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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
SYRUP iiflrwHiiiiHBMMBBHMMBWfliaiBwwlfy Ftfjf Years the Standard 1 H Iii CREAM MING Made from Makes the food of superior Iiealmfulness and finest quality Lll I - irfci I r urn mi I i i rr3 r - CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Preaching at li and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cor dially mviied to these services Rev R T Bayne Pastor i Episcopal -Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p tn Sunday Bchool at 10 a m Com mucion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun days 745 a ra each mouth All are welcome to these services E R Earlk Rectory i - - Catholic Order of services Mass g30 am Mass and sermon 1030 am Evening service at 8 oclock Sundaj echool230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kipwin O M 1 Mbthodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8- Class at 12 -Junior league at 3 fEpwortb Leagueat 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 t i Bryant Howe Pastor Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock am Preaching at 11 a m and745 p m B Y P U 645 p m Prayer- meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p in A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us Francis E Iams Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preacbing at 1030 a m and V30 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer i meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 AJ1 Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West Chrbtjan Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in church corner of E and 6th street east every Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans coruiuUy invitpd KkvWm Brueggeman 607 5rh st East Leading Educators to be Present A number of the leading educat ors of tthe state as well as some of the leading public men will take part on the program of the South western Nebraska Educational asso ciation at Alma April 6j 7 and 8 Governor Shallenberger State Sup erintendent E C Bishop Director J L McBrien of the University Exten sion Dr George E Condra Superin tendent W M Davidson of Omaha Superintendent N M Graham of South Omaha besides a full evening concert by the Steckleberg Concert company In addition to these people for leading parts there will be programs suited for both the grade and rural teachers The last evening will be given over to a declamatory contest between the leading schools in southwestern Nebraska The contest will be divided into three classes oratorical dramatic and humorous McCook Holdrege Alma Benkile man Stratton Trenton Culbertson Oxford Beaver City Bloomington and Wilcox will have teams in the contest 4 t r I All in all the program promises to be one of unusual worth and merit for all school people Pro grams can be had of County Super intendent Bettcher at McCook BEGfrS CHSRfiY G0GGH sings cougs ana coias ylfffii UlflJiJf 1 i Grapes fe gHEEEEsSf8i ygrs SrrrrTL iggffSvBg iffAifiS3tV R KT BSPHst mMm BHPMIl ii Sv BARTLEY Norris stock is above parCannon Bal Irnger and Burkett stock greatly depre ciated in Bartley Twenty members added to the A O U W Tuesday night Bartley is to have a street sprinkler and keep some of the dust down- Mrs Moe King is quite sick this week G W Jones was operated on Sunday by Drs Kee of Cambridge Mackechnie of Indianola and Arbogast of Bartley The operation was successful and Mr Jones is doing well rt thiatime Tues day afternoon Miss Minnie Reimsrs marriage in Council Bluffs Iowa to Mr Ray A Stansburg of New York is pleasant news to her many friendsain Bartley Mrand Mrs Stansburg will reside in Omaha John Helm was a Bartley caller on his return from the McKillip sale Mr H bought a fine cow and heifer said to be some of the finest stock sold James Sipe is in S E Colorado look ing at the country in Prowers county Mr and Mrs Hodges of Cambridge visited here last week Miss McNeil of Indianola visited here with Miss Sallie Minnick Saturday and Sunday Mr cultivated the trees in the town purt this week Mr Lohrhas been making some im provements around the opera house this week C M Babbitt will rut in a fine soda fountain soon F F Stilgebouer sold the la d north west of town which he recently bought of Dan Richmond to Tinnis and Fausen for a nice profit in the deal and yet the parties got a bargain in the purchase The marriage of Scott Wolf and Bar bara Richmond was the union of two among our best young people and all join in wishing them prosperity and happiness They are located on a farm north of Bartley about 8 miles R F D No 1 A short series of revival meetings closed last Friday evening at the Calk ins school house Rev L L Epley pre siding elder of the United Brethren church preached and took into the church six converts Mrs Fred Wagner Sr arrived home Inst Saturday from Immanuel hospital Omaha where she has been for several weeks Charles Downs moved Jast week to a farm seven miles from Culbertson BOX ELDER Mrs W F Satchell returned to her home at Imperial last Thursday morn ing Miss Daisy Younger is on the sicklist this week The TJadies Aid Society will meet at Mrs J A Modrells Wednesday of this week Rev Tyler commenced special meet ings at Garden Prairie this week Would Have Cost Him his Life Oscar Bowman Lebanon Kentucky writes I have used Foleys Kidney Remedy and take great pleasure in stat ing that it cured me permanently of kid ney diseaseJSwhich certainly would have cost me my life A McMillen Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal btenfc fcrms and maues special blank to order promptly snd accurately ZVZ xlwcak5r ft5CSfe MAJMttMt Entertainment Course An Entertainment Course has a certain definite value to a community worth cultivating though such courses are not per se intended or expected to be a source of profit financially to individu als or community They present a quality and character of enter tainment and education not obtainable through any other source available to smaller communities more or less remote from large cities and centers of culture McCook has a distinctive position and a responsible standing in this part of Nebraska and cannot well afford to let pass the opportunity Let us give the matter deserved attention and be in line to take on a course beginning with coming fall It simply requires the interest of more citizens Can we have a geuuinelyand actively i Just Business Is it true thatthe government of the City of McCook is a mat ter ol uusiiiess solely A plank in the platform adopted in the city caucus ol last Friday everting so claims Just sordid business Only dirty dollars The Tribune thinks not There are moral consider ations in clean government fie making of just and righteous laws and their proper enforcement are involved in the matter besides dol larsjust business McCook needs law enforcement civic purity more than it needs just business methods of municipal govern ment Business has its prominent place too Publicity In all matters effecting the public purse the spending of the peoples money The Tribune has always advocated publicity Not that we mean to reflect upon the integrity of officials past or present but simply because we consider that the people are justly entitled to know how their tax money is expended Not for long would the people of Red Willow county rest content and satisfied were no pro ceedings published of the business and accounts of the county It has never been quite clear to the writer why there should be any reluctance on part of city or school board to officially publish their proceedings and to make full financial showings of the public affairs of the people For several years by caucus resolutions the voters have expressed their wishes in this matter In the case of city councils we believe the law is explicitly mandatory about financial reports The Tribune hopes the board of education will take the people into their confidence especially as a large and unusual sum has recently been expended in building a new high school structure he pride of our city Let the People Rule The purpose of the initiative and referendum may be expressed in a few words Let the people rule America is the cbuntry on the globe in which the people are supposed to make the laws which govern them The initiative and referendum is designed to make the rule by the people easier more direct and more effective Hence it shculd receive the support and votes of all fair and pro gressive citizens Do the people want a certain action taken in some important matter if their lawmakers and executives fail or refuse initiative and referendum provides the people with the means of securing the relief or change by a direct appeal to the ballot Is -there some obnoxious or undesirable or dangerous law or ordinance in force in a city the initiative and referendum offers the people if they so desire the opportunity of repealing the same Does some city official fail or decline to do his duty to enfurce the laws or ord inances he has solemnly sworn to do the initiative and referendum places it with the people at any time by petition and ballot to rem ove such official from office li gives the people a direct and effect ive way of handling its disposal of valuable franchises of voting or withholding bonds of passing on municipal ownership propositions etc It is intended to give the people the quick direct and efficient weapons against corrupt or negligent officials to remedy bad laws and to enact progressive measures for the common good Of course lawbreakers those who do want certain laws enforced and those who commercially or politically profit from both of these classes may not desire that the people shall be equipped with this powerful instrum ent but this fact should not blind the people to the value of the law and should not deter them from securing its benefits When you vote for city officers April 5th fellow citizens dont fail to vote for the adoption of this law Remember too that it provides always that the majority shall rule Only One Opportunity Some citizens of McCook are evidently led by the activity of the saloonmen against the initiative and referendum proposition to believe that it is the sole and only purpose of this proposed measure to secure an opportunity to vote on the saloon question Such is not the case The saloon question is but one of many opportunities the law affords the people to express by ballot their desires and for the majority to rule In the Limelight In leading to a successful issue the great fight against the house rules Congressman Norris of this city and of the Fifth Nebraska district has by one meteoric spurt burst forth into the limelight of national importance The committee on house rules will hereafter consist of ten menbers six of the majority and four of the minority party with the speaker conspicuous for his absence from the com mittee Few political events in late years measure up tv this one in importance and intensity of interest The victory came after days of consuming interest and parliamentary conflict and the end projected Congressman Norris into the political sky as a star of the first magnitude and a prominent candidate for advancement Uncle Joe would doubtless rather be right than on the house rules committee Temperance or moral issues of any kind were not mentioned in either city caucus Min Hastyis said to be not unwilling to succeed Ed Allen as postmaster of Arapahoe After a mild1 bluff at regularity the Democrats in Saturdays caucus quite dropped the bars endorsing several of Friday even ings nominees The larger interest in both caucuses was in the school board and we believe women voted for the first time in a McCook caucus on school board nominees of course The resolutions adopted by last Friday evenings caucus and the fact that man Democrats participated in the caucus without objection places the city campaign again where it has been for years entirely outside political or partisan lines Since Bryans pronunciamento in favor of county option Gov Shallenbarger seems to less and less in love with the idea Well if the governor wants to line up with Mayor Dahlman and his tribe he will lose more than his self respect and record With the certainty of the nomination for congress an increas ing call to stand for the United States senatorship others suggesting his special fitness for governor of Nebraska and now still others in a wider circle mentioning his name in connection with the presidency it is all well calculated to carry off his feet our townsman Congress man Norris He doubtless is familiar with the wooden horse of the Greeks J 1 R fl if The Osburn MSCH 1 Salem Ore Sept 19th Special The Willamette Valley peach crop is a revelation this yenr even to the growers who are accustomed to big crops and big profits In the orchard of Alexand er Lafollette in the Mission Bottom country north of Salem the yield is so heavy that it was necessary to place hundreds of props under the trees to keep the branches from breaking off Lafollette picked 2000 boxes from 87 trees thiB year and his son Clyde at Wheatlandon the west side of the river has 15 acres which brought him in this year about 1000 an acre W H Eagan a veteran grower fre quently has peaches on the market for four months during a single season by growing several varieties His crop this year is large W Al Jones will have about 7000 boxes and the price will av erage better than 8100 a box William Wright last year cleared 31500 off 10 acres of peaches the first crop from the trees The acreage of peaches is increasing faster relatively than that of any other fruit grown in this section L n McMahan is setting thousands of young trees on the old Judge Hubbard place in Mission Bot tom and others are going into peaches extensively From Oregonian Septem ber 19th 1909 kt H r arrow is sold by 1 il t - HPWAITECO MT 1 T TBUBMMWWMiaaBnMaPMWMPgl3aBaaMBMPJMMWPMg Capt Bogardus Again Hits the Buils Eye The world f imous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is ut present living at Lincoln Illinois Recently in terviewed he said I have sufftred a long time with kidney and bladder trou ble and have used several well known kidney mpdicinps which gave me no re lief until started taking Foleys Kid ney Pills Before taking Foleyss Kid ney Pills 1 was subjected to severe bnck acbe and pains in my kidneys with sup pression and oftentimes cloudy voiding While upon arising in- the morning I would get dull headaches Now I have taken three bottles of Foleys Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better I am not bothered with kidneys or bladder and once more feel like my old self All this I owe solelytojFoleys Kidney Pills and I always recommend them to my fellow sufferers Typewriter ribbons for sale at Thk Tribune office Trees and Seeds That Grow For the past 24 years we have supplied our customers in an estates wnn irees ana aeeas tnat grow we manlsl Tnat Row K Dom Dnn rfSTA OiPtiluHMJ LlOm nials Bulbs etc at low prices Apple 2 - f 6c Plum 12c Cherry 15c Peach rfL of all kinds of 5c all budded trees Con- gVMf55PI Far Garden and cord Grapes250 per 4c8 F17 feeds sele 100 We pay rfWtjjgg5gag from Write for our large 112 freight on dPRSBzxSP Page catalog and Garden Guide clU Or- yaMpy ire man aainu lice ui uiiuiyu iu uiiyuim jer tfcsjml interested also sample package of our New ooreiess lomato xne iinest or an lomatoes GERMAN NURSERIES BOX 225 BEATRICE F1ED STARTLING Nlfsk fev IS THE SUCCESS of our Pafd STACKER which oxtoads after it is half -way np with tho load and is opor dJvith on0 horso Alo our Patd PUSH RAKE and Denver Mado MOWER Our Clients and Competitors Acknowledge This 225000 invested in our factory to back our Roods Onr elegant illustrated printed mat tor and prices dolivered at your station seat free for tho asking Al CERTIFICATE and SOUVENIR FREE THEPLATTNER IMPLEMENT CO DEPT 7 DENVER COLO Klni27 rr nJton this paper ORCHARD BRINGS 6400000 fh BROADMEAD OREGON CROP 100000 AN ACRE Salem Peaeh Orchards Yield Big- Sums Thousands of Trees Are Being Planted on River Bottom Lands Near the Capital City Eighty Acres of Younjr Apple Trees Sold to Eastern Han Portland Ore August 14 Sixty four thousand dollars was the price paid to day for an 80 acre orchard of young trees by Henry C Peters a capitalist of Cin cinnati Ohio Mr Peters purchased the property which is situated in the heart of the east side apple belt from Willis Vanllorn one of the VanHorn brothers who have the biggest orchad land hold ings in the valley The land purchased by Peters is ia three -year -old Spitzenberg Newtown Pippin and Ortley trees and the price per acre was 500 It adjoins the large tract recently bought by aPniladelphia man for which he paid 96000 It is the intention of the purchaser to erect a fine dwelling on the place and make it his summer home Portland Journal TWO ACRES YIELD 120000 Strawberries Are a Profitable Crop at Montesano Montesano July 20 C E Wagner of Oregon has a prize patch of strawber ries from which he sold this season 600 crates at an average price of 2 a crate or a total of 1200 for the crop There are two acres in the patch and no spec ial treatment was given tho plants save a small smudge plantwhich was brought into use to prevent damage from frost at a COSt of ahnn T vtj iurtiana Jour I nal W JUAiYiAJc NEBRASKA EDISON - S n l I fl V t