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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1908)
Historical Sodtty T rr rri J j. [ . M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 31 , 1908. Yolumo 23 , No. 51 , 'v A nice Chair or Piece of Furniture for your wife , mother , sister or sweetheart. We have the largest and best line of Rockers and in Cherry county. Also Nickte Plate , Copper and Silver Plated Ware , Pie Servers , Chaffing Dishes , Pudding Dishes and Fancy Dishes of all kinds. Call and see them. We have just received a large line of all sizes and prices ; also Ladies Suit g Waist Goods A big reduction price on Misses' § Children's Coats Our winter line is complete. Call and see our sample line of Fur Overcoats. PHONE 97 , * ROBERT McQEER , Propr. 3 Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars : * . tf.k Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : 3 Old Crow , Sherwood , $ Hermitage , Guchenheimer , E Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27 yearxold i and Jas. E , Pepper , O. F. C. Taylor , < These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov'f eminent warehouse. They are guaranteed - anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - excelled for family and medical use. j / ? . Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported $ Gordon and DeKuyper Gins. Guinness's Extra Stout , fc Bass Ale. Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer. > r 3g Valentine = Nebraska 5 . . . . , . \ K.r. .T j r > 3.jTi T. Read the Advertisement ? Mrs. Abba Rice = Thackrey. It IH c > in 'S our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of our yo invest sister , MrsAbba Kice- Thaekre\ who breatln-d her last Sun \ \ nnuninjr , Dec 27 , 100S , at t e - _ ; ' of53 : yiar'J inontlm and 9 dt.\s. Sui ! had n j. bi-iMi in < jfuxl : he-iltii the pa t year b"Ciu i' of a I i nt e rin e 1 ' contrauM'ij ? n Oc- | i ' ' < ! ' iusl \t-nr and IVIl ' " b.\ acoiildiivo to Ilacki't-rry lake , .starting late in the day and camp ing at the river about the same time when the family moved out to the homestead and lived during the winter in a gn en sod house which was large uud damp and with scanty fuel to keep warm she rapi.Jly developed consumption and early in the spring realized that her time was fast drawing tea a close. Her chief anxiety being the earp of her children - > nd ( < ; - peci-ill.V llie 1 -o xo'itiiTt. . ' > e 'Vi ! grcatl.\ relieved A'nen i fe \ 11\ b-fore her death Sister Fiorvnee announced her willingness to take the little girl , Eleanor , and the hu-band , .1 E. Thackrey , express ing a desire to keep the three boys together with him , that wa also agreed upon and that she should be tali en to her old home and buried in the Fancy Creek ceme- terv in the family lot near her fat ier who was placed there eleven yea * ago. The remains , followed by the husband and four children and ac companied by Miss Cora Thack- rey , were brought to Valentino Sun lay and they departed from here Monday morning to R-in dolph , Ivan , where the funeral was to be held Tuesday afternoon. Fhu-5 close- ? the chapter of a younir life taken from her home a $ Manhattan , Kan , a bride in April 1S95 , to live so short a time and leave t'mir children when they could best appreciate a mother's love and care. Tae O'Neill and Valentine Dem ocrat wants us to enlighten them ate what's the mit.ter with S iel- don being our next governor. On the theorv thatanopen confession , ' even to democrat , i-5 good for the ' sul , we. will admit that we are disappointed in our first estimate 1 of his being a broad , liberal mihd- ( e I man , capable of withstanding t ie influence of a clique of politi cal boosters who have become a fixture of our state capitol , who are in politics for only a selfish personal interest. With this in- il ience our governor was led to believe that he was greater than I his party , without it we think he would have made good and not ig nored the major part of the state when selecting material to fill po sitions of trust which caused an i indifference in the rank and file that proved fatal to his re election and endangered the success of the party in the state and as there is an abundance of tried and true ' timber in the republican ranks ' there is no necessity of taking any on probation. Atkinson Graphic. Anatomy For Beginners. Proceeding in a southerly di rection from the torso , we have the hips , use.ful for padding , and the legs. The. legs hold up the body , and are sometimes used in walking , but when riding in auto mobiles they take up valuable space which otherwise might be employed to better advantage. Attached to the legs are the feet. Some varieties of feet are cold. Some people are born with cold feet , others acquire cold feet , ami still others have cold feer. thrust upon t iem. The surface of the. body is cov ered with cuticle , which either hangs in graceful loops or is Stretched tightly from bone to FAffiERKKOWS _ /or children AO darning woes SEE OUR Window Display IT / OF THIS STUFF bone. On the face it is known as com plexion , and is used extensively for commercial purposeb.v dermi tologists , painters and decorators. Between the cuticle and the bones arc the muscles , which hold the bones together and prevent them from falling out and littering up the sidewalk as we walk along. Packed neatly and yet compact ly inside the body are the heart , the liver and the lungs ; also the gull , whieh-n Americans is ab normally large. These organs are Ubed occasion ally by those who own thorn , but their real purpose is to furnish surgeons a living. Thomas L. Masson in Lippincott's. Is John Williams of Ains = worth Dead ? St. Louis , Mo , Doc. 27. If John William.- who - , formerly re- si.led at Ainsworth , Xeb. , is still alive , as the tracing of a p'loto- graph held by the St.Louis police indicates , his aged mother mo irn- at the grave of an unknown mm whom she believed to bi- her son , after he had been taken from the river at Valentine , Xeb. , Oc tober IS , last. Doubt was cast upon the identity of the body supposed to have been Williams today , when the police learried that a postal card photo of three men , one of whom is n cognized - ognized by his relatives as \ \ il- liams , was taken by a St Louis photographer during the latter part of November , a month or more after the supposed Williams was drowned or murdered and his body cast into the river near the Nebraska town. The photograph er is positive about the time at which the picture was taken , and unless the possible existence of a double for Williams is taken ii to 'consideration , it makes the a flair a singular mystery. The police are now trying to identify ihe two companions if Williams in the photo. At the time the body was found the authorities believed the man was murdered. On November 24 : Mrs. Williams identified the body by marks as being that of her son , who disappeared from his home more than a year airo , after he had quarreled with his wife. From that time on nothing had been lizard from him. Two d.i.vs after Mrs. Williams identified the body she received a po > t'il ' w-iich was made in this city and mailed fiom this city on November 20. At- the same time a brotlvr of vviilnms received a card bearinir his por- trait. On the one tha * Mrs. Williams - liams received were the piruiros of three men. One Mrs. U'iliiarns identified as being her son. This card was mailed in St L'mis , No- ltf. World-lie raid. We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. HROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , ' MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN FVFRYTHING. Cburter d. us a State Hani. as u .National Utirik Jun 1 , 1384. August 12. 1002 , IP. & Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) i AP.TAL PAID TN A General Banking 125,000. Kxchauge and Collection Business. C. H. CORNKLL , President. J. T. MAY , Yics-Prpaident. M. V. N :232 : * iE5K r - / - fTp'B' < TTi. . T IT" IT IL T CTIONERY IP. 8 fc Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods ? ? Lunch Counter. JEPloa * .23,23. c3L 9 Phone 7 e Bakery' . , i ' Stetter & Tobien , Props. ' DEALERS IS All Kinds of FreshJ / and Salt Meats. . . . \ .vour Cuttle. Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. Valentine , Nebraska , Si has received a complete line oi new , high grade S s , \ | which are being offered at the lowest prices pos i | sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable v\ $ Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark \ | ed on every article. One price to everybody. SlgiSSg fmr 3S THE DEMOCRAT ,