 8 per cent InUrest. A few lots kit In Terrace addition on tha road for to the Park , near head of St. Mary's av enuo.rtUO etch. To thoau w lie w 111 build a V1200 residence , 7v ears time ntSp-r cent Interest. LoU In lake's addition at $350 to ? 850 each , 10 years time. atO percent Interest , to these who 'aheoldTouslcy40.acre tract with house and all ImproremenU , adjoining > ace course and fair grounds' for 83000. Tracts of 6,10,16 , 20 , 40 or SO acres , with buil dings and other Improv cmunts and adjoining the has olty , at all prices. SSOO of tha best residence lots In the city of Omaha any location jou desire north , cast , south or west , and at bed rock prices. is 250 choice business lots In all the principal bus- ness streets In Omaha , * arjIng from 8500 to $ ; 000each. turo Two hundred houses and lots ranging from 600 to 818,000 , a"il located in uv cry part otthe Ity. Ity.Large Large number of excellent arms In Douglas , SarpyTfaaundcrs , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska. 12 OW ) acres bcbt lands In Douglas , 7000 acres best lands In Sarpy county , and large tracts In all the eastern tkr of counties , Over 1)00,000 ) acres of the bes > t land In the No- raska for sale by this agency Vcrj large amounts of buburlmn property In A one to ten , twenty anit frty aero pieces , located within one to three , four or flvu miles of the ostofflec some \ cry cheap pieces. Now llapj of Onulia. published by George P ! 1 BuJTls iiiiTnTunmounlcd maja 60 cents each ; jT'cnouiitcd ' , colored and with cloth back , 81.60 , , . ) , farmslotsl and . oOlccs roomii.Btc. , to rtnt or lease. Taxes | uld , rents collected , deeds , mortgages. by tnd all Muds of real CdUtu dacuuionU made out ou tliort uotltc , GEO. P. BEMIS' u the Eeal Estate Exchange cnco 15th and Douglas Street , were train OMAHA , - - NEB , BE ! YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR That the Prasidont Will Bet Well , His Pulse Drops to Ninety- Five Beats Per Minute. The Respiration and Temperature - turo are Both Normal. "Will Have our Recovery [ Cclolirn- tlou Yet. Nutloiml AMOitatnl l'rc n \VA8 iNOTo.vAugitsl.'H. The glan dular spelling of the president's neck and face wan less troublesome light and his rust correspondingly ranquil. Ilo had very little' annoy- inco trom phlegm , and the free dis charge of the pus materially relieved he tension. Thu usual onomata wai administered. " Ho awi.kc only at long "ntervals. The appearance of the 'land this luoining before the dress- ngs were removed was satisfactory and the size was noticeably less. The ; enorU appearance of the president liis morning in bright and cheerful md hia facial expression improved. All the surgeons were present at the norning examination. After the jullotiu was issued the gland and wound were dressed , and the nrcsi lad a sponge bath of alcohol ant water. There was a liberal discharge of pus from the gland , and the con- oral appearance is satisfactory. The wound remains about the same. Tlio president's skin is cool and moist and of a good color. In addition to tho'usinil nourishment the president was "given a piece of broiled steak. Ho swallowed only the juice and seemed to enjoy it. The callers at the White House this morn ing were few. Only two or throe members of the cabinet have boon there. Dr. Agncw returns to Phila delphia to-day. Dr. Hamilton will remain here until Saturday. Dr. Boyntou says the president is better in every way than yesterday. Dr. Bliss and Dr. Agnew made the same statement at noon. 11LAINK TO T.OWKI.T * The following was sent this niorn- inpr. inpr.Lowell Lowell , minister , London : The pulse is dovyn to ! )5 ) , lower than it has been for several weeks , and the to'm- ' pdr.ituro and respiration are normal. No adverse symptoms are apparontvnt this hour 2 p. m. Signed , HLAINK , See'y- WEDNESDAY'S BULLETINS ONE A. M. IJULLUTIN. WASHINGTON , August 31 , EXECU TIVE MANSION. No noticeable change in the president s condition since the last report. TWO A. The paJijo is averaging low er than an hour or two ago , and other surface indications are satisfactory. The president 7.- has fairly well through the intent so far. SiVEN A. M. DULLUTIN. The president's condition continued to improve during the night. The gland continues better and its condi tion is satisfactory Pulse 100 and temperature and respiration normal. OFFICIAL JIULLKTIN. ' EXECUTIVE MANSION , 8:30 : a. in. The president has passed a tranquil night and this morning his condition quite as favorable as it was yester day at the 1-imo hour. Pulse 100 , temperature ! )8 ) 4 , respiration 18. ( Signed ) F. Jl. HAMILTON , E. II. AONEW , J. J. WOODWAKD , D. W. BUSH , J. K. BAUNEH , ROII'T HKYUUHK , LATER OFFICIAL UULLKTIN. Tlio president's condition at 12:30 : o'clock was as follows : At the dress ing of the president this morning the parotid swelling was found dis charging trooly. It looks well and has materially diminished in size. The Wound remains in about the same state , but his general condition is more favorable than at this hour yes terday. Pnlso 95 , temperature 98.4 , respiration 17. ( Signed ) D. II , AONKW , P. II. HAMILTON , D , W. BLISS , was J. J. WOOUWAIU ) , R. RKVJIUUN , bad J. K. BAKNES , the inti ANOT1IEK OFFICIAL BULLETIN. EXECUTIVE MANSION , 8 p. m. The president has passed a bettor day than some time. Ho has taken food A with increased relish , and the usual afternoon rise of temperature did not occur. At the evening dressing the fluid used to wash out the parotid ab scess found its way into the mouth , Hili which it did not do this morning , ago showing that an opening to the mouth Las spontaneously occurred. The ab mot scess is discharging freely , and the will swelling continues to diminish. There IIo some increase of n discharge of pus mot from the wound. Pulse 1C9 , tempera brci 98.8 , respiration 18. rooi D. W. BLISS , ilili J. K. BAIINES , his J. J. WOODWAHI ) , Urn ROUT. REYUUUN , noit D. II. AONKvV. attc that THE DOCTOR. mat Iiiuiatlo FooliJOr , Hammond iu- Paul to Starting for "Wasulnijton. night 1 - " ' - " " * " " " ' ' National Associated Press. er's NKW VOKK , August ill. A man KiJ called Hay is now under arrest pi moi Urooklyn for swindling custom officers used repreGonting himself 0. as M. Hei Tingle , chief inspector of customs at few Wasliint'ton. Ho hoaxed Dr. Hammond mend by giving him orders to go to pose white house , called on the Dr. in moi ccupo , said ho canio from .Secretary Lincoln , who said ho wanted his prcs at once , that the president's con dition was critical , the physicians sive to bo changed , and u special was waiting. Dr. Hammond took Dr. Weir and Jarted , but called at the flilsoy honso , whore the man said Secretary Lincoln was , and found that ho had boon im posed upon. Ho put a detective on the track nnd fount ! Kay under arrest at the Raymond street jail. The man told Hammond that Blnino hml re signed and Arthur was to go to Wash ington immediately and assume execu tive duties , that Lincoln , Hunt and Windom were in consultation with rant , Conkling and Arthur at the Fifth Avenue hotel , etc. Hammond says the object evidently was theft , us he tried to get Hummnnd to leave his room on the plea that he was sick and wanted a dose of lioin o. THE STALWARTS CONTROL. Mooting ofiLo Now Yorlc Repub lican Committee-- Convention October 8th , National A oc.itcd ! Prcfs. NKW YOIIK , August III. The meeting of the republican ntato com mittee to-day was controlled entirely by the stalwarts. The committee met at 12:15 : o'clock , thirty-one mombpri being present. Gen. Arthur being ono of the two absentees there was considerable interest in the rumor that Arthur was to resign the chair manship of the conunitteo. It was said that the resignation was based upon an undemtandiin , ' reached bo- twcon the vice president and thu cab inet that ho had consented to act as president during the disability of General Garficld , at the hitter's re quest. Crowds waited about the committee rooms in the Fifth Avenue hotel , and filled the lobbies to learn if the rumor was true. Arthur sent no conimunica tion of any kind. Ex-Senator 1'latt , on motion of A. B. Johnson , of Utica , was called to the chair. After much discussion Now York City was situated as the place for the state convention and October 5th as the date. The old rule of apportionment for election of delegates to the state con vention continued , giving every as sembly district ono and an additional delegate for every 1,500 or fraction ot 1,500 larger than one-half that num ber , according to the votes polled nt the last election. This increases the total delegates from 45-1 to 405 and in The committco adjourned at 1:30 : , leaving the selection of a hull for tlio convention to the committco which is to meet at 0 a. m. , October 5. The stalwarts named Now York as the place for tlio state convention and the half-breeds named * Utica. The [ vote on the question stood : Utica 11 , Now York 10. Now York was an nounced as tlio placo. The old rules of 18G8 were continued. This rule will increase the total number of del- egates from 454 to 495 and increase tlio New York representation from 55 to 70 , the city gaining 24 delegates or more than half the total. moiE Every ono of the , .pi ltf citj'j'7J1- ben ot the state committee are stal- warts. As the party machinery in the city is in tlio hands of the stalwarts they ; expect to send a joint delegation to the convention and ' that thoir'cnor- mous city delegation will servo as a nucleus nnd have n great oft'ect in at tracting country delegates , so that they can 'control the convention. " Tlio stalwarts wore astonished that they polled but sixteen votes , In the is committee to-day , as on Friday last , they had reason to believe that they were sure of twonty-f.ovcn of the thirty-three. The falling elF is attrib uted by the half-breeds to good news from Washington. JEALOUSY'S FATAL JAWS. Bloody Encounter Botwooa Two Mou ill Chicago. National Associated Press. CJIIOAOO , August 31. A desperate and fatal fight' took place curly this morning in the hall of a tenement house at No. 375 Wabash avenue , oc cupied by James B. Duncan and famfly , with whom boarded a printer named Thomas H. Lowry. The latter hud just reached homo and was preparing - paring to take a bath before retiring. Stopping into the hall to reach the bath room ho met Duncan. The immediate - mediate cause of the quarrel is not known , but a pistol shot aroused the inmates of the house , who found Lowry breathing his lost. Duncan found locked up in his room covered with blood. There lias boon feeling for a long time between proi two on account of Lowry's alleged the intimacy with Duncan'H wifo. voti pec PEVIMSH PEED. Dr. late Sou Kills His Mother nnd Stop , vor fatlior by Shooting. at National Associated Prcu. crcc lief MILWAUKKE , August JU. Ucnnaii to HUder , a young man only 17 years ot , arrived yesterday from St. Louis. night ho visited the house of his mother and stepfather , J , Cramor , ull go whoig ho was not on food tornm. engaged in a quarrel with his " mother and shot her twice in the breast. Cramer rushed into the A room , attracted by the noisu , when ilildor turned and fired one shot at stepfather , the ball going clear through the body , It is thought that neither can recover. Mrs. Cramer attempts to shield her HOII by stating ho is subject to fits of insanity. ST. LOUIH , Mo. , August 31.rllcr- A ' Ililden , who shot Mr , and Mrs , in j JCimmer , in Milwaukee , last Ten , was a bartender at the Plant wife house in this city. His fatlior Cov works at Monkey's saloon and says man Kimmer coaxed his wife , Herman's in mother , away from him. Kimmer to teach a Catholic school hero. Herman Hilden left St. Louis only a days ajjo , probably for the pur- , of killing his mother and Kim- ' . Picture Frame Factor ] ' Burned , for hatlonal Aixtoclatcd 1'rvu. DETIIOIT , August 31. The exten local picture factory of G , J , or McElvco , ut Big llapids , Mich. , was burned this morning , Loai 825,000 * insured for i.OOO , rains GOING TO MENTOR. President Will to Able to Move Soon , He Expresses a Dosiroto Got Back t J His Homo. The Physicians Send Out Most Cheering : Reports. Latest Bulletins From the Convn- Io4cont Chninbor. National Aaxoctatcd 1'ictt. At 2 p. in. Dr. Hliss said tliut nil thu symptoms were invorablo , and thu wound is doins ; well. The stoiunclns improving nml tlio gland is reducing in size. Tlio subject of tlio rcnto\nl of the president lie said is r. nin mi- dor considor.xtion , nnd ho would prob ably uvoutunlly go t ° Mentor , nl- though nt first ho must go a slroitur distance. Ho would be taken from tlio white house as soon iw ho was ahlo to boar the romovnl. OUITEAU'S CASK. The recent contest botwcun thu p ( lice nnd district attorney in regard to tlio position of Guitcau's pistol lias led to the discovery that the wonpun cannot bo legally identified in court , since it has not been properly record ed. This is not likely to inlluoiico the cn'so when the assassin conies to trial. trial.Tho The first kind words for Gititr.iu were received in his mail this morn ing , bringing a letter from n relative in Louisville , Ky. , signing herself "CousinEllen. " She says : "I am pained to hoar that you acted so un wisely by shooting our president , but you have our sympathy and regards. Cousin Alary says she \vill do ull in her power for you. If you want any books or papers let us know und o will send them to you. " The bulletins ure nioro satisfactory than since the 8th. Dr. Aqnow said when ho wont away ho expected to see a great change for the better when ho returned again. Ifo loft at 220 : p , in. and will return Saturday. Ho was much pleased with the state oi the case when he saw the president this morning. Ho refuses to talk to the press any more while in Washington because lie considers himself on duty while here and not licensed to talk of ho case. Those who see the president say ho begins to look as if he was started in the right direction again and meant to keep BO. Steward Crump , who lias boon sick for over a month , has to-day resumed ) his position at the bcdsido. The president recognized him at OIKM and seemed glad to have him b.-H : . Ho says the president has clmir'd < l greatly since he. hjm ? saw last. < ) * > aA tbi-'ifre" TJVailing1' TJUliiAfij- * * , * ii- t sued ( Dr. Jloyburn was questioned in regard to tho-holo reported as leading from : the swollen parotid gland into the mouth. Ho said it was about in the middle of the cheek. He wua then asked : "Is there danger of the pus going through into the month and down the throat , " and answered , "lC ! ; because there arc other outlets JQ'J the gland which , when the patient lying 1 down , are lower than the cheek and which drain the pus with out its assistance. " is outT The doctor added that the president had chewed beef twice to-day , and had tried oyster broth once. Ho was not sure ho would like the latter. Ho tasted it carefully , said it was good , and then kept on until ho had swal lowed four ounces. "On the whole , " said Dr. Royburn , "tho president is of doing well and every feature of the case is progressing favorably. " BLAINK'H IIEI-OUT. The following was sent at 10 p. m. : LOWELL , London ; The president has less fever this evening than upon any previous evening since ho was wounded. Ilia temperature at six this evening was normal , his entiroduy has been more encouraging in all his sym- toms. Horouf tor I shall send but one report. [ Signed ] BLAINH , Secretary. Mrs. Gariicld , Miss Mollie and go Harry took a drive this afternoon. dis Cap . Henry returns to Ohio to-mor or row The cabinet arojiow exceedingly 0111 hopeful and almost confident of the president's recovery. Their hour at to White House to-night was de voted to the discussion of the pros pects for tlio president's removal. . Bliss stated this evening that the am bulletin was in every respect fa tint vorable ; , The pulse ho did not consider to all i alarming. The hole in the tur creek , ho said , ufl'orded additional re coa to the president and did not add ed his annoyance. elm During tlio afternoon thu president gov asked Dr. Boynton how soon he could tar to Mentor. Ho was told that if OX1 went well us now lie might go in the three or four weeks. He replied : of "Tho sooner the hotter. " to res HEARTLESS POLYGAMIST. icui HoLaaveg Four Wivoa Deutltuto and in Nobbed at Lust , fun National Associated Prim. Bill- August 31.-An ollicor of' passed through hero yesterday with son 'J 0. Crumley , u notorious bigamist , bio din custody , taking him to Coviiigton , Tenn. Crumley married ns his latest pro ( Mies Alary Paris the , aged M , near Covington. Ho 1ms another at Hick- KOV , Ky. , one nt Paris , Tumi. , < mo Hch Kansas and another in North at Carolina , by the latter having four Uni children. All arc destitute. pitf lie luillcat'cms' National AssotUtcJ 1'rui. , WAHHJNOTON , September J , 1 , The following are the indications the succeeding 12 hours : For the upper lakes : Tartly cloudy we.ithor , ruins , variable winds , stationary block lotver temperature , stationary , pressure. For the lower Miwouil valley : Partly cloudy weather , local , variable winds , mostly N. W. , stationary or lower temperature , uen- urixlly higher pressure. For llio up per Mississippi valley : Partly cloudy weather , local rains , south , shifting to north winds , stationary or lower temperature , stationary barometer. Mexico's Odiouft Tax- AmacUtrd I'rem. UITV or MKMCO , August til. Another - other hirco meeting was 'held to-day to pro'cat against the recently iiu- posed tax of one-half per cent on monthly sales of merchnndiso. Mertiro chants of nil nationalities participated in the mooting. A committco wasapson pointed by the meeting to hold an in terview with the president and make n demand for a repeal of the iaw. FOREIGN FLASHES Gnmbottn'n Expcnntvo Toy Tlio French Invasion -Hoiwy Gold Sliinmont. NAtloiml A < wl.ilcil I'l-c-w LO.MION , August 31 , i\liiseiitlial \ , Mros. morchaiilH in London , hnvu fnilod. Liabilities § 13,700. Anti-rout p.iying dibtnrb.ineos eon- tiniK' . The master iipinnorM here passed a ii'solution ivqui'.sling the spinners to refuse dealings with the brokers , who form the Liverpool cotton ring. LONDON , August III. The Times correspondent nt Cork assorts that the attack upon the tenants of Sir Goorga Coithours on Tuesday was exaggerated. There were only fifteen persons in the attacking party. Only 0110 jiunum was wounded by the bullets alid four others slightly hurt. A Paris dispatch ways : A now jour nal founded by M. G.unbottA and sitr- nilicantly entitled La Revision , will make its appearance the otli of Sep tember , as a mouthpiece of the re visionists. The Times correspondent at Tunis says : The French column , 12,000 strong , has arrived at Hammaiiiot. The Arabs surrounded the French camp , but arn kept at a distance by the French gunboat lying off Ham- iiiamct , which has thrown sixty shells aiuond them. Six hundred thousand dollars in gold was Hhipped from Hamburg for New York yesterday. It is reported that there will bo a largo withdrawal from the bank of England to-morrow for shipment to America. Calcutta , according to the recent census , has a population of < )8l , ( > 58 souls , two-thirds of whom are males , Mid of these the greater part are in the middle period of life. The mini- bor of young persons under 20 years of age has increased perceptibly , and from this it is known that the resident population is growing. Radicals in Franco are making an ollbrt to have taken down the statue of Napoleon I. that stands upon the summit of tlio splendid column in the place Vendoino at Paris. Thair mode of beginning the agitation is the entirely tiroly peaceful one of signing n poti- . .vf , anil it'ijj to bo- hoped tlutthl ? iuonoclastH will this time bo contented to take no more violent stops. The crimson flag of the empress of Germany still lloats over the Old castle - tlo of Coblontz. Since her recent ill ness and the operation she has made such steady progress tint she was able to walk u little in the gardens this week , and as soon as the weather permit ! ! she will begin drives in the environs. The emperor is in Habols- berg , HuHering from a slight cold , bu expected to attend the Sfihlcswi0 maiuuuvruH. Oilers for Mr. Hradlaugli's ton coat are naid to bo numerous. On person oilers 20 and another 10. A third suggests that the garment b rallied for. To these oilers the owno replied loftily--"Wo : are consciou ) the very kindly feeling tha . prompts those oilers , but thu coat is not for sale. The payment for iti er tearing will bo made by my foes , am ' until that payment has been exactet the coat has a very special value as i reminder. " Feridrich von Bodenstedt him ac cepted the editorial chair of the now Berlin paper , the D.iily Review. [ The African explorer , Major Von is MocboW ; h s returned to 3'rankfort from his expedition in western Africa. Ho explored the ICwungo , one of the largest southern allluonts of thu Con ? , as far as thu seventh parallel , and discovered < two great falls in this riv ty , which ho named after the allied emperors ] of Germany and Austria. The Prussian government intends toi make experiments at the cavalry iiwixuiimm with Gen. lierdan's now range tinder , exclusive rights to which have been purchased by Krunp. ,1 told by a military man that thu Under measures distance accurately tun miles , and is being manufac tured for infantry , artillery and sea coast. Gen. Berdun has also invent sh u mechanical shell IUKO , also pur chased by Krupp for the Prussian government , which explodes by ro tary ; moion ! of the shell itself , the dam explosion ] occurring on the arrival of shell at the target independently the time of flight. This , too , is bo I tried during the army inamuuv- City , The Americans and Gcrmam-Amor- icans at Frankfort-on-Muin have just appointed a committee to arrange a farewell dinner to United States Con- sul-Gonoral Alfred K. Leo , whoso time ollico has expired. Ho will bo pre M. sented on this occasion with u valua testimonial. His successor , Fer and dinand Vogolur , has just been ap lias proved American consular-general by L'iko German government. Thu same government has appointed Prof , Dr , and Schooborn protector of the university with Konigsboig ! , special delegate to thu United States to study Aiuuiican hos the pitals and oilier clinical imdiiutions. for Hails for Now York in September. Bail Flro in Botbeuy. National Aiuodatul J'rtus BirriiiiNV , 111 , , August UL A fire Lo\i broke out in thu residence of Mis. Fryman and bcforo it could bu got under control burned nearly an untiro risen in the business portion of thu lied village. The logs is ull coveted by in him. surance , except in thu cnsu of Mrs duru Freqman , who loses her houao , the HU contents und. § 000. F1UE BUGS AT WORK. Doxporntn Attempt to Bum CHj-of * . Onhltosli. National Aswoatnl Prom. OsiiKosii , Wis. , August 'H.A do.v KM-ato attempt was made to burn tin's city ' last night. Seven incendiary iivs were started simultaneously. The wind was blowing a gale at the time iiunnd the disaster as only a\ertud by the citi/oiis giving tirompt aid to thu lire dopaitmont. The only buildings destroyed were Vandercot A Fergu- ton's storage waiuhousu , tilled with lalud hay and agriuultural implo- ni'iits , and thu residecco and barn of u-Aldcniian Illaku , nnd thu rosidimce i > f Gustav Gruusky. about 315,000 ; half covered by insurance. A.NOTIIlill IILA/.i : . llit.V7.iL ) , Ind. , Auuiist ill. The iilaning mill at Clovorland burned to- . : ! rtJ : . Loss , 8,000 ; insured for Tin : m-ni MANITACTOIN . \ \ AKIIKX. O. , August 'II. This city last night lost a tilth manufacturing ostahhshment this summer by firo. Abells iV llayward's nail keg factory was totally destroyed , The origin was sparks. Loss , § 8,000 ; no insur ance. BOVINE PLEURO-PNEDMONIA InvootiRntloti tVoiitwnrd by tlio TronsuiT Onttlo Commission National Aitoolati'd I'rcni. ugust 111. The treasury tattle commission ! , composed of Dr. 5. P. Thayer of Westminster , Mass. , . 'rof. James Law of Ithaca , N. Y. , nd Mr. Saunders ot this city , are ibout to leave for the west for the vest for the purpose of investigating ho prevalence of plouro-pnaumonia uuong thu cattle. At n meeting here hey will discuss the question of in- cction by cattle cargoes passing hrough infected districts , ventilation , . importation and kindred subiocts. L'ho investigations of thu commission .o . far have revealed decided plcuro- muumonia in Kings , Queens , West- ihcstcr , Putnam and Richmond coun- ies , New York. The disease has nUo icon found in Now Jersey , Ponnsyl- ania , Maryland , Virginia and Dola- vare. So far no traces of the disease uivo been found west of thoAlleghon- es , and they believe none exist. FROM THE PACIFIC. Qurolin Mtuinaoro n Hoax-Doomctl Hllo-Sonl Tronblox. National ABnaclatal I'rom. SAN FUANCIHCO , August 31. A dispatch from Doming says : There is 10 truth in the reported massacre at . Eureka , Now Mexico. The b.ind that killed George D.ily have crossed the Mexican border without molestation. It is i believed there are several white mon in the band as some spoke Eug lish distinctly. News from Honolulu , * by the bark Henry llpck" , uUtusthat tlio jijtfvow is steadily advancing on the t-iwn of Ililo at the rate of n sixteenth of u 0 milo per day. The Alaska bark Amethyst , from the Japan Hca , reports miles of fur seals in the water , while at Cape Spencer no seals have appeared as yet , indicating a change of breeding place , to thu great dismay of the seal hun ters. A TERRIBLEDROUGHT. Disastrous Raportu From the South Cattle niid Sheep Dying- National Associated I'rosa. . CICINNAII , Aug. IJJ. From nil di rections throughout tlio South and ; West comes the most discouraging ro- orts of disasters from drought in eon- V .rut Indiana and Illinois. Cattle are suHbring greatly from the want of wat , and numbeis of county fairs have 'icon abandoned after all preparations uivo been made. Near Warren , Ohio , the sheep are dying by hun dreds for want of water Tlio cisterns und wells are all dry , and drinking iViitor has to be hauled many miles many places where the fences are dry as tinder , sparks from the [ ruiiiH are cujsing great damage by are ires , From the mountain districts of Kentucky only comes reports of good crops. Throughout all the mountain counties rain has boon plen all the season , and crops are unus ually fine. Steamer Movomouti. National Awtoclatod I'resn. siu NKW YOIIK , August 31. Sailed , Haltio for Liverpool , Franco and Cal ifornia for London , Amsterdam for Itotterdam , Franco for Havre ; ar rived , Thingvalla from Copenhagen , llurder from Hamburg , Canada from llavro , Nevada from Liverpool , Brit- Empiru from Vonv Crux , Ni agara from Havana. PiiiLADKU-iiiA , August11. Sailed , Nerd Gough for Liverpool and Rotter was , Noekar. from Bremen , for Now on York ; urrivod , W. A. Schottol , from Vork and Southampton , were QUKKNKTOWN , August 31 , Sailed , of Brussels for Now York , via ' Livornool ; arrived , Arizona for Now York from Hamburg , Removed For Cnnse. the National Aiwoclulod I'rum. WASHINGTON , August 31. Samuel was Lake , of the Illinois post ofllco department , was. discharged to-day John M. Green , of Michigan , been appointed to till the vacancy , has had the handling of the of records of doliiiiient ( | postmasters , is said to bo in close sympathy hat the star roulo ring , Postmaster- General Jumos will say nothing about Lhoir change , except that it was done the good of the service. § , Vounii Desperado Lyuoliod , National Associated I'rrax. the LKAVKNWOiiru , Intl. , Augutt III , \ Smith , ayoungdcspoiudo , whoso parents live here , was hanged by a Kentucky mob near lluloyvillo , Har- view county , Ho killed n man and ity. , but the mob pursued and hanged . He had committed several mur- in and narrowly escaped each timo. cr. parents are very respectable pro - TERRIBLE DISASTER. - * Tlio Steamer Teuton Sinks Off Oapo Good flopo , * Two Hundred Passengers Find Gmvos in the Watery Deep. Twenty-Seven People Saved in Small Boats. 7oiv Fm-tliMtlant of the Vatlonil Assoft\l l Tres * . LONHON , Sonlcmbcr t. A dispatclr o Lloyds stoles ( hat the Union Him itcamor Teuton stuck on a reck oil * ho . Capo of Good Hopv , < nul in gct- i.ig elF dunk in deep water. Two iiindred tiasacngcrs wore drowned and twonly-soven were saved. A dispatch from Capo Town snyf that : the Teuton arrived at Capa Town m Monday I last irom England , and. anded eighty-four patmongeis antl lor mail. She then started fur Algiers qior , and struck a rock after leaving Capo Town. A boai contauiiug.four- eon people has arrived nt Simon * Town. The corvette- Dido has gone ? o the scene of tlio disaster. THE SPORTING SEASON1. - Incoint Brighton Bonoh-Tbo NSa tionnl Gome- S'ttlotml AiDOclntrd Press. NKNV YOIIK , August 31. At Brigli- 011 the first race , n furlong , was wou > y Clara A , Bonhour second. Time , 1:03 : J. Tlio second race was won by Jessie ) , Guy second. Tinio 1:46. The third race , a milo and a quar- or , was won by Pilgrimage , Sir Wat er .second. Time , 12:11. : The fourth race was declared ofl' . Tlio fifth race , handicap stcoplu iliasc , short eourse , was won by Iko Sonhain , Day Star second. Time , 2:52. : TllOTTINO AT 8P1UN(1HIK1J > . SiMiiNoi'iEi.u , Mass. , August 31. The socoii'l day at HiuiHlen jwrk > ponod fairly. The 2:24 : race won won by J. P. Morns , Florence second , Helen third. Time , 2:201 : , 2:22 : , In the 2:30 : class , .rmimio Steward . .ok lirst , third and fourth hoatannd Rachel second , Lady Sherman takim ; third money. Time , 2:24.1' : 2:28 } , 2:271,2:271. : : UA.HU I1AI.I. . PHOVIIIKNCK , August 31. Worccs- tors 7 , Providence 12. UUKKAI.O , August 31. Clevolands , BulHilos 8. DETIIOIT , August IJ1. Chicagos 10 , Dutroita . ' ! . NK\V YOKK , August III. Metro politans 8 , Albanya < ' ) . THU 1'UdIUHTK ! 11INO. CIIIUAOO , August 'M. Mike JFc- Douald to-day issues a challenge for lolm L. Sullivan , of Boston , to Paddy Ryan , of Troy , to 'fight ' within six weeks for § 5,000 to ? 10,000. M'ULMNO AT I'lTTHHUlUJ. PiTTSiiuuo , August 31. Ill tho" single Bcull race to-day between Clu- or , ot Wheeling , W.ra. . , and I'ntor Uoli , of this city , the Intlur w iii oasi- by seven lengths. Time 321A. IBoli will row in the Toronto match. GARFIELD'S REGIMENT- Rouiilou nt Galllon , O. Blj : At- tondniioo- National AssociatcU I'rcsg , OALLION , O. , August 31. Presi- lent Garliuld'H old regiment , the 42il Dhio , are holding a reunion to-day. Jourly bullotiim from the President received. Gov. Foster and stair md Bookwaltor , the domocratio can didate for governor , are present. Four Farmers Drowuoil. National A tociat l 1'rvw INDIANAI-OLIH , August 31. Four- rarmors , Henry Borkaw , Emory Lop- ° , Maralml J'orrell and James Ru- discll , were drowned thin morning while taking up n seine not in the Wabosh river , near Lookpprt. The wdies of Borkaw and Hudisell were recovered. Killed by National Associated I'rona , CINCINNATI , August 31. The bum Mr. Lawrence , at Lawrence station , struck and burned by lightning Monday. The remains of Misa Sallie , a daughter of Mr. Lawrence , found in the ruins. Initantly Kllloct. S'atlonal Associated I'rewi. INDIANAPOLIS , Tnd.j August 31. Henry Stevens , ft painter , fell from roof of Mo/.art hall , a distancu of bixty-fivo feet , to the collar way and instantly killed. Ho loaves u wife. Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States is manufactured at tha Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority material and workmanship , coin- jinod with their great improvements , is reinforced fronts , reinforced backs , and reinforced sleeves , makoa shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , over manufactured at the modor.ito price of 1fiO. Every shirt of our make i a guaranteed first-chiBs and will rofunl money if found necessary , Wo nuke a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Cnnton flannel , also chomois underwear , made up with & to comfort , warmth and durabil . To invalids m.d woak-lungod persons wo olfor special mduconnwtn the mr.micr these goods uro made thutt prelection. Pii. GOITIIEIMKU , 1207 Faniliain ut.