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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1906)
T .7FT'- ",,,7 ffMft.. 1 :'-: UdtfLfctiMT' ' - '.V :uVif . - ... rmL ff IK. - ' - M. i K -i . r . 4."V Vbl.V. No.26. UTVERSITY OF NEBRASKA UNCX5LN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, i9Qt. PfkcSCcnk a ' -.':. ' " ' .. ' ' '.,. ,, '"" " '"fl V k... w .t ' - r..JBJBSBr'.BW-' -A- ,v ., -, -' ..- tv . -,v' - JT , . 7 ,' T . .. . .- ... . .. . . ...... i- . ' ... ...- ' ... ' 1 ', , V S r. ln fife r sa- S w VJ - NA I' r-W- n- ' '!,- REGISTRATION TEE M CqjpMONt REPORT ADOPTED AND bkcoMMend ATHLETIC TAX. t rBwiMAcQMt Thlt'rttport and Frame ReeehiileM tff the Athletic' ioard '' lie Arfeitloa Only Probable. '' ' Wheroastho Associated Barbs haye askW.that -we, the Commons of tho Uairjiiftyyof Nebraska, consider and e advisability of the.adop- -University of -a -registrar the support; of athletics, to the treasurer of the Uni- at the beginning' of the school y ear ;, r there fo to, bo it f. . Resolved, That we submit the fol- lowiag report to tho Associated Barbs . at the next meetingof that" organiza- tkm: J ( Afi. a' means tif 'Sepurinfc.-sjtiident'B'ilp-' jport for athletics thtf, system of charging- atf-'athletlc fee" as a condition to regTetratlbh at the beginning of eac6 MMeeier seems' to t be unsurpassed; ;7Us system is nowused In a: number of iinlversltles. In the United States amd Is beginning now to be taken nip Uy .BLSLO JUHlltUllUUH.' t ' It seoms only just and proper that every student in Ihe 'Uqiyerslty should, ;Walirgiiii6i6-c.tne-ithie, vdo.i Uxperience &$& 'shown, that when' 'tfcA- matter fn nfl in tho tlntprmlnrf. a MBHn Y6TOBf ffc 'WAd Not tho lhdlvfdual student he; in' w'ffi- '; . ..' x. ..t.-ji Arcrr, sway cases, -uooa not, Dear ms part oi JtKe 'flnancial .burdetf, whllo" a certain I vpen ,cemt of the studehts, support ath iietks jnore liberally t.ttian jsh6uld be expected of them. It ieemsrevident . that thfs systepi .of. eijectiag athletlo f uhdsf foni the stu-ieati'- would not only tend to provide adequate funds for Athletics, but' would a4C -jfreatiy to tne Interest and A- aatasm of the studonts for athletics., seueveauiai. 8cna. sysiom ypuiu to. increase the size of the list of aldates, for athletic .teams; It jfould certainly increase the. student alt games; and aid the man eagwnent In qrenslng interest and eij- taslasai among (he students'. JJtjeWitlieems advisable, to adopt tw systemin this .University from the stt polat of view of supplying) ade-. mate support for athletics anjipf In onaeiBgthf sc-caled '"college spirit" r stmjiiat 'interest aad enthusiasm for aikletlc events Of " course, under sweka system It is, only Just that: the7 stweaw .snouia oeRiveii"ifeo .aqraiB sW t;-athletIc-eevktBand first choice -- hi the seleetton'of-.seats - vliet us look al, the more practical smm oi tne quesiKMi ana consiaer some C the dlCHl(lss to its adoption. It ..Ij-1 .-ill i.ui.1. xifr'ir il ' iiili'.lr. seeiu quue proiauie mat mo aihibuq, Board' would favor the adoption of the system for next, year, bfit' tKeAthfetic :Bear has so power to compel the ayiweat of tne fee and must appeal U ttie Reenta to pass' leglsIatlOQ' put- tlactke systwn In feroe. It must be aiess'i" teohaieaily a registration fee. As sh' it la two objections: ' f rst, It if rgued that, the 'students : ' 'wt taaaiYerster: are-; already too V fceavUy ,taxe4 witK -reg istratlon 'feesl tms na eatMKMi eoasiaeraois aayersa i aaBaea glJZKIQR-SEZKIOR cRMCEPTiQZNl , Saturday, May 26 ..-? OPEN TO JtJNIORS AND; SENIORS tProgramme and Dance at 8;30 cB4JNli ooo may in a few cases compel a' student to iiipp'ort athletics against his will. This argument applies especially to those-students who aro.'not financially able to properly support athletics. However, the percentage of such stu dents is yery .small. Neither of these arguments4 should bo "allowed to stand- in the way of the adoption of the fee. But, we cannot under the circum stances recommend that the Assocl- ated. Barbs attempt-to secure the adop tion of the. system a.tjhe present, ,, because circumstances seem to be against its ,'adoptloA by the Regents. It isi belleyed that the Regeqts would hot, before April, 19 07, seriously con sider tho adoption of the system. While agitatro'nlnTavbr of tho adop tlon of;the systo mwbuld do no harm, it Sems certain that it would, bo uii successful at this tihie. i -v , S' - It was the sehser1f the Commons . ." .. ' -a. .. that such a system' should be UBed o gain student support for all student nterprlses. It is unfair to thus sup port athletics and leave the othei en terprises demanding student support such mb tho University debates, which have proved a financial failure to continue under the present system. On tho -whole, then, we believe that the system is a goodpno and that it should be adopted in this. University for the support of all student enter prises, but that there Is little chance of. the Regents acting favorably on the proposition at this time, and any effort. to secure "its adoption would bo .fruit less. The Associated .Barbs, at a meeting yesterday, adopted the 'Commons .re ports and the following resolutions: --"Whereas; We-recently -made' an. ap peal to the Athletic Board to remove the tax charged to vote Tfor student members of the Athletic Board on the' ground that we believed that it- was' wrong, to foster corruptloir;and ques4 tlpnable ..campaign methods. h,Unlver- suy elections; ana . , 'Whereas, The Athletic Board, has seen fit to inaugurate 'a rogfstratlon VyUpiIUU?.U 1.1UU1 IKgB X.f " . . r '.:sj ' . :. ", . . . - r - -. . ..." , .- . oooccooooooo$o$oooooooooooeoo I ' . TENTH 'ANNUAL ' I " P AN , H ELIEN I Q .HO P i I'"' v-";''- 'XITPOMUMv' " 4 " I x.. mv nr. ''tf' ritiV i ivwn? t ' '. .a'S : max v; x,vu -w.jaii'Ji ncAco,-,; -, -- w . , :,' . -i .. .v"; v -V'.V '"" -.-i--i-" S ELOCUTloKcRECITAL. 2L Second Year Class Give Prograrri (n , Memorial HllJTon1ihi" The second year class in "Elocution will give a recital this evening in Me- morlal Hall. The program Includes musical numbers by members of the School of Music. Several porsons ap pear on tonight's, program' that are known to University students and whose work should prove quite a drawing card. The program as given tonight is as follows: a. Etude, "If I Were a Bird' .Henselt b.. Etude, C Major op.. 24. .Moszkowskl Miss Frances Gage. Old Hickory ........ Dromgorle. Miss. Jessie Cork. A Scrap of .College Love, ..Dromgorle ' Mr. John Walker. The Worm That Turned...... Kipling V. Miss Vera Pall. , GreatlnjL' Moonlight .:.. :. r. . m. r.-v6n Fieiiu Anathena r. Frank Hudson, For Dear Old Yale. ..,. .-, ,. Mr. Dei uibson. The King of JBryvllle. '..,...., ...Whjld Jiss Mae jrerrisj v .i Merchant of Venice Act 11, Scene IL ,. ft...l..,,M.Mf. Shakespeare Characters-HQ.obbs ,-- - x'auhcelot Bbhbd, " rtMr. Isaac - Baldwin.. RomanceT-Rubenstoln , . Wlenlawska Mr. John Inda. - . Hamlet Soliloquy Shakespssre Mr. Charles Sawyer., i King's Soliloquy. . ... ..,,.. . '' .' .' Miss Goldena FInlay, Closet' Scene. Characters Queen , , . . ,j...,,Mls8 Kathleen Llndernian Hamlet , ...Mrr Charles Sawyer FRESHMEN DEFEATED. L. V " "" Sophomores the Victors by the tcere of 7 to 2. The Freshman baseball team went down to defeat at" the hands of the Sophomores yesterday iifternoon to the -dirge of 7 to 2. Long! and Miller did the tossing act for the Sophomores. The Uni. Book Store has on sale a new llae-of Dannants of all collaeaa. J You ought to have one. LAW BOOK IS OUT rJ?. ARY DEPARTMENT tTRONQ. -1-' , PusllcatUn Uli Put en lata l VnU . - i. ... verslty Halt "This Mernlnt--Only J- On4 Hundfeel Cepteafer tale. Ttiif morning the"41enl6r; Junior, and Freshman taw classes will place, before-thestudents -their publication.. The number of books to, be sold to University students is about one hun dred. The Law students Have been, so" loyal to -their own iJiiblicatton that llt tie patronage is necessary r from the" academic students to make the. book a paying-proposition. Consequently, if any of the undergraduate school wIbIi" a book they will "Have to Hurry." - ... Tho general make-up of the book Is & very commendable. The cover is a. . -js Year Book gotten out by the Laws, two years ago. While probaWy 0t as pretty as the coyer of the Senior An nual; yet It wjll prove much more sar viceable. Ttie first TortyIght "pages' of tho book "contains the cuts' of the Law students, and. write-up of each student of the three classes. On, the first. page is a large photogravure of Dean Roscoe Pound of the Law School, towhom the book Is dedicated. .This is.followed. Jbyvquts of the' 'faculty' members, Professors Pound7 UMUniii -. Wilson, Ayers, Costlgan, Ledwith. The. cuts ofthe Hehior, Junior and ,A Freshman Law "students then follow, . (in the order named. " '. - J A Besides, the cuts named there are - haff , .tones .of Library, ana- Uniyersity 'r ''..', nans, ana one oi tnese two ana tne Physics buildingi Phi, Delta Wd, tke , law fraternity, occuplea two pages i Jam4 ,J cuts of the artists and litterateurs' another. Those besides the regular . . state who have pieces of work ia tlie book are: Misses Ifeien Marie Cox; . Ethel L. Howie Emily-'Trigg, aiid - Maud Couger; Messrs. Albert A; Severing George, Ruderadorf,' Geevs. Sage, Philip J( Harrison and B8; " Allison, ' ' , - r , The literary departmentis, witaout a "doubt the strongest feature of the book. -'It is made up of articles, frost , the pen, of Dean Pound, Professors' 1 Ayers, William G. Hastings, -Heary Mt Wilson,. George P. Cestlgan, Jr., M. M. Fogg. Mr, Daniel Ford.tiasti tor in Rhetoric, has a pleoe of aoett oa "Napdleoa the Exile." AUt) selections' are of, the highest 11U merit and oentala; muok oo4 a4vi for youag men stadyIaTaw.r '1 Pound's article, oa "Respeot for Lai is qae of some length, but exoe4Iealy V written andjyery readable, Prof. r; M. Fogg's article is on "Training 'Is;. Argumentation as Preparation for ' fec.tiva Proanfatlnn nt ' Tanl iraL - ment." In this heJ giyes, In, a very brief way the result that4 will cosse from, a thorough- trslaing ''frfwmm0t tatiye work,"1 'ITke future lawyerfiift ; present his case with vlsjor si well "m lucidity and- exaotness," .'says ProttH .jafi .. l9W ' lBpl. . :.,; vr orrogg. . ' t . , ,, The Joke. dprteat of the fsiesi tloa eepris, ast ai e .dM; : .ctiiaV' .4 ' J X-'.- .3- Ut r- -. "' "s."- . '"v n iK '. '.! - i v! ' .sj "ft"' ?" .'-' . i.!i. . ' ' Pffi'l" K' v . '.v , . . ri iii.A.i m j ik. i X OTT, XW JHl... I WfOHU. IL I t-ntl- ' -.-.' ,..AVr- '- . . K mtotoioenmioioioitufot m iOiOiotoooo .,' -i-fc -- ,. .,- ..