Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1881)
THE O LVHADAlLYBEBVBDNEaDAY , AUG. 31 , 1881. Vnrietyof ! Itomi. Kn < xiilG , Tenn. , bimts of R woman \\ith n boatd fourteen incite ? long. \ Six feet and nine inches is the height of H. " M. Stoplmnson of Fairfield - field , S. 0. A Connccticttt woman has tjivon her son a largo comforter made friim" h.iir cut from her own head during ten years. An Owonsboro ( Ky. ) dog drinks beer daily , and hns been on so many drunks tlint ho quit keeping a record of them. A br.xml-nuw baby in North Carolina lina rejoices in the devoted super vision of three great-grandfathers and two great-grandmothers. At Fort Ynma the thermometer twisters 12t > degrees. A man requires five gallons of water par day to quench his thirst. A farmer near Bollefontaine , 0. , has a pig 10 months old , yoighil ) ! ISO pounds , that was born with but two legsand it walks around on them. On n ranch in Geese Lnko Valley , ftlodtic CountyCal. , there is a steer , y years old , which is 7 feet and 1 inch in height and weighs 1,800 pounds. On the Colorado dcacrt iv species of Tortoise grows to the weight of 2fl pounds , and the meat of this is con sidered n great delicacy iimong the Indians. A bird came through the Post Ollieo window at Pluunix , A. T. , the other day , How into n mail pouch unseen , and was Iwcked in and sent to Maricopo , where it arrived in safety. The Bowling Green ( Ky. ) Democrat tells a story of a Bowling Green dog that fell into a well and was gotten out by a rope being thrown to him , which ho grasped in his teeth and held on to iintil drawn to the top. John Miller , a noted hunter on the Klamath and Humbug llivurs , killed the largest bear on Old Craggy , above Humbug Forks , Siskiyou County , last Friday , that has over been killed in that section , weighing about 500 pounds. The biggest white perch over caught in the Ohio river was taken outlifc Cincinnati one day last week. It weighed thirty-one pounds , and the "lucky stones1' over the eyes were about thu size of a silver twenty-live cunt piece , pearl-like in appearance and distinctly marked with a " 2. " .1. W. lliggins of San Diego has on his premises two rhubarb plants , the seeds of which ho received from the ! east and planted on the 20th of last April. The largest leaf of one of the plants now measures seventeen feet in circumference. At Point llobartsV. . T. , last Sun day , the proverbial fisherman's luck took a turn for the oettor. On that day 10,000 fish were taken in three Indian nets in six hours. These lish were till sold to a Fraser cannery at three cents each. Alexander Outlaw , residing in Dale Co. Alabama , and now over 80 years of age , is developing now strength and preparing to enter upon n now life. Ho lost all of his teeth years ago , and now , out of the order of nature , he is being favored with another supply. y/ Two new jaw teeth have appeared l ? each week during the past four weeks. Says the Santa Barbara ( Gal. ) Press : "The most fabulous stories of oil- Hprings and creeks cannot equal the actual truth as witnessed in Ventura County. There are deep , sluggish streams of oil , which pour out of the mountain sides day after day , cover ing acres of land. Mixed with the soil and hardened by the elements , the crude petroleum soon become ! hardened into black asphaltum. Or springs in the Sissa Canyon , on the head waters of the Santa Paula , are the rule and not the exception. Thousands of barrels of crude oil run to waste every day along these two mountain streams. ' The Hou vs. Science- Ucar render , did you over rcatlo with u hen that had a wild , uncon trollable desire to incubate ? Did t you ever struggle on , day after day , 8 trying to convince her that her mission was to furnish eggs for youi table instead of hovering all day on a door knob , trying to hatch out n litter of front doors ? William II. Hoot , of this place , who has made the hen a study , both in her homo life and while lying i.i thol'inbnice of death , has struck up on nn argument which the average hen will pay more attention to thai any others he has discovered in his researches. lie says the * modern hen ignorci almost everything when she once gets the notion that she has received a CM ] to incubate. You can deluge lici with the garden hose , or throw oil umbrellas at her , or change her neat , but that don't count with the ( ini "and stubborn hen. You can take the eggs out of the nest and put n bloodei Lull-dog or a nest of now-laid bum ble bees in place of them , and she will hover over them as assidu ously UK she did before. NVilljam 11. Hoot's hen hail shown w some signs of this mania , so ho took out the eggs aud lot her try her incu bator on n horse rake awhile , just so she could kind of taper oil1radua ( and not have her mind shattered. Then ho tried her at hatching oui four-tined forks , and at last her taste got so vitiated that she took the con tract to furnish the country wit ! bustles by hatching out an old hoopskirt - skirt that had gone to seed. Mr , Hoot then made an experiment. \Vo were one of n board of scientists who assisted in the consultation. The owner of the hen got a strip o red flannel uiul tied it around her tail , The lien scemed _ annoyed as sooi as she discovered it. No hen cares to have a sash hung on her systun that doesn't match her complexion , A seal brown lien with a red llanne y polonaise don't scorn to harmonize and she m aware of it just as much as Ir any one is. / That hen seemed to have thougln vf something all nt once that hat escaped her m nd before and so she wtnt away. { Slit stepped about nine feet at a lick on tXo start , and gained time as she proceeded. When she bumped her nose against the corner of the stable she changed her mind about her di rectien. She altered her course a little , but continued her rapid style of movement. Jlor eye began to look wild. She coined to bo losing her reason. She got so urctty soon thnt she didn't ecogniso the faces of fticnds. She xisscd Mr. Root without bcini ; able to listingitish him from a total stranqrr. These peculiar movements wore ccjit up during the entire afternoon , ill the hen got so fatigued that she crawled into a length of old stovepipe , and the committee retired to prepaio i repot t. It is the opinion of the > ress that this is n tihtmph of genius u the line of lion culture. It is not fvere , though firm , in its treatment , md Mhilo it of course- annoys and inmans the hen temporarily , it is alutary in its results , and at the ame time it furnishes n pleasant ittlo matinee for the spectators. Wo say to those upon whoso hands imo hangs heavily these long days , lint there is nothing that soothes the milled mind and fills the soul \vith n ; lad tin ill of pleasuio like the erintic novements ot a decorated lien. It nny not bo n high order of enjoyment > ut it atl'ords a great deal of laugh to ho superficial foot to those who are nit very accomplished , niul who augh at things nml then consider ts propriety afterward. Hnlf-Fnt Cixttlo. ) ro\cr ' Juiuiml. Wo are now half way through the ; ra/.ing season for this year , and as is isttally tliocaso at this season of the year tlieio begins to appear in the nargct a largo number of half-fat intivc steers , many of them , in fact , lot half-fat. This kind of cattle veigh anywhere from 1,000 to 1,200 louuds ; for the most part they are joarso boned and ill-shaped ; have ailed to ijot fat on grass ; are not nt all desirable for feeders _ or stockers ; von't pay to put on distillery feed ; lie butchers don't want them , as con sumers don't want' their meat after hey nro slaughtered. Largo pens full if such cattle arc now to bp seen in ho stock yards , and n leading cpm- uisaion man told us , this morning , hat it was almost impossible to got ui ofl'or on cattle of this kind , as needy - ) ody wants them or can find any place or them ; but it is likely that cattle to his kind will continue to crowd the naikot during the remainder of the iresont year , as this condition has ) een n general rule tluough the cor responding portion of every While -well-turned cattle , nvorag- ng 1,500 to 1,530 pounds , sell readily ifc'gO JJOC'0 50 , it is u hard matter to sell thcso ha f fat , ponysteersiit$4 25 < i4 02. ' , To show the diflbrcnco in ho value of thcso two kinds of cattle wo will take an average half-fat steer md call his weight 1,100 and the [ irico at which ho holla $1 GO , which is ligh , and wo have $50 (10 ( as the price realized for such an animal ; while for ; he best quality wo will take a lot .hat has just boon sold at $ < ! ' 0 per LOO , average weight 1,550 pounds , unking § ! )78 ) per head the average sum realized for the lot , or very near ly double , while there weald be no material dilt'ercncc in the ago of the two kinds of cattle that would make this result. The half-fat cattle , as to results , give no kind of satisfaction , from first to last , nny parties that may liavc nn interest in handling them. The Iowa Farmers' Alliance. To Secretaries ofFarmers' Alliiince * and all othtr lomttwcrs : BROTHER FARMERS : In compliance with the constitution of the Iowa de partment of the * National Farmers' Alliance , wo hereby inform you that the regular annual meeting of the above state alliance will convene at the Iowa Homestead tent , on the state fair grounds , DCS Homes , on Wednes day , September 7th. 1881 , at 1 p. in. Each alliance , grange , or other farm ers' society , is requested to send n representative , and n contribution of ten cents for each member to pay the expense of the state alliance for the year. Secretaries will please furnish delegates with credentials and send their own names and addresses , and the names of the delegates to the undersigned secretary. ] Jy our invitation the otlicera of the State Alliance , organized at Des Monies , have called a meeting of that alliance nt the same time and place , and united with us in calling a state convention of farmers at the above time and place , "For the purpose of consultation on questions of vital in terest to the farmers of the state. " Wo suggest that the basis of represen tation in the convention bo the same as in the alliance , with the addition of two from each county not otherwise represented. But the convention will decide the matter , nnd all farmers will bo welcome to speak. "Como , lot us reason together. In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom. " Wo have delayed the issuing of this call to receive the reply ot the other alliance. AH the notice is so short wo rcsDccffully nsk all papers circulating in linva to publish it. Your friend * and brethren , 1) . M. CKAIIK , L. E. WILLIAMS , President. Sec'y. lown , Dept. N. F. A. P. 0. MontroRO , Leo Co. , In. HO ! FOR COOL MINNESOTA. Tlio Last Excursion to the Great ISummor Rosorts-312-00 for the Round Trip. Another excursion , the last of the season to this famous summer resorts of cool Minnesota , has been arranged to leave Council Jllnlls on .September rtth , at 7:15 : p. m. , by the great Sioux City route. The rate will bo the low est ever given over thin line , the round trip being only Sl'-.OO. Just think of it. It'is cheaper to travel than to stay at home. The tickets aio good for thirty days. This will give an excellent opportunity for everybody to visit the greatest fair in the northwest , at Minneapolis , which lasts all week , commencing Septom- U3r 5th. The races at this fair will bo well worth traveling twice the distance tanco to see , No sucli opportunity for genuine enjoyment will bo offered again this season , and all who take advantage of the exceedingly low- rates will bo sure to get their money's worth fourfold. Make a note of this , and don't forgot it. For further in formation , apply to J. II. O'UnvA.v , Southwestern Agent , Council Ulufls , lown. Aug2Gtosep5. The only place in the city where Jos. Schlitz's Milwaukee beer is found on draught is the Merchants Ex change , cor , 10th and Dodge St , tf Pure cider vinegar for pickling at J. 1. Nichols Notice- STATK OPintUMCA : , ) 1'Ot ( I1.AS IVf.NTY. I I \viil sit for registration of voters Monday , September fith nnd ( Hh , 1S81 , on the Southeast corner of Twelfth mid C.\f > < s for registration of voters of the Fifth ward. Sriuiiu : WAKtriKU ) , Uogistrar of the Fifth Ward. A ug 25 to SO ReRlstrntlcm Notice- Not ice is hereby given that 1 will sit at Lorenzen's Cigar Store , fiM S. Tenth street on Monday , September 5th , 1881 , for thopurposo of legistor- ing vittera of the First ward and conecting the old list. In witness whereof I liavo hereto not my hand this , 25th day of August , 1881. K. M. STKNIIKKU , Hegistrar First Ward. CAlt ITKU'S Having just returned from the East , I will ilovoto this week to the display of Shoping Uagn and Puiscs in all colors. An elegant lino. Mrs. A. E. Keith at UAH- TEH'S. _ aug2- ! ) Fresh triuts and vegetables received ivcry day nt D. Ouild's on Tenth trei't , near U. 1 * . tleixit. tf For rent or sale , one organ. 'Will ell on monthly nayments. At Edholm it Erickson's Jewelry Store. Aug25tf Parties wishing booth stands dur- ng State Fair , address E. P. Davis , Omaha , Nob. jy28-sep2 CAHTEHS Next Saturday , Sept. Id , will open a largo lot of Street ats , designed especially to bo worn nt ho Fair , Unique and stylish. uig2-2t ! ) CAHTEHS. Pure cider vinegarfor pickling at .1. ' . Nichols. OHDEHS or lioynl St. John Sow ing Machines l bj tilled as fast as possible , there ) oing two largo shipments on the vay and another to followinuncdi - toly. J'um cider vinegar for pickling at r I NVU'ls. - _ _ WANTED - A girl for general house vorlr. Call al the stole of W. M. ) ushinanS , E. corner 15th vtDougla ? . AiigHOtf . . * - . - No. 22 was the lucky winnnr of the rocking horse which was rallk'd for at he Turner Hall last Saturday. P. PKN-.ST.K. NOTICE ! Piano tuning and repairing. F. Licssontin has removed his ollico from Hosiie's to Hose's Art Emporium , 1510 Dodge street. AugyO-Iif * . For nice fresh meat go to GUILD , Meat Market on Tenth street , near the U. P. depot tf Third Ward Voters- I will sit for registration of voters Monday , the 5th day of September , 1881 , for registration of voters of the Third Ward , and said book will bo open at my ollico , l2t ! ! Douglas street northeast corner of Fourteenth. WILL. II. RILKV , nug21tos5 Register Third Ward. The Now City Directory soon i o bo issued will bo the most thorough nnd complete of any director- over issued for Omaha. People who have recently como to the city , or those who have recently changed their residence or boarding place , should send their new address at once to J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. Fourteenth street , corner Douglas , so that their names will appear in the now directory core - o let when issued. Postoifico ChangOH lu Nobrnslm During the week ending August 27 , 1881. Furnished for the Omaha .Bur. by Wm , YanVleck , of the , po.stollico department. Established- Hush Franklin - , coun ty , Xenaa K. Dean , postmaster ; Wayne , Wayne county , .lames Brit- ton postmaster. Name and s.lo changed Inman's Grove , Holt county , to Inman and Clayton Troth appointed P. M. m Postmasters appointed Crounso , Lancaster county , . .7.V. . Terry ; Mo- nicnco , Filmore county , Pliebe To- pier ; Red Willow , Red Willow coun ty , Goo. Lceland ; Ttickerville , Custer county , Ferdinand Ximmerer. Smytho AJStull , attorneys , removed No. 12 Creighton block. Sixth "Ward Voters- OMAHA , Neb. , August 525 , ' 81. Notice is hereby given that I will sit nt my store , No. 1022 Cuming street , between 20th and 21st , north side , on Monday , September the 5th , 1881 , for the purpose of registering legal voters of said ward , C. 0. FIKLII , RegistrarSixth Ward , aug25-s5th WANTED A girl for general house work in a family of two , RKKHR HJ.VK.S HEQUIUKD. Inquire nt Mrs. N. .1 , Edholm , Twenty.lifthnnd Chicago Steady woi k to a good gii 1 , tf Undoubtedly the best Blurt in tlio United States ia manufactured at tlio Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of matoiial and workmanship , com bined with their great improvements , hat is reinforced fronts , reinforced backo , and reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and best litthm garment of the kind , over manufactured at the moderate price of Sl.HO. Every shirt of our make is guaranteed first-class and will refund the money if found necessary. Wo make a specialty of nil wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , nleo chemois underwear , made up with n view to comfort , warmth nnd durabil. ity , To invalids and weak-lunged persons wo oiler special inducements in the manner these goods are made cr their protection. PJI. floTiiiEiMKH. 1207 Farnham at. Forty years' trial tiiprovcu" BLACK- DRAUGHT" the heal liver mtiiieinu in .the . world , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bacftnclto , Soreness of the Chest , Gotft Quinsy , Sore Throat , Snail- fnjjs and Sprains , Burns and * Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and ffoadacho , Frosted Foot and Ears , and all otfior Pains and Achos. Wt rrfiwmllon on furtli tqntli Sr. JACOM on M ) ft mff , mi re , Adii/ifr * tid r/irnj ) Kittriitl Binf ly. A trlnl fntalln Lnt Hi * compiirMbrlj IriJIiic outlay i > f 50 Cent" , nil fftrj one euflrr. In : "Till pnln can bare clirap and pciltlrt tJtoel pf Iti claim * , jv Dirtctlom In Elefen InffU E * ( 60LD BY ALIiDRDcmiBTS ANDDEA1EBR IK MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. , JJalHtnn- n Htiii.c * * OANt fi\nc\in1ta f fe . > o * r > _ - jv wi trtan---t ifc s . / % q2iMk s * v Ji-- < - VOT& $ ? r VVKKl tir Sg Sf ; Corn Shelters , Itorsc Powers , Vlntl Mills , Culllinton & Corn Slclk Gullets. jti 5 ircffiC5 , La Call : C : . , Ill JoS'-wlj THE CHAMPION HAY GATHERER , Takes tin- hay illicit from Sunth to Hack MO to 7K ) lli . nt a load. Smc'fllniotlnir , shocking , &c. I'rliu , cil.00. Tor i rtlmlari < address S. H. < ! 11UI\NI > , Monrou Cltv , Jlo. , nuin.H'Jt I'aoprlctorniul ManufactuuT TAKKV UP Near my lionio on Satnrdij , an old wliito liorso ultli lil.-xck xxls | ; lillnd In tliu ri-lit ; cju. 1' . n. llojNon , north slilu I ca\cn Mortheticct , bet. 7th mid btli. niill-w4t LAND AGENCY Davis & Snyder , 1505 Fiirnliam Street , OMAHA , NEB , 500,000 ACRES CHOICE LANDS and Homes in Nebraska , 17,000 Acres in Douglas Coun ty , $5 to $1O Per Acre. 11,620 Acre * Sarpy County Land. ft 00 to 310.03 12.20 ! ) " Washington Co , Land 6.0 1 to 10.CO ' 1,400 " J'.UJt County l.nn.l. . S 00 to 8.00 22.600 " Cumln-'County Land 3.00 to 800 iO.SW " filtntonCiinniy Land 2.25 to (100 50,000 " lladldinLOiiiityLand ! ! .00 to C.OO 12,300 " 1'Uttr County U J , O.Wlo B.OO Terms to SuitPuroba3ert3Long Time and LovIntort'ofc , Perfect Titles ALSO IAnOC TltACTS OK LAND IN Dodge , Oolfar , Pioroo , Morrick , Hall , Sairaaers , Butler , Arid Other Counties in the Eastern Portion of Nebraska , for Sale. Farms of AH S'ZON From 40 to (110 ( am ra li , aJnpteil tu Grain anil Stock Kaiu nx , to bo Sola al Lovt KlKurt-8 , mid on tun * Time. State aud County Maps for Distribution. 'crtnaof Undu lu all localllln , etc. , etc. AililruM DAVIS & 8KYBF.B , 1505 tairnlisuii Street , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , No. 1508 Fnrnlmm Street , OWT Korlli ldi' . _ mn Jlraii'H'i ntral IFoti-l. tot , u , CLACKBOS , j a , Clarlcson & . Hunt , Succos * ' " to nitliiriUi & Hunt , ATTOENEYS - AT - LAW , 8 , MtljStrctt Oni ha Neb. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M.Woolworth. A. f , NASON , Dentist. Orricx Jacolu * Jilock , to ncr Capitol avenue ndriltcenth trc t , Omaha Noli WarchouscmcnMillors Feed Dealers , I Farmers , PORTABLE n nALL ALL SIZ1S , Adapted to run by nny kind of power. We guarantee our Af\1ls to rfo at fiood work as Hurr iSVoHM , with WltlcA Its * ; > i > urr. Ssml or Illmtrateil Catalonia and 1'rlce Lilt. Si ml for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List TO Wm. M. BUSH NELL , OoiliiilllllutT' , town , Avritt tor Iliu nto of iiiiilrliiillii Mill Coi MIINAn.cil .Slullors ( or Xrlimvkn Wratern lo\vn. S * S. # § ! J E , 8& li'if B5 } iiSi M - - - ? - zKlia - IK ? § * J PIONEER LAND AGENCY P. M. KATHBUN , Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 nrreir.o\ermiiunt Inncl open tolloiwv tcaili. rrc-fii > plloii3 ami Timber claim * . 1MO holco ImprnM'il I'lalmt for Kilo or cMli.uijri ) . VOO of tliolwst iluMleil f uins In Houtliwestciii Ni'linn- in v Itli tlmliur ami water for Kilo. A fi-w iholco took ramlics with fcm-ul fluids , tlinlur , luij and \atcr , for n.ilo , Ou'np. Uorn > paiidinri ! Solicited , iimr.10 tf B3SST OF ALL FOR MAN AND BEAST , For morn limn n Hilnl of n contnry Ilin 9IrxlcimniuHtntiKl..l > ilmciitlmsi > ouii liiinwn toinlllioimiill over tlui woild HE Ilio only siifo rolliinco for thu rellnf ol iK'cldcnti ) unit iinln. It Ix u inuillalun aliovu iirlcuiiiiil pintso tltr licut < if Its lilinl. 1'orcvury foini ol iiztumul pain thu Miistm > i : I.InliiuMit IH wtlliont nn equal. II pdiicli-iilrn Ilimli uiul Dinsrlo to ( liu icry Iiour iiuiUliiK tincuiitlnn - MUCH of piiln mid liitliiiiiniutlon liopo-- Hllllc. IIH ( . > n'CCtHlllOirillUIIIIII 1'Il'Hll Illlll dm Hnilo ( 'iciilloii art ) tijuullyvoiiilti - ful. Thu Moxlciui I.tiitiiicnt Is ni-rilcil liy soiJH'ltoily In t'iy lidiiac. Kiry ilny In IIIKH nuwn ul tlir nnoiij-nfnii lOvTnl ( cnlil nrlmi'ii Hiilxlllfil , ol rliriiinatic iimrljTH j HliiH'il. ( ir n vnluiililn liorin or t > \ HHveil by thu lii'iillng powcr oi thla wlilcli speedily euros aucli iillmonts of tliu HUMAN I'l.K&H n UlifMimiittum , NivrllhiKl , tltlff iliitu , Cnntrnctril niniiilrn , Hiirn * nil ScnlilN , ( Jiitu , ii-ul mill Nirnlii | , I'KIKonou n Ullm niul NllllUM , MIIClH'IK , I.IIIIII'IICkN , Olil Htirru , 1'let I , l-'rn t lilt , ( ; iilllilltli > n. Nero Nlpplm , Cnliril Jlrenit. niul linlovil rvriy r.'inu of vxttriml ilU- mc. It liralulllioilt M'fU'P. Tor thu IIUUTI : CHIJATIOM H rtirei SIMIIIU | , Snliiiiy , Slin * .7 < ilii ( , I'liinulrr , Ilnnii-xN Woica , Iliiiif I > l - ' rn , foot lt l. bcrctv 'NVniin , ( Icnli , llolloiv Hoi 11 , HcnilcluuVlnil - UnllM , Niiavln , Tlirimli , Itliml.onr , Olil Norm , I'oll jvll , 1'lliu iiioii tlin HlKlit niul every elli r nlliiiuiit In xvlili'h dm iitviipiuil * of llin iilile niul NlucU Vnul nr llnlilc. Thu niexlriiu .flnntiiiiK I-liilmmf ulwny.s CIIITH niul nuvcr dlsajipoluts ; uiul Ula , pobltlvcly , THE BEST OF ALL FOR MAN OR BEAST. Tur MOHT 1'orut.Aiil Tim BIET BILUSO ! Ti-SE OVALCHURN Tin : OllUHNB AND QtltKI'.U ilOHT CON- TIIAH ANY VJINIENF UTIIIU : OlIUIlN UnuitH Hi TUB TUUII : , M llmiufjctuied In lUonz a 0 , 8 , 10 and 1 , jtlbi ! > ii. It lai un to rln , llin.o no iiolio nuiills orL vully o"1' nn l'y ni' I'ctsUm larKi'ut aiiiou' t i > f 'U't ' r Ir in ho mil1 * or crouin ; n i/iimo ( runt he f'1" " ' ' 'umber. ' It old al i lower p lee tlianai ) ' < tlnr Brnt-.h" ! i hum , > > eii'J tor dls. rlpvhu tirtiilar and prUo AOJSNTS WANTKU KOK CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy , Proluioiy llluitmli(1 , ' 'htmrat Important and hctluooV publlitied. KMiry Umlly wnnu K Kxtrtordlnary induiemcnti oRvred Atreiit" . AddruM * a ( Ta'P'i iiiiiiKa'n HI f inl * Vn T7KJK SAI.rA laro two Blory fraino tliltiijU'J JJ roof Hotel anil onu tiry UUhvii ; al o onu ttory Irainv , Kliliifluil roof , lull room lor tin nets to ilaniv , anil l.arn larn-o vnou ti to hold twenty tcainn- All iiltiuUxl on corner ol llrood and 4tn ktrctt , Fremont , | ) oda-e Co. , tfcli. Kor lurtlur Inlorniatlon apply to 0. U. THOMPSON , UM-to s-B Fremont , Uotlgc Co , , Neb. MITCHELL , LEWIS & GO'S IACESAIT Wisconsin , Tlio Vltiholl wa.'imujlmo stood the Uet ul ovcrv u'lma'.o anil tii'd.ij nro t the hcail ol ! ) competltora. Mr. Mil hi-11 hu toiii niuiuia > ittrE > MIK i " ulltil ) ) oi r I c a muiemed that ImniiCHH In ChlciKU III ItUI. Ho rtiiioMMiim fulntv In l oi iml n , Ul , tn ISi'S , MIH ! In .855 tu Undue , V > IHH p o 0'it locution. AVmut uno } c f no * t " rniituiiinl V li.u , hut BiJi man hnoKiio difml , In liitlii > iil\lj < la > III * him' n wi-ru ribulit nnJ In rpinvll n tun n , ui.U tliojr nru now coiHili-rcd Ilio mutt cinnp'oioMin ' hjttcmaile , > , . on mluiilltiliimi t In tlio wnilil. Kacllio inuunfauturoH eland nt Ilio hoiul. Send for Price List to Mitchell , Lewis & Co. , Racine , Wis. mill-Cm Tliis Cut shows one of the celebrated We gave SIX of these Spendid Machine as Premiums. Ranging Price from HO to $76 Address Jolm Zehrucg , Lincoln , Neb , murlO ' eo PITTS With new device ( cut-off sill ) for easy handling on tlie road , in fctock Yards , etc , Foruy-Slstli jeaioti cf tha old rcllablo "Ohlcago Pitta" Separators , the only Ai'iim , M-iL'lnhu i > uw in HID m.irki.t dilti'Hd f.x IUT.JU juu nu.ull ) , ! . iiunu IT ilcun IUIMT , vnly A | rim Maum.u tlut lliruolun uinl cl MIU * llf.x nn I r.ll uulm purl'otiy Specially unprovtd to | rev. nt wlmlnu ; inn apron lii o-l ti prcv 11 ll > ttrliiK ; I , i imp-nud cnl-su l.u tiive ; ji.ti.nt rim nlevo < ; limr > ic u loji.i urn ! ( 'roi'ci ckMiiInt , ' c picil > U-MI i-j i ihrr rnu.'M < o Him * III1 lit , kiiilnourrtuibOJ Uulv.llb our new tu > lnac.t will lianul Uonr tu pcrfcci.un IU < ulcvaturu. BLACK HAWK , "fhiaia the Hawk that killed the Oock " U you want a Vibiu-or , tuy our Illack Hank \Vliy ! Decauiult Id thvlatent lmrru\oilin'liliio hi tlie market , Uavlni : all ohe tntnttandont \ ( ) / the dejtnt ot Vlbiittori , now lu uio. Lijhter draft and more durable , Iti motion U iccliru- | cal , exinnoiuclitlv | will not fcluke tu pieces. 'I'ltorvvyhluteittJ. Bciu tlieoialllo FUx and utlier kind * ol train. U it ilmpllclty lUell , lurniln lit own Iccgtli. Will not carry over. Separator perfect. Adapted to the huidllaK ol Cloter , anil cau be run liy fcoiao or vteampower. Improve.d Mounted Power. a" Pontle Plnlou Mounted Powers re tlie meat durable and tlrongly built M v.c'l ' M the txtiitt running p.wer to- ( ore Us pulilc. Spoclilly improved ( ur 1831 lu\liS ? our intent hate lor IniUiitly itopplni ; lioreot ; line patent Jiop ear , by which t > are eu ble < l to tllcct changes ol ipe d , nuiklng them > viliable to run any kind ot thresher , ooU iawleod mill , etc. , etc. Muter-wheel rlrnn ai banded with wrouglit Iron tire , SonJ lordeacrlpthe catalogue. H. A. PITTS' & SONS MFG. CO. 7and 9 8 , Jefferson St. , OhicngoIU ,