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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1912)
V v V i V u t I v JA Per A LEAKAGE THAT CAN DE EASILY STOPPED. IMl'lK. Vlln'l ,H,,!'1,P ,Ul,. tPn " (!. IP, noi i'iliv ..fUi ?'" '"'Itieneu of (.in- l.ttto "oil onivini: K powder-on tho nXnLlt tt .'I ''."K" tlmt ran rnnlly l,i iim . . f "V '""wlri; will only tuv a HI n '"' ,,,,,l"t1"" (" tho choke If lllT I llilim V'.V "nKliii' cheap "Ulg I'litf TIii-po Unking fnwil. ra n ,1 !., Vin""' "'"'""n.iin.l -nimtline-i r.-ii l L1, n.'"s ln .""., baklnc. '""' tin. n'.J ', !. 'i ,a,",'"" tt'iin you upend on I...I.. !.m '",w,(I"r. In tlio whole y iir Tin- . li. ip avoided ,,uk,ntf l'uwl'"is should l.'i On tin. other iinmt, ninny lumwiKci reel t lt a linking powder Is of no vnluo jiniesv -ey p,iv M ..-iitH n pound for II -'r'L ''.'.V', ''''"riroilrnr the Huh prl ...1 rrmf l.riiti.K This u mistake in Hie host liiifcliiir powder that enii be m .In pin lie foh for : p.r pound If the m n. li'?Urvt,1'! V"1"11"' "'til ii ieuoii-.l.lo "J'"''," me br ni.l on the market llt.'lt meets tneo reiiretnetil It Iti y,; ' TVVT "'Ki.vt i''nvi'i:u: ..'"..- li.'u ,U'.1.' 'v V",,,,tr. I''- -Ir-lnri noil ol,em .ir"..",""111"11" ,,r home-.: (il 'lln i- ' ."'''l",Kt Award "t tlio World1 Pure ! ood Imposition. Speaking Airily. l'irsi Aviator I low far is It to tho no xi gasoline rcsorvlor? Second Avliitor Two graveyards rtiid a Hilral glide to your loft, old iiitiit. Life. om.v iimi "Ultimo oriMNK 1 In I.A.ATIV II IIIUIVII vjn.NISK. I.nnl fur . ....., .... ..i.w ir v. r.r.r.. iHwih inr k. w i M.t iim w.iria tul ur.'ii I nlil in line lay. sir. ill" MKIHIllll.' over i. In School. "Spoil 'prohibition.'" I don't like dry spells." BE FAIR WITH YOUR STOMACH Don't abuse or neglect it, and you will be well repaid. If it becomes weak Rememuer IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS tones strengthens invigorates Try a bottle today for POOR APPETITE INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA COLDS. GRIPPE MALARIA, FEVER AND AGUE The Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity uy wainur ino inn larm To Ui-.imin youriniit-riiumcr jiivinnmr to picture inr your riilimi l)n.icriiyanti inarpen-dt-ni-n. A rr.-ul uppor tunlir invullH you In Manitoba, Mukntctii-nun or Allieria. whi-rn you ran seen re a Kre.-l lump Mend or buy land ulrvu Honablu prices. Now'stheTime not a year f mm now, whin In ml will be lilitli-f-r. Tin. lir.itlls llio ntinnilniit i-rntiii fif lient. Oil In llurli-v. aH writ as rnttlo rat'lnir, a'ie riuiMnu a M.-jiiiy auranro in prlee. llOTernm.-ii'. Trunin t.linw that Mm in Huttlera In Veterii t'anutla from thn II. S. iTim HO prr cent lurcer In ItilO tliun Hie pretlmiK venr. Muny funnel liavo piilrt I heir limit nut of ttiu proeeeilH of one crop. I'reo lliiineKteiuln of 100 lieruH nnil ire-eiiitldiii of 1HO aereH lit 8U.OO1111 iiere, 1'lno I'lllimte, kimmI hi-IhmiIm. eieellint rullniiy fiielllilcH, loT freight rates; m.h.iI, Mil ler unit lumber easily olf liilneil. 1-nr tiamphlct "IjikI Pert W," l-nrUciil.iiM'H to sullublo lomtlun mid low Millers' rata, n'ily lo riiipt of '.nunlftmtlun, Oitawa, Can.,ortoCuuaUluu UoT't AtiecU W V. BENNETT Room 4 P Bld. Omaha, Nib. Plrwe - rltp to II.p aernt hurirt you Nebraska Directory RUPTURE CURED in a few days without pain or a sur gleal operation. No pay until cured. Writ )ll. WltAY. 307 Ilea lllilfr., Omalin, Neb. THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN KomilH from !l.00 up single, 7.ri ccntrt ill. double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE HEART DISEASES I limit my practice to Heart and Circulatory ailments. Thirty yeart expeu:nce ouglit to mean much lo such patients. Experimenting and neglect is costly and bad. Write i. S. LEONHARDT. M. D.. Heart Specialist 1726 N Street Lincoln, Nebraska AUCTIONEER Auctioneers lire not all nllke. rninm nro mlKll liet Inr than atli.-rs. Tlio holler the iiiii-tliiiii-.-r the l.iruur yiiurrliri'lc. 't'lielieitMillliiu uti lit- casts ytiu im limn llin puniest. 'I'lH-rn'i pmHt.kei urilyiiiiilRiitlklne. lull In iliilnit huslnenN nltll Z.H. IIUANSON. llreNiork id llril Utile Aurlluartr. 21 1 ttnKiMrlci, UMUIA, SUh Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saline Springs Located on our own premlsea and used In the I Natural Mineral Water I Baths Unsurpassed In the treatment 0' Rheumatism! Heart. Stomach, Kidney and Liver Disease? NOZrUTt: CHARGES, ADDRESS ft DR. O. U 1405 M str W. EVERETT. Mar. bincoint np. WMj vsm uK from VOH I W flff mm PI mm afSaiiH THE SAFE LAXATIVE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE Most elderly pcoilo nro more or lesa troubled with n chronic, per sistent constipation, duo largely to lack of stiMctont exercise. They ex pel icnco dllllculty in dlsostlnp oven light food, with n conscii.ient belching of Hlomnch enses, drowKlucss nfler eatltiK, hciidncho and n feeling of lassi tude nnd general discomfort. Doctora advise ngaltiHt cathartics and violent purgatives of every kind, rec ommending a nilld, gentle Inxutlvu tonlr, like Ur Caldwcll'H Sytup IVimIii, to effect tellef without disturbing tho entlic system, Dr. Cnlducll'H Byrup I'cpsin is tho perfect laxative, easy in nrtlon, cor- tain in effect and, withal, pleasant to tho tatite. lt possesses tonic proper-, tics that J-treiigthen the btoiuunh, liver I and bowels and Is a remedy that has ' been for years tho groat standby ln ' UiotiFnnilH of families, and should be in every family medicine chest. It Is equally as valuable for children as for older people. Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin In TiOc and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried lt send your name and address to Dr. V. II. Caldwell. 201 Washington St.. Mon-tlt-cllo, III., and he will bo very glad to Bend a sample bottle for ttial. AT THE STATION HOUSE. pyZt as Judge Why did you club this man eo severely? Ollleer Out of sympathy, ycr honor. He's a poor lonely old bachelor who lins nobody else to club him. PITIFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA "A few dnys after birth wo noticed an Inllamed spot on our baby's hip which soon began spreading until baby was completely covered even ln his eyes, cars nnd scalp. For eight weeks be was bandaged from head to foot, lie could not have a stitch of clothing on. Our regular physician pronounced it chronic eczema. He Is a very able physician and ranks with the best in this locality, nevertheless, the disease began spreading until baby was completely covered. Ho was losing flesh so rapidly that wo bo came alarmed and decided to try Cutl cura Soap and Ointment. "Not until I commenced using Cutl cura Soap and Ointment could wo tell what he looked like, as wo dared not wash him, and I had been putting one application after another on him. On removing the scale front his head tho hair cam off, and left him entirely bald, but since we have been using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment ho has ns much hair as ever. Four wcoks after wo began to use tho Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment ho was entirely cured. I don't believe nnyouc could linve eczema worse than our baby. "Ucforo wo used tho Ctiticura Rem edies we could hardly look at him, ho was such a pitiful sight. Ho would fuss until I would treat him, titer Bomed to relieve hint eo much. Cutl cura Soap nnd Ointment stand by themselves nnd tho result they quick ly and surely bring Is their own rec ommendation." (Signed) Mrs. T. P. Rosscr, Mill Hall. Pa., Feb. 20, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap nnd Oint ment nro sold by druggists and deal ers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-pago book, will ho mailed free on application to "Cutlcura," Dopt 29 K, Boston. Rcconnoitered. Mnmmn was dressing when seven year-old Freddy hurst into the room with n loud "Moo!" "Why, Freddy, dear," expostulated she, "you mustn't open my door with out knocking. I mightn't havo been dressed nt all." "Oh. this was all right," said Fred dy, "1 looked through tho keyhole llrst." Judge. Important to Mothors Kxamlno earetully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy for infants and children, and Be that it HpnrK thn Signature of LzL&Pz&jfctfijr In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria When a man buys a new hat ho wants ono somewhat like tho ono bo had before but It's different with a woman. Dr. Pierce's I'lennnnt Pellets first put up 10 years nco. They regulate and invig orate fctoiuat-li, liver and bowels. Sugar coated tiny granules. Nothing plensos somo people more than tho opportunity to spreua bad news about their neighbors. Mrs. Wtnalow'H Boothlntr Syrup for Children teething, BoflctiH tlin irtiniH, reilueen Inllammn tluu, ulloyH lmln, cures wind colic, 25c i bottle. A fow weeks of matrimonial train ing will enable a man to predict brain storms in advance. 19 7 r xr - w.vj ' 1 W teiMnoNAf swrsaiooL Lesson pr Iter. William rnn.l P.. Iilrerlor IIIMo Course MtioUy II I tile l.lMUllte, CI.U-unu. LESSON FOR JANUARY 14 DIRTH OF JOHN THE DAPTIST. t.USKON' Tl'XT- l.llke 1 ."-SO. MMJionv vr.itm:s r.T-u. or . ?7. HOI.m'.N' TIJXT 'T.lis-xil In- Hie lonl '1ml of l.'irael, for lie Until Ms led ntlil rcdi ellteil IiIm pinpto " l.ttLe 1 t'.t-.. Another fulfilled prophecy mlded to last w. nit's losou' "Math Ood said, nnd shall he not do it?" Heaven and earth shall pass away, but one Jot or little of his promises shall never fall. Ht range that Ood should lemember his promise to a single individual amidst the tn Iln it o multitude of the sous of men! Yet he does, lie marks tho 'all of a sparrow. And so according to Bod's promise, tho child was born. At the proper time, the child vvaB dedicated to Ood in the temple Theso righteous parents recognized that tho child was Ood's gift. All Oodly parents should. Do wo? Have we presented our children In dedication to the Lord In the church? The first place theso parcntn took their child was lo church, is this true of us? Tho naming of the child is interest ing. John means, "gracious gift of Ood." '.aeharlas thought, of Ood in naming the child. What did vou think of when you named your child? Did you give It a Christian name, or call ed lt after some heathen, godless nov ellst? Does the name stand for any thing? Is lt an Inspiration to the child? Does It express your hope and faith In Ood? There are times when, in order to please Ood, we must differ with our friends. So it happened in the naming of John. Out of respect for Xachitrlas, and because of his advanced ago, nnd knowing that ho had no other child, tits friends proposed naming the chllri after him, probably to perpetuate the family name. Rut already Ood had announced the name. The angel said that the child's name should be John. These godly parents stood fast by tho Word of Ood, Irrespective of the oplu ion. of even well-meaning Irionds. A striking question wub asked: "What manner of child shall this bo?" What strange thoughts must have been passing through the minds of thoso parents at this time as they recalled the angel's message and the predicted, future of this child! As Zazharlas looked into the unconscious face of his child he saw tho prophet of tho Moat High. Parents, what possibilities do you ec in your child as you look Into its face? That little lifo Is for you to mold. To somo extend you can tell what manner of child ho is to be. Teacher, what do you sec In tho child? Just a bumllo of nerves to bo kept quiet, or tho possibilities of a great life? Zacharias' song 1b full of victorious nnd prophetic hope; lt is Itself a fill llllmcnt of a prophecy; Ood hath vis ited his people. For over 2,000 years tho righteous in Israel had looked for ward to the fulfillment of this proph ecy. Tho advent of this child brought joy, not only to Zncharlas and his wife, but to their neighbors. Tho birth of this child brought forth this hymn of pralso to Ood for his goodness. Did you over thank God for your children? Who gave them to you? Children nro tho herltngo of tho Lord. How much would you tako for them? All tho wealth in tho world could not buy them. Nor nro you ask ed to sell them; but you are nsked to think of tho Ono who gave them to you. Thero aro your children: Can they see, when so ninny havo been born blind; can they hear, when so many havo been born deaf; can they romp, when so many havo been born latno; can they speak, when so many havo been born dumb! Oh yo par ents who havo sweet children on earth and it may bo in heaven does not their presence cause you to burst out In praise to Ood! Another thing that led to this song of pralso wns tlio fact that Zacharlas was filled with tho Spirit. Joy and gladness nro always associated with tho Spirit: "Ro filled with tho Spirit; speaking to yourselves In spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to tho Lord." Tlio Spirit illled man is tho happy man. Aro you a happy Christian? If no, why not? What a description wo havo in tho song of Zacharias of tho dollvcranco which Christ brings to every soul that trusts, him: Delivcranco from Satan, from death, from sin, from the world, from every enemy; a protection and covering from tho righteous vengeance of Ood; freedom from tho conse quences of sin; tho wonderful promise that somo dny oven now in a moasur'o wo shnll servo God with true holi ness nnd righteousness in joy and bues3lng for evermore. Tho song of Zacharins gives us a modol for our hymns and spiritual songs. Tho most prominent noto in this song Is salvntlon: From our enemies, that wo may bo enabled to llvo in peaco and quietness; from sin, that wo may be able to bo constantly well pleasing to God; from fllnvish fenr in our service to God, in order that wo may ronder servico as sons, and not ns servants or slaves; unto holiness, that our life may bo ono that is spent. not merely in overcoming tho sins of our nnturo, but also In tho cultivation of Christian graces HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS? There nro Iwn ways lo tell wlicllicr you have uimW kidney. The lirht is thioiiKh the pains in the luck nnd other niilvi.tid in-i. The wenud ii b.v (')..iiiiiti.Hiou of tin kidney m-oitIioih. That U why pli.vinci.uw hik-Ii a careful oviinitt.itioti when you applv fir insiiruue. nnd if tliete i any sit;n of l.itl nev tioullo you ate pinelv rejected. Kidney tliT.iM li mi ilauueroils it is a bid ini-Uko to oveiloo!, or ni-i-leel v nnd if p.iin in the luel,, leciirilnn heul-iielii-H. or n netful, urn mil. tiled i-niidiltiiii m.t ltd you Mt-.pi-1-t mimic kidiiev tt.-ublc, I. ike the trouble to watch the l.lihiev i. (-.- I iniii. I, onl, for any of the follow nit; f-ij'ii: More or le than three and one hair nlntn pieced ilnllv. 'Ion iliiik in- ion ncle n color. i'a.ide too treiinonl, iroltie, or much rctliu-r-il, or M-.-ilitiiiii nnil pjiiirul. .snulv. irrltiv or i-lniitlv i-ttllntf. I at m- iillv-lookliiit l.iv.'l- wlilcli tMllu-ri on tin mii face when .illciM-il to Matul, in- n Jcllv-llUc llil.-ltetiiiiir, Matnliiil of the linen nt- ml or. Tell pel it V ehntlgev tiliv ocelli fur ,1 tune ft om thinu- e.iieii. hut if the li.tiit.-cil up pe.ii.itiee cmitiiiuco, vour UpIuc.vm me out of nider .mil need help. Ncgleel'ni.iv piove i-i'ii. iii Moan's Kiiiey Pill i-nrni! and icpu late the Unlnev -i-eriimti, i-tiiniiMe mid lied vii !, I,ii!ticv mid therein ihiveiiwav baol.a- he, t ic p.uti, iictvoiiMii-x.di.- When NOT SO VERY PRECOCIOUS Olmple Explanation of Facts That Had j Made Young Father Green With Jealousy. It was a wet day, and in conse quence the guests hud to stay Indoors. The .voting couple started to talk of their baby. ".My hnliv has just cut his first tooth," said the father proudly. "hid I?" said the other. "Well, mine cut Ids long ago." "Our baby," said the llrsj, "Is Just beginning lo talk." "dins." said the second, "cannot t only talk, but read." I "Knows his letters ahcady, does he?" tiald the llrst, with a not., of i jealousy in his vo'ue. "Oil, es. Indeed!" said the other. "And can llgnre like an i.vpeit ac countant." "Ho.illv?" said the tlrst. "Then he mr si be older than mine. How old is your liabv ?" ".Mother." said the second, addressv lug Ms wire, "how old Is Willie?" "Mnelien." said mother -Judge. A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for Lewis' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What Is probably the biggest lot of ill fancy grade tobacco hold by any factory in the United States has just been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, of Peoria, for the manufacture of Lewis' Single Hinder Cigars. Tho lot will make twenty-four carloads, nud Is se lected from what Ik considered by ex perts to be tho lines! crop raised ln many years. The purchase of tobacco Is sufficient to last the factory inoro than two years. An extra price was paid for the selection. Smokers of Lewis' Single Hinder Cigars will appre ciate this lobacco. I'corta Mar. January 16, 1!)09. Woman's Way. "A woman's convention, eh? What do women know about enthusiasm? Now, at tho last national convention wo men cheered our candidates lor an hour." "That's all right." said his vvitc. "Wo threw kisses at ours tor sixty seven minutes by the clock." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Kve Iteninly. No Smart Ins.' Keeli Kinii Ai-ih (Juleldy. 'j'ry It for lte.l, Wenh, Watery Kjcsimil llr.-iimlateil Kyellils. JIIiih Irate.l Honk In en.-h Pacliac.-. Murine In'il ly our lli-tilliis-iint n'-l'.iteni M.-il-li-lni." Inn n-ii-rl In siH-risrnl I'll) &lel.t lis' l'r.ic tli-o fur many jearH, Now ileillniie.1 tut lie I'uli lie nnil hold by Hrm.'itlMN nt Z'ic nmt We luir llnltte. Murine Kyi. Salve In Am pile Tillies, -J.'.! nnil We. Murlno Eyo Romody Co., Chicago Uncertainties. "A number of men who get to tlio front nro mere accidents." "Yes." responded Senator Sorghum; "1 sometimes think that what our government most needs Is some roll able form of accident Insurance." 011 will Miecc; perhaps feel eliillv. 011 think you are catching cold. Don't wait until vou know it. Take a tlou of llainlitiN WiJird Oil and you jut can't catch eohl. Just the Thing. Howell I'm very fond of travel. Powell Comn around somo night and I'll let you walk the floor with baby. Force a man to eat his own words and ho will soon lose his nppetlte. &gm'S'immmmmmmmxm What Ails You? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tonjjuc, bitter or bad taste in morning;, "heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at time and kindred ymptorna ? If you bare any considerable number of the above symptoms you are aulTerintf from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pieroe'e Golden Medical Discovery is made ip of the most valuable medicinal principles Imotrn to medical sciunoe for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve atrengtbencr. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum. full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath, A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or barm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper atrength, from the roota of native American medical, forest plants. World'a Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. V. There arc Two Ways to Find Out Whether the Kidneys are Sick or Weak rtrri'Twm' l j. a ;' ' i1 jK';l-?A JL';y- "Oil, what a fain" Your Back Is Lame Remember the BOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Sold by all Dealers. . Price DO cents. rosicr-Milburn Co, Dai fato, N. Y., Proprietors The Father of Him. Census Taker 01 ve the ages of .vour live liilhhcn. rather All light Mary will ho thhlccn In September thirteen, yes, that must be light; ami John Is- John iihiiii- he's going on eleven, 1 guest' then Helen wait a minute, I never could remember how old she Is --but I rid Is- let 1110 see anil Anil ie licavciiii, man! my wife will be hack ut hall'-past live cun'i you conic again liieu? Woman's Home Com panion Simply Dlushlnn. A Otllmaii man. It Is ic'atcd, has a very red 11110, and recently a very in quisitive pertain said to lilin: "Pieaso don't take olfeiit-c, hut I'm curious to know why :our iumc Is always red?" And this Is the icply the Inquisitive got: "My iiiim Is merely liliislilug with pride over the tact that It lias never hutted Into any s business' Fort Smith iiiuosltccnrd A Friend? "I saw a lileiitl of yours the other day." "Did .miii? Who was he?" "Puiriigton. He was telling im how he picked you out of the gutter and set you on your feet." Stop the Pain. The lout nl' .1 liuru or 11 cut Moon when 1'i.te'H I'ailiollHnhi- Im uppll.'.l. il li -nlil quickly nnil pt. -vents hl-iiih. Sir ami ".n h Irii'-'ulHlH. l-'iu- lico t.ample Willi- to J. V. ruin .v Co., liliiek lllvi-r Falls. Wis. lllcsseu is the season which en gages the whole world In a conspiracy of love! -Hamilton Wright Mnblcj. If j on would be n leader you must set tho pneo. W. L. DOUGLAS 2.25, 2.50, 3, 3.50,4 & a5 SHOES All Stylea, All Leathers, All Sizea and Widths, for Men, Women and Boys. TUB STAMlAKI) OK OI'At.llV FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. touglas name stamped on a shoe guar antees superior quality and more value for the money than other mnkes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against Jiii'h prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon the genuine W. L. Douglas n4J Take no substitute. iV;.;SK.SB?K' TO ORDER B? HAIL. '.l.lli'inilHK Minm t.- nut MiM 1 01 ruoins Hiiuwii 111 iiinii, ' or TOlitiw; li.Mvy. ineiltiim lit trie tvorlil. Illua. Womanlike. Crawford How did jour wifo come to buy you all thoso suspenders? Crabshaw I think she wanted the pretty boxes they came In. Judge. I a9wH0W I y "" C-j2M& i5i(SsvSp UBswasLnaw rine, bloating and other rcstiltn of kidney liKinr-u. The following eaM ii t of the eurei effceted by Hoati'H Kidiiev I'illi. Oralefiil tchliiuony ib the best evidence. IN DED FIVE MONTHS. Cured After Doctors Gave Up Hope. .1 I.. lli'-h.iriNoii. Ilcd Key, Indium, H.iy: "A winiii; iILikiio-im of my cmm imipciI me i inoiillm of teinhle pain. When I li id broii in lied lielplei for three liiontlii I vv.ii a lucre ln of honei. The tnuihle lie-in with p.uti in the luck, mid after a few weeks of it my nerved gave vvnv i-nteplrlrlv mill inv eves not had. I had fleilicilt illZV -u lis, telt tiled llliVil.VH, nnd iievei n'eined In ct enough hlei p. I iillliost w .-ill it iv. The action of the kid iic.vh kept tettuiK wm-c, and the iirino luiiler In p. -. Tw.-tit J . in luitin vvould go bv without it pi-.;.'. I In- ileclnn be gan ( take the w itei finin im with a licter. They did thn une u day for liftj diji. tin Cliiitiiiai D.i.v, five yean n j.i, 1 1 1 v iloii.a- told me th-il my time vvai nlioiit up. I lived thtiiiiKli the 1I.1.V nud til hi, loiill.nv tn epeet.tti Hi, nnd the iievi day n fnciid gave me 11 box of Di-iiii'm Kiilm-v PilU. I ti'i'il it and was enriiiir need tn iiititiiuie. When I hid taken five hi ei I pot oil' of bed. I kept on until entiieh well, and fmni that day tn thin -live veirs I have never hud a twinge in inv bark." Name" Misleading Sncezco. 'How did you come on with your study of the Rtimliiu language?" 'Not well. While 1 was trying lo ptoiinuneo a few words our lamlly phvsleian came along and loreetl mo to tuke all Kinds or medicine to lueaU up a cold " CREAM OF RYE For health and energy eat It for hteakfast. Reduces cost of living. Free Silver Spoon In every package. Auk your giocor for a package. And sometimes the girl's father for bids a young man the house, when It wasn't the Iioipic he wanted I'lMH mm IN II TO II DAYS. Voitclm....!... ..ill rxlllllil III. in. i If I'A.iittlvr I MINI' 1. 11N I., eure urn mm- r llililiit:, lllunl. Jin ii.ii.;iir rruitiiaiiu' run mum ininj-t. iw. "Lint- A go'den hour, set lo tlO di amond minutes There is no reward, I for It l gone forever." lleecher. Your Liver Is Clogged Up I Tlmt'a Why You're Tired Out of Sorta 1 Have No Appetite. . CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS , will put you right ' in a lew days. ! They do. their duty.. CureCon-i stination. I luliousncss, Indigestion and bick 1 icauaciie ! SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature having shoes. Shoes 8ont Everywhere All Charnca Prepaid In your town, i-wl illn-rt in ftrtnry, THkc uirauirnirnla winieai)inur8iii'-i; ii- mm wiaiu iiviiniiv wuriii ihhiii or llKtit note. I h tS Ittriiml hnr mull ortlrr hull. T-5iilKaWl lKKBKttKUKKBnBKBKBmHBKmLtnm4BnKKr pMfr .niARTERS mnam hittlf matw aiivt.K ffiwn PILLS. Wr JVfcV 1 &uj?&&zg Mffim Jr ii w-riS''''''' Ak. lwt. I x-j.y."'"-' 1 J IkJSV. CalftluK hri-c. W.L. DuDOLAS.ltS 8pirkBt.,BroUton,M4l. DEDCCrTlAM SMOKELESS Mr juim jla l ljn OIL HEATER In every cold weather emergency you reed Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. Is your bedroom cold when you dress or undress? Do your water pipes fieeie in the cellar ? Is it chilly when the wind whistles atound the exposed corners of your house ? A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings complete corn fort. Can be carried anywhere. Always ready foe use glowing heat horn the minute it is lighted. Aik yourtittlrrto ihnw you a Perffdion Smokeless Oil Hestert or write lor descriptive circular lo any aseacy of Standard Oil Company (tncoreoratttl) LIVK STOCK AND .MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY fORj KALE tVT TUB LOWEST PRICES UV WE.STKRN NKW.SrArKR UNION 521-531 W. Adums St., Chicago READERS of this paper desiring to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. worn Quliklyrultereey lrrlliitliiu rauMxi liy Uui. nun or tsiurt Itwtt- lut S?.tk JUUNLTUOMl'Ml.mj.Nj&CO., Troy, N. V, W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 2-1912. u i S ..' vfaUY 'JJ IM 'i-.'