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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
8BHBI9 - 1 ') w . rj.&Jl;;y'J-' V.. r'fi&,7!;zr ?''' v vT.- Vol. Vi Ho.42&..'r 4 ' v UIVERSTTY OF rjEBRASKA LINCOLN, FRIDAY. MAY 25, t906. Price 5 Cents mr J;..w aF?WJ4Wlfey41. i3SWgMl-ll,M,.L "r. ,- -, : - ' :. s - - T 1 BBk" BBk. A BBl te .. H H. BBBT 'H H . H f !, ; ' -r " : : : . " . Tfc "V &. Pf -I CMMUSKER "07 EDITO&lN-CHIEF H. Q. MYERS C6MPLETE8 THE STAFF. I Members ScJectqcJ from Both Classes, 'dfyand ''08-ajs AgreedPlans ; - For Active Work. .The staff of the Comhusker for 1907 'Way mado public yesterday. Twelve morabors of the Junior claas have been, fcclectdil to represent that class on Jho publication and the Sophomore class will bo, represented by-fourteen peo ple. The editors announce that a, few 'additions may bo made to this number next" fall. Certain peoplo are under M consideration for positions who for some reason or other cannot be placod on tho staff at thia time. .The .total of twenty-six is somewhat larger 'than the-staff s of class annuals have Seen iri'tnpast; uut itfcise"x pocjed that the work of editing the "TJornhusker wIIIJjo much greater than that of any previous annual. The Sombrero staff has usually been in the neighborhood of twenty and itlS"ex pocted that the Cornhusker -will be considerably larger than the Sombrero. Tho Sombrero was simply a JTinlor class publication, whereas the Corn husker is published by the upper classes of' the whole University. The work of selecting .the staff has been a long and tedious one. A large list of names lias been considered in each class. A list of "prospects" from each' class was first worked up by the presidents and editors -jointly. These wore taken to members or-the faculty "in the department of Rhetoric and the djcpartmentof Literature. 'After con sidering with tho professors those' on the lists, they were asked to suggest students whom they thought would make able members of the staff, and several of tho members of the staff have secured their posiiiqns as a vo suH of those faculty .suggestions. Time and energy have not been spared by those selecting the' staff and it should iprovo one of the ablest bodies of work era over placed in charge of the pub lication of a college annual. The ex cellence of the staff is duo to the fair ana conscientious worn Yodor a Managing Ed of tho Sompro class 1 Editor Biwne anil P'resl tor-ln-Chief Myers of the and conscientious work of President Yodor a,il Managing Editor Swengpji and Managing President and Edi- Myers of the Junior class. The following Is the staff Jas thus far-completed: " - Board of Editors: Editor-ln-Chlefr-Herbert, G; .Myenr, 07.. C" ' ' " Class of "07: ' , Managing . edltot-T. A, Browne., StaffEleanQr .ndrewQ, Elta Boose, lLouIso Brace, D.'D. Drain, Flossy Er- ford, Georgia B. Field, Josle Frazler, W, ,E. Hannan, Helen Hendrle, Flor- fcnce'Parmaie'ei "A," G. Schrelber, A. E. cifta'dt,'oar " "- . Managing editor J. M, Swenson. Staff-T-A. S. Hardy, B. F HtTse, Dllza beth'lfclowJtT H. Matters, Vera A. Melquest, Laura" Rhpades; AllcRu bersdorf, O.Jj Shaw, Emma Swezey, H. .LvSwan,' Florence Tillotson, Ellen L TcueJ8ih.9x.3KftPd. . . . , ScofccososoeoffiofeoK) Dean C. Ef Bessey spteaks to University Men, Sunday May 2fth, at 4:00 p. m. Subject: "Value of Bible Study to Col lege Men," Memorial Hull. Y. M. C. A. Quartette f : ' : : : The editors announce that those designated simply ns members o the staff will be given a chance to secure; promotion next fall when the worlc-on the book begins and those who prove themselves worthy 6f it will be pro moted to associate and assistant edi tors. .' Sophomores Win. " The -Sophomores 'won the. interclass baseball championship yesterday after noon when they beat the Juniors by a score of 14 lo 6. By virtue of this vic tory the clas3 of '08 claims a double championship, holding that since the Juniors did not play It off last year, thoMvInnlng team this year should hold the double palm. Long pitched a good game for the Sophs, allowing seven hits to thirteen given by Bowman for the Juniors. Bowman struck" out 10 Long C, and the Sophomore twlrler only passed one man to first with an Injury, while the savage 'in the Junior pitcher caused him to hit four men. Tho Juniors erred 7 times and thp Sophs only 5; The teams lined up as .follows: Sophomores. Juniors. Fowler . lb Kendall Howard 2b Smith' Schmld.v.r 3b. Ramsey Long p. ,0 Bpwman Miller .., . . c... . .' TvrLott J Blake 88 Jones - N.' Caughoy . . . .. . . , ..: rf. . . v . Moss Harvey If. ". Hauser Mlnton.T- cf. ...'..... . .Hoac Pan-Hellenic Tonight. Arrangements have been completed for the hop tonight, anil If the weather conditions do not interfere the dance should bo one of the most successful in tho history of- the Pan-Hell, organ ization. There will' be twenty dances on' the program, ana. .everything has been arranged for ' iat which .makes anyfioClai; -funcUon ta succesr- banc jng will begin at 9:3j0 p. m. . Professor Caldwell will deliver 'the commencement address at "Havelock, June 2d, on "The M' 1 of Today." 9oboooo$ooQpootoasoo ANNUAL CADET HOP . BEATRICE, 5-3L CO C ARMORY K GIVEN UNDER AUSPICES OF-UOFN. BAND CO. C, NN. G. 4 -Ap'MISSION ONE DOLLAR SEVEN PltiCE ORCHESTRA n. r poooooooexxxxxpooooooooooooooo KAN8A8 MEET. Quite Likely a Meet Will Be Held with Kansas City Athletic Club. Tho track team, which has been put ting in good licks through the ontlro season with only poor prospects for more than one meet, was pleased to learn yesterday that prospects are good for another meet to be held at Kansas City with tho Kansas City Athletic Club. Juno 15 was to have been tho date, but Dr. Clapp is trying to make it tt week earlier, since most 6f tho team will bo gono before that date. If this meet Is arranged Jt will bo a hard one for Nebraska, slhco tho Athletic Club can pick up men that happen around, regardless of whether they are college men or not. About fifteen or twenty men will make tho trip. . . The team that will meet tho 'Varsity on the campus next Saturday, May 26, was beaten by Missouri on May 12 by a score of 79 points for Missouri tov38 points for Kansas., Captain Drlscoll's- Jnjured foot waB largely responsible for-his. since ho Is an 'exceptionally' fast man that runs' the hundred-yard dast, the two-twenty and the four forty. "Putnam for Kansas threw tho ham mer 138 feet and 3 inchcrarbeating the linnntprl Mlaarmrlnn rwrnr- tun tnl This is the farthest the hammer had over been thrown on Rollins Held. -A discussion arose over tho discus throw when tho fast feat of the MIs sourlan was measured to be just half an inch farther than Putnam's. Tho Kanaans were .from Missouri,, and didn't believe that so small a differ ence could bes measured In a discuss throw of over-one hundred. feet. rProfessor Barber delivers the com mencement address at graduating ex orcises of the Overton public schools this year. Mlsa Barbara "Burt, class of '00, has beo nelected to tho English depart ment in tho. Fremont high school. ' " o Sc Cj COM PET TODAY ANNUAL -MlLjTARY CONTE8T-TO''' BE HELD TODAY AT 2 P. M. '?. Program Consists of Coriipany, Artll" pry, i rumpeteerti; -and,. individual Contest Medal and JOmaha Cup. the. Prizes'. . tpday iiia "annual CdnijJtLtlyo Drill. ' will bo hold at 2 p. m. it .the weather permits tho contest will bo: hold on tho Athletic Flold, otherwise the -drill . W,!ll be hold In the-Armory Tho four military companies, A, B, C andD.-will drill for tho Omaha cup. Besides tho company competition ttypro will bo competitive in the aruiiory, winner receiving a gold medal, individual competition to select tho boat drilled man in tho four companies, four mon representing each company. Tho win ners In thlB contest will receive gold and silver medals for flrqt and second place, respectively. Captain Worklzor has also offered a trumpet for the best trumpeter In tho squad. Tho first thing on tho afternopn's program Is artillery drill, and Immedi ately following this the trumpeters will have their contest. Tho company" drill which Is to follow noxt will con stitute tho main part of tho program. Tho order in which tho, companies are to drill has not boon decided upori yet, and Captain Wqrklzer will rio lot "the captains know until tfcls afterndpfcv just before time to comnrmnnri. Af?? ' v , . . v. "-" --T.i" - company arm, muividuarcompet. will take Tlaco, and immediately f ter pa.- tallon review, -vhlchjroilQwj8JnlvIdualx compot. the prizes will bo awarded The judges for this afternoon's con tests aro all sWtlShci-at 'F; Crook. The senior officer is Captain Palmer, who inspected the cadets ono year ago. , . v '. Tho different captains have been working very diligently during tho laat Avcok to bo Jn readiness for tho climax of tho year!s work. No com pany will have a walk-away In win ning tho cup, for tho prediction of everyone is that it will bp tho closest compet. in years." Tho result jot last yoar's competitive was D, first; A, second; C, third, and B,7ourth. BLUE PRINT BOARD FOR '07. - Engineering Society Met Wednesday- -j C. K. 8mlth, Editor-in-Chief. Wednesday evening' the Engineering Society hold Its last regular meeting of the year.' The following mon. wenT elected on tho Blue Print board, for next year: ' Editor-in-Chief, Chester K. Smith. Business manager, Dwlght L? Cra- mer. Assistant business manager, O. N. Munn. , M. E. editor, CJark B. Mickey. . E. E. editor, C. C. McWilliams. . C. E. editor, W. G. Jenkins. This closes one of the most success ful years in-the history of the So ciety, the. membership being larger than ever before and a goo'd surplus Is left In the treasury to start off with next year. sm. . .7V:-w iV. LMy, w .'iff'l, J it ' :i SI V! . .- , kfs A V K . ftAiV 1 f lfc 'i."'-a.m.?Wji....iafcft)ri. j.- . i