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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
m v K ssssssaessAasessssesssasasiK Temple t a yi7vs vwvX v SWHfc t KsstSTOwKMajaEra I l T ALL WEEK Commencing Monday March E P Wiley Presents 28th ySSlBJSE TiitiiltTTr - And His Comed Hypnotic Company In a Series of Intensely Interest ing and Sensationally Scientific Demonstrations Mingled With an Abundance of Clean Comedy iiisivmsmAhuK ESSaMSdgmfiiiaSSSBS Prices Ten Twenty Thirty Fifty Cents Ladies Free Monday If Accompanied by a Paid Fifty -Cent Ticket Retirement of an Old Business Man Last Thursday night F D Burgess retired from rhe plumbing business in our city where he has been en gaged in business for the past 2G yeaTS F D has not decided what he will do but it is safe to say that a man of his active temperament and iecord will no long remain inactive and that he will soon be at work here or elsewhere A Great Dance St Patricks Xight The ladies of the Catholic church score handsomely in their dance on St Patricks night They had a large crowd and the financial re turns to the guild were very satis factory Their guests had nothing to desire in the provisions made for their entertainment fine orchestra appropriate decorations etc ANSWERS EVERY CALTi 3IcCook People Have Found that This is True A cold a strain a sudden wrench A little cause may hurt the kid neys Spells of backache often follow Or some irregularity of the urine A certain remedy for 6uch attacks A medicine that answers every cal Is Doans Kidney Pills a true specific Mrs B F Marshall living in the western part of Arapahoe Neb says While lifting some years ago I strained myself and after that be gan to have trouble with my kid neys If I worked a little harder than usual or caught the slightest cold I was sure to suffer more severe ly and at times would be forced to remain in bed for a couple of days My back was very sore and when I straightened after stooping sharp pains would dart through me I also had frequent headaches and dizzy spells and the kidney secretions an noyed me somewhat by their irreg ular action Not until I used Doans kidney pills was I able to get relief They went directly to the root of my trouble and before long I was in good health again Plenty more proof like this from McCook people Call at McConnells drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood B Real Estate Filings The following real estate filing have been made in the county clerks office Mary A Cameron et cons to Peter Nelson wd to 1 2 3 in 8 rd McCook 3000 00 George Lelnnd et ux to Rich ard W McDaniel wd to 1 in 10 1st So McCook 6C0 00 Frank T Walker et ux to James E Paul wd hf inc in se qr 22 n hf nwqr27 32G 2400 00 Harry Groves to L E Barker wd to 6 in 8 2nd McCook 1 00 Manuel Sinner et ux to C G Orman wd to 1 2 in 4 Gth McCook 2100 00 Tina Stalcup et al to John H Hollenbeck wd to ne qr 33 230 2400 00 McDonald Bennett to Leonard J Shippee wd to pt nw qr 1 1 26 100 James L Hill to J VV Sims wd to ne qr 4000 00 Sarah M Widener etal to Jesse D Mallery wd to 1 2 in 9 Lebanon 1620 00 United States to William A Minniear pat to se qr 13 1 28 Edward I Flitcraft et ux to Clarence F Dann et ux wd 5 in 3 7th McCook 1600 00 COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Following licenses to marry have been issued since our last report Robert N Wade 22 of Holbrook and Sadie D Blanchard 22 of McCook Married by the county judge March 9 Conrad Schaub 21 and Louisa Weir ick 20 both of McCook Married on March 12th by Rev G L Henkelmann Scott E Wolf 22 and Barbara Ann Richman 21 both of Bartley Married by Rev C A Norlin March 16th Wesley D Crawford 25 of Cam bridge and Nellie J Chambers 18 of Holbrook Married by Rev V H Raring March 16th Frank L Warren 25 and Fannie Blanchard 20 both of McCook Mar ried by county judge March 16th Rue Thomas 22 and Zsllah Hold ridge 22 both of Danbury Married by county judge March 16 Thomas Frank Humphries 25 and Ruth Gr Campbell 19 bbtfrof McCook Married Match 20th by Rev R T Bayne Carl E ReddicK 21 and Alma Hend derson 22 both of McCook Raymond W Cain 28 and Mrs Bes sie Loughton 2S both of McCook Married by county junge March 21st MARIUN Mesdames Ambler and Beck from Sunny Kansas visited MrsGalusbn one day last week Mrs Wm Sandon of Danbury was in town between trains last week the guest of Mrs Stilgftbouer S W Stilgebouer of Danbury was a business visitor in town betwen trains last week Several from here attended the box supper at the White Hall school house northeast of Danbury Friday evening George Jackson of Oberlin came last Thursday with a crew of men and his moving paraphernalia to take a part of the grain elevator and place it on the foundation of the new mill for Powell Nilsson A H Redfern of Fairview returned Thursday from a ten days trip in Texas and southern parts Frank Fields is having an addition built to his house Grandpa Rodebaugh doing the work t E Galasha cemented a large istern for Chas Wilson last Saturday Clarence Reed of Fairview was at Flagler Colo the first of the week with a view of taking a claim S H Stilgebouer and family visited at H A Creasman8 north of town Sunday L D Gockley arrived home Monday from a two and a half months visit with their daughter at Haigler Neb and their son near Laird Colo Mrs Ellen Plumbi returned frpm her western trip last week Claire Plumb Hope and Josephine Bull who have been stopping at the J H Wicks home for some time left last week for Greeley Colo where Mrs Bull is now residing Mesdames Morgan MoDonald Noe Adams and Crosby of Danbury attend ed the W C T U meeting here Thursday Mrs W F Van Pelt and sister Blanche opened a new millin3ry store one door north of the Enterprise office last week Pneumonia follows a cold but never follows the use of Foleys Honry and Tar which stops the cough heals the lungs and expels the cold from the sys tem A McMillen Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now in This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers JOHN US MARRIAGE Former Heavyweight Champion Vfeds Sweetheart of His Youth The marriage recently of John L Sullivan former heavyweight clinm lion of the world to Miss Katharine llarkius has revealed a pretty ro mance Years ago Miss Elarkins might have been Mrs Sullivan hud not Sullivan angered her by becoming a pugilist As the Boston strong boy he was tried out at the old Cribb club w idling i m F9WJfcjBrg n riApiyivfTsrL 1 JOHN It StJIiMVAN AND WIFE In Boston and soon was making so much money that being disappointed in love didnt seem to matter A few years ago however when he was threatened with blindness she cared for him and nursed him back to health ENGLANDS NEW GAME Jumping Beans and a Hot Plate Pro vide Much Amusement Cyril Maude the noted British actor is gaining fame in a new way abroad and had be need of a press agent that gentleman would have some rather novel material with which to keep his employer in the limelight A few - w ii i or iyRscwi - i A THE SEW BEAN GAMh i months ago the actor was hurrying home from a rehearsal when a street peddler with a tray of Mexican jump iug beans caught his eye and he be came intensely interested iu watching the little curiosities A few days later it occurred to him that much pleasure might be derived with them and he has invented a game that has spread all over Eng land and is now being introduced iu this country The game is played with the jumping beans and a warm plate on which circles have been drawn with a pen The owner of the bean which tirst jumps beyond the outer circles takes the pool The accompa nying illustration shows a game in progress GIRLS AS MESSENGERS Berlins Fair Mercuries Make Good Time on Their Wheels All Germany is interested in an ex periment being tried in Berlin which will no doubt be adopted in other tries if it proves successful This is zz kS J a Wi W t i ONE OF BERLINS NEW KESSENGEBS to employ girls to do the work of the messenger boys and so far they have managed surprisingly well making quicker time as a rule in delivering messages and proving more obliging and respectful than their predecessors Marriage i Take no thoughts as to whom you shall marry Marry whom you please anu you wm discover ttiat you have somebody else Smart Set Music In the Air Which would you prefer your wife to do play the violin or piano I lin It would be easier to chuck out I of the window Bon Vivant Literature Literature gives life to the Ideas of tlu moment and poetry crystallzes Ideas Into forms that can bo remem bered Al the Bottom of It W t started him on the road to succe Well Im not sure but I think his parents had something to do with it In not bringing him up lrom in the idea that lie was one of the marvels of the age Swing of the Pendulum Many works of the highest literary excellence went begging among the publishers said the reminiscent per son Yes answered the man who doesnt care for best sellers But the publishers appea to have learned their lesson Nowadays they seem willing to put almost anything into rint Cleanser WiU Clean It Easier quicker and better than soap soap powder scouring brick or metal polish Just you try it and see This new handy all round Qeanser does all kinds of clean ing W MW 3 Xleans Scrubs Scours mt m rr 3 O B B S 43 0 53 i Milk pails separators glassware cutlery floors woodwork bath tubs paint ed walls pots kettles cook ing utensils brass nickel 3 steel and metal surfaces etc etc in a New and Better Way Wet the articlesprinkle with Old Dutch Clean ser rub well with cloth or brush rinse with clean water and wipe dry Nothing equals OldDutchCIeanser for quick easy and hygienic cleaning I Forlarje Sifter Can DONT HE BALI Almost Any One May Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair You can eaily find out yourself if your hair needs nourishment if it is thinning getting dry harsh and brittle or splitting at the ends You simply have to pull a hair from the top of your head and closely examine its root If the bulb is plump and rosy it is all right if it is white and shrunken your hair is diseased and needs nourishment We have a remedy for hair trou bles that cannot be surpassed It has a record of growing hair and curing baldness in 03 out of 100 cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time It will even grow hair on bald heads if the scalp is not glazed and shiny That may seem like a strong state- inent it is and we mean it to be and no one should doubt it until j they have put our claims to an actual test We are so s re that Rexall 93 Hair Tonic will completely eradicate dandruff prevent baldness stimulate the scalp and hair roots stop falling hair and grow new hair that we personally give our positive tee to refund every penny paid us for Rexall 93 Hair Tonic in every instance where it does not do as we claim or fails to give entire satis faction to the user Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is as pleas- ant to use as clear spring water It is perfumed with a pleasant odor and does not grease or gum the hair We have it in two sizes prices 50 cents and 100 We urge you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonic on our I ecommendaticn and with our guarantee back of it You certainly take no risk Remember sou can obtain Rexall Remedies in McCook only at our store The Rexall Store L W JlcConnell -T - -- 1 We Make Portraits That are Different Styles Up-to-date Methods Modern Kimmell Studio 1st door north Commercial Hotel Phone red 428 acssrsaNjsavjBarvassj7xia ra F D BURGESS SON Plumber and Steam Fitter iron ead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA ttpsjssjvsatvasirsaBsassx4 CW DEWEY Auctioneer McCook Nebraska Will cry sales anywhere any tunc at reasonable prices Dates mvIo at the First National Hank or xhonc lied SI Ufli Ui Jb uUilsl DENTIST ink in Orhco Rooms 3 aw Walah Blk McCool DANBURY Miss Beth McDonald was i Heaver City visitor Tuesday last Last Tuesday S G Uastin moved his stock of goods into the Robins on Robinson brick building Mr Rue Thomas and Mins Zella Holdridge were married at M Cook Wednesday by County Judge Moore Joe Greenway and famih fiom Iowa came Tuesday for an indchmle visit with his brother William of thiH placo Chas Wick from Husbey Iowa came Thursday for a visit and to h a lew of the Wick light plants here The meat market is having a new coat of paint put on Alvin FJow and Phyllis Sargent of Indianola were over for a visit Thurs day There was a St Patricks dance out to Mrs 1 E Dolphs Thursday nigit J L Leisure of Pawnee City Neb was called here Thursday to his sick mother Burr Gartin and Will Harris wenr to Wilsonville Tuesday night to hear th band practice W A Stone came home from Omaha Friday Guy French of Herndon Kas was down Friday and rode D C Hoyera motorcycle back home Maxwell Ralsten of Lebanon was up Saturday on a business trip Tom Austin had an emigrant ear of goods shipped here Friday He is moving on their place There was a surprise part or Mar- ion Gentry Thursday night Oberlin high school will give a con test in the opera house Friday night Dora Greenway came home Satur day from Oxford where she is teach ing S W Stilgebouer was a Marion visit or Wednesdav FOR SALE BBBBBaaBBBiHiaEsiaBanBai My Property On Lower Main Avenue S3oooOnethird Cash Balance on Easy Terms Write For Particulars to 2322 Walrond Avenue Kansas City Mo H KAPKE