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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
SrrKmnijrfcar - MsssaumL: f -JPa - --, - r-n. JUk-A. I .AU . r -ww rtu. "VV v,'V',V', Vv ' DR. Calf Meal used with the milk whey makes it as good for the Calves as the pure milk. : TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD BY CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist WA'W'W'W''WWW ' L0GVLETTE8 J .John Httvel was in Superior Monday. Lee Keith was in Nuponee lust week. Will Koberiou is home from St. Joe. Noble Hall left for Bladen Wednes day. CMoar Hughes was in Franklin Mon day. Kinile tJoos of IHue Hill was in town Monday. Otis Whoelun of Rhuleu was in town Tuesday. S. H. (leant of Blue Hill was in town Tuesday. Will Koou and family spent Sunday in Cowle". Allen Brown returned from Hastings Thursday. Old newspaper "j cents n bundle at this ofliee. ,J. M. Mills of Cowles spent Sunday in the city. W. A. Kent is in Aurora this week on business. For short orJer- and meals go to H. Ludlow's. Alf kinds of Eleetrieal work clone by Morliui't Bros. F. W. Schmidt of Blue Hill was in town Tuesday. W. A. Kent was in Hastings on busi ness last week. Foit S.i.u--A ooil barn. Inquire of F. W. Cowden. 1j. I Albright ieturned froinJlast .jngs Saturday. ' Kd Amaek and wife were in Hast ings Thursday. (Jeorge Ltudsey is liome from Crip ple Creek, Colo. Len Wilmet left for St doe Wednes day on business. ('has. Stfil'eu of Grand Island is' in town on business. Joe Crow returned from St. Jue Tuesday morning. Counlo Starke was it passenger to Hastings Tuesday. Chat.. Bennett of Cowles wnsintown Thursday evening. Low Walters and James Kyiiu were in Hustings Friday. Bernard McNeny was a passenger to Hastings Wednesday. Fred (iiind the banker, of Blue Hill, was in town Monday. Nothing like White Loaf Hour for making the best bread. Jaek Catherleft for Lincoln Wednes day for a few dnys visit. T S. Barry ami family of Smith Center, Kas., spenrSunday in this city visiting with K. B. Stevens and wife. Farm Loans 1 again teady to make farm lonn at the lowest rate and best terms. 1 am hole agent for Trevott, Mattis Baker. Some pri vate money .1. H. Baley, Bed (loud. Xebr. HAS NO SUBSTITUTE POWDER Absolutely Pure Tba only baking mowar madm worn Royal Brapa x Ormam of Tartar HIAUIM.WlMPHISnUTE IS! IS ROBERTS W. A. Wylie of Hastings spent Mon J day in town on business. ' Kd. Uiishor Sr., Is having his build ings on the farm painted. omer Doling or Lincoln transacted business in town Monday. Chas. Sehellak and Oscar Hughes were in Blue Hill Tuesday. There was thirteen cars of stock shipped out of here Sunday. Joo Crow and Billy Robertson ship ped stock to St. Joe Sunday. Miss Mable Ilolniinaln visited with friends in Franklin this week. Try LuldoWs 10c Ice Cream Sodas. Positively the best in the city. Mrs. Ed A mack has irone to Ok la- hoina for a visit with relatives. A. W. Freeman and B. Hoehlev of Geneva wore in town Saturday. For sale one buildinir 12.V.TJ".; out side'.' Call at Xowhouso's- store. C. W. Wiseman of Omaha was trans acting business in tmvn Tuesday. If you want high grade cement iret the IC. C. brand of J. O. Caldwell. TheDth grade picnlced at Ainboy Friday and all report a good time. 0. K. Hall, tho blacksmith, has pur chased a new K. M F , automobile. Uev. J. M. Bates will go to St. Paul Saturday and will return Monday. Lost An Eastern Star pin. Finder please leave same with Mrs. S. Day. Mrs. P. Mertenof Bluo Hill visited with Ed. Amuck and wife last week. Dr. Thomas anil Chas. Whittaker returned from Clay Center Saturday. Lee Keith was a passenger for Camp bell and Bladen Wednesday morning. Class night and commencement ex orcises at the Opera House Mav 'J I and :. Born to Mr. and Mrs. litis Leggett Monday evening an eight pound baby boy. Stevens Bros., up-to-date methodsdn Photographs, material and workman ship. Hoy Foam and wile were up from Superior this week visiting their par euts. The Miner Bros. Co., store has just received a new up-to-date lino of hair goods. .1. Patterson of Campbell visited over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. John Kiusel. Spencer Myers of Franklin was the guest of Dr. Cunningham and wife Sunday. Satislled customers are good ones. All who use Ainboy White Loaf flour are such. las. W. Housteu of the Omaha Film Exchange transacted business in town Saturday. Frank Perry has commenced the construction of a new residence in tho Piatt addition. l One ticket will admit holder to both the clas night and commencement night exercises. leu Cream by the. quart, half gallon or. gallon delivered to nnv place in the city by Ludlow. Mrs. (J. V. Dow and .Mrs. James . Bogenrief weie passengers to Hast ings Wednesday. I Dr. Cunningham Is in Lincoln this I week attending the state dental asso ! oiation meeting. I Hay llarwood, who Is attending suliool here, spent Sunday in Hiverton i with his parents. t Miss Mable Howard returned from her visit at York and Stromsburg j Tuesday evening. I Dun't forget tho Sunday school con , vuiitioii at the Brethren church next , Sunday aftcrnoou. , The Diamond Electric Vaeuni clean ur demonstrated in your home free. , Call Phono Bed 07. Tinlc Hoiichiti of Denver is in this city attending the bed side of his fath- 'er who is very sick. j .lames McHrido. Arch Boreu and ' Jack Waller o Cowles were seen on 'oitrMivett Monday. Alan Morit Is out rustling tliee days to let people know thii't'he't. .got ! the Saturday Evening Post for m'le. A mighty good paper for r boy to 'sell. H i Wnght and I! II Allen of KoseiMint ,.,v n the elty Tuesday trim-iu'tlng business. Thursday of next week being Ascen sion Day there will be services at Grace church at I p. in. Boy Tait and Kalph Hunter went to Superior Wednesday and returned by iiutos for the local garage. A good many of our democrats went to Blue Hill this morning to attend the democratic convention. Prof. Beta and his orchestra go to Inavalo to furnish the music for i local dnncc of the I naval e club. Noble Hobiiison of Princeton, III., arrived in the city Saturday called by the serious illnoss of his mother. The lluest line nnd best assort inonL of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over.- MonilAitr linos. Boy Hutchison, Kenneth Williams and Joe Fogle went to Superior Mon day with .1. C. Suylor in Ills auto. B. M. Beatty and son for General Blaekstnithing, Wagon Work, llorso shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop. Mr. Patrick of Oniuha arrived Tues day evening for a visit with his wlfo and futhcr-iu-iiuv, Dr. Cook and fnml- ly. The Ilcbekah lodge is making pre parations to go to the district meeting which will bo held in Superior in June. A. E. Atkins of the linn of Atkins & Barber was in Iuavalc. Blvortou, Campbell and Bladen Thursday of last week. Olydo Wolfe and Lloyd Mclntyro were in Grand Island last Friday to seethe opening ball game of the State League. Parents are all invited to attend the promotion exercises at the high school assembly room Thursday afternoon, May !.. Bruce Bobiiison spent Sunday at home owing to the serious illness of his grand mother. He returned to Clay Center Monday. Pictures taken of children and fami ly groups without pain. Our material and workmanship stand the test of time Stkvknk Biuh. John Erett of Superior, a former Bed Cloud boy, and now manager of a Creamery Co., in Superior spent Sun day in town visiting relatives. The following people purchased autos of the Bed Cloud Auto Co.. this week: Balph Hunter, John Havel, F. L. Smith and W. A. Maynanl. Tho ladies of the Christian church will hold their monthly market at Ed A mack's furniture storu Saturday, May '20. from 0 a. in., to ." p. m. Mrs. Mary Hu tier. Mrs E Welsch and Miss Velma McKimmey went to lieneva Monday to attend the Degree of Honor convention at that place. The cement addition to Peterson Bros., garage is up and when this building is completed they will have the larirest garage in the Republican va'lley. The Degree of Honor meets next Tuesday e.vening at eight o'clock sharp livery member is urged to be present as there will be initiation of candidates. Bev. E. N Tompkins will preach, the Baccalaureato .sermon to the graduat ing class at the M. E. church next Sunday evening His subject will be "The Conquest of the Heights." I. B. Wagoner will give an address at the Brethren church next Sunday at 11 u. in., on Sunday school work. He will also preach in tho evening at S p. m , at the same place. All are in vited. Tickets for class night and com mencement exercises will be placed on sale at Cook's Druir Store at liiue o'clock Saturday, May 20th. Do not forget the time and place when tickets go on sale. The Southwest district of the Web ster County Sunday School Associa tion will hold a rally at the Brcthivu church next Sunday afternoon. May '21, nt'2:.'l). There will be short talks by the ministers anil superintendents of the district, also a song service closing with the election of olllcers for the district. Bon-Ton-Bakery and Restaurant. Bread. Pies and Cakes made In Bud Cloud from Bed Cloud FLOUB. 3II3ALS ao cents' ICE CREAM SODA 3 CENTS In: OrtK.vM 25 Ckm.i I'ku (Ji'Ajit. Wk um' iiriilicifkl ItT: made 'fiomIIl teted vmtw pure and clenn. HUBERT NEUERBURG JfaaaafSk Maaaani-Wk!.-'fA ffMzJriJwaaml-. am&b& fwA'&aaaarzaaaM$8k if)s(iw4aaaaaWk - '. S? ' IT ' .r rj to Ufa f'igfm m ( If everything you wear to is as well chosen as your fl QZ&UtAfr COAT SHIRT you are well dressed. $1.50 and more. PAUL STOREY, THE CLOTHIER. (0 fc A card was roceived Wodnosday morning stating that tho Bed Cloud D. of H . delegates arrived In (ieneva safe. Boy Bust proprietor of tnc Boyal I Barber Shop has all modern conveii- iences in any first class Barber Shop, j An electric Massage, first class work- j man. Particular people patronize his j particular place. Mr. .larboe will not preach at the Indian Creek school house next Sun-j day because of tho Sunday school eon vontion in Bed Cloud but will preach i there the week following in Bev. Cressman's place. Last Friday the directors of the. Farmer's Telephone Co.. held a meet-' ing and purchased a now JIo'J drop switch board. This was needed very much and now they will have olie of the best country exchange ollices in the state. Will Oveimau and the following en joyed the state high school track meet ' at Hastings Friday. Boy Bobinson.1 Silver Longtin, Will Storey, Bay Koontz, Jack Cather, Bdgar Mcintosh, Bussell Amack, Allen Blackledge and Walter Marshal. I hai'M'smiii' boiisi'liolil iTriiiils fin-sale. I such as dressers, wash stands, tables, side board, rocking chairs, sofa and other numerous household goods. Would like to sell at once. Will sell cheap. Mrs. Chas. Sehellak, .11.1 North Klin Street, I block east of Fireman's hall ' Lucky Bill's wagon show held forth in this city Saturday both afternoon and evening, lie had a uood clean show. He hud a well trained elephant and the educated Shetland pony was good at ilgurlng. A large crowd wit nessed both performances and were well pleased. F. W. Cowden returned from a busi ness trip at Lincoln Tuesday, and while away took in the Vork Colum bus ball gauie Monday. Frank says that we all should feel happy not to have a team in the state league this year as the attendance is not one half of what it was last year. Trace Sherer, President of the Web ster County Sunday School Associa lion, and C. II. Bust were up to Bludeu last Sunday attending a Sunday school rally There was a good attendance present and it program consisting of music and speaking was carried out. There is an- awakening in Sunday .school work. (Jue paper worthy of special notice was delivered by Mrs, Guy of Cowles. Her subject being the elementary work in tho Sunday school. At about l:!J0 a. m.. Sunday morn ing sounds of fulling fences and other disturbances were heard. L'poii in vestigation it was tound that the large elephant of the Lucky Bill show had broken loose and had started on a tour of rampage, starting at W. It. Koont.'s home Urst. Tho two tamo deer be longing to Wade were frightened and oscnped from their pe'ii and Mr. Ble pliant then rapped on tho back door for a 'hand out" frightening the w.oiuau who took the elephant for burghVrtf Af (Jena little dlllieulty the circus people captured the elephant and all wrk quite again. '' Hart Schaffner Mark Suits Munsing Underwear Crawford Shoes Dutchess Trousers McDonald work Shirts and Overalls. JOn such repre sentative lines I have built my busi ness. This and a square deal to every customer. Pioneer DEALER IN Fancy and Staple GROCERIES GOOD LINE f COFFEES Give Us a Trial Order W. A. SMITH, Prop. PHONES -Bell 108, Rural 62. " JUI'II'MHL"" i r :'hi&5 jSPxk!. mimK: . fn - . ivie. 6ur You can convrninca A .The itacktr u a-uoirsrm invnunuon. rull Ct Art mimIiiu . .' T 'afiiw mi vitk; :. ' THE nw-r iiiiiii 20 THAT MONEY CAN BUY Ippf fix XjMSr ttu-wT ji n jmA-jmij w.. ... .. .f MONUMENTS for DECORATION DAY should ., be selected now. 1 We have a .,' large assortment at present. All work done with Pneumatic Tools. Come and see us Overmg Brothers & Go. DR. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S.UMKW Al iiiu uiu aidiiu wrui mu State Bank. Phone 13f. Improved alalfa farm lands in tin Great Republican Valley our only ipkciulty. Dan Oariikii i Companv, Chief olllce. A 'h & M it & & ttk- T' h it vl vi ikt Oj b 0 ft ft to ft ik'f ) to to to to to to t Grocery HU V I W (loBDON V aam WE LEAD' HAYING WOULD ratpntnl. Eitr..lon Arm. HtirVfr. u tht marvrl of th VOrld. Hack intl runll. more hav at a lai cott and with iretttr I wun our aticktr, tntn wnn an otntr on m. muni. THERE IS NONE JUST AS GOOD. fxtenJini tlltr It b half wijr up lighten the load aadtl a ftalara you cannot afford to orcriook. Our I'lattncr (I'Untd) Sweep t tfak.l and I'lattnvr Uown. all mala In Denver. ar well worth your I oraii irom tnr nan; in eao uui in ciac 01 a rooa u aeocripuve matter win i mailed you on requui. Ifta.l. ..J lAiiuiale bam fpA.. It umi nauit Uh kla narup vii-ui'.'Wi itu vuciiir, ac'uv una uu iiiiiiwii tin jyii. PLATTNER IMPLEMENT GO. IN VI. COLO. Have on hand now 1 0 Registered: I rl 1 jhOVth( torn BULLS. They are all good,, blocky fellows, and all red in color. JOHN 0HMSTEDE, OlMDB IWCK, NHbltASKl nil '1 1 mmri .. tonmmm tmtmfmiMfmm wmm'"4fmpmv i0Mww nrfKtm-t