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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1912)
ff WV ' ( His I N a. J w 'l ) J.1t.-5-M"-' Suto VOL, XXX X. fm- -..- ' 2T W w vsw - Uftt "--R.H -. mffl WM .- -M s Bc$V-5. nf J- rear ::1:rr-:.",r.. r-' mfeii . j- ' ' wVikW. .'Wtf-'' . '. , -VNs- v.- -iv .... -v . " '- k'A'J , Vl-... . - ":1- -.- ' "- - r TO'V. -l""--" - '&. , '-Sfcij - I THE New Banking Law is now in force and A li r i i ' the payment or every dollar ot deposits in tins institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 GARFIELD X. P. Crtiiip'Ji'U lind a siulf horse lust Suiiil.iy. Sinitli llto"-. lost u line steor in their lueil vuril lust week. Ktliel Fisher lias been on the hick list lor n week but is Mime hotter no. v. l'ete Mnnk'.v spent Now Yeur'b day in Kansas with his lady fr'n'tul. Will Fisher has lost two colts in the last two weeks aud two head of cattle. There is more suow on the ground -now than there has over been before In Webster county for . tfoort many years. Mrs. George MeKlnney has been visiting hor brother .Tack Harues for a few days and returned homo Saturday. SleiKhinff is Hue in Garfield and n good mauy are improving the time and huntiiiR rabbits. Charley Harris and wife called on Smith llros., a few days last week and tried his luck hunting. Will Fisher helped George Harris butcher one day last week and now they are eating beef Charley Campbell, Smith Bros., and Will Fisher shelled corn last week on wind mill row. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Campbell from the western part of the 6tate are visit ing his brother John Campbell and other relatives in Garlleld. Thqy are old pioneers of this township. BEATRIC (CREAM $EPARATORf Save Dollars and Cents For You. Save time, save labor, save repairs-save all the valuable butterfat ... '. . m t. in vour milk and give you iresn, w " .....,, . -..-pigs. You could not afford to do without one if they sold for twice the price, but the price is right $50 500 lbs. capacity per hour There is nothing cheap about separator sold at any price BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATORS are EFFICIENT, SIMPLE and DURABLE , nd are guaranteed from top to bottom by BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. "Chicago, UL Lkoln, Nebr. CEORGEW.TRINE Highest Market Price Paid For Poultry. Historical SocU-ty : Council Meeting I Jan. -Juil 191'J , City Tio.isuivr'h and or (let oil placed on file The Mayor was instructed to use ithe judgment us to keeping the extia nun on tho pay loll and report at the next mooting. 1). 11 Uieh was instructed to assist the Citizens Committee in collecting the SI-CO pledged by them so as to have it on hand by the time the new unit arrives and tho Mayor and Cleik be instructed to draw warrants for balance. The following claims were allowed: II. B. Milea, Lincoln, coal $ 405 70 D. H. Rich, Doc. salary ......... 100 00 Fred Loungron, Dec salary . . 75 00 E. Hines ' 60 00 K. H. Williams, labor GO 00 Jackson Bros?., dray age 37 9'j S. R. Florance, Dec. expense.. 250 66 A. C. Slaby, Dec. salary 60 00 Argus, ordinance 72 00 C. B. Hale, ordinance 3 00 Fred Youngren, poll tax 2 00 0. R. Boyde, labor 7 30 American Ins. Co 30 40 1. O.O. F., rent 37 50 D. H. Rich expense account . . 14 26 H. B. Milea, coal 247 65 E Fry, drayage 2110 Adjourned to Jan. 10, 1012 at 8 p. m. City Treasurer's Report. Honorable fttfeyor and City Council, Red Cloud, Neb. Gentlemen: I submit herewith state- nl.: millr 1nr fanAmrr nakefl anil other sizes at other prices them but tho price. There is no better Des Moino, la. Dubuque, la. PpltK Jt Sold by 1 SfEK t - YFJ,'???1!CJ -fMJT-- t -if- A Pic.Mi(miH:r (Jiwj Ihr. News Flity-lwo Weeks Year Far $.r(). HK1) ULOU1), NKI5UASKA, IAMTAltY 1, UMi.. imuitoi receipts iiivi dun ";; y l!Zlml 1011 tti .Inn. a, 11)112: ivl disbursements of iod from Dec. ri,','iltvilinn iriinil Overdraft Dee. fi, '11 $ MUG") Disbursements -12 1)5 ' Overdraft Jan. 2 '12. Water Fund Bal. on hand Dec. 5, 11.... DisburBumt-nta ..$ 192 GO ..$ HOG 11 . . GO 13 Bal on hand Jan. 2, '12 Water Levy Fund Bal on hand Dec. 5, '11 .$ 255 98 $ 45 75 No receipts No disbursements Hal on hand Jan. 2, '12 $ 45 75 Keg war. outstanding $2i)l 75 General Fund Bal on hand Dec. 5 '1 1 $ 832 98 DHhursrmt'titH 11105 Baton hand Jan. 2, '12 $ 718 9J Electric Light Fund Bal on hand Dec. 5, '11 $ S31 33 Kiceipts 3,0 0I $1131 33 Disbuisonienta 781 7G Bal on hand Jan. 2 '12... $ 332 57 Electric Light Levy Overdraft Dec. 5, '11 $ 20 19 No receipts No disbursements Overdraft Jan. 2, '12 $ 20 19 Hg. war. outstanding $513 39 Judgment Fund Balance on hand Dec. 5, '11....$ 500 00 No receipts No disbursements Bal on hand Jan. 2, '12 $500 00 Firemans Fund Bal on hand Dec. 5, '11 $ 45 20 Receipts 5 00 No disbursement Bal on hand Jan. 2, '12...$ 50 20 Recapitulation Water fund $ 255 98 Water levy fund. ... 45 75 General fund 718 93 E. L. Fund 352 57 Judgment 500 00 Firemans ., 50 20 $1923 43 Overdrafts Occupation $ 192 60 E. L. Levy 20 19 $ 212 79 Balance January 2, '12, $1710 Gl Total reg. war. outstanding $801 14 S. R. Florance, Treas, COWLES We tiro Having soma cold weather in this community. R. II. Thompson shipped a car of stock to market this week. Miss Jessie Squires is now clerking in Saunders Bros. Store. Dwlgbt Johnson and wife came homo from a short visit ntCotner University Tuesday evening. The I. O. O. V. will install their offi cers this evening. Mr. Hamilton ot Guide Rock will do tho work. Miss Mabel Waller who has been clerking in Saunders Bros. Store has accepted a position in tho postoflicc. The A. O. U. V., building associa lon had their anuual mooting Tues day and declared a 10 per cent divi dend on their stock. Mrs. Herman Mottcr nud daughter of University IMaco who havo been visiting relatives here during the holi days departed for home Weduesday. Mrs. Mabel Wilson of Atwood, Kas is hero enjoying a visit with hor sis ter Mrs. Nod Hurd. Mr. and Mrs Wil son formerly lived nt this place. Ho was B. & M. agent hero for a number of years. Weather Summary for 1911 Temperature: Mamimum 108 deg., July 5th; minimum 21 bo'low Jan. 3d; greatest dally range G5 deg. Jan. llth. Precipitation: Total for year 25.31 inches; 13.09 inches falling in July and August; greatest precipitation in 21 hours Aug. 3d, 3.90 inches; number of days with .01 or more 73, Tw?.e'?rtT"!';?i2,ityiiaa-' . ...-? ti -r . "? "3" - -"- S -. . - -r-a n.';'"";-? "g? -""!Tijrg .-..- 4.jf jijyjrjtar. Dlljh I'll' II 'J pill llv chuitlj IH, i olntith I III) tllllllitei still Ills, 'J hull stilt ins, 1 hlei'l still 111, pi c ailing U lllll (II ivi'l lOlt northwest 1121 ilus ''1,sl hilling fm,t in spilnr, MnyUiKl; tit Ht in full. Oft 3)i. Summary for Nexcmbcr 1911 Tuiiipt'iatiiM-: iiKiviiiuiin.'ildoK iliito lid; luininiiiiii l.i liolow, il ito Illst; Knmtest iluily iiiiiko 11 (U1., latt 'Jml. I'roclpitutioii: totul l.l!) inclifs; (snowfall s, iiiclit s; diivs with .01 iucli nr more ptt'cipltiilinii . 1)113 s i'!''"!' IN I'.nt ly elomly .".flondy 8, pH'vuilnitf w'iiiiI tin fotldii niirtli wust 11 il'iys. Clis S liUiM.ow. Commissioner's Proceedings lt.-il Cloud, Nubr., Dec !J7 lull Mould of (.utility Coininissioneis met put. sun nt to adjournment with chair man G. W. Hummel pi ('siding, nil inein beis (f the bruit il picsent. On motion ihe bill of Dr. 11. S. Heed for SO.').!)!) was refel led to Dr. Dituieicll Chaiiniau of the Board of Health for Investigation. On motion the following claims weio audited ami allowed and the cleik au thorized and iiistiiicted to iliaw war rants on the County Farinlfund inpay ment of the same. Farmers Iud. Tel. Co S I 10 Elmer Wilson ... .51.00 L. yiierfnan , 0.75 Total 01.85 On motion tho ollloial Bonds wen appioved, Chas allium, Hoad overseer Dist. ! Steve Sehute as Justice of the peace, Oak Creek Piooinet. JohtBey ke, Overseer Dist. 4, Harm Hnppou Constable Oak Cieek Precinct. James Mcintosh Oveiseer Dist. 10, Joseph L. Burr Overseer Dist. 7, C. G. Pitney Overseer Dist. 14, J. 11. Morse Over seer Dist. 0, J B. Stausor Justice of the peace, Red Cloud City, Chas. Shellak. Constable Rod Cloud City, R. W. Koontz County Treasurer. Now comes W. C. Frahin ex-County Treasurer and in settlement of errors showed to the board, wherein ho bad a just claim against the county, for 1130.57 and tendered his check for 810, 40 Luereby correcting the said error, and upon motion'the claim was allow ed, and the payment accepted and the clerk was authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the general fund for $130. 57 in settlement of said claim, of W. C. Frahni ex-County Treasurer. On motion Board adjourned to Dec. '.'3 Dee. 8, 1911 Board met pursuant to adjournment. Membeis all picsent. On Motion tho claim of-A. It. Martin for ?'Jy 50 was audited and allowed, and tho cleric instructed to draw a warrant on the Emergency lliidgo Fund in payment of same. OnMotiou the following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk uuthori.ed and instructed to jdrtiw warrant on their respective funds in payineut of same. Blue lllll Leader 110.0(1 Webster County Argus I0.r0 School Dist. 34 800 Guldo Rock Farmers Inst 25.00 William Galbrach 2.50 I. W. Edson Co. Judgo 12.80 J. C.Sloss 71.91 University Pub. Co 5.00 Saunders Bros 109.10 ii uldo Rock Signal 30.17 Geo. W. Crow r.0t Paul Storey 51.50 T.J.Chaplin 00.S1 I. W. Edson S2.M School Dist. 00 S.00 William Truly LlO Eugeiio King 1.10 F.M.Dutt 1.10 G.T. Phelps 1.10 O.E. Edwatds Llo Itubo Hilton 1.10 Albert Hilton 1.10 Surah Gibson L10 M. Durdin 5.70 A. It. Saladen 3.00 Joo Fogol 3.00 J.J. Garber 3.00 L.F. Schmidt 02.80 G. OhuiBtcde 1 58.00 G. W, Hummel 03.25 On motion board adjourned to Dc,o. 2'Jth. 7CI '' $15 Buys the liilison Gem pho nograph, plays both the two and four minute records. Oak cover, black horn, metal parts finished in Japan and nickel. $22 ror tne iiresicie, also plays the two and four minute rec ords, straight horn, oak cabi net and cover, metal parts, nickel and Japan. $35 Edison Standan graph antique oak Phono cabinent new style cygnet horn, meta parts Japan, nickel and gilded rM OTHERS TO $200 Come and hear any of these at your leisure or send for complete catalogues of machines and records. We have an easy payment proposition on any of these. Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector OUR LARGE LINE OF Furniture - Rugs and Carpets Now open for your inspection. . Prices the lowest. . ED. ANACK Licensed Undertaker Nebraska and Kansas ALL THE PHONES Dec. 29, 1911 Board met pursuant to adjournment, members all present. . Now comes Sarah L. Smith by Win, Smith and makes complaint that she is erroneously assessed, on lots 1 and 'J Block 2 of Minors sub-division of lot 27, annex to Red Cloud, for tho Im provements thereon for the year 1011, in the sum of 8U0.00 the assessed value thereof nud reijuestd tho board to re duco her assessment oil said improve ments, on account of the erroneous assossmont of samo, in the said sum of JU0.0O. It was movod and seconded that the above and foregoing reipiost of Sarah L. Smith bo and is granted and the County Treasurer bo and is horeby au thorized aud instructed to reduce tho assessment on said lots in the sum of 190.00 assessed value and correct tho taxes on liis book to comply therewith -r- " T Vs . . -, MtHfii., r23lS'35-33ji " - " 1- vg-w-J- --.. -- -5 "M KTIIMISMI? J $40 Huys the Victor Victrola VIII, one of the latest achiev ments in the talking machine. Made in stolid oak without horn, all metal parts nickeled. Equal in tone to any other make at from $10 to $25 more. $25 For the Victrola, one ol the most popular self-playing in-' struments evei made. One of the greatest successes in a moderate priced instrument. $15 Eor the Victrola, absolutely the best low priced instru ment on the market. Hear these now, Cash or easy pay ments puts one in your home. One of these makes Xmas last all the year (Motion carried). In the mutter of the road petition of Stunkard et ul for road on section lino betwoeii sections 15 and 22, twp. 1 rge. 11 Webster county, Nebr,, and the ap praiser heieinbefore appointed hav ing filed their report of tho damage of W. P Kiiehn and Clarissa Maynaul, and tho entire .board, as a committee having viewed tho proposed road un der said petition on tho 2Gth day of Dccombur, 1011, aud now this matter coming on for further hearing E. U. Ovormau appearing as attorney for tho petitioners, the following witness es wet e sworn and testified in behalf of tho petitioners, to-wit: H. L. Stunk nrd, A. M. Glover, 1). B, Stunkard, Chas Isom and G. E. Mountford, Ber nard McNcny appearing as attorney for claimants, Clarissa Maynard and W. P. Kuehn. Upon motion tho board adjourned tho further hearing of the petition to January 9tb, 1012. On motion Board adjourned Sino Die. (Seal) E. W. Ross, County Clerks HHsCSSaf r 55g r,-, 2f