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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
THE VALENTINE VALENTINE , XEB. I. M. RICK. - Publisher. ORDER OUT OF UHOAS ITALY'S KING UEPORTS SITUA. TION XKAHIXG XOItMAL. American AinbasKidor Wires Secre tary Root , Proenthif : ; a Feasihh : I'roiiosition of Meeting the Eliar- ; ency in Italy. Having done all that it was possible to the districts laid -va le by the earthquake , the king and queen of Italy have returned to Home. They passed four days among the ruins of Sicily and Calabria , the king directing the work of rescue and relief and the queen ministering to the injured. There is a feeling of relief in Italy that their majesties have returned. The American ambassador , Lloyd C. Griscom , has appointed a committee of Americans to which will be entrusted the work of utilizing the money re ceived from the United States to the best advantage of the earthquake suf ferers. Roth at Messina and Reggie the guards are having difficulty in protect ing the survivors and the vast treasury in these ruined buildings from the bands of thieves that are swarming everywhere. It is reported that six Russian sailors have been shot by loot ers at Messina and that sixteen crimi nals have been killed at the same place within the last twenty-four hours. Six hundred persons engaged in pillaging have been arrested. In an engage ment at Reggie between the police and bandits two of the police were killed. Reports still reach Rome of the con tinuance of earth shocks , some suf ficient to do further great damage. According to these reports new shocks Saturday at Pellaro precipitat ed the entire population into the sea. including both the dead and the living victims of the first quake. At Reggie the people are becoming more calm , and aid to that city is now being systematically forwarded. Mil itary zones have been established throughout Calabria. 101 RANCH SHOW ROBBED. Safe Blown on Circus Train and $15,000 Secured. Undue haste to purchase a ticket to Chicago and the nervousness displayed by E. J. Berk , who gave St. Lo ; his home , led to his arrest jt B "Worth , Tex. , and to the discoverypiat the safe aboatd a train conveying- wild west circus ( known as the 101 Ranch ) to Fort "Worth had been blown during the night and robbed of $15,000. When asked to explain the posses sion of 5750 in silver coin , which he carried in a leather satchel , the man. formerly an attache of the circus , told of the robbery , declaring- that he had been made the tool of a professional safe blower who had escaped with the rest of the money. The robbery oc curred as the train was nearing Fort Worth , and so quietly was the work performed that the circus proprietor knew nothing of the occurrence until told by the police of the arrest end statement of Burk. The police declare others are implicated , and other ar rests Avill follow. CHINESE ALLEGE CRUELTY. Soldiers at. Pusct Sound Said to Have ? .Ialtreated Them. Alleging that their race is b ing made the victim of unprovoked and brutal assaults at the hands of soldiers from the artillery forts of the Puget 'sound district , Chinese merchants and prominent members of the celestial colony at Port Townsend , Wash. , have petitioned the Chinese consul general at San Francisco for relief. It is asked that the war department officials be advised that a serious situation exists and that murder may result. These Chinese assert that within the past few days four unprovoked attacks by soldiers on un < ffending Chinese have occurred , one of the victims being ing- seriously injured. Finch Sentenced to IIanj > - . Judge Bronaugh , of the state circuit court at Portland , Ore. , sentenced Jas. A. Finch , convicted of the murder of Ralph B. Fisher , late prosecutor for the Oregan Bar association , to be hanged February 5. Finch displayed little emotion while the sentence was being pronounced. Milwaukee's Coast Extension. Preliminary steps have been taken in Xew York toward the capitalization of the Pacific coast extension of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail road company , which will provide for a total bonded debt of $200.000,000. covering the extension , should that mount be found necessary. Shoots His Sister's Betrayer. With the accusation that he was re sponsible for his sister's downfall , and that he had abducted her from the Door of Hope , where she was sent to escape his wiles , William Mitchell , of Los Angeles , C : l. . an iron worker , shot and killed Cecil Thayer , a messenger , 19 years old. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux' City live stock market follow : Top [ beeves , ? u.50. Top hogs , $5.S5. SCENES OP DEVASTATION. Vivid Story Told by a Correspondent in Italy. The .special correspondent of the Paris Matin , who has just arrived at Messina after an adventurous journey on foot through the wasted Calabria region , sends a vivid story of the scenes of devastation. The dispatch was sent by special boat to Xaplcs , from whence it was telegraphed to Paris. "I arrived at last at Messina with my legs almost dropping off , after covering a distance of C7 kilometers (41 miles ) . My nerves will never re cover from the atrocious impressions to which they were subjected , and my eyes will retain as long as they remain open the vision of death and destruc tion which oppressed them. A mourn ful silence covers the country like a funeral pall _ "I proceeded as far as Palmi by train , and thence afoot. Six or seven inhabitants accompanied me to Tro- pead , and 1 decided to reach Reggie gio at whatever cost. Two or three railroad firemen , cut off from home while at duty by the catastrophe , were returning to seek news of the fate of their families. They proceeded by brandishing resinous smoking torches. We proceeded Indian file through the tunnel from Palmi to Bagnarr. . hold ing hands and stumbling- over ballast heaps. The roof of the tunnel was cracked everywhere and now and then rocks fell in the niches of the track men. Whole families were encamped around wood fires and smoking torch es. Many of them were wounded. Men , women and children , tupefied by the catastrophe and crouching among the stones , looked at us with a vacant glare , as if their thoughts were wandering. "Later we came upon families roast ing sea birds which had been killed by the tempest and cast upon the beach , After two houi-s' inarch we saw Bag- naria , perched on the spur of a moun tain overhanging the sea. "The country house of the mayor on the summit of the rock was half tum bled into the sea , but the mayor was safe. He was giving orders for the installation of a telegraph wire in a freight car. How many dead ? One thousand , 2,000 , who knows ? "After eleven hours we had covered only 34 kilometers , every step at the cost of great exertion. Our clothes were soaked and the torches had burned out. At Scylia the whole coun tryside except the north was complete ly blotted out. The victims numbered between 150 and 1,000. A PANIC AVERTED. Cool Work of a Fireman Save Many in a Theater Conflagration. A fire broke out in the Park op/jra house at Erie , Pa. , during the per formance Friday night , but owing to the cool work of Fireman Abraham Louch a panic was averted and all escaped. Before the audience realized the sit uation , the house had been almost emptied. There were many narrow es capes and a dozen women fainted and had to be carried out , but no one was seriously injured and much of the building was saved from destruction. Every one of the 1,500 seats in the theater was occupied. Louch saw smoke issuing from the floor of the gallery and sent in a still alarm. He reached the rear of the stage before the audience was advised of the danger , and speaking just loud enough for the actors to hear ap pealed to them to continue. Then he stepped to the front , asked the audi tors to retire , giving them to under stand that the fire was in an adjoining structure. No one tried to crowd until the smoke began to fill the build ing. Then a crush began. The depart- men saved scores from jumping from the third story fire escapes by getting ladders up. SEE A BURNING CRATER. Phenomenon of Volcanic Nature Lo cated in West Virginia. Great anxiety is being shown by the inhabitants of Green bank , W. Va. , over the steadily increasing appear ance of a burning crater of seemingly volcanic nature on the side of a neigh boring mountain. Flames are distinctly visible at in tervals , accompanied by rumbling noises as from internal disturbances. The air in the vicinity is strongNwith sulphur fumes. The area of the mol ten mass has spread until it now cov ers some fifty square yards. Prof. Hough Dead. George "Washington Hough , profess or of astronomy at Xorthw stern uni versity and director of the Dearborn abservatory. died suddenly at his home in Evanston. a suburb of Chicago. Prof. Hough , who was 72 years old , ivas one of the leading astronomers of Lhe country. To Convoke Cuban Congress. As a result of a conference between "Jov. Magood and Alfredo Zayas , vice iiresident-elect. it was decided that Uov. Magoon should shortly issue a lecree convoking the Cuban congress "or January 13. Canada's Contribution. The Canadian government has granted $100,000 for the sufferers of .he earthquake. This will be supple- nented by generous contributions 'rom unofficial sources. Gov. IIoL'h Issues an Appeal. Gov. Hoch , of Kansas , has issued in appeal in the names of the state * ed Cross society , of which he is jresident , for relief funds for the arthquake sufferers. DEATH ROLL GROWS. 110,000 Perish at Messina and Reggie Alone. The immensity of the disaster In southern Italy and Sicily can only bo measured by the fact that it is now es timated that 110,000 people perished in Messina and Reggie alone. A score of other towns have been devastated arid thousands of victims in these iilacrs must be added to the roll. In the face of these awful totals , all Italy stands appalled. King Victor Emannuel and Queen Etena were in Messina Wednesday. The king explored the ruins regardless of the danger to which he exposed himself. He was often moved to tears at the heartrending scenes he came upon at every turn. The king was loud in his praise of the splendid work accomplished by the Italian , Russian and English bluejackets , who saved many persons who otherwise would have inevitably perished. The queen spent the day in the wards of impro- \ised-hospitals visiting the wounded , many of whom have lost all that was dear to them. Her majesty did hei best to cheer them with womanly words of consolation , often breaking into sobs as she listened to their dreadful tales of suffering. The kins left for Reggie Wednesday night. Catania , the largest city nearest to the scene of the disaster , is crowded with refugees , and the continuous stream of fugitives coming in , the sight of the wounded and repetition of real or imaginary quakes have so alarmed the population that they are becoming uncontrolable. There is no longer any place where the refugee ? may find shelter. BIG CAR SIGN SWINDLE. Fraud Order Issued Against Number of Companies. The postmaster general at Washing ton , D. C. , has issued a fraud order against Theo. Kharas and various movable car sign companies promoted by him , among them being the Omaha and Sioux City companies. The inspectors specters report Kharas has received probably at least $50,000 from syndi cates formed to promote movable street car signs , but that practically nothing has been done to put the de vice in operation , except at Alton. 111. Kharas is charged with having falsely pretended to have patents and foreign rights he did not possess to induce in vestments in the enterprise. His one patent is declared of small value. Ad vertisements of his promotions stated his signs were in operation in street cars of Davenport. Muscatine , Clinton and Sioux City , among other cities , but the inspectors report none of the signs are used in the cities named. Kharas is said to be chiefly interest ed now in promoting the Central Mo bile Sign company , of Omaha , alleged to have millions of dollars capital , sev eral officers of which are women sten ographers and clerks in his office. Since his arrest on an Omaha indict ment Kharas is said to have admitted he was without financial backimr and that he was once a magnetic healer. His companies are now barred from use of the mails. MINE HORROR IN VIRGINIA. Fifty Men Believed to Have Perished in Explosion. The fatalities in the Lick branch mine at Tennis , W. Va. . as the resulj of the explosion Tuesday probably will reach fifty. Twelve bodies have been taken out. According to the mine foreman , there are thirty-eight men still in the mine , with little chance of recovery. The cause of the explosion is unknown. There is no excitement at the mine. Practically all the women and child ren of the victims are bearing their grief in silence at their homes. To Preserve Its Forests. A policy of managing its timber lands so that there will be a permanent growth of spruce timber was adopted by the board of directors of the In ternational Paper company. The de partment in charge of the forests own ed by the company was influenced to put into effect a plant of practical for- estry. Argues for Parole System. As showing the success of the parole system in Canadian prisons it was an nounced by Inspector Archibald that since its inception nine years ago 2,000 prisoners , serving lengthy terms , se cured their liberty and only thirty- nine of these went back to a life of ; rime. Count Boni Loses Fight. Tlie petition of Count Boni de Cas- : ellane that the custody of his three sons be given to his mother was denied Vednesday at Paris. The1 court ruled ; hc children remain in the custody of .heir mother. Princess de Sagan. and .hat they should not leave the conti nent without the count's permission. . T\\enly-Fivi ; Men Held I'p. Two masked men held up twenty- Ive men in the outskirts of Tulsa Dkla. , and secured about $200 and a lumber of watches from them. Most f the victims were returning from the he oil fields where they are em- > loyed. Beheads His Mother. While in a fit of insanity , Aithur rrotter , , 33 years old , killed his aged nether , Mrs. Ann Trotter , by behead- ng her with an ax and a knife , in her Apartments in West Nineteenth street Cew York. Supply Ship at Suez. The American supply ship Culgoa mt in advance of the battleship fleet mdcr Rear Admirftl Sparry. The rarships are expected January 3. EXPERTS TALK TO FARMERS. Department OlCchi-s Dis.'ii : > s Good RoiuN and Agriculture. An agriculture and good roads meet- 'ng of great importances as held at the court house in Tecumseh Wednesday afternoon , the attendance bing good. The meetings , \\hich are being held in each county of the First district , are under the auspices of Congressman E. M. Pollard , who has done a great work for the farming interests of his con stituents in the national congress. Gco. T. Cooley , of the Xa onal Good Road congress ; > eke intelligently upon the subject of good roads ar.d made some pertinent suggestions. George Zooke , of the national agricultural depart ment spoke in an interesting and knowing way upon the subject of the improvement of grains. Some valua ble advice was given the agriculturists. Congressman Pollard outlined work along the lines suggested as advanced by the national d partmrnt of agri culture. He informed his auditors that he- had made arrangements for the coining into this district in the future of two expert plant men from Wash ington to work in connection with the local farmers in the improvements of grains. This without any expense to the county. He also said the depart ment would send expert road engim ers into counties , where they desired the- ' to work in harmony with local roa-1 men in furthering that work. The congressman said It war. the desire of the national officers to get in very close touch with the individual farm ers and it would bo g'-eatly to the ad vantage of the hxtter when the har mony is completed. The work of Con gressman Pollard has been of great benefit to the farmers and orchardists. ELOPING' COUPLE CAPTURED. Man GiACii Jail Sentence and Girl Not Prosecuted. After being pursued for nearly sic months ex-City Electrician E. G. G'Fellers. of Hustings and his wife's niece , Miss Goldie Alexander , were found by the girl's mother in Grand Forlw , X. D. , last week and on the mother's complaint G'Fellers was sen tenced to six months in the county jail. The girl was allowed to go free. It is understood that she will remain in Grand Forks or some Xorth Dakota town until her lover finishes his sen tence. G'Fellers and Miss Alexander eloped in an automobile , while Mrs. Cecelia Alexander , the girl's mother , and Mrs. G'Fellers , who is Mrs. Alexander's sis ter were attending the chautaxiqua They went from here to Chapman and then boarded an eastbound Union Pa cific train. G'Fellers left a note say ing that lie was going away and that lie knew where Miss Goldie could be found. The authorities in Omaha were notified to watch eastbound trains , bu ! they missed the couple. Mrs. Alexan der at once instituted a search ard traced the couple through several states. G'Fe'lers is 25 years old ano" Miss Alexander is IS. Try to Hold Up Boy. Two men driving a fagged-out team to a buggy tried to hold up William Lineback's boy near Gibbon Wedne--- day. The boy was driving a horse hitched to a buggy. They ordered him to stop , but he whipped the horse to get away. One of the ITU n iired a ? him. The men then whipped thej ; horses into a run. going south to wards Gibbon. Huxtnble Dies from Morphine. Frank R. Unstable , of Broken Bow. who swallowed an overdose of mor phine with suicidal intent died from the effects after being worked with by physicians continually for ten hourr Disappointment over domestic affairs- is supposed to have promoted him t < > kill himself. Gothenburg Ranker Hurt. S. L. Bursen , president of the Goth enburg National bank , while driviiu" to Farnam his team ran away and threw him out of the buggy and as h had the lines over his shoulders , pulled him about 100 yards , badly bruisinr his face and shoulders and probably hurting him internally. Peculiar Accident at Geneva. While alone in the postoffice at Ge neva Miss Addie Allen , one of the em ployes , came near having an ugly acci dent. She took hold of the telephone while the electric light were was in her other hand , receiving a seven shock. Beatrice Man Attempts Suicide. Earl Fenliman , proprietor of the Elk restaurant at Beatrice , tried t < end his life by shooting himself. Fen liman placed the revolver in his mouth and fired the bullet being deflected h such a way that it passed through his cheek. Carbolic Acid for Medicine. The 2-year-old child of Mr. ar.1 Mrs. J. O. Blair , of Aurora , died a - the result of swallowing n dose of poi- ' -on administered to it by its father un der the impression that it was medi cine. ! Jail road Brakcinan Killed. O. W. Brandt , a brakeman on : southbound Burlington freight , was killed near the coal chute in the Bur lington yards at Oakland shortly after 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon while coupling cars. Good Price for Land. W. H. Brown sold seventy-six and Due-half acres of land southeast of Arlington to B. H. J. Jungbluth , who resides nearby , for $8,000. or better than $100 per acre. There are no im provements upon the land except that ! t is fenced. Young- Farmer Dies Suddenly. Vinian Wardlow , a young farmer ivlng near Pickrell. died suddenly in ; he barn at his home , -where he was aken ill. Heart trouble was given as he cause. OFFER OF NORMAL SCHOOL , \\Xuic Willing to Donate Private In stitution to the State. Tin- legislature is going to be asked to appropriate $100.000 to purchase the property of the Xebraska Xormal college at Wayne. The trustees of the college at a recent meeting decided to offer the property to the state. It is argued that northeast Xebraska has no "t.t. educational institution , and needs one. Already the trustees are sending out circulars as follows : Wayne. Xeb. . Dec. 10 , 190S. Resolution - lution ? passed and signed by the board of trustees and president of Xebraska Xormal college at a meeting held on above date in the office of J. T. Dress ier , of Wayne : ! Whereas. The Xebraska Xormal college - ; lego , of Wayne. Xeb. , has been in suc cessful operation seventeen years and has a wel ! equipped normal school plant. coi'i-tn-j : of two recitation buildings , live dormitories , president's residence , central heating plant all rurpli- with complete lines of appro priate apparatus with a value of iroie than $150.000 and could not be duplicated at present for that sum ; and When us. The trustees of said Xe braska college and educators of north Nebraska , believe the educational in- tere-ts of this section of the state -"ou'u be advanced by establishing and mou.turning a state normal school at Wayne. Xeb. Therefore , be it resolved. Tint the trustees and the t/rexuVrt of the Xebraslca Xormal col- ! ogv tender to the state of Xebraska for Sl' the entire property of the coilere for the -tablichnient and mair.e-'an/o : of a state normal school by th" stale. This is signed by President J. M Pile a'ld TIM tee ; .1. T. Dressier. II. C Ley. S. R Th < obald , A. A. Welch. A. L Tucker. H. F. Wilson. Dan Harrington 11. C. llinrey and R. Phslleo. KILLS CrUl'PLEU SOX. Li'icelM IV.lJifr Thru Commits Suicide ! : : $ Jlcen in TIL Health. Herman Weidburg. of Lincoln , a hack driver. 3 " years old. killed hi ; and then shot D-year-old son. himself. dying almost instantly. Themuidered child , who was a crip ple , never having been able to walk , was n-ltep w'th another brother. Ac- eordingto th - story of the second son , the father came to the bed , lifted 'ittle Sidney otit. placing him on the floor , and shot him twice through the ivvrt. Satisfying himself that his boy wa * dead , the man turned the weapon en himself. - W'edburc ; has for some time been in peer health , and his condition lately became v. "rse. lie called a doctor , who ' 'nve him little encouragement. P.roodii'T over his own ailment and ihiit of the boy supposedly prompted 'he net. fiTIlATGHTKX KT.KHOJIX KIVKTI. "Made Xorarv by the Changes Mini * iu 5jOjiai Cvcck. The > ! an of straightening the Elk- 'iorn r'\i-r Ty ; cutting channels across srTi.iy r f its numerous bends which has be n t'ivc ! < l o'f for a number of years i y furriers owning lands adjoining it ' - likely to be realized. To aceomp- ' Ii this v/Hl require the co-operation > f both Douglas and Sarpy counties " "id it H made pi ct cally necessary by the proposed straightening of Liogan reek tirough Thurcton , Hurt and Dor'ce rottnties. JjOgan creek is 1G5 jni'f in ! < nrth. but if the cutoffs pro- , ! od : by the federal government en gineers are dujr it will be reduced to on'y r bout ? ixty : niles. and during high water ! t will empty a larger ( low "nt. > the i-kh' ! rii than that crooked , : ntc ! treairi can carry. The plan ri > po-r : > f ] contemplates a new drainagc listrict under the Knowles law. Tinorii TIIH TCK. ! ! . T. TIoxviM-s looses LJfe While Skat- in ; ? at T/mcoiu. D- spite the efforts of his companion Miss Janet Tlamey. IT. T. Rowers. 20 year1 ? of age. lost his life while skat- insat Lincoln park. lie broke through the thin ice and drowned , more than a hundred skaters witness- iicr the tragedy. Mis * : llamey screamed for help and it the same time skated out on the 'bin ice and attempted to reach Mr. Powers with a branch that she had cnught lip. His body was recovered three-quarters of an hour after it ank. Powers was prominent in so- lety and his family is well known , riff : father being state secretary for 'he Gideons * . ! ) ca'.h oi" Wet I3oint Woman. Mrs..Ainandus I > err. of "West Point ; rf dead ft an advanced age. She has been seriously ill for two years past ' .Mth an incurable malady , which ter minated in a severe hemorrhage of the ' ' . 'nc . cu inf ? death. She leaves a ' u = baml anfi a family of grown child- ' Pi' = ' TvscajK'd ! ciUM' Jlines 1J. Onwon , who Avas in ar. ilter < ation .vith William Ileid at Mil 's > rd last summer , in which Held was tabbed and who escaped from the -oui ty jail at Seward on the night of ptember l > . wa returned to Seward ornty jail by Sheriff Thursday. Mais lie ; : : t Police Station. J. E. Forbes , who gave his residence ss Council Pluffs , but about whom lit- le i known , died at the police station n Omaha Saiurdry from heart fail- r.-c brought on by chronic alcoholism. for L j.lit Plant. The --achirery fi r McCook's new -lectric light plant arrived last week > n Wednesday. The new buildings ire rapidly nearing completion. Held for Diamond Theft. Jutus Soudder of ( Jrand Island Is .waiting- trail at Hastings on the 'hai ? ' ? of larceny and forgery. He is tccused of having stolen a diamond 'rom the Sims jewelrj' store * whi'e legotiating for its purchase with a orged check. Poultry Show a The chicken and r-ct steel ? V : vhich closed Saturday at "ebr ? : ity. was a success in . . y * .Tiy. rhere were over SOO en" - jal che Lttendance was very larre I \ Seen taryV. . RMellor. . of the stat , board of agriculture has mailed otr , to members-elect of tile lej-.s lature a statement of the m eds of the state board and aNo what h.'U' be. . accom plished during the last feu years at the state fair grounds in the way of permanent improvement.- . together with the appropriations made 1-y the state legislatures. Among other thing ? the statement says : There are three buildings which the state fair man agement cannot hope to ent on the state fair grounds without 'egsntive help. Tiny are a live stock pavlilion such as other states- enjoy : atrrl and reinforced concrete graml tan i- > rent people , and a mu5in sjy hall. It is possible for the man : ? r < ir-nt to permrment'y ereet. out of it. > profits from time to time , an aprrieultural hall , horticultural hull , 'adits' art. textile and domes-tie products i.uiUli if. ' , dairy , poultiy. b'ee and Iiorey buildings. bMs ! and such smiller struclnrt \\hieh can be erected with It-T than $ .10.000 to10,000 each , but it i en tirely out of the question { < ; t * t- management - agement to ever hope to rrcnr * * ? sur plus nceesa y to erect r.y . : e of the fir t three mentioned slrue-cp. The appiopriation to the state 1 : - : > l of ag- culture frf but $2A00 per a , . -iii and the printing of 5,000 reabout ; 4.000 of which are < 1i-tril- .1 at our farmers' institutes , sent of by money furnished by the state br i : > f ag.ri- culture. This board , ouf < funds. has also furnfsie.l patl - t all the money for promotion an I ; s at our various : -tatr corn shc * sinJ con tributed the firt $ . " 00 to t'n.M > raska corn cemnir.soM. which \ / - . " ! : funds used for all the early Xrr > ka pro motion of the Xational < " ' > .rn exposi tion at Omaha. This board has for years been an adveiUsing ajreney for the promotion of the agrirM'turuI in terests of Xebraska and inmh ca pacity gives information t' " ihousands outside as well as inside the slate. It has initiated , fostered and proposed nearly every meritorious agricultural law on our statute books : tnd its influ ence as a factor for Xebin : ku's public upbuilding has been without a The Commercial club of AIHanrt has appealed to the Interstate Com merce commission to compel the Cur- lington railroad to cease diseriminat- ing againbt that city in the matter of coal rates from Sheridan , \ \ yo. In its showing- the Commercial eiitb sets up that the rate fjom Sheridan to Alli ance , 333 miles , on lump coal is $ ' { a ton and other coal $2. SO ; from Sheri dan to Deadwood , 330 miles , the rat.- is $2.2 ; on lump and $2 on other coal ; from Sheridan to Omaha , 74 < miles. on lump the rate is $3 and on other coal $2.50. The Commercial club asks for 50 cents reduction on ach ton in order to give it a rate like that of oth er cities of a like distance from Sheri dan. A copy of the letter of the Cum- mercial club sent to the interstate commerce commission was mailed to the Nebraska state railway commis sion. The hearing on Form 45 of the western classification of freight rates is set for February 2 , instead of Jan uary. as announced. The hearing will be before the state railway mmm.'ssion and persons interested are requested to be present. Gov. George L. Sheldon will earn away from the state house a beautifu mahogany office choir to which he ha become very much attache : ! , togpthei with the "love and respect" ofhis of fice force. Th > chair was prent : > to him by his ofilce force , am1 a silver plate tacked thereon says : this : " < Jov. George L. Sheldon , executive ' chair. 1907-S : with love and respect from your office force. " The choir hns a little history. When the new furniture was placed in the executive ofii < - * the. chair for the use of the governor , be longing to the set , was not delivered. but another was sent in its plnr-p. The governor liked the old chair and used it while waiting for the one bought by the state. When the office chair was delivered the governor's office force bought the one the executive has been using , it having been merely loaned to the state , and made the governor a present of it. /he Douglas county commissioner ? Tuesdrf atternoon awarded the en tire issue of court house bonds in the sum of $1.000.000 to the state of Xe- bra ka on its bid of par. the county to have the privilege to issue the bonds and collect money on them as needed Four other bids were presented f .r th& entire issue , all by Chicago firms. These bidders off.-recl premiums , but the terms of the contract * * ofTr-red made it mandatory on the county to issue bonds on demand of the company buying. Should the bonds be issued when the county did not need the money , money would be lost through interest payments. The eomnaission- f rs therefore figured that th bid of the stat- > was the best. The commis sioners also hope to get a still lower bid from the state. il : * * Xew licenses will be issued to every lutomobile owner in the state ( luring 1909. and those who fail to come icrosr ? nd send their Iitle 100 cents : o the secretary of state are subject to i fine of $25 to § . " > or imprisonment in a county jail for thirty days. Henry Lehr. deputy state treasurer "or the last two years , has tendered : iis resignation to Stae Treasurer Brian and it has been accepted , to : ake t ffect January 7. * * * Zeferino Dominguez , of Mexico , one ) f the foremost asrunilrurisis of that republic , was the gue t of Gov. and Mrs. Sheldon Wednesday and Thurs- lay. S < nor Domingues has been at- .ending the Xational Corn show in Dmaha ? nd f'.r th - last few ilay- has jeen visiting various parts of the state. January 15 is il-e dafr learing of r > - t's n rrun ' ' 5 nto effect ; : I : v. --t r 5i > freight . : . * ailway " : > ' " i .