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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1910)
r Ill W Zj iJ r i rfmmniMltfMWflTMl lf vtfBMb J Ml zJBf tws NTY EIGHTH YEAR A Lapse of Memory often happens when a child is sent to the store on an errand In such cages we help tho youngster all wo can but never give child what we would not give to its parents We have a straight method of doing business and you can send your children here and feel certain that they will bo as well and faithfully attended to as you would be and given only the best Groceries Look for Saturday Snaps at D THE B Dovle BEE HIVE Phone 47 CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS CONGREGATIONAL Morning subject The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth EveniauThe Ev olution of tho Thief The orchestra will furnish special music in the even ing METHODIST The business meeting of the second quarterly conference will be held on Saturday evening at 8 oclock Preach ing by district superintendent Sunday morning by pastor Sunday evening BAPTIST Morning subject Footprints of God After the morning service the Lords Supper will be observed and communications from former pastorp read Evening subject Sojourners Rev H O King Baptist pastor at Holbrook was in attendance and ad dressed the annual gathering of the Baptist church Wednesday evening A large number listened to reports of excellent work of the past year at the Baptist church Wednesday evening Plans were made for a larger work for the coming year An excellent supper was served by tbB ladies of -the church EPISCOPAL At a meeting of St Albans parish on Easter Sunday J S LeHew was elected warden Dr H J Pratt treasurer and Dr W F Jones clerk CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject for Sunday morning April 3 Unreality Huet Anton Wedding- Wednesday afternoon at three oclock at the home of Engineer and Mrs F E Whitney in West McCook Mr Dean M Huet and Miss Mary E Anton were uni ted in marriage Rev E R Earle of the Episcopal church performing the cere mony Quite a number of relatives and friends were present A wedding repast followed the ceremony They will make their home in South McCook The bride is the daughter of Paul P Anton and the groom afireman in lthe Burlington employ Both are highly esteemed hav ing lived here from childnood On the Accredited List The McGook high school has been placed on the accredited list of theNorth Central Association of Minor Colleges and Secondary Schools The school was not long since removed from the list for some minor and unimportant short-coming and The Tribune is pleased to noto its return tojthe accredited list again Typewriter ribbons papers etc of1 sale at The TRiRUXEoffice Every dayjis a lucky day for those who buy drugs of McCpnnelli For Sale A driving horse -Apply to J F Cordeal for price and particulars Have an estrly look at our new wall papers Allgour stock is inland Worth seeing L W McCoxxell Druggist Mrs Blaxding is home from Reads town Wisconsin tvhere she tirs beonthe past winter - i - Rev J J Loughrax of Dawson Ne braska who numbers McCook admirers fay the scores is visiting in ther city to Mr axd Mrs E S Waite leave to day for Iowa the old home state to visit for some time amongrelatives and early scenes F N Waite of Bowdel S D brother of H P and E S of our city spent part of last week in the city on his way home from spending the winter in Texas He left for South Dakota Monday LET SPRING FEVER OUT THROUGH THE PORES The stute of lassitude that is apt to appear in the spring is duo to the sys tem being loaded up with waste prod ucts The skin is sluggish during the winter months and more waste accumu lates than the kidneys and skin can ex pel Bathe often and use a good sponge and flesh brush These stimulats the skin to healthy activity and get rid of waste products by the normal channels No matter what you wanton bath sup plies we have it L W McCoxxell Druggist Benny Becomes Field Manager Leonard D Bennett a former Lin coln amateur and on the reserve list of Lincolns Western league club is to blossom forth as a manager Arrange ments were concluded Saturday where by Bennett is to become field manager of the Fremont club m the Nebraska state league Lincoln Journal To the People of McCook I now have the agency of the Charles A Stevens Bros ready-to-wear and tailor made suits silk dresses in fact of everything in that line also of suitings and dress silks by the yard Formerly represented by Mrs T A Nash Call or phone Mrs Will Hpgenberger 910 2nd street east phone red 394 MENS SPRING SUITS 16 50 1500 81350 61000 S7 50 Remarkable values in the 81350 line We save you 3 00 on a suit Only cash ouys them Time on a suit costs you too dearly Pay cash and get cash value The Thompson D G Co Utmost values For Sale My residence on 5th street E 8 room house furnace heat two lots Thirty shade and fruit trees Good barn and hen bouse Fine cement walks In quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills or atreaidence Phone black 405 CENTER OF THE STAGE Our 79c yard wide black taffeta silk continues to draw old and new custom ers Regular 100 value Perfect in weave strength and lustre Dont you waut in wbiletyou can TJieTbompson D G Co Utmost values For Sale Ten room house reception hall all modern conveniences cement walks etc Full blockJn fruit andt sbade trees A large barn and hen bouses Easy terms A C Ebert LACE CURTAINS 50C TO 650 a pair The new Bungalow Curtun Arabians Tambours Irish Points Not ticghams Brussels Net The Thompson D G Co Utmost values Fire In Pool Hail Basement Early Wednesday morning fire was discovered in the basement under the Bailey - Vasconcellos pool hall The fire was controlled without much dam age being done For Sale 320 acre relinquishment and lease on school section 960 acres in all See L E Barger room 3 over Mc Connells RUGS 135 TO 300 Smyrna Brussels and Axminster rugs SI 35 ito S3 00 each at The Thompson D G Co Utmost values Lot For Sale Fine residence lot 75xM0 north end of Main avenue Shade trees and sewer Dr C L Fahxestock C F Miller Sells Out This week C F Miller disposed of his electrical supplies business to Heg enbergpr McBrayer John Casnen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Cook National bank Farm Loans mission required Mc- Optional payments No cash com- P S Hkatox Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Fragrant Lotion tonight No chaps in the morning Phone 169 if you want good seed oats Updike Grain Co Buy field garden and flower seeds fromH P Waite Co Good bulk coffee 7 lbs for 81 Sweet oranges 20c a dozen for Saturday at Magners Obey that impulse and have your portrait made at Kimmells Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel At the Intermission in Temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Templum oc smoke We have the Wedding Breakfast yrup to go with the coffee at Hobers Admission itfaeatjaaSH5 ItcCwfe AN EVENT OF UNUSUAL INTEREST But Poorly Attended and Illy Appre ciated by the Patrons of the Pub lic Schools Judging by the attendance upon the declamatory contest by pupils of the McCook high school last Saturday eve ning in the Temple theatre che patrons of the public schools of our city do not take an impelling interest in suph affairs which in other towns and cities in this part of tho state are attracting keen interest and crowding the houses at their contests Notwithstanding the contest was de cidedly worth while the participants doing themselves credit in each in stance The program opened with an instru mental piano duet by Mrs W B Mills and Fern blitcrat whioh waa well re ceived Joseph Moore had tho opening His subject was Francis Scott Key author of the Star Spangled Banner He gave it dignified and careful oratorical treatment but slightly marred by for getting lines A Telephone Romance was the title of Miss Alma Craws declamation While unsuited in its humorous style to Miss Craws temperament the reci tation was done in a very satisfactory manner Whon Miss Gertrude Morrissey bad completed her How the LaRue Stakes Were Lost it was quite patent to the hearers what would be the disposition of the first priz Miss Gertrude is clever and finished in her dramatic work Miss Florence Wilson of the oratorical class did very creditably in handling the heavier subjectOur National Safe guards Harold Schwab quite took the audi ence by storm in offering the profoundly humorous subject The Relation of the Mosquito to the Human Family He proved the relationship quite intimate and gave the audience another tip as to the silver medal One of the strong efforts of the even Holdrege Has Big Fire Monday night Holdrege suffered a 8350000 fire in a high wind Their fa mous big elevator and 150000 bushels of grain were destroyed The Burlington coal chute some twenty odd cars four of them merchandise cars a quantity of coal and much damage to tracks and delay of traffic were the Burlington loss A hotel and several dwellings make up the total and the most disastrous fire in Holdreges history WASHABLE SKIRTS AND DRESSES Investigate our large lines before buy ing We savei you 20 percent on a skirt or dress 1 35 to 8650 The Thompson D G Co Utmost values Eggs For Sale Eggs 3c each or 82 per 100 from full blood Barred Plymouth Rocks Thomp son strain Mrs J W Burtless Phone ash 1351 or address route 3 4 FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf Hay and Alfalfa For Sale bv SBRankin Phone ash 36SL 24 tf Use McCook Flour and patronize the home miils 91 Patent and Anchor Pat ent The skin roughening effects of wild March winds are promptly cured and prevented by McConnells Fragrant Lo tion Again it is not too late to order your trees and shrubs if done in the next few days We can furnish Cannas Tulips Crocus Phlox Coleus Caladiums and Dahlias alsoSalvias Petunia Pany and Asster plants McCook Greenhouse r A handsomely designed Carpet or Rug with good tasty coloring is a real treat to any visitor to your home in fact it is a real treat to yourself Our Superla tive Carpets and Rugs have just that ef fect on everybody Drew Furniture and Carpet Co west B street WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK w jwasjtsatesi Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening march 31 1910 and ollective in her declamatory work The songs by the high school girls and by members of Seventh A grade receiv ed recalls being greatly enjoyed The decision of the judges Rev GG feennett of Holdrege J F Holliday of Indianola and Miss Esther Bailey of Lincoln was not long forthcoming Miss Morrissey was awarded the first medal and Mr Harold Schwab the socond Both awards received prompt and ener getic approval of the audience The presentations weie made by Rev Ben nett MrBarnett of the school board and donor of the medals stated that medals vWould be offered again next year and made a quiet plea for increased attend ance and interest from the publio and patrons of the schools i Supt White of the Trenton schools was referee The markings of the judges are as follows Francis Scott Key A ToIeDhone Romance How the LaRue Stakes Woro Lost Onr -National Safeguards Ttie Relation of the Mosquiio to the Human Family ThaColonels Experiment ing was the humorous offering of Missj For Quick Sale Mabel Randel sThe 5 room house S E Corner ment Miss Randel is always consistent See L Ei Barger a a 5 S an 2 5 P T p 5 4 1 3 4 3 1 3 -1 6 5 6 2 1 4 4 2 5 The awards were made in accordance With rule 2 of the Southwestern Neb raska Declamatory Association which provides where the awards are not made according to rule 1 by the highest mar kings of a majority of the judges that the award shall go to the one whose sum of ranks is least the next least the sec ond prize You Can Apply Keystone more easily than oil paints and the surface will be covered without showing laps and brush marks A McMillen Druggist Hay For Sale Loose wild and baled bay and alfalfa bay for sale Ed Flitcraft phono ced ar 3682 Furnished Room to rent with bath Phone black 379or 407 2nd street east New OLD MAIDS CONVENTION By the Epworth League Tuesday Evening April 5th In the Methodist Church On account of Prof Makeover not being able to get here in time for Friday night the spinsters will hold their conven tion on the above date April 5th next Tuesday 10 and 25 cents HEMP CARPET 35c Strong hemp Carpet 1 yard wide in handsome patterns reversible Moth proof 35c a yd at The Thompson D G Co Utmost values For Sale Alfalfa seed cane seed millet seed alfalfa hay and wild hay Phone Cedar 2352 J B Colling McCook Our rugs are beauty spots They will help to furnish your room artistically Special Reduced Prices this coming week Drew Furniture and Carpet Co West B street Try Anchor Patent if you want good bread For sale at a sacrifice if taken soon my residence Hot water heat modern Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox Garden seeds in bulk lawn and flower seeds flour and feed Phone 25 C J Ryax High Patent Flour at Magners for 81 35 a sack None better Buy field garden and flower seeds fromH P Waite Co Wall paper paints oils etc at Wood worthsthe druggist A McMillen prescription druggist McConnell fills prescriptions rtbtttie DO YOU PAPER THIS SPRING If you select your papers at our store you are sure to bo satisfied when they are on You cannot select poor paper here We picked our stock too carefully for that WE CAN HELP YOU on your spring papering with tho most beautiful designs It costs no more for handsome papers than it does for those with which youll never be satisfied We have exclusive patterns that it will pay you to see They are in small lots so what you select here you will not see ou the walls of a neighbors home See our papers soon L W McCoxnell Druggist Saved The Day Col W E Corwin of the South Side tells the writer that the prairie fire last Thursday on the Long place and in the vicinity of the Corwin place was only subdued by the prompt and heroic ef forts of Messrs Bennett Shears Cath cart Don Thompson and some energetic and courageous women of the neighbor hood The Colonel expresses the grati tude of himself and the neighbors gener ally for their timely help Gold Braclet Pinched Ornery Todd and wife were down to McCook two days the latter part of the week Emery going as a witness in the J W Roberts trial While down there Mrs Todd had the misfortune to have her gold braclet stolen from her suitcase in the hotel where they were boarding Palisade cor For Sale My residence at 1002 3rd street east 7 room house besides bath room and pantry 2 lots Several fruit and shade trees Barn 16x20 ft 2 ft posts Coal and chicken house Shop 12x14 ft In quire of J W Wimer at the residence Phone red 213 Fair and Race- Dates Following are the dates selected for the county fairs and races in the circuit of Southwest Nebraska McCook August 31 September 1 2 Benkelman September 8 9 10 Imperial September 15 16 17 Trenton September 22 23 24 Dagoes and Greeks The Burlington now has dagoes and Greeks galore on its sections aud con struction work all over its lines in this part of Nebraska And its a dull week that does not chronicle some lively inci dent in which these furriners are par ticipants Spring Games Scheduled The McCook and Trenton high school teams have already scheduled a few games of base ball for the early spring on the respective home grounds At Trenton April 15th At McCook April 30th WINDOW SHADES 25cAND35c Same prices as always on shades Six foot shades seven foot Bhades fringed shades plain shades Any width up to 36 inches The Thompson D G Co Utmost values 7 Room Dwelling For Sale Modern shade and fruit trees Two blocks east of opera house 31 4t W C Blair 407 east 2nd st The electric company is figuring on a day service You can buy good seed oats of the Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only Corn chops 8135 per hundred McCook Milling Co Buy field garden and flower seeds from HP Waite Co Corn chops 135 per hundred at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Phone 20 April S Friday the W C T U sub lect will be Evangelistic Hostess Mrs Wimer leader Mrs Hartwell Purify your blood now with our com pound Sarsaparilla and Burdock and you will have good health and abundance of energy the remainder of the year L W McCoxxell Druggist Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from IS cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list Fresh air and sunshine prevent dis ease Good paint prevents decay It will pay you to protect your property with long wearing Bradley Vrooman Pure Paint Sold by Stansberry Lum ber Co Prices on McCook Flour 91 Patent 8145 per sack Anchor Patent 140 per sack 91 Patent in 10 sack lots 1 35 per sack Anchor Patent in 10 sack lots 130 per sack McCook Mills NUMBER 45 Would YOU Throw Away 1000 The man who could save and bank 5 rur month and doesnt do it is throwing away 860 ior year the gross earning Iowor of 1000 at 0 in r cent interest Safe investments which annually pay 6 percent not aro not so plentiful as thoy Used to bo Why not start an ac count with us and con serve this 1000 earning You can open an account with a S3 deposit or oven loss Come in and lot us talk over tho mattor THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehx V Pros C J OBkikx Cahr DIRKCTOR8 J J Loughran P F McKenna Man From Dundy Released Last Thursday afternoon at tho Bur lington depot at Benkelman Claronce Edwards and Austin Edwards former brothers ip law engaged in a shooting affair in which Clarence shot Austin in the right shoulder and right hand Clarence Edwards had just been bound over to district court on a charge of rape on two little girls one of them the little daughter of Austin Edwards and Clarence Edwards was at the train to get out of town on account of the feeling in town against him Sheriff Kimsey of Dundy county brought Clarence Edwards on train No 8 to this city for safe keeping But no complaint having been filed Edwards was on Sunday evening relensed He was still in town Monday It is thought he will return to Dundy county as the feeling there is very strong against him andbis life would doubtless b6 in jeop ardy Edwards wife had secured a divorce from him on the ground of cruelty some time since Edwards having shown his love for his wife he had sworn to love honor and defend by striking her with a single tree etc His divorced wife had been remarried Monday of last week AM A GRAIN BAGS 23c Peerless Carpet Warp 25c Best table oil cloth 15c Simpsons and American Prints the best 54c Bleached and unbleached muslins 5c a yd and up Mens and boys good blue denim over alls and jackets 44c Rompers 25c 39c 44c and 50c Mens good leather gloves 25c Stetson hats 3 69 Best wire sheeting 25c a yd Boys Buster Brown wash suits 50c 75c 8100 Largest line ofsuitcase3 8125 to 750 Cash only buys them The Thompson D G Co Utmost values A False Prophet Hans Hanson suspended farming op erations long enough Monday to write the publisher that he the publisher n a false prophet We promised Hand that he would get his Easter bonnet wet about eleven oclock Sunday morning Clerk Carrier Examination An examination for clerks and carriers will be held in the high school on Apru 16th Blanks and particulars ma secured at the McCook postofiice The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are paying the highest cash price for baled alfalfa hay on track For prices and particulars phone 331 C W Dewev Manager The McCook Busines3 College make3 special rates for a spring and summer course 24 2 91 Patent 3145 per sack McCook Milling Co Pure Gold means good bread Try it You can secure this flour at Magners Chi Xamel The latest and best thing in Varnish L W McConnell Druggist Buy field garden and flower Eeeds from H P Waite Co Use 91 Patent cause it is the best What for Pastime Theatre Saturday matinee and night A Little Imp the Governars Pardon Be-