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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
girtorfcsl Society . * - * * * Ih ? VALENTINE I. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , JANUARY 7 , 1909. Volume 23 , No. 52 r ' ! -j to the r / , i < : and buy a present A nice Chair or Piece of Furniture for your wife , mother , sister or sweetheart. We have the largest and best line of Rockers and Jv l F in Cherry county. Also Nickle Plate , Copper and Silver Plated Ware , Pie Servers , Chaffing Dishes , Pudding Dishes and Fancy Dishes of all kinds. Call and see them. Red F ere. o. We have just received a large line of Men's Pants , all sizes and prices ; also Ladies Suit § Waist Goods A big reduction price on Misses' § Children's Coats Our winter line is complete. Gall and see our sample line of Fur Overcoats. PHONE 97 , \ Eureka ROBERT McQEER , Propr. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , * Spring Hill , and 27xyeatvold and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. government P ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un Pa excelled for family and medical use. a . ! > Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness 's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska Read the Advertisements Bliss Wertz. At high noon , Thursday , Dec. 31 , 1908 , occurred a very pretty wedding at the home of Wm. WerU and wife , five mill s west of rook ton , celbating the marriage - riage of their daughter , Bertha Alice , to Clarence Bliss. Both these young people are well and favorably known through out the community , the groom be ing the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bliss of Crookston , and the bride is the second eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mis.Vertz. . About thirty-six relatives and near friends were present to wit ness the ceremony and afterwards to partake of a bountiful repast. Many valuable and useful pres ents were received , including arti cles of china , silver and glassware and furniture and linen. Miss Hilda Green pla.\e.i the Wfdiing march lor iliu bridal procession. Rev. Magill performed the cere mony. Walter Wertz , brother of the bride , acted as groomsman and Miss Olive Bliss , sister of the groom , waited upon the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bliss go to housekeeping with the best wishes of their many friends , at the groom's ranch , three miles east of Kilgore , Breezy Summit. One week's vacation at Breezy Summit , which will be enjoyed by the children. Mr. and Mrs. Red fern and son and Mrs. McGuier spent New Year's evening at Mr. Groves' . * Mr Red fern is going to batch and feed cattle soon. He is a very good cook. Christmas trees were thick and good programs were rendered. I suppose yon know that Claude Baker has a fine boy. Clara Groves has been very sick but is recovering rapidly. Mr. Herron and wife wore at iVlr. Greenaugh's New Year's eve. Mr. Lotspich is feeding a large bunch of cattle this winter. Toot and Bill is not dead yet but may be before another New irear. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be held as follows : Tn Crookston on Sunday , Jan. 10 at 10 a. m. sharp , Tn Valentine , Sunday , Jan. IT ; high mass and sermon at 10 a. m. , Benediciion with the Blessed Sac rament after mass. Instruction for the children at 3 p. m. LEO M. BLAERE , Rector. ( Crete Democrat. ) The senate is in a rage at the in sults hurled at it by the eratic message man , and has adopted a resolution instructing the commit tee on appropriations to investi gate and report what the presi dent has been doing with the sec ret service force and money. They had better investigate the Friar land deal in P. I. and the treaty with England as to the Alaska boundary dispute. Roosevelt is the most extrava gant spender ever in public office in this country. He don't seem to care whether it is a million or a billion , so it will make a display of doing something. His propo sition to spend § 500,000,000 on inland waterways is one of the fool notions we have seen much of the last 60 years and very small returns , except in two or three Special cases. j PER BOX If SEE OUR Window Display OF THIS STUFF Contest Notice. U. S. Luid : Office. Broken How. N December 1. 11)03 ) \ A sufficient contest affidavit liavum been lil'-il in t iis ollietj by Baiter W. Teeter , run estant , . itMinst Hoiiif.eteul entrv No. aioG. made .lane 29 19iM. for nne. nwso , sv.eitinn 27 ; mv , IH-SW , ssv. . section 2i > . UmnsliipM , ran e 34 , by David II Sweeney cont-ste" . inhirh it is nlleired tliat said cKiiniMit lias never resined upon , ctrtivated or improved > aid trac" lor in tie. than s > months iHit paT : tli.u lie lias wholly a > aiulotiHU s me. ami thai rlum nc niiiintains a residence. elsu\vlier ijian "ii Mini traci. that all thw ahov- alleged detects exist atf.tlm d.ite and have not been cured. Said parties are. hereby notified to app ar respnud and offer evidence touchum sai alle a- t on at 10 o'clock a. in. on .January 19. 1909 l.e- t'oro J. II. Weiton , U. S. Commissioner. Mullen \ebr. , and that the final hearing will b" held at in o'clock a. in. on .laninry 21 ! . liOl ! > . be fore the ivpster ami receiver at the Un'ted State land Office m Broken How. ebia-ka. T'le sain contestant navintr , in : ipnper .tffi davit lied Novmiiiier 2S.lJU- > ---t foit.i . fits \\htch show that rt'tT due uuuenee - . . > er\iceof 'ihis notice cannot be in ae , it is hereby ordered and directe l th.i Mien notice be uiven bv duo ami piopr-r { 'ubhcaiion. - ) ° > 4 Hpd UAKIUS A3isM5KiuY , Ilifc MV Sheriff Sale. I5y virtue of an order of s-ile issued by f he I'lrrk of the distiict court of them. Co. . Iseb- laska , December 15 , 190S unuer a derive of mortgage lon-closnre wherein Fredi-rick H. Schuhz was riaintilf and K. M. CU > ton and Pearl Clajton , his wife , C S. Wonvst ami KlU 1 > Vone t , iu > > wife I'earee and Nor.t Pearce , his \ \ lie , and Charles \ \ 01 rest were de fendants. I will tell at the front door of the court house in Valentine. ( Jtierry coiin'y. Nebr.isk.i. that beiiin the Linldiuu where n the Ust teim or said court was n M. on the 30Ui < iay ot Uio't. at 10 o'clock A. M. t < > satisfy judmnenr f $19023 ! ) aiitiiiitereat at 10 per en t Ir.un date ol judgment November 24th , I'Jt.'S and costs taxed at ? 21 b5 ami ac'TiniiK ' c > bts. ; tt i-nDlie auction , to the Inghes biddt r , torcM-h. the loliounif ; described juoperty , to-wit : I'll' ' Siinthfast Q lanerot s.-etun < : . Tuw.-hip 33i.Uao e 31 , in Clier'cuiintv. . Nelu-tishd. U.tied this USth d iy of ! ) cumber lms : T A Kosseter , Mierih" . King ic IJittne'si n'l. . , X-b 51 5 Attornej ioi i-laintill. Contest Notice. U.S. Land Office , \ralenin : . Jann.iry2 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit having be'ln lite i. in this office by .Murk ( ' . Stf w irl. c mes ant. aitist homestead ci'try No 19Wil ; ( , made June ! > . 1908 , lor \ vJNl M. K N\\ . N .t N\\'H section 26 ; XK'i li section-J7 Town- shui30. ItatiKu 3lk bv .lo-eph Hroaun. co > te-.ret- i which it is alu-m-d that .Fi se li Kroaun as never estabbslied residence u on t'i land .nice filing upon .vunu. ami lii his f ii ed teen en e his aches up to this dat . S.ud parties ; ! heieby o-ii"d ! to anpear , responu and ( .Her evidence touching s.n.iaile a- ti in at 10 o'clock a. in "U i'ebrn irv l.t li)09 ) before the tumstur and receiver at the United Sta es Laid Ullice inral ntim ; . iNebr Tlirt s lid coniestdtit b tvm in a pmpur atll- dait filed J.iniury 2,1909s t t .rth facts wincii show itiaf. i ltrr due diimence se VICH ol this notice cannot bo nude it tsheie > y--rd red - ed and diiected ti at such notice be iven by due and pp pcr pubiicat on. Si 4 K K. OLSON1. KecMvr. ( Contest Notice , U. S. Land Office. Valentino. Neraska , t .I.inu try 2 , lJW ! ( , \ A sullicieiit contest aftidavi' having been ! ii in tins ouue by Divid .S. I'iiup * " i , con e-ti t agAins" " Homestead entry M > 937201177 mule June 4. 1S103. tor N KVj , M S * H SK i A' # . H'Ction 13 ; VE'-tN v if. becti n. 21. tonntinp 25. range30 , by Minnie lluilburt. C'lut - stein" wlueli U is alleged th tt biiil : MInniu Ilnlimrt hac never establnnul re ul nee up u thf I ind sit ce filiai'upon same , and Mij hi > failed to cure her Indies up o Iliih d ite > aid partU'-i ate hereby i otilie t to appo ir iv- snond and offer evidence toiic'ua > iil 11 lega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Kel > 13. 1OJ ! ) Pc- fore the rtvister and retvivcr .it the Uuitea States Land olllce , Valentine. Nehr.isk.i 'ihe said cent slant UAV n , in a proper alll- divir , tiled Jan 2. 190U. B-t torth ta.'ts whn-h > liow that after U-i. ; diligence persO .al . service of this notice cannot be ni.i'ie , it ib here.iy . ordered an 1 < lirecied ibat s icu uotice oe giveu by due and proper pub'icdUoa. E 52 4 R. OLSN. . IJe eiver. The Tekamah Journal is ' 'play ing hoss" when it says Bryan has j the influence to force the incoming legislature to take up and pa s a good county option bill. " And if he should do this von- thing the Journal would probably bo on of the first to shout about Bo-s Bryan and Bossism. The republican platform makers woukl not D ARE to evrn mention county option , and now for a republican paper to tell what Bryan should do takes the cake. Lyons Mirror. We sell farming- implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. NEBRASKA. ROOKSTON , MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER FVFRYTHiWG. Ofaurter d as a St to BanK as tt IS ! tutorial .Bank Juri' 1 , 1384. August 12 , 1902 , Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) APiTAIi PAID IN A Goneritl Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTnTT > T.soNr. Dashiar. - 5233 53E ! 3 S c iSE 3a k k Cigars. § Canned Good Lunch Counter. I I _ f 4 Phone Home Bakery. \ ? & 25Z&S2m * i "ZSZZ32&L Jju'S. Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. . . . \Vill buy your Cattle , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anythinir you have to sell. S A Valentine , Nebraska , I has received a complete line of new , high grade I I and Winter Goods , \ which are being offered at the lowest prices possible - \ b. i sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. | Prices are within the reach of all and plainly marked - 2 I ed on every article. One price to everybody. I52E2 ! : 2 3 r L n T ,