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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1885)
""--" M - . .. - -2 - I aaaa - n : : . i THE OTJRNAL. KATES OF AOT'TWTlM'-fC; Bnsinese and proftosioanl cards of fire lines or Ies,per ananas, five dollars. & For time advertisements, apply at this office. ET'Iiegal advertisements at statute rates. . ISSUE' RY WEDNESDAY, 1I. K. I TRER &, CO, Proprietors amd Pabliihers. 53 OFFICE, Eleventh St., up Hairs in Journal Building. terms: - Perycar ? 1T Six months TZ M -s GTTor transient adTsrUstag, rates on third page- VOL. XVI.-N0. 18, COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1885. WHOLE NO. 798. ETA11 advertisements payable lonthly. .Three months Single copies a y i I k if 11 Iu BVBBBaVSBSSSSl BBBBsl nmaHOmV T H-WB liB1 1 Las. o o COLUMBUS STATE BANK! COLUMBUS, HEB. CASH CAPITAL, - $76,000 DIRECTORS: Lkandkr Gerhard, Pres'l. ' Gko. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't. .Tumus A. Ueeu. K. II. IlFSKY. J. E. Task r-n, Cashier. H..k of Weplt. IMscssmt Had KichaBEf. Collection lromptly Made mil Point. y InterrMt est I Cm. Tim - 274 HENRY G-ASS, COFFINS AND METALLIC OASES AND DEALER IN .Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu reaus, Tables. Safes. Lounges, Ac. Picture Frames and Mouldings. X3TRepairing of all kind$ of Upholster Goods. 6-tf COLUMBUS. NEB. HENRT LUERS, DEALER IN WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. Pumps Repaired on short lotice jQTOue door west otf Heintz's Drug Store, lUu Street, Columbus, Neb. 8 For Instant Use A a reliable leniedy. iu eae of Croup, Whooping Cough, or tuildeii Cold, ami for the prompt relief and cure of throat aud lung die.ics AyerV Cherry Pectoral ' invaluable. Mr. E. G. Edrly, Council Bluffs, Iowa, w rites: I consider Ayer's Cherry IVetoral a most iuiiiortaht remedy for home ue. I liac tested its curative power. In my family, many times during the pat tlihty years, and have never known it to fail. It will re lieve the mot serious affection of the throat and Iuuir, whether in ehHdreii or adults." John II. Stoddard, lVler-hiug, Va., write : "1 have never found a med icine equal to AYER'S Cherry Pectoral for the prompt relief of throat and lung diseases peculiar to children. I consider it an absolute cure for all Mich affections, aud am never without it iu the house." Mrs. L. E. Herman, 17 Mercer t., Jersey City, writes: "I have always fouud Ayer's Cherry Pectoral useful in my fam- . fly." B. T. Johnson, Mt. Savage, Md., writes: "For the speedy cure, of sudden Colds, and for the relief of children afflict ed with Croup, I have never found any thing equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is the most potent of all the remedies I Lave ever used." W. II. Stickler. Terre . Haute, Iud., writes: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured my wife of a severe lung affection, supposed to be Quick Con sumption. We now regard the Pectoral as a household necessity." E. M. Breck inridge, Brainerd, Minn., writes: "I .am subject-to Bronchitis, aud, wherever I go, am always sure to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with me. It is without a rival for the cure of bronchial affections." PREPARED BY Or. X C. Ayer'& Co., Lowell, ' For sale by all Druggists. A WORD OF WAKXirVO. . FARMERS, stock raisers.-and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the only compan v-doing business in this state that insures' Horses, Mules and Cattle against loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss by fire and lightning). All representations by agents of other Companies Jto the contrary not (.withstanding. P..W. II ENRICH, Special Ag'tr 15-y Columbus, Neb. tLYONoVHEALY l State Maaraa Sta.CMcae. TUImiimUUiiriUnilUr Ltjr !. ZOO M, IW tnpw - ! UTSLUUUI. I : laKrawMu. nmva. i w -Soy IM Oat ! Dm Uti-H Stub h4 fwAt ". rLsflE OVER HER WORK. Oh, I stood beside her and watched her tew Tim a year, a month and a week ago; But my memory holds with subtle power The fallacious sweetness of that hour. Wliea with curious stitch the oft-eyd jilt WrouraTtaie heart of mine ta her crazy-quilt. While over the work was her head bent low. And I watched the silken devices grow, Tben T wooed ray love in such yen tie speech As 1 thought was surest her heart to reach: Aud uobody knowa the castles I built. All for her and me and the crazy-quilt. She raises those wonderful tender eyes Now toward my face In a vague surprise. On her cheek a flutter of softest pink: And the scattered silks of the carpet sink. Her lap is a tang-lc of floss and Kilt Ob it's all unheeded, thecrazy-oullt! And straightforward shines ia that wistful way The light of those wonderful eyes o' gray. The sweet lips a-tremble. my heart beau fast: The prize or my patient ia come at last: "When it'squirworn out,"(I wither!.! wilt!) May I have yourcravat for my crazy-quilt?' CuUi Hall in Puck. THE KIVAL PICNICS c How an Accident Settled Opposi tion and Led to a Wedding. THURSDAY, JDLT 4TH. OLOBIOUS! ANNIVERSARY OF INDE PKKDAXCE. The Mettiodtst Congregation of! Muldleburg will hold a First Class picnic at Clapp's hilL Brass band, ice cream, poem. Orration and Are works, meet at Mason's 2 p. u. Tickets 76 cts! Children H price. "There!" said Jul. Tully, as he affixed this notice to a post in Mason's store. "I bet that I'll fetch the hull village." Ed. was a muscular young wheel right of lively manners and social instincts. Reuben Applegate, the best carpenter in Middleburg, stepped back to survey the placard, and remarked, with the shy conceit of the true artist: "It looks well, if I did do it." "It.s'spleBdid.,,said Ed; "pood as print Bnt mum's the word, for if Holloway's folks know we're expectin' to make anything for our preacher, not one of 'em will buy a ticket, while, as it is, the young fellers might find the picnic a good, cheap treat for their girls. Hello, Mason!" as the store-keeper looked out through a little window and under the legend Postofuce "don't let on to Holloway's folks that we're raisin' money for Mr. Dodd." Then the young men went down the village street. Presently old Mrs. Crawford -and her pretty niece Abby dropped into the store' "Any letters for us, Mr. Mason? No? Whv it seems as though somebody had ought to write. Got any dark blue paper muslin? Why, sakes alive, Aiby" (as she spied the placard), "if Dodd's folks ain't going to give a picnic!" The store-keeper's gossipy -soul un derwent a moment's struggle; then he compounded with conscience bv saying, -Well, Miss Crawford,. I'll tell you, as a secret, we're raisin' mouey to buy Mr. 0odd a horse and buggy." Miss Crawford, who was a massively built and conscientious old lady, became at once very thoughtful, and in walking home she remarked: "When we need an organ so bad. if don't seem right to help Dodd's folks to get a horse and buggy. Don't you go to that picnic, Abby. "But, aunt," said Abby, "the picnic's no harm." "Abby," Miss Crawford answered, turning upon her niece a large, solid countenance that seemed to open up the whole subject of architecture, "ever since a certain person has come to Mid dleburg I've noticed you don't take se rious views of things." Abby flung her. little head away, and indulged ia that pain and privilege of youth called blushing. The girl, haying soft dark eyes, rich gold brown hair, and dainty skin, blushed uncommonly well, the pale rose of her cheek just deepening to a lovely carnation. "Oh, aunt!" she stammered, "you know Ire fused Dr. Worth, although I did love" the aunt turned that study in masonry upon her again "I did love his little daughter Mabel dearly." "Abby," said tho good' woman, "pas sionately dashing a tear from her hon est eyes. ''I'd rather see you dead and buried than married to "a "heathen, or, what's worse, an an Armenian. Miss Crawford's strange use of this last word was owing to a slight misun derstanding of Mr. Holloway, her pas tor, when, jn reference to the Methodist Church, he remarked mildly: "Mr. Dodd is rather too Arminian for me; rather too Arminian." Some of 'the congregation, not vested in theological terms, heard this with awe and horror, and easily changing a vowel, the word "Armenian" had be come a terrible cabalistic svnonym for all heresy and schism. Middleburg Ksscssed but two churches,, and thevil ra were pretty evenly divided be tween Mr. HoUowaw Presbyterian, and Mr. Dodd. Methodist. . The two gentle men entertained respect for each other, and although; Mr. Holloway being dig nified and scholarly and Mr. Dodd be ing free-spoken and familiar, there was no intimacy-be&ween them, neither sus pected that their congregations were nourishing a bitter rivalry. Miss Crawford, on recovering from her outburst against heterodoxy, chanced to meet the Sparks girls, . and she told them the news. "Picnic!" cried Maty Sparks, with proper spirit. "Horse and buggv for Mr. Dodd? Guess not." Let's have a picnic ourselves." - "A grand idea," said Miss Crawford; "but the horn is engaged, so is the drum. Whv, what'sleftforus?" " "I'll call mv brothers," said- Mary Sparks. She did so promptly, and the whole party proceeded to the school house to consult Mr. Godfrey, the teach er, a rather weak-eyed and weak-kneed young man, but one who had undoubted1 erudition. "Well turn out with our choir," he at once decided, "and we'll have a barrel of root-beer.- and I'll 'make a speech and if Dr. Worth wilMet us have little Mabel, she can recite 'The Drummer Boy." . e Miss Crawford, forgetting everything but her eagerness to further the glorious project? ordered her niece sharply, "Now, Abby, fly to Dr. Worth's and en gage Mabel. Bun, child, run!" Dr. Worth's, old housekeeper being away, the lonely widower was discus-; sing such, a cold meal asher bounty al lowed him, when he heard little knock at the front door.- On-opening it, he said, half sadly, half.jocosely, "Well, Abby,-have you changed your mind at last?" "Oh!" answered Abby, her cheeks turning a -ehade that would, bring the ?prize at a' flower show,--"suntsent9e." "wea, come in, anyway," said the doctor. t , " "Wherew'sere'a-tne housekeeper?" faltered Al, found herself ak,wiliMiriMsiorC-' - ;. "That reliable woman Is-TisitiMf her cCKui&'s sUp-fatfeer's grwnafsiothsr in the next town." answered the doctor, eravelv: "and this is my dinner Eointing to the table "cold pie, cold cans, cold ham, cold-tea. Oh, Abby" (and catching both her hands, he held them tight), "don't yoa think I need a little wife to look after me?" "Oh!" ejaculated Abby.'"ain't you awful?" "Yes, awfully in love, my dear," he answered, audaciously. The doctor was a farmer's son. and a good natural understanding, with a few vears of the medical school, had made him a clever man in his calling, without much flfcturbing the standard of taste that obtained upon the old farm; so a sweet country girl, without the repose of the Vere 3e Veres, was his ideal of womanhood. "Abby," he went on, "once for all, will you marry me?"' "No," answered Abby, struggling to be firm; "for I can't oh, I can't be wicked!" "Wicked?" repeated Worth. ''You've never been to church but once since you came to Middleburg, and then yon went to Dodd's and be's--he's" her voice sank to a horrified whisper "he's an Armenian." "Nonsense! he's a Yankee," said the doctor, looking puzzled. "But never mind. I'll sit under Holloway to please you. Abby. What's the difference?" "That's worst of all," cried the poor girl, in genuine distress. "Aunt says evervbody must have convictions." "Then I'm all right," answered Worth, with the ertinacity of the rural lover, "for I have the conviction that I love you." At the word he impulsively stepped toward her, and she. with a scared look, shrank away from him. The doctor then turned a little pale, and said, coldly: "I shall never trouble you again never." And when Abby hurriedly explained: "I wanted to ask if Mabel might come to our picnic on the Fourth," lie answered civilly: "Cer tainly; she's playing in the wood-shed," and "opening a door, he called: "Ma bel!" "Yes, father," answered a child's voice, and the sweetest, lightest, bright est little maid of seven years old came running in, and with a cry of joy sprang to Abbv's arms. "Oh" Abby!" she said, "have you come to live "with us? Do come and live with us. We could send away the house-keeper and have such fun. I love you so much, Abbv I ?ove you so much!" When Abby, having easily won the child over tb 'her plans, timidly asked Worth, "You will come to the picnic, too?" he refused. "No; I'm not in the mood .for such things," and he turned away from her. Before night Mason's store saw elab orately lettered in colored inks, this no tice: THKBUiTUDAYOF OUR VREATKATION Thursday. Jcia 4th. OHAND PICNIC. AT CuAPP'S HILL, by Ma. Holloway's Congregation. Glee" B8 urmg at a snipe, iiwhw,, tho? firearms is so dangerous that it is bidden within the city limits. Littj 0bjj-We notice in the Genoa Enter se that Miss Maggie Hcimbach is filing old acquaintances there ; that tnenes Pearsall put in the lowest bid knj building the Methodist church; the;t W. . Walton has moved into " new dwelling; that Hon. Horace ?4jjj Chase of Peoria, 111., lately ap "nted Sup't of the Indian Indus- gat4l School, has made Genoa a visit, to put up with an insult from roaainn w v, jr a "No," responded Rube. "Naw not much," growled Dave Brown. And just then Godfrey's pallid, nervous face appeared in the doorway, flanked by the broad, freckled countenances of "the Sparks fellars." "Hello!" shouted Brown. "I see a sneak." "Some young man must be looking in the glass," remarked Godfrey, while supporters raised a guflaw. "Say!" demanded Tully, striding up to Godfrey, "did you write that thing?" and he pointed to the offensive paper. 'I did; and I spelled it too." -Can you sped that?" asked Dave Brown, 'thrusting a brawny fist right under the school-master's nose. "Yes, r-o-w-dy," answered Godfrey; but, thanks to the tardiness of Dave's mental processes, other villagers had in terfered before the bitter retort had been fairly felt The Dodd faction retired, but meditate vengeance. Middleburg on the Fourth of July poured itself out in two streams, one set ting toward the store, the other toward the school-house. The processions well, they were something to see as by different roads they started for Clapp's HilL The Dodd party led by the great brass band, i. c, one French horn blowing off "Yankee Doodle" in style, while the drum now and then struck in with an Obligat: Behind the music rode the orator of the day Slocum, the shoemaker, mounted on farmer Day's old white mare, which, although a patient creature at the plow, was not friendly to a drum; so Slocum, being a careful man, kept one hand twisted in her mane' The orator wore a cocked hat. whieh was viciously in clined to-settle upon the top of his nose; he wore also an Odd-Fellow's scarf of gorgeous design, and 'the oration an enormous roll stuck out of his breast pocket Next strode Ed Tully and Uube Applegate, arrayed in the blue badges improvised in paper-muslin, but of generous proportions. Tnen came the ice-cream wagon, and, as a guard to it, Dave Brown's slouching strength, made conspicious by a grand sash of the national colors.' Behind him fell in a hundred of the village people two by two, old and young, hallooing boys and toddling babies, pretty girls and stocky, I low-browed farmers. At a certain cross-road the Holloway procession .came up and struck into the turnpike. As neither party would give way, the two marched along side by side, scarcely a furrow's-widtu between them. Little Mabel Worth, carrying a blue silk banner, headed the Holloway party. She was dressed in a white frock, and although the wreath in her hair was de signed by the village milliner, so stub bornly lovely is childhood that ine small creature, wide-eyed and serious witluthe importance oi toe occasion, looxea use some holy martyr child stepped out from an old picture. Even the Doddites re marked her beauty, and Ed. -Tully, in pure jealousy, directed the horn-blower: "Toot up now, first-class." But the Holloway merry-makers had a surprise in reserve. A dozen g&yly dressed girls, and a dozen young fellows with knots of ribbon in their hats, struck up the "Red, White, and Blue." School master Godfrey whippedfoat a" flute, a boy wielded aa aecerfieapoweriaUy. end a stalwart youth beat a large tin kettle with superb effect Dave Brown, of the opposition, turned mrple with rage, and yelled down the ine of his command: "Sing, yer fools! why don't yer sing?" But as this had not been laid down" in the programme, people only looked at each other sheep ishly, and nobody liked to begin. The whole Holloway line was now one great choir. Everybody sang at the top of his lungs. Godfrey, mounted astride the barrel of root-beer, which was made fast upon a-buckboard wagon,- led off the tunes with his shrill flute, while the colors of freedom streamed from his hat, and his heart rose high in triumph and pride. On went the two armies, exactly abreast until, just before reaching Clapp's River, that white mare took a notion to show her mettle. So the Dodd procession was delayed, and fully a dozen yards ahead of its van little Mabel put her foot upon the first plank of Clapp's Bridge. Over this bridge was the only way ox reaching (Jiapp s Hill, and the structure was hardly wide enough to take in the rival columns abreast Fiuding his party so far in ad-' vance, Godfrey, from his perch on the beer barrel, yelled: "We"ve got the right of way. Hurrah!" "No yer hain't," answered Dave Brown, urging his friends forward. "Say!" shouted Godfey, as the ex-, cited enemy ncared him, "keep Back, wpn't you? I don't believe in this bridge much." "Yah!" howled Brown in a fury. 'Yah! No you don't!" and encouraged his army with: "Don't let Holloway's folks beat us." "Don't give in, boys," and other battle-cries. "Keep back!" cried Goodfrey again. "The old bridge is rotten." "Think were green, don't yer?1 Dave flung the defiant answer, and with a spurt the lagging company came, alongside. The white mare kicked aud trampled bravely, the horn blared, the' young men of "the opposing factions elbowed each other, the girls exchanged "Oh, you horrid thing!" and such fem inine small-shot. The buck-board aud barrel had reached the center of the bridge: the ice-cream cart struggled along to the same point, and desperately tried to pass; the wheels of the two vehi cles became locked. Godfrey shouted. Brown jeered, the people pressed madly forward, and suddenly hark! a strange cracking sound, then a sickening, sway ing motion, a crash, and Clapp's Bridge with its burden of humanity has given away. There were wild cries, vain struggles, selfish graspings that dragged those at the edges into the pit which had opened; another and another support fell in, un til both gallant companies lay in the shallow river-bed. Except in the chan nel, which had a swift current, but was at this season only a few feet wide, the water was hardly knee-deep. Then the bridge was luckily a very low one; so, though bedraggled, scared, and bruised, the people soon stood up in great num bers, and began running about and cal- l?6Vor tneir fnenus and relations. Ine . ry answers, "Here we are!" and right!" came fasterand faster, and thene was so efficient in helping as big the? Brown, who had done most to ll 1 causing the disaster. At last he Tied out of the water with Abby, : BuCJier first cry was: "Mabel! where's depsl?" QOr!mebody had seen the child go down , ."he crash, carrying with her the er; but though nienjind boys did valuers among the timbers, and though &c.J" one else was accounted for, there trace of little Mabel. le distracted father came rushing. the e Spot, and plunged into the nar Omshannel. lie risked his life niadlv: he raised every fallen bcanl in t lie search; and after hours of vain labor he crawled up the bank, so white, so despairingly, that peop'e, in every awe of such grief, fell back. Abby alone came to him, saying, between bitter sobs: ""You trusted her to me. Oh! can you ever forgive me?" "My poor Abby!" said the doctor, tender and kind even in all his great sorrow. And as the mournful train moved away from the- fatal spot, Abby clung to his arm. The two ministers coming to meet their congregations, Mr. Dodd wrung Mr. Holloway's hand, and said, "My poor people have not understood me; I never dreamed df this wicked rivalry." Mr. Hollo. vay returned, earnestly: "Over this innocent child's body, when that cruel river gives it up, we must join hands,, and teach plainly that' brotherly love stands as the first "article of our belief." But, oh! what was to heal thatfather's broken heart? With a poor weeping E'rl clinging to him, the stricken man mt his steps towards his desolate home. With vacant, unseeing eyes be slowly passed by each familiar land mark the mill, the brook, the apple, orchard, the wicker gate that led to Brown's farm-house, then But just here a crv was heard of "Doctor! doctor!" Mrs. Brown came tearing down the garden walk, and dragged him with er to the house, and into the darkened best parlor. From the sota came' a faint voice: "Father!" and lying there, pale but safe and warm, was Mabel. Abby, with one great outburst of joy, clasped the child, and the persevering little maid asked at once "Won't you come and live at our house, Abby?" "Dave saved her," Mrs. Brown ex plained, volubly, "fle spied a bit of the blue silk banner floatin' a'most out of sight 'way down that river channel. He made for it got a holt of the child, just cut across lots, and brought her up here. Dear sus! she's only just come to, I couldn't leave her alone to come "and tell you, and Dave he wouldn't show himself nohow, and " "Where is Dave?" interrupted the doctor. "Dear suslhe's in the barn a-cryin,' he feels himself such a villain," said the excited mother. nun great rejoicing tne whole com- Eany went to hunt up the hero' of the our. He lay in an empty stall, face down, upon a pile of hay and could just manage to jerk out, "I won't never put the "fellers up to no more mischief, if if them as-is hurt can forgive me." Then, the village bully shed tears copiously on the barn floor, and bellowed aloud, until by main force he was picked up and comforted; so there have been known to history vil lains of much deeper dye than Dave "Brown. Though there were several broken bones and a great many bruises, on-the whole the experience of the rival pic nics was worth a library of sermons, and it led to a famous wedding, at which little Mabel wept about proclaim ing, "Abby's coming to live at our house." Fanny Foster Clark, in Har per's Bazar. Tea culture in Cevlon is making headway. The crop this yeart if eats' Bated at 3,600,000 pounds. FIRST National Bank! coiauacBtr neb. Aitkoriied CaniUl, - - $250,000 Paid It Capitol, - 60,000 Sarplns aid Profits, - - 13,000 OFFICKRS AND DIBTCCTORS. A. ANDERSON, Preset. SAM'L C. SMITn, Vice Preset. O.T. ROF.N, Cashier. J. VT. EARLY, HERMAN OEHLRICH, TV. A. MCALLISTER, G. ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans. ipirayss cards. D. T. M ABTYN, M. D. F. J . SCHUO, M . D. . Drs. MAETYN&SCHUG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeons. UniohPacific, O., N. & B. II. and It. & M. R. R's. Consultations in German and English. Telephones at office and residences. prOffice over First National Rank. COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. 42-y C. I. I'VAKN, 91. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SUIiGEON. "QTOflice and rooms, Gluck building, 11th street. Telephone communication. . -"y HOMCEOPATHIST. Cfcroaio Disease aad Diseases of Ckildrem a Specialty. tarOflicc on Olive street, three doors north of First National Bank. 2-ly W. 91. COR-";S. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE. Upstairs Ernst building 11th street. r J. CJAKLOW, Collection Att'y. SPECIALTY MADE OF BAD PAPER. Office with J. G. IHggins. 34-Sra TT J. HVIMOII, NOTABY PUBLIC. 2th Street, 2 doors west of lUatMOad Howie, Columbus, Neb. 491-y jT CJ. REEDER, A TTOBNET AT LA W, Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska 2-tf 9IOXEY TO LOAN. Five years' time, on improved farms with at least one-fourth the acreage under cultivation, in -sums representing one third the fair value or the homestead. Correspondence solicited. Address M.K.TURNER, fi0-v Columbus, Nebr. V. A. MACKEN, PKALKK IX Foreign ami Domestic Liquors and Ci yars. llth street, Columhiit, Neb. RO-y -VrpA-LI'lNTEK HKON., ATTOBNEYS A T LA W, Office- np.stairs in McAllister's build ing, llth St. W. A. McAllister, Notary Public. JOHN T1MOTHV, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Keeps a full line of stationery aud !chool supplies, aud all kinds of legal forms. Iusurcs against fire, lightning, eyclone and tornadoes. Office in Powell's Block, Platte Centei. 19-x J. H. MACFAKLAND, B. K. COWDKRY, Attorsiy and HoUry PnW e. C:Uctor. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK . M ACPABUiAND & COWDBRx. Columbus, : : : Nebraska. J. J. 91 AUG 11 AN, Justice, County Surveyor, Notary. Lantl and Collection Ayent. Parties desiring survevin'r done can notify me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb. fil-tim "P 11. RVSCIIK, llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whins, Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks, realises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage trimmings, &c, at tne lowest possible prices. Repairs pn mptly attended to. TA9112S HAL-flON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. 52 Cmo. R. DEPUTY CO. SURVEYOR. Will do general surveying in Platte and adjoining counties. Office with S. C. Smith. QOLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 17-tf JS. MURDOCK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Havehad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunitytoestimateforyou. "STShop on 13th St., one door "west of Friedbof & Co's. store. Columbus. Nebr. 483-v O. O. STTAT-NTOJST MANCTACTUHER OF Till and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-.Work, Roofing and Gutter ing a Specialty . . IShop on Olive Street, 2 doors north of Brodfeuhrer's Jewelry Store. 40-y G W. MARK LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, HUMPHREY, NEBR. His lands comprise some fine tracts in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north ern portion of Plette county. Taxes paid for noB-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 20 y COAL LIME! J.E..N0RTH&C0., -DEALERS IN Coal, Cement. Kofk Spiig Coil, $7.00 per tei Carbon (Wye-aii-) Coal 6.00 " El.lon (Iowa) Coal 5.00 " Blacksmith Coal of beet quality al ways on hand at low eat prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NBB. 14-3m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, S AML C. SMITH, Ag't. AND ISTI have a large number of improve d Farms for sale cheap. Also unimproved farming and grazing lands, from ft to $! per acre. U3TSpecial attention paid to making linal proof on Homestead and Timber Claims. "ETTA 11 having lands to sell will tliul it to their advantage to leave them in my hands for sale. Money to loan on farms. F. H. Marty, Clerk, speaks Gcrmau. 30-tf Columbus, Nebraska. LOUIS SCHREIBER, II All kinds of Repairing done oa Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Abo sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. rShop opposite the " Tattersall," on Olive St.. COLUMBUS. 26-ni 13. A. FOWLEIt, ARCHITECT, 150S Titus St., OMAIA, 11X8. B. JtWrl PLANS AN1 SPKCIKICATIONS 1'URNISIIF.D for all kinds ot Public Buildings aud Private Dwellings. Architect of Willard Block, Child's Hospital, Residence of Hon. J. M.Thurston, Residence of Hon. John I. Redick, Omaha; Residence of Hon. G. W. E. Dorsey, Masonic Hall, Fremont, Neb; Residence of C. C. Crow ell, Esq., First National Bank, Blair, Neb; Residence of Tho. Bryant, First National Bank, Schuyler, Neb., and ma nv others. 43-mt" tn presents given away. Send us 5 cents postage, ivuv anu iy man you win gei free a package of goods of iarire value, mat win siari you in worK iuti win ai once bring you'in money faster than any thing else in America. AH about the $200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay, H. Hal lktt & Co., Portland, Maine. piAflPOE-LL Ac MT. CX.AIK, DEALERS IN !Rags and Iron ! The highest market price paid lor rags and iron. Store in the Bubacb building, Olive st., Columbus, Neb. 15-tf NOHlMBUG! But a Grand Success. R P. BRIGHAM'S AUTOMATIC WA- terTrough for stock. He refers to every man who has it in use Call on or leave orders at George Yale', opposite Oehlrich's grocery. -6m AT)Tf TryiTI Send six cents for I 111 I A hi postage.and receive -1- J-WXJJ-J. free a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Truk & Co., Augusta, Maine. 1tTOTICE TO TEACHERS. J. B. Moncrief, Co. Supt., Will be in his office at the Court House on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to schools. 667-y TJAMILTO-! MEADE, M. Ik, PHYSICIAN. ANDSUR GEON, Platte Center, Nebraska. 9-y. General Real bttii nl W aimer moo nun TAKEN DOWN. aw tit Old Gatlfuaa Tk ttk Starcfl est of Seir-Safltoieat YHiUr. The youth had been patronizing the young ladies by vouchsafing choice bits of his superior wisdom. '-You remem ber what Coesar said when he was about to cross the Rubicon?" said the old gentleman. --Certainly," replied the youth, with a careless glance of pity at the young ladies, who of course could sot be expected to know everything that la man knows. "And of course you are 'equally familiar with the life of Peter the Hermit?' continued the old gentle man. "I should say that I-was," re plied the young man quickly, but not without a 'slight! v troubled look in his face. "And bcniiramide." the old gen tleman went on, "you recall bis famous saying?" "Yes," gasped the youth,. wishing that the old gentleman might be struck with apoplexy as soen as con venient. "I'm glad you remember it," said the old gentleman, with animation, "for I've clean forgotten it. Now, if you'll be kind enough, and no doubt the the ladies woald hear it also." The youth by this time wished that the old gentleman had died in infancy, and 'as for the young ladies, he couldn t help thinking how much better it would have been had they never been born. "By 'the way," pursued the old gentleman, .seeing "the youth hesitate, "who was Seniiramide? lie had something to do with tho last Franco-Prussian war, -hadn't he?" "Yes, oh yes," replied the youth, catching at the bait with eager ness, while something like a giggle was passed around among the young ladies, as if it were a paper of cara mels. "And Peter the Hermit was instrumental in bringing about a peace at the close of that struggle?" "Yes." The youth said this very faintly. "But Caisar held outand marcliua his shat tered force into the Wallachiau princi pality?" "That's the way-1 remember it," roplied the youth, with a despera tion born of despair. Then the old gen tleman looked at the young ladies, who were engaged in stuffing their mouths full of pocket-handkerchief, and then he looked at the youth and exclaimed: "Ah, sir, how I envy you your stores of knowledge! What a comfort you must. be to your parents!" Then the youth(i gin up anu went out into me ciiceness night, and cussed the old gentleman be hind his back. And the young ladies laughed iu unison, but the noise of their laughter was overborne by the merry peals of the old gentleman. Boston Transcript. LARGE WAISTS. Cossyressur m Sin Acalavt Ilumaaltjr and It Maker. Women who have the livings to earn must encounter severe competition, and they will never receive consideration be cause they arc women. They must ex cel in order to be successful. Excellence implies strength not spasmodic, nerv ous strength, which makes an effort 'once in a while, under extraordinary pressure, but the strength which can turn ott daily work without excessive fatigue the strength which leaves the eye still bright and the step elastic after a long day behind the coiinter, over the sewing-machine, at the desk, at the easel, in the kitclmn. iu the school-room. Such strength as this does not go with a small wmist. From the nature of things, it can never unless it has been pointed out iu exceptional cases be found in women with' small waists. Strong back and abdominal muscles muscles which can do their work with out the deadly props of steel and whale bone now so universally worn a large digestive capacity, a rapid and utterly unobstructed 'low of the blood in the veins and the arteries these are some of the requirements of health and strength. And these things take up room. In most women God has given room for these organs and thir pro cesses, but it is reduced and contracted in order to make the waist appear small. In the name of honorable labor; of healthy aud happy infancy and child hood; of' intelligent, high-minded wo manhood; of every tiling that is beautiful and worth having for women in this world, we plead for the scorned, the condemned large waist. Give your body room. It is a sin against humani ty and its Maker to compress your waist. Philadelphia Pie-s. A Cat' Head. The Connecticut cat is continually doing queer things. A few uights ago a Norwich (Com!) young man dreJined that he was stripling witli burglars and awoke in a cold perspiration. He listened and thought he heard a stealthy step coming along the veranda roof under his window. The foot-fall sud denly stopped, and was followed by a sharp clinking sound, accompanied by sneezing and spluttering. Silently the young man slipped out of bed, got his revolver from the bureau, cocked it, and went to the window. Suddenly throwing open the blinds he thrust his weapon out, prepared to kill a burglar. Instead of a midnight robber he saw a black animal crouchingon the roof, oae end terminating in a stiff, erect tail and the other in something that looked like a small stove-pipe. It was a cat with an empty condensed meat cjin on her bead. She hail found it in the yard. Cut it on, and she couldu't get it off. luring the night she had awakened half the families in the village thumping the can against doors aud windows and ve randa roofs. Each family supposed they had to do with burglars. Nor wich Bulletin. Old Beliefs. A remarkable icstance of the tenacity of old beliefs among an ignorant class lately occurred not very far from Cal cutta. The i'-cu that the Brituli Gov ernment ahvas 'icgau every with human sacrifice wm long current among the lower orders of the Iud'uu people, but it might be .'imposed thai it had aied out long ago. It appear, how ever, to be as strong as ever. The boat men on the Ganges near Rajmehal somehow came to believe that the Gov ernment required 100,000 human heads as the foundation for a great bridge, and that Government officers were go ing about the river in search of heads. A hunting party, consisting of four Eu ropeans, happening to pass in a boat, were set upon by 120 boatmen, with the cry of "Gulla Katta," or cut-throats, and only escaped with their lives affei' the greatest difficulty. The men were arrested, and thirty-one of them sen tenced te terms of from one to thret? months'' imprisonment. Sometimes a mas is able to carry a aigh bead simply beaaaas tiers is bs iagiait &f.2HHMi RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL.. Brooklyn has only one church to every 2.624 inhabitants less than aay other city in the United States. The late Robert Treat Paine, of Boston, bequeathed $50,000 for the en dowment of a chair of practical astron omy at Harvard college. Nineteea Suaday-schosls are osn aected with the Loadoa Church, at' which the Rev Newman Hall is pastor., and these schools at -present contain in all 5.000 children.' There are three Presbyteries La South Carolina, composed almost ex clusively of colored people, and in con nection with ths Northern Assembly. It is thought that the erection of a synod ia South Carolina must shortly be ths re sult". The Presbyterisas., according- s a correspoadent of the Scottish-Amti iemm , Journal, have determined to establish a church in every New England city where there is a sufficient element which has been educated ia the Presby terian faith. lT-4'hstv:or-istar':radsass-i - at West Paint this year were: Knaa, Kentucky; Craighill, at large; O'Brien. Massachusetts; WUIcox, Georgia; and Cele, Illinois. This class numbers thirty-nine. The orignal number was ninety-seven. The class of 1886 num bers eighty-two. "For au obvious reason I will dis miss the congregation and dispense with the communion service." said Rev. Dr. Leonard, rector of the Episcopal Church ' at Fairfield. Cenn., on Sunday last, as, at the first sounds of the organ, thou sands of bees swarmed out of the roof, where they had gone into tho honey making business. Haverford College, near Philadel phia, an institution under the care of the Orthodox Friends, is made the re-" siduarv legatee of the estate of the late Jacob P. Jones, of Philadelphia. The bequest will amount to half, and per "haps three-quarters of a million. It is made in memory of an only son, who was a graduate of the college. In the death of Rev. Daniel D. Whedon, D. D., at Atlantic Highlands, N. J., the Methodist Episcopal Church loses one of its brightest ornaments. An accomplished scholar, a good writer, . an able Biblical commentator, he was more than all a devout and humble Christian. The world is better because he lived and labored in it; and surely n higher eulogy could be passed on aay man thaa that Ine latest declaration of independ ence has been made in tne Friendly Is lands, where the King, the Court and 11,090 adherents of the Wesleyaa Meth odist Church, have severed themselves from the New South Wales Conference . and formed the Independent or Free Church of Tonga. The grievance is that the New South Wales Confer ence woultl not consent to transfer them to the New Zealand Conference. WIT AND WISDOM. Timid buyer Is the horse shy or timid? Ardent seller Not a bit p't it. Why, he sleeps all alone in his stable. Boston Beacon. It is the fashion to name children after flowers in Virginia. That is proba bly because they all start out as Virginia creepers. Pittsburgh Chronicle - Tele graph. One'of wise Dr. Franklin's wise say ings was: "Itijf the eyes of others that rum us." It is a good thought to "chew on" 'and also to act on in these hard times. N. Y. Independent. Teacher Of what is the ocean com posed? Boy Of salt water. Teacher Why is the water of the ocean salt? Boy Because so many salt codfish swira about in it, I suppose." Texas Sifting. "I have here a letter directed to the prettiest woman in the house," announc ed the preaidentess of a woman's con vention. Four reporters oa the front seat were trampled to death in the rush for the speaker's stand. Merchant Traveler. We judge others by their faults and ourselves by our virtues. This is not righteous judgment, perhaps: but with out some such arrangement, it would be difficult to discover, as we now do, that we are ever so much better than our neighbors. Boston Herald. "Do you know a man by the same of Legion?' inquired Dumley of a friend. "Legion? No. I never heard of Lttii." "Jenkins told me last night that I had been called the biggest fool jackass on earth, and when I dem unfed the man's name he said it was Legion. I'm looking for him." Purk. A lady who has been abroad was describing some of the sights of her trip tg her friends. "But what pleased me as much as anything." she concluded, "was the wonderful clock at Strasburg." "Oh, how I should love to seeit!" gush ed a pretty young woman in pink. "I am so interested in such things. And did vou see the celebrated watch on the Rhine, too?" Drake's Magazine. "Why, Mr. Fogg," urged the land lady, "you are not eating anything. Come, now, try one of mv nice biscuits. "Thank you. ma'am,'f replied Fojg, "but when 1 was child I was told never to ask for anything I didn't see on the table." The landlady remarked to the servant, after tea, that she wondered what Mr. Fogg meant; something hate ful, she'd bo bound- Boston Transcript. Teacher Now, young ladies, we ..come to the subject iu moral philosophy known generally as "the kiss." Miss Rubylips, if a young man should at tempt to kiss you how would you act? Miss Rubylips I should act -n the de fensivegive him as much fight as pos sible and eventually surrender. "Whv would you give him so much trouble?" "To make him more apprechtive. The fiercer the battle the sweeter the victory." Philadelphia Cull. -- The Consequences if he Got Left. "I would like," said the timid lover to the maiden who had just accepted him, "I would tike, since we can not marry at once, to keep our engagement a secret for the present." "Why?" asked the astonished damsel. "Well, the fact is my parents would disown me " "Disown yon Am I not worthy to be their daughter? Is my family not as good as jours? Am I not t --One moment, darling, one little mo ment. You are mistaken." "Mistaken? I would not marry you L" "Stay, I implore you. You, myewn, are better than I. Von are rich; I am ror. My parents would disown me I got left this time-" San Tyaww'ssf ChrmjcU: L si-fcs- aaV ftaK raaTmi r-w-wm