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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1916)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF If y f s TEACHING INDIAN 10 MAKE LIVING Uncle Sam Plans to Make Red Man Useful Citizen. PRACTICAL TRAINING GIVEN Vocational Schools Established to Make Young Wards of Government Efficient in Various Indus- trial Pursuits. To nmke the red mnn n productive citizen, prepared to tuko his place In the industrial und commercial life of the nation 1b the object of the voca tional tralulug which has been Intro--duced by Uncle Sam Into all the In--dlan schools of the country. The chil dren of the original Americans are now being given the benellt of what gov ernment officials believe to be the best vocational training ottered by any school system in the United States. The new system of training for Uncle Sam's young girls is being de eloped under the supervision of Cato Sells, head of the bureau of Indian affairs of the department of the Interior. Mr. Sells is giving much attention to this feature of the bureau's work and Is confident that it will produce very beneficial results. Given Practical Training. The system, recently devised, is di vided Into three divisions. The first Is the beginning stage, the second the Undine stage and the third the finish ing stage. During the first and second periods the training Is domestic and in dustrial activities center around the conditions essential to the Improve ment and proper maintenance of the home and farm. The course outlined 4n the prevocntlonal division is unique In the fact that In nddltlon to the regu- Cato Sells. lar academic subjects boys are required to tuke practical courses iu farming, gardening, dairying, farm carpentry, farm blucksmlthlng, farm engineering, farm masonry, farm palntlug and shoe and harness repairing, und all girls are required to tuke courses In home cook ing, sewing, laundering, nur&lng, poul try raising and kitchen gardening. This course not only prepares the Indian youth for Industrial efficiency, but At the same time helps them to find those activities for which they are best adapted and to which they should apply themselves definitely during the vocational period, the character and amount of academic work being deter mined by Its relative value aud Impor tance as a means of solving the prob lems of the farmer, mechanic and housewife. Nonessentials Eliminated. Nonessentials are eliminated. One half of each day Is given to Industrial training and the other half to academic studies. All effort Is directed toward traltdng Indian boys und girls for ef ficient und useful lives under the con ditions which they must meet after leaving school. Other subjects to which this course directs special attention are health, motherhood aud child wel fare, civics, community meetings and extension work. After their long course of search, the experts of the Indian olllce who have been In the closest touch with this work sny that they came to the conclu sion that tho economic needs of all people and of tho Indian especially demand that the schools provide for Instruction along eminently practical lines. To this end the Industrial schools were cstubllshed, lu which the culture value of education Is not neglected, but rather subordinated to the practi cal needs of tho child's environment. In the first or primary period, spoken of before, the Indian child goes into what Is to him u strange land with a strange tongue, strange habits, customs and standards. Ho Is lacking that fivo years or so of fundamental home edu cation which most white children re ceive Iu our American wnys of think ing, doing and living. Officials of tho Indian olllce uro much pleased with tho way their new method Is working out. A. diaphragm aud horn resembling a ijlrouogruph's have been Invented to fiuuVjte telegraph relay Instruments nu- 'illhla nnii onvn 4ltn lion nt wlHlltmnl I.....W 4..U KM,W bMU 3i W. UUUtViUMUl sounders. PLAN TO TEACH FLYING Uncle Sam's Experts Will Instruct Civilians. Applicants for Training, However, Must Agree to Become Officers In the Aviation Reserve Corps at ' End of Schooling. Civilians who meet the requirements of Uncle Sam will have an opportunity to become experienced aviators at the expense of the government, nccordlng to plans that are being prepared by the aviation branch of the Utdted States Signal corps In compliance with the act of consnws appropriating $Ki,000,000 for the organization of a military avia tion corps. For the alatton suction of the Signal Officers' Reserve corps It Is proposed to have 21H) olllcers, graded from major to second lieutenant. Those who aspire to be olllcers may be taught to fly at tlw expense of the government. Applicants must be from twenty-one to twenty-seven years old. If the can didate Is considered desirable he will be examined physically, mentally and morally. The physical test will be the same as that required for officers of the regular army who want to serve In the Aviation corps. In the mental test the applicant will he required to establish the fact that he has "the equivalent of a college education." The candidate must Ktnte in writing that If he passes his aviation test after being taught aviation at the expense of the government he will become an officer iu the Aviation Iteserve corps'. Then the examining board will recom mend that the applicant be designated as an aviation student. lie will be sent either to an army aviation school or a private aviation school approved by the officer In charge of the aviation section. When he has been taught to fly he will be commissioned second lieutenant. It Is the intention to organize re serve uero squadrons iu various parts of the country. The enlisted reserve corps calls for i4 master signal electricians, 11)0 first class sergeants, 1181 sergeants, OKI cor poruls, 1,881 privates, first-class, and U70 privates. These men will bo ex pected to attend to the motors of the aeroplanes. An officer In the reserve corps will be commissioned for live years, after which he may be recommlssloued iu the same or higher grades for succes sive periods of five years. In time of uctunl or threatened hos tilities olllcers of the reserve corps are subject to such duty as the president may prescribe. Heads of staff corps when authorized by the secretary of war may order reserve officers to duty for periods not exceeding 15 days a year. While so serving the olllcers will be paid the same us the respective grades In the army. OLD PAPERS WORRY CENSORS They Should Not Be Used in Packing Boxes for Shipment Through Any Belligerent Countries. If you arc going to ship some old clothes to the Belgians or to anybody else, through tho belligerent countries of Europe, donlt wrap them lu old newspapers. This Is the warning Is sued by Uncle Sam. Likewise, If you are packing some thing, don't use old magazines or pa pers to fill the Interstices to keep your gifts from rattling around in an over sized packing case. Warning Is being given nil shippers by the department of commerce that delay in customs is sure to bo the por tion of such shipments If they do not suffer a more serious fnto. This wnrnlng Is given to big ship pers, many of whom have found old papers and magazines u cheap and useful packing material. Presence of such printed mutter Is a real menace to the goods. An ulterior motive Is always sus pected when uncensored printed mat ter comes to n belligerent country through channels other than the pub lic post, where It Is readily expected. Homo newspapers are censored by the governments, and uncensored Ameri can papers are not appreciated by the authorities In out-of-the-wny corners of packing cases. i V AMERICAN MftNEY FOR CHINA Rockefeller Foundation Plans to Spend $1,000,000 on Medical College and Hospital Buildings. A million dollars of American money Is to be spent on buildings and equip ment for a medical collego and hos pital at Peking, China, Uncle Sam's commercial attache at that place re ports. Tho money is to bo spent by tiie Rockefeller foundation. Some time ago tho foundation took over the previously established Union Medlcnl college of Peking and the hos pital operated In connection with It. It Is now proposed to build a com plete new plant for these Institutions, tho plnns calling for bulldlngH for tho college to nccoinmodnto u maximum of CO students und for tho hosnltal to provldo for n present maximum of 200 beds, with possibilities of luter expan sion. Tho hospital Is Intended primar ily to provide cllnlcul facilities for tho college, and it Is expected to bo pat ronized mainly by tho poorer classes. Tho expenditure that this project will involvo is not officially stated, but It Is understood that it may run over 11,000,000. By THE DIRECT VOTE WILL INTRODUCE BILL TO ELECT , PRESIDENT BY POPULAR VOTE NAMES THANKSGIVING DAY President Designates November 30 As a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. tVHtrn Newnpapur Union News Service. Portland, Qie. Sonutor Georgo K. Chamberlain, who has gone to Wash ington, has announced that at tho coming session of congress ho would Introduce a proposed constitutional amendmont providing for tho election of president by direct voto of tho people. Ills intention ho said, was to get the amendment under way promptly, so that It might bo acted on by legislatures of tho various states in time to become effective for tho next presidential election. "Tho recent election demonstrated more strongly than ever the desirabil ity of electing tho president by direct vote," he snld. Senator Chamberlain, who Is chairman of the senate com mittee on military affairs, said he would also at the coming session put forward a measure providing for uni versal military service. THANKSGIVING DAY President Issues Proclamation Regard ing Its Observance. Washington, Nov. 17. President Wilson has formally by proclamation designated Thursday, November 30, aa Thanksgiving day. Horo follows the president's procla mation: "It has long been ilia custom of our people to turn lu the fruitful au tumn of the year iu praise and thanks ilvlug to Almighty God for Ills many blessings und mercies to us and tho nation.. "The year that has elapsed slnco wo last observed our day of thanks giving has been rich In blessings to us as n people while tho whole faco Df the world bus been darkened by war. In the midst of our peace and happiness our thoughts dwell with painful disquiet upon tho struggles ind sufferings of tho nations at war and of tho peoples upon whom war has brought disaster without choice )r possibility of escape on their part. Wo cannot think of our own happi ness without thinking of their pitiful Jistress. "Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wil son, president of the United States of America, do appoint Thursday, tho thirtieth of November, ns a day of national thanksgiving and prayer, md urgo and advlso tho people to re sort to tholr several places of wor Bhip on that day to render thanks to Almighty God for the blessings of poaco and unbroken prosperity which Ho has bestowed upon our bolovod country in such unBtintod moasure. "And I also urge and suggest our duty, In this, n day of pcaco and abun dance, to think with doep sympathy of tho stricken peoplos of tho world upon whom tho curse and terror of war has so pitilessly fallen and to contrlbuto out of our abundant means to the relief of tholr sufferings. "Our peoplo could In no better way show their real attitudo toward the prosent struggle of the nations than by contribution to the rollof of the Bufferings which war has brought In Its train. "In witness whereof, 1 have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to bo affixed. "Done at tho City of Washington, this 17th day of November In tho year of Our Lord 1016 and of tho In depondenco of tho United Statos tho 141st. " WOODROW WILSON. "By the President. "ROBERT LANSING. "Secretary of State." Deutschland Sinks Her Convoy Now London, Conn. Five lives woro lost when tho German submarine Doutschland, which loft port Thursday for Bromon rammed and sont to tho bottom with Us crew of five tho tug T. A. Scott, Jr., ono of Its convoying tugs. After tho accident, tho Deutsch land returned to port. The collision occurred about a railo Inside tho Race and, according to a niombor of the Deutsghland's crew, camo "all In a minute." The tug, ho said, got In front of the Doutschland, tho distance being so slight betwoen them that tho submersible had no chance of avoiding the accident. Her nose struck the tug noar tho storn, lifting it well out of the water and sending tho Scott's nose under. Al most Immediately afterward the boil ers of tiie tug oxplodod and the ves sel sank with all on board. British Steamer Sunk Paris. Tho British, steamer Sarah Radcllffe, of 3,333 tons gross, has been sunk by a hostllo Btibmarlno, which torpedoed and bombardod her, according to a semi-official announce'1 ment. The steamer sank after twelve shots had been fired at liar, nccordlng to this account, her crow of twenty eight men being rescued by tho Nor wegian steamer Hudtn. Thq sloop BL Nicholas of Granville was sunk also by a submarine, tho announce ment adds. Jler crow of nine man was saved. PUDDINGS ALL WILL ENJOY English Recipe, of Course, Is Well Known Plain or Steamed Fruit Confection Excellent. English Pudding. Half cupful but ler, one cupful molasses, half cupful seeded raisins, three-quarters cupful milk, three and one-half cupfuts Hour, one teaspoonful soda, one-half tea spoonful cloves, one-half teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful mace. Heat tho butter to a cream, add tho molasses, raisins aud milk. Sift to gether (lie Hour, Hoda aud spices, add these to first mixture, turn Into a greased mold, cover closely aud steam three hours. Serve with wine sauce or foamy sauce. Plain Fruit Pudding. Two cupfuls Hour, one-half cupful chopped beef suet, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one teaspoonful mixed spices, one third of a cupful of candled peel, one half teaspoonful tail, one-half cupful currants, one egg, one-half cupful M-edod ralsliiH, three-quarters cupful milk. Sift tiie Hour, salt, baking pow der and spices. Add the suet and fruit, and ml to a soft dough with the egg and milk. Turn Into a well greased pudding mold, cover closely and .steam three hoiir.s. Turn out aud serve with hard or lemon sauce. Steamed Fresh Fruit Pudding. Two cupfuls Hour, three teaspoon! ills bak ing powder, half t.'iispoonful salt, two eggs, two table.spooufuls xugnr, one cupful milk, three tablespoonfuts melt ed butter, one cupful fresh fruit, any thing one likes. Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar and mix to a batter with the eggs and milk. Pour iu the melted butter and fill small greased cups one-third full of the batter. Drop In a little fresh fruit and cover with more batter. Steam about half an hour. Date Pudding. Half-pound stoned (lutes, quarter pound beef suet, one cupful Hour, half cupful sugar, ono teaspoonful ground ginger, one tea spoonful groundcinnamon, one tea spoonful salt, one teaspoonful baking powder, one cupful bread crumbs, two eggs, two-thirds cupful milk. Chop the dates and suet flue or run them through a meat chopper. Add all the dry Ingredients and moisten with the eggs and milk. Turn Into greased molds and steam ; If In one large mold four hours, If lu small molds, two hours. TO PREPARE THE PUMPKIN Three Splendid Ways of Making the Yellow Globes a Welcome Ad junct of the Feast. Pumpkin-Date Pie. Ono pint pump kin pulp, one-half cupful sugar, one half cupful chopped dates, one-half teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half tea spoonful allspice, one cupful crenin or rich milk, one-half teaspoonful salt, two eggs, one-half teaspoonful ginger, one-fourth teaspoonful nutmeg. Blend all the Ingredients to a cream. Beat up the yolks aud whites of eggs separately and fold In tho whites tho lust thing. Pour Into crusts and bake. Servo cold with a layer of whipped cream on top flavored with n llttlo vanilla and dotted, If liked, with n few crystallized cherries. These pics can be made In the form of patties. Pumpkin Fritters. Pumpkin or squash, salt, fritter batter, hot fat. Cut the squash or pumpkin In long, square pieces. Mnke tho pieces ns thin as possible. Sprinkle with salt and let stand awhile; then dip Into the fritter batter and fry In deep fat until the pumpkin Is tender. When nicely browu, dust them with sugar and serve hot. Escalloped Pumpkin. Pumpkin, breadcrumbs, three tablcspoonfuls but ter, cheese, salt and pepper. After the pumpkin has been peeled, cut It up Into small squares. Place tho butter In a saucepan; when It Is melted add tho pumpkin and cook until tender; season to taste with salt and pepper and a little sugar. Place n layer In a buttered linking dish ; cover with grat ed cheese and buttered breadcrumbs; add another layer and top off with tho cheese and crumbs. New Hampshire Carrots. One quart of carrots, ono qunrt of water, one teaspoonful salt, one-half cupful elder vlnegnr, three-quarters cupful sugar, ono tnblespoonful butter. Scrape the carrots and cut In sections one and one-half Indies long, then Bllce them lengthwise, one-quarter of an Inch thick nud then in strips of same thickness. Add water and suit and boll until tender. Drain off water, add the vinegar, sugar and butter nnd cook until the carrots have a clear, transparent appearance. Then serve, This will servo five persons. Stuffed Potatoes. Select fine lmatu potatoes and bake until tender. Cut off the ends, scoop out the contents with the handle of a spoon, nnd work soft with butter, hot milk, pepper und suit, and u little grat ed cheese. Return the mixture to the skins, mounting It up on the open end, und with these uppermost set the po tatoes lu the oven five minutes. tint from the skins. Delicious. Practical Suggestion. The secret In making chill snuco is to boll nnd boll the mixture until It thickens well, without allowing It to "stick." This takes much patience und failure to comply with this require ment Is tho cause of fnlluro In much of the homemndo chili sauce. To Clean White Enameled Furniture. Rcmovo nil dirty marks with n flan nel dipped In wood alcohol. Then wash at once with tepid wnter to which has been added a little fine oatmeal. Nover use soap or soda.' toiMnoNAL SIDMOIOOL LESSON (By R O. SELLrcnS. ActltiK Director ol the Sinulny Hchonl Cournu In tlio Moody Ulbto Institute of Chtcmjo.) (Cop) right, t91G, Writcrn Nowapnpcr Union.) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 26 A LIVING SACRIFICE. I.K8SON TKXT Iloiiinns 12. UOI.DDX TBXT Pn-Bunt your botllon a HvliiK wicrlnco, holy, itcccptablo unto God, wliluli Is your spiritual ncrvlco. lloni. 12:1 It. V. The first 11 chapters of this let ter tench and Illustrate the great principles of the Christian life. Paul calls It "my Gospel." Its funda mental principle Is that Justification regenerates men, and nothing else. The second section Is the practical ap plication of these truths. I. The Exhortation to Gratitude (vv. 1-1!). "Therefore," because of the work of Christ on our behalf, wo are to present, our bodies as living sacrifices unto God, to be used for his glory und service. (See chapter 0:18, 10, 1). Paul urges, he beseeches ; he Is winsome, though he might com mand. To "present" technically means, "bring nn offering to God." Tho body Is the sum of nil human faculties, physical und spiritual. It must not be defiled by being yielded as nn Instru ment to sin, for It Is the temple of God. (1 Cor. 8:10, 17). A "Living Of fering." (not ii8 the bodies of sluln animals offered by Jews) Is n conse cration of the body, und not u destruc tion of life. The original means that thisthe offering of ourselves as n living sacrifice Is a reasonable, ra tional service. God has the right of ownership of every member of our body, nnd there never was n day when there was greater need of Insisting upon a Christianity that affects the bodies of men than today. Hands, lips, ears, eyes every member should bo constantly presented to him who pur chased It by the blood of his own Son. (I Cor5. fl:'20; I Pet. 1:18-11).) This Is n spiritual, religious service be cause It Is our spirit which presents the offering of the body which he in habits. Too many of us are "fuBh loued uccordlng to this age." II. The Expression of Gratitude (vv. 8-8). Or tho right use of tho gifts of God. (1) Avoid "self-conceit" (vv. 8-5). These verses Indicate how im portant this subject Is. Conceit Is en tertaining nn exaggerated opinion of one's own ability. Tho church has many members, and they do not all have the samo olllce; there Is a variety In tho unity of the body. So In tho church there uro muny "members In one body," each of which Is Important ; all uro essential. (2) "Prophecy" (v. 0), not necessarily foretelling, but tho revelation of spiritual truth und expprlenco uccordlng to tho propor tion of our faith (Ps. 80:3), the living, spiritual experience of the presence of God within us. (8) "Ministry" (v. 7). The business Bide of tho church, col lecting of Its money und the distribu tion to the poor. Some can best at tend to such business. Many churches full by not selecting wise lenders for this work. (4) "He thut teacheth." The true pastor Is a combined proph et, pnstor and teacher. We are all teaching, whether we wish to or not It Is a privilege us well as an obliga tion. III. Conduct Toward All Men (vv. 0-21). The renewed soul needs guld uncc, encouragement und instruction. (1) "Iu love" (v. 0). Tho hypocrite wears u musk. Notice the closo con nection of "ubhor thnt which Is evil" with "cleave to that which Is good." Tho word for cleave means literally to glue It, so that nothing can scpnrate you from lovo which Is tho supremo good. "In honor preferring one an other" (v. 10). Let others curry the bunncr few of us can stund this ucld test. (8) "Diligent In business" (v. 11). Whatsoever your hands find to do, do It wllh your might, being fer vent or boiling In Bplrlt, the reverse of tho previous exhortation, In that which we are thus to servo tho Lord. Few need exhortation to be diligent In their own business, but all of us need this exhortation with regard to the "king's business." (!) "Rejoicing in hope (v. 12). Triumphing over trlnls und diffi culties in tho way. Looking for that "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13). (5) Pa tience and tribulation (v. 12). The Latin "trlbulum" wns tho threshing In strument or roller whereby the bus bnndmuu sepnrated grain from the husk. Sorrow, distress nnd adversity urc the menus for separating men from the chaff of their lives. Sometimes smnll annoyances, long continued, be come great tribulations. (See .Toshun 21:12.) (0) Continuing In thu school of prayer (v. 12). Steadfast, urgent, pressing, persevering prnyer (Luke 12:1). (7) "Given to hospitality" (v. 13) ; literally, pursued It. Tho word "condescend" Is not strong enough It should be literally "Borne away" from the living things along the line of tho things that are humble. (8) Living pcuceably with all men (v. 18) ; being ready for peace und to do more than your share of recon ciliation. (0) Overcoming evil with good (vv. 10-21). Tho heaping of couls upon tho enemy's head Is uot the object hut tho result of returning good for evil. (See Proverbs 25:21-22.) Tho only real victory Is, "Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." LOYALTY TO YOUR STOMACH Is the first essential to continued good health when help is needed for THE APPETITE THE STOMACH THE LIVER OR THE BOWELS TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Surgical Deaartneat Entirely now nnd Isolated from other deportments. Obstetrical Department Furnishing an unexcelled Borvtos for tho cars of mother and child. SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our premises and used in the Natural Mineral Walcr Baths DR. O. W. EVERETT. Mar. . 14th aaM Pie. Llacela, Nefc, Hit Ailment. "I found your sou was suffering from nostalgia, my dear madam." "Mercy me, doctor I I never dreamed It was so serious as all that. I thought tho boy was only a little homesick." OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS The cost of food today is a Borlotw matter to all of you. To cut down your food bills nnd ut tho Bnmo tlmo tmprovo the health of your family, serve them Skinner's Macarcrtl and Spaghetti two or three times per week. Children love It nnd thrlvo on it It Is tho best possible food for adults. Wrlto the Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Ncbr for beautiful cook book telling how to serve It In n hundred ways, tt's free to every mother. Ady. In Style. "Was her dinner formal?" "Formnl? Why, even the Weren't half dressed." salads The Swiss president serves one year. Neglected Colds bring Pneumonia, Look out. cascamDouinine The old family remedy In tablet form safe, sure, easy to take. No 8 plates no unpleasant after effects, urea colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 days. Money back If it falls. Get the genuine box with Rod Top and Sir. HUi'a picture on it-25 cents. At Aay Drag Store Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore ness from Bruises or Strains) stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair oi lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle t druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind so antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. Si. 00 a bottle at drug, gilts or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by W.F.YOUNO.P.D.F..3IOTtapliSUSprlnofleld,MaM. X mas Cards Direct from the Majrafactarer At a Saving of 50 to 100 20 Beautiful Christmas Cards, designed by artiste celebrated for their exquisite taste, en grayed and embossed lu colors, and enclosed la Indlrldual envelopes for SI.OO, These cards If bought la a retail store would cost up to 16e acb. Enclose SI.OO bill In envelope and mall today. Cards will be sent prepaid, securely packed. Money returned If not autUned. Wm. G. Johnston Co., Mfrs. 1200 Ridge Ave, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa, Mm BBia Wntsnr Watson E.Coleman.Waab- I'M IPNIX lDgtou.D.O. Uookstrfie, Ulata. Ml la II I V est retersnoes. Best resoles. "IIOUQHonMTS,'adou,ffio,Ao"sI50Ja Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omsha, Nsbraska EUROPEAN PUN Booms from tl.00 up single, 75 cents up double. CATK PRICKS RKASONABUC APPENDICITIS If Ton have been threatened or hare QALLBTOtntf, INUia MOTION, GAB or pains in the risht E sj rr side write forralaabtoUookof Information rmEti Sk a, mwbks, wax s. iuiwur, K I W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 48-191. tf..f.. it srtiatsriir flffssirflfl Wfe2