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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1915)
W k ii ilc Hi 'orici' Coc-h-iy cKiunaFfli-nxaNM&nnae.i trnnww MMrBrmnwcmiwBwwMfum orcnAurcia'ttM VOLUME ia IUltBrTCTJllIHt1wniai!agreullllMtT Deposits Guaranteed If You Desire WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL Hi!.-.00 HARD COAL USERS WE NOW HAVE PLENTY OF PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE BALANCE OF THE WINTER THE MALONE-AVERY CO. Talk With Us About Coal Service" $ The Diamond As an Investment E. H. Neothouse JEWELER AND OFTMETRIBT Watch Inspector For C. B. & Q. Red Glodd s 01 urvum QMrirmvawx, thtiTI r-rTfm"-irriririnTT VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. by State Guaranty Fund n1 il u I 11 II il I 1 1 m s The man or woman who wears a diamond also wears an air of pros perity that is far reaching in its in fluence. These are commercial times, and to BE successful you must LOOK it. People are always judged at first by their appearance. As an investment the diamond is in a class by itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has the added value as an adornment. w When you are ready to buy a dia mond, at whatever price, there are plenty of reasons why you should come here. Nebraska s m A Newspaper That Gives The News mmnnwxHm t raCfvrnwiiftiwirnatw naufAW KVnarv(H4 n anj)iiLnavMatwntKtwinnvMwnrrwiw.u'r Hi5I OL.OUL), MBURASKA, FI0I5II tT A K V i!, irif rnrrnrn mirmimrTTTtirnrrrTBrnnrTTTi'TTii - TmrT William Parkes Is Laid At Rest William I'uiUhs mi-i Inn it'll Monday tin (Million in 11k ClMlieKM.V of tliU city. Ml PlllKes U.lS nlll if till' pioilt'lMH of Keil Cloud mid Webster count In 170, two of his biothet.s, 1M iilnl John, ultli A llo.its, Di. Ileuil, Williuiii Uriee iitul Dm Id HelllelioMer diovo in to what is now Hud Cloud, and seleet I'd tholi lands for liniuesleiul iMitry. 'J'hoy veie the Hist M'tlliMs in tlio iiniiiudiato vicinity of Hod Cloud, Dm ill'' tlio ni'Nt J ear Williuiii mill his In other S.itn and their mother fol lowed Tlio land of Ihe.l'uiUes hmtheis was all west ol tlio pit'sent city IM Piukes hud tlio land now owned by Cliailcs 1'latt mid .loliu Coon. The old lady l'aikoh had tlio laud now owned by Mr. KiuIkmiIiIikIim, ,lulin I'.iihes bad tliu Linden the uoilli sido of tlu toad mid William l'aikcs homo, steaded the laud now owned by Mi. Domb. loliu and William ueie hhoenutUeis, and they built the tlist hhoc Hliop in Red Cloud, u hiuli was located wbeie the building occupied by the Chief olllce now stands. This was built, at least, as em ly as iy7.'l. Of nil tlio PmUes biotheis, William, appaiently tho most feeble, lived to the most advanced am1, and he alone re&idiiiK hi this. vicinity dm hi(j tho last few yeats. Mr. Ptiikcs 'ins a niilhc of England and emigrated to tliis country homo time in the iifties. Ho bcived dining the civil war as a union -soldier, and was a member of the 0. A. It. post of this city. Ho was made u mnsoiiby the uiusonio lodge of this eity something over thirty years ago, and was always a villous and faithful member of that fiatoinity. He united with the M. E. church of thib city, but his reHlou 'never ex pressed itself in uiiuliurit'iblo consider ation or speech of his fellows. Uu was first of tail a fellow man among his fo'.lowulen. Kindly, sympathetic, tender hearted, ho could not beur to gvu or witness puln or suffering. Good natured, fond of innocent association with .ds neigh bors, ho always had a kind word for everybody, and everybody had n kind word for him. Ho was married in 18.15 to the woman who now survives him as widow. Near ly sixty years they lived together in modest, affectionate companionship, helping each other to bear life's buid ens, and enjoying their full moasuie of life's delights. Tho sympathy of the Chief goes out to tho old lady who is now left to pursue the rest of earth's pilgriinago alone. Mr. 1'arlcos lacked a few months of beiug eighty three years of ago at the tijnc of his death, which occurred Fri day night, having beeu born Juno 2Uh, 11332. Ho was buried by tho Masons from theM. E. church, the Itev. George Hummel preaching the funeral sermon. He appropriately solooted for his text tho passage "And Enqoh walked with God, and was not, for God took him". L. U. niackledge read the Masonic lessons at the grave. Clare Pope Weds Niss Vina Stevens On Sunday afternoon at i o'clock at tho homo of Rev. Hummel occurred the wedding of Mr. Clare Pope, son of tsj t H -.7 ,. i JS-odS phone ofllco for several y.f while the groom is the head waiter in tho Ludlow cafe. Both Mr. and Mrs, Pope arc well uuu uivoiuuiy Known in mis viointty. iL T" y ttivuua nmu kuvui liliiuil jujf uuu imp- pinoss ovor tlio niiitnmonlal sett, To The Farmers Wo will begin buying hogs Monday, February 8th, tit tho stock yards. Delaxev Bitos. F)ff) - fwa Wcckj Each Year Fcr $1.50. - r - t - TTT - TV - ifTTtTT - r'tr "" i..ini.wwi?.Mwitiwjil m - Tf unim i ii rminai.wwiii School Board Held Regular Meeting lti-l Cloud, N'ebr , lVb I, 101", licgiiliu meeting of the lloaid held in tho olllc.i of l)i. (iclghtoii, 1'iosi deltl lleiu.i (Jllll.illl piesidlug. Mem bers present, llhiuUlcilgo, Coon, Cielgh ton and dieting. ! hjinutes of pi u huts muottng lead, ami anpnned SiipiMiiitondeiit give icgiilar month ly lepmt. .171 pupils in tliu glades, y't)7 in the high school. Total SSI. Tuition claims for the llrst semestei (Milling lituuiiry l., l'.M."i, ainoiints to ?io:io r.n The following bills wete piesented Peoples ll.inU 6 l OH .loo Kogcl rU Chief .' "" A i gus r. ','. P. S. G.uber 1 10 C.KIer 1 00 Mm. U'ggctt I 00 Chus E Met r, II ii 71 (iinu.Vl'i i'. to Allj n "'icon 15 00 Silver Iliii d'M t.fc Co 11 AmeiU'iiu liook Co U lo Univeislty I'ub Co T 8S Thus. Chillies Co IS :is St. Paul Hook Si Sta. Co 7 OS D.C. HeathXCo 7 80 W. P. &.I. It.mks 1 70 Nebriiskii School Sup. House.... 1 15 Moied and seconded that tho abovo claiui'i be allowed. Moled by lllaekledgo seconded by Coon Unit siilaiy of sccietaiy be S7.'00. .Motion cm lied. Moved by Cieightou seconded by Hlackledgo that it school ilistiict con vention be called for the purpose of hoiuiiiiitlng tun) uaudldatos for mem bers of the school boatd, to be held at the Washington building, Ptldiiy, Match ltith, at 1:00 p. m. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the Malono Aveiy Co., be allowed SSO on their contract, balance to bo paid when walks nro satisfactorily completed Motion curried. Moved and seconded to adjourn. Mo tion carried. E. J. Ovkhinu, .Tit., Secretary. Business Nen Hold Their Monthly Banquet The business men hold their monthly dinner tit the Royal tig.iln hist Tuesday, and while the attendance was not us huge asv it litis been fit times, the filendly feeling was very notlcuble. No set program was picpared and the "after dinner toasts" took on tho character of a round tablo discussion with everyone free to discuss anything ho chose. The utmost good fooling prevailed and the mon all cujoyed themselves. Mayor Duincrell reported that as yet he was not meeting with a very gener ous response from people living out side of tho city. This ho thought was largely due to the fact that many were afraid that what they gave would not reach the Uolglums. Several sug gestions were given to tho committee and it may bo that this county will yet be able to send the car of wheat. The new member of tho Red Cloud buslnoss circlo was glveu a hearty welcome and the meeting was dig mluod on time, Special Notice About Coal - m vsifrs ! SffKSTJl!S. th & cannot meet theso terms, pos'sibly you !,, ,i, ... ... !..t ...,?. I tu mane sumu arrungemenc witli us to carry it longer. Wo aro anxious for I your coal orders and will seivo you iii,opik. I.,t f, i. .,... .. i ..l wo W..H insist on settlemuS jiljovo, Youts truly, Piatt and Fjieiis. Go to Miner Uros. Co. , iui nil you i .... n wants in Women's Woiir and in Div Goods, Groceries and Shoos. "SWWI !!II5. EHgESmfflSS 1 WE ARE OFFERING IF JJf AND 0 20, 25, 33 jDiseoant This opportunity to buy seasonable mer chandise at Saerifice Prices is up to you. The sale includes Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. Green Trading Stamps With AH Cash Purchases Goods Charged Will PAUL The r ; I 4 r i j M rl v. S3 n wmkwmttm HONE, SINGER AND RUBY Ranging In Price From 929 to $43. In Flvm and Uavan Or a war. In Rotary or Shuttle What is more serviceable than a good Sewing Machine. There is none better than the above makes, . ? ROY SATTLEY Licensed .Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. in ..TRY US FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING. We Can Please You As To Material, Style And' Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low. NUMIJ1BR7 uvmiMM HWHWiiCNtnuM 9mm vmnzr I ercoats Per Cent For Gashj Be At Regular Prices STOREY Clothier IF IN NEED OF A Seating JIaehine Come in and let us show you our line. We have the I v eesse Mil m i,v im ,-u- L L lH 1 ;. -3- wmmwm