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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1911)
HSt? ill II " yr&mm "y, volume xxxvrrri Your Bank Account is sromotlilnp tlint du&orves set-inn-thought. If you arc not sntNfli-rt nt present or contemplato starting u ih-w hunk account Come in and Sec Us. We promlh Courteous trenttuctit :"' liberal accommodations as, far n- i consistentwith good safe bntikiuj.'. :inl it is to these facts that wo owe inn rapid growth Don't be held bncli' Do it to-day. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, 5. R. Florance. PLEASANT VIEW Mr. Eldredgo vibited fi lends Sunday. Jen Heed visited his daughter Sun d.iy. Arthur Drain vWted Albert Ktmt son Sunday. FrunU Molntosh spent Sunday with Alva Meredith. Fred Kuntsou and family spent Sun day .with,AlbortKnutsun and family Most all of the farmers in this neigh borhood are planting corn since the rain. HATIN rianting coin U the order ot the day. Jos. J. Vavrlcka is on the sick INt. Charlie Novak was in Ued Clond last Saturday. Mis. tlos lliuol fpent Sunday with her mother. Sweater Ti at the Our stock is complete. We can furnish sweater coats in the following popular colors: White, Blue, Red, Gray and Brown, in any size. We have the strongest and best line of Laces and Embroideries at absolutely the lowest prices to be had anywhere, quality considered. F. NIWH01ISE, Dry Goods. Butterick Patterns. i leal S ' t-V q.-llo ItWOV PiAZJLyi'H'U John Brush hauled his hogs to mai ket last Saturday. J. C. Pavlick and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Sochccks. (J. M. Crabill bought ten tons of wild hay from M. VaVflok.i. A. IJrudshaw was in this locality taking orders for paint and oils. Osveu Loplen and family departed Monday for their new home in Sher man county. Frank Watkins, one of our pros-porous young men, and Miss Henderson of Red Cloud were united in marriage last Wednesday, May .'Id. Frank Strobl, Will Holsworth and Hcrt Tenant attended the Workmen lodge last Tuesday evening and saw some new candidates initiated. All of those f lom this locality who attended the dance at Ued Cloud last Saturday evening given by the M W A., team report as having a good time iHOABiiJ This is the season of the year when the Sweater Coat is the most convenient, the weather often being too warm for a heavy coat and too cool for no coat at all. You can scarcely afford to he without such a convenient garment prices we make on them 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty - BED CLOUD, IN EBRASKA . M AY 11, 1911 COWLES dud White was in Blue lllll last Fri I day .Mrs. Conrad visited Mrs. Castcllo last Tuesday. Mrs. Unices Hedge and daughter vis ited in Cowles Monday Dr. Caulk moved Into his new prop erty south east of town Friday. The men who have been grading the U. A M., track left Cowles Monday. Mrs. Fred Foe went to Franklin Sutiudny to visit, friends and relatives. F. A. Good is building a cement bridge out west of Cowles for tho county. The Sunday school convention nt tho M. E. church was well attended Sunday. Geo. (r Holt left for Lincoln Satur day and expects to bring back n now car with him. Mr. Charloy Harrington came homo from Ayr Saturday where she has boon visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs McTaggart took their little boy to Red Cloud Tuesday for medical treatment. Cltas. llurr has purchased a new Regal oar of the firm of Hoit A Horeu. We will give you the road Chas. Fuller A Bennett shipped out four cars of stock Monday Chas. Dennett and Dr. Caulk accompanied same to Kansas City. Troy Mill uud family came back last week from an extended trip in tho western states. He has been traveling for his health and it is somewhat im proved. It is now almost impossible to tell Jim Saunders and Thornt Foe apart. As the former linds it necessary to eany a cane since he sprained his ankle playing tennis i I lme :n: 50c-$5 Both Phones. I j- two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 GUIDE ROCK. Mrs, I. W. I'rury has been on the sick list Mrs. Win. Payno is home trom Ash land where she took treatment. J T. Mason and his assistant are doing a lot of painting and paper hanging. J. W. Webhor and wile returned Monday from a visit at lnavale with relatives. Mrs. J. M. Roland Is somewhat Im proved. She has been in poor health several mouths. Hastings Milner and wife spent Tuesday in the country with their son Harvey Milner aud wife. W. S. Lambert and sou, Archie, aud Alva Miller are doing cement work in Cowles again this week. Mrs. Richard Lambert returned Monday to her home in Oilier after a visit hore with relatives. Mr. Watts new hotel which is beiug built of brick is being hurried along while the woather Is nice. Charles (Jlcasou was up from Hub" bell over Sunday the guest of his par ents, J. S. Cleasou and wife. Mrs. John Oglevle, daughter of Fred Watt, is reported slightly better. Sho has been ill many mouths. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watt and Mrs. W. S. Lambert drovo to Ilurr Oak, Kansas Sunday to visit (ieurgo Hunt and fund l.v. -' Mrs. Ida liush and Miss Delia Fergu son went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the Craud Chapter of the F.a.stem Star. Mrs. R. S. Trumbull of Midden sit ed from Friday till Monday with her aunt and cousin. Mrs. VanWoert aud daughter. The Sparklers' Club gave an elabor ate entertainment one evening lust week at which the husbands of the members weie tho guests A number of (iuido Rock people at tended the Sunday school convention of the southeast district at Cowles Sunday They report a good meeting. (i. W. Hagan was called to Kansas City Monday by the serious illness of Ins sou Lli tie had undergone an opei nt ion for appendieitus at one of the hospitals. Kev 10. L. I lurch prvached an excell ent sermon Sunday morning The chinch letters of Mr. aud Mrs. Elmer Donghman and daughter, Elsie were piesentod transferring thein to the Methodist church here fiom tho Dies den, Kus., charge. Miss Cora E. Simpson gave n splen did program in the interest of "miss ionary work" Sunday night at the Methodist church. She was assisted by a number of the young poople and children who wore oriontial costumes. Guide Rock Is proud of the fact that we have a real live missionary in our midst. She has been stationed at Foo Ciiou, China. Charity Lodge No. A3, A. F. and A. M. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st and 3d Friday. R. E. Foe, W. M A H. Sellars, Secretary. Red Cloud Chaptor No It). Hoyal Arch Masons meots every Socond and Fourth Friday. D W. Turnure, II P II A Lotson, Secretary Cyrenc Commandery No. II, Knights Templar meets every First Thursday. II A Lctson, E. C. D. W. Turnure, Recorder. Charity Chapter No. 47, Order o tho Eastern Stars, meets at Masonic Hall alternate Monday's- Mrs. Cora I'ottor, W. M. Mrs. Edith Robinson, Seoretary. I. O. O. P. Meets every Monday Night. T. M Garbor, N. O. O. C. Teol. Clerk REBEKAH Meets First and Third Thursday, In 1. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. Alico Rupchy, N. U. Carrie Holsworth, Secretary. Afc vra " C !"' ' 3"'S The Birthday Gift The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift. It is nevertheless a beautiful idea. A much more expressive and consislcnt gift is a Birtlday orther anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas is cverbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gift -a com pliment that the Christmas gift lacks. Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister, wife, father, brother, hus-' band or friend a gift on an anniversary and it means something Make that day the happiest of the year. Our stock offers articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc casions, qualities unsurpassed and something at a price jou can afford "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" T5he GIFT STORE Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. ml. & Q. Watch Inspmctors. Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. FLOUR! . !s IMMMBlflfi tflnr MIR iriMflMTmilWirrr"""fTMn " F- jvvrasSaMM "Imperial" High Patent Flour, $ 1 .00 " a Sack; "Select 90 cents. Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. If not satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded. Phone your orders to the mill, phone Red 45. ALL FLOUR WILL BE CASH. froo Dollvary mado to all parts of tho City, tlEDGb0IIDPtItIl6G0lPAl( NUMBER l! Jewolmrs and Optometrists. FLOUR!! III X f . ' mm j fript- VSf Ttt 1211