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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1911)
I '" V'HJMSKrte.,. 3cZr3?A'Jji ' 'I 'i'IV S ,,(7 1 JHrv.... i. JS, -.... ... .iMU. M.IN.Wa fc. PM "- - , ii,Jifc ;S3yg3raj)yynt3gggg .53!fclV .fet -. rn,WffJ?Hri?wv it1""- n , -f i'''" 4 NcKsnancr That OWes The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME XXXVIII1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MA' 1911. NUMBER 2 1 Your Bank Account iH something that deserves serious thought. If you are not satisfied at present or contemplate stm ting now bunk account Come in and See U s. I HELD BACK 8 We promis Courteous treatment 1 liberal accommodations as far nr is eoufllbtentwitli good safebimWinir.ii" I it la to ttacso facts that wo owe uik rapid growth. Don't bo held back! no it tn-dav. Interest paid on Time Deposits. ! jSs Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Mrs K, M Parker arrived home from the Degree of Honor convention at (loneva on Thursday night. She re ports a very excellent meeting. Uig doings at the BaptiM church this Thursday and Friday. A "miss lonary conforonctt" is in progress, dome line speakers are present. Mrs. Charles Kddy and children re turned Monday evening to their home lu Inavalo after spending a few days with relatives hern, James Young and family. Word has been received that Mrs. Charles Wost is getting along nicely at the hospital in Lincoln since the operation which she undorwent last Thursday. Friends here have received word that John Larkey, who formerly lived here, now of Long llencli, California, had been ill and was under the care of a physician. LESTER I. Prt6bie is on the sick list. Jim Doyle has purchased an Over land auto. Miss Cora Weesnor spent Tuesday evening at Jim Doyle's. A fine rain fell Sunday just what we needed for the small grain. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Blair visited with Mrs. John Emick Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Harris spent Sundayat the home of Glare Cox. y A dance wns given for James Doyle Saturday night. All report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Connie llasser visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Meloek, near Cowles, Sunday. The Pleasant Hill school closed last Friday. A picnic was held at tho river, at which about seventy woro present. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs Thornton hns had a cement cave built. Mrs. Mnry Crojisof Munkato, Kits., is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Parker. Mrs. Hrtqnab J. Garber went, to Red Cloud Monday night to visit her son, E S. Garbor and family. Misses Cora and Mabel Simpson vis ited over Sunday nt Bladen as guests of Rev. G W.Pool and family. Mrs Adolph Tobler who has been ill some three or four weeks is reported better again. She has had one or two relapses. Mrs. Roby departed Sunday for Su perior after a few days visit with old time friends here. Monday she left Superior for her homo in Hammond, Oklahoma. The family left here twelve years ago. Dau Coppock and wife left for home Thursday morning after a visit with relatives. They live in Iowa where they moved from Guide Rock twenty five years ugo. Mrs. Malissa Hunt and her grand son, Wendell Campbell, spent Sunday in Dillor with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fanders. Mrs. Fauders was formerly Miss' Malissa Lambert. Mrs. Eli Fowler and daughter, Win nie, departed Friday 'evening for St. Francis, Kas., to visit relatives. Miss Bollo Kellum, niece of Mrs. Fowler, graduates this Week from tho High School there. Miss Ethel Dunn, a noted W. C. T. U. worker, and her brother will bo hero Wednesday, June 7. A mother's meeting will bo held in the afternoon and in the evening an illustrated lec ture will be given. A collection will betaken. Abe L. Sohobourg arrived home from Holdrege Tuesday morning. Mrs. Sohobourg and son will remain for n time at tho homo of her parents. Abe Intends going to one of the miner al springs for treatment as he has not yet recovered from his long Illness of last winter. Miss Marks who has been visiting her relatives hero, O. M.Simpson and family.leavosthis week for Cambridge, Nebraska to join her uncle who has boen visiting there. They go to Don ver and after a brief visit with John Coffman and family will continue their journov to California. The High School pupils gave a re ception in Crow's hall Monday even Ing lu honor of Miss Mamie Tompkins who has boen assistant principal, of the Guide Rock schools. Miss Nelllo Christie made tho spoech Informing Miss Tompkins of tho reason of the reception, of tho high esteem in which she is held and tho appreciation of the pupils of her work in tho school room for their advancement, (lames wore played and ice cream and cake were served. GARFIELD Fred Smith was ou wind mill row- Monday. Artie Rlchorson is visiting in Guide Rook this week. Mrs. Louisa Alles is visiting at Will Fishers this week. Will Fisher, Guy Barnes and Gcorgo Harris finished nlanting corn on Fri day.' Corn is comiug up In a hurry and Is ready to work and alfalfa Is most ready to cut. Another nice rain fell on Saturday night and Sunday. It was just the thing for tho small grain. George Smith, Will Fisher. Guy Barnes, Frank Amuck and Lee Smith attended tho Odd Fellow lodge Mon day night. The Birthday Gift The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift It is nevertheless a beautiful idea. A much more expressive and ccnsijWr.l jjifl ir t Eii'.lc'ij cr.thcr anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas is everbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gilt a com pliment that the Christmas gift lacks. Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister, wife, father, brother, hus band or frienda gift on an anniversary and it means something, Make that day the happiest of the year. Our stock offers articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc casions, qualities unsurpassed and something at a price you can affordt - "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" 75he GIFT STORE Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. A Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists, 1 '.J-lIJ-li-'Jl-LJa.1- Ulll'ltW! weater s SL m f 1 lime! ! i This is the season of the year when the Sweater Coat is the most convenient, the weather often being too warm for a heavy coat and too cool for - no coat at all. You can scarcely afford to be without such a convenient garment at the prices we make on them . Our stock isjcomplete. We can furnish sweater coats in the following popular colors: White, Blue, Red, Gray and Brown, in any size. We have the strongest and best line of 50C-S5 L aces and Embroideries at absolutely the lowest priqes to be had anywhere, quality considered. Democrats Hold Mass Meeting j On last Thursday, pursuant to a call of the chairman and secretary of the Democratic county central commit tee, tho Democrats of Webster coun ty met in mass convention at Blue Hill. K. H. Cox and Vaughn Hall, both of Iiladon, woro olocted chair man and seorotary, respectively. There was a good turnout, and many precincts of the county were repre sented. Various measures were dis cussed for tho advancement of tho party. Tho following resolutions were adopted: We. tho Democrats of Wobster county, assembled for the purpose of determining how wo can elect our county ticket at tho comiug election, hereby "Resolve, that wo aro In favor of a fair distribution of the candidates to be nominated by our party, as to loca tion in tho county, and request the Democrats nt tho coming primary election to nominate candidates for the various ofllces fromdifforcnt parts of the county. "We aro opposed to one coinniuulty attempting to obtain all tho uomina tlons. Wo request the Democrats of the northorn part of the county to bring out candidates for some of the various otilces. "Wo aro opposed to tho primary law in its present condition. "We hereby declare that we believe that hereafter tho Democrats should meet in convention aud nominate a ticket enuallv distributed over the' county, and to that end wo request that in the future no person file for any office on ,tho Dcmocratlo ticket until such convention is hold. Wo request that in the coming election every Democrat do his utmost for tho election of our ticket," Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. A" FLOUR! FLOUR!! cAv, MT nWr if i WrSttiTi Till F. NEWHOUSE, Dry Goods, "Imperial" High Patent Flour, $ 1 .00 Butterick Patterns. I Both Phones. Proclamation. May 30, 1911, boing Memorial; Day and a legal holiday I requostjthat all business bo suspended betwoon tho hours of 1 and i p. m and that tho stores may close up In Jordcr thnt all who desiro may participate in tho memorial exercisos. S. W. Fok, Mayor. a Sack; "Select 90 cents. Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed If not satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded. Phone your orders to the mill, phone Red 45. AIL FLOUR WILL BE CASH. 5 Freo Delivery made to all parts of tho City. HEDGIiOUDlWmiilflG GOJHMHY M liVI fc-a KxwrVJ jy-i AH 'sivl Atf" tJMjttfMtWWAU-ri- 2Kj2.,v-TtT3Krn1.' '&m&S3sm$x- T "" ws3&ja mm?r tf