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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
1 f ' 'J - t -i 'tfVT7'' VfZfSL &t&tfgyia& miD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF DC 3G EC DDE CAR LOAD OF Extra Fancy POTATOES EARLY ROSE MINNESOTA POTATOES THE FINEST EATING POTATOES ON EARTH n PER BUSHEL 85c F. G. TURNUflE & SOU I DC DC SERVICE first D EH IDE w VHP PP Wsyv l!llli!il!liiiii!iiim!lllliiU!!iiiiiiii) ill wOBI w I minus our! 4 KUDLIb OALC Ak I liuvo rented my farm hero titirl will hkivo to my farm near Friend, Nolirnslcit, I will hold a clean up sain at t lie place- IIJ4' miles north nnil -Jj in lies oast of Lebanon, Kansas, and 0' miles buuui anil J muu east oi neti utuuii, i.uuniMcii, on Tuesday, Feb. 9th Commencing at 10 O'clock Sharp 40 HEAD LIVE STOCK 20 HEAD OF HORSES 11 HEAD OF CATTLE 9 HEAD OF HOGS FARM MACHINERY, ETC. TKUMS:-83.00 mid under ciihli. Over SIUM a credit of 11 months tltnu will lie jrlven purchaser Hiving note bearing ten per cunt In oivHt. with approvtd heeurity. No ptoperty to be removed until terms of sale are compiled with. Geo. Wilson THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Clovid, Nobrnskts. PUliljIhlJHU KVhHY 'J IIUMSDAY Entered tn the mainline m I c) l Intnl. Nib. as Second fliuw Matter V H. McAUTHUK 1'rilI.tslIKH CUIC ONI.V I) KM Of HAT It' I'APKIt IN WKIISTHU COUNTY We bellevo that the count.ll should pass an ordinance against rallllnu; and ritlllltiK boards If that body has not al tcady (lotto ho. If there is an ordinance to that effect it should lio enforced. Tho practice is wrong In principle and often starts a boy or young man along tho road of greater evils. Representatives Naylor and Palmer have introduced a bill in the state leg islature for an appropriation of 880,-, 000 for n svvlno barn on the state fair grounds. This measure, House Roll 183, has been endorsed by the No braska Swine llrcoders nnd ft number of other farmers' organization and is now beforo tho house committee on Flnanco, Ways and Means. The Jitney service idea is sweeping thocountty from coast to const. It seems for the time being at least that Iheautosare putting the street cars out of business and tho service is not jet organized on anything liken broad scale. In one of the cities tho now ideii costs tho street, ear companies more than otic dollar per minute. Who will bo first to start the new system in Red "Jlouil? E i fr-i ? s 8 L I)0Y1,B UltOS., Auctioneer n . I'vunfflira A. W. UIM Clerk I 'v3S30 A MAN IS AS GOOD a AS THE FOOD HE FEEDS OND The better the food the healthier the man. Every man, if he values himself, insists on good, pure, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for selling fine butler and eggs is perfectly well established in this ciirmunity. Our gro ceries are the best in town for the money. fc't GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER For once tho ground hog did not see his shadow and now we are iiSMirred of an early spring. He came out ami looked diligently all day but to no avail there was not n ghost of a shadow anywhere. There is no doubt about the cot redness of tho predictious of the ground hog for wo have it on what we consider excellent authority that this weather animal has not made a single iriistako in the pnstllfty years The worst storm of the winter vlilted this section hist .Sunday and Monday. The wind blew at the rate of thirty milos an hour but, fortunately I hero was not a vety heavy fall of snow and tralllu was not, deluded to speak of. The loads and sidewalks were covet ei' with lee wY.i-li iniidc It d Ulctilt for f mt passengers to get about. Nearly every one in tho city confe.SM's to having hud at least one good full but no serious accidents occuned. The blacksmiths have abandoned all other work aid liuvo given their entile attention lo the shooing of horses. Wolf Hunt A wolf hunt will be held Tuesday, February 9lh., and will take in the fol lowing territory: Northwest corner of lied Cloud precinct, Southeast corner of Cathertou precinct, Southwest corn" or of Batln precinct, Northeast corner of Inavale precinct, taking in 3 square miles of each precinct. The roundup will be held in the cent er of the four corners of the precincts. The corners will sturt nt lo o'clock sharp. A blue rock shoot will be held after the roundup. Petcv Larrlck, Captain North Hue Oscar Johnson, " East " Albert SUjelver, " West " John Copley, " South ' 7 People Ask Us What is tho best laxative? Ycara of experience in selling nil kinds leads us lo always recommend nf tho safest, surest and most satisfac tory. Sold only by us, 10 cents. H. E. Grice Drug Co. In view of tho tact that eggs are slowly but sttiely rising in price the wise poultry man will set his hens and incubators early this year. Tho conn tties of Europe have about exhausted our supply of cold storage ogns and when these tiro gouo tho price of fresh eggs is bound to soar upwatds. The one who has the pullets laying is sine to bo well paid for the extra trouble. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOME GROCERY eses .8 i iSS3a& CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS SEASON OF 1915 Commencing March 1st, a ?:,0 round trip rate will be made to San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Dlojo, over direct routes, with $17X0 additional j:ie wuy via Portland or Seattle. Approximately these rntesfrom Central and JEistern Nebraska and Kunsas. The 1'iicllle Coast tour is the World's greatest rail journey. These ex po .Itlons will bring before you tho romance, and the modern civilization of California. When yon go, make the tour more complete by including tho ocean voyage between Sun Franoit-co and Portland in the new Steamers, "Grout JNort'ietn" or "Northern Pito'.llc," palaces of tho Paeltlo, with tho speed of ex press trains ami tho pi otection of ocean steamers; the S17.50 additional in. dudes norths till 1 meals ou these steamers. Our publications will tell you ')out this grand tour, our through service, tho ocean ooast voyago, etc., or wito either of us The railtoads of Nebraska have wisely, we believe, changed their methods of conducting their business .Many of our readers no doubt have rea i carefully the articles nppo tring in tho Chief marked paid advertising. This spaco was sold to the railroads of Nebraska at our regular Ugures. Sure ly times have changed and with the change of tho times comes the change in management The old urrogunoy has been laid aside and the railroad companies seem disposed to state their case fairly and leave it to the people. This is but Just! The people of Ne braska do not want the carrying com panies to reduce their service, go into tho hands of tho receiver or go to the poor hmiMj We are willing that the, should have a fair profit at the end of the year and we cannot expect etll "tr-nt service unless they can show a profit. Now as to whothor they should be, al lowed to increase (heir passenger and freight rates at this timeweaie nimble to say but they certainly iiiN'e taken the right method by coming out in the open and working ubovo boaid. We tiro sure that our people would not wimt any corporation to work without remuneration ami If this increase is necessary at this time and Is so shown before the proper nuthoilties the people may be depended upon to give their approval. We need the railroads and the railroads need us so let us share nnd share alike. HEpssasszs BEST REPAIRING 1 UNDER THE SON !-J Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike- repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion. Send Your Torn Garments To Us We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? H. G. Hassingei? Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones DR. criAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud " Nebraska N. B, BUSH, Ticket Agent. lied Cloud, Nobr L. W.WAKKLEY, General Pansenger Agt. 1004 Fartmm Street, Omaha, Nebr. FOR RENT FOR $775 FHrm of 180 acres. This includes three head of hot-tea and $100 worth of machinery. Geo. Law, two miles north ami three cast of Hcd Cloud TO THE PUBLIC I will not stand good or pay any ac counts that John Smith may contract for. Mits J. P. Smith. bai Dyspepsia Tablets WIM Relieve Your Indigestion H. E. Grie Drug Co. , , THE ALARM is a dreadful thinn Of FIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat if the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be onsidered. Tho freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-duy. O C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. E. S. Gerber Real Estate, Farm Louus ami Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Dr. Nicholson g DENTIST m: OFFI0R OVT'B AMIItiailT'S STORE IN MVKBTON ON WON DAT RtiClMMl. rktoMka iB, ODDS AND ENDS MONEY-SAVING PRICES WHAT ARE "ODDS AND ENDS" FOR US WILL NOT BE ODES AND ENDS FOR YOU. THE THINGS VOU BUY IN OUR STORE ARE ALWAYS IN STYLE. EUERY SEASON WE SELL OUT THAT SEASON'S GOODS. TO DO THIS FAST WE- PUT THE PRICES AWAY DOWN LOW. RIGHT NOW WE WILL SELL YOU MANY ODDS AND ENDS OF OUR WINTER GOODS AT PRICES SO LOW YOU WILL BUY WHEN YOU COME INTO OUR STORE. DON'T WAIT: THEY WONT LAST LONG. THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA i What Preachers Do For lis I (By Artcmus Ward) "Show me a place where there isn't any mectin' houses and where preachers is never seen, and I'll show you a place where old hats air stuffed into broken winders, where the children air dirty and ragged, where gates have no hinges, where the wimmen air slipshod, and whore maps of the devil's wild land air painted upon men's shirt bosums with tobacco jooce! That's what I'll show you. Let us consider what the preachers do for us before we aboose 'em." EVERYBODY WELCOME United Church J-lbeebe, 1st Door West I. 0. 0. F. H.ill Pastor tsf Rend The Chief and Keep Posted on Church Natters. Biawnarijm t1 ammmmlE &S63Si! d ?& 3 I'jYt?. 4SZSHP few it mm "iii t it SSSSS911 s A 8 Gomplete Line Of Work Harness Prices Ranging From $37.00 to $65.00 In order in compete with catalogue houses and since the prices in leather are advancing, I have decided instead of raising my prices, to sell for cash. Remember I carry everything in-. LEATHER NOVELTIES Such as pocketbooks, handbags, toilet sets, traveling bags, suit cases and trunks. You will find my line of the above articles complete, as well as a full line of lap robes, blankets, etc., and my prices are the lowest. JOE FOGEL issesssn i' si mssessal Read m Chief S - I I i i M: for tbe JJeajs $1.50 a Year f 1 "WftPgyM?HMi '! t W I'f "f ' TS Ttn p -, p,, i.