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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
,4?r - ! r-H4-. '' frf -i ' A -' V ,;;.- ;?f f,"f .;7 f ; i .':. ; 'Sw a .r2... -t J-. , . 4 1 n - jr - . " " cA .iirvii vit "' r1 t.VV9 4 WV It a. ttkt j.4 11 Wi5& ' ?4rMWrt,-wr '. -,-f'jv 'ffi "' ... V. . " I k? kf-JQr " ' .j ' . i . ? . " i Tiii ii , 1,1 1 ir ri n . i ,. l . j b f. a 4 " fc I. ?V"Y r r M'V w." i. - kW r t L''' H ,c k t V- ' -! :ss SSS3S53SKS5l: MnMMSvBAtiM' aVflwMLM I ttfflMMl8, W ""i"MW VtWtStp ffW, , ? 'Si . . 45M&1 I' iw--dFjfiriiiii.rt , rMc, Mosul, Hicnarot. AJUCKT Mri. ?iry. co?a Boi gUre, Uai- Book Store, - Browa Drtg Co., Harry Porter. - BAWitg-luKbUNatioiai, Fir fc OAFKlsi WHo'a. ic Cam- CAT5.E1-;Tpmr,'' ai iiUAer Jb OQABJa, N6r,l&BcCQ--Go, it 7 '.". J' 3. --. I VWtWM.4 ? y fldli-Tii" iMirT' FliOiaif cmdU Broc . , - V . ; " .! t GEOCKK8 O. J. JtlQf .: WOE. CLASSIFIED COLUMN rf All atfvcrttMM hi thli-ctlutnn ttilrtt bi pN fw (h Mfvaht.- minimum, tea.denUu v x tittSlfiltit Utofti- .- tiSYfnaT.twTiflu4J1i - , v jS?rjRJUokV,.Hanett . OVBlnqHINIST-ynwrf. P r -v "i" J L'2- h rtUms CYr iSc-c w, r 8B(0BVfab;r'oiW a- p kl. f SfflNINS, jAllll95l--:lom Shlnl f FarWn-" ' r . SPORTINd dOODS-Lawlor Cycle Co. i ti- ' ' '-, . TAILORS Umland, Union CoUege TinBWTWIW-tljiderwoo Type- ' . writer iCb. ., . M rf. . S TtPBWBTJWa-X-W7:Brewtr. . v BPBC&aXflDrErle B. Wpp. BATHt. CHRI81 kBATH-'HOUSBTrklih, salt glow, Mlbho-sallae, aaowefy plala. iHh aad P Sta. '. ' . ' f i ''' - - -r-r- 6LUB RATES Three sulta and O'ewit ' ..'. ..t .. AQQAQI tftANSFCtt. hotel, No. 11th 9i. Baggae and paTefc, DIAN IKtlEV JO TALK. i'a 1 1-,. Will dimum iibu ttuy at Y. Mi c A. -The flnal V. M. C. A addreati thia year will be given by Dr. Besaey 8un day afternoon' on "The Value of Bible, Study to Students" As Dean Beasey la oae of the leading eduoatora In this country hla Wbrda on thla subject should merit the erloU attention 6f overy Uniyeralty Btudent. The address will bo delivered in Memorial Hall at 4 p. m. A large at tendancd Is urged. tf ' v plNTIfttt BOSTON Dentlata, 1219 Q SU ''' " " - i$?igii.V.HANN0K' "" o; AU ilia riBRT. iadiea ani etaf tifl drlnr ahl pfciaalht.' 117 No. llth. AUW, S771. Jr. C LOtTi LOST Alnha Theta Chi nln. Re- Warat for return "oaame to NebraakatT. dfflco. ' , . . ; . FOUlD,, . FOTJND Viking pla; 6wner,may Have same by Identifying property aad flaying for this ad. Nebraskan olllco. 4MMHMMrikMHMAtaMMM4MM(MMI i-r-.r-,r-.r-,'i-,r-,ifr.r.iiArAsiA-4hiiriU ( - ' t.CoiIegefiof riedlclie -ComnioHcement. T- - ' . j Mv 2: Annual competitive drill. I jfr Pnn-Hollenlc Hop.- Auditorium. . . i. !. fTW J ;.;!. . , r ... .."KW -Sf.,.? YC2t.l.LJ.2.-a:a.Xi4L-. WllrllllllMMKPmi .M". -.11 . . w " jHr AiRir ub'Ci l Li 1 iivtr int r r-"" . 'I , Jw t Jt jHVtr-V . t-. '- -TOI-IJ3HT, 8:15 ' t' - ' U'AA7.;XlT lUmffft? WvfJT -niifc,i?' fhSKG-e. B 1 'i -r'-i if' yi is TVK"1 .?, v;tf ;.. A- Lv? ' ja -2 , h , H . 'A-r.if;rft r- - ' Nlt JACKON,rt ,, v-- Vm.-: !;,- 'KiMwmm .-i, - .- a ttA. 1 I ' SilAM 'Afaft. rtH--ri.' SSMftW f 'V, c fc4yWaxtMWk r'TT7TzTTvWpv7Fr7?l uV ) I -i wyp. ppwaa wi ;b -" m Ik -a i -rrr Jcaa4aa"aB "m jtirtra Bl May t2.- , aagaS'Nobraska, track meet. Siate u-air grounas, a;su p. m i v c , , Union picnic. Bporth Jjake.4P.ark 2'P. m. v t May 27. T Denn Rphr(v anealcH to TJnlrorsltv nien in Memorial Hall at A p. m; Sub Ject, "The Value of Bible, Study" to College 'Men." t - - . . " . . . , "May 28. ' r -Shirt-taii &arado. ", 4;,C '; , 4 ' ' ' f-''' il ) I ' May fct-June 2; - r '' Ca'3etEiicampment. ''"''',". Semester examinations'. (. . T , , ,t . ; Junec12, .. Senior JPlay. Oliver Theatra ' "VT , JW"H- -'A - ' "Thirty-fifth Aamual Commeacemeat. MIbb &ary E. dster1, class of 'OS, ided to Oxford as high .school prin cipal next year, Mte Charlotte t. Haskell, class of 0(Jt Vfllt teach at York next year. Ml8a' Letk A. Stotter. will teatli at be Witt. 1st H V1" ' '. y i , '' ' h1 . Miss' Alma D. flcksOfl. 'will teach Bcieticd nt Pawrtee City next year. -Dr . E. Condra wl" givp the Cowf.' iriencement, address. ,t Meadow Grov&, May 24, and at Beaver City, May 26, ii I, i Ji-.v Thoe. W. Coltmaa, beUer kow 'Tf4y' at Miller V f M Professor Brunor Is Commencement speaker at RpcaMay 25. V Dr. H. K. 7olfe gives Commence: n.ent;jectur,e at Valeniihe this week Friday. TV , ,K N Ariy sudehts, men" or.ome'ri quail fed to teach chemistry, physics and botany nreurged! to registet1 with the Teachers' Bureau at once.- Miss'Eaa BraelTWlll teachr at Lqud City, Mr. "F, A. Peterson will be superin tendent at Crelghton and MlssJBiheJ If. HolmanJ principal In the same school. .' -' r r , Arthur G Kennedy, '0, will retura tp the Ungllsh department at Norfolk i - l r B Conioaaftan I'rldny, May 25---"MusIc; . If-, I "- . r- ' ' '" tiej W. 'ti 'PX3. Phi Kappa Psl.'. 3 3 0 1000 'Dfclta Tau 2 2 0 1000 Phi Gamma Delta 4 .3 i, , .7&u Kappa, Sigma .,.4 .3.1' .750 Alpha "Theta. Ohl. 3 s' . . V 4-. 1 ;:666 Delta Upsllon .r. 4 A2 $2 .500 Alnlio Ton , A. - 5. 'VL-Q' 'KOO Sigma Chi ...7Z 4 -1;. 3 .v .250 BeU' Theta-Pr, , . 4 " "Jt .f 1 3 . .260 Pid.-Delta Thetsr 1 -' 0 1 -000 0 . 4 .000 SKma Alpha ,,-,c4 VJ. ( 'Aft ACACIA, 1AIS QUITS T - ,, Acacia held Jtsw ana4a 'banquet Masonic Teaiple laet eevalng. Pis Plates Werejal'pr weatyrfly.e, oouple. The 'opts jire reepondedto- by '.faculty atid'stjAat membrgof thfraternlty. Folio WRg' the banquet a daac-' was ar Van. i .', . ' '" "" " -l .L a . "I - " -" ' - " ' , '( W, H. Maalfeld. iei. will W - - "- rr ,r : .. .jb.i to " 5 ' JFt. TTTBWB IW. '.viflV.. -'H ymow (Clupece Shmak OttttctiHxt$ It cents eMb-tw0-ft 4 cent. - CLUCTT, PKAly CO. t. J t f-A-J') Mw, lt " Souvenir . a i.." rf Spoons V ' ' yi MaAaUu taall JMlnl Just received, a large line of "Ilrtl" bull Oraat AC IT 11 iraiJ' fiJMJJ,.& -v.a.- jl i nan. a;MMBK jKMMyil ri?w f?WWr.Jtii,qoi. lege uitj 'Unl" ,npoQpi,.jvitri,tMtdlftrent iingsrin .tiM.MWi . Library, iNebrMka aU'. 4fa , corp and ge4ei'.d kan-slto. . Hallitf, ll 0 5.EB ?QELt5sf: Jtwt(.tn fciArr Y " j v r-: : k 4 iiiy ' . ll ALBiAWViN.V (aTAs GOWNS ahd HOOK ftjWsSfl ;3 8WH..' -. - .pnwrawwrnn, XMMeowii --as i4 i 1 ..-' ,. . ...-" .'.?-. V A. T lilhW ,11,. K i-w r-i "i.LY. Ii urn1 Students ,MUNDy ' ' - -' . . - . . zT .; f I -f (! Ml --'-': ...t ."'' 'J www VPMI, J VVM VWTrVWVIf A ,Tff -rf J! 'Wrra Pi4 v atrtwr. t- -AMMS7I4 Hi Ti i, H 111 I II ' v- 1 rkL. rf . - .! .? 3 7 ;Cfv ' H'.AW , j ' "t. y tf..i FIRST KATIOIAL Wli 4., i. H Ji. , . V C4tiii'sie:M.' " ' t ! -w .triu '.jjis " tT- ,"i nryltfa ataa.-.flM He.fte , .. :rrrr JBwarr' l . i- .. itii tt a iii,iimiiii)i FRATS-1-- ' ', ."$$&; $ i; Whin m tiM of COAL' eaS aad Z ".' . ' :. -ifii- W Wlfl treat rob rfh '. ' 0 i , . .r . i .-t ' .n -.'.i- . , " "iT'i r -t: tks t A i m M.U xvi . - f .k r. VT I .' ,,, ,jhf- h ' ....'?? ,K' I lT.- '.. v Vlr-- rtjw v-a-ja.aja,.raviitr . .., . .. r IB-HrB""r 'Ml - H f. r iJ a HlVt rf.X I 'T. iT . - j. , AfMk , M 'Vf 4ft ) ""''if L v.. Uknnlr. aVaternltv Holda -Annual ;fVr r..Li.H U tLW L'l i. .' ,.. , V ."M' tA , u..w..,. .. . .,..r.w. i i am M'M ' M -j .-,i . .', . . .ui' , . j- i naw m -kanaa . - a ni lja t-HB j'.vc-a aaiaiH .m r aa-t j m m& taatK-wiaiak xanav , f M f ww; Axwrr 'ibttU; f M?- 7r r i TIA 'aVtMaV&i 1 aVMI . '; iBr- r.MH.V laavMafcv B U ivr, N Dawson's; Aaua Purn Ruth J- '. ,'-.-" H.J-i' , , ' , - ,. " ,;" V luncutt, vpor, IphoS.llne, Sait Glow, Hot mm Cold Botftu v Nw miiJ MAdia-Ml .11 Mlatht . flaMJ HUy. ' b St "ML !.' U: Nlabt. , Owd Bid.-' Aato Moot M. iA4-'T Dw..ii, Prop. Corner llth and N Unfh "W -"V 'fC" ., ,i -j t- i j' .'a!4 pr f-j v i -9 u . 1-2 --... ", A'. . . '!.' neat at-runwaa, mk yer fPFW rgaret Bio. wllTW Ugh' ohoc4 Bo It sowl ,t -i M-J .x; aTLkJEl isL-ibd mm I Bll aMf'a 14TV'-' 4 au iW "J MmmmmmmMMWawawawaWMMWaMMMMMMmi MiMa