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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
T,V ""' It.4- tv IM Mi : S6e CHIEF RI Cloud - - Ncbrnsktv , PUBLISHED EVKKV THURSDAY ' BfilMtd In the Porftoffleo tilled Cloud. Ncu. 'f m Socoi)dTclfH Miller, 4 !L- : V 0 1). HALE j'um.isiDm THE ONLY DEMOtiKATIU PAVER IN ' WKIIHTKIl COUNTY Political Announcements. The columns of tlio Chief ure open for legitimate advertisements of all kinds. Candidates, regardless or party ailllintlon, aro welcome to use those columns. Prieo of announcement, S.1. FOUCOUNTVCLKRK I hereby announce. niyHelt as ii eandldalu lorre-elcctlona (,'ouiity Clerk ol Webster . County, Nebr., on till) lli)iiil)llcnu ticket, subject to tin) iIccIhIiiii of tlio voters at tlio .I'rliuary Kliellon to belaid Aiikiihi ir, lull. I-:. W. Itnx.s. FOR COUNT V CLE UK 'J.I hereby anroiineu inyMCll iw n candidate .tor tlio oillce ol County Clerk ol Welwter County, Nebr., subject to the will ol tlio vol- , th ol tlio Democratic and 1'eoplo'n Indf'pend. "nt Tarty at the I'llinary Klectlon to lio liflil A iik. I5.IUII. W. II. ll.WI.I'.l. iiiliiiti(i"iimi nnniilM' ii Si "I mi ii i I ii i sv YOU WON'T GET "STUCK" If you "stick" to'its. 'Our business Is to "please," and not "stIek"you. WIm'U we, offer PINS OF" ALL DESCRIPTIONS wo make a bold bid for your trade, by offering you best selection we COIlId got of HATPINS, BELT PINS, VEIL PINS, STICKPINS, remarkable in bounty, variety and lowness of price, Ruy some. J. C. MITCHELL, The Jeweler. PR08RAM FOR PROMOTIONAL EXC USES AT I ME HlfiH SCHOOL ROOM Tliursilay Afternoon, May 25, 2 o'clock 7th graricl'juno duet . Illith School Mnrt'li Iiit'sc erublll nud Ituliy Ooblo .'til rmtf V(in. ... "Tins May tjin en" I tli radr f cltiilliin ."A IktlcHehwil Mii-ain" Margaret Miner fltli Knulc Solo ' "The lost Doll" , Mercelyn I.oiiKtnu May Pole Drill i; Kindergarten Mil Rrnile-Uciituilon .William Mrllrldc lldccjlall Koiik ...-,..'.. . . KlndcrKrtrtcn 4th j;r"nilo ltr.cltntlon,... ., rT,he Hoys Plea" Kllery Hooper 2nd ijrnilc Wittul Drill ami tfohj; . 1st erode Hiiiuj ,.......... HuUlih" :)rl uradc Holo', ,.... '. IKmitco Kthcrtou Oth Krado Heading "ThoSlnof theCon- penter Man" -Charlotte HiierHleite '-'ad grade DlatoKuo .. "Can Yon dues" Julia Warren and Clinrlcn Ittlcle Ilrd (trade "The first I'lnK"-.losophlne Canter lid Krnde- Overall Hoys and Hunhonnct Hali tes Drill filli radc lNadlnt; .. "School Is Coded" i llotiart lllivukledgo Ilrd rade Chorus .......- 7lh Kriide-lteinllim .... "Utile lirown llahy" Kllabclh Oicrman Ith rade SoiiK "The Call to Arum" Till Kradel'lano Milo ... "The Mountain Stream" Marvel Turnure I Airy, Artistic ;;. Summer Draperies. FO It COUNT Y CLERK We have been to announce the nniueof llMiliOK II miki.i., of iled Cloud, lor nomination!)! County Clerk, mihjict to the Will ol thu Democrat and People's Independ ent voter at the 1'iliuary eleellon AuyiiKt )0th, 1UII. CLKRK OP DISTRICT COURT I lierehy announce myself as a eandldale lor Clerk f the District Court ol Wchstci County, in tli Itepuhllcan ticket. miIiJici to the decision ol the voter at the primary election to lie held Almost l.'itli.. Kill. Cms. !:. Itiuul.r. FOlt COUNTY TREASURER. Welmv been autliorlcil to announce the eandldacy ol(ti:o. W. I.i.niiscv for iheolllce ol county treasurer, wilijccl lo Hie will of the Dtmociat and I'cnple's Independent parlli sal the prlmaiy election ViikuhI ir,th. l'JII. FOlt COl'NTY TREASURER. 'Wehiuehcin Authorized in annoiice the eaiiilldncy of II. C. Wiimiir. nf Hoieiiiont. lor thuolllceof County Treasurer, subject lo the will ol tin' Democratic uud 1'coplcs In iliiptindrnl Parties' at thcjprlnmiy election AukiinI '1Mb. Illll. FOR TREASURER We have lit in iiuthoi'led lo announce Ihe enndldacy ol It. W. Koon iv. lor the oillce ol I'ouiity Treasuter, subject lo the will of the lit publican Miters at the ptlumry election August 1Mb. I'.lll. KOll SHERIFF 1 I licit by announce msclf as a caudldiite lor slit rill of Wi bstLr County. N't Inaska, on the Deliiocintlc ticket subji l to the decision of the voters at the I'llmaiy election lo be held August tr,.imi. 1. I'. Iti'ii.r.m.i:. FOR SHERIFF I lieu by announce niysi II a caudldiite fur the oilier ol Shei III ol Webstci Count), sub ject to the w III of the oteis ol the Demo cratic nud I'copli's ludcpeiidcnt I'aitlis. .lor W. Ciiovn. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby anouuee inyteK a candidate lot the nomination of Shei III of Webster coiint.s Mibject to the will of the Itepuhllcan voters, to be e pleased at lbs piluiary election Ann ust 15th. bill. U'm. Woi.i :. Tlic June bus have put in an ap pearance which rcmiudhlis that sunt' mcr will soon be hero. So will sweet corn and witter melons I'm! After live years of litigation uml the upending of tliotiMimls of dollar the attorneys for the ovuvnmciit have micceedcd in proviiiKthat the Standard' Oil company was a trust and u mono poly. Most of us know this loop ajji) but however bad the Standard Oil company is, we buy our jjas and oil at a very reasonable price. After the years have passed nobody cares except that a tronhlsome affair has boon disposed of Nebraska We love our dour Nebraska land In spite of windy weather Wo are a very happy band And always stick together. And when we have misfortunes As people always do And put forth nil oxerlions And all are feelliiK blue. Then dear old Nebraska stiis Anil blows a mighty breeze Throws dirt into your eyes and blurrs To you cannot see the trees. Then we ure happy once again It seems like home once more Our highest wishes we attain Our cares and sorrows now are o'er. I.. A. In Mcmorlam Uied at. her home Monday afternoon at!! p. in., little Irtnn Reitler, aged one year and three months. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reit ler. who live near Ccwleo. 'Ah, Oh, when awe-try, may we be so blest, And sink like the innocent child to rest. And feel ourselves clasped to the in Unite breast." Thus over u happy home the shall ow of a little grave lias lalleti; and, as another has said, it is wonderful how long a shadow a little grave can throw. This beautiful baby life was so prec ious, so froiight witli tblessiiig to her patents that she .seemed a llowcr of paradise permitted to bloom for a brief season by their side, then re called to its nature skies, leaving the earth road for them dark and lonely indeed. And when the messenger came from the unseen lands to claim the dainty darling as his own: She only crossed her llttlu hands, She only looked more meek and fair. Wo parted back her sllkou hair, Wo wove the roses round her brow. White bmls, the summer's drifted snow, Wrapt her from head to foot in llowers, And thus she went out,crfthls world of ours. ''"' The funeral services were held from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. in. Obituary Row Maggie Elizabeth Wild, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. lieorge Wild was born at Dorchester, Nebr.. May lid. ISSO and died at her home south of lnavale. May :.. I!il,age SI years, 11 months and 8 dnjs. Erysipelas was the cause of her death. She was only hundred sick but a few daj.s while hersutl'ering Enough was no doubt greater than she let on but she bore it patient I v ami without. celebration. Red Cloud proposes to a murmur little did we think the end make tills the best event ecr given in ; was so near to one so young and uso tlie city. We want every body to come ' fill in life. (Juite early in life she was und have a genuine good time. There converted to the christian religion will lie plenty of wholesome fun, speak-' and joined the United Krcthi on church lug. games and no graft As Ur as ' to which she was faithful till the last. possible we will entertain our visitors Little over a ,car ago she gave hr freely. The city feels that It is our name to the quarterly conference and treat and we are going to do our level ; received license to pleach the gospel, best to niaUe it a tieat. , She loved to slug and pray both in v , in public and from house to house and The long drawn nut titfht between , to talk about Jesus. Her greatest ,t.. me ducks stove ami liange company , sire was the suivationjot aouN, Surely nnd the labor leadets. Milclicll.tiomp-' she will be greatly missed bv the ers and Morrison closed 1'iiesdav. i church nud also the conimnnitv In which she lied. We know ,iz , .ie has gone to be with her Saviour. She Inaxes a broken hearted father and iiintlici, three brothers and si jsisteisand a host of relatives and friends to mom ii thuir loss, hm our J loss is her eternal gain. The funeral The committee apponted to solicit funds for the Fourth of July ceUlira Hon has been received cordially and already upwards ol eight dollars have been raised. money is in sight to assure a lirst class Program fot Commencement Week The 22ml Annual Commencement Exorcises of the Red Cloud High School will begin with the Baccalaure ate Sermon at tlio M, E. church Sun day, May 2), at 8 p. m. Final CNuniinntions May 22 and 23. Class Night exoroises by tbo Senior Class of 1!)11 at the Opera Houso. Wednesday, May LMtli, 8 p' tu. Promotional exercises by the grades at the High School assonibly room, Thursday, May 2"i, at 2 p. in. Commencement night at the Opera House, Thursday, May S.1, 8 p. in. I'ltOdltAJI FOlt rt.ASrt NH1IIT I'lay A Scrap of Paper A comedy in three acts. Miisie-'-Remicks Hits No. '.)" Hand Act 1- Class r.n 1 Music ''Apple Hlossouis" - - - Itaud Act 11 Class 101 1 .Music Mlavelands Happy Hits No. 1" Rand Act HI- Class lllll March-"New An ival" - Hand I'liOflltAM roll fOMJIKXCILMKNT NUilll Processional march "Rccosy" - Orchestra Overture 'William Toll" -Orchestra Invocation Rev. A. A Ctessman Selection 'Telephone (iirl"-Orchestia Addie5s-"Altruism" F. S. Stem, Lincoln, Nebr. Overture- "(vhteen of Autumn" Orchcstia. Presentation of Diplomas L. L. Uorcu, President of Uoard of Education. Ovcrtuie "I'oot and Peasant" - - Orchestra. Reuediction. Sunshine and breezes will not harm them. They are INTENDED for hard service and frequent laundering. IThey are durable, beautiful and withal most inexpensive. JIn leaf greens, soft wood tones, and pretty delft effects, they impart the atmosphere of cool simplicity which is the chief charm of the home in summer. t Plenty of Laces, Nets, Scrims and Casement cloths. 1 S MINER BROS. CO. General Merchants. J "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" 1 Make our Store Yt ur Headquarters. THE WWTV Notice. .John C. Chase. Socialist E-.Mayor of Haverhill, Mass., will speak in the Court House Saturday evening .May 20, at S p. in. A cordial imitation is ex tended to all. Ladies especially In vited. Additional Locals. Mother's Day was observed by Rev. Crcssniau at the Congregational church Sunday. Special music appro prlatc for the occasion was sung by the choir. There were plenty of white llowers emblematic of the occasion on tlio pulpit and in the audience. Mr. Grossman in commencing his discourse said that this was the third time lie had observed Mother's Day in Red Cloud. He quoted what a number of noted men have said in regard to this subject and gave an excellent address designed to inculcate a deeper rever ence for home and home-life. .). L. Christian of Red Cloud, Neb., was for 7 years a cattle salesman on these yards, fiom ISO.-, till 15)02. He then went up Into Webster County, Nebr., and invested in a farm, where he carries on farming on a place of about 1,100 acres in what Is called the garden spot of that state Mr Christ ian lias bycu down to the yauls and bought 2 carloads of stockers. "There is nothing that beats farming, espec ially in such u rich agricultural spot as 1 live in," Mr. Chi istian said. "Wo ! 1 I have a line country out there. Corn, alfalfa and hogs are the chief crops, j It is that section of the country that produces' the choice hogs, and the well tiuisbed cattle We raise the proper feed to make them good. 1 never saw a better outlook for a good crop year than we have right now.'' Monday's Kansas City Drovers Telegram. Rev. Lininger of Riverton will oc cupy the pulpit in the CongrcgHtiniial church net Sunday. He is a young man of promise and you will be inter ested to hear him. Fin: ist.K Fine resilience location in Northwest part of city. Half block, 12 lots. Mo-t desirable location and low price. Dan Gutni u Co. Farms listed on straight commission basis. Land list liberally advertised. D.w I! ximii ii A IVMmM. Chief otllce. Sunr.rlntciulf.nt Rich's Report from Sept. 1.1910 to Way 1. 1011 -sr. is M:l I. 11H I 1 ."illR) 77 17012 1:1 Wil7 U0 .7J0O 00 IVi 00 :i7r oo lVI oo i::os no taw oo SSKxsxx22sa&CiW&&samBB Greatest Farm Bargain In The West 680 ACRES of RIVER BOTTOM LAND. Sept. I. 1010 Meain plant s li'iOO 00 Klectile plant I.WMM no Water plant IIOOOO 00 Haul; bulldlnu' rnflo oo Oillce IIMiircs IW) 00 Tools -'''0 00 Coal StipplUs 000 IK) Standplpe iaw WI Total i wnoo oo Dppicclatlou iH mo.) i.iAiiu.iiin- Sept. I, I'JIO llopo l.luht bonds $ 1000 00 I W opo 10000 00 I l-'.'OpoXWIt. -sim 00 ltK)7 bills nM 00 liiti-iest on same sfl'.i It 1IKI7 bills III Judgment Interest on same l!M0-llll bill- pit.wtbl tUli 4K tiClM H May l.iolt S looo oo 10000 00 ..000 00 ltV8 10 M'.H'lOJ 100-J 80 ll 77 i7iii when the supremo court rendered its decision that the labor leaders weie notto be hold criminally tcspuusihlc for the boycott but proceedings could be Instituted against tbem civilally. In as much as this trouble started long ago and all the difference have been adjudicated the decision lias Httle immediate etl'cet. This case simply shows that if enough time elapses aft ur the blood boils over some imagined or real wrotig things will right them selves. In this case, both sides curried large, chips on the shoulders a ml imag services were held at the house .Sunday afternoon. May 7th.. conducted ly Perry E. Henrybisilsted by Rev W.M. Points also by Rev. C. C, Harris and Presiding KliWr.I. J). Lamb of Esbun, JCas. A very large prose.ssion of tettoin followed her to her last testing place C&tdMfc J I j 170 01 KKVD.NUE .sept. I. H'10 I. khl. private I.llihl. public SupplUs, retail Wilt! r. private Water, public i ash, Unlit. iM'pi. 1. 1010 rash, water, I. IUI0 cash fiom (icneial l-'imd I uteri si f uml (less May I. WIO-M-pl t. IOIOi Item from Hans llulldliu: INI7& '.'I May l.liui .. s wii W 7i m Jlfi &i lkii :w Ii07 ia :w to i:)7 It I7.V1 00 'JUS (li 'ji;u in ISO acres of it sub irrigated alfalfa land, ion acres p.isturc, 100 acres best hay land en the South Fork river, making G-o acres of the best land in this tectiou of the country at a price less than one-half what it is worth. There are uow :i," acres in alf alfa, as line a stand as any in the west: more being put in as circuinstiinces permit: about 2 U) acres in cultivation; no alkali on this tillable land, hence It will giow anything you have a mind to plant adapted to this country: water is obtained on thu tillable laud any whole from U to 18 feet, on the hay laud from :i to 10 feet, in the pasture at about .'10 feet: farm has a good -1 room house, barn 24 x ."2 with loft, hog barn 20 . .10) this is a barn, not a shed), other hog houses, chicken house, corrals, :i granaries, inachineVy shed, -l wells, windmills, looo rods woven wire fencing, place all fenced and cross-fenced; equipped with a 12-horse power gasoline engine and centrifugal pump drawing over tiOO gallons of underflow water a minute from two wells 21 hours a day, 110.1 days in the year, if you want It, for irrigation purposes; 200 acres can be irrigated from these wells if yon wish; 1C00 feet of pipe for conducting water over thu land, never-falling sprint; on tliejplacc, supplying a small pond. All improvements ate well built of the best material; nothing slip shod on the place: laud lies ulong the river, all in one body, seven miles from Benkelmnn. close to good school. Place is making plenty money for owner, but he wants to dispose of it, as lie hasother business which requires his attention. All clear and title guaranteed. Price 130 per acre, or $20,400: reasonable terms. No trades desired; sell your property and buy this for money., Bcukelman, Neb. Rail road fare refunded if place is not as represented. V'a nAvv'vW ' Total 5 I KM UM 171(1 Si lftl7J lEl fuel! tbhy were marts r of champions. ' in Walnut creek cemetery. Hills payable , ....-..,....- i Irani! lotal t- 1 - iiisiii'Iii:ms.nts operation '.i 70tl .V! Hill III 7ti 00 inn r - :ci7 oo .1111 77 UCillO" lii 00 It .VI Maintenance.. Ultetile construction... liettirmcnt electric .... - - - lletternient ivnliT Ilctteruii at steam. i oal on hand I oulb - supplli-s v nihil bill. Int. Iiind,.'....... s jam M Water luy. balance.... 10 Water liuul. b.ilunce. I, luh I fund, balance.. The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns In Queensware Wo are nlsb making a Specialty of the Celebrated Kill 17 lull - SOLI) RY - I Tli Miner IWhprc fn - r--r-r ... a. ...tson, Mmf ' jReadihc aM i?. Cbief 4 riigiu jarmiu i mvu v iinuii "A. B. CANNED C." GOODS Moll Phone 102. Independent Phmne 44 iAAvAvAvAvAvAvAvA VvVvsAviv w iM . ,J V.'i' uii - MAUHfCjk tmaiaKntr yr-ngr?: -V'KSftJjr'' jirwaiHr.rarrfiV' ''i;rihr!HfTftr''i r 1