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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
4w (!" .. . ,. 4 The Chief C. B. IIALK, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD ITEMS OF INTEREST PERTAINING TO VARIOUS LOCALITIES. GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANT Tho News of Many Cllme3 Told In ' Short and Pithy Paragrapho, Writ ten Exprcosly for tho Dusy Man's Perusal. Washington Ex)ortallou8 of liinnufiicturcs In March were at the rate of more than one billion dollars a year. Senator Stone of Missouri has urged Intervention In Mexico and eiijh the Americans are being "murdered." Tho Independence of the Philippine Islands Is contemplated in a Joint reso lution Introduced by Senator Goru of Oklahoma. Congressman John A. Maguire of Nebraska Is greatly pleased over the passage of the farmers' freo list bill In the house. lioth Nebraska senators say tbut the tariff bill will bu benettclal rather than harmful to tho farmer, as well as to the lest of the country. Tile tariff bill jmsscd tho house by a vote of L'liti to lO'.t, tho democrats vot ing solidly and mustering twenty-four republicans with them. Olllclal conllrmatlou of t lie intention of President Diaz to retire bus been received by Senor Zamacona. the Mex ican ambassador nt Washington. Considerable interest in tho presi dential situation in J'Jl'J alone serves to break the monotony of endless dis cussion on the so-called farmers' free list bill. Tho houso of representatives has called upon the secretary of the treas ury for a detailed statement of all money spent by tho monetary commis sion eIiico its organization. Postmnstcr General Hitchcock has designated thirty-six additional post olllccs as postal savings depositories, which, including those previously se lected, will make a total of lli!) estab lished sinco January 1. For the first time in nine years, the original Declaration of Independence and Constitution of tho United States Xcro taken from their nblding place, opened to tho light of day and found In as good condition as when they were placed in the cues especially do tlgned for their custody. General Ncwb There Is nn epidemic of smallpox nt the Missouri state university. After a light of only four hours rebels captured Juarez Wednesday. Des Moines teachers are on tho verge of a strike for an advance In salaries. Hobcrt Hagley, 17 years old, was killed while attempting to board a train nt Chicago. Tho municipal lighting plant ut State Center, Iowa, was destroyed by tire of nn unknown origin. Mexican gold coin to the amount of nearly ?I.O0O has been received at the federal subtrcasury and assay olllco in New York. Uelween 5,000 nnd n.OOO settlers on the Laborator coast are suffering from food shortage and the effects of a se vere winter. Having tilled his bag with tropical fauna, Col. Roosevelt plans In tho sum mer of 11112 to try his luck at polar bears in Greenland. Tho Canadian Northern railway has lost fifty miles of track and a dozen wooden Tirldgctv from forest fires now raging In Manitoba. An entire family was wiped out near l.uthcr. Mich., when Casey Van Ueren, a farmer, shot and killed his wife, his two children and himself. Popular feeling ngaiusl the Turkish government on account of the Jerusa lem incident is so strong that the min istry may be forced to resign. The first court of King George's reign and the first big ceremonial function sinco tho death of King Kd ward was held at Buckingham palnce Tuesday. The Florida stnto senate has passed a drastic bill which prohibits the salo of llipior to habitual drunkards, re quires saloons to close from S o'clock tiutll 7 o'clock the following morning, abolishes all screens and forbids music or games in saloo:. The American Federation of Labor has issued an appeal for funds for the defense of the McNaninra brothers, In Jail In Los Angeles for using dynamite. Fourteen laborers, residents of Portsmouth, O., who were chnrged with selling their votes at from $1 to ?3 each, have been disfranchised for five years. Two hundred nnd fifty houses wore inundated, docks along the wnter front were wrecked and mnsses of lea fifteen feet thick scattered nlong tho princi pal streots of Fairbnnks, Alaska, as n result of the greatest Hood ever known there. Threo men were- burled under six teen feet of dirt by a cave-in at a gravel pit near McPhcrson, Kns. The men were dead when reached. Judge- Itobcrt B. Fleming, who was a freighter fro mthe Missouri river to Pikes Peak during tho gold exeltonient there in the fifties, is dead at St. Joseph Tho Catholic club of New York has completed elaborate arrangements for tho reception to be given In honor of Cardinal Gibbons of Ualllmore. Tho tilal of Mrs. Iloxey on a chargo of bigamy, at St. Louis, has again been postponed. Eight bodies have been recovered from the ruins of tho Kniplro music hall at Edinburgh, Scotland, which burned Wednesday night. A long-awaited edict abolishing the grand council of China and substitut ing a constitutional cabinet of ten members was issued Monday. The new Anglo-Chinese agreement for immediate leduction and final ex tinction of tho exportation of Indian opium to China has been signed. '. The Australian astronomer, Wraga, reports having witnessed from Llfu iBland. one of tho lxiynlty group, tho total eclipse of the sun on April 29. The Japanese military commission, headed by Major General Yamcguchl and Todoye, lias arrived nt Berlin for tho study of artillery fortifications. Milltnry rule wl.l bo established In Pittsburg nnd other Knnsns towns un less the prohibitory law is more rigid ly enforced by the local authorities. Joseph Axtcll. a hotel fireman, was shot and killed at Salt Lake City whllo trying to stop n bandit who had robbed a pawnshop of ?u,000 worth of diamonds. Mrs. Lymnn Ucechcr Kellogg, one of the first women admitted to the Kan sas liar and a widely known club wo man, is dead nt her home in Emporia, aged 01 years. Seating himself at a piano and play ing a march as the pupils filed out, a Pittsburg schoolboy prevented a panic when an alarm of flro in the building was turned In. One mnn wnc shot and four others were slightly Injured during a light between special follco employed by the Oklahoma Street railway company and union men Jgseph 11. KInghnm, assistant post master of the Cheyenne office, has been chnrged with the embezzlement of ?L,;!,:i::r), which he had taken from the money order department. Arsenic In tho coffee nt a dinner in the olilcers' quarters at the Minnesota soldiers' home enmo near resulting fatally to several of the guests, and tho matter will be Investigated. Sixty-two babies were rescued from death by burning when flro destroyed tho Mary Marilla Hobbs building of tho Methodist deacons orphnnngo at liiike llluff, a suburb of Chicago. Renewal of the trouble between the Muscatine button workers and the manufacturers Is expected, and It may be necessary for Governor Carroll to again take a hand In the dispute. Tho body of Halsey C. Ives, tho art director of tho city museum of St. liOiils, who died at London Friday night wns cremated nt Golden's Green. Tho ashes will be sent to the United States. Following the closing of the Paw tuckett, R. I., grammar school Friday it was announced that a boy suffering from a pronounced case of leprosy had been taken from tho Institution, which Is attended by 500 children. The application of John J. McNn mara for the fixing of bail on the charge of dynamiting has been disal lowed by Superlod Judge Uordwell nt Is Angeles without prejudice nnd with leave to renew It at any time. San Antonio That Torreon, Coa bulla state, Mexico, has fallen into the hands of the revolutionists Is the news In (i private telegram received in San Antonio. Tho telegram was in cipher. Alva Iiruner. soventeen years old, whose family is believed to live In Omaha. Neb., Is dead at Colorado Springs as tho result of Injuries re ceived In an attack on Plko's Peak by an unknown assailant. Cludnd Juarez is now the provisional capital of Mexico, and Francisco 1. Ma dero, jr., provisional president, nnd his staff, have taken possession of the place after winning tho bloodiest bat tle of the Mexican revolution. Flags were dlsplnjjd on all public buildings In Mndrid Wednesday and at tho naval and military stations the customary salutes were fired in honor of tho fourth birthday annlvorsnry of tho Prince of Asturins, eldest son of King Alplujiiso and heir to tho Span ish throne. The attorney general of Kansas de clares that all Sunday performances of any nature In that state are a vio lation of the law, and has Instructed sheriffs to arrest any mannger at tempting to operate vaudeville, mov ing picture, or legitimate show houses on that dv. At 10: IT. o'clock Saturday night the Joint assembly of tho Colorado legisla ture, balloting to select a successor to tho late 1'nltod Statcs.Sonator Charles J. Hughes. Jr., was formally dissolved, leaving unbroken the deadlock which has existed sinco January 12. The legislative commission of tho Presbyterian church will endeavor to raise $3,00u,u00 for benevolent nnd nihslonary purposes. Incendiaries nro said to have set fire to the Juarez postolllce, the Northwest ern freight depot, passenger station, city market place and other public buildings. Ropresentatlvo Sloan .of Nebraska spoko In the houso against the pend ing farmers' freo list bill. The Rev. Father John Tohnn. eighty four years old, a widely known edu cator of tho Jesuit society, Is dead at St. Marys. Kan. Glasgow. Threo stoamors sailed from the Clyde Saturday carrying Scottish emigrants bound for Cnnndn and tho United States. General Portlrio Ulnz has Issued a manifesto to tho peoplo of Mexico de claring his Intention to resign the presidency as coon as is re- 1 stored, T TWENTY-TWO TOWN3 ARE REP RESENTED AT AURORA. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Hero and Thorn That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Aurora. Tho stnto declamatory con test was held hero with a largo dele gation from many towns over the stnto In attendance. Tho contest was divided Into threo classes and occupied tho entire afternoon nnd evening. In tho orntorlcal class Elmer Nel eoa of Sidney won first place; Earl Williams, Eddyvlllc. second; William Medlar, York, third. In tho dramatic class, Harry Hawkins of Stanton won first; Mary Bowman, Broken Bow, second; Viola Beckler, Crnwford, third. In tho humorous class, 13. M. Burr of Aurora won first place; Leo Cheney, Cambridge, second; Bculah Smith, Alliance, third. Tho Judges were Professor W". E. Gllson, Donne; Mies Beiilnh Ohninp, Wesleyan; Miss Altai Walton, Nebras ka University, nnd W. 11. Plasters, Ne braska University. Revolution Too Slow. Lincoln. Rex McDlll, a former Lin coln .university student, has written homo that life with the Mndero forces on tho Mexican border Is too dull for an American who Is really seeking excitement and that ho has now re turned to El Paso. Victim of Peculiar Accident. Humboldt. S. Parker of this place wns the victim of an unusual accident which nearly cost him his life when a bottlo of carbolic acid In his pocket was accidentally broken. His body was badly burned, but It Is thought that ho will recover. Killed in Runaway. Osmond. John Beltz, a wealthy farmer residing near Foster, was killed In a runaway. The front axlo of his buggy broko down nnd ho wns thrown over tho dashboard and kicked to death by the frightened horses. fSSSKr k.1 . V'f H I V D W Deshler has sent brooma to Boston. u ear load of Scottsbluff has been incorporated as a city, and is putting on lots of airs. The state encampment of the G. A. It. will bo held at Kearney .May 17 to 111. Twenty-one hoboes were guests of tho city In the Jail at Wymoro In one day. "Undo Zed" Goodwin, a pioneer of western Nebraska, is dead at Alli ance. Merchants of Fremont nro talking up a big Fourth of July celebration scheme. Music will hereafter bo one of tho courses of study In tho Auburn public schools. Plans are being mndo for an avia tion meet at the state fair grounds on .May 2 1 nnd 25. Over 200 delegates wero present nt tho annual Sunday Bchool convention at Osceola last week. Hastings won out against Grand Island In tho contest for tho next camp of the Modern Woodmen of Amorlca in 1011. Rev. Farley, pastor of tho M. E. church at Shlckly, is dangerously ill with blood poisoning caused by prick ing himself with a splinter. Rev. W. W. Talt. Into pastor at Mln den, has gono to Tecumsch, where ho will become the pastor of tho First Presbyterian church In that city. Surveyors for tho proposed lutcrur lian from Omaha to Fremont nnd thanco northwest to Norfolk have com menced setting stnkcs In Fremont. Flro broko out In the opera houso nt Mason City and was with difficulty extinguished. Tho volunteer lire de partment did some work. John Frazler almost lost his life In bringing a woman from tho burning building. Ho was badly burned and partially overcome by tho heat and smoke. John Wrlg'it was caught In tho elevator of tho new First National bank building nt Lincoln and had his head and face badly crushed, but It is thought he will recover. Eighteen carlonti.3 of Russians, men. women nnd children, havo left Lincoln for tho boot Holds of tho west. Tho crowd of laborers Is bound for Bill ings, Mont:, and Rnncliestor, Wyo. Hurry S. Ayres, station agent nt Franklin, fell under a fast freight train nt Culbertson, whllo attempting to board tho moving train. One of his legs was cut off at tho thigh. Ho Is not expected to live. Miss Ollvo Griffith, a Nebraska girl, whoso parents llvo nt Pnwneo City, lins raturncd to her homo after nearly 6lx years' absenco In India, whero she lins been a missionary since her grad- nation from tho University of Nebras ka. M. W. Cozier, who together with his wlfo was poisoned by eating greens, died nenr University Placo Friday. Ills wlfo died a couple of weeks ugo. Lloyd Knox, tho 1-yenr-old 6on of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Knox of Rlverdalo, died of blood poisoning which resulted through severely burning his hand on a t-tovo Monday. DECLITORY WtLlXfVsTJ I AH Btato offices were cjosed during tlio funeral of tho lato Lieutenant Governor Hopewell. Tho voters of Fnlrbury will decide at a special election on May 1G wheth cr the town is to have saloons or not. The nnnunl convention of tho Ne braska Stato Pharmaceutical associa tion will be held In Falrbury June 1J to in. Lawrence Hnnaka, twenty-one years of age, committed suicide at his homo two miles cast of Shubcrt Saturday morning. Whllo Mr. J. A. Cook, was crossing tho street nt Auburn he was knocked down and run over by an ntilo but was not seriously hurt. Thos. P. Kennard, a pioneer Nebras kan, was Injured when a Lincoln street car struck tho buggy ho was riding In and demolished It. Tho board of education of Spring field has elected O. E. Ileacock, o graduate of the state normal, princi pal of the high, school. W. II, Gnrdnor of University Place has been appointed county stiperln. tendcitt by tho Lancaster county com missioners. The uppointment follows tho death of O. II. Morris. Damage conservatively estimated to be In tho neighborhood of $75,000 re sulted from a flro that for a time threatened tho destruction of the Crelghton university arts building nt Omaha. Mrs. Grnce Gerry, who, at the ago of more than 82 years, recently died in Glltner, was a niece of Elbrldgo Gerry, signer of tho Declaration of Inde pendence nnd vice-president of tho United States. m LINCOLN rWfiTJKJr mmu To Pass on Qualifications. Lincoln. Robert W. Porter of Alma has appealed to the supreme court from the mandamus Issued by Dlsfrict Judge Harry Dungan to compel Porter to turn over to Miss Jean McKeo tho moneys nnd books belonging to the of fice of treasurer of tTTo city of Alma. Unless the court holds that she has no right to tho office or is disqualified in holding it, Porter will have to com ply with tho demands of the lower court. Tho supremo court held several months ago that another woman, Ger trude Johnson, was qualified to hold the office of county superintendent In Cherry county. Mrs. John N. Hubbard, who was elected as city clerk of Almn, will also have her qualifications pasead upon In the samo case. Job for Board of Pnrdort3. Governor Aldrich has saved a Job for the advisory board of pardons. He has decided not to take up the appli cation of Mrs. Nnnnio Hutchinson of Nuckolls county for a vardon for her self and her .son, who were convicted of murdering Ell Feasel, a farmer for whom -Mrs. Hutchinson kept house. Tho woman Is serving a sentence of ten years nnd tho son a sentence of twelve yours. A brother of tho murdered man proposes to resist the application and tho governor will de fer action till tho board of pardons comes Into existence, July 7. Tho legislature failed to mako a spe cific appropriation for state aid for tho building of bridges nnd sinco the dis covery has been made It Is said State Auditor Barton will not draw warrants on tho treasury until tho nttornoy gen eral or tho courts decided that such warrants shall bo drawn. In any event no part of tho one-fifth mill levy can bo drawn out of the treasury until the lovy Is made by tho state board of assessment and until tho money Is col- lested. No more examination periods will be tho 'rule next year at the stato univer sity. According to a series of rules passed at a. meeting of tlio university Bcnatc, class work will contlnuo throughout the year, and tho final ex aminations will bo given at the regu lar class hours, Instead of discontinu ing classes for nn entire week at tho end of each semester ns Is now tho rule and scheduling all examinations for this period. Circulating magazines, on tho seven dny book plan, forms a now feature at the Fremont public library. Stnto Accountant Tulloys 'has an nounced tho completion of his four weeks' Investigation of tho nccounts of tho Boatrlco institution for the feeble minded for the two years ending Jan uary 2(5, 1911. As n result of his ex amination ho found discrepancies amounting to $1,30S.47 In tho accounts of T. E. Stewart, bookkeeper or tho lnstltuto during tho superlntcndency of Dr. O. L. Roe of Bcntrlce. Falrbury will hold a Bpeclal election May 10 to decldo the question of saloons or no saloons'. Tho secretary of state reaped a rich harvest for tho salo In nutomobllo registration fees during tho month of April. Ho collected from that source $12,108.90. Soon his feo will bo paid to counties Instead of to the state, if tho bill passed by tho last legislature can bo so interpreted with nil of Its contradictions. Tho feo is not cnlled a license feo In tho old law becauBO If It wero a llcenso feo tho money would havo to go Into tho state school fund. So tho law makers call It a "registra tion fee," nnd tho money goes Into tho general fund of the state. REAL RIVAL OF DIAZ MADERO HAS A LITTLE GOVERN. MENT OF HIS OWN. JUAREZ MADE THE CAPITAL Captured Border City Settling Down to Normal, But Watchful Eye Maintained for Possiblo Outside Attack. Jnurez. After a long conference of rebel chiefs, the appointment of the following members of tho provisional cabinet was announced: Minister of foreign relations Dr. Vnsquez Gomez. Minister of finance Gustavo A. Ma de ro. Minister of war Venustlano Carran za. Minister of interior F. Gonzales Garzu. Minister of Justice Jose M. Pino Sunrez. Private secretary to President Mn dero Juan Sanchez Azcona. Jaurez. .Mexico's provisional gov hns become an established fact with the nnmlng of a cabinet by Francisco I. Mndero. Jr., provisional president and the estnbllshment of a capital at the captured city of Juarez. Secretary of War Carranza will hnve chargo of the railroads and tel egraphs, and his first act was to grant permission for tho repair of the Mexi co Northwestern railroad. A gang of men Immediately set to work repairing tho torn up road bed south of Juarez. Gonzales Garza will havo charge of tho mall service and Secretary of tho Treasury Gustavo Madero will direct tho nfTnlrs of the custom house. That the insurrecto army Is more than an armed mob was shown in the complete absence of looting and of In toxication and tho quickness with which the shattered city was cleared of its dead and wounded. Tho embargo against visitors was removed Thursday morning, and cur ious sightseers by the thousand poured across tho bridges leading from El Paso. Will Move on City of Mexico. San Antonio. "Unless President DInz resigns nnd peace Is made at once, General Francisco I. Madero, my brother, chief of the revolutionary movement, will bo lending a force of 10,000 men through tho streets of Mex ico City In less than a month. This Is no idle talk. It Is the military plan which he has made." This statement was made here by Alfonso Madero, recently a peace emissary. Lutheran Synod Convention. St. Louis. Many states are repre sented at the annunl convention of the Missouri synod of the Lutheran church, which has met in this city for a ten days session. The synod Is the largest Lutheran organization In the country. One of the interesting fea tures of tho meeting will be the cele bration on Sunday of the one hun dredth anniversary of the birth of Dr. Walther, tho founder of the synod. No Successor to Senator Frye. Washington. Tho inability of tlio republicans In the sennto to control a caucus edict without the aid of the progressives was demonstrated In the ceiiato when, after more than two hours of effort nnd as a result of seven ballots, tho sonnte failed to elect Sen ator Galllnger of Now Hampshire as president pro tempore to succeed Sen ator Frye of Maine. Will Walt a Bit. Washington. Secretary Knox, whllo ready to enter into negotiations with New Foundlnnd for a reciprocity ar rangement upon lines similar to the moHsnre now pending before congress has decided to await the action of congress on tho Canadian bill before proceeding with what would bo a use less task in tlio event that tho Cana dian arrangement fails. Washington. It Is Indicated that Secretary MacVcugh will call for popu lar bids on an Issuo of $50,000,000 of Panama bonds in a fow days. New Bishop for Lincoln. Rome. Announcement has been mndo at tho Vatican that the Right Rev. Mgr. J. H. Tlhon, chancellor of tho diocese of Wichita, Kas has been appointed bishop of Lincoln, Neb., in succession to tho lato Right Itev Thomas Bonacum. Washington. Tho Joint resolution providing for election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, which already has passed the house, Is to bo taken up In tho senate and kept beforo It until voted upon. Big Bond for Road Building. Peking. An Imperlnl edict has been Issued authorizing tho Hukwang loan of $30,000,000 for railroad construc tion In central China. It was signed a yenr ago by financiers representing tho United States, France, Great Brit ain and Germany. Deaplto provincial opposition tho amount of tho loan ro mains at $30,000,000. Bradford, Pa. Forest fires havo broken out In tho oil fields nbout here and It Is feared tho loss of oil proper ty will bo heavy. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the specific remedy for that tired feeling so common in tho spring or upon the return of warm weather. It purifies and enriches the blood. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called SnrBatab8. ALIEN'S FOOtlASE ShnKe Into Your Shoes 4 Allan's Foot Kate, tho Btitlnrtitte powder Tor tho fret, it tfl'e?e painful, nollrn, moaning-, temlrr, tier-. vuim feet, and Instantly takea the tltr out of corm ami buniona. Itn tlin Krratret comfort itlnrntcry or til (i liar. Allen's Foot Kits male tight or new aline I ml eaty. It ma. certain relief for Ingrowing nail, per. fplrinr, callouiand tired, erlilna-feet. We hate n?er ftl.ooottntlmnnlala. Tit Y , IT TO-DAY. HoldeKrjwhere.Mc.' On not itrrfPt nnv milmtltute. Uant bj mail for 126c. In atampa. PPPP TlttA!. ,1'ACKAUK rrifc aent by mail. MOTH Kit U HAY'S HWHI'.T. In a Dlnch J. " lUKN, the bett intdlclne for' UseAlrnV l'flih. sickly Children. Sold t I :,.ti.. 2 Drug-elkte eterjwhere. MOt-Ute." Trial 1'ackaneHtEE. Acldrmii, AIXKN M. OLMSTItD. I Hoy. N. Y. The Wretchedness ' of Constipation 'Cn quickly bo orercom by CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS. Purely YegctaUo act turdy aocl gecUy oa tho liret. Coxa Buioutoeii, Head. ache, UU1X' " jaf. ' n:, and Indigestion. They do trior duty. SmIl POL Small Do. 'Small Pric. f Genuine outtim Signature E?2j THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW Many Women There Are Who Will Understand Just Why Long-Suffering "Worm" Turned. Several years ago an Atchison couplo wero living happily together. Tho community wns shocked ono day when tho wlfo applied for a divorce and got It. Tho story of tho divorce 1io.b coma out. It seems that tho wlfo went Into the kitchen and "slaved" all day. Sho mndo bread, pies, cake, cookies and pork and beans. Sho boiled a tongue, mndo a potato salad, stuffed eggs, mado a custnrd and brown bread. When her husband camo homo at six o'clock In the evening ho found her dressed up. And on tho tnblo wan cold tongue, pork and beans, fresh bread, cako, cookies, pie, potato salad, stuffed eggs, brown bread nnd cus tard. The wlfo thought her husband, would ay: "You poor darling, how you havo worked today!" Instead, ho said, in a surprised way: "COLD sup per! Lord, but you havo an easy, time!" Ills wife did not answer hlra. Sho was speechless with rage, and ho does not know to this day why sho nsked tho court to bo divorced from a BRUTE. Atchison Globe. Time Saving. A new version of tho new long fa miliar "whllo you wait" sign Is found In an uptown nvonuo whero n barber shop and a tailoring shop stand sldo by side. In front of tho building hangs n sign on which aro displayed tho name of tho tailoring concern nnd tho name of the barber shop and this an nouncement: "Suits cleaned and pressed whllo you aro getting shaved." New York Sun. Harsh. Gerald Coffco keeps mo nwako. Geraldlne Me, too; I always drink an extra cup when I know you nr coming to call. Sincerity transforms nil things. Tho greatest fault, If It Is nvoided In a loyal kiss, becomes a verity mora beautiful than Innocence. Poverty Is by common consent an ndmlrnblo training for mental and moral perfection In others. Flnloy. r Get the Happy Post Toasties with cream for a breakfast starter pro duce it. And there's a lot in starting the day right. You're bound to hand happiness to someone as you go along, and the more you give the more you get. Buy a package of Post Toasties and increase the happiness of the family! "The Memory Lingers" TOSTUM CEREAL CO.. Ltd., Uattlo Creek, Mfcb. im AwyjV iWiM"" 'i immmn r'atvrrrfti AZjjmim twite i trui' &?J&:Gimm hitti tt fl JHEtfT 1IVER I jir & X M mi "W ' I p5 , f 1. v-,4iyJau"w-MwiUi-fa