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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1881)
- > / 1N ft- % : 7 OMATTA nAIT.YKRTfc AVEDNESDAY AUGUST 31. 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ttecord of a Day's Doings in Iowa's Metropolis. Result of the Races nt the Driving Park. The Shenaudoih Sofdiers' Ro- Uniou Ended. Vnriotu OUior lutormtlnR Para graphs of Local Interest. THE RACES. A I'AV OF JOLLY < ! OOI > Hl'OUT VKSTKIt- tAV. On-ill. ? to the heavy rains Monday the track at the Driviiur park was heavy for the races yesterday after noon. It was thought by the man agement that it would not bo possible to run either of the races on yester day's programme. The aim , howovcr , broke through the clouds about 4 o'clock and Mr. Mclvuno rang the bell for all who hnd entered in the 2:27 : class , purse $ < iOO , first § 250 , second 8125 , third ? ij , fourth 80 , to mnko ready. The following horses came up to the ntatid : Business , b. g. , entered by W. L. Heck , Cliica o , Corbin's Unslmw , cli. s. , entered by \V. Corbin , Chicago ; Kdwin II , blk. g. , E. Hither , Uacino , Wis. ; Kthcl Medium , b. in. , M. Hopkins , St. Clair , Jilich. ; Mnttio Qruham , b. m. In drawing for position Mattie GraMo ham got the pole , Edwin B second place , Pine Leaf third , Business fourth , Ethel Medium fifth , Corbin's ' Bashaw sixth. At the word no Edwin B took the polo and led the othcni , with Pine Loaf close on his heols. These two horses kept together until they reached the thrco-quartor milo stake , when Edwin B. spurted Ahead , came to the wire in good shape .and wont under in 2:31 : , with Pine Leaf second , Mattie Graham third , Corbin's Bashaw fourth , Fainuount fifth , Ethel Medium sixth , Business seventh. Here the management , iinding it was Dotting late , concluded to waive in the first heat of the running race , the purse being § 200 for the first , $100 for the second , $00 for the third § 10 for the fourth. The following horses were entered : lirenda , ch. m. , George Hakes , Springfield , 111. ; Hec tor Hart , 11. Lannor , Council Bluh"n ; Minnie ' D. , 0. E. LoFever , Denver , Col. ; Mollie McCrcary , Colvin & Gray , Murysyillo , Mo. Minnie D. easily won this heat ; time , 1-18 : } . Thn second heat for the 2i'7 : class wait then called. The horses , aftur scoring several times came to the wire in very good slmpo Edwin B , dnrted ahead and took the polo with Pine Leaf huegiii'-C his wheel , Bashaw foil behind but kept his place in good shape until Edwin B , won the race in 2:32 : , with Fiiirmoimt second , Pine Loaf third , Mattie Graham fourth , [ Ethel Medium lifth , Business sixth. The horses ontorcd for the running mco were called to time. Only three appeared. Hector Hart having been distanced in the first hoat. Minnie D , easily won this heat and the race in 1:50 , with Mollie Mctireay second mid iBrenda third. At the end of the running race the horses for the third heat in the 2:28 : 'olass wcro again rung for .position. . .The horses came to the \virp in very good shape for the word go. Edwin 11 took the polo and kept it. Mattie Graham hold him pretty hard to Iho half milo atako , TlitTo who broke iMiil Edwin B spurted ahead , turning the throe-quarters milo p < > lu poinb dis tance in advance , and winning the third heat , and consequently the race , in 2:30. : Notwithstanding that the people supposed , there would be no racoon , -account of the bad condition of the truck , there wore about fiOO people on i the grounds. There were more or less delays during the afternoon which will not occur again. Every thing will go off smoothly to-day. The following is the programme together with the 2:50 : race postponed from yesterday ; 2:30 : ( ; LAH * , 1-oiif.K $500. G. D. Wilson , Missouri Valley , Iowa , br , g , Littlu Sioux , by Monitor , Ijy Eugenia. .T. A. Batcholor , b , m. Mattie Graham , by Herald , by Manhattan Chief. B. J. Johnson , Creston , Iowa , b. g , Fairmouut , by Almont , Mark Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , b. in , Ethel Medium , by Happy Medium , by Harris' Hamblctoniaii. D , I. Corson , Kansas City Mo. , " b I , A , Sam Patch. W. L. Halladuy , b , g. Prince. ' , nipwiNn 8500. One milo heats , 3 in 5. 8250 , 8150 nnd 8100. Entries 'close evening be fore the raco. 2:38 : CLASS , ri'UbK 8300. AV. S. Cook Dallas , , Texas , b m Mattie Thompson , by Goodridge Horse. J. Vn'i Jacobs , Lincoln , Neb. , Col orado , by F. Dillon. John S , Wolf , Ottumwa , la. , b B Con Garfield , by Am Clay , G. J. Fuller , g j Billy Bashaw , by Green's Bashaw , bym Cooke it Bhino , Chicago , 111. , ch m Reitto , by Tramp. Mark Hopkins , St. Clair , Mich. , b in Lucreco , by Bob Wallcy , by llys' Ilambletonian , A. A. Bombcck ' , Kansas City , Mo , , I ) g Sleepy llill. , Henry Loughlin , Roclno , * Kity Clyde , by Jvirkwood Jr. W , 0 Calkins , Galesburg , 111. , B m Lady Low , by Hndloy'a Fear Not. A. Barnes. West Union , It. , b in Mountain Girl. II. Brnwn , St. Paul , Minn. , br B Chas. G. Hays , by Tramp. E. M. C. MANSFIELD. IIW DEATH OCOUIWKU YKhTEltDAY. E. M. 0. Mansfield , one of the sol- 'diers of the late war , passed from life * at his residence near the bioom fac tory in this city , about 11 o'clock Monday morning , after n long and lingering illness. Mr. Mansfield early in the war enlisted in the Twenty * second Now York mounted guards as a private and soon rose to the rank of first lieutenant. Ho was taken pris oner and kept for n long time in ono of the southern prisons until finally exchanged. HoVM sent to ono of the Union hospitals after ho was re leased , ns ho had contracted a disease inthopiison in which ho was con fined. Ho rallied and was , as soon as lie was able , transferred to the army for active duty. lie soon received an appointment as captain , which rank ho hold when the war closed. Mr. Mansfield had never since ho was con fined in prison boon a well man. After leaving the army ho wont to New York thence to Burlington , Iowa , whore ho received an appointment aa professor of mathematics in a business college. About three years ago ho came to Council BUilfe and engaged as check clerk with Iho C. , B. iV ; Q. railroad , the last position he hold before his death. Mr. Mansfield was a young man of excitable temperament , and had some faults , as all have , but on the whole was an agreeable man to transact bininoss with ; a man whom wo buliove to have been honest and always did as well as his circum stances would allow. Mr. Mansfield a short time ago had obtained a di vorce from hia wile and married a woman named Brook , daughter ot u farmer named Sylvester , who lives near this city. DR. MoKUNE- HI ; is roxsininiAiiiiY HUT NOT I-ATAM.Y UANKIl. The fuct became noised about on the streets Monday evening that Dr. MuKuno had met with quite a seri ous accident. The story went that a gentlemen , iiHtranger in the city , had met the doctor and gave him such a caning as ho would not forgot during the remainder of his natural life. THK Buu man could hardly credit the re- port , and to mnko nssurnncu doubly sure loft homo in n drenching ruin nitd repaired at unco to the doctor's ollico on Main street Tlio doctor wai not suffering so much as expected. Ho was naked in regard to the rumor alluat , nnd ho sat down and related the incident. IIo said lie mot the stranger ami for some reason unknown to him ho caned him. Why ho did it ho could not any. It might have been because ho had not taken much inter est in the new driving park , but thcro it was standing in the comer of the counting room one of the must beau tiful gold-headed canes Tin ; HUE man ever saw. We will recover. TO KUI.Ii CHKMT. Iii our history of the now Bloomer school building which appeared in last Saturday's issue , wo stated , "That although Mr. Clausen and Mr. Spooncr have been added to the board since the building of the Bloomer or school houao was begun , yet they are entitled with the rent of the board with credit for supplying the city with ono of the most magnificicnt structures over deyotpd to common Boliool pur poses. " Since writing the above wo liavolcarnod that Mr. Spoonor and Mr Clauson were on the board at the time the money was raised , and furthermore L. L. Spooner was chairman of the building commit tee composed of himself and John Cliiusen , and to , the untiring efforts of this committee is in a great measure duo pur getting the Bloomer school building completed in such a perfect manner and in time to hold our fall term of school in the samo. Jir.UMON. The.grand reunion of old war vet erans closes to-day with the following programme. Early lliis morning n salute was tiled from the Council lilufl'n battery. At 8 a. m. guard mounting , 8:110 : a. m , to 12 p. m. , grand reunion of regiments , companies and squads ; 2 p. in. , the republican and democratic members will separate nnd n grand sham battle will take place between them. This will bun very interesting spectacle. At 4:1(0 : ( p. m. all the forces will be mustered out of Horvico. nnd the reunion will end tor thin year , but lot ua hope not for nil time. They should not separate to night until they have fixed upon n place for their next mooting. These old soldiers formed friendships dur ing the rebellion that have become ns earnest and lasting us in any oocrot society and as the time that will bo spared to them on earth will only be a few years at the most , they should try nnd got together once a year , and renew in n peaceful way the stories nnd scenes of the war. What n grand thing Ilerdic conches would bo tiicso Union to convoy people to the diivmi' park. The "Frcio " IVossu" should have a few inomonts conversation with Alder man Fonda. Tin : Bin : wonders rif that article about our mayor was originally written in German. 'I ho Nonpareil thinks that W. R. Vaughan is makinga first , elassmayor. That he makes a nice little fellow to sleep in n political bed with. At miy rate they are satisfied with him , and for this reason it m the duty for this congressional district to stand by the Nonpareil nnd Ynuglmn. Wo under stand from ,1. E. Abies that Mr. Yaughan it aspiring to congressional honor . Lot us hope that the proclamation ) of Mayor Yaughan will not prove to have been issued too "previous , " THE UKJJ thinks that our city coun cil iiro doing na well as they know > how , and that the mayor knows how better thin ho is doing. It is understood that an effort is being made to take the pcstolliconway from Judge Baldwin's widow , nnd to give it to n young man whoso wife is related to President Gariiold. The now clock machinery for the [ ] llloomer school bulding will soon have boniethiii ! , ' for the figures on the face outside to tell about. Win Q. Oliver remarks that the li htning-rod on the now Bloomer school building is about as much use as a wart on the end of a pig's tail. IIo that where . . . says lightning strikes u steojilo once , it will strike the corners no building a hundred times , and do moro damage , Tin ; BKE rcpoi lor ovorlienrd two of _ . _ oldest and inosi honored citi-ons discussing yesterday the great ques . . . tion "What , filiall wo do with Indian creek ? " Mr. John Kel ler thought that as the oeoplo became more civilized there would bo some way improvised to protect the health of the public. Ms. 0. E. Stonu said that ho had been waiting until civilization would como to the rescue , but he thought wo were de veloping the other way , if the present condition of the creek was any crite rion. Ho had lived for a great many years in the vicinity of this little Chicago cage , and ho must declare that it ijrow worse and that there wixs consul- orably more of it. Ho thought the nnd cheapest way for the city to handle the stench was to convert the crock inly ono vast sewer by confin ing it to n given channel and then covering it , L. L. Spooncr , book-keeper for the extensive wholesale dry goods firm of Smith & Crittcnden , informed TUB UKH yesterday that never since ho has been in charge of the books of the linn did they show such extensive sales for any three months us the three last past , Wo understand that the brick layers are preparing for u strike. Two col ored ones , working for Mr. Mtr.iub , struck the other day , near Churchill's pump works. Col. D. J { . D.iiloy's ' company of light guards left yesterday morning to attend the reunion at Shcnandoah The boys looked finely and will , we are afraid ) make some uf those old soldiers think they never knew how to march. \Vo wcro shown some line speci mens ofjcorn now on cxliibitionat Mr. llessol's restaurant on Broadway. 7m The cars were about a foot long and very large. This corn is a sample of tin corn ( grown this year by Eli Per kins , of Keg creek , and Mr. Perkins says it is a fair average of forty acres planted to this cereal. The i wife of Hon. B. P. Montgomery crj , of Silver dill' , Col. , is in the city on n brief visit. Wo understand that a coal oil com pany / ' has purchased Kovcral lots in this city near the C. , B. & Q. depot , and contemplate ] immediately erecting thereon extensive warehouses for storing their oils and make this one of their general distributing points. There is no largo point where so many little points can bo reached from as right hero in Council Binds. TimBEK welcomes Mr. Nowcll and his Standard Oi company. There will bo n grand excursion up into cool Minnesota on the nth day of September. The party will go over the Sioux City & Pacific. Little Mamie Cnrruthers , who waa HO severely injured circus day by Mnnihan's team knocking her down and trampling on her , has so far re CO covered under Dr. . Pinnoy's ' treatment ns to bo able to bo removed from her aunt's , on Bancroft street , to her homo on Twenty-fifth street. Wo un derstand that her injury was not quite 80 severe as was at first supposed , yet it is a wonder that she- did not got tramped to death. Upon request of L. M. Pusoy presi dent , Dr. A. B , McKuno , general manager , Henry Eiseman , treasurer ofW the driving park association. E- W Jackson was appointed special chief of police in the driving park grounds during the races by Mayor Vaughan. All police will now report to him. him.Who Who stopped the bull ? T Huid tlio Nonpareil , With mylittloumbaiiel 1 stopped the bull. Who told the tail ? I said Mr. Morgan With my little organ , 1 told the tnil. Visible Improvement- Mr. Noah J'ntt'H , KI mini , N. Y. , writes ; "About four years ago 1 had an attack of billions fever , and nuvor fully recovered. My diirestivu ordain weie weakened , nnd I would be completely prostrated for ilnyn. After unins two bottle * of your UuiiDOUK Ul.ool ) DiTTKiis the improvement was HO visible that I wan astonished. 1 can now , though 1)1 ) years of ao ; , do n fair and re.i- Koimmo dny'M work. " J'rico 81.00 , trial MIZU 10 cent ) . eodlw Wliont for Zinyiug Hous > The Mark Lane Express , London , says that an American writer says that : ito as chemical analysis proves wheat to : contain more albumen than any other grain , it ahonld bo the foundation of egg production. If the white of jfa hen's u'jg contains 12 pet" cent , of albiimon , it is certain she cannot pro duce BO many eggs from food which ois deficient in albumen. On the other hand , it is not HO useful as maize err flush and fat forming thus , while ono food is useful for laying fowls , the other wrnild apponr to bo more valua ble for fatting for market , There is , however , something else to be conuid- orcd , viz : coat. Wheat may bo bettor ( him maize , but the question in , Is it better at the price ? If wheat is 50 pot cent. do.xrcr than maize , weight for weight , does it contain 50 per cent , more in feeding value ? If not , it is not so ' ' . . . . . = Cured of Driuklng , "A young friend of mine was cured edP of nn insatiable thirst for liquor ? , which had BO prostrated him that ho was unable to do any business. lie wns entirely cured by the use of op irHitters. . 'It allayed nil that US thirst ; took nwny the nppotito for liquor ; made his nerves steady , and he has remained n sober nnd steady man for 111010 than two years , nnd has no desire to return to his cuna Jl ; know a number of others that have boon cured oLdrinking _ by it , " From n leading oilicial , Chicago , 111. [ Times. nuglD-sopl = Buokliu'a Arulon. Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , aalt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillhlains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guar- nntood to give perfect Batisfnotion in every case or money refunded. Price , 25o per box , For sale by Isit & MoMAiiox , Omaha. DON'T Aak druggists for "Rough on llats. " It clears out rats , mice , bed-bugs i roaches , vermin , Hies , nuts insects. ICoperbox . SIBBETT & FDLLBR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB , Spcehl attetitbu tlAcn to collection * In Butler couuty ' Cm ( Malaria li an Untecn , Vaporoui 1'olson , Mircaillnjf illsoano and death In many lo- calltlco , lor nhlchn.nlnlno lane L'ctmlno antidote , hut for the cfToctiof which Iloitotter's Stomach Hitters U not only n thorough remedy , but n reliable pioicnilic. To thli fact thcro li an o < cr- whclinlni ; array of testimony , cxtcmUtiRmcrn l > crlod of thirty } earn. All disorders of the mcr , stnmaili and bowils are also conquered by the Hitter * . /Mrromalel'3 / all 1)mxf\ \ [ nnd Dealers gen et ally. WA WA.gS E E Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics. ALL nhould lw warned airalnrt \\t\ny \ and Introducing Into their HOMES Nos trums and Alcoholic remedies. Ilnvo no such prejudice against , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " They arc what they are claimed to be harmless as milk , and contain only niccll- clnullrtucs. . Kxtract of pure vegetables only. They do not hclo K totlmttlaxs known as "Cure- Alls , " ] > ut only profest to reach cases where the ( IK'aso orWrmtca In debilitated frames and 1m- pure blood. A perfect Spring ; and Summer medicine. A Thorough Clood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. Pleasant ; to the taste , Invigorating to the body. The most eminent physicians recommend them far their curath u properties. Once used always preferred. " _ _ _ _ _ For the Kidneys , Liver nnd Urlnnry organs , usa nothlnz "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVCR CURE. " U stands Unrivalled. Thous ands owe thilr health nnd happlncsi to It. 1'rlcu , * 1.25 per liottle. Wo offer "Warner's Safe Tonic Dittera" uith equal conlldcnce. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. fclC-tu-th-sat-lv CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. Iha\o luloptcd the Won as a Trade Maik , and all my tjoodH will bo STAMPED with tha LION and nijXAMi : on the canm. XO COOLI3 Altli GENl/'INK WITHOUT THE ABOVE SMJIl'S. The Iicst material la lined and tlio ino t sklllci' are cinnlovcd , niid at the lowest cost price. Anyone wishing a jirlco-llst of good will confer a finer by sendln ? for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. QKO. W. WANK. A. C. CAMPBKLL , DOANt & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , SV COn. 1STH &DOUai.ASSTS. , Iv 21'tf OMAHA. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 2 Furiiham St. . Omaha Neb J.H FLIEGEL 7.R Successor to J. It. Thlclo , R Mo. 230 Douglas Street Omaha NcK A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AllIUCII "LOCK , Cor. Pouglaa and IMh Sts. Omaha Kcb. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of Q lent Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. HIT Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Qls. iarOrders hr Tulcirai > h Solicited f SCANTUN'S Seamless Evaporator ( AND "SOUTHERN "CANE MILL. FIRST CLASS SOROHO MiCHfflL-1 AT VEB\ LOW rlUCLS. Cm- for Dcicrlptlrt Frlct Lilt. THOS. SCANTUN & SON , KVANSVILLE. IND. ilenlttn tku faj'tr. ' PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Main St. , Ht. Louu , VUOLU.LPUUX4 IX , PAPERS ira INQ 01 ENYHLOI-ES , OAlllJ BO.UID AND INQk. Printers Stock. tSTCaah paid ( or Hafsu J 1'apcr Stock , Sera 1(37 , X 'ortb Sixth ttrcet. DISEASES -OF THE EYE & EAR DR. L. B , GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN RO/AL LONDON OPHTHALMIO'HOSPITAL. References all Hcputablc Ph } lclana ot Omaha. SiTOfTlce , Corner 16th and Farnham Sti. , Omaha , Neb. atiMmctf To Contractors , Bnildors nnd Property Owners. The undortljtncd liavln ? been appointed njcnt for the ovtctnlvo Iron and wire mamifacltirlti ; ; house ? of K. T. Rtrnuni , of Detroit , anil the Cutset Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of to tons dally , li prepared to furnish fstlmatcJ and prices for Iron column' , & & , &c. , for * torc fronts , window tap * and ! ! ! , tluesliold phttB. wrought Iron bairns and trlrd- urs , lijdraullc clot atoi s , staple tlttlnirspullc\ | shafting , &c. ; nNo Iron fenec , cresting , vn ilow K aril'i sliutter * . stair * , baieonlci , ncttcn , ( .halls , MICI , acqturimiH , fountains , summer lioinc , lann , garden and cemetery ornaments , ( lower aland * , irraicgiunN , kc.kc..ln endless \rulch. Catalogues snppllud on application. IltXitY H. IIAHKY , Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Paul direct. auslO-lm mo Count ! ! UliilK Iowa SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Nob. AOU.T FOR TUB CKLCTIlATrD CONCORD HARNESS TwoMeilalsand aDiplomiof Honor , with the loryldstliestatt-ard the Judges could bestow was awarded this harness at the Centennial Exhlbi- Common , also Ilnnchmcn'B and Ladlcj" SAD- DLKS. Wo Keep the largest stock In the west , and Invite all who cannot e mlno toenndrnr price. . M'"t _ The Oldest Established IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Dullness tranavcted eamo u that of an Incor porated oank. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject to sli-nt chock without notion Certificates of deposit Issued payable In three , six and tucl > o months , bearing Interest , or on demand without Interest. Aihantcn made to customers on approved > ccu- rltlcs at market r.toa of Interest. Jluy and U ROld , bills of exchange , govern- mcnt , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS P110MPTL.V MADE. Mifldt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ United States Depository. NationalBank - OF OJIAHA. - Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKINO ESTADLISHMENT IN 011AHA. 8UOOE880RB TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) ( ETABLIEIIEO 1856. Oreanltcd u a National Bank August 20 , 1863. CAPITAL AND PROFlTa OVEU 9300000 OrriCERS AND DIRECTOR- : HUMAN KOUSTZK , President. Ataunii's KOVMIK , Vice President. II.V. . YATES , Cashier. A. J. Porr-wos , Attorney. JOHN A. CK.IOIITOX. P. II. DAVIS , Asbt. Cishlcr. Tills bank receives dsposlta Itliout rccard to time certificates Interest. Iteucs bearing _ . _ . ix - ! * * mi Citi KmtiriiiVl at 111 t ) utl DCBcUj pSM"B tickets for emigrants by the In man line mavldtl BTROS I.XD BYRON REED & CO. IOLDSIT ESTABLISHED Eeal .Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA ! Keen a complete abstract oJ tltlo to all I Estate iu Omu lud Uouilw ( .ouiitr. ' DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. ARAPAHOE HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , HOLLAND HOUSE , WILDER HOURE' BUE | , VALLEY HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , QAQE HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , SUPERIOR HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WESTERN HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , PACIFIC HOTEL. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , BURKE'S HOTEL , HEAD HOUSE , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , NEOLA HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , PROPRIETORS. L. CLUTE , T. M. STONE , QEO. D. HOLLAND , THOMPSON REED , R. DAVIS , Z. O. ROCKHOLD , T.MUNHALL , A. R. CAGE , Q. D. QORDEN. 8. TIMMERMAN , A , C. CAARPER , E. FUNKHOUSER , DR. W. W. JONES , W. P. REN8HAW , E. D. COTTRELL , SWAN & DECKER , JUDKINS &DRO. , WM. LUTTON , W.J.GARVIN , E. R. BURKE , JOS. SHAW A CO. , CHENEY BROS. , F. SIEVERTZ , S. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , f/RS. R. COOHRAN , TQWXS. Arapahoc , Neb Orleans , Nel ) Red Cloud , Neb. Wllber , Neb. Do Witt , Neb. Wymorc , Neb. Dloomlngton , Neb , Republican CityNeb. Alma , Neb. Superior , Neb. Hardy , Neb. Chcttcr , Neb. Blue Springs , Neb Beatrice , Neb. Nebraska City , Neb. Creston , la. Red Oak , la. Vlllltca , la. Cornlnc , la. Carroll , la , ilcfTerson , la. Mo. Valley June. , la. Ncola , la. Malvcrn , la. Emerson , In , Cromwell , I . [ CENTRAL NEBRASKA. ] A. L. IIOPWOOD & BUO . Dnigs and Chemicals W. 15. OGDEN , . Drujrgiat and Chemist SWENSON IJUOS . DrucjjistB and Chemists 0. G. CHASE . Drugsist and Chemist C. RODINE . Lion Drug Store II. R. GREEK . V . General Merchandise STEIN & KHAMER . . New York Store C. B. PINCH . , . Empire Store A. THEMANSON . Groceries and Crockery II. HANDLES . Grocer C. F. I30DIi\SON . Grocer S. QUICK . Music Dealer and agent for THE BRB A. L. WEBB . Agricultural Implements D. W. ROE . Carriage Repository BUFFALO CO. BANK . . . Wiley Bros. L. CLARKE it WH1TTAKER . Real Estate A. G. BEMIS . Flour and Ford J. S. HARRINGTON . Flour and Feed A. H. BOLTIN . Commission House , Grain , Flour , tc. C. H. MILLER . Hardware , Stoves and Tinware T. J. PARRISH . Hardware , Stoves and Tinware C. J. GRABER . Hardware , Stoves nnd Tinware JAS. JENKINS . Boots and Shoes A. W1NHOLZ . Bootsand Shoes W. A. DOWNING . Harness and Saddles GREEN & NASH . Meat Market and Cattle Dealers W. M. HECHT . . * . Meat Market and Cattle Dealer H. W. MORSE . Meat Market and Cattle Dealer M. 0. RILEY . Livery. Sale and Food Stable PETER NELSON . Livery , Sale and Feed Stable M. W. BENSCOTER . Livery , Sale and Feed Stable H. M FISHER . Livery , Sale and Feed Stable T. F. FISHER . City Bakery , Restaurant and Confectionery N. G. CHILBERG . Cigar and Oyster Parlor C. D. AYRES . Coal Dealer and Wei hmaster E. TRIPP . Jeweler MRS. E. TRIPP . Milliner D. A. BARHOWS A CO . Kearney Mills A. TOMISKA . Guns and Sporting Goods C. T. JOHNSON . Plow Factory and Wagon Shop S. WENZEL . Wagon and Blacksmith Shop ,7. A. STRLUBORG . Photographic Artist ( s. of the tr.ick ) DR. F. W. WILMS . Comnu rcial House W. R. BEETLE . Harrold iiouso dollar , a day P. D. KEYS . Carpenter , Contractor and House Mover W. A. DOWNING . Harness and Saddles HENRY BAKER , M. D . Physician and Surgeon C. T. DILDINE , M. D. . . . . Physician and Surgeon DR. G. N. SEELEY . Dentist T. N. HAMUR . - Attorncy-at-Lav- L. S. IRVING . . . . - Attorney-at-Law- E. C. CALKINS . Attornoy-at-Lav \ ANDREWS & GRABLE . Attorn oy-at-Lav . EMORY PECK . Clerk of Buffalo County JOSEPH BLACK . Treasurer of Buflhlo County H. E. SWAN . Capitalist B. H. GOULDING . ( weekly ) Nonpareil F. C. HOLDEN . ( weekly ) Nebraska Press CUNNINGHAM BROS . ( weekly ) Journal GRANY & SAVILLE . The Western Now Era G. W. COLLINS . Principal of the Reform School C. P. CORNELIUS . Billiard Hall [ CENTRAL NEBRASKA , U. P. R. R. ] S. B. LOWELL . Dry Goods , Groceries , Boots Shoes , &c. A. D. GEORGK . General Merchandise J. E. KELSKY . , . Lumber , Lime and Cement. BABCOCK BROS . Hardware , Stoves , Ac. D. H. I1ETE . . Druggist and Chemist WM. H. KELLY . Harneas nnd Saddles PROF. G. W. READ . . Principal Gibbon Academy .TOSIAH SLICK , M. D . Physician and Surgeon JOHN M. TAG G ART . Pros. State Bap. Con. 0. PUTNAM . Land A-'cnt and Postmaster TO ALL OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY m BEST ! SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. aii23cod3iii . Omaha , A PnT.AfTT ! Collins , Chevenne , Jt VJJ. iWi. > Colorado Spring and Summer CLOTHINGU LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all 1 1322 FARNHAM STREET , "T NEAR FOURTEENTH