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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
"mnjtf m. Htimpr If! ' Iff ivmin y RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i iffiwrnrwf i swr ( r & m mm anitf ' &SX rmf, I r t53! I T'X PXrii Iti31 o m mm WHY GRIP 1$ DANGEROUS. It requires a good tonic Irucathe to keep the body or the patient as strong as possible to counteract the effect of the poisons created by the grip bacil lus. An expectorant tontc with some laxative qualities !a the safest rem edy. Such la Feruna. Mrs. Gentry Gates,! 8219 First Ave., East Lake, Ala., writes: .'1 had a bad cans of grip. X tried Peruna and It cured me. I can safely say tt'Is a fine medicine. --1 Mr. (George B..taw,ri3!"N."Fran'lc lln S- Brazil, Intl., writes: "I am satisfied that Peruna Is $ wdflderfut remedy, for1 grip, nnd I do mosUhear'U, lly endbrso and recommend It." - - '-fr-t-f t -. Don't Persecute " ' Yoiiir' Bowels Cut out cntlrartici nnd purcntlvcs. They are umwii,, unnecessary. CARTER'S. LITTLE LIVER; PILLS Purely vegetable Act Kcnuy on tue liver. euminaiu our, nnu sooinc the ucucale. membra ncof the. txmcl. Cure. lonitipaUan, Billouineii, Sick Head. ache and Indlfcitlon, aa millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Here's a Tangle. How easy It la to mix up tho aver age business mnn was demonstrated tho other day when tho son of a local merchant lenned against his father's kneo nnd Innocently asked: "Daddy, Is today tomorrow?" "No, my son, of course todny Isn't tomorrow," answered the father. "Dut you said It was," continued the son. "When did I ever sny today was to morrow?" "Yesterday," answered the son. "Well, it was; today was tomorrow yesterday, but today is today, just as yesterday was today yesterday but Is yesterday today, and tomorrow will be today tomorrow, which makes today yesterday and .tomorrow all at once. Now run along and play," and tho fath er collapsed into his chnlr with a sigh of relief. Loulsvllln Times. Gooci News. "Sir, I am going to raise your rent." , "Glnd to hear It; 1 can't." Zery MUch So. "My fate hangs on a hair." "Then you have but a bald pros pect" Neuralgia There la no need to suffer tho annoying, excruciating pain of neuralgia; Sloan's Liniment laid on gently will eootho tho aching head like magic. Don't delay. Try it at once. Hear What Othera Say "I bav been a iruffercr with Neuralgia for novciaj year nnd havo tried different Mnlmanta, but Sloan's Liniment i the best liniment for Neuralgia on earth. I have tried it aueecwfullyj it Iiaa never failed." '. 11. H'iUtam, Augutta, Ark. Kri. Ruth C. Clavpoot, Indrptndenie, lto.,mtu: "A friend of oura told ua about your Liniment. We Im vo boon using it for 18yearaJndthlnk.thcro la nothing like it. Woun It on everything, tores, cuts, bnrna, bruises, aore throat, baauacbea end ou everything else. Wo can't set along without It-. Wo think It U tho beat Linlment'nudc.'Z J I '...., SLOANS LINIMENT is tho best remedy for rheumatism. backache, sore throat ntd."Bprain3. Ai ail aeaiera, oc Sd four cent in ataropaifor a Dr.Ear,S. Sloan. Inc. Dept-B. Philadelphia, Pa. SELDOM SEE a big knee like thTj, but your horse may nvo a uuuen or oruisc on nis """Ankle.TTo'ck, Stifle, Knee orThroat. vrili-icican-it otf-withnuriayinp the H . IIUI.V V'. ..., ..w B.M.-d iPU, t'mttsn f:oncnf rated ifinlv afrf Wlrnf- rapiircd nt an -sipplicatioi 2 ier tieltlf lttlerH. ncKtit rout raia K.r ;LrJniiiiriJciSi4 iTi&)iit lor uunkM, i RtJufti 1'tlnlul , if lltnai..lft. Wtei OlinJ. Oeltrr WeaiT BmliM. Vailcoie Vrlna, Vatkoiltlci. OIJ Surei. Allaya 1'iln. Price $1 ana ft a tattle at drurtlw "t dtUicinl. Minnlututeii oalr br W JF.YOUNQ, P, 0. F JIO TwfU l, Sprinalield. Mih. '.upjbk ni unTcnc mPJMJ BMITTi F OV IVC.K 4Vasr PILLS. A it : - I FJSxlfiojfji m k NO BAKING POWDER MORE WHOLESOME THAN ALUM POWDER8. Washington, D. C Alum baking powders are no mro harmful to a per son than any other baking powders. Such is the conclusion of tho ref ereo board of consulting scientific ex perts of tho department of ugrlculturo as tho result of experiments to deter mine tho lnlluenco of aluminum com pounds on the nutrition and health of man. Tho report gives the results of three sets of extcnslvo experiments on human subjects conducted independ ently by members of the board and was In responsa to questions put to it by thu department of agriculture. Tho board's report was unanimous and was signed by Ira Remuen, president of Johns Hopkins university, Chairman: Russell H. Crltteudon, professor of physiological chemistry In Ynlo uni versity and director ot..tuQSheJIlold Sclet)tl,ri6 'school: J$H;i Lojigj pro fessor of chemistry lnTs'orfliwcBtern unlyeslty; Alonro p.""Tayior,profcs Bor" of physiological chemistry lh tho University of Pennsylvania, nnd Theo bald Smith; professor of, comparative pathology In, Harvard. , ' , "Puulna It Up to, Ma. Top 17 ' ' "Yes, my boh." ., "What Is this war about over In Europu?" "Don't know, my boy, but you might ask jour mother. She .knows a lot about fighting." l THE COLONEL'S GOLD MINE Out in Gregory County, South D.ikotn, lives Colonel Johnson, tho famed Alfalfa King of that great ncction. About thirty years ngo he left Wisconsin for that domain. All ho had wns willing handi, a clear brain and a bright vision. Today he in the owner of thousands of acres, pu'sident of several banks. ..!- : s-cr i..rfr . f. . TfVK ?7Wf '.Tt.C. -JL ''. safc -3tZ r . " He has found a veritable gold mine in his thousand-acre Alfalfa field, and what la of particular interest to you and me is that his first Alfalfa Seed, twenty-five Sears ago or more, was purchased from the ohn A. Sal7cr Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. Tho Colonel says: "The best paying crop in hay, or grass, or pasture food is Alfalfa. It outranks everything in money value." Palzer's Alfalfa is good on your owi farm, for three to five tons of rich hay per acre, nnd with the nid of "Nitrogen" (sco my catnlog) its growth is absolutely certain. For 10o in Postage We gladly mail our Catalog and sample package of Ten Fa mous Farm Seeds, including Speltz, "Tho Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated White Bonanza Oats, "Tho Prize Winner;" Bil lion Dollar Grass; Teoainte, tho Silo Filler, Alfalfa, etc., etc. Or Send 12o And we will mall you our big Catalog and six generous packages of Early Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion furnishing lota nnd lots of juicy delicious Vegetables during the early Spring and Summer. Or sand to John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box 703, La Crosse, WJb., twenty cents and receive both above collec tions and their big catalog. He Had Some. Molllc Is her hair all her qwn? Chollle No; I'vo got a look of it In my watch she gave me." The silos are being built under ground extensively through the west ern part of the United States, PHYSICAL WRECK RESTORED TO HEALTH BY GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY. I feel it my duty to furnish you with my testimonial as to what your remedy Swamp-Hoot did for me when I was a physical wreck from kidney nnd bladder trouble. , Some years ago I tns not able to do any work: and could only just creep around and am satisfied that had it not been for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root I would not, have jlivcd. After using the preparation for one month 'I was able'ko work some ntyl when I had used $8.00 worth of Sn amp-Root I ould do a good day's work, i I used about '$10,00 worh altogether nnd would not take $10,000 fdr the good that it flid'mc. I consider it a Godsend to, suffering. humanity fri; the diseases for which you - recotnmoad it.and.havo recommended it to mttyr suffeTerf.i.,,,, , N. L. nUGGINS, I ' Welch, Arty I Personally appeared before me this 20th of Scptomlier, 1000, N. L. Ilugglni, who suliFcribcd the nbovo statement litiri I made oath that tho same is'ttue in sub stance, nnd in pet. W. A. TAGE, J. p; ' j Y i tetter to - Dr. Kilmer Is Co, Blnghamton.N.Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You "Send ten ce"nts to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., tJli,njiliamton4 N, Y., for a samplo alzo liMtlcTrHf: Wiir-t26nvnM' aoynf.:rYou will also receive a booklet" 6f valuable "in 'formalio'n, 'teIHng"aboUt the "kldneysrand .bladder. When .writing, be sure and men tion this pappri i Kegular fifty-cent and one-dollar bite' bottles forltalsj sit all atorcs, i JusUco discards party.ftlefldKrtp, and kindred, and Is therefore repre sented as blind. Addison. laVJWlVi MR m INITWIONAL SiiNBsrsaiooL Lesson (By K. O. 8KLLKI18, Acting Director of Sunday School Course Moody Ulblo In stitute, Chlrago.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 7 RUTH CH008ES THE TRUE GOD i LESSON TDXT-rtuth 1:6-18. (Ilcad en tire book.) i. i GOLDRN TEXT Thy people shall bt hiy people, nnd thy Ood my God. lUith &:6. Tho book of Ruth is n great (lov itory, full of deep spiritual BUggos tivcnesR. Amid tho tales of war, ido colt, eucccBR and fnlluro, this' story most beautifully Illustrates another Bldo of tho life of tho Israelites. The author of tho book Is supposed 1c havo been thu samo as tho writer ol Judges,, perhaps Samuel. I. "There Was a Famine In the Land." This famine tlrovo Ellmelech his vlfo Naomi nnd their two sonsj Mnhlon nnd Chlllon, Into tho land of Monb, even as Ahram before them "wont down" Into Egypt. Tho Immi grant sons married it thnt land, one of them becoming tho husband of Ruth. Through this iBraclltlsh al liance Ruth lenrncd of tho truo God nnd' the record of this book reveals God to nil who turn to him In sincer ity nnd truth. ThlB suggests tho es sential missionary character of the Old Testament. After tho death rrt her husband nnd sons Naomi, hear ing of returning prosperity In tho homclnnd (1:16), elected to return to her own people. II. "Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee." This atory puts to sllcnco all of tho mothor-ln-law Jokes. When Naomi thought they had gono fat enough Bho sought to dismiss tho youngor womon nnd expressed to them tho tender affection which ex isted between them. A woman In an eastern land can find rest only In the houBo of her husband and these young widows Btooil but poor chance of se curing husbands among thoso who hated their race. Moreover we muBt remember thnt they wero penniless. There seemed to be nothing for them to gain if they proceeded nny farther (v. 12). Orpnh reluctantly and tear fully turned back but nuth clave to Naomi (v. 14) This Illustrates our experience when wo have to decide whether to leave friends, homo and everything that wo may follow Chrlsl or, on the other hand, have to choose tho things which nro good and refuse to follow the best, (Matt. 10:37; Lukt 14:33). III. "Whither Thou Goest I Will Go." Naomi gave Ituth another op portunlty to go back to her peoplt and this timo bascB her appeal upor tho lovo of Ruth for Orpah (v. 15) Tho word Ruth moans "friendship. nnd one of tho strongest motives foi a loving naturo to forsako tho Lore is tho lovo for thoso that are of the world. Many young men nnd young women havo had such lpves h"t they usually result In making shipwreck of faith. Read II Cor. 5:14, 15; Rom. 10:37. T,bis test caused Ruth to count fully tho cost '(Iiukd 14:to33). No more beautiful nor Immortal words can be found In all literature than Ruth'B reply (vv. 1C, 17,). Ruth's words are still sung as best expressing our eong of life devotion. They have fun nlshed inspiration for countless lives, sermons and stories, and for somo of tho earth's greatest musicians as well. They most wonderfully Illustrate! our attitude towards him "whom not havi ing Been yo lovo" (I Poter 1:8). IV. The 8equel. At Bethlehem Ruth had no other thought than to cling to, her mother-in-law, oven In poverty and a life of lowly scrvlco, She did her menial duties faithfully, and displayed more of tho real hero ism of faith than that shown In tho daring exploits recorded in the other hiBtory (JudgeB) of her day. Tho truest .hero 1b not tho reckless partici pant In Europe's battlefields, nor ia ho found In) tho mod Btrugglo for commer cial supremacy, but moro often In tho Bolf-sacrificing acts of tender womon ) and In tho common round or.iuos duties, Ruth in a humblo hut with , Naomi wns better off and better satis fied than to havo lived In tho finest palaco In Moab (Phil. 123). Through all of this lovo nnd devotion Ruth waB being fitted for n larger sphere oli lnflupnco in which Bho was enabled to, give to Naomi tho 'happIcBt".llfo poesh bio to'her. Not oncosis R'uWs banuty' suggested bufeholhnfl the moror nt-) tractive attributes of goodness, ( kind ness and courtesy. She may havo, had personal bcaui&but her,, character far Thjsjesson Ja a Bups;estWofcopp forj Docl8l6n",c!ayTn,'our Sunday Bch'ools. 'QIveaTran o'pPortun!tjrto cnooso-rmd to follow( oven as Ruthdid. For tho little; folkalell the story simply "as to a Httlo child." Emphoaico tho beauty' and value J lovingly serving our elders. I name means "pleasant, wlnsomo. '. True, slib suggested a neKhirmct Mara."bUtornesa' fcut her, tuorrow waa not -for 'herselfV but for elhors, ; "It grlovoth'rao: much' for your sakes" (l:13JL.JJMn.aj&:thjLrSl'jn an(1 worsTiipOfJc1iovahHu uttntetlvo na1 to iwtn a tnosb notable i convert. It la our privilege to roako irellgton attract tlve. This gift cannot bo bought nor 0fcSmWahded, but by tho po-M! cWtho holy spirit and through tho fellowship of Christ may bo-tho oxporlenco of all. Want Normal Board Abolished Former State Treasurer W. A. George, an ex-member of tho statu iNjrmnl board, nnd Statu Superintend ent A. O. ThonuiB, now Borvlng mb a member of thnt body, Joined in recom mending to the house committee on education tluu tho hoard bo ubollaliod nnd its duties and authority trans furred to the tegents of the state unl verslty. Unification ot tho Btnto'l school system, iivolilnnco of unneces tary duplication, removal of tho nor mal schools from thu baneful Inllucuce of politics and factionalism wero the principal points made by Messrs. George nnd Thomas in advising ill discontinuance. To Prevent Useless Competition Railway Commissioner T. U HaV has drafted a bill which' he will 'Ask some nicmbeFonKcneTslBllltlifo to In troduce, prohibiting thu establishment of n computing public uUllty In tho pan'" community where one of the fame kind is already in existence, 'ex cept on' n certificate- of public' con cnicncennd noi'oid,ty Ihuui'd by the r.ilhxty commission. Tho measure Id ostensibly Inteudod to pi event the In stallation of duplicate telephone plants, but Its upilllcatlon will cover all kinds of utilities, Including streot rallwa.NM, elctrlc light and power, waterworks, gas und steam heat. FOR NEW CAPITOL BUILDING Asks One Mill Levy for Four Years to Raise Funds Erection of a new state capltol Is the end sought in the Chambers bill lntiotlucod In tho house A l-mlll levy to run for the years 11)15 to 11H8. In clusive, is proposed in thu measure It Is provided further that the money nliall Le expended by the board of control. No mention is made of a new slto for the building. As that is constitu tionally fixed at Lincoln, a leglslnttvo enactment could not chnuge that. On tho bn3is of tho 1914 valuation In the state, a l-mlll levy for four years would ralso approximately $1,000,000. Tho total, however, would bo above that, as the grand assessment roll Is expected to increase materially year by year. Substitute Warehouse Bill The much heralded substitute pub lie warehouso bill has been Introduced in tho senate by Graco of Harlan. Tho now bill makes It optional with tho clovator or warehouso man whothor his warehouse shall become a public one. It specifies tho rates that aro to be provided for tho storing of grain and provides that tho warehouse pro prietor iusuro tho snmc and tako out a bond. Tho two othor bills, repre senting tho original administration measure, mado all warehouso oleva tors public warehouses. Tho houso of representatives stood by tho governor's premature veto of tho sterilization bill nnd voted to kill tho mensuro beforo It went any far ther and took time of legislation with tho known fact that It would run up against executlvo dlsplensuro flnnlly. Tho voto was forty-four to ovorrldo the premature veto and forty-soven to stand with it. Tho commltteo had voted to indefinitely noBtpo'io tho bill becnuso of tho governor's attitude, al though' Chairman Moredlth said that he thought' other features of the bill were not proper. It created an'othor state commission for one ' thing. Stebblns moved to put tho .bill on general file against tho recommenda tions of tho committee, and Morkott Bald that if the commltteo wanted to kill it they ought to tell why. Primary and general election poll hill be open from 8 In tho morning until 8 in tho evening under the pro visions of a bill Introduced by Repre sentative Smith of Cuming county. Tho object is to provide a uniform time for all elections and add two hours to general elections for tho especial benefit of fnrmerB and work ingmen. John C. Holmes of Orleans has been appointed by Governor Morehend aH one of tho three special deputies serv ing under Game and Fish Commis sioner Rutenbeck. No other appoint ments have yet been made, although tho original two-year terms of nil tbreo deputies havo expired. , Tho'scnato has passed on third read ing tho Gates bill permitting the sale of liquor nt Fort Crook nnd othor mili tary posts, nnd repealing tho two nnd a half-mllo limit hitherto existing-. Tho commltteo on state Inatltutlona pi tho, hquso Jias passefl,fajrorablj; on tho, porplt tho giving ot rations to old soldiers at tho Grand -Island, homo living In! cottages', Instead of comnelllng these old soldiers to go.up to the home -dining-room for their, meals. rJ.VJJjM ' J. Poputy, , Attqrney Gpnorai Andrew M. lorrissoy is now chief uatlco ot the supremo .court or Nebraska. J,Mr, MorrUsoy 'took the batli ofofllco and Immediately tercdj utou his duties. Will Head Off Tax Dodglrfg' A movement to furnish icoimty as edsiiors' and the stnto etiuiillzatlon and nHsossmont bonrtPwlth moro Informa tion thjin they now havo regarding lnnd transforc nnd .values In each county, .wafeMvbn jmpoitts by Fuller of S(madryh9'aHlirintroducod in thu fori 4iMera otsiteo'dfef ijd; 'county filed, tofSethwwItriLtua grnds acroaga u each tract and tho average value ot tho land concerned. Out of the Frying Pan. David Starr Jordan, at a pence meet Ing nt thu Hotel Astor In Mow York, said to a reporter: "Half tho world at war, nnd tho counsel we nro getting Is that wo must arm moro heavily. That counsel reminds mo of tho African kings. "An African king feasted a white ex plorer royally. Then, nt tho end of tho feast, 300 glrlB wero luil forwnrd. '"Choose from among these 300,' Bald the king, 'n wife.' "Rut tho explorer blushed and stam mered: " 'Oh, but if I took one, then tho re maining 201 would bo Joalous.' " "That Is easily remedied,' tho king nuBwered. 'Tnko nil.'" 1 It Pualed Hlrnr41" Sllns I hear your son left thnt small townj atuwent to thorcltyvU havo a larger field for ji'ls efforts. Hlrnni--ycH;Jand thut's what gotB me. When Hank wna'hoina-a twb afcre potato patch wait too big n field TOP him. Judge. V O I W a ' m Lirtfor is ncccfiKitry-'to- excellent This is nu eternal truth, aUhoui! vnnltjTchnnot'ibo taught to bollovo or Indolence to heed It. John Randolph. :h Sic&hnei?z Reliable evidence is abundant that women a at law n i aaaa.aaaaaaaaa.aWa.,a,a.Wiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aMp.aWaaaMa.a.aMMSi are constantly being restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound ' 1 The many testimonial letters tnat we are continuallypub lishingin the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come' to" Ihese women solely through the use of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. . Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain ' such recommendations; you may depend upon it ,tha.tany testimonial we publish is honest and true if you have any v doubt of this write to the women whose true -names and y' addresses are always given, and learn f or yourself. v Read this one from Mrs. Waters: ; Camden, N. J. m 1 was sick for two years with norvous spoils, and , my kidneys wero affected. I lmd a doctor nil tho timo and used a I i galvanic- battery, but nothing did mo any good. I was'nbt" able-' to go g I to bed, but s ik) nb my timo on n couch or in a 8lcoping-chair,and,soon I became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor wont away for hia health, and my husband heard of Xydia E. Pinkbam'a yegotablo v , Compound and got mo somo. In two months I got roiiof and now 1 1 am hko a now woman and am at my usual weight. ' I recommend your medicine to ovory ono nnd bo does my husband." Mrs. Tilluj ( ' Wateks, 030 Mechanic Street, Camden, N.J. ' ' jjj From Hanover, Penn. :r, eHffijJU IlANOvEn, Pa.- "I was a very weak woman and suffered from bearing down pains, and backache I had been married ovor four years and had no children. -Ifrdia'E. Pinkham's'Vcgetablo Compound j?A proved an oxcellcnt romodv' for it mado mo a well womaiC'VAftcr . taking a fow bottles my pains dL'?appcftrcd"nnd-vo"nnwhavoono'of a tho flncst boy babies you ovor sawJ-rMrs. C. A. Hickiiodk, II.F.D, t : No. 5, Hanover, Pa. j. x I p .Now-answer-this question; jf-yi-can-JWiy. should! af' woman-continue .to suffer without first, giving "EvHia E.I Pinkham's Vegetable "Compound a trial? T You'know trjat V it has saved-many, others why.should.itiail.inyourcase?(l) i i T nt vjat.' nt vti... 'w uv joura ajjruiw a. jL-iuHiianiiB VuguiaDlO Compound has been tho stnndurd remedyfor fe male ills. 'No one sick with woman's 'aliments docs justice to herself If suo docs not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, 'it has restored so many suffering women to health Ma Your let Write to LYDIA E.l'INKIIAM MEDICINE GO. ( CONHDENTIAL) LYNN. MASS., for advice. letter will bo onened. read by a woman and held in strict HORSES How It Came. "How did you got your musical tem perament?" - ' "I was born in A flat" Princeton Tlper. ' What1 a Jlovely" cblk"cUoril3StTXaiBlt' inistV'w6 'would b H-wateuld 'r- oIvcb as others seo us! home just is cheap and in the provinces of 160 Acr Hormsttadt art . . . niliaaa. I mnit rrnltl I VMIWI MIM tJB Wi The people of European countries iSt5s f. ffi&rm . IfTM HaVarH aaaaaBBBsaC SI IWaT 'afl aSH j ' !.. 'r-Jk' t;.J-JiaW I ikSsiama ItlUOL UG 1CU 1I1U3 41,1 I.VW. uivuivt v.w....-w w m..H... ....w. ..... -mr .. up the price. ' Any farmer who can buy land at $15.00jto $30,0p per ,acre . get a, dollar for wheat and, raise 20 to 45 bushels to the acre ia bound to m.k, monev that's what vou can exoect in "Western Canada. ' Wonder h ful yields also of Oata, Barley nnd Flax. Mixed Farming is fully as,prof itable an industry as grain raising. The excellent grasses, full of nutrition, ' are the only food required either lor markets' convenient, climate excellent AllUtaru aenika la not x:omi)utsory.lrv Canada AV laboTtorfplacethernahyyounrtiertwho'nato votuntcereU lor Write nor jiicrarure ana panicuir (jauiscuutcu imiwur Immlgraiion, utiawa, vanaua; or to tn'lfWrW1IWiaraJitoJLaatMMaMlLi?2ff l7h St.tPoDm II fTr ww i iwmiil i TMlrTBTTlIllBrTI TTrflir aJ'HIl Compromise You must conquer Stomach Ills at onco if you would retain the controlling power in health mat ters. Such ailments as Poor Appetite, IndiKCStioa, Bilious ness, Constipation, Colds nnd Grippe soon undermine your health. Help Nature conquer thetn with the valuable aid of HOSTEfTER'S Stomach Bitters TRY IT liF-i W. N. U.7 LINrJOLN'NO. C-'l(HS? ra'-WKftl i "V l a... -io . J - . '- J and answered. confidence. FOR EUROPE ii-"i""-i --- nH H iH !- TtRTrniiuocsP Kuropo la bnjlng thnmanda of homes from tbn United Hlatra for ttie war. 1W armjr agvnu rxluau all tbat aro not In rimm! condition and free from oo- tucluun midltifeclloudUeae. Wlien tliftbiijcracomojua mnst t raady im anil, Keep YoUlt tuirhxa In talablii oondltlnn, proveiit and core Illstcmpet.' l'lnk Ktu, Uplsontlc, CatarrUalund KhlpplnakcTor ij using Uto lazgoat aellUsf SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND. ' 4 Absolutely aafn for aliases. One bottlo cares a rase. W cents and tl tba boMtav' i and III) thu dnten. Write for free booklet, ''UlsUsuipor, Causes and Cnaav" SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Chemllti and BaetarlotooliU, GOSHEN, INDUN4 Delicate Intimation. ' ) ' "I'll show them I can do more things than, ult on. a stool and lookyrAtty.'!, , "Como to think ot it, ybu'caiiTt $a a'stool." ' 'tMany acUona. -like aJiwSUHf f i' tw.ourci;oti ,Birt;iw, m pure. Haro. T? Mhllli ill1 T Yes, waiting for 'every f arrii& or farmer's eon -'any industrious American who J anxious to establish for himself a, happy and prosperity. Canada's hearryln',t 'vitatlori this year is mOre attractive than iver.i Wheat is hisher but her farm land Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Actually Frttio &!; arw C1R tit 9fl nar AcrSl '' r w a wbww Jilt I as well as the American continent oeci or aairy purposes. uooa scnoon but there la an unuji "a,"ll,aapj)n EPIHI J . i v A '! J. A , V ' . M , i.i u -U K ' I Ji v n M Ml