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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
-s nriT'--IS fl .- 4 VJ.. w , f I ( ,4 d 1 , b,uly '''ui yuciay A Newspaper That fihes The Nevis Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 1 I RED CLOUD, XEBRASKA, AIMJIL U7, 1SHO. NUMIJBR US It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money 3011 can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA I. h:i.".uim SPRING HATS PAUL STOREY The Clothier OVERLAND CAR IS GIVEN AWAY DRAWING AT RED CLOUD IS BIG EVENT OF THE SEASON A SOCIAL AND FINANCIALjSUCCESS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE LUCKY ONES: OVERLAND CAR, E. J. GORDON; S20 IN GOLD, A. B. CRABILL $10 IN GOLD, CHAS. MOUNTFORD; $5 IN GOLD, MRS. WM. FISHER numTOj We liiHsilay. Apiil -Mli wus lht big i day in Hod Cloud, the occasion lu-iiijf the drawing of thu (Holland unto mobili. Xi'U-r before have we seen h linger ciowd in our city. They cuniu fimi lai' iiiul neiu, by team, luiiii ami auto. '1 he streets woio ctowded anil seats worn ut a premium iu our many hotels awl cafes during tho iileal liouis. They came eaily and stayed into and many of them renewed acquaintances with their old fib'tids anil neighbors, and as fur as we liuve leariieil every one went home peifcctly satisfied and in tin- way of an autu tiip nt ,111 eatly date A 15. Cnililll wus uwuiilcil the S'.'o gold piece. C' Mmtlltfoid tile ?! gold pieee and Mis. Will Wisher thei.". gobl pwee. The ill awing was n doubled success anil ewMyotie M'enitMl s'ltKlli'd with the manner in which the a II air was eon dueled, ami is turtlier proof that what ever the meieliants audeltleiisof Rod Cloud set out to do, proves to be a success ami is always handled in a straight forward and business lllte manner. During the day the Red Cloud Con cert band favored us with many up-to- uttering words of praise for those who Mute detections in band music, it being TANKS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the besT: on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE M AL0NE-4VERY GO. TALK WITH 1)5 AMUT TANKS" were in charge of the affair. Both the Orpheum and the Tepee gave continu ous free performances from nine o'clock in the morning to one o'clock in the afternoon. At three o'cloelc iu the afternoon, that being the hour set for the drawing of the big car, after all preparations had been made by the committee iu charge, with 1 ,T. Over ing master of ceremonies, the car was awarded to E. J. Gordon whose, many fi lends may look forward to a treat High School Gives Musicale. The musicale given by the pupils of tiie school Friday evening, under the supervision of Miss Nina Simmons was a very successful and enjoyable nllair. The Orpheum was well tilled by an appreciative audience. Of course, the little ones were star periormers, espe cially tho ten little Indians, the but tercups, sweet peas and dancing daffo dils. But the readers and soloists' were hardly less pleasing to the hear ers. The choruses showed a decree of skill aud musical taste hardly to be expected from the brief training which could be given to the scholars. Miss Simmons is evidently determined to awaken an appreciation for what is best in music. Wagner, Straus, Gou nod, Balfe, Lacome were drawn upon. It is far better to fail studying mast ers of tills character than to succeed iu the rendition of what is not worthy the effort to understand and execute There was nothing like failure in any number of the program. But more practice would improve some ot tho selections. Tlio eliort to succeed was abundantly manifest, and it will not be long before the people of this city will be able to note the results of the iilgner eulturo mat springs from a study of the great artists under com petent direction, The receipts of tho evening amount to $r0, which will be devoted to the purchase of a phonograph, that tho pupils may hear the best of recorded music. Rah-Rah Boys Coming. On Friday, April 28, four jolly good fellows fiom tlio Kansas colleges will be in our city nnd will givo a free street performance during the morning hours, also after tho last evening per formance at tho Orpheum they wlll tuko the stage for an hour and en tertain you with good comedy (and singing. They will also givo a talk on the topic of the day, '"Liquor," and are working in the interests of the Nebraska Dry Federation. No extra admission will be 'charged, but offer ings will be accepted from any one interested in this cause. Do not fail to come and hear them, Our Timepieces are Accurate, . Is Yours? ,,1 - Hvul tf ! Vai v H T E tr4 .l Till A. " -r " " -L. Wi ill ,ll $M&ZkLx Z&Z5m& -ZZ)t. feas an organisation of which the citizens Of our community may well feel proud, one that is deserving of the praise and Mipuortof everyone in the uommun ity. In the future, as in this event, let us all be loyal to our merchants, our towu and our community and boost, thus helping to make lied Cloud and vaclnity the (iaiden Spot of Nebraska aud the abiding place of Rood, truo Amorlcan citizens Takes Examination. Allan iilackledgo' returned Tuesday morning from Annapolis, Mil,, whcie he has been attending preparatory school, making preparation to take tlio examination for entrance to tho lT. S. Navel Academy. The examinations were held last week, occupying three days, nnd are considered very dilllcult; so as a rule about one in three of those who take the examinations pass. Examinations are held yearly in February and April. In Febr. this year, 3M) took the exam inations and 09 of that number passed, so Allan is waiting somewhat anxious ly until ho knows the official results which will be after two or three weeks. If successful, it admits him to 'the U. K. Navel Academy, where he will receive a four year training and col lege course and upon graduation would have the rank of an Ensign, which corresponds to Lieutenant in the army B OAfl: DID YOU EVER MISS A TRAIN BECAUSE YOUR WATCH WAS SLOW? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LATE IN FILLING AN IMPORTANT EN GAGEMENT BECAUSE YOUR TIME-PIECE WAS "OUT OF WHACK?" IF SO, YOU CAN AVOID SUCH ANNOYANCES BY COMING TO US AND BUYING A TIME-PIECE WHICH YOU CAN DEPEND UPON TO ' GET YOU THERE" ON TIME. LET US FIX YOUR OLDTIME PIECE OR SELL YOU A NEW ONE E. H. NEWHOUSE auffiiiiiiffi'ii Jowoler and Optometrist C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector WIS,' !iii Hi iiu '! mi' i! ulilii iiii'u i ' u u'l' . i. II II 9 iiiiii3i.m Obituary. Cynthia A. Edwards was born in Madison county, Kentucky, on August !M, 1817, aud ou June K1, lHi!.'. was united in marriage to Henry It. Kut ledge. To this union woro bom four children, three sons and one daughter, the two sous and one daughter having passed away iu childhood. At the ago of twenty she united with tho Christian church and has ever since lived a dovotcd life. She had been i poor health for sevetul months and passed away at the family home iu the first ward ou Sunday noon, at tho ugo of 08 years and 8 month?. A husband, one bon, live grandsons and two gt and daughters are left to mourn her death. The funeral services wore held at tlio home, on Monday afternoon, Rev. G. W. Hummel oulciating r m m m m in m m m m m m m m J General Admission ','Jv HOME TALENT PLAY Who's Hat 3 - ACT COMEDY - 3 The Best and By Far the Most Difficult Play Ever Attempted By Red Cloud Amatuers A Laugh From Start to Finish ORPHEUM ON Nay 9th, 1916 25c m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to JF New Rate n Farm Leans I can now make you a lower rate on Farm Loans than was ever made in this county before, Best option given and money always ready, I also have private money to loan on reasonable terms. Please write me or call for me at State Dank, Red Cloud. -U. V, Gather. 0Ax'VVV'VN'VV'VVN'Vr-N 'VVV'VVV'VV'VV0 FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES Wc believe there is no better gate at any price than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gale that can bo bought for less money. Come in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word 5 CANT It spells the best. PLATT & FREES I WWVvAWV,W vAvsAvAvAvAvAV hP. WA uw