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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
imL M'(iwwivwT H4r- txppitfvmrxwij ;'HpftjB,.Mr -,- SS.W W- JTTl "v ' " - t T'airr" 'i tv s . n" . " -.-- V U 4 M 0 0 s 0 0 mrii1--- nr-rieri' Irpj MB ijL The Last Staid 1 " mi in m i" ii BT4,i iii .if i i , 1 1. FREDER; CPA L WE R . trT' (Copyright. 1911. t u YNOP8I8. At their honin on tlio frontier between tho Drowns ni1 ("JriiVM Mil r In (Inllunri unit Jior mother, cntcrtnfnlriK Oolonol Wester lint; of tho (trays, nin Cn plain ttnHtron of the Urowim Injured hy a full In his auroiilnne. Ten jr-nrs Inter. Weatcrllnif, nominal vteo but rent chlof of stuff, rein forces Ho nth Ui 'I'lr nnd meilltiUen on war. He calls on Atitrtu, who In visiting In tho Gray capital. Hhe tells lilm of her tench-. ItiK t'hlldren tho follies of uur unit mnr tlnl patriotism, ami beni him to prevent war whllo ho Is chlof of fltiift. Un tho march with the C31 or tho Ilrowns 1'rl-.-vulu titrunsky, unurchlst, Is pluttd under rrest. Colonel l.imstrnn Ih-kh him off. JiiiPlron cnllH on Atnitn at her home. Ho ' tnlks Willi roller, tho Kunlonor. Mart'i ,tcl"3 Imstron that slip hollars filler to tie 'it wpy. Lanatron confcBies It Is true, JjiiiHtron shows Mnrlu u telephono which Felter tins concenled In n, secret pnssnKO lintler tho tower for tmo to benefit tho ,i Ilranns In war cnn-wmlon hnnstron tlo- m rlurcs his lovo for Mnrta. Wt-steilltiK anil I ! tho Cray premier plnn to me n trivial In tel national affair to foment wnrllko pn trlntlsm In tinny nnd ptoplo und strlko be. foro deelarliiK wnr, l'uitow, Ilrnwn chief of staff, nnd Uinstron, mmle vlie, dlsunit tho (rouble, nnd tho ttronn dofenics, I'nr tow revenls hli plans to I.nmtron. 'J ho Orny uriiiy croisei Uiu border lino nnd nl tacks Tlio Itrowns check them. Artil lery, Infantry, aeroplanes nnd dirigibles engnBe, fitramky, rlslnrt to ninko the nnrchlst pr-eh of his life, draws tho Gray nrtlllcry fire. Nicked by n shrapnel I splinter he koh Hcrserk and nhts "nil L 1 a tnnn." Alnrtn lint her Hist Kllmpso of ) I wnr In Its nindprn. rnM. Kelentllle. mur derous brutnllty. Tlio Ilrown fall bark to the Clullnnil hnuse. Htransky fornRes. Mnrta sees n nluht nttnek. Tho Grays ttack In force. CHAPTER Xlf-i-Corttlnued. , ' 41ls V j ir "" j Uut sho hurrlod on, Impelled by nho know not wlint,. through tho. dining room, nnd, coining1 to tho veranda, stopped Bhort, with dilating oycB nnd a cry of grievous ahock, Two of hj inon ararrylngerpellarine obnek from tno bVcaBtwoxk.'Nvhord thoy 1ad caught him in tholr nrms na ho fell. Thoy laid him gently on thot award witk a knapfnek under hfn head. Ills faci grow Vvhitor with tHo j flow of bloid from 'tho red hole in tho right broast of hla blouse. Then he opened his lips and whispered to liii doctor: "How is It?" SomcUiliuUn,h.'B oyeB, In tho 'tond'brthai'taltitTiudstlonVro. qulrod tho grnqofoj acuoldlur'ajruth In nnswop "Dad I" flitld tho 'doctor. ' ' . - "Thengoodby!" AlidltlB head foU' to one side, his lips Bet in his cheory amllo. Hla "company waa r company with his smllo out of ita heart and in,, its place blank despair. Many of tho men had Btoppcd firing. Somo had ovon run back to look at him and Btood, caps Jolf, backs .to tha onenJy, misor bio In their grief. Othors loaned againBt tho pnrapot, rifles out of hand, taring nnd dazed. ' - - "Thoy havo killed our captain!" "Thoy'vo killed pur capatnr' Btlll a captnW to thim U jkynerql'B stars could ndt hAVBHrafaed him a cubit In their oatlraatldn:, y 4 f "And onco wo called him 'Baby Del . larmo, ho waB bo young nntKbaabful! I Him a baby? Ho was a king!"'' V "Me". cot to your placos!" crlod tho iTJJlaftthorhopeloBBly. . with no Dollnrmo to show him what to do; and Marta Baw that fow paid fa'nVatf(tro"Aro.,bim; v TT 3 In that mlnuto of demoralization tho a Grays had tholr chance, but only for a ' minute. A volcofthat eoomod to speak V aomo uncontrcjljablo thought of her i) own broke in, and it rang with tho au- tnority and leadership of a maturo of ficer's command, ovon though coming from a gardener in 'blue blouso and crownlesB straw hat. "Your rifles, your rifles, quick!" called Poller. "Wo'ro only boglnningr to fight!" And then another volco in a bull roar, Strauaky'B; "Avengo his death!, Thoy'vo got to klll.tho last inan of us for killing him! Rovcngo! Hovengo!" That cry brought back to tho com pany all tho J lighting' spirit of tho choory Biullo nnd w,lth,lt unothor spirit for l)ollarmo'a sakoi which ho had novcr taught thorn. i Btratiflky picked up ono of Bevernl cyllndrlcal.obiQcts tliatTwero Ijiim-at,. hisfoUUljj Oiu fui. no woututrt use tills ho wna too sof frlroaftodvwbtit will!" hwbrled. anir. flung a hand-grcuadajiq U.euc ond, over tho breastwork. Tho-'cxplo-slons woro followed by ngoulzed groaniQifrcAro thto Grays ungKliiRMfooJ lower Bldoy of tho torraco. For this they lmd crawWd aferota ihd'roaiPW tho night to find themselves unablo to movo either way and directly under tho flashes of tho Drowns rifles. Poller's nnrt Htmnnlfy'a Mbnnta rfm togethor m-apaaunar nnUjuoiairag tlon and full of tho fellowship thoy had found in their first exchango at glance w "VVIW i "Xu engineers, make' ready!" f "Hand-ETenadea to the men uanta. tho tree lTMaWwhoye thdy're"golnkl to try for it no wall to climb over "You engineera. tako vour rifles WP&$wmmmmito mrnmi rayi "Get back, you 'men" by tho" lroe."tfj yd6!' li"tfrm;uTp ' ehltWUhtmi everybody!" I .-l "No-mattor If they do got In at.flrst! Bartl'ydutrne'', frela'Wl?WofltroeV re In a duel, all orders were heard i Pfi-iTi ifl.lH.t-'iW-wtTtlOTniTil i.i-l Jj-tj "'-' iTfflStfgfvSJT rtiiiTjiCTiftio "i-:! ' - ato'-M ' -irif-r -Wf. 7 JT' ' i Cauulaa ScrUmer Son) and tho moro readily oboyod because Dcllarme'n foresight had impressed their sonse upon tho men In his quiet way. Tlio sand-bags by tho tree woro blown un by tho Grays. Then, beforo Ltho duut had hardly ecttled, camo a half Bcorc of hand-grenades thrown by tho flrat men of a Gray wedgo, Bcram bllng na they woro pushed through tho breach by tho prossuro of tho mans behind. In that final strugglo of ono sot of men to gnln nnd another to hold a position, gutiB or automatics or long-rnngo bullota played no part. It was tho grnpplo of cold ateol with cold Btcol and muscle with muBclo, in tho billowing, twisting mob of wres tlers, with no sound from throats but straining breaths; with no "quarter, no distinction of person, and bloodshot oyes and fnccB hot with tho effort of bruto strength striving, in prlmltlvo tlosnorntlon, to kill lii order not to bo killed. Tho cloud of rocking, writhing nrmH nnd ahouidcrs was neither go ing forward nor backward. Its move ment waa that of a vortex, whllo tho gray stream kept on pouring through tlio breach as if It woro only tho first flood from otno grny lako on tho other aldo of tho brenstwork. , Murta had tomo to tho edgo of tho vqrauda, atonco drawn and repelled, feolingV tho 'lenrful euspenso of tho combat, tho savago fiorror of it, and herself uttering sounds llko tho strain inpbrentlis of tho men. What a placo for her trj bo! Dut sho did not think of that. Sho was there. Tho dreadful alchemy oJ Svnr had tnado hir( a stranger, to fecrsolf.t sShp was mad; thoy wero mad; all tho world! waa mad! Ono mlnuto two, .perhaps not thrci and thd lliin' waa ovar. Sho saw tlife Grajteibj&lng crushod backiand realized 'tfiat tho Drowns liad jvon, while tho last details of the lessening tumult fixed her attention with their gladiatorial iSlrnpUcltVv Hero, Indeed, t wiib a enso qf.mij to man with' he wcapoiifl na'ture ia'vo him. "V thought bo!" cried Poller. "At tncltfl (on frontal positions by daylight are going out'of fashlbn!" It was lio who mercifully arrested tho shower ptt hand-grenadqt that fol lowed tho exit of tho "enemy. Twojof Uio'guns of tho castlo batteries, hay ing changed tholr position, were malt hig havoc enough nt pointblank range, jwlth n,- chnlqo of cots between' tho Grays liuacllcd on tho other (sido of tho breastwork and those In retreat. Ono of tho Grays, his cheok bea'ring tho mark of a boot heel, raised him self, and, In defiance and tho sntlsfac- "You, There, In Your Sin raw Hat and "K'i.iD)ue B0U8e OW M Upn.Qf.thu,, thoUHht to-hls bruises 'and) liumlnatton. pblmitfK Ills flnjier ii Felo nor, JMart'a heardfihlinay: ( "You thero, In vqur. straw ha, atyl, bluo blouse, thoy'vo' Been you a, man lighting and not In uniform! If (hey catch you It will bo a drumhead pad 'a ntiead and a llor grlW' ko a titter Udiftiey'r jinPEis;i"ao7qawntJ "That'B eo 1" replied Feller "Dut they'll havo to mako Jb of it Umn.i-ou fellows djd if tiey'i filing to-V tC Ho turned away abruptly t -. . . -i. . .. ' .-... V 1. . movo far. hib snouiaera reiaxcc, into tho gardener's stoop, and ho pulled I l.l- l. .IX... A... l.tM .... LlMl wniHwa.""" ML".oyiif'"a "" t,uw' ered his head as if to n ldo hlsface B ,WUA, Ma80QiDrs' i n uiviaion grounds.- - 7rWliort.lB'MaJonDollannpt" . IWhon.1b'saw JQellarmoX still, body ho dismounted and in a tldo of feel- lWg3whflaabtftuolaomonry submerged all thouKbt of tho machlno, Btobd tHi baMimtimiottl looking down at Dollaruio's facn. rf ff i0&mffi&: BED OLOUD, l'lnh iatyJaaA of hlmiHb waVklS iohool whorwJ y&M, taacfilaf ttiajf; uufa good death a soldlonir death"!"' ho said. "I'll wrltb (o'hte mother ihV fielf." TlionfhorTolce'or thoftoacbine BrkOr tiXho is In command?" " thtthtV' said too callow 'llouton a'ut corning up. Dut the mafe of .tho company Bpoko. ' J I'lJert Stf-anBky!" thoy roared ' -KWaa not according to military Ml; quetto, but billltary etiquette meant nothing to them now. They were abov'd it in veteran superiority. "Whoro'a StranskyT" demanded tho fltaff-offlcor, "You'ro looking nt him!" replied Stransky with a benign grin. Seeing that Stransky was only a pri vate, the officer frowned at the anom aly when a lleutonant was present, then emllod In a way that accorded tho company parliamentary rights, which ho thought that thoy had fully earned. "Yes, and ho gets one of those iron crosses!" put In Tom Fraglnl. "Yes tho first cross for Dort of the Ileds!" "And we'll lot him mako a dozen nnnrchlst npeeches n day I" "Yes, yon!" roared tho company. "Tho nyefl havo it!" tho officer an nounced cheerfully. Ho lifted his cap to Marta. With tender regard nnd gravo roverenco for that company, ho took cxtremo caro with his next re mark lest a sot of men of such dy namic spirit might ropulso him as nn Invador. "Tho lleutonant Is In com mnnd for tho present, according to regulations," ho proceeded. "You will rotlre immediately to positions 48 and 49 A J by tho castlo road. You havo dono your part. Tonight you sleep and tomorrow you rest." Sloop! Rest! Vhoro had thoy heard those words beforo? Oh, yes, In a distant day bofore thoy went to wnrl Sloop and rostl Detter far than an Iron cross for every man In1 the company! Thoy could go now with somothing warmer in their hoarts than consciousness of duty well; dono; but this time thoy need not go until their dead as well as their wounded wero removed. t Feller started to pass around tho cornqr of, the house; ho was confront ed by Mnrta, who had como (o tho end of tho veranda. Thero, within hearing of tho soldiers, the dialogue that fol lowed waB low-toned, and It was swift and palpitant with repressed emotion. "Mr. Feller, I saw you at the auto matic, t heard what the wounded pri vate of the Grays said to you and realized how truo It was." "He 1b a prisoner. Ho cannot tell." "I feel that I have no right to let you go to your death by a firing squad," sho interrupted hurriedly, "nnd I shall not! For I decide now not to allow the telephone to remain!" "I" he looked around at the auto matic ravonously and fcarsomefy "It is all simply arranged. There ie tlmo for me to uso tho telephone before tho Grays arrive. I shall tell, lianny why you took charge of the gun." "I'vo changed my mind I 'Exit gar donor! Entor gunner! I'm -going with you!" he cried in a Jubilant voice that arrested the attention of every ono, on the .grounds. . , CHAPTER, XIII. - . i t , ., ,. From Brown to., Gray. ."Ydu, Marta you , aro' Btlll the'rel" Lait8tron exclaimed In alarm when he pliono. ' ,,lDu't'Bafo!" he added' in 're lief "Thank' God for that! ' It's a mighty load off my mind. And your mother?" - ' ' fi '(Safe; too." "Well, you're through the worst of It. Thero won't be any moro fighting around the house, and certainly West erling will be courteous. Dut where is Gustavo?" "Gone!" "Gone!" ho repeated dismally. "Walt until you hoar how ho wont," Marta said. With all the vividness of her Impressions, a partisan for tho mo ment of him and Dollarmo, she sketched Feller's part with tho auto matic. As ho listened, Lanstron's spirit was twenty again. "I can aeo him," ho said. "It was a full breath of fresh air to tho lungs of h BufTocatitig man. I" ' Marta wns-off In Interruption In tho full tldo of nn appeal. "You must 'I promlsod jcu must let him havo tho uniform jjigaln!" alio begged. "You must letrUhn, keep hl3 automatic. To tako(,Itjj,away 4would Jjo 11103 separating mflter, and 'child ; llko seDaratlBBj MJnna from Clarissa Eileen. ' ' ' . "Hotter than an nutHfimilc k1 bat tery of gunsl" replied Lans1tron.'""This is wnero i win uso anyumuuenco 'i havo with Partow for alUft Is Worth. Yes, antlf ho shall hnvortho Iron cross. tit is for such deed Mj; that the, Iron crosftjWaB meant." -."Thank you." she. paid. "It's worth something to" make'a, maa.aaappy as you will ?nake him.' ' Yes.'ydu are real f.' , ' i . i.. i '' i.i .vnii i flotih and blood to ao tnis: LAnnv. y 'itn nrllnf wbn wlth'BUrb'rlalnioDj.o. butdldnotjwltebiie had ''feared thaf military form ana'uaw' oouidnot bo'i circum vented; alio leaned i agalnet ltho wnll iu., roaQtion. For twenty-four hours pho had i been wlth,ou,t,Ble.qp, The in- had. excite hi wna over. Now thoro Boemdd' BotbinV left to.dotr.. .'. . irni it i. "That's fine of you. Lannvl". Rhn 1 said.' "You've takenl''lt' like 'a good etolc'tbls' toss 'ot-nyour thouaandth chatico.itj.You i rallor:boll(rved'(ln It, didn't yoa!" terest of,, .her. appeal,. for feller mimt of Tlio llcht fbr;'thoJrouJou'l NEBRASKA, CHIEF .ii. ti. r,. , ,,.,.. ,'i -, i J. "JS5r!ottcri alfoady, otnjfeUBnndtirclii of the) Virtues of I'artow's Btcol nu t - i",. i.. ..n.. ..... lumuiuus m inuit oei;ig leariess as well aspassfonleBS, hey n'e'Jer cryi over. nilW milk. And tiott'-'ho went on soberly, "wetmust bo sayihg good by." & -"j. j.t 'V ""'rrnyi,!.,.. ..,.. itrt... k.C -r you ;m6an?" Shu waa ritnrtjed. I ."Till the war 1b oVer.'f heVaald'and longer tiian that, perhaps,' If 'ta Tir remalns'in Gray territory." "You Bpeak as ifyou bought you were.going to lose!" ' " ' "Not while many of oureoldlera are allvo, if they continue to Bhow the spirit that they have shown bo far; not unless two men can crush ono man in tho automatlc-gun-recoll age. Dut La Tir Is in n tangent and already in tho Grays' posaesslon, whllo wo act on tho defensive. So I should hardly bo flying ovr your garden again." "Dut there's tho telophono, Lanny, nnd hero wenro talking over It this very mlnuto!" sho expostulated. "You must remove It," ho said. "If tho Grays should dlscovor It they might form n ousplclon that would put you In an unpleasant position." Tho telephono had become almost a familiar Institution In her thoughts. Its Bccrot had something of tho fasci nation for hor of magic. "Nonsense!" she exclaimed. "I am going to bo very lonoly. I want to learn how Foller Is doing I want to chat with you. So I decide not to let it bo tnken out. And, you see, I hnvo tho tactical situation, as you soldlera call It, nil in my favor. Tho work of removal muBt bo dono at my end of th6 line. You'ro qulto holpless to enforco your wishes. And, Lanny. if I ring tho boll jou'll answer, won't you?" "I couldn't help It!" ho replied. "Until then! You've been fine about everything todny!"' "Until then!" ' When Marta left the tower ehe knew only tnat she was weary with'1 tho mlnd-woariness, the body-weariness, the nervo-wonrlnesB of a spectator who has shared the emotion of every actor in a drama of death and finds tho ex citement that has kepf her teneo no longer a sustaining nforce. As sho went along the path, steps Uncertain from 'sheer fatigue, her sen sibilities 'livened again at tho sight of a picture. War, personal war, in the form of the giant Stransky, waB knock ing at the kitchen door. His two-days-old beard was matted with dust and thero wero dried red spatters on his cheek. War's furnaco flames seemed to havo tanned him; war seemed to bo breathing from his deep chest; his big noso was war's promontory. Dut tho unexposed spaco of his forehead seemed singularly white when ho took off his cap as Minna camo in answer to his knock. Her yielding lips were parted, her oyes wero bright with in quiry, and suspicion, her, chin was firmly set. "I camo to Bee If you, would let me kisB your hand again," said Stransky, squinting through hiB brows wistfully. "I seo your nose has been broken once. You don't want it broken a! sec ond ' time. I'm stronger thab you think!" Minna retorted, nnd lield out her hand carelessly na If It pleased her ito humor him. i - t , .lrko-tthemany 'Uut kfifeVwi inw3MV'nave thDnrp.Wflsr n'UJi iiMAaruii 1 1 iinaa i Mifl'ti V i ... .j IV ' t ii Ho wnff rather graceful, despite hlsTP'-bof hlsToice? size, aa be touched his lips to her lltirt gers. Juat as he raised hla head a buret of cheering roso from tho yard.' "So you've found thatrwe havo gondj1 you ibrilllant intellects!',' he shoute'd nuif giiunu uw juo yvuii vi, ijiu uuustj ill the direction of the, cheers. t ' j "Quick! , You have no time, to loBei'fi Minna warned him. : "Quick! quick!" cried Marta. i, Stransky paid no attention' to the, urglngB. He had something moro to say to Minna. " "I'm going to keep thinking of you1 and seeing your facts the face of oJ good woman whllo I fight And whonj the war Is over, may I come to call?", ho asked. His feet wero so resolutely planted on the flags that apparently the only way to movo them waa to consent. "Yea, yes!" said Minna. "Now, hurry!" ) "Say, but you mako me happy! Watch mo poko It into tho Grays for you!" ho crlod and bolted. I Within tho kitchen Mrs.' Gallan was already slumbering soundly jii her chair. Overhead Marta heard t it exclamations of malo voices- anu t n tread of what was literally tho In a of tho 'conqueror guests ithat h ij como' without nsKingiMilntrudcciitliit had ente,rod without, any. -process d law!. Would they overrun UiOjhoun ner moijpora roomuner own i.poiju' Indjgnation'.brouht' fresh sirenft as ano started up the stairs'. T iU hortd of tho fltght gavo on tb'adarU nart of 'tho hdll. iriiQre,'flhe duusi dl hold by tlio"'eoene.thHt''o, soordiidf moro Gray soldiers', who kadi riotously crowded into the rdlillnK-rocfrn. were enacting. . , fin,? w,prp,i memiera (Jo) Fraxsse'Bcompany f qr, , the,(,GraV whom Marta lad seen fnpni hpr yjA dow, tho night beforo' rushing" acrdail tho "rojld Jnt6 tlte' garden." "IX . " When, finally,' WeY l burst Into Ui redoubt after ftt' was,!found that U 11 rd Wife had gono, fall ovon th-jddgbi 1 son, wore thevwar domon'aiown. 'J veneer had been warped and twls and tburneds plj down to itq,,raw ah' malv,le8h., Their brninB tmd,, fev lien oi cauouscs, lorming. , iNqi a b: of brown there in tba yard: not a kI of, any tribute tiftor a?l"ln hnd ijf daVed! Tbd badnbfBech" nblo to Id I hands pOFo'roujFnoJouB throwore' i'r:.i:i't-i,u4i: tk.j j muiu-ijiuuuuua. grena Fa r Jway' How Wa enlall1tyfx1nlobUvlo, barrack-room irenlalltyr 1n' ohltvli Mlori tha.OthlcseofjbnilnheEiUd clvtiii- zatlon taucht by mothara.its&okeni arllhHrTatlsaan JK?b1iIi I church. ' " "" A TsonttHJA liotwe' of ;1 iftne house! Thoy f wfjuia M wnntHtriey had won thia ' theHforivilecS of baffled victory. t i. . . . - ... ,,t. ,L "CV. i T ,.,. . vnm iney.'iRBa won wns ineirar -.ijol A.'a ..I... iiJaJ-... .ttil. t iiiu viciuruiaaapoiiHi I eu-meii'- utv (rowdod ilhto th dining-room, Hug0( JUIjj thojrest, feeling hlmsolf a Btraw' a tlio .crest . of Th.; w.l v ond Pllier. )ht'bitfer,'most,u'gly of all, his Bhort,J wTjagieein. ana iguma snowing 'ana plTMvefTpatch,Ve'd; lumpy, "ah"d trom bllnif, ifa crossing tho -threshold of privacy tbey committed tho act thai leaves the deepest! wound of war's in heritance, to go 'on .from' generation to generation in the history of fami lies. "A swell dining-room! 1 like the chnndollera!" roared Pllzer. With his bayonet he smashed the only globe left intact by tho shell flro. Thoro was a laugh as a shower of glass felt on the floor. Even the judge's son, the son of the tribune of They Saw Pllzer Go Down. lawp Joined In.- Pllzer then ripped-up-tho .leather. beat of a.chair,. This In troductory havoc whetted his appetite for other worlds at conquest,- as the self-choHun leader of the increasing crowd that poured through the dbor-j way. "Maybe there's foodl'Jhe t8houted.t "Maybe there's wine!" - ' - " "Food nnd wlno!" "Yes, wine! Wo'ro thirsty!" "And maybe women I'd like' to kite I a p'rcttymald seWaht!'' Pilzer added,-! starting townrd the hall, "Stop!" cried Hugo, forcing hiirway'h in front of Pllzer. He was'llko noe"of"the Hugoa pi, the manjrparts that pis comrades bad, Beenbuii play. Hlsntu'b eyeBTiad'Wo come an inflexible gray., He was stand ing hair on C-trploeV hia'w'qulfarlbg. muscles In tuno with the quivering !iWe- rmro-Ba-Tlgfat-lttttxaoU-tliia-ia- ajprlyatQ hpuse!" :. t'Ouot'iniowiiy.iyc you-wHrt53Ierea.' little rat!" cried Pllzer, "or I'll prick the tummy of mamma's darling!" What happened then waB bo sudden and unexpected that all were vague aDoui ueiaus. iney saw Hugo in aj catapultlc lungo, mesmerja W wift-T neBS.'and they saw Pllzer go down, tils y leg twisted under him and his bead banging tho floor. Hugo stood, halt ashamed, half "frightenedI y6t rea'df for anothererfedunter. fc A Fracassor enterIngat."tbU"momentt4 was too Intent on his mission to con sider the rights of a personal differ ence between 'two of . his company. "There's work to do! Out of here, quick! We are losing valuable time!" ho announced, rounding his men to ward the door with commanding ges tures. "We aro going In pursuit!" Marta, who had observed be latter part of the ipene from the shadowa of tho hall, know-that sho should novor forgo$ Hugo's faco aa, ho turned on Pll zer, whllo lils volco of 'protest'struck n singing chord in hor jangllngihcrvoB, It was tho volco of civilization, of ono who could! tKink butr.ot tho" orblll WHi whirlpool pf.,; bprbnrlsr Sho could s.00 that o w'aa al)ou to Bpring.'afttl lier.'.'prnyeJ' weotl w.JtbiJUs.' leap. Sho gloried in tho Impact Jthat 1 foiled tho great bruto with tlib Tiver t patch on bis qhejsk, wblch, was like.a birthmark "bfwdf. '' . 't',' '-C 9 (TORttb coarrmncDYjifr lr I I Diitjt i"r ?i''u.' Seeing vs. 'Photographing. Tho relative senaltivcueas of -In'1 photographic pinto and tho human oye lias been tho subject of recent'ldTI eating experiments by Professor P. G. Nutting, of Rochester. An extra rapid plate wasused for the tests. A aource will -anla tnl Wgfef In Xe twenff5kawirrrij the! plati jig from tbo eye Tho pr6TesflOr'7ouna that a light so dim that It required threo hours to, pr.odef-gpqtrira.oB MhlA ImncrA nn thn nxtrnmnlv innollva plato was caslfy vlsltile ttb?tu,mliVi4;,aW"t'RNC0-BUFF. eyo after resting tho lattor for three minutes in total darkness. "In other word,$aJW8jlflfj!B8or Nuttingr "an Imago on uio retina" Just vlslblo after partial adaptation to darkness would Just produco nn irongo on a photo- graplc plato aftor an exposuro of one hour. Tho retina fully adapted to more BenBltlvelLd - luhiPCCTinu nuc t' i ' OOiinnf nUnanrinlf .!Ml smirstdmachs in"flve minutes ' ' TimrK! a- . ir d tf l i 'Really" does" put.bad' BtrmachB li order "really rfoea" oyercowte Indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and Bolirhess in five minutes that Just that makes Pnpo'a Dlapopsln the lar gest selling stomach regulator In the world. It what you eat fermenta Into stubborn lumpB, you belch gaa and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head Is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tonguo coated; your lnsldea filled with bile and indigestible wasto, re member tho moment .'"Papo's Diapop sin" comes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the Joy is Its harmlcssness. A largo fifty-cent caso of Papo's Dla pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. - Its worth its weight In gold to men and women who enn't get their atom nebs regulated. It betongs in fyout homo should always bo kept handy In case, ot-sick, sour, upset atomncb during tho day or at night. It'Bvthe quickest, Burest and most harmlcsi 8tQtnnch doctor in tho -world. Adv. Hard Work. - A. J. Drexel, whona a volunteer Ir. tho automobile service of tho UritlBt army, wroto In a-recent -letter to Phil adclphla:, i "As Kitchener said, or didn't say, to Cobbr ourtrfenches strctch'llke a gray snake frpnij Switzerland to tho aea. And whrit hard work 6ur ybung sol dlers. have, (let me tell yoil, digging theso trenches! "'I saw a" young soldior tn a half finished trench lay down Ilia shovel the other day "afro lignrblB" pipe. "'Here, what did you lay down that Shovel iforX' thajfiOTgeant asked. " 'To cool It, air,' said tho young sol niiiii le'HAIRriSirTjJWG j t :ih unni, use dnuc lefl .ii. i3on'L,lookOJdlJCryGrandmother'i Recipe to Darken and Beautify Gray, Faded, Lifeless Hair. Grandmother kept her hair beautl "fully darKelfe"ar,gIos8,y"atid abifndant with a brew of, gage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever: her bblr fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear dnce, this simple mixture was npplled with wonderful effect. Dy asking at -,any..dru store for "Wyeth's Sage nnd Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a largo bottlo of this old-time recipe, ready jto UBofor about 60 cents. ThlB mple mixjur'(citrb Appended upon to restore natural "color and beauty Jo tho hair and is splendid for ''dan- druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known druggist says every- body usesflVyethSaws and Sulphur, ljejcauBjyfdark'cmiilBo; naturally !and evenly that nobody can tell it has teen appHqdrrft'Bfso'eaBy to uso, too. You simply darapeU'n comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking ijgo-BTyana " at -g-Tiura." By morning "thu biaji-lialr'-ttlsappfeeja; after an- -other, ap SJQtlpjx.QKj.wo.At. Ja re ttrltfi tnaturkT ad:andTJboks 'Sfor" fe glossy, soft and abundant Adri (.) UfltllMM M AI.IIH. "I Just dropped In to seo if youjcould friiimu &u uuiiud. let mo'ltave fie " r . u A youfs " rs and they are yours. .. Then Her pother Butted In 1 I'ponlt think ar is thai most ''rsedtoforeTt-wos mariied.' lid is The certain way to bo cheat to fancy ono s self moro cunning than others. Charron. If the Billy actlona of a man are not duo to his being in lovo, they are prob ably natural. Don't Give Ulb! , .Nowadays deaths duo to weak klflneya it ma ivo iiiuio ummnon man au yearaago, aocordlng to tho census. Overworani ;wprj-y uro ino causes, 'ilia kliluoji idan't xcep up, anu a sngut Kianoy wtft tncas llsigiaHy neglected. j) .. Jl.JOU bare backache nr nrlnr ll. f (orders, don't mlstaKo tho cause.i'lKht imuuKn worocaro as 10 (iiut,'h wits, etof.'and tha uso of Doan's Kldniy pills ougni 10 uriDg quick relief. I'll." L A Nebraska Ca90 . w.tb. Mrs. Eart Curtis. Auburn, Nob.1 Ways: "Tho first sniitom of my kidney 3rou bis waa a swilling under my eycsA. My whole body kaSame bloated and suf fered terrlblyl (U. y , and n, a d d and nyvjsys- te Oojrp. Three I noxn flfDoan's Mjj,y . i-iiia curaa na ua V uava never sur - irJ since." I I rl ul uoute at As Stora. EOa m TVaflaVltf & KIDNIfcY .f-T??." FIWW PP-Y. DliWWfeVsMO&ciT EVENTED CirttirV BUckle rriot-ii. freah. rlocd, frun. rtlUMs: narMrred bj Vrurn tockmen. boUiifc thtv Wfra LEG protect whr other viwlui fill. Wrlla for hooklet anil trttlnionlaU. 10-doM pkgo. Blackleg tllLTll.OO BO-dow pkoo. Blacklrg Pllll 4 0 Uio anr InjN-tor, but Cttef but. Vi'iNiiYi"w If'1 IIUIIULJIIUIl, UHU t I d "- B "tv v ; n J fj Iht Cutter Ltliiratory. DirUliy, CaU or CUaaae, iu