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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
. . . & r'1? '. f - . THE DAILY INtSBftASICAN. s .j ... . t Li .., fW 'f, MWUWWW . ? &'$&' L -1LJ :. .. -T.. -i k- Ml- J7t h. ' " :i . i" j v rimmtmmmmmamtmmmmmmfr t v -., V' .v li. - II lift" ' J. ,- ,! ". ii lin iili'j iiiiC nip 'lf ."4- w ,at - -t- . ,. v -b. v-j& we ?r . .. .- yT 'Jfl>' fc. r m i ri tMMjjiTfi '.Ai. .-'. !-... . , . . J i . t -.., . " v' C -fl flfelr,- 5" , Z T CM !. --i .a eta :i" . -f i - r-aa. .' i iTfc i w i- r riHnr. Biinnnrr, wiii.nnf.. vivap.' lnaemiUA ''iMHaaiMHHM tMnTw m;&m- ?l n 'v-p '.st'. - i,. i- . ri n . - 4 i ' . ' V' - rv'JP i4 TT -' ... "my" JV r"-, ". 7" ' r; "t Lft'& I1 1 I' j-v . v '.' t. ;l - hc '!. I- ' .' i t ' r . .".; f2 .-,; h , V'' rvtx SCf ikr ii r . y. -. V ftL BSL'.' :' -,. sr W-l & SiT'itet mi ' 1F . 'i' Twlfc. jUU nFi L;1 V6t 10, BoarleUaad'-Creat Vo4;4i Pufellahea .dally, eiteejJt inr aaa ftfonftty, at the UnlVerifty f-Nebraaka, Lincoln. Htb.t.Dy the Hesperian Fublleh Inv Oa. y . . !. ' I ..ii.'.. Entered as . second claes matter! itroht;14j l&,ib f ot OMce" t LJnoelt; Nt&nu4'tt tie Act of ,Co gteaa, Marc 3187" - '- ' Manafler,-. .Fred Nauqhten Asit MMaW... . .'.W, K. Sfandeyen ITAf a , EdItor-fn-Chlef. .... ft. A. Van Oradel Aaelstant Ed(tpr Fred Ballard Athletic Edfe. ;'.;. ."..Hafry twan fc. ?n',ai,a ' a, .i1,-, (, GeaeSaga. Josle Frailer. rf i i in ii n' i n i I. ii .'. Talenhen ovWYH'AiiHniitli Hi Niint je!.ehene..,.i.Auowan zta aabSGrlptlon t)rlc6 $2.00 tier year. la ii I I i I I 'I 'I i til.' i. i lildii t I in . 'illiHH,!,- I ,!TheAtkleUc Doard had planned to hold the Kansas-Nebraska track meet on the State Fair grounds, but find it will he imppsslhle. ' The reaaoti for "having to chanfi It from the Fair grounds to the Athetc field 1& that the Lincoln Traction company cannot run d, cars to the plate Fair grquada. This means that much interest wHLbe taken from the meet,, ast it Is. a tvery hard v. track mr.l on our own arounds The Inconvenience to .the management 9 .. ulil.lia winrxVi frt. 4Ka TTalicrrrtiirirla Viorl N 1 '4 .""? "?," 'y.YA -.,B.,vr.-.- .. fr ' - J v it. J.jl It. UUUU BtJUUtUU, HUU LilBj iWlUtjV Ul WO v. Traction company at,t this late-hour r.. . ,justt doub',8, the amourit-.ofiwork, to. T J' bo, done.-The. plea, putup';by),the;, street - . nor, nnnnlo "IntKot' Iti riitintncr rtro nut -: C f- "there would necsslUtimuch expense. s.., in pairing, the, tracts s r t ,;, ." C But after ail, , this, doesot c)Sme as bo much of a surprise to those wtoo aro acquainted with the street car man agement.' Thpy are. 4sUnpJy, fallowing out their Pjollcyi Itla recoilnted son - '- - r . . . . ' -I . t .. -. . . I If ypUhavie not paidybu? suBkrtion;;pleas ;.. Jtthfc matter ;Mveymt:cavly: attention. 75c. 4or second semester. , 1:30'. . iRooin' i U2 time before tb,e flood that the Lincoln Traction company accommodated someone,-1'nce that time, records refuse to glye any ptrr ontry on 'the accommodation, list, Even such genr eroaities (as running cars, 'on aeheduld time Is .not recorded either. But. why " shouiawe complain, ipr the company Is really thinking rripiisly of, grant ing a few fayors Just a few dy&. before millenlum. And, It Is rumored, that the students may be included' In pne of these fayora, Prbbab)y if the. Athletic Board would. would have granted sufficient cash guarantee to buy two cars, and put a Hp Alma Barnett "will return to new ..JUn- from 0 street ttt the F'alr Falrbury next year, Miss Agtfes"tfiar grouads.1 thfe Traction compatiy- would inett will teach in the Gretna stihdolf' have seriously considered the 'matter. But monopoly is ose thlrig that lias ho . favors. , No doubt the public minded meat that are putting In the neW line, 'known as, the ''citizens TractionCom- (Pany'wili at: leaat give -UiV;rslty patreage some conslderatioa. 'Oete araauTheais. Miss Hunter's thesis for edoctpr'i. degree is how in theChanceilor'a'oinca for thp JnapejoUqa; ot'iiitalifiKraValtiiii- gradyatelapuityJL .aubjeet Jet. "Cogilatio In Aeneide P. Vergllll Ma rprile olim .Notla'etmpa'ratiotttt rrn Aprils ecesitttdini 'CjiterisBcrJf willeraalh there-'titif'-Ju'he 2nd. GROVE B. BARBER. Ekamlnatlone for Advanced Dejneei. The examination of Miss fiad'io Har mon ifor the A. M. degree In X.atln, will tako place In room 205, Ui-Hoti.-Fri day, Juno 1 at '2 p. m. The examination of Miss Alico Hun ter ln'Latiri and in, Germanics for the. :ftt.b. degred will be xield'irirodnfi205 XL JH..on Saturday, Ju.6 2ttd:a,t;B a. m. GROVE E. BARBERi Harry Keyser Reads to Good Crowi : As announced Harry, Koyser pf t"o LaW'schoof'read in.U iofiyosterday morning at 9. o'clock' 'AJafgia .cirpwd had come in. Co ""hear Mr. keyseVs Nodding, and everyone was highly en thusiastic over "his. 'work. His selec tion was "Leahfs Plea" and on tho on cord he gave Lord Byron's.'Epltaph to His' Dog..' Both, wore rendered in a very Interesting way, and he. showed hlnisolf to be'e, splrjit. of both so- lections. The' Interpretation of. the rBuuiugs was wicnouc criticism; Mr;' Del 'Gibson recited f,That Old SwooVheart of. Mind," but failed , to. re spond hban encore. Mr. 'Hadsqil,' a law student and formerly, of Wesley an University, gave two "liumorous rbndlnga which brought forth much laughter. - - .Miss Kettle L. BuHlngame, class of J 2 'Q4, will teach in Tthd Hooper high school TWlssClarer BoydBtbh, who has taught this year at Richfield, and Rilss.Arleiio Qfjice open daily; JTto" Untyersity flat ij .i' Suction, who 'has taught pcience ;a,t Hiawatha Kansas; will return to the University riext ypar, .,.' ' Superintendent "Raymond, E. Dale will return to Loup Clity next year. Miss Bertha Johnstonerolass ofv $9, tlll teach EngllsVat .Aurora, Mn J, E. Weaver will teach science initio ;satae schooli " '' " " Miss Ruth M. Scoflolh will teach in the Havelock high school. ' Mr. Thomas Flemlnc will bo .nHn&i. i i)ai pf the school at Lyons. Miss Leah. Meyer will act as, assistant. j - - f .. - y..,!. Strickland, class of '06, wll . - . WMMaMlMtelaaaaaaa t-- 4 T'HE fcxsa a'- -'s?ce 4tT4 K?-C'i Xy jKgiajgifijaiEy is not coMMjgb-r:, ... - ,;-. V fw - LUNdH r '. THE LINDELL 6B" l i "r? v Am& 'VM$rmr V-- ' .'' "?yr qpm 1EWU '? ' . THE COZIEST Tlitfi iN xM &$$ J Mf -s , . 2 i.v, j. ' a."Ci. H.CJv '-J i, . . 'Largest Manufacture l.v, j. ; -( 'r ;, Llllytl I A I IV T X ,m b AmBI'" I I B) I 1 'al B J tL; Xa Ma4 JL. JL;A -i xUa 9tDAtUs LAWN-TENNIS ARCHEIIY fc, ROQUE) GOLF CRICKET , . LACR.Of lUPMtMVNTD ntt . , ' v . 7 r,'-w-" Spafdlrtay Official Base Ball Guide WICK. The most complete and tip-to .date book.dver iijiblisheo; ba'tW . subject. Fully illUUtirated ........ . ...... . .. t . .. .. . rce ip Ctii SpaiaihVa bfflclal . League J-bsl" For1 over a atiarteroi a all is the adopted ball yrfgftv centurv B.VS-2bS.. of the National League, S3& ??nW..PW!ii '$ and must be. used In all "Ckmana Mark on . laae laU;, Mi .match games . AjjB?tI7 plemehU haa ' siarked': 'Every requisite for LaWn VLg the advancement of tkls Tenhla and 'Golf. rr V ; PArUoular sport - , , iSpaldlhg's Trade-Mjirk ; oh yourAthleUc Implement gives youadadvanfagobvei'the otheHlay er, as you have a better article, lasts Ioheer. eivisa mora aaOafflnHAi . Every Base Bail Manager should send, at onoe fdr.a cdpyVfripaidiai'a " ,--" Sprlhgf "and Bummer Catalogues-Free.. , Dt A. U SPAUDINQ.& BROS. S?' I fiShil' ,I?anaaCi:-,I?enYe ' " ' - - " - t . .""..S , o:'. ji il--iit -i' v ,iV'rif'",M ' ?-' t?t ' " ' "'' tf " TAKE FRL&M MAPLE LEAF RoiltC Jr Je X. V." i, PvJ f ' FY Unequdlled equipfnerit on all '!- .--. 11 M' ii ffiaiiu iKmnuyapiemsurgon mjWJU WtSTBOlu 'Wj i .tvi m J' , J 4. 4 a i. i t;Atii,'K1- iVer. im ' o:, . I r-M.'i.u, - r - ,J. .. ,4. V. f;3-'-A..v1 J,- '.--! - if e" a r(m 'THtwtrdtirttf ., 'il1l , . u) 1 ,ll r vr v '' , 7 f - .&M ":'$& 1 ,' ' ' ' I ' " ' I I I II ! I . 1 UNTIE S4X -.i-'-r .fiijWiJN, i 1' '1 i T 4 . - - iV-j, t Tim fin I'm 1 -.ii. IK C. n..v , ..sietfajrrA.tli; .V , i v .,- .j w i ' V . .. t U FbOTrJAL!fc QUOITS 8E .cuoaotf i-K -. lr DimuMi. r' ' . - "' wwii),' v-i ., fir IMS.1 'Edited by Henry dha' j BROS IT X- '' Loolils New.prleaW .'j 'L ''-v t V ff ftj! ' ' v v -e ' t'" t. V AV"V 7JtT' '7- ,; 6REAT -v .,, fiV-f.-"'"" w-w -t -! a --i . ' '- " I rrme. -J, t i J BUflBt" . . r c l" M ! 1 u k i . t. .. . I' 'IM vl k. v Til -til '"W ! n . i 1.1 r ,rii ? yl l 1 r i 11 ' v' ' ' f . a '$rM -a 4.H'. V 'f a. :-t.f .. j : .? 7 pn??V M r 8mou.'hn ' . .-u & - ' .' ri thiag I? tru, If stwh is .Ue-owwr atUt 'VI. .-.-iirTtJlL auuuut UVS.V r. rf-f 1 '.rffi"r th: .V-u Ki fctL f3P WW '''"' 'T