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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
''yfintam RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r'SSr! ,: ; r'vtejf ' Look and Feel Clean, Sweet and Fresh Every Day Drink a glass of real hot water before breakfast to wash out poisons. i Life la not morciv fn itv hut tn Hu well, ont well, digest woll, work Will, Bleep well, look woll. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy It Is if ono will only adopt tlio morning Insldo bath. Folio who nro accustomed to fool lull and heavy when they arlso, split ting headncho, stuffy from n cold, foul tongue, nnsty breath, acid stomach, can, Instcud, feel ns fresh as a dalBy by opening the sluices of the system each morning nnd Hushing out tho whole of tho Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether nlllnc. sick 01 well, should, each morning, heforo brcnlcfast. drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of Hmestono phoaplmto In it to wash from tho stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels tho previous day's Indigestible waste, eour bllo and poisonous toxins, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying tho on tiro alimentary tract beforo putting more food into tho utomach. Tho ac tion of hot water and limestone phoa phato on an empty Etomach Is wonder fully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste nnd acidity and gives ono a splendid ap petite for breakfast. While you aro enjoying your breakfast tho water and phosphate- 1b quietly extracting a largo volumo of water from tho blood and getting ready for a thorough Hushing of nil tho Insldo organs. The millions of people who aro both ered with constipation, bilious spoils, stomach trouble, rheumatism; othors who havo sallow skins, blood disor ders and sickly complexions aro urged to get a quarter pound of Hmestono phosphato from any storo that handles drugs which will cost very little, lmf Ib Biifllctcnt to make nnyono a pro nounced crank on the subject of In ternal sanitation. Adv. How did it ever profit you to talk mean about your neighbors? Dr. Pierce's Pellets nro the original little liver pills put up 4(1 3 t-o. They regulate liver and bowels.. ears Adv. Sarcasm. "Hadn't you better let mo clip a little from the ends of your hair?" queried tho tonsorial nrtlst. 'Why from the ends?" queried tho victim in tho chair. "Can't you clip n litllo from tho middle?" SPEAKS UP FOR GANADA And No WonderRenting Land He Made $8.50 Per Acre. Hia 80 many Americans now havo per Bonal knowledgo of Canada that false reports concerning this country ara being continually corrected by Amer icans tliomselves who know tho facts, nnd who nro too fair-minded to lot a falso statement go unchallenged. A oaso In point arises out of a statement eupposcd to bo inado by a resident of Alberta, and published recently in the Spokcsraan-Rovlow, of Spokane, in which tho condition of settlers in this country was painted in a very bad way indeed. Tho writer of this at tack on Canada refused to let hia namo bo known, so it can bo taken for what It Is worth, but Mr. S. L. Wallace, of N 4723 Crestline, Spokane, who lived for Borao years in Western Canada, camo to tho defense of the country in tho following letter which was published in tho Spokesman-Review of February 11, 1916: "To tho Editor of tho Spokesman-Review: "In Sunday's Spokesman-Review was a letter from a man in Alberta to the chamber of commerce asking that something bo douo to keep Americans from going to Canada, and saying that that government was run by tho rail roads, banks and manufacturers; that onco a man got there ho never could get away. Had this man published that letter over his own signature thcro Is no doubt but ho could get out of Canada. No country will do ns much to help a man to get on his feet, If ho trios to help hlmBolf, as Canada. I know of tho government helping people to pro visions, feed, seed grain nnd fuel, and charging only cost of delivery to the nearest town nnd 6 per cent. What moro could a man ask? I lived flvo years in Southern Sas katchewan nnd enrncd a patent to 320 acres of as good land as I over saw I havo raised over SO bushels of oats on sod, 40 bushels of whont, nnd 20 of flax to tho acre. Until I loBt ray health I never wns bettor satisfied any where. I hnd my land rented this last year for ono-third. It brought mo al most $8,50 per aero, or $1,143.91 for 13r acres. This man says ho loves tho land hia fathers died for. So do I, nnd I lovo tho land that gavo mo my homo. "S. L. WALLACE." ls'4723 Crestllno, Spokane AdvertlBO- ment. The Difficulty. "Do you think tho nations nro real ly going to get a decision at Verdun?" "Don't know; too many outsiders umpiring the gamo." NEBRASKA j ; STATE NEWS J DATES FOR COMING EVENT3. May 2 Omaha-Unroln-IJenvcr Good Roads association convention nt Lincoln. May III- Last Central Nehtaska High School track meet nt I'romont. May 11 Proclaimed ".Mothers' Day" in Nebraska. May 10 to 18 Stnlo O. A. R. Ilncnmp merit nt Lexington. May l,-, is -State Dental Society an nual (onvontlon at Lincoln. May 17 N'ebriihka Il.inkcis' conven tion, Group One, at lleatrlco. May 23-2 1 23 State Harness and Sad lli Makers' association meeting nt Columbus. May 21-25 State Association of Com mercial Clubs' Coineiittonat Omahn. luno i and fi Pageant of Lincoln, presenting "The Gate City" Juno fi-fi Spanish War Veterans' State Convention nt North Platte. Juno 12 to 15TraiiH-MlhHlsslppl Mak ers' Ass'n convention at Omahn. June 13-1-l-ir,- Anniinl convention of Nebraska Kilts at Omaha. Juno lit to ifi- State P. K. O. Conven tion at Alliance. Juno 13-1 1-in Great Western Htndl cap Tournament at Omnha. Juno 1!) 2021-22 -American Union of Swedish Singers, West. Div., con certs and convention at Omaha. June 20 to 21 State Stockmen's con vention at Alliance. June 21 to 23 l-'ralornnl Order of Naples, state meeting at Lincoln. In a gun duel which lnsted several minutes. Olllcer Lon Trudo of the Meatilce police forco shot and fatally wounded Nels Smith. Smith had been previously arrested for being disor derly and had been released on prom ise of good behnvlor. As soon as he gained his freedom, however, ho ob tained n gun and began thrcatcnin? the police. He died some mlnuti'E after lx-lng shot. Miss Hazel Parks, rcpriscntlns Hastings college, won tho stato prohi bition oratorical contest at Mellevue taking a $50 cash prize. Simon E Cozad of Nebraska Wesleyan univcr sity wns second. Third place went tc Karl A. Kverett of Grand Island col lege. The winner will represent No braska in tho interstate contest at St Paul, Minn., July 21. lCilwanl, 10-year-old son of Joseph Mc.Mlchall, living east of Welllleet, a .small town near North Platte, was In stnntly killed when lightning struck tho bell at the school houso nnd rail down a wire rope, burning his face and right side to a crisp. Other children standing nearby were rendered uncon scious by the shock, but nono were permanently Injured. A special train loaded with 300 men nnd women from Lincoln nnd Omnha loft Omaha Just recently for tho sugar beet fields of Minnesota. They will be distributed in tho territory around Mnnknto. Eaglo Lake and Chaskn. The party was made up largely of Rus sians nnd most of them worked in the Minnesota sugar beet fields last Ben son. Fremont poultrymen say that the present scarcity of poultry nnd the high prico prevailing for poultry meat is duo solely to tho fact that eggs are bringing 18 and 20 cents a dozen, an unusually high prico for this time of year. Farmers aro hanging onto their hens to get the eggs, they say. Tho Plntto county attornoy wants the county to own some bloodhounds to smell out and run down criminals. Ho will urge tho purchase of dogs at the next meeting of the county board. A state bowling league, with a reg ular schedule of matches and a loving cup as a prize Instead of a pennant, is a movement that Omaha bowling lend ers aro now discussing. When First Btreet paving In Fre mont is laid It will mako a total of twenty-nino blocks, or nenrly two miles of paving through Fremont on tho Lincoln highway. During a flvo days' campaign a financial committee of tho Bal'r li brary collected $1,200, tho amount necessary to purchaso the site for the now Carneglo library. With a now hix-story hotel nnd a $100,000 court house, besides many other buildings, Fremont expects to put in ono of tho busiest building sea sons In its history. Ground has been broken for Broken Row's new Burlington ifpot. Tho structuro will bo thirty by eighty feet In size nnd cost $2C,000. Tho city council has passed an ordinance va cating certain streets, In order that tho depot shall have on adequate loca tion. An evangelistic campaign, under tho direction of Rev. James Rayburn, is being conducted In Broken Bow. A tabernacle with a seating capacity of 1,200 has been erected for tho meet ings. Tho pulp drying process Is ono of tho Important features which will mark the Improved facilities of tho now Goring sugar factory, which 13 now under construction. More than $13,000 In cash prizes will bo hung up for tho national swinn show, which will bo held In South Omaha October 2 to 7. Tho Corns! ock Tolophnno company has been authorized to dlscontinuo a $3 flat rato for service to Arcadia. Tho vlllago of Evvlng will construe! a now school building In tho near fu turo to cost $35,000. , Trunk M, Coffey, Ft it1 labor com iiissloncr, In Omaha r um.i an jounced A CnmlMotil. Untlid States jotunilbuloner of Immigration, will lend a federal rtpiescntatlvo to Ne braska to conduct a freee labor bu can, and to he In charge of an Imnil ration station here. "The olllce will bo In Omaha." said Coffey "The hi nor olllce will direct the migratory and u-nsoiml laborers The former come ind go without regard to conditions. Seasonal laborers, such ns harvester, 'rult pickers and others, want to iol ow the seasons. The Immigration araneli of the work probably will 5rlng more Immigrants to Nebraska," Coffey snld. "Some may be routed ilreetly to Omaha." The Falrbury city council has re 'used to grant pool hall licenses to 'evernl applicants In the city. The Hiestlon was not votid on at the prlng election, It being underwood here would be no opposition to tho granting of the licenses. The sentl uciit against the pool halls sprang up ft hen propilelors started a movement o reduce license fees. Melinite plans have been made by .he historical and patriotic such ties 3f the Mate to mark the old historic California trail The second monu ment to be erected within the neM re w months will be at Florence at ih starting point of the trail in Ne braska, tho Hist being already erod ed at Fremont by Lewis tc Clarke Chapter, D A. It. Elect hiu boards In every preclnc: in HnMliigs stood pat at the recent election on the ruling ot the attorney general and refused ballots to all vot ers who failed to state their parly afllllatlniih when registering at tho city clerk's olllce last month. There were about 159 voters In Hastings dis franchised as the lesult. About seventy-five delegates are ex pected to attend the l'.Mti convention or the English association of the Au gustana Synod, which will be held in Omaha next October. Exact dates for the annual gathering have not yet been set. although it will probably bo held about the middle of the month. Jloth the road grading nnd road paving bonds of Douglas county, to taling $1,700,000, carried at the recent prlniar.v. These were divided into two propositions: The one for $200,000 bonds for grading the roads in Doug las county, and the other for bonds In the sum of $1,500,000 for paving certain Douglns county rends. Woodrow Wilson was defeated In tho recent primary election In ono precinct In Seward county by Robert G. Ross, proprietor of a llver.v stable. The preclnc! Is German-Ameiiean, nnd the vote was 39 to 38. Rosa filed him self as a caudldnte for both the demo cratic and republican presidential nominations at the primaries. The question of building a Jail nt Martlnsburg, an Inland town near Al len, hns been the bone of contention there for some time nnd In order to dispose of the question the village board placed the Issue on the ballot nt election. Tho mnjority favored a Jail and it will be built nt once. Pa Rourke, mnnnger of the Omaha Western leaguo baseball team, has signed a new second baseman named Priest, from Rochester, N. Y and he has Joined tho team. Ho will play second until the recovery of lrelnn, who had a leg broken nt Beatrice dur ing tho prnctlco season thero. Revival of the old-style country spelling bees will be undertaken In schools of several counties of the state this yenr and It Is hoped by those Interested that next year enough of the counties will havo taken up tho work to assure a state-wide spelling contest. John Zook, for years city marshal and drayman at Tecumseh, has sud denly become rich by Inventing a church model and soiling the patent to a Kansas City firm for $25,000. He continues at his position, although the windfall means much to him. Tho pupils of tho Beatrice schools are looking forward with eagerness to the annual May festival, which proba bly will bo held on May 12th. It vrP.l be held In Atholetic park, a spot of marvelous beauty on the Blue, and tho pride of Beatrice. Tho eleventh nnnunl convention ef the Thirtieth district of Rebekahs will be held tit Ponca May 11. The d'str ct Is composed of six lodges, Wynot, Newcastle, Ponca, South Sioux City, Allen and Emerson. Lincoln's chances for an incinerator clthln tho next year went Into the discard when tho city commlssloneis rejected nil bids. Committees havo raised $3,100 to ward tho purchaso of a slto for an auditorium at Holdrego; another com mittee has raised $8,000 toward the construction of the building. Another $5,000 Is required. TccumBoh has a military band an 1 a local picture houso turned Its fncll ities over to tho organization ono re. cent night to help it financially. Tho farmers In tho neighborly d of Osceola will open a union store where they will recoivo and dispone of goods in quantity lots. Bids for water, sower and paving Jobs woro given out by tho city coin ell of Sldnoy recontly. W. .1. Crcodeii was given tho contract for $20,0i ' worth of concreto paving nnd tho Nor folk Brldgo nnd Construction Co. wot t'ro bid for $20,000 worth Of sewer and water extensions. Toddling Kidney, 3, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Howard Kidney, Universlt Plnce, winner of tho grand prizo Ir tho 1911 stato fair bettor babies con teat, wns Instantly killed nt tho Kid ney homo when a cellar door fell striking him on tho head. TURNS DIN GUI APPROPRIATION DOESN'T COVER FORESTRATION CLAIM. STATE BOYSRJTATO CLUB Items of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around the Stati! Houso. JVi stern Nevvvpapn t'lilon News St nice. State Auditor W. II. Smith has re fused to Issue a slate win nun for JtUO In pa tin nt of a claim picneiitcd by Nou is Hi own of Omaha for "legal nor vlie.s and assistant u in preparing a re pot t and pioposed laws In foii-stiatlon matters on the lequest of the slate loiextuiilDii commission of Nebraska." tail Rhode of Columbus, chairman or the inicstintloii commission appoint ed thiee years ago, presinted tho to the state auditor. The audi tor has piled that the appropriation ot 1915 does not cover such expenses. The I'oiest ration commission was one of the little Jobs ereatetl bv the leg islature of 1913. Gov oi nor Morehcnd appointed a commission of which Mr Rhntlo of Columbus Is chairman. No funds were nppioprlatod for its, use i in commission made n report that was soon forgotten, but the com missioners (If (I not forget to ask tho Miiccodlng legislature to approprlalo $2,000 for something which on tho start wns to cost nothing The com mlKtiou went put of existence but Hid leglslatuie of 1915 appropriated $2,000 to pay Its "traveling expenses, print ing of icport and publicity work of forest rat lon commission." State Audi tor Smith believes none of this can bo paid to an attorney employed bj the old commission. College of Agriculture Graduates. The fourteenth annual commence ment of tho college of agriculture of the I'nlversKy of Nebraska was ob served nt tho Temple theatre Tuesday night. Carl Schur. Vrootniui, nsslst tint secretary of the United Slales do pnrt merit of agriculture, was the com mencement speaker delivering his ad dress "Tho Spirit of tho Now Agri culturist," to an audlencn that pack ed tho theatre to tho doors. Chan cellor Avery presented school of agri culture certificates to ninety-seven candidates and elementary stato teachers' certlllcates to ten. Military commissions were presented to twenty-one candidates by Adjutant (ienern! Hall. Bio Class in Veterinary Surgery. Governor Morehcnd. Stato Auditor W. II. Smith and Secretary of Stato Charles V. Pool, members of the stato vctcrlnnry ' board, appeared beforo forty young men who wero taking an examination for license to practice veterinary surgery and medicine. Gov ernor Morehcnd inado a bhoit talk to the applicants on tho Importnnco of tho profession which thoy seek to entor. Tho stato olllccrs reappointed Stato Veterlnnrlnn J. S. Anderson of Soward n member of tho examining board. Tho other examiners nro Dr. J. C. Ilowman of Tecumseh nnd Dr G. It. Young of Omnha. State Boys' Potato Club. Members of tho stato boyB' potato club will bo eligible to attend tho boys' potato school which will he held annually In tho northwestern part of tho stato beginning next spring. Tho school will last four days. Instruc tion will bo furnished by tho collego of ngrlculturo, nnd will include lec tures, laboratory work and Inspection trips to potato fields and storage cel lars. Only members who havo suc cessfully completed tho Benson's work and made proper firm! report may at tend. Sovernl counties nro offering free trips, including board and lodg ing, for two or moro boys who rank high In their country club. Member ship in this club is open to nny boy In tho stato between tho ages of ten and eighteen who will raise not less than an eighth of nn acre of potatoes of his own. Application for member ship mny bo sent to tho Potato club, agricultural college, Lincoln. No ap plication will bo nccopted nfler May 1. nonds to tho amount of $23,000, voted by tho school district of Guide Rock, Webstor county, havo been reg istered by Stnte Auditor W. II. Smith. Tho bonds were voted for the purpose of raising funds to build a now school house. Will Call for New Bids. At tho last regular meeting of tho board of regents of tho stato univer sity, it wns decided to reject nil bids for tho proposed agricultural engi neering building nnd to call for now onoB. This nctlon was taken becauso of amended specifications, wherein reinforced concroto Is cnllod for In Btend of structural steel as originally planned. Prof. Grummann made a report regarding tho Introduction of music Into tho ciirrrlculum of tho uni versity, but nctlon was deferred nn til tho next meeting. Uphold Fort Crook Lnw. Tho supremo court has Bustnlncd tho law of 1907, prohibiting tho licensing of a saloon within two nnd one-half miles or a military post. Tho opinion of tho court wan written by Judgo Hoso and concurred In by tlm entire court. A test caso was instituted, entitled Gear Rushhart vs. Homer Crippeii ot nl. Tho caso was tried In Sarpy county where Fort Crook Is stluated. Tho dis trict court sustained the provisions of tho law and tho supremo court has af firmed tbat Judgment. FRECKLESBe Now In tho 1 In. n to (let Kliluf Tlune K7 NIMltK. There' no ttinisi r Hie llRlitmt nrrct of frillni: naliiiiniil of onr (uckl.n, in Ilia prrK rliitlciii oltilne dmilile utri'imtli Ctinriititiul to rimeve iUrnr Immi 1 amt Simply net nn miner- of otlilne iIuiiIiIk trent!lli iriitn vour ilriiKKlat, mid ply a Utile nf It hIkIiI uml innrnltiir nnl you Minulil noon trn Hint ivrn tlm omul freeklex lme liiKtiti to illiuiipnr, while I tin lighter ihim hive VrtMlnhul entirely It In irlilohl I hit I mote Hi mi one oum e In metleil to enni Jilctrly iliur tlm kln unit Ktn beautiful elrnr i omiileilon lie nure In nrk for tlm doul-le ulrennth othlne, thin unlit under Kiinrimtee o money l.irk II ll full to rtiuova freckle -Ailv, Whntovir is best administered Is best. HOW TO REMOVE DANDRUFF .tchlng and Irritation of tho Scalp With Cutlcurn. Trial Free. On retiring lightly touch spotnof dnn druff.ltching and burning with Cutlcurn Olnlment. Ne.t morning ulintnpoo thoroughly with Cutlcurn Soap ami hot water. These super creatnv emollients do much to keep the scalp clean nnd healthy nnd to promote hair growth. l'leo btuuplu each by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dopt. L, Uoston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Many a girl who can't iilng is uf dieted with the Idea that she can. ai,m:n'h I'ooT-nAtin nor.H it vvlieii your stuns plm-li or your corns ami tnililoiiH iii-lie, net Allen's Knot-Kane, tlm iilltlKcptlo powder to lm sliakim Into shoos ami Usui In foiil-lmtli, (lives lnntant re lief to Tlrnl, Aching, Hwollon feet. Over 1W.0W p-irkagi-H aro lielnr? iisoil ly tlio trooiiH ut tho front. Sold evorvwhcic, I&c. Don't ncti pi any miulltute. Ailv. A good mirror tells tho truth, no matter upon whom It may rollect. A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and all Uric Acid Troubles Dear Readers: I appeal to thoso of you who aro bothered with kidney nnd blnddor trouble, that you glvo up tho uho of harsh salts or alcoholic medicines nnd In their plnco take a short treatment of "Antirlc." I havo taken many ot Dr. I'lnrrn'n Tiinitloliina fir Mm nnnl ', twnnty-llvo yenrs with good results. I i Buffered witli kidney trouble for some. years. I recently heard of tho noweat discovery of Dr. Plcrco, namoly, his "Anurlc" Tablets. Aftor using snmo I nm completely cured of my kldnoy trouble A doctor pronounced mo a woll preserved woman for my ago, all duo, I bellovo, to Dr. I'lorco'u aid. MltS. MKLINDA E. M1U.EK. If you suffer from backache, lum bago, rheumatism, got "Anurlc" now. Such Nerve. "I want to exchange this book; It has a very stupid ending." "I think you've inado n mistake mndam. This Is not n library." n Important to Mothers Examlno carefully ovory bottlo of CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy for Infants and children, nud boo that it Ttenm thn Signature of OStfC&: in use ror over 30 Years. Children Cry for Flctchcr'B Castoria Nearly a million and a half men aro now employed In tho munition fac tories of Germany. Resinol Wanted Tl'C Farm TTonrlo Y7- P "C ml H 'JiioJlrfklnl s)0- msask !gmmm W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bee Bldfj., Omaha, Nebr. AulWueJ Ctudiu CoTeroacnt Aiut NO PASSPORTS ARE NECESSARY TO ENTER CANADA Ready, for ealtime With appetite keen, digestion normal, and no fear of any after eating distress. HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters helps very materially in bringing about such a condition. It is an excellent tonic and appetizer. Try it izziMzim TIIIS ELECTRIC BELT FREE. No Nrr.1 lo ?ulf r frc m Ncr vmji.nd i'ainlulDiiMM-t. CUHE YOUUM.I I- WITH qurnitucs. Wcjirai rJ futeonci our ImIii in rli ntllllv. Vpniliiml .... C.ifM tlxy miVlotulr. ?i.i-riil(i(rf o time ihii I'ltrnlnl uml Grn lime Llntnc llrll I tee. Wnte. Electro Madlcnt Uell Co., Canton, Ohio PATPNTQ JViUnon . CnlMimn, H I EH I 9 IMlmiiU)r,Wnlilniilon! " . " ... . ' l' Aillcotill..ok"lme: Uatottemuiublo.Wiilu'iitreliHi lu-rn. llckUertlrt. -I This win Id has no lovo for thu lovor, who loves only himself. After Grip Winter Colds Bad Blood You nro palo, thin, weak with llttlo vitality. Your liver is sluggish and tho bnd blood catisua your stomach muscIcH to loso their elasticity nnd bo como llnbby then Indigestion. Dr. l'lcrco's Golden ilcdlcal Discov ery, purely vegetable ami froo from alcohol or narcotics, In tho great nnd poworful blood purifier of today. Ex tracted from American forest herbs nnd roots. Contnlim no alcohol. In gredients printed on wrnppnr. Taken nri directed It will search out Impure, nnd poisonous matter throughout tho system and eliminate It. Adv. TOU CAN'T CUT OCT A Bog Spavin or Thoroughpin but you can clean them off promptly with and vou work the hone lame lime. Docs not blister or remove tho hair. 2.00 per bottle, deliver d. Will tell yon more if yoti write. Book 4 M free. ABSORB1NE, JR., the antiieptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicoae Vcinj, Ruptured MukIci or rJnaKtitfc CbltiitJ RUndi, Went. Cltl. Allirl Dlln aulrklr Prlr II .! 1 bottle it druiilm or ddlfcrcd. Mtde In -be V. 8. A. by W. F.YOUNQ. P. D. F., JIOTiapli St., .prlnofltld. Milt. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 18-1016. the easy way to heal sick skins Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap.uiually stops itching instantly. Unless the trouble (s due to some serious internal disorder, it quickly and easily heals most cases of ec zema, rash, or similar tormenting; kin or scalp eruption, even when other treatments have, given little relief. Physicians have prescribtd Resinol for over twenty years. Rtfilnol Ointment Is nn eieHen Dealing ointment for burnt, unlUH, nountU, etc., and with too help of Kertnol 8nnp. clear awtr Pimpiei auauanarun. ttoiaajmu ilrtifttfleta. 50,000 of xptrience at once on f ho farms of Western Canada To replace the young farmers who have enlisted for the war. Good wages and full season's work assured. There is no danger or possibility of Con scription in Canada. ,ti2jL References required from all applicants. For spa !vwMclal railway rates and other information apply t4 i t&! i