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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
Fr$rvjp, m vh j r r,ti!''?i 4v RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF jMrerifl$7flHNMpis&"' t sHIf v '"l 'T r ''w3 .-iz'1'.i? :rfr. . HHfllMHHIHIHHIHIiHEK nH.IHiVEit T f "r ? f ?.;-?c'..:.C''-v-: :':!'; f' The Broken Coin 1 ? r c1 Story of By EMERSON hough Mystery and a j . From the Scenario by AClVentUre Grace Cunard (Copyright, VM, by SYNOPSIS. Klttr Gray, newspaper woman, finds In a curfo nliop Imlf of a broken coin, tho mutilated Inscription on which nruumH lior rurloMty iiiul leads licr, nt tho order of Urrr inanimlnK editor, to ko to tho prin cipality of (IntzlKilTpii to plcco out tlio ntory KUKKMtcil hy tho Inscription. HIip In followed, nnil on nrrlvnl In UrctzliolTcn hrr ndvrnturcs whllo clmsljiu tho sucrt't of tho broken coin begin. EIGHTH INSTALLMENT CHAPTER XXIX. King Cortlelaw. "So you ilnd it convenient to enter my room onco moro unasked?" Kit ty'B cyos flashed In gcnulno Indlgnn tlon an elio faced Count Snchlo. "It Is not your room, mademoiselle, but ourn. Wc pay for It und liavo con trol of It." "So thero was some dcdnlto pur poao In secreting mo hero away from my friends?" "Asaurcdly, a purposo very definite, end ono from which wo do not Intend to bo swerved, mademoiselle" "What thou do you purposo doing with mo?" "Wo plan taking you boforo tho king not tho king or Grct7hofron, but our own king, Cortlslaw of OrahofTcn. Ho wiahoa to nco you, mademoiselle" Kitty turned back Into tho room and Snchlo, Irritated at tho delay, wont so far as to tnko her by tho nrm to lnduco her to leavo tho room with him. Sho resisted him bo vigorously that for tho tlmo ho stood back non plused. But at length tho girl's powers proved no match for thoso brought against hor. Sho was forced from tho room toward tho front of tho build ing. Onco moro Kitty adopted tho pol icy of Itoloau hlmsolf alio ceased to Btrugglo when sho found struggling useless, und lay back to wait until a tlmo whon reslstunco might bo moro offectivo. "Very well, then, gentlemen," Bald sho. "Do as you like I am weaker than yourselves. Since you nro men and gcntlomon, naturally you aro strong." Count Sachlo mndo no answer to her biting words. In truth, mattcra had not gono so well with him as ho would havo liked. Ho had been ordered to roport to hlB own king, and now must Boon mako that roport, and certainly ho could not tell of thu unqualified Bucceaa which ho had so confidently hoped. t Tho Insignificant distance which separated theso two kingdoms was Kitty Trie to Make Friends With the Old Keeper. spanned in hours, somewhat to tho wonderment of Kitty, schooled in tho groat distances of her own country. Arrived In tho capital of Grnhoffon, she was allowed small tlmo to arrange her toilet or compose herself nftcr tho fatlguo of tho Journey. Vory presently she was brought beforo King Cortls law himself. Sho found him an old man, thin, wrinkled, crabbed, irritable, excitable Cortlslaw regarded tho young girl steadily as sho stood beforo him. "So thla la tho woman?" ho demand ed of Count Sachlo, who stood humbly by. "Tho samo, your majesty. Sho can explain what you dcslro to know." Tho king looked intently at some thing be held in his hand. Kitty caught Bight of it it waa tho half coin which bUo had onco possessed, ,wblch hnd been taken from her but lately by theBo men. Evidently Count Sachlo had turned it over forthwith to Its royal possessor. "Mademoiselle," said bo, "tell mo jrbat It Bays. The Inscription la - .: - - : - . - :. - :'': - - ; - ' - ':"t';':":": - - ; .;.:. Wrlaht A. Patterson) broken. I wish to know It nil. I am Informed thnt you havo Been both halves of tills coin, and thcrcforo know tho cntlro messago. Head It to mo at once" Kitty took tho coin In her hand as though to study it, hut swiftly put hor own hnnd behind her back us sho clutched it. "It la my property," said alio stout ly. "Not oven a king enn tako away property without courso of law." Even a king was astonished at tho effrontery of tho young girl who held hor possession until two sturdy guards forced tho coin from her hand. Tho king smiled at her, a somewhat tooth less smllo. "So you value It? Many do. Wo nro willing to pay for what wo hnvo, ma demoiselle nnd tho messago of tlila coin wo mean to have. Glvo It to ua, and you Hhull bo set free" "Your majesty Is liberal you offer whnt is already mlno tho right to llborty. But whnt you nak la Impos sible for me True, I havo aeon each half of tho coin even I miw both hnlvca nt ono time but never havo I rend tho cntlro Inscription." "But you hnvo Been both halves," went on Cortlslaw. "Tell mo, what was on tho other half." "Your majesty, I cannot I do not know." "By tho saints of our falhera," ex claimed Cortlslaw, "If this wero In tho olden dayB tho torturo chamber should show you something. But now" "Tho torturo could wring only de ception from mo, your majesty, nnd that deception would bo of no service to you. I hnvo told you tho truth and that nlono can servo you. Glvo mo my liberty again and then per haps I might learn moro of tho other half of tho coin." "Tho girl nrgucs well," said Cortla law. "I am not suro whether or not Bho speaks truth, but her argument goes to tho samo thing In cither case Lot her go under guard perhapa something mny nriso to glvo us fur ther insight into this. "As for you, Count Sachlo, you hnvo not yet suceeded in what wns naked of you you hnvo not yet taught ua whero Ilea tho hlddon treaauro of Gretzhoffpn!" "Your mujesty," replied tho count, reddening, "it la but inadvertenco. which ahull bo amended. In my zeal I fancied your majesty would rather havo this young woman than to havo tho other half of tho coin. To secure that mny rcqulro yet moro time" Tho king llxed on him tho cold smllo which his courtiers hnd learned to dread, yet ho could not fall to seo tho shrewdness of Snchlo'a reply "At least guard her, then," Bald ho dryly "Sho shall bo our guest until wo learn moro of what ahe knows It moans too much to forego tho full rending of that coin these days. I mean to havo it. I trust all my olllcera will realize that fact." ".Mademoiselle." said Sachlo to Kit ty, later, when sho had been with drawn to quarters which virtually wero to provo a prison to hor, "You havo heard what tho king haa snld ho will allow you to return to your own country unharmed If you but help him to tho moaning of thnt inscription. What is it to you? It la only ldlo curi osity brings you hither. With ua it may mean tho llfo or death of our country." Kitty gavo herself up to certain re flections nt tho tlmo. As to war be tween tho two kingdoms, if it came, why Bhould she nld Grahoffen ngalnst tho country with which sho had be come moro familiar? Neither had dono her much courtesy, truo. but for somo strango reason her sympathies wero not with tho country governed by thla irasclblo and unloely king. "Think well, mndemolsollo," went on Sachlo. "It ia a long way from hero to your country. Tho coin can mean but littlo to you nt best." "It mny mean much to mo," broko out Kitty suddenly. "Listen. Thla coin Is not tho property of your king or of that other king. It la tho prop erty of tho people of thoso countrlea. It soeka to toll thorn its story not to any king for his selfish purposoB but It Becks to mnka known its npponl for JuBtlco nnd liberty. What, think you tho pcoplo will forovor bo content to rcmnln a shuttlecock between you two?" A moment Inter and ho had left her onco moro to her own dovices. CHAPTER XXX. King Michael of Gretzhoffen. Mcantlmo In Gretzhoffen town tho peoplo remnlnod Irresolute, uncertain, making no further overt attempt ut tho long-pending revolution. And as they waited tholr king amused him self after such fashions as had long been his own. Continually ho changed, Bomctlmea hoping, again dreading; nnd ns often na ho changed ho sent for Count Frederick, on whom ho leaned in fatuous confldenco. "But, my dear count," ho re proached that gentleman ono day, "you havo loft oue orrand uncom pleted. You have brought us our coin back ngnin, that la true, but the young lady who wo fancied would como after it still remains absont from our court, Thoro haa been no word from her for many days." "Truo, your majesty, bIio has dis appeared, it scorns. I do not, myself, know whoro sho is." "You havo mndo inquiry at her usunl placo of residence aomo hotel, waa It not? An absurd thing, for such a woman as horsolf to llvo in a hotel." "At her hotel," rcpllod Count Fred erick, "thoy know nothing. Thoy tell mo that sho cornea and goes at nil hours, and leaves no word as to hor return. Nearly two weeks ago sho ion, nnu lias not yet returned." "Thoro may bo many reasons," con tlnuod tho count, "for her continued absence FcrhapB tho bualneaa upon which alio camo Is not yet completed. Perhaps her employers havo called her away. Perhaps bIio may havo been intimidated by certain obstacles in hor way?" "By whom, Count Frcdorlck?" "Well, alio has Beomed curious her aoir rognrdlng tho coin. Perhaps sho know somowhnt of it" "So alio also has studied this trlnkot thnt wo gavo her? Very well wo meant it to provo of Interest." "Doubtless. But regarding tho coin so many threats havo been made " "Threats? What threats? What do you know of any?" "Muny things como to my cars, your majesty, but I strlvo to keep them from your own cars so much ns mny bo when I find them unwel come" "Tho most unwelcome thing that could como to us, my dear Frederick, is tho absenco of this young woman now. Whero, think you, sho may bo?" "I could not guess, unless perhaps Bho muy havo returned to her own country In which caso wo shall never aco ncr again, your majesty. Wo can mako examination of tho passenger lists of all sailings within tho last two wcoka. I will look into that. If sho haa not gono back to her own coun try, sho either remains In this somo whoro, or in somo other near by." "You do not mean Grahoffen?" Count Frederick nodded. "That Is what I do mean. In truth, your majcaty, thoro uro Grahoffen Bplos in thla city thoy wero oven nt your ball. PorhapB thoy concern themselves with this young lady. Why not? If thoy Kitty Escapes suspect that sho had part of tho coin and It waa easily seen by any that onco sho did havo thnt part might thoy not undertako to mako trouble for their own purposes with her?" "But what good would como of that?" Count Frederick saw thut hla argument had gono too far for his own purposes. Ho did not caro to tell tho king all ho know, yet hla zeal for Kitty had led him far. "Much good might 901110 to Grab off en's war department, your majesty, if thoy know our secrets. Perhaps they thought sho could glvo some in formation." "But you do not predict troublo be tween us and our neighbor you do not mean war?" "Your majesty, I predict nothing theso days, but always it is well to bo prepared." "You disturb mo sorely do not speak to mo of war I cannot endure tho thought I do not wish to hear of it." As It chanced, much of thla conver sation camo to tho car of ono of Sachlo's agents, tho spy Bartel, still hanging nbout tho city of Gretzhoffon. Ho overheard enough in his passing by at tho tlmo of this conversation to bo advised that tho king of Gretz hoffen Intended to mako senrch for tho missing American. Not hesitat ing, ho hlmsolf now sped off for his employer to communlcato this news that ho had learned. ' Ho found Sachlo aloof and discon tented, out of favor In tho court, and somewhat at n loss what next to do. At tho thought of a definite demand on tho part of King Michael or rath er on tho part of Count Frcdorlck upon their kingdom for the person of tho young girl, Sachfo grew somewhat grave "This," said he, "la a matter for tho king." But tho king waa In no too good hu mor over all theso fnllurca. "What, Sachlo," said ho, "you como to mo onco moro with theso old wom an's tales? If your tlmo Is so short beforo your secret is discovered, then all tho moro reason for diligence on your part. It is not tlio business of kings to accept reasons for talluro In performance Tho girl la still avail able completo your errand with her bring to mo tho reading of tho coin. I know well enough that If Count Frederick cornea ho will bo different from hla king." Thcreforo onco moro Sachlo went back to hla bootless Interviews with Kitty, onco moro pleading with her to glvo him all knowlcdgo sho had of tho coin. And onco more Kitty could no moro than rcassuro him of her own ignoranco of what ho wished to know. Sho heard odds and ends of Informa tion which taught her which way tho wind sat at Grahoffen capital. Somo tlmoa sho hoard Sachlo, again Bartcl, again this or that man, speaking freely of tho plana nt hand. "I told tho king," said Bnrtcl ono tlmo, speaking to Count Sachlo, "that all ia rlpo for tho shaking of tho tree I told him that wo havo full plans of nil their fortlflcatlona and de fenses that their reslstanco will bo but nomlnnl. Onco wo get tho Grotz hoffen coders opened, tlmcB will be easier in our country." "Yea, onco you do," rejoined Sachlo grimly. "But toll 113 how!" Kitty, really owing allegiance to neither of theso kingdoms, both of which had dono her auch repeated In justice, hardly stopped to ask herself why sho found her own leanings to wards Gretzhoffen, tho sccno of most of tho Indignities sho had met. Sho must escapo for every reasou so sho assured herself. But how? From tho windows sho had a full view of tho well-kept grounds of tho palaco nnd of tho boulevards sur rounding It. Sho stood nlono ono day staring out on scenes grown familiar to her. But all nt onco her gaze grew moro intent, fixed upon somo object not far away. A car was standing at tho curb. Sho did not remember to have seen it thero regularly. Tho two giant grenadiers to whom hod been assigned the duty of watch- From the Palace. ing after her In her wanderings re garded her as littlo moro than a child, and thoy smiled as now sho pushed past them through tho door which led out to tho gardens. Sho walked out to tho ear which stood at, tho curb, regarding It curiously, ns though it wero tho ilrst car alio had over Been in her llfo something very far from tine What tho guards, who smilingly re garded hor through tho windows, saw waa a swift leap of tho girl to the driver's seat, her rapid movements with tho controlling lovers as sho cut on tho spark, gavo tho cur gas, threw in tho clutch, threw open tho throt tle, and drovo away, tho cut-out muf fler roaring her own doflanco to pur suit. Iluo and cry now through all tho hallo of Grahoffen palaco, and gen eral uproar. Count Snchlo, nover too far away, waa promptly on tho spot. Whon ho saw what had happened ho cursed tho two grenadiers with nil his ardent soul. Even tho king, him self, aroused from hla midday slum bers, Joined lu theso scenes of excite ment "What haa happened what ia all thla about?" ho demanded. Tho trembling guardB ecnrcoly dared tell him tho truth. "What, sho has escaped that pris oner! Sho waa of moro importanco than nny hold hero in our own ro monibiauco. You shall all bo held to account for this. How now, Count Sachlo, did wo not glvo hor into your lmmedlato charge?' "Your majesty, you did. I daro no explanation of her escape Only she la gono." "And with her our only hopo of suc cess In the ambition of. this kingdom, ! You sock to explain that to me? After her, dullard, und bring her back In twenty-four hours or elso do not re turn. You Eucaa my meaning, Sachlo?" CHAPTER XXXI. Again In Gretzhoffen. Pursuit? Kitty laughed at tho thought as sho felt under her tho strong pulso of tho great machine. Sho hnd tuken tho driver's Bent, nnd ns tho car wns of left-hand drive, for tho tlmo Bho had no opportunity to look into tho tonncau, had sho liked. Listening to tho swift purr of tho smooth motor, sho did not at first hear tho sound of a chuckling laugh back of her in tho car a chucklu which at length broko out into a hearty gust or laughter. Sho turned her eyes swiftly nt risk of capsizing tho car and found her solf gazing directly Into tho face of tho man whom of all others Bho would mobt have preferred to see. Even now ho camo crawling across tho top of tho seat to Join her In the front of tho cur, "Holeau!" sho exclaimed, "la It In deed you? Aro you always to be the deus ox muchtua In nil my dilllcultles literally you arc thut now!" "I do not know whnt you mean by that, excellency," snld Holeau, as ho took tho steering wheel from her, "but I have been in this machine for somo time. I waa satisfied that did you es capo from the palaco you would need a means of getting away. All I need ed to do waa to wait patiently. So you havo come. As soon us I could mako my own eecapo I secured this car a good one and I followed. It was vory sltnplo, ns you see." "At least a near squeak this time, Holeau," said Kitty. "They never meant for mo to escape" "Thoy do not mean It now, excel lency," said Holeau, nodding behind him. whero ho know pursuit even now was beginning. "I will drlvo now as I havo never driven before 'Tis a sweet engine, nnd It rldea well. They will drive fa3t who follow ua." All of which waa bo literally true that before long tho desert miles onco moro hnd aped beneath them and Kit ty found herself ugaln in the city sho was moro than ever disposed to call her homo. They found entrance to tho Rltz hotel at tho rear door, in view of their own travel-stained con-1 dltlon. "Excellency." said tho grieved and pained clerk, when nt length sho made her way to the desk, "I was on tho point of removing your belongings und making other atrangementa for your apartments." "By what right?" demnndod Kitty. "They are paid for In udvanco why should they not be ready for mo when I come?" "But we did not hear when you would return." "There arc many things one doos not hear perhaps you may hear very j little of my own business and my) plana. I pay for service here. I'lcaae caro for me, therefore, and my man wo both are tired." "You have been Inquired for in your absence, excellency. The Count Fred erick of Gretzhoffen " "Indeed, and what could ho want?" "Ho has been here twice, excellency, but yesterday ho came tho last time He said ho camo on messago of tho king which gave me warrant for what he n&ked." "And what was that?" "Access to your apartments. Ho said It was tho command of the king." "And you dared glvo him such ac cess?" "We dnrod not do less, excellency. Ho wub most courteous in ono way asked many questions regarding your Belf; but ns to search of your apart ments ho mndo none or next to none Ho seemed to care for nothing that ho 8aw. savo ono littlo picture a portrait." Kitty remained but briefly in her own rooms. Sho took a swift glanco about. Everything Becmed In placo, much as she hnd left It no search ap parently had been made of any of tho cabinets or drawers. Thero hud been n littlo picture ono of herself left on tho dressing table. It was gouc! Sho missed nothing else. CHAPTER XXXII. In the Name of the King. It was plain enough to Count Snchlo which way Kitty would head In her flight. Her car waa littlo moro than out of sight en tho Gretzhoffen road, cro Sachlo himself was In pursuit. Count Sarhlo himself wns no blun derer, and no common thief cluisor, but a courtier and a man of intelligence. Ho knew it would bo futilo to make a direct domnnd of tho hotel manage ment regarding tho whereabouts of tho young American. Therefore, while ho himself npproached tho hotel desk to engage tho clerks in conversation, ho sent two of his own men one of thorn Bartel, tho spy, who had been established hero so long by way of a rear stairway to find Kitty's room and roport to him what thoy learned. Ho stood for somo tlmo making po ll to speeches with tho desk men and tho porters, asking for certain infor mation ns to routes and distances, but nil tho tlmo burning with impatience that ho heard no report from his mes sengers. As ho stood, thero camo nows of them startling nowa enough. Thoro camo shrieking down tho stairs, incoherent, babbling, a mnld who called out to tho clerk, or to any who would hear her! "A man," Bho cried "A man killed in hor room tho young American's room murdered it Is murder, I tell you!" The ofllclnls of the hotel took prompt action. "Close all the doors," ordered tho porter. "Clear tho corridors nt onco, in tho king's tin me, Apprehend tho murderer whoover it may be Have tho gendarmes come at onco. You, boy run I suy." It was hue and cry once moro, nnd Sachlo waa glad enough that his own alibi waa plain, for ho know not what now might happen. Ono of his men rejoined him tho spy Bartel. Tho other remained behind his fate un known ns yet. As for Kitty, sho was at t'lls mo ment onco more away from her hotel and onco more In tho stately palaco of Count Frederick. She entered softly, leaving Rolcau us usual somowhnt reinoto, to guard agaltiBt any sudden intrusion. Onco moro sho cast about a searching gazo upon tho details of tho place. All Its Sachlo Takes Advantage of Kitty Helplessness, Out Is Interrupted By a Guard. disorder had been removed. Spick and span in military neatness the apartment lay beforo her. Upon tho dresber. In full view, openly displayed, waa a plcturo in a littlo frame a frame of bllver Bot In brilliant gems. She looked at it sud denlyit waa the portrait of herself which onco had stood on her own dressing table in her hotel! Now it waa here Why? Kitty felt a strange flush como to her face Something now arrested her she paused, reluctant to resume a search which ever had been dlstuateful to her. No, sho would not touch n thing had he not done as much for her had ho not beta moro respectful than herself of another's privacy? If he had taken nnythiug from her apart ments it was but thla. And appa rently ho had cherished it. No, sho would not search for tho coin. 3 ho would leavo thla country disappoint ed, If need be. Hut there lay, Junt at the foot of the littlo portrait, an object which caught her eye. It was tho half coin of Gretzhoffen! Yes, hero It was In full view, open ly displayed, that any might seo it who liked, who chanced to bo there Apparently Count Frederick felt that all pursuit of the coin had ended that no longer could any intruder gain ac cess to his palace. Kitty hesitated for a moment. Tho appeal of tho coin camo to her once more Sho took it up, held it in her hand, gazed nt it and onco moro, as so often had been the case sho found herself surprised at tho very moment of her bucccss. Sho heard Count Frederick's quiet footsteps, his calm voice behind her. "Mademoiselle, again!" Tho count stood thero regarding her. "Evidently, mademoiselle, you did not rcalko that theso repeated vlBlta rendered necessary tho Installation ot an electric system of my own devis ing you seo, I know of your presence, and ns you see, I havo come. You rang. Of what scrvico can I be, mademoiselle?" "Leavo me alone," panted Kitty, her face hot, tears almost In her eyes. "I hato you! I hate you!" "I grlevo nt that, mademoiselle," said Count Frederick evenly. "I wish I could say tho samo of you but I cannot. With every reason to distrust you I cannot. Continually wo cro&s swords, do wo not? And you wero easy to deceive thla time. Seo you aro trapped ub Blmply as a bird which steps Into it3 cngo without hesitation. "Will you not glvo mo back my coin, mademoiselle? Will you not add it to tho other? Will you not assist mo in reading tho message of tho coin, so that wo may make an end of all this so that wo may not continually cross sworda with ono another?" In answer Kitty darted past him, found her wuy into tho hall, ran she knew not where. Beforo hor lay a littlo narrow stairway, and sho sprang up It, hoping to ilnd egress some where. Alas! tho door that closed tho head of tho Btalr wns locked. She heard his low laugh as an Iron grille snapped across tho opening, cutting off escape. "Won't you glvo it mo now my coin?" ho asked. Silence reigned in tho great white marblo palaco of Count Frcdorlck ot Gretzhoffen. And now, far off in other parts of tho city, whero men sought ono who had dono a crlmo, thero roso in the streets tho sound of hurrying feet, with the warning cry, "In tho name ol the king!" (To Be Continued.) K 7