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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1916)
KID CLOUD, NEBRAI.KA, CHIEF k i This Is The Place to Buy sh and Your rrest Your phone orders are given prompt service OUR MOTTO Wc buy as low as vc can! That's business sense! We sell as low as we can! That's progressive sense! You buy as low as you can! That's common sense! You buy of us! That's dollars and cents for both of us. WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD fAVAVJW.V.VV.V.VV.VAV.V.VV.VV.V.V.V.VAV.VJ-AVAft A Brassiere? g know how to design garments that Corsets, every Warner's Brassiere A 2 ' YfU) J ft Iftirncrii Ornssitts - morsels, every warncrs orassiere is morougniy guuiuniccu, Mrs. Barbara Pharesji i BUTTEMCK. anT3axigfa:a:MamuHikiBg!feangaa urasu 1 KUmraSJS&UUU32&2&M Look Westward! AIlK jo ir snu using pi opoi' cuui'Kics towatiU flmliiiK land, iinlnstiiiil or professional opportunities In localities adjacent to thu ltiirllngton lines ihiough Wyoming, Western Nebraska Noitlieastern Colorado or Southern 3!ontuiiii,. I cm put you in t meli with excellent prospects In any of those sietlons. Momlell lumls are Koitip; fast so uro the Irrigated lands. Dooiled lauds in Western Nebraska are steadily inureasitie; in value. The towns of tho 2iouh IMatte Valley and the ltiy Horn Utisln are all growing and olVer good business ehiuu'es. All thU new money Is greatly widening tho scopo of bus. nehS openings. The Burlington now has through service between Nebraska an 1 Casper, Central Wyoming via Alllanco and Wendovor If you have before you the problem of tho future, either for yourself or your sonsi, let me help yon, N. B. Bush, rjBliMllrB WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF. YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES l-hiz?'. thanksgiving Special! Roast Your Turkey Over PINACLE NUT COAL Malone-Gellatly Co. TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH PhyslcatDlagnosIs Labaratory Consultation and Examination I'hiik Ostoopiithy tlio Solenue of llcullng y Adjustment." Ulv(n to World y A. T. Still, A. 1). affice: over smith shoe tl)C 1S71. STOK ilOIH I'HONES RKD CrAOUD'KBU Clean Groceries Yes- i WOUR CORSET moulds tne ngure below tne ;bu$t the brassiere supports g and shapes the bust and the Ijj shoulders. It is in reality a fitted corset cover, and costs ?! no more. Warner's Brassieres are designed by the designers of Warner's Russ-proot Cor sets, who understand the re quirements of the figure and fit correctly. Like Warner's is thoroughly guaranteed. PATTERNS S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry 10(U Farimui Struct, Oinahu, Nebr. Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. 3-airtrnTim uvrfmamtmmuiam Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gourber INAVALE A largo crowd attonded tho sale nt V. Liindy'a, Tuesday. . C. Halo left Monday morning for Omaha for medical tieatment. Miles L'utnam and family spent Sun day with (luy Hurker and family. The ltoyul Neighbors met with Mrti Jeliery, Wednesday, to tie coinforteiH The M. K Ladies' Aid Society mot Wednesday at tho church to tie com fort cis. Miss Pearl McConhov of Hod Cloud, spent Saturday night with Miss Maude Morauvillo. Mrn. Jou Heed of Guide l'.ock, spout Sunday afternoon and night with Mrs Biniim Smith. Mrs. Elsie Hayes of Seidell, Kansas, arrived Sunday moinlng to visit lolu tlves and friends. , Mrs. Oleiin Wnllcer and baby of Red Cloud, spout a few days last week with Mrs. Clarence Iltirgcss. John Durgess spent the weokend with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess, at Red Cloud. Will Tophatn and family an toed to IIluo Hill, Sunday, and spent the day with his brother, George Topham and family. A largo crowd attonded tho borvices at the M. 10. church, Sunday night, and listened to an interesting sermon delivered by Dist. Supt. Embroe. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilardwiclc nnd Rev. Murlless autoed to Ited Cloud, Saturday afternoon, and accompanied the Dlst. Supt., Brother Embrce, hero for (jtiaitcrly Coufeieuce, which was held Saturday evening at the M. E church BLADEN ll 11. Spence was over to Blue Saturday. J. W. Wratton was in Hastings eral days the past week. Mrs. Cunningham was visiting Hill, sev. rel fi lives in Blue Hill, Wednesday. 0. 1). Jennings was looking afier business in Chester last Tuesday. Uolatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ashinure have been .spending the past week in Bladen. Mis. E. M. Letncr and dtr.igh'er, .lssii. were visiting trleiuls in Ajr last Tuesday. Evn Obor wont to Grand Is hind, Tuesday of hist week for an in defiuit" May, Chas. llogate and wife of licatiicu. have been spending tin week niuinic: relatives in llladeu a d vicinity. Mis. Chas. Cowley and biotlur Claude Cramer, Sinidayed with their mother, .Mis V. B. Uimiiici', in Hod C oud. Ucv A. J. MeKiuimey of Orleans, presiding Etdir of tl.o Kiee Mo'hodisi ehui eh, preached at the Cniigit'gaMoii nl church Sunday morning and even ing. S II. Denton is out again niter lil iiccideut wlieu ho foil fioin a wng n i couple of weeks ago wliilo with a lliicsliifgeicw at the It. At. Mclllcce tin m iiorih of town. Captain Itay Ungate was over from Blue Hill, Stiiidav, visiting Ids par Kilts. Mr. mi. I Mis. W. W. Ungate. He has just retnrinMl from the bordm whoie lie in captain ol Company K. and e.vpee'b to return again soon Notice or Referee's Sale of Reai Estate, Notice I hereby lvrn Unit tho ini(lernlun edduly appoluitd and actmi: Kcfcrco lu an auilnii I'cintlnu In ilic I'lstilet Court of Vel ster County, Nebraska. ImjIiik case No. mm wherein l.lihkn P.. I'oe, ct al.. are ptalntltrs anil William .1. Mownnl ot al., are defend tuns, liavliiK Iwn on tlielltli. day of October hllii authorized mill directed bVMild court to hell the real iMtnto hi rein afti i ill scribed, be pit: tho iuciiiIki's the partition of which was asked for In said action, w III on tliolith. day of December 1UIII, at Out) o'clock of (.aid day, at the South door of the (ourt House In Ited Cloud, Nebraska, In Mild county, oiler at public auction and hell to the hluhot bidder for cash the follnulnudiscrihcd rtal cstntc, ton tt; l.otH 11) and 1 1 In llluck 1 1 lu .SinUh A Moore'H Addition to Ueil Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska. The terms of wild sulo will ho cash. Dated this :iUt. day of October 11)111. l-'rank .1. Mimday, r'red Maurcr, Attorney for I'lalutlll'. ltofcrce NOTICE TO iONTRiCTORS Sealed proposals wilt bo received ill tho olllce ol thcL'lty Ulcrk.O. I'.Teel, Ited U'loud, Nubraska until 10.00 o'clock A. M. November 'Jl, ID Hi for thu coiiBtructlon of lateral sowers. rhuapproNlnuitc cstluiatoot iiuantltlesof worn id nouoiiojsas IOIIOWH l'J Inch vlt. plpebowcr, 10 Inchon, plpohoier, 78r,lln. (tot. l.fiso llii, net. :t-J,.l:ll lln. feet. Hi n men vii. piposuwer, Manholes riiiMhtankH II Tho engineers estimate ol cost Is SJ3.I33.00. Ktii'h bid must be accoiupmilcd by a certi fied cluck for at least jl.iuu.oo, uiadu paiablc to too i-ny Treasurer, lieu riouii, NcbrnsKti, as a cuaranteo of uood faith Thins and situclilcatlous insy bu Keen and proposal bliiuks may bu obttilued at the olllce ol I fiu ritv I'lcrk or tit the olllce of tho Knul ueers, (Irimt A Pulton, l.tiicolu, Nebraska. Illdilersdeslrlm: plaiiH and hpeclllcatlons for Indlvldiinl u bu may obtain tho t.-uno from the imulncrrK upon payment ol (Sl.OO no part of Mhlcli will bu refunded. The Mayor and City Council reserves the rluht to reject any or all bids. Ilv order of thu Mitj or and Council October 17, 11)10. (S al) (SlKiied) (). f. Tiel, City Clerk. Roller, of Special Assessment for ImproYciiif.iils. ToMAUY II, TAUKKIt: You arc hereby notified that thero will be a nptclnl mcutluc ot thu Council of tho llty ot ltcd Cloud, Ne brankii, at tho Council Chamber on tho fith ot Dcromhcr 101(1 at ":'M p. m, to llx thu value ot I.otHllland 11 UloclcS-JItcd Cloud, N' ka, and to take Into account tho houclltK du rived or tho Injuries Kiistalned to aforexald lots by reiibon of a ldii walk built adjacent to Mild lotNaud to levy a tpeclal asscMiuent to pay thu expenses of coiiMtructlui! thu aforesaid walk, Dated November B, 1910. (8urtl) O.i'. Tl'.KI,, Ikn City Clerk. Vaughan Issues Statement Uovcrend Mr. J, E. Boebe phoned us from Hod Cloud Monday, stating that ho was under heavy lite in hit town. It i-o m Mint the 'good pi oplo up there blame their woi thy local pastor for some printing that was donu in tho Guide U ,rU Mlnnl olllco on tho Saturday lWoie eleutlon. While the Kii;nni editor H not, an active ineml er of Urn (luide Kock Dry l'Vder.ition, wo l.uow cnoiiih titiout the Insiile workings of i he or. ganixalioii to m.ike a pitldiu s'tatetilent to the eiroct that the Hod Cloud past or had nothing to do wtli this print ing other Mum to take the eirciilirs home with htm that night and distil buto them among his cougiegatiou as he had bcou lequested by our people to do Tlioro is no dryer territory in tho statu of Is'obi listen Mian In and around Guide Bock, and our chinch people were orgnnl.i-d and doing some telling A children' parade whs staged for Saturday afternoon bcfoio election. Kev. Ilecbe was asked to como to (iiuido ltoek that afternoon and speak to the children, which he did. After tho speech he came to ttio Signal oillco and told tho writer that he had been asked to come lu nnd go'.sotno printing and take it homo with him. As wo have been previous, ly instructod to htimilo u bundle of circulars tied up for Mr. Ilecbe, we handed thorn over. Up to this time, Mr. Beebe had no Idea us to the tin. ture of tho printing, which was order ed dono by Outdo Koelc parties. No candidate for olllce, nor any person outside of the local organization had anything to do with It. Whether or not it was wise to mention the names of county cadldatcs on this circulur. wo will not discuss now us tt is too late to remedy any harm which might have bcon done, if any. Before God, that Is the truth of tho matter in regard to what Mr. Beebo had to do with it Harry Vaughan, Guide Book Signal. To Whom It May Concern I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife after Nov. SSuil. -Murvel Fentress. Farm Loans I have the cheapest rates and best option in tho state, with several plans to ehooso from. Sole agent for Tie- volt, Mattisit Baker .1. H. B.lLi:v Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Webster County, NcbniHka In tho matter of the estate of Verllnda l.utz, Diceascd. i "minors of xald estate, will take notlio ib-it the time limited for pivteiitatlon and illiii'tif claims- aKiihiHl sild estate Is May Jlth, IUI7, and fin- thu n.iviucnt of debts Is October ild.lUiT. that I will sit at the county court room In h-ild county on tho I'Jlth day of S'ovcnibcr, A. I), nun, to examine, hear and allow all fltilnii duly illcd w lilch arc a llrst or ienidlhn upuii salil eit.itc, and on ilioigth d.iv of May, IUI7, to eanilue, hear, allow iudjiliist a. I claims and objccilons of ljincr. .leredll .is duly lllnl Dated this !ild day of October, A. 1)., 1010. Wab A. I). Kanm:, Countv Juile. Report o? the Condition ur n iii Webster County Bank KJfl) L0l)l), nEBR4SftA, Imrlcr No. 101.1. Incorporated lu the .State of N'ubraska, at thu close of business November i7, 1UIII. Hi'.Mti'm us: l(i.ii.s and DiscoiiutN t-ir!.i!.j.ri )irilra(tH. m cun d and uiihccureil .. none i-'urnlturoand I'IMure.s i.&oo.CO 'urrcuto ptosis mid tais paid l.VjibO Due from uiitlonal and statu bulks . .. . . .is,l.;t.r,ii i.ln.eknand IteuiAof exchange '.Ml :i7 'urreney il.HM.OO Jold coin 'JVJ.00 sllscr. nickels and cciilti PJfi.CS Total cash on hand " 02, I Total g n;s,i:!'j n i.i mr,iTii:s: Capital stock paid lu . i2j.iKW.00 Surplusfiiiid Undlvldld lirollts ;i, tndh lilunl deposits sitbjti t to check i)j,rs:i.l I Demand ccrtttlcntcjof de posit ..- 100 00 TIniocertlllciites of deposit 31,8.R).7H l'otnl Deposits 132,7X1.82 Depositors' Kitarmity fund 875.1.1 Total 8 UW.IIW.'JJ STATIC OP MlllltAKIfA, I hs County of Webster. f I,H. It. Kj.oiianck, ciiNhlcr of the above named bank, do hereby Bivenr that tho above statement Ih a correct and trim copy of the report iiiiulu to tho State UankliiK Hoard. S. II. I'l.OUANOi:, attksk Ciihtiler. ' CI. Torn, Director. II. P. Mimi, Director. Subscribed and Hworu to before mo thlH JJnd day of November Itllfl. (rtUAl..) Ili-.itNAitn MrNuNV, Notary Tubllcl Referee's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is lure v Klvcn, that pursuant to theJuilKmcut mid order of tho district court of Webster County, Nehroko, In nn action therein pendlns No. 3oV, wherein Ida Thomas et al, are plalntllls. and John D. Crauictal, are defendants, for thu partition of the lauds herein described; said court hav ing at the October term IDIfi, directed the 'ale thereof. '1 ho underslRncd, rcfereo In h.ild nctlou w III on the Ith day of December 1UIU at two o'clock p. m, at thu south door of the com I house In Ited Cloud In bald county, oiler for alo to tho hlKhcKt bidder, for, thu fob low-In-,; described real estate, In Wcbsur County, Nebraskii, tow It: Tho lots numbered I, 'J and il lu block I of Jackhou's Addition to ltcd Cloud; The lots numbered 111 to IS, Inclusive In block 8 ol Kaloy A Jackson's Addition to Uiil Cloud; Thu lots numbered U In block OofiLcDuc's Addition to ltcd Cloud; The lots nuinbcnd I!), 14, in, ami HI lu block U of Thitt's l-'lrxt Addition to ltcd Cloud. Ton percent of the purchase price shnll bo paid to tho referee at thu time ot tho sale, and thu balance on or before tho llrst day ot the next term of gald court. Said bale will remain open one hour. Dated Novembers, IUIU.I I'.. O. L'AM)VKI,Ii, Itcfcrte. PREMIUM LIST (Continued from page 5) Conned Cherries. 1st. Ellu Fry 2nd. Nellie Frv Associate Members (Club members under ten vears.) Ida Coon First on: Quilt Patches 1'ickled Cherries Canned Blackberries Canned Plums Canned Raspberries Canned Pears Canned Apples Canned Cherries Canned Peaches Apple Jelly Gooseberry Jelly Plum Jelly Dark Cuke HOKSKS AND MCLKS Draft stallion lt, II A Johnson; ail II A Johnson. Mine nr UHldiug, -1 yrs or over 1st, J W Crow; 2d, Wm Topliam. Mare or gelding, ! yrs and under 11 1st. Harry Tophrtiu, 2d, ,Tui Stewaid. Colt, 1 yr and under 2 1st, Sum Johnsou; 3d, Jin. Doyle. Colt under 1 yr 1st, Sam Johnsou, 31, Harry Rouudtree. Roadster or coach stiillion 1st, E. C Morauvi!!e;2(1, E C Mornnville. Mare or gelding, 3 and under il 1st, Elgar Throne. Colt, 1 yr under 'J 1st, E 0 Moran anville. Colt, uuder 1 yr Norton Steward. Jack 1st, II A Johnson; 2d, H A Johnsou. Mule, HyiH under -1 1st, Jas. Doyle; 2d, Frank Elliugor. Mule, 3 yis under Jj-lst, L T. Davis, 3d. 0. E, Kamey, Jr. Mule colt, 1 yr, under 3 1st, A. J. Tophatn; 3d O E Riimey, Jr. Mule colt, under 1 yr lit, Vem Hen derson. 2d, D. II. Kaley. Team farm mares 1st, J W Crow, 3d Hugh McPaitlaud Team geldings 1st, Frank Starr. Team mules 1st, W J Robertson; 2d, Wm. Topham. Single driver 1st, Lloyd Edgerton; 2d. J W Crow. Team farm horses in httiuets 1st, J W Crow, 2d Hugh McPartlniid. v f The Time ss at land i When We Will Be having Some olti Weather, PERHAPS you will need A NEW BED " MATTRESS OR SPRING OUR LINE IS COMPLETE in Styles and Prices oi These Articles and We Can Supply Your Needs. Come in and Let Us Show You These Beds WE CAN Make You a Price That Will SAVE YOU MONEY We are Always Glad to have You Come and Look ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer -:- Furniture Dealer LICENSED IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA s . .m.-i iii i f Floyd John Evans Union Evangelist Will Hold a Revival Campaign at THE UNITED CHURCH NOVEMBER 22nd Great Sermons and a Great Service All Christian People Asked to Co-operate 1 J WirW.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.W.". : COL. J. H. ELL1NGER : ; AUCTIONEER , " Ih now ready to placo your sale dates. Ask any ono as to my nuallilcatlons J, for whom I have cried sales. Indopen Ji dent pnono8onll). Write wire or call JJ Reb Cloup, Nkiir. 5 W.VVAVrW.V.V.VV.V.V.. K.E.CAMIPpD.. Chiropractor Ii ndcpeiulcnt 212 Phcnes Dell Red 101 -1st. Wiu. Robertson; 2d, Wm Topham. Get of stallion 1st, II A Johnson Carriage team Rlchaid Bowen. I'OUl.TllV Bronze turkey 1st, Willis Mean-. White Wyandotte 1st, Mrs T E Topham; 21, WL Ko'Mi. Bull" Leghorn 1st, MrsT E Toplinm; 2d, Mrs G W Hummel. White Pekin ducks Nt, ham; 2d, DB Hartwell. Birred Rojk 1st, J O Mr". Clara E Smith. Harry Top Butler; 2d, Blue Andiilasiau Int. J II Bound-j; 2d, J II Bounds Cornish Indian 1 -it, J II Bjttudi; 2d, J H Bounds. Golden Wyandotte 1st, J B Stunner. White LeghornMis T W White; 2d, FC Sutton. Rhode Island Red 1st, Edward Beal; 3d, Mrs T W White. White Rock 1st, II W Lumbreclit. Capon 1st. Floyd Coplej ; 3d, H W Lnmbrecht. Bantam 1st, F A Slaby. Buir Orphlngtou 1st, W H Thomas; 2d, Harry Tophum. Black Laugshang-lst.StttnserAinack. Geese 1st, Stnnser Atuack; 3d, Dean Dickson. Brown Leghorn 1st, Frank Vavricka. Capon ducks Floyd Copley. Tho Red Cloud High School foot b ill team will go to McCoolc, Friday, where they will meet tho High Schco team of that place on tho gridiiou. According to tho reports received by tho department of auimal pathology of the University of Nebraska, there has already been considerable loss of cattle in cornstalk Oelds, which would indicate a Inrgerl ss fiom this trouble this season than usual. There It no system of feeding whllo cattlo nro in the stalks that will protect, thnm againt this discaso. The only sure method of protection is to keep them out of such Holds. i. .., wy DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER .STATE BANK Red Cloud ( a a Nebraska Team mules in hnrnesi Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED JSTOFITCE OVCII Al.lUtlGIIT'3 STOltE A h ' V . vftiftwvr& jfaatrvi IM"'''i&ywww