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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
ni u f: THE DAILY INEBRASKAN. i. Engineering Notee. P J.TjD? Henry" lb foreman on construction in St. Joseph, Mo. Professor Richards has a letter from C. L. Dean, who states that ho Is im proving rapidly at his home In Wisconsin. i . V THE RACYCLE - M l ; y . J-!-!" Sam Wester fictti h .' iiGSFSEI p: I V . 8 r - N. -. ' I fa I J-1' r ih 5 - f .V ' B K ftAOYCLE PACEMAKER. Th'fr'titymd Prize Wheel flrit at8t.: LouhrwVer all ctmpttlttrt the enty' wheel that pute the pull ef the chain between the 'bearlnae, making the wheel run easier and last lenger.. tee the New 1008 RACYCLS before you buy a wheel. Baseball, Tennla Gooda and Athletic Goods of all klpde. LAWLOR CVCLE CO. 1324 O Street Successors to A. L. Glrard Cycle Co. SPRING OXrORDS aBBaaNHaeaBaaeBaaBejBaBaaaBaBaiaaiBHaaaaaeaeBBBMBaasi ROGERS & 'A PERKINS CO. Ik 1J29 :o Street CdDWIlA NATIONAL BANkI I OF LINCOLN, NE18A1KA V CAflTAl - ,.$100,000.00 Y DR. JOHN J DAVIS firiduitt Rifractliiltt AND OPTICIAN ias o at, Lincoln Um 1. Aale. PMM, Offlca 1011; tot. 1111 BaBBBBBBBBBBBB THE GREAT PARKS of Colorado constitute one of her chief glories. They contain fields, forests, and s plains; they are 'watered by creeks and rivers, and contain villages and farm-houses; they, have springs and. lakes wh,oro- hotels and other places of entertainment are found for those seeking health and recreation. UNION PACIFIC 4 The popular route to Jj COLORADO ' . Is via Fast Trains. Low RateB. Be sure your tickets read over this line. Inquire of " E. B. SLOSSON,. Ger. Agent. t - . Fairbanks, Morso & Co. are asking for npprerfticeB front- the -Engineering students to enter the works at Beloit. They are paying better salaries than the usual apprenticeships pay. A. B. Miller has accepted a position with the Larson Ice Machine company for the summer. He has arranged to take an lnstructorshlp In the Amos, Iowa, Agricultural School, his duties to commence next fall. This will make tho third man from Nebraska who is holding a faculty position in Ames. J. L. DavidBon Is professor of Agricultural Engineering and Adolph Shano Is assistant professor in Elec trical Engineering in- that Institution. (Continued from page 1.) meet over in time for tho fans to take In tho league ball game at Antelope park if they "bo desire. The admis sion to the meet will bo thirty-five cents, which will include grandstand seat. Entries will bo chosen from tho fol lowing list: 100-yard dash Winters, Wallace. 220-yard dash Winters, Wallace, Smith. 440-yard dash Smith, Winters, Moyer, Ponrod, Bentley. Half mile Penrod, Kuns, Bentley. Mile Penrod, Kuns, Alden, Mor gon. 2 mile Alden, Gable. 120 high hurdles Hauser, Hagen sick. 220 low hurdles Hauser, Peck. High Jump Knode, Meyer. Polo vault Hagensick, Morse, Gib son. Broad jump Winters, Hagensick, Wallace, Hauser. Shot put Colllns Calukpa. Hammer Hauser, Matters, Schmidt. Discus Collins, Moser, Calupka. C. H. Taylor, '04, Is re-elected su perintendent at Springfield at an In crease of salary. R. A. Van Orsdel will succeed S. E. Clark as superintendent at Ohlowa. Miss Margaret Stevenson and Mrs. Henrietta Bankson will be, assistants at Ohlowa. Miss Cora B. Hill, '06, will teach at Shubert next year. Superintendent J. R. Fulk, class of '03, will bo superintendent at Hebron next year. -Howard E. Harry, clawpf '03, will teach science at Croat Falls, Montana. Miss Elizabeth L. Bowne, class of. 02, will teach at Bancroft. Dr. G. W. A. LucHey will give the Commencement address at Wauneta Friday evening. Miss May Thomas,' class of '05, is ro-elected at Wahoo, AUbs Helen Arnold will teach at Lake Preston, Minn. Notice. The Hawlteyo Club meets Friday evening, May 25, at Mr. Wilson's, 2404 South Seventeenth stieet. All Iowa students invited. - Pennants. Uni. Book Store. The Lincoln Local Express, 1343 O St FriBtlns George Braa.. 13ta ft M. Dr. Ross will lecture at Auburn May 24th. r. Haggard, 212-21S Xlck&nja Dlk Miss Ethel Haynes will teach in Ponca next year. CbapiB Bros., Florists. 127 So. 18th. Dean Ringer of South Omaha was on the campus Tuesday. Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Rich arda Blk. Miss Ada R. Gibson Is re-elected at Albion for the coming year. Union Shining Parlor Shine, five ceata; chairs for ladioa. 1018 O St J. G. L. Hanlen will continue his work in the Ashland school next year. Don Cameron's new lunch counter; quick service. 119 So. 12th St. Professor Laurence Fossler glves Commencement address at Grafton, May 25. See the new lino of pennants of all colleges at the Unl. Book Store J Professor Paul H. Grummann will lecture before the graduating class at Brunlng, May 25. Forbes Stables, llverv. cab and baav I gage, 1126 P St Bell S50, Auto 1569. Mis Mario G. Barney Is re-elected principal at Tilden. Mr. W. C. Green of Humphrey will be superintendent at Tilden next year. Miss Louise Allen will teach science, Miss Helen Allen and Miss Leta Adams Intermediate grades, Miss Sara E. Dunn primary, and Mr. G. G. Gil bert mathematics az Wahoo next year. Miss Alma Vanderveer, school In German, class of '05, will teach Latin and Gorman at Ashland next year. Mr. C. E. Overman will teach science In the same school. FRESH EVERY DAY! Oar Oandiee Bad Baked Good art Always Freeh and Oood Oaterlog our epoclaltj. THE MAXWELL CO. Botfc PhoMM. 13th Md N . tlNCIIEON SPECIALTIES 0. J. KING & SON iim ' ithset Lincoln j-i BEST LINZ TO KANSAS CITY , AND- ST. LOUIS Homoseokers Excursion to the Soqth on June 5 and 19. Trains leave Lincoln at 9:15 a. m nnd 10:15 p. m. with through Pullman Rlceper every night to Kansas City. , City ticket office southwest corner 12th and P streets. Depot 9th and 8. fliMllaUfliP iIuattF t afllMhhk Fraarkttr i, Sam's v 117-121 H. 13Ca Little Gem Hot Waffles "Sam's Cozy Careers" I ' IV&L .. 1 gcxssapviso DAMiKMW it it n it it Jt 3t it it m it it it it n n it it it MGMVIMj COMPANY it it it it it it it It n it 41 it it 4 it it it it it it it it OMATHTA ac&ooooooaoooooo OUMODA TASTES UKaTICOKX Mo, TJi Inc CtttK 1321 6 St. HE DON'S CAFE it4 it it j. . Lii!i)VDIilN;-MiiidMKt OFMS A. M. TOIJLM. 60 YEAR'- EXPERIENCK; Trade Marks Dcskxns COFYRtairrm Ac Anyone eendlu a akefeli and deeerleUeaaav Qloklr aioerUln oar opinion .fireebiSera iBTenUonU probably patenUbfe. fM i uoBaatnctiyoonOdeaUiu. MNMHl eat free. Old eat acetior twliSeSr rumu tacen tftrouKh Mann . teeetvc HMdal notlct, without chance, I tcbanre.tatke ScleniiHc HBKrkat. A handaomelv illnani -ki t, r lilnitratM 'weekly. ' Traaai el ray aolentllo 5aareaJ. Truaae M calatlon of any aolentllo Jaaraall Teraaauttai rr luarmonuM, fi BOMeall BewetaaienL ijl C-AeTuckerrJewelerj; : Dr. Sam'l. s. Sheaa j! !! ...optician... j 1123 OJJTREET ! Your Patron ago Solicits)! I; 'fff' MUNN& , Branch Of Co.38NewYtrt lot. m F SU WaahlSteS; JTf ' V erM ""- ' Brand i rj t' tf J- t . t y rr3K tf a -'.. , X. L i : . x Li - ' - . ' . jr r nWi . y