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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1916)
ij :: ?x :.: .: :.: it j': s.i 8 it s: A J: ie rk. Sinlo OLUME 4 ADVICE UR ADVICE" MATTERS We can tell you not only how to SAVE YOUR MONEY but also how to profitably INVEST IT. OcnjooO 0 & Sl It is based upon many years of experience and expert knowledge oE financial affairs. We can and will aid you if you give us the opportunity. You are welcome at this bank. Call any time. , I Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. &i v . CAPITAL anii SURPLUS SOl.OOO X ': 1 , ,w , DON'T FORGET I Thnt a MUSIC STORE is the BEST place to buy Pianoe, Talking p Machines and nil Miifdcnl Merchandise. CHRISTMAS IS COMING 1 A"d the mom appropriate present for your Family la a Piano or TALK1N MACHINE CALL AND SEE US We handle onl the BEST. PACKARD, DRACIIMANN, IIADDOHF, JESSE FRENCH, LAGONDA and CLARENDON PIANOS DON'T FAIL TO HEAR The Wonderful DRACHMANN PLAYER P.IAN O (Key Control) OTVHEN IN TOWN The Marvelous Aeolian Vocalian Talking Machine, most perfect reproducer of Music, Victor, and Grafanola Machines and Records, &c. :.t 8 g 8 it :.: it .t 8 ).: :.: 8 The PACKARD Piano most :.t .: The Best Pianos QUALITY. ever sold in Cash or Easy Payments Sheet Music and all the late popular Music, Strings, Ac. We have had a lifetime experience in MUSIC. A Line of Art Goods, Willow and Pottery. i.t 8 8 8 f A Souvenir for Everybody. CALL and get one. f "The Music Shop" LEROY MUSIC CO. , Peterson Building. RED CLOUD J KWKHIIBMHKlhCttfnrttWWairitMMKHMIIillHMM 3. IT. Miner Dr. S. S. Dcardorf, M. I). C. Manager Veterinary In Obargo . H. Miner Serum Co. PrtODUCEItS-. Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Ctarir Nebraska Wire ar Phcne at Oar Exaease I). S. Veterlaanr Lkease N. 45 KODAKS Better Kodak'Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DEVELOPED-40c YOUR ORDER TO IIS tevens Bros. ktt i ajwu Historical Society MX"HOW"MX::"XX'W"W'WH"X't IN FINANCIAL is worth having. NEBRASKA beautiful, in tone and appearance. this vicinity at the PRICE and Dert Garber was in Omaha the last of the week. Mr. Camp of Burlington, Colorado, Is the guest of bis son, Dr.v It. E. Camp. ilenry Rutledge and grand daught er, Nellie Rutledge, left Sunday for Moberly, Missouri. E. S. Garber snd'Curt Geer were In Guide Rock, Thursday, .where they wired the Christian churob. Chas. Pitchier, Laird Potter and Paul Polntcky arrived homo from Lin coln, Tuesday evening, to spend Thaukeglviug with home folks. On Tuesday, Mrs. Kathorine Doyle, who had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Matt Dean, resid ing east of the city, passed away after an illness of one hoar's duration. The lady was bom in Ireland, May 10, 1838 and was 78 years, 6 months and 18 days old at the time of her demise. Sevoral sons and daughters along with a large circle of friends are left to mourn her death, The funeral services will be helil at the Catholic church this morning at 10 o'clock, Father Fitzgerald ofUciating. A Newspaper That Gives The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, SOVEBTCMK 30, 11) Miner Bros. Co. Sell Store ! On Saturday of hist week, one of the oldest inerciititile ostubllHlimoiits of the city, Miner Urns. CompHtiVi owned by Mr. V. V' Hipcs of Chicntfo, 1111 nois, urn! Messrs. C. II. Minor and II. A. IiUtson of this city, elosed its doors to the ptililic, as a short time previous f flilu flntn ii 1.mi1 liu.1 linnn i.itnln ...... ". . -i. ". .... '".. . if .n.. II fi'l.lo, ........ I lu ... .i.l.. whorebv the O. Ciuinudy t ...111.. iui;i v uuniu t Company of Ilol volte, Coloiado, bo came the owners of the stock. We are informed that the stock will bo packed and shipped out of the city, to be disposed of by the Company pur chasing it. As it seems to havo been the wish of the stockholders of the establish ment to dispose of their holdings, their many friends and patrons will be pleased to know they have been successful in doing so, neverthe less every one will regret, to a cer tain extent, the lo'-s of this business institution, as it is has been one of the old land murks of the city, having been established tome thirty live years ago, and during the entire time, it had catered to the public fair dealings and moderate prices have marked its progress Mr.'U A Letson, the managor, bus no definite plans made for the future. We trust that he will make lied Cloud bis home, so that wo may datly oelve the old familiur smile. re- McCook Defeats Red Cloud . By a Score of 17 to 6 McCook won her second victory of tlio season Friday afternoon by de feating the fast Red Cloud aggrega tion to the tune of 17 to G. Tho game wafe McCook's thuout, altho Red Cloud was strung on the defense. In the first quarter, McCook kicked to Red Cloud, who returned the ball to their thirty yard line, then lost it on a fumble. McCook then took possession of the ball and wont down the field with line plunges, Cliff Hcgenbcrger going over for a touchdown and" then kicking goal. McCook kicked to Red Cloud and this timo the visitors returned the ball to the forty yard line and lost on downs. After two successful attempts to make gains thru Red Cloud by center rushes, Halfback Gatowood kicked a field goal from thirty yard line making the score 10 to 0. In tho second quarter, McCook swept the field in great offensive drives (war dope) tearing the Red's line assunder and taking trench after trench of the white chalk lines till Gatewood plunged over their bar ricks for another touchdown. With Elegetiberger kicking goal, MoCook ad vanced bcr score to 17 to 0 McCook received the ball in the third quarter and returned for thirty yards losing on downs. Red Cloud puutod out of bounds and McCook lost on a fumble. Red Cloud then played for heavy gains thru McCook's line and was successful in pushing the pig skin over for six points but failed to kick goal. During this part of the game, McCook's line seemed to "weak en, especially the left side thru whioh most of the gains were made. The remaiudcr of the' battle was without sensational play consisting mostly of line bucks and a sea saw between the two Bides. Regenberger, T. Gatewood and V. Gatowood starred for the lo cals while Barrett of the visiting eleven deserves Rpecial mention Hod Willow County Gazette. On Saturday afternoon an accident occured in this city whioh might easily have caused the death of two of our residents. Messrs. Lon linker and Ii, L Castor were seated ou the iron guard rail, around tho stairway lead ing to the entrance of the Hunt barber shop, on the north side of the Potter building. The railing gave Way caus ing tho twogenlcmen to fall backward down the stairway. The former re ceived only slight injuries while t$e latter was badly injured. At the pres ent time we are informed that ho is doing as well us can be expected Frank Starr shipped four car ,loads of mules to St. Louis last week. Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1,50. Chamber of Commerce Meet On Tuesday evening the Chamber of Coinmerco held their 'annual meeting 1 for the purpose of electing ollleers for i the onsulng year. President V. 13 Maurcr called the I mooting to order and made a speech of acceptance, on behalf of the club for the handsome gavel presented to thorn "J ""' nN '"" jlinK.l.i:i- m I iroin native wood from tho Isle of I'ines, Mr McCall having secured the same when In that country last winter. Secretary F. W. Cowden read his annual report and that of Treasurer W. A. Sherwood, which was accepted Among the many things we note of tho secretary's report was that tho club made a gain of seventeen mem bers during the past year. There is a balance of gi-O.fil in the treasury aftet all expenses had been paid The following olllcets who have pre sided over the destiny of the club thu past yeir, and who gave such eM'cllcnf satisfaction dining their term of ollicc weio re clouted: President, F. Ii. Maurer. Vlco President, (!. W. Hutchison Secretary, F. W.Cowdon ' Treasurer, W. A. Sherwood. Board ol Dlrectois: T. J. Diamond, E. S. Gurjier, 13. h. Giimcb, W. G. Hamilton, II. A. Letson, Paul Stotey, O. C. T:el and It F. datman. The following is the treasurer's re" port for the year ending November 27v HUG: i. Receipts- balance ou hand last report.... $370 23 New members, IS CO 00 Membership dues 827 50 Total . $1,2(30 73 Disbursements Rent 8-MI7 7.r .lauitor 1G1 00 Light and phones 48 00 Promotion GO 88 Misccl. Expense 01 84 Taxes 3 GO Secretary's salary 180 00 Supplies GvCr Cash on hand 420 51 Total 81,200 73 County Commissioners Hold Short Session Red Cloud, NebrRnka. November 28, 1916 ' Board met in adjourned sosaion. Number present Cbaplin, McCall, Shidler and Storey, chairman. The following claims were allowed: Blue Hill FireDfpt $10 00 School District No. 23 16 00 J. B. Carr 4 00 Humphrey Janes 49 80 Bellepanogle .'.. 14 00 Red Cloud Farmers' Institute. ... 25 00 Robt. S. Mitchell 10 00 Roy Sattley 14 00 Rev. X. M. Bate 7 45 Haxet Powell for correcting the 16 mill levy 60 00 Board adjourned to meet December 19, 1916 Nate Piatt Embarks in the Grocery Business On Wednesday, Mr. Nate Piatt pur chased the grocery on Fourth avenue, conductod by Mr. Walter W. Marshall. Possession will be given on Satur day of this week. Mr. Piatt needs no introduction to the purchasing public of the city and surrounding commun ity, as for a number of years he has been in charge of the grocery depart ment of the Miner Bros. Company's store and during his term of employ ment has through his courteous busi ness dealings made many friends. While'we regret to see Mr. Marshall retire from the ranks of our business men, we are pleased to note that this business establishment has been taken over by a gentleman who thor oughly understands every detail of this line of merchandise, and one who will wlthuut doubt meet with success. As vet, Mr. Marshall has mnde no definite plans for the future. 10. Our Jewelry makes the best Christmas Presents I OUR JEWELRY STORE IS THE BEST STORE TO BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS BECAUSE YOU CAN SELECT THEM FROM THE JEWELRY WORKSHOPS OF THE WORLD. WHETHER IT IS FOR "HER" OR ''HIM," OR FOR GRANDMA RIGHT DOWN TO THE BABY, WE HAVE JUST THE THING YOU WANT AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. ' OUR NAME ON A BOX IS QUALITY INSURANCE. WE CAN AID YOU IN YOUR SELECTIONS, IF DESIRED. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. e. H. NEJrtiHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist tSTC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector THANKSGIVING Specials! We will be prepared to furnish you with the most complete line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables For Your THANKSGIVING DINNER The new Navel Mt Cflr Oranges, doz HU-UUU The large white 20c Malaga Grapes, lb. Red Emperor Grapes I C per lb IOC Large Bananas per dozx 25c Large Cape Cod Cranberries. qt Mti? 10c Holly Brand Cranberries, qt 8ic Extra fancy highly' col bred Jonathan Apples special for Thanksgiving Also Grimes Golden, Black Twigs, Winesaps, Ganos and Ben Davis Apples. Phone Your Order Early R. P. Weesner & Co. Sale Bills? Sure, We Print Them NUMBBB4 O'lJHlIU ygos Large bunch Pascal Celery, per bunch 10c Large bunch Leaf C I n. Lettuce, bunch... W" UB Fancy trimmed Culiflower, lb .. 15c Hot House Radishes bunch 5c Large Hot House Cucumbers 25c Fresh Tomatoes at Marlet .Ptlom Fresh Carrots bunch.. 10c Parsley, large bunches 10c Rutabagas, Parsnips and Sweet Potatoes ' o v f 3,-