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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1912)
ersr:. r C,rr.. GTiv'ViG'?' Gf? .&v v ??v ?H fw?irr? I CS? xfc. & l DOB Ho, M SYNOPSIS. ninin HiirnMi, known nil tlirnunti Ainu kit iim "lliiinliii; Daylight," relrliiutrH IiIh I'iiIi liirtlnl.i wltli it crowd or iiiIihth nt Hie fin K I'lty Tlvoll. Tim Ounce ImiIh in lieu vy gimililliiK. In which "Mir JltUi'O) Btnlinl lliiriilxli liiRtH IiIh money mid iIh mini- hut uln.i t lie iiiull uilitruut, lli tilt t h on IiIh iiiiiII tilp Willi dogs mm lleilKe. tolling hl frlciiilM (lint lie will ln In the Mi; Yukon golil KtilUe itt thn Mint limning Daylight makes u seiinutlnitallv fnplil run iicroiH riiiintry with thn iiiull, Iip'iirn nt Hip Tlvoll Mini I now ready to loin lili frli'littN In u ilimh to Hie new !:nld lli'lil.M. Deciding Hint Hold will ho niiml In t )m up river district lliirnltti IU.V8 two Innn of Hour, which he ilocliircti will In- world IIh weight In gold, tint fc'lifii he nrrlvrn with IiIm Hour In- llrulM llm lil Mill ili'iotnti'. A comrade dlHrov tin Kodl iiml Daylight reaps n tli'li liar Vest Ho gocM to Dawxou, beeomi'H the most piomlni'iit llgure In tho Klondike f ml ilcfcatH ii I'oiiililniitlon or rnpltnlliits In n viiKt mining drill Ho returns to tllll7iitliiM, mid, iimld tln bewildering rninplli'iitloiiM of high ilnancn, Davtlghi HiiiIh thin lio Inn lii'i-n li'il to Invi'st Ills tlcvi'ti inlllloiiM In n ni.mlpiiliitrd hi'Iumih' Hi- Koi' lo New York, and ronfroiilliiK nln illslovnl partni'it wdlh n icvolvcr, lie HnratPiiH lo kill tliiin If IiIh moony Ih not returned. CHAPTER IX. Continued. A lont; horhIom nT lliroo liiuini follow Ml. Tlio.iliT-lilliiK factor wiih not the blK niitoiniidi' plHlol, hut tliu corlltuilo Unit Dnyllht would ttso It. Not alonu Rom tlio tlitco mull :otivlnrt;il of I li Ih. but UnyllKht hliniiclf w:ih rotivlnrod U wns llnnly roaolvril to kill tho men If IiIh money ' nit not fnrtht'otnliiK It Mis not nn onsy matter, on the iipur of tho moment, to nil no ten mil llnim In paper enrrency, nml there vcMilloiiH delays. A dozen times Mr. IIowImhi mid tho head elerk were luinmouetl into thu room On these oe MHlnnti the pistol Ipy on I):iyllKht'H lni, covered t-nrulesHly by a newiipaper. Riillo ho was usually oni;ni:eiI In roll (ii!, or HkIiIIiik IiIh brown -paper cIk iretto. Hut In thu end, the tiling was iccompllshed. A nult-casn was tiroiiKht op by one of Iho elerks from the wall ln; niotortnr, and DayllKht Hiiapped It (hut on the last paelai;o of bills. He (mused nt the door to make his dual remarks. "Thero'H thrco several things 1 sure want to tell youall. When I et out lido this door, you-all'll lie set free to act, and I jtmt want to warn youall about what to do. In the flrat nlncc. no warrnnts for my arrest savveo? This money's mine, and I ain't rob bed you of It. If It Rots out how you pavo mo tho double cross and how I J done yon bach again, tho laugh 'II be , on you, nnd It'll be sure an almighty big laugh. You-all can't afford that i laugh. Hesldcs, having got back my stnko thnt youall robbed mo of, If you arrest mo and try to tob mo a sec ond time I'll go gunning for youall. and I'll sure get you. No little frald cat shrimps like youall can hklu Iluru lug Daylight. If you win you lose, and there'll sure be Koine several uuexpeet pd funerals mound this burg. Just look uiu In the eye, ami you all'll hav vey I mean business. Them stubs and reeeipts on the table Is all youru Hood day." As tho door chut behind him, Nu thanlel letton sprang for the tele phone, and Dowsett interreptcd him. "What aro you going to do?" Dow ectt demanded. "Tho police, it's downright robbery. 1 won't stand It, I tell you I won't stand It." Dowsott smiled grimly, but at the unuio lliuii boro the slender financier back nnd down Into his chair. "We'll talk it over," he said: nnd In Leon (itigBcnhammer he found an anxious ally. And nothing ever camo or It. The thing remained u secret with the threo men. Nor did Daylight ever give the secret nway, though that aft ernoon, leaning bnck In his stateroom on the Twentieth Century, his shuos off, and feet on n chair, ho chuckled long and heartily. Now York remained forever puzzled over the affair; nor could It hit upon a rational- explnna tlon. Hy all rights. Hunting Daylight Bhould have gone broke, yet It wns known that he Immediately reappeared In San Francisco possessing an appar ently unimpaired capital. This was evidenced by the mngnltudo of tho en terprises ho engaged In, Mich as, for Instnnco, Panama Mall, by sheer weight of money nnd lighting power wrestling the control away from Sheft ly ami selling out in two months to tho llatrlman Interests nt a rumored enor mous advance. CHAPTER X. Hack In San Francisco, Daylight quickly added to his reputation. In ways It was not an enviable reputa tion. Men were afraid of him. Ho be came known as a fighter, a flond, n tiger Ills play was a ripping and fiinashlng one, and no ono know where or how tliu neM blow would fall. Tho clement of surprlso was largo, lio balked on tho unexpected, nnd, tresh from tho wild North, his mind not op erating In stereotyped channels, tio wns ablo In unusual degree to devise new tricks and stratagems. And once bp won tho advantage, ho pressed It remorselessly. "As relentless as a JLr;.MKirw iB. :ir imi i liar - :':-: JI-8B W JsT. 5Si r "v . . r,Lar wjlt: .vjti m -. - wxwr. 11 ..-- : WKawp i . rif..rr v.. v. !' .- f. j k-.42BM Br :rej:.Hi ix. I ten i in hjbkut mu m; is;' Wrrflytflli.Zrv " " tsM'jr Iteil Indian," wns nnld of him, and It was said duly. lie was a free lance, and had no fi loudly hiisluuHH associations. Kuril alliances as wero formed from time to tlmo wero purely af fairs of expediency, and ho regarded his allies ns men who would give him the double-croMH or ruin him if n profitable ehanco presented. In spite of this point of view, ho was faithful to his allies. Hut he was faithful Just as long as tlroy were and no longer. Tho treason had to come from them, und then It was 'Ware Daylight. The business men nnd llnanclers of tho Pacific coast never forgot the lea non of Charles Kllnkner and tho Cali fornia & Aitamont Trust Company. Kllnkner was the president. In part nership with Daylight, tho pair raided the Sun .foso Interurban. The power ful Lake Power At Hlcrtrlc Lighting corporation enine to tho rescue, and Kllnkner, seeing what ho thought was the opportunity, went over to the en emy In tho thick or tho pitched battle. Daylight lost three millions beforo ho was dono with It, and before ho wns done with It ho saw thn California (i. Aitamont Trust Company hopelessly wrecked, and Charles Kllnkner a sul side In n felon's cell. So It was that Daylight became ti C --- il i " I - ni t, Il,.,FSr ! W ft I : I V ' ')' J The Cocktails Served as an Inhibition. successful financier. Ho did not go In for Bwlndllng tho workers. Not only did ho not havo tho heart for It, but It did not strike him ns a sporting proposition. Tho workers wero so easy, so stupid. It was moro llko slaughtering fat. hand-reared phens ants on the English preserves ho had rend about. Tho sport, to him, was In waylaying tho successful robbers and taking their spollp from them The grim Yukon llfo had failed to make Daylight hard. It required civ ilization to produce this result. In tho llorco, snvngo game he now play ed, hlfl habitual genlnllty Imper ceptibly slipped away from him, as did his lazy Western drawl. He still had recrudeHcences of genial ity, but they were largely periodical and forced, and they were usually duo to the cocktails he took prior to meal tlmo. In tho North ho had drunk deeply and at Irregular Intervals; but now his drinking boenme systematic and disciplined It was an unconscious dcwlopmont, but ft was Imsed upon physical and mental conditions. Tho cocktails served as an inhibition. Without reasoning or thinking nbout It, the strain or tho olllce, which was essentially duo to thu daring nnd au dacity of his ventures, required chock or cessation; and he found, through tho weeks and months, that tho cock tails supplied this very thing They coiiMiuucu a siiino wan. no nover drank duriug tho morning, nnr In of llco hours; but tho instnnt ho loft tho olQco he proceeded to rear this wall ack London urwp or "r im ting; (Copyright. 191&, lv the Nrw Yorl HcraM (Copyrigui, WJ'J. ny mo .mucuiiiiui company. of alcoholic Inhibition nth watt his consciousness. Tho olllce became Im mediately a closed affair. It ceased to exist. In the afternuon, nflnr lunch, It lived ngaln for one or two hours, when, leaving It, he rebuilt the wall of Inhibition. Of cotirso, there were ex ceptions to this; and, such was the rig or of his discipline, that If ho had a dinner or a conference beforo him in which, in n business way, ho encoun toted enemies or allies and planned or prosecuted campaigns, ho abstained from drinking. Hut tho Instant the business was Bcttlcd, his everlasting call went out for n Martini, nnd for a double-Martini at that, In a long glass so as not to excite comment. Into Daylight's life camo Dedo Ma son. She camo rathor Imperceptibly. Mo had accepted her Impersonally along with tho olllce furnishing, tho olllco boy, Morrison, thu chief, confi dential, and only clerk, and all tho rest of tho accessories of a super man's gambling place or business. Had he been asked nny time during tho llrst months she was In his employ, ho would have been unable to tell the color or her eyes. From tho ract that she was 'a deml-blondo, there resid ed dimly In his subcunrclotisncss a conception thnt sho was a brunette. Likewise he had an Idea that she .as not thin, while there was un absence In his mind of any Idea that she was fat. And how she dressed, ho had no Idea at all. He had no trained eye In nidi matters, nor was tie Interested. He took It for granto:, In the lack of any Impiesslon to tho contrary, that f.ho was dressed romehow. He know her ns "Miss Mnson," and that was all, though ho was aware that as a stenographer alio wns quick and accu rate. Ho watched her leaving ono aft ernoon, nnd was aware for the first tlmo that sho was well-formed, and that her manner of dress was satis Tying He know none or tho details or woman's dress, and he saw none of tho details of her neat shirt wnlst and wollcut tailor suit. Ho snw only the effect In n general, sketchy way Sho looked right. This was In the ab sence or anything wrong or out of the way. "She's a trim little good-looker," was his verdict, when tho outer olllco .oor closed on her. The next morning, dictating, he con cluded thnt he liked tl.o way she did her hair, though for tho lire of him ho could havo given no description or it. Tho Impression wns pleasing, that wns nil. Sho sat between him and tho window, nnd he noted that nor hair was light brown, with hints or golden bronze. A pale sun, shining In. touched tho golden bronzo Into smoul dering fires that wore very pleasing He discovered thnt In tho Intervals, when she had nothing to do, she road books and magazines, or worked on somo sort or fomlnlno rnncy work. Pnsslng her desk, onco. ho picked up n volume of Klpllng'n poems and glanced bepuzzled through tho pages. "You llko reading, Miss Mnson?" be caid, Inylng tho book down. "Oh, yes," waa the answer; "my much." if HP H 1 cm or rrwio; Wflfenv men, crc. 3 Conipuny.) Another tlmo It was a book of Wells', "The Wheels of Chance." "What's It all about?" Daylight "Oh, it's Just a novel, a love-story." She stopped, but he still stood wait ing, nnd she telt it Incumbent to go on. "It's about a 1 Itt lo Cockney draper's in. distant, who takes a vacation on his bicycle, nnd falls In with a young girl very much above him. Her moth er Is a popular writer und all that. And tho situation is very curious, and pad, too, and tragic. Would you cure to read It?" "Does ho gel her?" Daylight de manded. "No; that's tho point of It. Ho wasn't " "And ho doesn't get her, nnd you've lead all them ngea, hundreds of them, to find that out?" Daylight inutft-rcd In maaement Miss Mason was nettled as well ns amused. "Hut you read tho mining and finan cial news by thu hour," sho re torted. "Hut 1 sure got something out or thnt. It's business, and It's differ ent. I gut money out of it. What do you get out of books?" "Points of view, now Ideas, life." "Not worth a cent cash." "Hut life's worth more than cash." she argued. "Oh, well," ho said, with easy mas culine tolerance, "so long as you on Jo It. That's what counts. I suppose; and there's no accounting for taste." Dcsplto his own superior point of view, he had an Idea that she knew a lot, and he experienced a fleeting feeling llko that of a barbarian face to face with the evidence of somo tre mendous culture. To Daylight cul ture was a worthless thing, nnd yet. somehow, ho was vaguely troubled by a sense that there was more lu culturo than he imagined. Again, on her desk, In passing, be noticed a book witli which lie was fa miliar. This time ho did not stop, for he had recognized the cover. It was a magazine correspondent's book on tiio Klondike, and he know that he and his photograph figured In It, und ho knew, nlso, of u certain sensational chnpler concerned with a woman's suicide, nnd with one "To Much Day light." After that he did not talk with her again about books. Ho Imagined what erroneous conclusions she bad drawn from that particular chapter, and it stung him the moro In that they wero undeserved. Ho pumped" Morri son, tho clerk, who had first to vent his personal grievance against Miss Mnon before ho could tell w"bat little ho knew of her. "She comes from Siskiyou County. She's very nice to work with In the olllce, of course, but she's rathor stuck on herself exclusive, you know." "How do you make that out?" Day light quelled. "Well, she thinks too much of herself to associate with those sho works with. In tho olllco heie. for In stance. She won't have nnythlng to do with a fellow, you see. I've ask ed her out tepeatfdly, to tho theater and the duties ami such things. Hut nothing doing. Says sho likes plenty of sleep, and can't stay up late, and lias to go all tho way to Herkeley thats where she lives. Hut that's all hot air. Sho's running with tho Uni versity boys, that's what she's doing. Shu needs lots of sleep, and can't go to the theater with mo, but sho can danco all hours with them. I've heard It pretty straight that she goes to all their hops and such things. Rather stylish and high-toned tor a stenog rapher, I'd say. And sho keeps a horse, too. Sho rides astride nil over those hills out thero. 1 saw her one Sunday mysolf. Oh. sho's a high flyer, and I wonder how she doert It. Slxty-flvo a month don't go far. Then sho hns a sick brother, too." "Llvo with her people?" Daylight asked. "No; hasn't got any. They were well to do. I've heard. They must have been, or that brother or hers couldn't havo gonu to tho University of Call lofnln. Her father had a big cattlo ranch, but ho got to fooling with mines or something, and went broke before ho died. Her mother died long beforo thnt. Her brother must cost n lot of money. Ho was a husky once, played football, was great on hunting and be ing out In thu mountains and such things. Ho got his accident break ing horses, nnd thun rheumatism or something got Into him. Ono leg Is shorter than tho other, and withered up Homo. Ho hns to walk on crutches. I saw hor out with him onco cross ing the terry. Tho doctors have been experimenting on him for years, and ne'b In tho French Hospital now, 1 think." All of which side-lights on Miss Ma son went lo Increase Daylight's Inter est In her. Yot, much as ho desired, he tailed to get acquainted with her. He had thoughts or asking her to luncheon, but his was the Innate chiv alry or tho frontiersman, and tho thoughts nover camo to anything. Ho know i seir-respectlng, qunro-deallng man was not supposed to tako his stenographer to luncheon. Such lltlngt did happen, ho know, for ho hoard tho chuffing gossip of tho club; but ho did not think much or sucK men m felt sorry for tho girls (TO 13E CONTINUED.) FIGHTS POSTAGE INCREASP American Newspaper Publishers As- oclat'on Committee Attacks Plan to Double Rates, Washington. A warm attack on Hitchcock's plan lo Increase tho sec-ond-dass postage rates Is contained In a bulletin Just issued by (lie postal committer; ol thu American Newspa per Publishers' association. Don C. fe'eltz of the New York World Is chair man or tho committee. The bulletin says: "Tho extent to which tho post olllce department does not carry second-class matter Is well revealed In the following abstract of Inquiry of publlsbuni conducted by house com mittee on expenditures In the podt olllco department (William A. Ash brook, chairman) concerning the vol ume, weight and handling of the out put of publications enteral ns mail matter or the hccoud-clr.SB for tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1911: " 'Inquiry was mnde or all publish ers, approximating thirty thousand, of which nearly seventeen thousand aro weekly publications. "'More thnii ten thousand returns were received, embracing sixty-six plus per cent, of all tonnage of pub lications. "The publications reporting repre sent an annual output of more (ban six and one-half blll'on copies, the weight of which was ono and thtee quarter billion pounds. " 'These publications delivered by mall In such period weighed ti'V.t.Ot:.', 902 pounds. " 'They delivered by their own car riers, newsboys, and news companies 8-IO,I(i(J,5Tl pounds, of which an unas certained perccntago was carried to destination by express and other rail shipments outside tho mall. They de livered by express, "-02,79,510 pounds, and by other rail shipments KM ,49 1, 748 pounds. The rate by express and rail varies from U to 1 cent per pound, but the bulk of these shl nients went at a rato or i to Vi cent per pound. ""The post olllce for the year end ing Juno HO. 1911, handled H.'I.OOl, i!ii9, and excluding one-half million pounds free in county matter, It re ceived one cent per pound.' "All this goes to add to the ah .......ti... .... .,. I,,.., ,. miiuii ui ine priioseu uiicucuck leg- : Million doubling the second-class rato from one to two cents per pound, und limiting the 'privilege' to publications that cari as much reading matter as they do advertising. "Tiio proposition was stupid enough when thu postal delicti reached $17, 000,000 two years ago, It becomes preposterous in face of a surplus. "What business has n transporta tion corporation, which Is all the post olllco Is, to prescribe how a business shall be conducted? "Newspapers cannot afford to ex pand their columns beyond tho call of the day's news, nor can they be expected to control tho requirements or their advertisers who havo a right to reach tho public as copiously as they care to. "It cannot be assumed that such legislation will over get by congress. Hut publishers aro requested to fight the theory that Iho right to send their output by mall Is a "privilege." Tho figures show It Is not. "The post ofllie is a badly man aged business. That Is all. Wu should light It.- dictation, Its censor ship and Its InelTkloney." Impracticable Suggestion. Hubert llentl, the nitiM. was talk ing nt a tea at Sherry's, in New York, ibout the Latin quar'er "In tho Latin Qiinrtor," lie sa'd, "In little streets off the lloulo Mich, It is possible to get a good dinner for 15 .enth and even at that thero's many .i Latin Quartorite goes dlnnurless." Mr. Henri smiled und sighed. "Ono spring afternoon," ho resumed, "ns I was sketching tho horses of the green bronze fountain in the Luxem bourg ('.aniens, a youth stopped and talked awhile. "The spring sunshine on tho youth's :oat brought out all Its. shabbluoss mer cilessly, and I ventured to hint: " 'Look here, old chap, why don't you havo that coat turned?' "Ho smoothed the shabby nleovea ruefully. '"I would,' ho said, 'If It had three sides.' " The Connoisseur. .Joseph 1'. Wldcner, being congratu lated at the Ultz-Carlton in Now York an the excellence or his rnthor's pic tures, Binlled and said: "Yes, my father has been a discreet :ollector. He Is not llko the Now York millionaire whom Sargent vis ited. "Sargent was taken by this million sirs through a huge gallery of dubi ous Ilombrnndts, Tltlans, Raphaels and Murlllos. '".Mr. Sargent,' tho millionaire cald, Biizlng pompously nt tho long lines of vast, dingy, canvases, 'I havo decided to leave my pictures to somo public in stitution. What Institution would you auggusf "'I suggest,' said Mr. Sargent, 'nn Institution for tho blind.'" Turn to Wooden Flooring. The use of wooden flooring Is on tho Increaso In Italy, taking tho place of tho former exteuslvo demand for mar ble, tiling and cement. Oak, larch and pitch pine are mostly adopted, and but little, If any maplo, birch or beech 1ms been brought to the markot. What Was In Her Heart. "Tell mo," ho slghed--"tell me, beautiful maiden, what Is In your heart?" Tho girl gavo him n look of ley disdain, and then vouchsafed the monosyllabic, "Dlood!1 Free with Mother's Oats ion: bi'iuiiitiil spoon triple silver plat ed nnd is guar anteed for 20 year. The IkiiuIIc is the Litest French gray finish. Thu bowl is land bur nished. This advertise ment is jood for 10 coupons cut this out and send to us ivith only 2 more :oupoiis takt from two packa Df Mother's ind we will se acaittifiil 20 guaranteed s free. Only one tisement aeccptc uici customer 'OUpVtS. This advertisement will not ap pear again. Buy two packages of Mother's Oats and secure a sample spoon FREE. Addrecs Mother's Oats, Chicago SHE KNEW. Visitor (examining picturo in dining room) Is that picturo one of the old masters? Hostess Yes; that's a picturo of our cook. Milliono for Antl-Tuberculesis Work. Mouey to the amount of over 511. .100,000 was s-p'iit in antituberculosis work (luring the year lull, according to the third annuul statement of ex penditures In the war against eon sumption Issued by tht National Asso ciation for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The stntement Is based largely on reports received from intl-tulinrculosis agencies In all parts 3l' the United States. If far the largest Item of expense was that for treatment In sanatoria Mid hospitals, and for the erection of Institutions of this kind, over $11,800, 000 being spent for this purpose alone. Dispensaries for the examination und treatment or tuberculosis spent $850 300, and associations nnd committees n their educational campaign against 'uherculosis spent $500,000. Tho re maining $l,:i00,000 was spent for treatment In open-air schools, prisons and hospitals for the Insane, and nlso for tho work of state and local boards uf health against tuberculosis. A Pioneer. "Why was Jonah thrown board?" over- "I'm not sure, but I've always thought ho was tho llrst mnu to rock a boat." H a woman still has faith lu hor husband nfter reading what tho oppo sition says of him when running for olllco. her loynlty Is the real thing FREE I want every jtomm Willi In MllollH, ClINhtl- pattil er Iiiih uny stum ih'U or liver iilliiient to Hi-nil fur ii fren iiteliiig of my r.-iu-l'nw 1'IIIh. I want tit prnvn that tlicj viisltiu-ly euro In Ulci'stlou, Sour Mom nvli, llfli'lunir. Wlnil, HlMllllutll!, NcnuitH- III'nM, SlvlJlll"4HIIIHl4Il urn mi lulallllilu euro ftw I 'j i.iut 1 1 m , Ii... FP...!.. IIiIhI am wltltiiR toclvo iiillliuiiNDt free purl! Agea. 1 tiiku nil the rlMc tMiiil by ilrtivulstH fur5eeiitMii For Inn iuek(t;u iiiIiIi-chh, Prof. Munon, 53rd & lethrson Ct j Philadelphia, Pa. s Dcscript ' , - X'J'his It ' . i ' w 1 I ;cs nv3i?YL al8 II mi this Wra -v..,r KrW r from Vw.JSV5JsfcS!l as 10 EsSKVal ' It yll -" . 4) -.a r V t h. v rngT -wvU ..ytjvyy.