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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
I m i V EIGHTH YEAR gsagsag TWEN2J w Let Us Help You Out if you are in doubt as to where to make the most profitable Spring purchases We have gone to much expense and trouble to provide for our patrons the newest lines of Spring articles and the store is redolent of Easter freshnoss Wo ask you to pay us a visit of inspec tion which wo are sure will lead to purchases when jou discover the kind of rare bargains that we are now offering to prudent and far seeing buyers rIxok for Saturday Snaps at THE BEE JD B Doyle HIVE Phone 47 CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject for March 27th Reality BAPTIST Morning subject More Than a Vic tory Appropriate niusc will be furn ished Evening subject Manhoods Enemies CONGRHGATIONAL In the morning a special Easter ser mon to the Knights Templar In the evening a chorus of 25 voices will render an Easter Cantata entitled Light Out of the Darkness by Geibel EPISCOPAL Morning subject Ch ist the First Fruits of the Resurrection Specidl Easter music by surpliced choir Easter offering will go to the new church build ing fund All who have Lenten boxes will please bring them in the evening at the 730 service METHODIST - We will begin the Easter day service with a prayer meeting to be held at 7 a m This will be an Easter sermon and will be followed by the- admidistration of The Lords Supper Special music by choir Evening subject The Light of the World Everybody requested to bring a small candle to this service Special music by the Rogers orchestra in the evening Rubber Hose A good one Two year warrant stamped on every piece by the factory Only 14c a foot These are the only hose we know of guaranteed for two years Polk Bros Eggs For Sale Eggs 3c each or 2 per 100 from full blood Barred Plymouth Rocks Thomp son strain Mrs J W Burtless Phone ash 1351 or address route 3 4 FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf Get Garden Seeds in Bulk or package all carefully selected at McCook Hardware Cos Lawn Mowers We have the best mowers and best prices Pk Bros Hay and Alfalfa For Sale by SBRankin Phone ash 3631 24 tf The Insurance is the only absolute ly safe gasoline stove made Impossible to have accidents They are very economical in fuel using only half as much as others Ladies that have used them will never buy any other kind Call and see them at Polk Bros Our complete supply of toilet requis ites is composed of only the best articles of several large manufactories Dont fail to visit us for essentials of this kind C R Woodworth Druggist If you are going to buy a gasoline stove you of course will want the In surance You can buy them only at Polk Bros Typewriter ribbons papers etc of sale at The Tribune office Corn chops 135 per hundred at the McCook Flour and Feed Store - Phone 20 McConnelPs Balsam cures coughs A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M Tuesday Mar 29 at 8 p m Work in M M degree By Order of the W M C L Fahnestock Secy isiaajMeafiteaCittBiiMvgtiUi ii utiiiimXMMnwuMHWWg conclud fig stunts ---The good was confined pretty exclusively to Miss Margaret Felch whose work was all clever For Sale My residence on 5th street E 8 room hoUFe furnace heat two lots Thirty shade and fiuit trees Good barn and hen house Fine cement walks In quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills or at residence Phone black 405 Silk Petticoats 399 in black taffeta of sofc finish Also colored silk taffeta petticoats at 4 50 We buy these from i silk mill that also makes the petticoats We save you 2 00 on every one The Thompson D G Co Utmost value For Sale About 3000 feet of lumber uped in temporary roof on cold storage building Also few loads of black soil suitable for filling in lawn Call quick H G PHELPS COM CO Chore Boy Gasoline Engines are the cheapest help you can buy We also have many other real bargain in Gasoline Engines Come let us show you McCook Hardware Co Lot For Sale Fine residence lot 75x140 north end of Main avenue Shade trees and sewer Dr C L Fahnestock Office Rooms For Rent Two desirable office room in Electric theatre building Enquire at McCook Hardware Cos Rooms to Rent Furnished or unfurnished 1200 2nd st east Mrs S A Rowell Chl Namel Demonstration at McConnells drug store March 29th and 30th Just arrived a car of Minnesota Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes H C Phelps Co The Insurance Safety gasoline stoves and Dangles blue flame wickless oil stoves are the best to have Polk Bros We should like to have jour name on our customer list because we know we can offer you what you want C R Woodworth Druggist Mr Price of the Iowa Homestead G E Hall of the Twentieth Century Farm er and H C McKelvie of the Nebraska Farmer were all out yesterday taking notes of the Great Combination Sale in which W N Rogers of Shadeland will engage April 13 14th at South Omaha 3HSSEaiiOSBIBSBHMTrs2 a wftffH t iiiii StcCooh A New Record For McCook Last Saturday a new record was established for the McCook telegraph office of the Western Union Co About 11 oclock in tho morning a local special correspondent received a rush request for a thousand word story of our townsman Congressman George W Norris who has been so conspicu ously in tho limelight in Washington for tho past week Wire Chief C F Heber was consult ed and ho at once commenced opera tions to secure a direct wire to Cleve land Ohio tho place from which emanated tho request He was shortly afterwards successful and the unprec edented stunt for this office was soon on The story was prepared and placed in the hands of Operator W L Bass as fast as possible By one oclock 1130 words had been telegraphed direct into tho offko of the Cleveland office Wire Chief Heber had the keep up of the 1200 mile wire in personal charge and naturally ho is well pleased with the feat accomplished YOUR PET DECORATIVE SCHEME If you have in mind some general or special scheme for decorating the walls of your home this season count us in on the scheme We Lave the papers necessary to carry out all sorts of special plans and can also make helpful suggestions if you need them In papers we provide a selection that can not be matched elsewhere in this locality L W McConnell Druggist High School Tests Seed Corn The Agriculture Class of the McCook High School tested seed corn during the past two weekB E ch of the nine mem bers planted five kernels from each of ten different ears From the fifty kern els they counted as those sprouting as follows Fred Amsden 49 from Clint Hamiltons seed corn Arthur ORourke 45 from Thomas ORourkes seed corn Ida Gordon 44 Irving Beech 44 Clar ence Baker 40 Glenn Shields 36 Law rence Rankin 36 John Rankin 33 and Florence Wilson 33 For Sale My residence at 1002 3rd street east 7 room house besides bath room and JpSutTy -2 lots Several f rait and shade trees Baru 16x20 ft 2 ft posts Coil and chicken house Shop 12x14 ft In quire of J W Wimer at the residence Phone red 213 Military Capes Here in catawba wine old rose and tan broadcloths with guilt buttons tassels and braids at 750 to 1000 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Hay For Sale Loose wild and baled hay and alf alfa hay for sale Ed Flitcraft phone ced ar 3682 Lost Diamond Brooch Liberal reward will be paid for its re turn to the Peterson Sisters cafe For Rent 4 room furnished house lawn shade Mrs 3 1 Lee phone 43 Come to the Fountain the one that turns out the most refresh ing and sparkling drinks in the city The Bon Ton Phone 126 McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 24 1910 Just Staples Simpsons and American printH 5jc best apron gingham Gic muslin un bleached or bleached 5o and up best 9 quarter wide bleached sheeting 28c a yard best table oil cloth 15c Peerless carpet warp 25c a lb new lawns Gc and up Mens good drill pocket blue over alls or jackets 44o Boys double front and seat overalls 44c boys wash suits 50c 75 100 childrens rompers 25c 39c 50c G big red hdfs 25c suit cases 125 and up mens suits 5 00 to 1000 boys 3piece suits 3 50 to 7 50 plain Holland shades 25c childs gingham dresses 29c white bed spreads 79c and up stork pants for babies 25c The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Baptists Annual Gathering The annual gath ring of the Baptists of McCook will occur on Wednesday March 30th from 630 till 10 p m Supper will be served by the ladies and a social hour spent until 8 p m when the annual reports will be given plans for the year made and officers elected Rev S E Wilkin of Wilson ville and Rev H O King of Holbrook will deliver addresses on Baptist work All members are requested to be pres ent and all others interested in our work invited Francis E Iams Pastor H T Groves Clerk Chl Namel There will be a Chi Namel Demon strator at our store on Tuesday and Wednesday March 29th and 30th Do not miss this opportunity to learn in five minutes how to spcure a new hard wood floor for 250 and how to have a mission finish dining room den or sit ting room without the expense of re moving old paint or varnish Any old floor oil cloth or linoleum made to look like new hardwood any style or grain Lessons free by in structor Remember the day and date L W McConnell Druggist A Busy Fire Week Monday the coal ohute at Hastings were burned together with 140 tons of coal and two cars Traffic was delayed somewhat1 Yardmaster Harris boy lost a foot under the wheels of a switch en gine during the fire Tuesday the companys bridge east of Edison was partially destroyed by firedelaying No 1 sevejal hours A train was sent from here to make re pairs Refrjerators Let us show you our line Solid oak frame Plain zinc and white enameled lined We can suit you in quality and price Polk Bros You Can Apply Keystone more easily than oil paints and the surface will be covered without showing laps and brush marks A McUillkn Druggist 100 Black Taffeta 79c One yard wide Perfect in weave and luster A ery superior 8100 silk The Thompson D G Co Utmost value For Saie Ten room house reception hall all modern conveniences cement walks etc Full block in fruit and shade trees A large barn and hen houses Easy terms A C Ebert Quick Meal Gasoline and Oil Stoves will solve the hot weath er problem for you We have a large line now ready in new things not before shown Let us show you McCook Hardware Co For Sale 320 acre relinguishment and lease on school section 960 acres in all See L E Barger room 3 over Mc- Connells John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates bookod at Mc Cook National bank Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Honey To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Everything in drugs McConnell Phone 169 if you want good seed oats Updike Grain Co Buy field garden and flower seeds froniHP WaiteCo Seth S Silver was in Sterling Colo Wednesday transacting legal business Good bulk coffee 7 lbs for 1 Sweet oranges 20c a dozen for Saturday at Magners Obey that impulse and have your portrait made at Kimmells Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel At the Intermission in Temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Templum 5c smoke We have the Wedding Breakfast syrup to go with the coffee at Hubers Declamatory Contest Tomorrow Night March 26 Six young people of the high school will contest for the gold and silver med als and the honor of representing Mc Cook at Mtna tomorrow evening For the last two weeks the columns of our state daily newspaper have been full of debating and declamatory contest news The matter of public speaking in both forms seems to bo growing in popularity as a legitimate part of school endeavor At Trenton tonight twelve young people are contestiug for similar honors and at Stratton tomorrow night nineteen will strive for the same distinctions Practi cally all of the schools up and down the line in this part of the state are in this work The Oxford board of education has hired a special teacher to come out from Lincoln for six weeks to train the contestants for this work Of the selections tomorrow night two will belong to the oratorical claBS one to the dramatic and three to the humor ous The program will begin promptly at 845 Two beautiful medals have been donated by A Barnett for the win ners Out of town people will act as judges All patrons and taxpayers are cordially invited to attend A smal lad mission is charged simply to help defray the expenses of the contest 25 nnd 35 cent PROGRAM Instrumental duet Mrs WBMills Fern Flictcraft Francis Scott Key Joseph Moore A Telephone Romance Alma Uraw How the La Rue Stakes Were Lost Gertrude Mornssey Morning song Girls Glee Club Our National Safeguard Florence Wilson The Relation of the Mosquito to the Human Family Harold Schwab TheColonals Experiment Mabel Randal Over the Sea Pupils from 7th A Grade Decision of judges and award of medals Judges Clint M Barr Hastings Rev Gaylord G Bennett Holdrege Esther Bailey Lincoln Referee J F Holliday Indianola Not Up to Expectations The Isle of Spice as presented in the Temple last evening was hardly up to expectations It was piquant but rather over epicy in spots Lots of good comedy but some raw vaudeville in the and The Dorcas society of the Congrega tional church will meet with Mrs C A Rodgers next Thursday afternoon at 2b0 oclock For sale at a sacrifice if taken soon my residence Hot water heat modern Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox Garden seeds in bulk lawn and flower seeds flour and feed Phone 25 C J Ryan High Patent Flour at Magners for 1 35 a sack None better Buy field garden and flower seeds from II PWaite Co Wall paper punts oils etc at Wood worthsthe druggist A McMillen prescription druggist McConnell fills prescriptions ORANGES ORANGES Fine navel oranges from 25c to soc per dozen and for 10c extra on each dozen purchased we give a beautiful silver orange spoon J A WILCOX SON Ice House Much Damaged Monday afternoon the largo west ice house of the Burlingtdn at this place was much damaged by fire oaused prob ably from sparks from a lignite fed switch engine It required two hours of fighting both company and city having lines of hose playing on the flamed to control the fire which however damaged the building and contents to the extent of several thousand dollars meanwhile By stubborn work and concentrated effort the bojs kept the flames from communicating to the large icn house on the east side About three oclock Wednesday morning fire broke out in the building again doubtless from live embers but the fire wat Boon extinguished Tuesday afternoon sparks from an engine communicated to straw and rub bish at different points along west B street and the department was again called out to extinguish the flinies which was done without any damage worth mentioning About the samo time a small prairie fire between the original town and West McCook added to the interest of the occasion A Quiet Home Wedding Last Sunday evening at the home of Dispacther and Mrs T B Campbell Miss Ruth G Campbell and Mr Thomas Frank Humphries were quietly united in marriage in the presence of the im mediate members of the family and a very few close friends Rev R T Bayne of he Congregational churjh performed the ceremony A wedding supper was served after the ceremony and the young couplo took number 14 the same evening for their future temporary home near Mon rovia Kansas The bride is the charming daughter of Dispatcher and Mrs Campbell and is a genuine daughter of McCook having been born in this city She counts a wide circle of dear friends in thiB city The groom is a Burlington fireman high ly esteemed by his fellow firemen andjay the company for his sterling worth and efficiency in the service He temporari ly retires from the service taking a long layoff and for tho present will reside on the parental farm in Kansas The Tribune voices the sentiment of many in wishing them much happi ness and prosperity EACH HAIR COUNtS Your hair is falling out rapidly Is it coming in just as fast That is the rub If you find that your hair is thinning as well as falling it is time to do something Persistent falling out of the hair is something that should be looked after promptly especially if dandruff or other humors are present The best remedy is Rexall 93 Hair Tonic It removes humors tones up the scalp and stimulates growth of new hair L W McConnell Druggist Largest and Best line of childrens rompers at 25c 39 50c piped belted in pink and blue checks in linen color in blues plain and dotted with and without collars short and long sleeves The Thompsou D G Co Ut most value Princess Dresses Here iu soft mulls trimmed with valenciennes laces galore Pink lavendei light blue white 400 to 6 00 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value CHI NAMEL CHI NAMEL March 29th and 30th L W McConnell Druggist Household Goods For Sale All my household goods are for sale Phone 124 AC Ebert For Quick Sale 5 room house S E Corner New See L E Barger Furnished Room to rent with bath Phone black 379 or 407 2nd street east Try Anchor Patent if you want good bread You can buy good seed oats of the Updike Grain Co Phono 169 Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only Corn chops 135 per hundred McCook Milling Co Buy from field garden and flower seeds HPWaite Co Use McCook Flour and patronize the home miils 91 Patent and Anchor Pat ent We are quoting reduced prices on Carpets and Rugs and offer an extra large assortment of the new patterns for you to choose from Come and see Drew Furniture and Carpet Co 214 west B street Willi f I NUMBER 44 The Man Who Starts in Business Today must have monoy or crodit to bo successful ho should havo both Tho real starting point of any business is Thotimoat which ono begins systematic saving If he begins right ho opens a bank account and gradually builds up both his account and his oredit If you begin now it will bring your duy for starting a business of your own that much tho nearer Open an accoun t with us today THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr directors J J Loughran P F McKenna PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES Seed Corn Tests The agriculture class of tho Mc Cook high school would appreciate tho favor if a number of farmers would bring in some representative seed corn for the class to test If tho corn is brought in ears the ears will bo return ed to the owners The class will strive to make an accurate test and give a trustworthy report to those thus help ing them out Captain Wuseon has brought in a selection of seed corn which is being tested now The State Department is sending out pamphlets to the members of agriculture classes who are willing to do this practical work Beaver City Won The Beaver City high school debating team won over the McCook team at Beaver City last Friday evening Albert O Walktfhirudge Tibbets both of Lincoln and Principal McCormick of Atwood Kansas were the judges From all reports the debate was a credit to both schools in every way Judge Tibbets after the debate was over said that of several hich school debates he had heard this stood out as the very best Adaline Koller Ray Scott and Helen Schwab represented McCook Miss Cora Scott and Mrs Koller went with our team The board of education has installed six new drinking fountains two each in the three buildings They are all thor oughly sanitary Miss Esther Bailey of Lincoln has been employed to teach in the high school Mis3 Bailay will be graduated from the University of Nebraska in June She will then have completed both the teac her course in the university and the course in literature science and the arts She has been a supply teacher in the Lincoln hih school the past year Miss Bailey is expected to be a strong and efficient member of the high school fac ilty For a Crude 011 Burner or an auto ride or delivery see me Also i sell or exchange land Have for rent a six room house and fifteen acres of land six acres in alfalfa in South McCook Call and get prices G A BRUNKE Flower and garden seed Kentncky blue grass and white clover for your lawn Fresh new stock seeds are fine Polk Bros Majestic Ranges are better than ever Dont you need one now McCook Hardware Co The McCook Business College make3 special rates for a spring and summer course 24 2 91 Patent 145 per sack McCook Milling Co Pure Gold means good bread Try it You can secure this flour at Magners Buy field garden and flower seeds from II P Waite Co Us 91 Patent cause it is the best What for Be- Try Eas em for tired feet 25c at Woodworths Pastime Theatre Special programs for Saturday Matinee and Saturday night