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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1885)
-i. Jc -r J-. . Jy - k.i'fervS'S i - H. Ctki- :b$ !Iitnuil WEDXE' :AY AUGUST 19, 1885. A. Jc X. TIME TABLE. Pa3. Freight. Leare Columbus. S:10 a. m. 2:00 p. m. Bell wood s:S5 " 2:50 - David Citv 9:00 - 3:25 - seward 10:10 " 6A" Arrive? at Lincoln 11:23 " The pa.-enjjer leaves Lincoiaat3:55 p. fee fceSdte iSves l LtaSto rk,d PPrt7 in the neighborhood. arrives at Columbus at 1 p. p. The Third Ward achool-hoaae is MI'"M'M to oe veneered with brick- The Board The JorssAi. has decidedly the ars to j hizhlv commended for this, largest circulation of any newspaper wbjca- wm tend to keep the pupils published in Platte county and ia the warm 6C comfortable. only one printed wholly in the coun ty The Jocexai. i the official paper of the connty, and publishes, by authority, the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, the road noti ces authorized, and all other connty printing required by law to be pub-li-hed in a county paper. Come to the Fair. . It davs to trade at Kramer's. -Mondaj ia very sultry day. Some delightfully cool days last week. The Firemen's dance brought them about $50. Platte County Fair at Columbus, Sept. a, 9, 10, and 11. The Methodists are talking of a new church building. 'i. Headquarters for machine oils at Wermuth .: Bcettchers. - Thre nonnds honev locust seed r- for 1 at J. B. Delaman's. t The best of Flour at the lowest i prices, at J. B. Delsman's. ,i -Pride of the Kitchen Soap, for Cleaning tinware, at Wm. Becker's. 3i-2m A. Bkood Mare foe Sale. I have tweutv that I will sell. G.W. Elston. 4-tf H. T. Spcexry tells us that crops were never better in his neighbor hood. Mooey to loan on real estate. W. B. Backus, attorney at law, 12th street, Columbus. 4-tf We learn that David Thomas is to return home from Wales in about two weeks. Tuesday of lat week a barn be- longing to H..T. Neisius burned down, Insurance ?2W. In a recent storm Pat. Griffin had a colt killed by lightning and Mr. Wiaslow a cow. "j Money to loan in almost any way desired on real estate security at Gu. G Becher 5: Co'. 52-tf Wnc Walker had a hoase warm- in? Mncda$urfat. Dancins was the ordaswf the-eveninz. . Recher Jc Co.-HeaS- SBrtem for caemp Wteminhln Ticket. olti liwie. 4.'-tf fw We have only two Refrigerators iett, which we offer at a reduced price. Wermuth x Brettcher. Wet Toint will have waterworks to bti construored by A. L. Strang AT Co. of Omaoi at a cost of 115,450. o t t--.i. v.-,.,- .a -xv. x. u-.i u uuat,H-u postmaster ai latte Center, and Henrv A. SiiHiTer at St. Edwwds. present, his horse dropping down Saturday and dying Sunday morning. D. J Maher, son of onr worthy County Supervisor Martin Maher, is attending school at Burlington, Iowa. The Schuyler Sun remark- that Butler county folks are selling hogs ' in large number?, fearfal of the hog - R,men,ber that th hr Fair to , be held in Nebraska this vear will take place at 9, 10 and 11. Columbus, Sept. S, a i n e jearu iuai a cumFnu ui men are about to purchase the town site of Lost L reek, and do -onie improv- ;-- a .r.A mj n-. . .! . I r " A. M. Wat-on gave u a pleasant business call Monday. We are always glad to see our trieuds, and secure an item of local news. -J S. Murdock Co., who have the eontnet for the new school house at Fullerton, hav put a force of men at work on the same. yy John Timothy E-q.. dealer in ' school book taiioaerv,etc,atriaiie 1 Pdntor ii ihr inthiirrMii nt nf th Center is tne auttiorixe! aent ot tne Tnr-PVAT Ht that nlrp tf ' .JOCENAI. at mat place. z-u , -.r x..- .. 1. 1. 1 - . Mr. Elliott has been doing some j excellent work lately on 14th street, I where heretofore there have been quite a number of mud-hole.-. ha liss dan re wo -It 15 stated that the man who , the IitUe reptile. bout a foot in 2.0C-0 worth of farming implements, , cipation on one side and the recollec-' V' "' 4n ' !l inbi killed young Keagan ha been ar-, length and lively enough to wiggle 1 and estras, and several wagons. Al- i tion of it on the other will enliven the I T l -Pers, ;1 lc"lcu "" -t" " w-iuuej iui ni4. consiaeraoiv. most an was uesirovea wun a iar?e vnrt an that nriti ha tw-.j i -T '' .-- anias Dan. Condon o-oei: on foot for the tk t,.A,; .u, r,A: amount of notes, and Mr. Kranse'i :u nha at;mr.i : r t -- - iy iw 1" cres. r- XV .. pibUUUCUi.Cl 11.C iCH luii ' t n-w rw us c pitiuutua al xs. i sU-C. Haamjg mr'fceive0 Kea arellls anilBl in ants sm. nT. ,; v 1 ' na ansfo. mm sairtswmaqe na ITftmnre tnVOest inat . A thousand copies of the report of the school land investigation com- mittee have been sent to the County Clerk: for gratuitous distribution. Oapi. Wadsworth has warchased the brick-store formerly owned by J. A. BakarpTlt has not transpired what bcsinaerthe Captain expects to open here. A good stock man tells that pure Stockholm tar is an excellent preven tive of the hog disease. Pat the tar in the bottom of the troughs where -hogs are fed. 1 Lost. Either at the Fair Grounds "" er between that and Columbas, a cecklace belonging to Zora Morse, with Zara engraved on the clasp. j" :Mxs. C. E. Morse. o James E. North and John Stauf ler hare put down some hmdnamc walks at their respective residences. 0 Tne canienl walks are becoming qnite popular here. a W Toc will find it to yonr advaa- tage not tn buy a sewing .nuchine 0 nntil yac have canvassed the merits of the Iight-rnnaing. DoBaestlc, sold have by A. k M. Turner, only, G. V. mTrhier, traTelizf salesman. 2 Come to tfie fair. Excitement, good or bad, some people meat have. Wb. Lamb's family have mo red into their new dwelling house. The Grand Pacific Hotel make a fine appearance in its new coat of paint. The new brick opposite the Tat teraall is making a nice showing-, And will add a food deal to the value of A tent meeting is announced be ginning Sept. 2d, on Gramd Prairie near Sparry'? school to inc. Seven Evangelical ministers bferVagreed to be present. Everybody invited. The trotting race between-iate North's "Allen Almont" and "Hud. Murdoch? "Bessie Murdock," came i off at the track Saturday last, and was won bv "Bessie Murdock' in three traight heats. More than the usual number of .1 farmers were in town Saturday. Harvest over, stacking done, school teachers to take home from the in - stitnte. exnlained the rrefnpf nf th T I j unusual number. The debt against the M. E. church of this place, contracted in 1877, and i aaiuuuung to ?xj, Juiyxtx, nas oeen J paid off. Eev. Robinen desires to i express his thanks to friends who ! have contributed. ! James H. Galley showed us the other day some very fine specimens of apples grown at his farm east of the Cltv- He dit "m feel d t0 PIuck the frnit Sown from his own plantinsr. V Just n i '. uts, Hog cholera is not letting np any along Platte vallay. if reoorts are true. Thomas Howie, of Bone Creek is re- J ported to-have six left oat of a herd j of 125, and Bobt. Lockwood three out of 150. Butler Co. Press. Norfolk is having her bout with the gamblers. It has been known for . some time in other parts of the state ! that Norfolk has been pestered thus, Dut onl7 recaatly have the citizen? I l?ere eeemea to ae alive to the sitna- xucic win ue a sociauie at me I " r n ba mmm 11 1km T Tl j. it - Tain n ah a U a f I XJiZ J3 a 31 cuunfuui n rnmj, au-. -i, j, iujt iue ucueui oi me ji. x caurcn. ( ah are mvueuio come totneoociocc ' supper, with families. We hope our . uusmesw men wm oe presenr. rnce ro ceuts. -Rev. E. J. Robinson of the M. E. church has been sorely afflicted the past year in the death of two of his children. Ida. and now recently. July 21st, Clara, wife of Geo. Ruell. Both died during s3fions of the District Conference. ! TnViT TuitotkaMl.s. j.r-'.:u "W" "c "" " "". breaking sod plowed ap two nests of , I ruic&a&ves coniAXQia lony-one . .- 1 ?? ' 4 eT3. which when broken, diadosed a the McCrmickBe em usingyeensiaeranm printJrM ink tsmfng tocoflrince sflpie dfatBieir mWshinamvilHwork ne malts, as oiHuper SKpremes Mrfter alMpe DeeWg is tsmhfst," mBahiue hmKriven 1M aKts msJ,Kd thewl toBurrinw tnl DeeimV McCoAick ve res-ted agemia.lBut 11 df m Bscr JL.verman agenright VI in da: awav. -A workman livin here, whose '' name we have not learned, but who 1 -- -......... ...w... W... V...U. evidently understands the business. bii laid down cement walks for L. Gerrard, J. E. North and M. Whit- I mover : these, to onr nn.inn ,h- i . ". II.- --,..1 ,' . . f i ' beIn? ""-proof and orna- ; John L. Meiins. wn; Tn tnvn i DCBL Ul WUki. -OlIU &IK1 Siting ado dey are, y sS vwt aemame. Am "AVys, becumes an aionaay on ni, way to fullerton,. m 3 i wnere he with ome dozen or sooth- w lu cuuiu wun ngures tor a bridge across the Loup. If any of ' them beat John they will have to , work cheap. He is now haifdin? ... . -r, . bridges in Buffalo. Greeley, Hall and 1 Boone connUes. ut i. v Wm. Bucher has a svsrem of r n?a n .n,t... .:'.... I " f-".-. u h,lCUu 1 nth street wnrthT-nf.Tn;r.t;T, Kt,iiJ e 1. 1 owners of business property who can r a -. . 1 i - ... - afford it. A look at it will convince . .. . .l. j , I any that thus, mud-paddles can be. avoided in front of business houses a serious annoyance street after a rain. .11 a.uus xxui , Mr. Fred. Jewell has returned from his tour threagh California and Texas and says he has been through seven states aadiive territories within the last three months, and for the crops raised, healthfal climate, water, soil and acceas to market he still con-1 siders Nebraska at the head, and is vcllci niuucu iu remain uere man ever before. So much for Nebraska. A social in the interest of mis sionary work will be given at the Congregational church, Tuesday even ing, Aug. 25th. Will the ladies who are interested m its success- please send donations of cake, sandwiches, coffee ar cream? No soliciting will be done. Music and literary enter tainment, besides a feast of ice cream, c will be served. All will be wel come. The W. T. Bissell Hose Team went to Grand Island yesterday. The Team is composed of the following niea: Wm. Dougherty, foreman; Geo.Spaoner, plngman; Henry Hock enberger aad Charles Cman, coupler ; J. C Martin, Frank Dongherty,ir-B-Backns, Fraak Preiai, aea. Benson, Jnlins Phillips, FraatFagard, Frank Tamer, Fred. Shaw, J. J. Martin, Bob. Hemphill naiCap. Tscandy. The boys all aelangia Celnmbas, and FTArTA.. 16? Aa3 .. K .1 if they da not have tn "ringers" the team , msa-piii afcaiiii 1 fc L nt heats them ( will know they hTe And a race. thing can do is to misuse a dumb animal. A man was observed this week throw ing brickbats at his. team because they were unable to pall the heavy load with which they were burdened. A repetition of the offense will lead to trouble. A civilized commnaity will not long endure the inhuman treat ment of defenseless animals from, any man. ZTance Co. Journal. Prof. A. E. Clarendon, Sapt. of the public schools at Fremont, deliv ered a lecture at the Congregational i church Thnrsdav evening Last. The 1 keynote of his address was that the ' theory and modes of education must conform to the prevalent idea of citi- ' zenship. He made a strong plea for , the development of character as a I unit, and the progressive attainment of a constantly rising ideal of human t nature. Messrs. C C. Valentine and My- ' ron v.. TT,P,.ir rm-n .hf.),.n t :.:...,. t :-i t-.u irr- luauiukc liUikuiu jmUSli 1IU1. wt e 't understand that Mrs. Valentine, who is an expert reporter, will be one of the teachers. To all intelligent young men and women it is not worth while I in these times to urge the importance I of a knowledge of short-hand writing, and we believe that this school will and we believe that this school will ' a00? &e best of the kind in the country. Messrs. Jones & Roberta, lessees of the Creamery of this place, have quit the business, leaving an indebt i edness of about 400 to the Company for rent, and perhaps f 300 to those of whom they purchased cream. Oat of a thousand patent cans belonging to the Company only 200 are on hands. It seems that the lessees have been running the business at a loss all the t aAllsnn mil warn mnt finanj?ll qKIa ' to do so anv longer. Perhaps the young men never thought of this consideration, sug gested by an exchanze, when advisin-' them not to mm on th nthr aid nf the street and dodge the ice cream festivals, but recollect that thMe r?ri by their side cheerfully and uncom- "w w "- plaluingly furnished light and fuel for their comfort through the long, chilly winter evenings. An occa- gional fifteen cent dish of ice-cream is : indeed an inadequate return at the uesi. oest. me JocBsat j ob department is prepared to furnish, on short notice, all kinds of commercial work, such as letter heads, note heads, bill heads, statements, circulars, envel- ope., cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ; viritinar card-: lawyers' briefs: pamphlet: catalogue: sale bill. fee Satisfaction 2imranteed. Orders! by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress. II. K. Turner & Co., Colum bus. Xebr. tf oe. Krause, formerly of this tllaco nnlr nf llh.nn In: Kaon r.nA. -- - - -.-. tunate in losing his warahnnas by i fire, Aug. 7th. The rsays : The . . . building contained from IL000 to-, - T account books, which were in the desk in the office. The building and stock was insured tor50G which will cover less than half the loss." A scalawag doctor of Scribner who consorted with a girl of bad re- pute, putting up a: a notei witn ner, orderinf lhe hon'e likf a millionaire, ( waen nis wue ana ennaren were at e not ttree woens away, .tarring .. . ' Lr.Dred' came snddeniy to grief. ; " . hf"-- i pe mu ; "r were MUS mMe Ior nim De "racK ' for the river, since which time he has a man not been seen. Good citizens it woa,d m be o tfaat he had ended his life by the .... n..r Prof, W- w w j Sm , Su,L , pQblic SchoQ,9 ..... Tuesdav eveniD, of la5t week at the Congreational church to a goodlv ,,: nf fMf.ha anA nth ' - - - i 1 a.b.. w V. -.. a MM UIMt Ty UiWU :.-.: 7." .T" " .'. If.. . euucsuuD. xn. lecture was repie.e with u . d excellent aBlM w t,mely ua e3fclent sugges -! tion Pertaining to the work of edu-: .... - .. JOlllM TPaa AVlAa ' cai,n? me yoarn3 ' IDe country, u. n.Milnln.l,i.0. -..' -I" 1 r. .)one evinces a good undetand- ;. nf tha fn,: ,:,,. V ms of the functions of his officfand a . nnn h- r. ,,' - . . sf'P apon his work that is telling upon the schools of the state. Ttt.- .1 , iuiuituiitc.. upuu uic A.v.c(Ji&ui:e by rUm Tan Wyck to 9peak faere during the Fair, Secretary Eourson notified the newspapers of Central Nebraska, and the fact has become widespread. Columbus may reason ably calculate on a very large number of neonle beincr nnpnt that Att fr ., .j,,, thA A nm ... -' ,,, a e !-. .-., aw.uuui uui.uicu ui 11UC CUUUtJ Will be admitted to the Fair, free of charge. The Fullerton Journal has this to say : "Senator C. H. Tan Wyck will ad dress the citizens of central Nebraska at Columbus, Sept. 10th. This will be a rare opportunity for the citizens of Nance county to hear a sonnd speech by Nebraska's best friend. Remember the date." E. G. Cook of Genoa passed through the city Friday on his way home from Holt county, where he had been on business. He reports the upper country as lively. Chadron, for instance, the new railroad tewn beyond Valentine, was laid oat a short time ago, and at the sale of Iot3 they ranged from. 1225 (which was the low est bid accepted) to 1750 and one of these latter was resold in a few days for 41300. $45,C00 worth of lots have been sold aad 125 buildings were pat ap the first weak afterwards. The first bank traaaactiea was a draft to Chicago for 1468Lwerth or lamber. Mr. Cook says that the railroad aatheritiea pnrnase kinr of Chad ron a mmatsr place- thaa-Chev for I 1 tne atTfment of stack. " "" ' , e'-" " uic.uiUH.Ji J. J. Graves gave as a business call Saturday last. J. B. McGlinchey of Albioa, was in the city Satarday. Mr. and Mr?. H. H. Hake case in from the east Monday. Mrs. David Schapbach is recover ing from her recent illness. Mrs. J. B. Meagher is slowly recov ering from a recent severe illness. Carl Vermuth, of Omaha, was in town over Sunday, visiting friends. Mr. and Mn. Joe. Gross, of Madi son, came down on yesterday morn ing's train. Thomaa Darnell, Esq., District At torney, 6th Judicial District, was fa town Monday. Frank Falbaum, of Chicago, brojhgr of Guj, is in the city and may make this his future home. J. M. Hoffman, Esq., private secy. to Gov. Dawes, was in town Thnrs dav, calling in our absence. Tbeo. Schupbach came np from Omaha last week and is eajoyiag him self among his many friends here. Prof. Rakestraw, formerly princi pal of the east end school here, now I ot Nebraska City, was in town last week. W. T. Calloway of Butler county, was in town Satarday. He says his mother, who is quite aged, is in feeble health. Herman Schitterer, a former knight of the razor with 'Tatty" Woods of this city, was down from North Platte last week. C. D. Clother has been unable to speak since his stroke of apoplexy Thursday last, althoagh coasciou3 and able to indicate his waats. Gas. E. Kraase left Thursday last for "Wisconsin, on a short visit and will be accompanied on his return by his wife, who has been visiting with her pareata. Rev. D. J. Meese, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Sandusky, Ohio, was in the city Friday and Sat arday visiting his old acquaintance, Prof. Cramer. r and rs- W. Phillips went j tn Genoa Saturday. Walter returned ! Monday, but Mrs. Phillips will re- , main a short time visiting with her 8iter ra- W. H. Winterbotham, Bev. Whitehead, a minister of the M. E. church here fourteen years ago, was in town recently. His home now is Council Blnffs, and he is engaged ia canvassing for farm machinery. j xr- a ii. j t. . tc- f from a visit to Cedar Eapids, Boone I county. He reports the crops there as unexcelled, and say- they have the finest corn he has seen. Mr. Clark's health has improved very much in the last two weeks. last two weeks. " - "cu " urfc uu ;.e ,u "u XW Fmir. J The Fair. TKirio t nnn tn vnn'" ieciae at once to attend roar i - - j county fair, and make your arrange-1 meats accordingly. Of course, there is no need to neglect matters at home. . i-Mi . - t. u A little extra exertion bv each mem- ' I r .t. . r ..-i. . .. x. wr ci me iann community rwmen an -iU irladiv mato at thamrrn f " m J iMmfcw inn nmrnmr rrm n r is ui - - - - J " r mm r amannt of chor dnn. nd ,h. TnrT. Remember the Children's Day is Thursday, and on this day, ia the afternoon Senator Tan Wyck makes his address. The Senator is a think- I ,TT L .1. - ' J - , uvm.uiuiit, when necessary, and. whether vou believe with him or not, it will do vnn unnA m hor- Kir t . The management have done their part to make the fair a success, and now tne public should do theirs. If Y n&ve anything in the way of ves- atahlM fmJf crp.;n ,. mQK-;li grain or mechanical Qf tteidiysfnKarL n . ,, ,cu acre. . - - - .. w. mw tm fc . ijia cn.r;i-vv: r products that is particularly nice, J Creetf on tne eveDinsr of Wednesdav, bring them in, not merely to get!.in,frl Mpa puri:no r,rAnr n j the money offered as premium, but to ehntt ?tBA...n .. fc. . "V 1 I t - - ---j auvrw rmsuiprTin wn.ti li'iirNMkH nu ' uvw siiuiKcrB wuai .-teur&MKa na: . : ."?: . ' t uwc au luuucutc uu yuur ueiguoors ; that is not to estimate. T -et mere be one man in a community of j "cul wuo lK pr,ue m nDe 3loCK nf all kind, and nf farm hniMin.. ! " - buildings, and q modeg of farminff and every . man i planed to emnlate his .ffl man 1. piquen to emulate ms exam- pie. and, if posSble, excel him-and ,. ., - .. i a" lUie P., even in uoiiars ana dimes, in "the increased value of farms and tock, and the progress of the neighborhood in better schools and social morals. The fair this year will doubtless be the mot interesting of any in the history of the connty, and yoa will be lonesome daring that week, unless yoa make it a sort of holiday time for yourself, yoar good help-meet and the young folks who long for the in nocent delights of such a time. Come to the fair. . .lewweMt arrmeaL Seyeral days ago D. Anderson wrote to S. B.. Callaway, general man ager of the TJ. P. road, in regard to the erection of a new depethere and! received the following ansmez; ander date of Aug. 12th : Dear Sir: Referring to .yoar favor of August 10th. There is no doubt that many of the stations oa the main line should be renewed, bat the diffi culty is that at present we have hard work to get sufficient money to pay onr .wages and other necessary ex penses. It will, therefore, be im peesible for as to nuke any improve ments until a revival in the business of the country eaables ns to increase our earnings. Yoors truly, S.E. Calxaway. A bridge meeting was held Satur day evening by a number of business men ef the city. The Platte bridge was under discussion. We do not uaderstaad that a project has been folly matnred yet The first fmt to a good market town is that the reads leading into it be kept in ftrts- clam ceaditioa, and we are jlad to see t na interest rrriTedia this matter. i Mr. Kibler is plastering his house. Beaker wet for stacking grain, bat it makes the grass grow. Mr. Oken steps mere carefully now than- he did before ae stepped on that sail. Mr. Kibler ha3 an Adams wind mill at his hoase, with piping running to his barn and hog lot. "We have plenty of. rain now-a-days, whica helps the corn to shoot. Corn is locking very well ; it bids fair to make from 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Miss Sampson's school closed Fri day last. Quite a number of the parents and others met at the school hoase to listen to the closing exer cises, which consisted of recitations, declamations and select readings, also a paper prepared by the scholars, in terspersed with vocal and instrumen tal mnsic, after which they all repaired to Wm. Van Owen's, where a boun tiful dinner was spread under the trees, served up with ice cold lemon ade There were over fifty present and all pronounced it a good time. Perhaps ; Mr. Moncnef thinks I did nim an mjusUce. I did not intend to. After I had mailed my letter to the Jocrxal I learned that he had been here; but then I can't take back anv thing I said. The winter-schools were not visited at all. Bat he says the law does not require him to visit the schools but once a year. Well, if he never does anything only what the law requires, the people will be thankful. Bat I think that in all cemties that are as thickly settled as Tlatte, the efllce of county super iaUadent should be done away with and each precinct, have a superinten dent of its own, a good practical teacher who should visit the school twice each term. The expence need not be much if any more, and the practical benefits that would result would more than over-balance the extra expense. Of course all those wjio are aspiring to the office of caunty superintendent will object. H. Meal Eatmte Xraauriers. Prepared specially for the Jocex al Y Gas. G. Becher & Co. I Geo Warren Smith to Dan Schram, J - ... . ... . . . - aiau; smith's addition, lot 4 and lz, block 6. US to John Miller; e , se f, se iiVne h, and lot , 23. 17, lw. , Joseph Banure single to Thomas m uaca, ?zuw ; s, nw, ancv n s, nr h, 17, 18, 2w, 160 acres. u . mmmmm,. i.C w l-h.M? &.'nnlte ClfUVk. 1- t ' , -- -k., tuv, . 2f uc 4, -x, IS, 2w, SO acres. ri,5 i .- . -k A.OUIS senrcaer ana wue 10 l u -...twu, uu.ui.uic. 4., t ., r, -- T - D,ocki- .. iTeo Laric and w:.e to Louis bchroederlaO; Humphrey part. lot . m . a Li . &, . i . - - . - T. ' ' '" "' " ' " r" i imnsn. uzir aw -, Imhoff, $1320; sw , 21, 17. 2w m , ., . n R T Maxwell and wife to Peter o , . 0 an - J3aj aD.l; t SW Jy. w, -U, W. t-tt .- irnu... t n.,, c "y ,u 'I"uur DenaP. A -. . - . r-t r -t -. u r Y IO LCTrw WOr I m - m. 5 X" TT I .u r nj jO io Jticnaei liyoo, n. 70: sw -4, nw -4, 31. 17. lw, 39,90 "U P Ry Co to John Sorenseu, f440; arJ-4. n.w L4, and K,, nw f4, 23, 19, 4w 120 acres. IIP Pr Po tn Mifck-Pl nrfnspn ! $160; nw -,, nw i4, 23, 19, 4w. 40 acres. U P Ry Co to Soren Sorenson, 1320 ; n -,. L4 15, 19, 4, SO acres. la 31eariaaa. At her residence in Platte count). Vfchra-ba. five milPs psr nf Silver MeGaV departed this life. r-. ... . uwea.-ea was oorn in ricKaway countJ-' hl- Mr 3d lals ; was mar -Ja, I ried to Josepl Gardner near n il- - ' ltam2nn..r in :)!ri rTTT- TnnM.. . (. t 1S37 bv ReV tUme, Burbridge of the ( ..(.tuvrtb .u -it.ui.uuuLf).f3UuaiJ tJkUt Christian church. Deceased was the mother of eleven chiidreu, nine of now living foor -on- and W ? ! ?' five 3 autfhters - there rc Un innv. M M.. ,,,,,,. . u . . Si ami aau ;il SIJUU children now living She was taken with a-congestive chill, June 2Sth, and for a week suffered great pain. tBetween the hours of one and two, Sunday morning, July 5th, she had , tfioA arrara ana ma aftnt tvVi!K ?Ka - . ' seensed to stay in one continuous I SDasm until 5 o'clock, resnltino- in the I .. w-b.W a'CUiSl 4LC1 f U1.U ?LIC a 7 ---. - , paralysis of the left side. Up to within-twelve hours of her death, she ' was perfectly conscious of everything ; that was transpiring around her, knew her children and neighbors, her f sight and hearing being unimpaired. She died without a shadow of fear or doubt, rejoicing in Christ. H. The Xcmcaera' latitm(e. The Teachers Institute closed Its sessions Satarday last. We thick mat sapt. Moncner is to be congrat- ulated upon its success. Assisted by i frof. aientme and Miss Austin, the formei for five years a teacher at Ne braska City, the latter for seven years superintendent of schools at Wisner, also by Prof. Backus of this city, an educator of experience and good judgment, the institute was a success each day and hour, so far as the in structors were concerned. There seemed to observers on the outside more than the usual amount of ani mation, stir and interest. We have not space for the names of all the teachers present, but they deserve well of their constituency for the time and attention they give to perfecting themselves in a profession as honora- ois Mti Haexui as aay among men. All henor to sneh. The gliding years jrill bring them iacreased wisdom aad tfct rewards ef dsty done. WERMUTH & -DEALERS IX- Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pomps, Guns and Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. ecu Platte jCsutv Pair, to a Kali la C I&bVu, Swt.S,9,10aall.'S5. nnsT DAT. 2:40 Class Purse $200. Mile heats bet three in dye. Five to enter, three to start. First SLiO: second $60: third $20. SKCOXD DAY. I rn.iTT-T,-ntrir,, t?. nMn m ti hnr. t 9es owned in Platte connty at least aLrty j .i r j . j Ic: t " I $16o. Mile heats best three in five. Five t tn pntr rhr ro at,rt. r;rs, . ,.0nd '$25; third$r; fourth $10. I 7 - - - --- -- . ,.T . Free for All RnnningBace Purse $150. Mile heats. Five to enter, tare to start. First $90; second $40; third $30. THiaDBAV. County Banning Bace Cen to all hor ses owned in Platte county sixty days previous to first day of Fair. Purse $."i0. Half-mile heats, best two in three. Five to enter, three to start. First $23; second $15; third $10. Three Minute Class Purse $130. Mile heats, best three in five; fire to eater, three to start. Open to all horses that have not beaten three minutes. First $90; second $40; third $20. FOCBTE DAY. Pony Rnnning Race Free for all . Half mile heats, best three in five. Five to enter, three to start. Purae $50. First $25; second $13; third $10. Ko horse allowed to enter over 14 hands high. Free for All Trotting Bace Open to all horses. Purse $3fifl. Mile heats, best three in five. Five to eater, three to tart. Fir6aW; aecoad $100; third $50. A complete and reliable aS has been Ioag needed by rha desires to keep posti . to the geography and rth ebraska. This want let by "The Omcial St of2 i," just issued by J jrjrfc Philadelphia. It , nil me volume j jdrTe autifal map state, . oa whu created shown the connties the last I ilature, the I CQUreSSiO1 district udrcial dis- . ,rict3 WQO lilitaz Indian res- ervations. ' 'everv thins ling one coald c In addition i ' I . everv ccuntv forth in a large, , 1 &ccurate' nd accurate, 4aAMi Alv aI nsA Each ma, accompanied by a ; !ificate of maty surveyor, and complete- d town in the at Adnsr it? r kB nesa.iEver . . t atate itpla AS f I i accurately The work paration by aa on t, I h,. hlk, D Dee rial re years mrnj the most si specialists in the untry. The g i ex- cellen e4iinding d ela- rtIc. ud1' ser in this connty on of the finest Nebraska ever published. sraie state. Mr. Jens Jensen is about to begin bnilding a new "no die. Prof. Rushi will preach at Pales tine school-house Aug". 23d, at 3 p. m. . f Oif nf th atrtf tner ts Hnno in fK.i ' ' ."7 . - . ' . vicinity, and quite an amount of fall j plowing. I Miss Nannie Case and Miss Carrie 1 i . - . ... , tlancnett of at. .dward visited at ( ! W. F. Hanchett's Thursday. , Elder and Mrs. Wright from near ' Rusjrille were in thi- vicinity bid- i din- old acquaintances good-bye prior to leaving for their new home. A snapping turtle was picked up in tne- door-yard ot tne r U. the other , day. Question: how did that water fowl tret ud on these bluff-, so far fmm mata-- rv.vr- .fcfc T .( AA--... Letter The followmz i- a lit of ani'laiaied letter remainmsr in the post-office, in Columbu-!. "efa , for the wef endias Au 13. Inw: i .u-tot. rnwa n. . - at. . . 11 not eaueu iot in & aavs wm t- 3ent to the dead letter office, V"adhinitos. D. c- When.caUed for please say "adver- tised,' as these letters are kept separate. Columbua. Nebr. Mcx im the Wrl. OttumwaLily Corn Starch has been brought to the highest attainable quality by employing the best skill and scientific aid that money can fur nish. It is the most strengthening and health-giving food now before the public, and is especially recommend ed for children and invalids. Every package guaranteed strictly pure. Remember and ask your grocer for Lily Corn Starch. The above reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of the per son or persons who set fire to the school-house in Dist. 2S, Stearns pre cinct, July 25th, 1SS5. For further particulars apply to Gcs. G. Bichzb&Co, 17-3 Insurance Agents. sS flium I Maura Farmers shoald eat ia harvest aad they will keep strong and well. For a nice fat sheep or lamb, call at Bleomingdale stuck farm. A. HcnticH. mr-3ir. onn -ThoSBlaekfV WlnrB V-Pauarwfc an ms. ma nw mi ma smMr.l.Stnnl. m A HA. M. Her.fIrM. T. EiB w anmw.aV KmanisV. m t ml lewriimiiVnVri 1 1 nnwiTr. mWirsT m fa. rp Ulnee oPfiT "Bar ffMuolAsMad JHi Anr e m7cw VSr anrLaW I ffelr ftfl auttBcsWtimUnw AJm BCETTCHER, av-tf fxiesftmttmtt. In thi-t department the people talk, and not the editor. Kach writer must hold himself ready to defend his principles and his statements of facts. 'In the mul titude of counsel there is wisdom." En. OT AfetMC ltT Mr. Editor : Public matters are ' 1- & tor public dis- cussion, and the expenditure of nub- . fc lie moneys by the servants of the people is an interesting matter when ever it is about time to nay taxes. Township organization is a most ex cellent thing, becaase we can just aboat tell who is who and what is what, and if oar money gees scatter ing we can at least loe-k down the road where it has goae glimmering. Bat enough in the way of prelimiaary. I want to know, as a tax-payer of Lost Creek township (and there are scares of the same name) why the ex town baerd used np the levy of the spring of S4 (12,000. I believe) and left the town ISOO in debt, I hear that some of the board are acbiag to answer such questioas, and I woald like to have them fill the achiag raid of at least one Tax-patkr. DID. RIVET Saaday. Anr. lth, Horamaa da, daxzzater of Joseph Rivet of Joliet Township. A very large concourse of frieads fol lowed Iiermortal masini to the sravei LOCAL NOTICES. AdTertuemeau oadsr this head cent a line each iaaertioo. five a fr-l pay the very highest price for hides and pelts, office at Cannon x Weaver's. T. Keatia:. 46-tf yTor good yoang breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stack farm. A. Henrich. 30-tf nf - Wm. Schiltz makes bootsaad shoes m "le Desl tyt and uses aaiy tne vrarr fia.f ariii!r tKmf an Via nAinm) in marke, p 52t ,ni!,aiJ j Wt Lave made arranperaent- to fur ' nLb to the subscribers of this paper, that excellent agricultural and ?tock journal, I he Arbnt.ikti Tirrmcr, tor the small sum of J1.G0 per year. The Former is published at Uncoln. Neb., 0. 31. Druse, Editor, and 1 devoted to agriculture and .-tock growing in the west. Every farmer should take if Send il.OO to thL office and we will have the Former sent to you. Ckraet Weavlan s. send orders to Mrs. Bashell. and get a good Job. 16 4 j . ' La4t far Male. "120 acres in Platte Co., 25 acres broke. Address D. R., care of Jocr kal office. 4-tf V. llm fr Kale. gnod piaao for 3ale at a bar?ain. Call upon Mrs. Page, at the residence of Chaa- A.Speice. 12-tf o T) FrMmle. ne second nand nor-e-power nearly new) of Aultman Taylor manatacture. Enquire of M. Whit moyer, or Krause, Lubker & Co. 12tf th ui 4 lc rr w. TTr .u western part of the citv. . IUW 1 Those wanting to pay all ca9h or ex change horses or cattle for pnrt of the , consideration, address D O., care of Journal office. 4-tf 1 ?jL A 3I. 1 Fmrmt fr itmle. i ' Containing 240 acre- of choice land, 5 mile.- southwest of Humphrey, in thi- t county. Terms rea-onable. For fur- ther particulars inquire o( or address T. Keating, Columbus, 2.eb. 4-tf Brick. lentv of bard brick at Flynn's brick yard, two and a half miles north of Columbus. Delivered in town, at the kiln, or put into the wall at reasonable rates. We defy com- petition. S-tf f, ff Umle er Beat. 000 acres of land for sale or cash , rent. Improved or unimproved farm land. tiSLv land riA-rnrp nrt wruvi land. Reasonable terms. Call at j once on .Keener X Uo., or tne under signed. 5Ktf Patrick Mubeay. v Five years' time, on improved farms with at least one-fourth the acreage under cultivation, ia sums represent ing one-third the fair value of the homestead. Correspondence solicit ed. Addrtss, M. K. TcKNrn, I 50-y Columbus, Neb. L St- Frmmcfe Acmmemtr. St. Francis' Academy, under the management of the Sisters of St. Francis at Columbus, Nebr., will be re-opened on Wednesday, Sept. 2d. Parents wishing to give their children a good education will have the oppor tunity of doing so by sending them there. Terms for session of five months: Board and tuition, 15000, music extra. For particulars apply to Sistzk Josepha, 17-4 Superioress. twpggev tk om: jA ah cnkA nna hnntnt Mnm nntir BherKaSsK), A(e 'anme !AldlI.lUi thmerd. mf WKovSl, HerWn' sSherehBvflBsH I BlBldenhe -PBFr4HnaitVPeSesmty oBcolkBsjBenisV &K, A rnT1' W fl4illTlef' 'B-jpiiMifcilTiMiiiBiisLBi esAAre epted Jeqaemsno nthsmR Jw J. EnMnNcaii laV . auty fcapt. LIFE INSURANCE CO. CI Joka Davis, rer $2Jwt,i. Issues the popular Lift Kate Endow ment Policy. Over 300,000 sold ia Nefecaan la the pst two years, and over 3Q.0W ia Co lumbus. Also makes loans oa Real Estate on loajr lira- at. a low rate of later est. For term apply to . D. THURSTON, Special At. Owtcx: At JocnXAE Sinme, Co lumbus, Xebr. -t GROCERIES, Crockery and Glaaware You will a! way find a FRESH aad well fleeted stock. Famcy Orwwi Ttus We handle the celebrated Mir fiatf Run-M IceCiMrioe for country City Qrtiers delivertd free of- charge. STTeleahoae No.. HENBY BAOATZ, 42-tf 43Wi COLTTMBITl MAEXXTl. Our anatatioas of the markets are ob taiaed Tuesday afteraoan,and are correct aad reliable at the time. GB-tnr. Ci Wheat Corn in ear Corn shelled Oats aew, Bye Floor PKODUCX. Batter Kr??" Potatoes, new Hams. Shoulder, Sides, .. .. ....... . UVE STOCK. FatHotrs FatCttle S&eep Coal. lovva. Hnrd EockSprinrs nut Rack Spring lump . . . Carbon. . ... Colorado. ;ob raw 349 ySl2H Z U04 50 300 I 5 00 14 00 t 30 7 00 e cu t4 CO FARMERS HOME. This Houe, recently pureh.ed br rae. win b thoronaly reittd. Board bv the daTweefe ar me!. A few room to let. A share of the public pasroaage is solicited. Feed atat in coaaectioa. t-x ALBERT LCTH. To Builders tod Comtradnn. BIDs will be received till 12 o'clock noon, Saturday. Aur. SSHh. ISO, &r the construction of three paa of abridav aero1", the PUttf river snuth of Duacaa. span to he 2s rs. eaca. strainiag beam, with a 12 ft. roadwav; 3 pile piers, 3 pile in each. 10 in. by 10 ia. by 3 teet, with. cap. Also repairing oa the pn. war j tructnre. Plans and peeidca:lon tt. y tile in the office of the Couaty Clerk. CC lumbu-. Xebr where bid are t h" pLieed. Bv order of Bntler Town Bo.ird. VT. D. DA VIES. 15-1 Supervisor. MX T)for workiajr people. Send 10 I , Kcent poetize, and we will -1--1- mail jouree. a iojaI. val nablf -Ample box of jood that will put you in the way of m.ifcinvr more money in i iw dy? than vou ever tnoiint po sible At any biHiaefr. Capit.U not r. quired. Vou can live at heme sad work in spare time only, cr all the time. All of bota sxe-. of all aes grandly c-ce-smi- 3) cent.- to J3 easily earned .very evening. That all who wat work nxav tet the bnsine-ts. wirmsJc thi un paralleled offer: To all wno art not weil sati-ned we will -ead 51 to pay far tae trouble of writing u. Full particular, directions, etc , ent free. Immense py absolutelv snr for all who "tart at once. Don't delay. Addrc- xi-V.-ON "o., Portland, Maine. BECKER a WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF 5ttet.t, CREEK KILLS. MANUFACTURERS ASD WHOLE SALE DEALERS IK FLOOR AH rfMEmU f OFFICE, COL TTJfB US, XB. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OF GSOCEB1ES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDS, GUARANTEED TO BE OF BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS! A GOOD TTELL SELECTED STOCK ALWAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS &SH0ES ! ayrHAT DEFY COMPETITION. And all kinds of country produce ta ken, in-traddj and all goods deliv ered free of charge to any part of the city. IFLOTJR! KEEP OSLT TBS BIST GBADES OF FLOUK. 10-ti . j i dZ - 'I t -