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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
r - - I t Ira $ f Stntc Historical Society C3J:' --" I ' I. I( ' J:' iM A Newspaper That Gives The Ncns Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 11 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY -J, 1 !!. NUMBER l! It Isn't Hard To Save t It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL HU5.000 SPRING HATS PAUL STOREY The Clothier TANKS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE M ALONE-A VERY CO. POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED Tho Chief is jlud to chtonlcle tills week tin' advent of ii tii'iv family in our midst. This unities about ly thi' inariiiue, lit seven o'clock p til. on Thuisd.iy, April '27, liUti, of Miss Ger trude Uliickledge and Mi. rioyil A. Tutiiiite. Tin' wedding took place ut the Ulaekledu,c ti'sldence, ltev. Mi. Hates licititf t ho olllciatini; clergyman. The appioachliir mart hip' liatl been annotiiiL'til some time ao, altlio the delinito date for the ceremony was not made public ami, eontiary to u inueh tolloucl iMislo.n, thoin was in tills niailiaKi' no elaborate fiiiii'tioii or issu aiiee ot in itations and no "bi idal tour" following. .Simplicity and domesticity marked the whole niratitfeineiit, the simple and itnpie'.siw tiiitf scriec of the Episcopal eliiireli being used, and tlieie being pteseut only the ineinliers of the immediate families of the biide and gloom. The young people had themselves previously picp'ued and fuinished their homo on Walnut street and at once entered Into its occupancy, where they are "at homo" to their ft lends. .So that whilo wo extend a welcome to ii now family, it is composed of friends nf long Mantling, well known to most Ited Cloud people, they have both grown to maturity In our midst, both are former graduates of our high school, in which the bride la tor became nil instructor, the groom is established as a member of F. (J. Turnuru A; Son, mm chants, and both are highly re spected young people who start life's join ney togother accompanied by the best wishes of many fi lends. May happiness and prospoiity be tlielts, is the ('oiigiutut.itory wish of Tim Chief 'TALK WITH US ABOUT TANKS" School Board Meets. The school board held their tegular meeting on Monda, May 1st, at the Commercial Club mom, Ucoigo Coon presiding, anil acted on all matteis placed before them as follows: Minutes of piivious meeting read and appiovcd. On motion Miss Kellogg of the eighth giaiio was grunted one j cat's absence Now appeared Oeo Hadoll and ask ed tor increase of wages for assisting as teacher in manual tialning. Hoard took no action. The following bills were read and approved and warruuts ordered diawn for same American Book Co $101. .VJ (irlce Drug Co, fi..'5 Popeliioa., .THO Payne I'ub. Co , Dayton, O .'I 25 Katheryn Laughlln, Kearney,.. .7.1 American Contrnot, Chicago,.. . 87 0() C. E. Cross, s.Jio Superintendent made report. Board now adjourned Sine Die. C. J. POPE, Scc'y. Red Cloud, Nebr , May J, 1910. Hoard called to order by (Jeo. Coon. Upon motion Goo. Coon was elected temporary chairman. Organization of the boaid resulted as follows; L. II. Hlaukledge, President. (Jeorge Coon, Vice President. C. J. Pope, Secretary. Credentials and oaths of ofllec of Chas. Herrick and L. II. Blaeklodgc, members elect, received and placed on (He. On motion the scciotury's salary for the past year was fixed at 87." per year, 5mo us usual and warrant ordetod drawn for same The board adjourned to timet Mon day, May 8, at Commercial Club moms 7:110 p. m CI. POPE, Sec'y. Powell Urns., ptopiietors of tho Topee Smoke llouso have Installed ,a modern Klngrey coir, popper. Tho popppr arrangomont is driven by an electrlo motor, Instead of tho initial lire steam engine used on other poppers, It Is constructed of enameled and uickled steel, and glass and Is of the upright design. In all it is a very modern vending machlno, and the pub lic Is invited to call and inspect It at any time, and to sample the white 11 ikey corn which it produces ST. LOUIS BUSINESS MEN COMING MAY 11 A special train ol three sleep MS ob set vatii-n ear, dining cir ami baggage ear eat tying a pat ty ol 100 of the lead ing business men of St Louis, heads of the big inaiiuf.ictuiitig and whole sale In. uses of that city will reach hcic at In "i a in, Thutsday. May II They ate touting lluouiih north Kan sas and southern Xclnu-Ua, to islt the men hauls of forty nine ol the princip il towns. The put pose of the Usituis as o. pressed by tln M'iMtiii, of the put t v, ltohcit E in a letter to thisnews papi'l, is to git a better acquaintance with our met chants and our eit.y then thoy can hope to have tlnough their traveling salesmen. They will bo tit -oonipaniod by Sejniout's famous mill taty band, the leader of which was a bandmaster in the Spanish Wat, which will give an open aii concert while here. Tho party will travel on a "train do luxe", nn all stct 1 Haiti, the liiiest equipment of the tiuiiingtoti. A com plete telephone equipment will con nect all the and the engine and long distance connection to St. -Louis will be established at'vaiiotts stops, direct ftotn tho train. The party will bo away from St. Louis one week, going as far west as McCook. Red Cloud Takes Honors. The first dual track meet this spring was held Friday on the KoonU Held between the local high school team and tho Smith Center, Kansas, high school team and was won by the locals by a scote of til to III. 'I he field was slow which made fast time impossible, l'olnicky was the blight star of the day scoring -U points himself. The following U a stiiiimaiy: Mile run: Time fi 1 minutes Pltchlet 1st Mclniiery .'ml Zeiss Ilrd Mooic tth 100 yard dash Time 10 .'I-.i seconds Hayes 1st Mcl'ai tnoy "nd Kidd :!rd f tin lib High jump Height .'. ft 7 inches Poluicky 1st P.arrettA. Seven Held tied for sud liSO low hurdles Tlmo 111 1-." seconds Overleeso 1st Kidd U'ntl Arnold :ird Kendall Itli Discus-Distance lO.'l ft !l Inches Poluicky 1st Sevenlleld 'Jnd Uland Ilrd S20 ynrd dash Time U7 seconds Hayes 1st McCartney 'Jnd Overleeso Ilrd Zeiss 1th 120 yard hurdles Time 2C !)-." seconds Poluicky 1st mid 2nd Uland .'ltd One half mile run Time 2.113 1-fl mln. New-house 1st Uurtett 2nd Mooro Ilrd Mclunery 1th ltroad Jump Distance. 19 feet Polnicky 1st Overleese 2nd Sevenlleld 3rd Hayes Ith IK) yard dash Time 01 in seconds Newhouse 1st Klwood2ud Stevens Ilrd Hynn lth Pole Vault Height 10 ft (1 Inches Sevcufleld 1st Polniuky 2nd Hicliardson II Itoborts 1th Relay raco defaulted to Smith Center Rural High Schools. A gtcat impetus is being given to Ruial High Schools by the present Public School Administration. Dur ing tho past year lul such schools have been orgatiled. Many mom ate expected during the coming year. Siipeilutcndout Thomas Is concoiiRd about the u el fate of the public schools ot Nebraska and realizes that something must bo dotio to lighten the burden of taxation for school purposes In many ol tho dlsti lets. The Huial High School promises to assist in materially lowering taxation which will bo apprtciated by those who mu payiug tnoro than one-half of tho total amount taxed forsuhools Tor tho year 191.1, more than Its per cent of the state tax was levied for Unl eihity and Normal School put poses. Mis Clyde Dickenson uud childicti and Miss Dolliu Dickenson isited at the home of C. T Dickenson over Sunday. Gel your Kodaks and Supplies al our Jewelry Stored w 'ISkv 7 iff, i YOUR SUCCESS IN TAKING PICTURES DEPENpS ALMOST EN TIRELY ON YOUR KODAK AND THE PHOTO SUPPLIES YOU USE. WHEN YOU BUY YOUR KODAK FROM US YOU MAY KNOW THAT IT IS THE BEST MADE. OUR PHOTO SUPPLIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH BECAUSE WE SELL LOTS OF THEM: IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED IN YOUR PICTURES BUY YOUR SUPPLIES IN OUR STORE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT, THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. e. h: newhouse Jeweler and Optometrist lire. B. & Q. Watch Inspector i a a a a i VaV. I The Season's Choicest Styles In WASH m DRESS GOODS ME almost intliscribable sensation of ihc fast advancign season" hereabouts, has been the en thusiasm with which this stores Springtime Styles in Wash and Dress Goods have been received. It matters not what your personal choice may be whether you desire a suitable material for dress, street, afternoon, evening or business wear 0 .liffipite Quality Insures Matlsfactlon In White Wash Goods we offer a vast variety of the latest styles Plain Voiles, Silk Striped Voiles, limbroid crcd ' I 'oiles, jlfartuisetes, Garlxirdincs, Pitnes, Middey Cloths, Nainsooks, hte, R. P. WEESNER & CO. THE STORE OF GOOD CLEAN MERCHANDISE ffl Wash Good, aBgvA fo drm M Hi vk Buy It In Red Cloud l '.W $ ! I t '