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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1909)
leal Society fi\stot \ wr-f i [ . M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , JANUARY M , 1909. Volume 24 , No. 1 vsrtaxi ! ! a present A nice Chair or Piece of Furniture for your wife , mother , sister or sweetheart. We have the largest and best line of Rockers and in Cherry county. Also Nickle Plate , Copper and Silver Plated Ware , Pie Servers , Chaffing Dishes , Putiding Dishes and Fancy Dishes of all kinds. Call and see them. root < > s * "We have just received a large line of 9 * all sizes and prices ; also Ladies Suit K Waist Goods A big reduction price on Our winter line is complete. Call and see our sample line of Fur Overcoats. PHONE 97 , ROBERT McGEER , Propr. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , : ' ; \ Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , ' \ Spring Hill , and 27 year < 'old and Jas. E. Pepper , O , F , C Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov I ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported % Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale. Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer. | Valentine Nebraska ffjy Read the Advertisements IN SWEET nCMEMIUlANCE OF MILS. A11I1IE KICE-THACKKEY "We shall iniss 3-011 , gentle Abbie , Miss you f'-om the place 3-011 always fill ; Miss . -ou in the little home By the lake upon the hill. We shall long for your dear presence , But I fear we'll long in vain , For will you ne'er return dear heart To your home upon the plain ? O , mcthinks I see you darling On a dark and starless night , With a crown upon your forehead And your dress of - nowwhite - Looking down upon your loved ones , Husband and little children , four , Broken hearts and tear-stained faces. Not as happy as before. And I hear the children wailing ; See the face of little Lee , With his baby hands uplifted. Sobbing , "Mother , Gentle Mother , come to me. " See again your dying bedside. As cold death bedimmelour sight ; Hear you murmur , "O. I'm freezing , " And the stars were shining bright. Near the old home at Manhattan , Where you were made a happy bride , Now you are sleeping , gentle Abbic , By 3'our aged father's side. But your spirit is bounding onward. And 3'ou're safe within the fold. Where Hewers biOjui and never wither , And God is life and light , we're told. At the gates we'll llnd you waiting. Beaming with love in God's holy light ; Where there will be no more sorrow , Or pale hands on the lillies white. Vera Latta. Killed and Robbed. The. mo > t horrible crime ever committed in this county was the murder of C. W. Massingaie , of Valentine , , in an alley south of the public school building in this city , on the night of D c 23. Lie was shot in the cheek , near the nose , and apparently instantly killed and was robbed of possibly $150 or 8-200. The body was found next morning by M. Milton of this city. Coroner Dr Tom Pinion h > ld an inquest over the dead man , after summoning a jury. Tli body was Chipped to \ \ \ < homo m the 26 Hubert Mo Williams ac companied the remains The jury adjourned until Tuesday and is si.ill in session as we go to press. They are b'.hiti-l closed doors and n > ihmg is known of their pro ceedings. iVext morning , Le L Comb- , a farmer south of the city , \va arrested on suspicion and is lodg ed in jail awaiting investigation. Our citizens are much incensed over the brutal murder and rob bery and everything possible will be dons to bring to justice the guilty party. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney , Judge Neil C. Marsh , is repre senting the State in the. mat.ter , while Mon II. C. Powell of Camden - den , and E. O and J KIihony and A. P. McHahan of this city , are. employed in the defense of Combs. As we go to press the coroner's jury adjourned and rendered the following verdict in susbstanco : " \Vefind that C. W. Massingaie came to his death by a pistol hhot inflicted by one Lee L. Combs. " Comb's waived examination and i-i still in jail Eldorado ( Ark. ) Times , Dec 31 , 1908. A Business Change. A deal was perfected Saturday , fan. 2 , whereby the management of the Burton Independent passed into the hands of William E Boyd and Clinton B. Barrick Tne new firm is well and favorably known tnroughout the county. As to their newspaper ability we are un able to vouch for , but they no doubt will make the Independent a bright , newsy medium. The Herald extends congratulations to the new firm and wishes thr-m suc cess and prosperity in this new enterprise. L. C. Wakeman , formorlv of the Independent , has accepted a position on the Herald. pringview Herald. Dr. Meehan , osteopath , at the Donoher hotel , Monday , Wednes- Hay and Friday each week. 52 and Stylish Colors Remember values up to $2.50 all next week at $1.49. SEE OUR 1 Window Displaj- OF THIS STUFF Takes His Life and Money From Eldorado ( Ark. ) Times. Dec. 31. In all the experiences through out my lifo , never have I heard of a crime committed so dirty , so low down , so cold blooded , as the one. committed last Wednesday night in the alley , near Wesson avenue , whereby Mr. C. W. Mas- singale of Valentine. Neb. , was shot dead and robbed of his monT - n . \T . Quite a few of 11 = 3 knew Mr. Massingaie and had found him to be a perfect gentleman. As a ci-iizen , no one feels' worse hurt over this tragedy than I. For Mr. Massingale's family and friends at his home , they have my sympathy and I sincerely trust the outside world will not hold El Dorado responsible for this out rageous crime , but that we were unfortunate to have such a char acter in our midst without our knowledge. As a law abiding citizen I urge that every effort possible be ex erted by our officers and citizens to run down the right man , IF IT KK POSSIBLE , and when this party is proven guilty , may our courts administer the law to its full limit. The state of Arkansas does not record a law that would amply punish the disreputable , dirty scoundrel that took the life of a good man and a welcome visitor , as was Mr. Massingaie. And for the comfort of Mr. Massingale's loved ones and friends , tlvxt the state of Arkansas cannot bring bick Mr. Massingale's life , but it can bring the man to justice that took his life a-ray. CITIZEN. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be hold as follow * : In "Valentine , Sunday , Jan IT ; high mass and sermon at 10 a m , Benediction with the Blessed Sac- rarnent after mass. Instruction for the children at 3 p. m. Lr.o M. BLAKIIK , Kector. Beeezy Summit. G. E. Lydiatt and wife have a daughter. Mrs. Greenaugh's baby is pr > t ; ty sick. J. C. McXameo was a caller at Mr. Groves recently. Roy Waggoner is going to trap on the Red fern swamp. Silas Tart is staying xvith his grand parents and going to school at Breezy Summit. Wanted 150 head of cattlito feed this winter , nine miles south west of Arabia. E D TIIYON- , Woutilake , Nub. fJ-O We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. f'ROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. ViERTEL. PV-RYTHiMG. < 5bHiora KH u Wt - < e Hani ub a. rv'utiouil Hank .Inn 1 , 1884. AuKust 12. 1002 , TM 11 * -i- J- * B3 i ff'3 as ? & as ditf Valentine , N a braska. ( Succea-or to ) AFiTAL. i'AID IJM A General 5.000. Exfihur.jre and . . . CnlWtion Business. 0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NfmoT.rtO\\ "S ! 3 Z r r CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. 9 9N I Canned Goods ZC3C Lunch Counter. i , r ' * Phone ? Bakery. > :2 2 - : o.i-a . . \ > - - > * tt \ . * - i . i n JTii 1 -C 7V U > .W.W Stetter & Tobien , Props. and Salt Meats. . . . IVill buy your Catt.lo , IIo , % if:27fc5 ] : Sf t I Poultry. Hors.-s . , M.ilos . and any thin if you hive : to j Valentiae , Nebraska , VI 5 ; VII I has received a cojiplate line of new , high grade I 1 | 1C- & D and Winter Goods , ' which are being offered at the lowest prices posr \ sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. . Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark- § g ed on every article. One price to everybody. n ilL"a lf ! RAT $ ilL sin 1 , \