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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
\Y\ K. Mellor, Resident Agent for 15. & M. Lands. YY'ild, Improved and Irrigated Lands for sale. ^mtrnmmmm——. I Lioaal F?sws. A Boone. TilK Jeweler. pllger has some line Cabbage. Iluvderi Bros. Dry Goods, Omaha. Boots and shoes at Henry Doll | *f»K» >ee T. L. Puget's new add In this issue. Pllger has u choice lot of apples for sale cheap. Pllger has some choice Onions, Bed and Yellow Mr.Kansgan. of Clear creek, In the city Monday. Pllger has some Kxcellent Horne made Hauer Kraut. , Gold rimmed glasses $2.00 per pair at tVaikinsoii's before the holidays. Line your Big Sleeves with Chamolse Fiberlne. 04 Inches wide, for sale at Pllger’*. Pllger handles only the Choicest goods, ( and hi* good* are all Clean, Fresh and | Cheap. Pllger Is Hole Agent for the Celebrat ed St Paul Flour F.very sack war- 1 ranted. Pllger ha* some New Sweet Cider. 1 The only Pure Cider ever brought lo Hherinsn County. Heo A. Boone’s new add on this psg«, ( and then go anil see hi* new assortment , of Jewelry Just received. A. Foltz, of the Hound Front barn , 1ms Invested In a bran new buggy to , add to his livery equipment. , llenry Heck the newly elected Super* | visor from district No. 5, was doing | business it the hub last Wednesday. Mr. Roily Hbettler, who has been I going to school at this place this winter, < returned to his home in Box Butte Co. < last Monday. • PiIger has the only Pure Buckwheat ‘ Flour In Sherman County. Raised the seed himself and had It ground into t Buckwheat flour. , ( and Grip.—Colds and Grip 1 are one and the same thing. Dr. Hum- I phreys' Specific "77” cures them both. 1 For sale by all druggists 1 Mr.and Mr*. A. B. Outhouse were given a surprise last eve when a rium- 1 ber of friend* walked In to spend the ] evening. A very pleasant time was en- < Joyed by all. i A party at Mr. and Mrs. Stahl's Wed* 1 nesday, Dec. lltb, was well attended. Progressive spelling was the order of ' the evening and an enjoyable time was had by all present. I Dr. Southerland, president of the j Grand Island College, gave a lecture In the Baptist Church at this place on 1 Dec, 16th, 1896 The lecture both ' morning and evening was quite well ' attended. II. C, Naylor, of Callaway, was dig ging a well In Dawson county two ' weeks ago, when the hoisting rope ' broke and dropped a bucket of dirt on him, causing lujuries from which he died two days later- Monitor. i Last Tuesday night was election i night for the Modern W’oodman and brought out a large number of Wood man who take great Interest in their camp and it* wellfare. After the pre liminaries of the meeting had been gone through with the camp proceeded to elect lu officer* for the ensuing year, which resultad a* follows G. II. Gibson, V.C.; J. L. Hopper, W, A ; W. H. Conger, Clerk; J. I. Depew, Excellent Banker; W. J. Fisher, Escort and Joe McCoy, Chief Forester. At a meeting of the G A. K. Post of this city last Saturday afternoon the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W. T. Owens, re-elected Comander; Samuel Hancock, S. V.; Geo. Ware, J. V.; Jehn M. Taylor, Chap.; Walter Mood, <J. M.: Capt. J. Winkleman, O. D.; Lewis Uechthold. Guard. Lewis Uechthold was also elected a delegate to the state en campment. In conversation with Mr. C. Itle moud, of Clay township a few gays ago we learned that while he was on his return trip from Omaha last week where he had been to market a car load of cattle, he was boarding a train at Lincoln when thee men Jammed into the entrance to the car where he was standing, seemingly in a great hurry They cornered him au»l al mast Instantly robbed him of some live dollars In change which he ha 1 In his pant* pock-t. then rushed through disappeared. Mr. Blemonu hail considerable u >ney in his inside ! vest pocket which the thieves failed to | get A very pleasant party was given In Vt atUltisi u's hall yesterday afternoon,! at which there were about thirty Invited I guests At home cauls were issued by Mr«. A. Wilkinson of th * city, and visiting Itdv ft lend Ml** Fluey, of Otloway, Kansas l‘h# lioms mis gtveu nut from three to five o'clock j p m. and a splendid social tin .< enjoyed by all Itefreshmeuis were served a 1 bout I o'clock and the occasion I* spot, *u of a* bring th* mo»t pleasant gather. I lug ever known in Ihe city, tine ut the pilhSlpa! features of lb* e , was the pretty *ou*< inei cards w hich were prepared by Mr* A MaUmson.j A bSNOlllful flowey was painte.l on each c»»d anil th* luiliil ieiler* \V K wit re also painted on, They will doubt lea* lie preserved for years as a me ineiilo of the icaslun WHAT:: 24 lb* of Sugar for $1 00 at Gasteyer's. pure Maple Syrup ami Buckwheat Ilnur at Ga»teyera Mastodeti Minstrel* at the Opera Mouso tomorrow night. Guasteyer sells strictly Pure New York Apple Cider 30 ct*. p«r gal. W. A. 'Vllsoo, o Ashton w as doing iiisliiess In our city last Monday. Gasteyer sell* tfueenswiire and Fancy ,'hlna at remarkable low price* for tush Did y«n g‘'t one of those fancy china •ups with 1 lb of .lapail lea at Gasify •r'»y J. T. Male has one of the largest and (nest Jack* on the river which he calls ■Vanderbilt" Jobu Buchner, of Bristol township vas doing business at. the county seat Wednesday. You can bey nice smoked ham at lohn Egger* Meat Market at 10 cent* »er pound, the finest In the market. Hired Mam 12< cents. Mr. W. M Conger now has charge of he lot* and lands of the Barker estate icrc, and we understand he will soon tut them on the market. Tin; Modern Woodman and their aril I lie* will eat their Christmas dln ler at their Mall this year, and all nembera are requested to lie on band vitli their basket so salth the camp. Janie* Johansen ha* purchased a iand*ornc tlower vase to give as a prize o the best lady waltzer on Christmas dght. The vase can be seen at A. tonne's Jewelry Store where ft was iiirahased. .fumes Gray, of Clear creek, was In he city lust Tuesday and dropped Into ur sanctum tor a pleasant chat. Mr. iray is one of Hbcrinari counties sub tantial farmers and an old pioneer cttler. Day Id Royer, of Washington town hip was at thn hub Friday and called >n us during hi* stay, lie paid nil tack due* on subseription and one ear In advance. Mr. Royer thinks arming will be a paying occupation >ext season. W. T. Gibson, 8 E. Gallaway, J ts. ifcDonalil, Jss Johansen and H B. Gsher started out to commence work m the oew bridge across Oak creek, lorth of Warmlnskl’s, last Monday norning Mr Gibson ha* the contract or the construction of the same and t will be built under his supervision. The Mastodon Minstrels will produce he first of a series of plays at the Opera lonse to-morrow evening, Saturday, )ec. 31st. They have spared no pains to nake the play a success and It will no loubt be a rare treat It will be a reg ilar negro show from start to finish, ice hand bills for further particular*. The Ladles of the G. A. K. Circle teld their regular annual meeting last Saturday and re-elected Mr*. Jnnrile )wen, ('resident: Mrs Thos. Inks, 8. V.; Mrs. Conger. J V.; Mrs. J. L. Hawk, hap ; Mrs. 8 A. Gibson, Guard. Del igates to Department Encampment at 4maha, Mr*. W. H. Conger, Mrs. Thos. nks: Alternate Delegates, Mrs. J L. lawk, Mr*. 8. Hancock and Mr*. Geo. Lee. Died:--Herman Clausen, aged 43 rears and six months died at hi* humc n Clay township, Dec. 14, 1809, of Lung fever. Mr Clausen has been a -estdent of Sherman county for quite i number of years and was a much re jected citizen. He had been married >n)y three month* prior to his death to Mrs. Win, Sboenlng. He was formerly i member of the German Society of his city which society took aharge of .he funeral services which were held >n Monday,Dec. 16. The remains were interred in the Kvergreen < 'emetary VV. II Conger and W. T. Oweus went jp to Cole creek last Monday to see heir old comrade, R. J. Wilson, who was reported very sick with lung lever Mr. W ilson was found to l>e daagorously II but at last accounts was though' to l>e some improved LateH: -Jasl as se are ready for the press this morning I we learn that Mr Wlisou died last svenlng Dec. I#tit, at 10 o'clock. Mr. | Wilson was an old soldier and a mem- 1 her of hlnluh Post. (I. A. It. of tills city, i lie served as private In Co 1), Wilt Iteg., Wisconsin li.fantrr A* we go to press arrangements for luneral have not been made Our attention was directed across the street yesterday loan unusual clr L-umslaiicu ami being curious to kowu lomelhlng about It we crossed over snd low and behold it Was Joe Church with s baby In hit arms. The little thing old not cry a* it was caielully wrapped so as not to tie exposed to the cold, and Joe wa> tenderly embracing It lu his strong am*, We el one* became curious to see the child and learn something of Its history, w htither lost. found or stolen snd so asked hlua what he had and all shout It, Jue>saw that the jig wa* up snd that an I’Xplauet oe was necessary slid he Ulilupped Hi* little one and ills idoa*d to view a l>rlght eyed Utile baby it'll with rosy i has ka and unborn ring lets It teemed happy and outvoted ss lie loudly taeld It np to view |i |>m ed to tie a large wax doll, almost life sta« and handsomely dressed, whiilt he said he was going tu send to a little girl as a • htlsimai present. from Clear Creek. Since my la I letr»- death h >* entered the home of llan- Heck, and taken tru r tltrlr inldat the youngest »nn. a bright youth of eight aumnter*. II* wn> alck but a abort flm« but died vert mu x pectedlv. John Knave I* emiv*'#»»eenr. The gnod people on the creek picked Kirk'* corn which will he a great help, a* the a|e|fne<« of III* family got hint behind with hi* work Teeter I* enjoying a rl*it with hi* •l*ter iiinl her hu*b«ntl from Kao*** ll>- I* a mi later of Duncard per«in< •Ion atftl It I* to b« hofted that he will convert Teeter to the Dunciil faith before he leave*. The election of officer In then. A II at r itchfleld reunited In the election of Joaepb Littlefield, The election i>f officer* In the Modem Woodman Lamp, of Litchfield, revolted In the election of Fred Stark a* L'oun «t| lUcoRirKfi. rrniii l.tlcMIeW Monitor. A deal wm negotiated tbl* week, whereby T II. Keaanner exchanged hi* town property for Melvin Lowery'* kit acre farm adjoining town. Mr*. F. W, Tate and children return ed Friday from Humphrey and Llnd*ay. where they have been vlalting for *ever ul week*. The elder Mr. Tate, who ha* been In poor health for »orne time I* r< • ported much better. Mr. John Drake Hr returned Satur day from Smith county, Kan«ot, where he had been ordered to be examined for a penalon. Mr Drake *a;* the ehancea are that, a penalon will he aJ lowed, with aotne hack pay We *ln cerely hope that It will turn out a* ex pected.** the applicant I* deaervlng of a good liberal "quarterly,” The Village Hoard has decided to do nate $100 toward purchasing liuru ment* tor a brass i>»nd when «n or ganization is perfected, which wll| probably be soon. The instruments will be controlled by the village author ities. m . , - ■ ■»' Mr Frank Fiala, who sold Ills lino j farm In Hherman county, near ltavenna, a year or two ago and moved to Flo ride,, where be had been I d to believe a for tune was to be made In the lumber bus iness, ha* left Florida and moved to Missouri, where he ha* rented a form. His Florida venture was a failure, finan cially, w« are told, and the health ol bis family demanded hi* return Vo the north. Messrs Frank Valek, John Petrlek and John Maly and families who moyed to Florida with Mr, Fiala have all returned north, except Mr. Petrlek, who died shortly a'ter leaving here,—ltavenna News. Ifoll'laj' Hates via the Burlington Koute, Dec. 24, 25, lil and Jan. 1st, between stations not more than 200 miles apart. Return limit Jan. 2, 18tW. Take advantage of this low rate opportunity and spend Christinas with the old folks. They are counting on you. The Christmas turkey and the Christmas pudding are all ready. Hat them where they should be cateo—At Home with your own people—among your own friend*. Tickets and full information at the H. &. M. depot. Foit Hunt:—1 will be in ltoekvllle on the 20th day of December at II o'clock a. in. to rent the following lands. The south half of north west quarter of *ectlon 3, and lot one of sec tion 17, all In township 13, range IS of the Mill* estate, arid the south west quarter of the south west quarter of sectson 8, in townsnlp 18, range 13 of the Chas.C. Reasland estate. Jacob Ai.beks, Administrator for both estate*. I or Mather's Chr talmas. Something that will plea e her, make •upper getting easier. One of those ruckle plated teapots at Walk in son’s. Profanity Prevented. One thing will do It, that is it sharp razor. Warranted razors at Watkln ton'a. Kutt SALK. This office has a complete ‘Hi pound font of Nonparll type tor saleehcap, the fac > of which Is shown In this notice. Itcason for selling is tint we have Just Invested In a large font of Nouparll of a different manu facture. The foul is complete with a large amount of figures i|iiad» and sjstre*. It I* flrsl-elass In every particular and can he Isinght for almost half the price of a new font of the same alre. Address ftto. fc llassi'Hot km, Publisher. Ian r City HoamweaTnue. Awarded Highest Honor*. World s Fair. DU BAKING mm MOST IM KI ICT M\OB. A puts (.upe t >t of 1 1 1 I silii ft*, ft. s *»■ » lit Atum *t « «■«* 4* UAR* tmi itardakd DON’T DO IT g Dlapnin u i'Ij a ^ T woman when I-lie num our 11 are the 0 Often to Huy. Be ■ e he known what Hint I- liti. bout, j Alette a tilt her '< § A 1 ‘ ’ hi n nh«' nayn 1 l|| I (tur I'ruf'H are i B|| | M -NKY-.-UVKR*. ( •AJ UA* ''III' talk* like ' n ntii*ihU' witinuti who known wlmt’ii what. Jx Try t>> excuse ■ Inn tv,',,rw,r I I llll |,u-tomcne Oth I 11111 |<u atorc indeed AJUU X„( ()ur». Vou know that you ceil offer no rcaeon Unit cun be Hufflclent for |;'iH‘dng tin more where the lit HT ttlld rilKAl'KNT o together. "PI J < Kxpect y o u r I nil Twife to meet. Illlll lv"u | Hill I if you’ve gone Ip, mo me other • ore than (Jura, when she < Xjucusly told you to go. no where elm). Don't do theae thing* if y ou expect to live long and keep j\oui hair on. WB WANT ALL PBOi'LK TO DROP IN AND -r.K Ol'R NV,VV STOCK OK Notions* KW** IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! We biive got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in thi- Market, Allut Extra Low Price*. f oup BAIT is BARGAINS &« T. L. PILGER, New York Store. Loup City, Nebraska Those who are indebted to me for twine or otherwise please call and set- j tie at once as l need the money due me j T. M Rkkd. Notice is hereby given that i will not be responsible for any debts and pur*! Chases made by M. P. Ford. J. it. Font*. Agt. _ I Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. For Farms wagons, carriages, bugglc and road wagons. VVe are headquart ers, vv. p. Rkkd. A cholse half section of highly cill tivated land for sale. Price $2100.00, For further particulars call on or ad dress. FlSHKU & JtKN*< IDtTKK, at Loup < ’itv. Hu$b»ad». , liuy a nice Parlor Lamp for an Xmas present for your wife for sale at Watkluaon's. Cash paid for chicken* at Loup City every f’Saturday. J A. ComVKitsK. Xmuand the Simtl! Boy. Often you wonder what to get him for Xmas, let us suggest one of those nice pocket knives or pair of skates, for sale at NVatkinson’s. OIVINO AWAY A PIANO, The Dally (state Journal gives every subscriber sending $1 on subscription a guess in a piano contest. The person guessing the correct or nearest to the corret t number of votes that will I cast for supreme judge this fall util get litis $4.VJ piano ffee. The contc.t e|o»ea October III. (send fora free sain i pie copy of The Journal with this off er [ The J< Hinuil i** v11**•*11 ui |>i it'p now, V) I 4’4‘nt* |»t*r iii4»iitli without Nuioiuy oMIA j 4’4‘I'Im with HumUy. AilUrc** HUU* ' .loinuni, Lim olu. Nob, AM. COgP^TITIUN IMaIMHUI. ’•f Ii« (hurUud l,imiUhl,M n S$»w Timm* rhio$((i t«$ Mmii I riMM iM iit Thu fHftit ftt train kn the wurht. *11 »* i tDiii'it riifi*}ih'it*<(, tviil run v.* tin* l'|| I Oil l*JUilL’ Nyultm, 4 out till* IK') | 4, Sov lith fIk* Cit*ah I'tKJUl* will t - tt *t ! through tglti *htllv from ( ormi'ti Iti«iit in Nrtii l i tm Uiii himI Lin : making ilMV ftM of 1 ns) mil*'' m ' V \ | hour* thtrtv flw utlhuffN* Tbb train j will |4«mv*» Mtu thu, ** l*t *i m Ogjrit, I lu |i, in irnxl thi i Hum lfi»w u, * T’» |i II* t J »)«) , Mini l.o« ti!4> n ! !0at«tt ii m, ihi* ttitii! iliit tuinlMg Through I'mIIihmi 1 >** L**• |>ri**)tig I MI4>111 Nl* *' i • Mill) iMlllhg l‘.|f til PMIt Lrgrn A* o mol !.«** Angola II mif iiml ta r tii .mi* v>4 ' Tim hu iUimI Moult** L |, MiM U, Mil l. I't«* Aht* hituf Aitishf. I Ml* iliM \»l> -If yon will go to A BOONK’S Jewelry Store yon will me wbui saw. It wan the finest assortment of Holiday Goods in town. And they are fresh from the factories of New York Just had j finished unpacking and arranging ! them for the trade. There were JEWELRY, SILYERWMRE, WELCHES, CLOCKS END —a complete line of— STKHL1.N0 SILVER NOVKLTIKs for GREAT BARGAINS in | Holiday presents call on A. BOONE, LOUP CITY. i I NKB. *100 iteivarrf ■ 100 Wii will pay till. aiiinunt for each and every ease of < ATAItitll that Kooky Mountain Catarrh ('im* fails to cure. It U plriotuhi to tttktt. !« upplhMt <lir*HJtly , to ilid utfwled pnrt», closmintt und <jui«kty n ^iorln«( Oj©ui to lit*«*]t y to t mu OiH* imiiilbn tieutiuunt only » or trial ' l*ot tld lor&i) centiiillvor (it *»i un»j - Hot KV MOUNTAIN MU * o. Cooper tHdff, Mitv*»r« Cut. YOt 1.1, WANT Till The Heini-Weekly Stale Journal will he vent to any addr**** front nmv untilj lanuaiy 1, ImiT, fur one dol lar, l id. will give yon Unit great twice , w*ag |m|M>r t’vary 1'ue.rlay and I t.'lay «t| ilurln tlw fall ctititpaign. and through lit* entiling great can. I sign. January. |-;*? tan l*«g wava nl! und >tnt will lie gelling « gieat I t of re tting matter fm > dollar l ire Journal I. alw'tv. ale1 1 .-I tin* M Wcek |•«j •*r- iinl la r, *dv worth) twin* it* tench* It iattie farmer', dally It. market report* are enmphte anil volt gat tin tit lain* a u * r* It j* gtleil w Ith choice family reading .*• aiUlllluu In all ttn* ** and nat’nnal tekgrc.pMv M**w. 1*1 tilt* lllu.tral*al atialiv. ov th* w■trill'* vr*atc*t a :t|nti», The niaam.*t t mi aetid a dollar the no tv paper* a i»u wilt get Im tour money \ < j N*i)ta*ka winli’ JiniMitl I on ,.ln X*t;> | m TIME TABLE III lll.lNOTON A MISIOI Ill It. M. KAST. WEST. I :4H I' M. Leave* fi:50 I'. M A, F WKHTS, Agt ^ I 1' IIAII-WAT. Beginning S .inlay. November 17th, train* will arrive anil depart at this elation a* I Blow*: Leaves Leaves Monday. t - ... Tuesday, i .... Wednesday, Thursday. [J J Friday, a Hilda y | a‘ Arrives at Loup City daily 7.i,'ip.ui. Close connection at Grand island for all points East and West F. W. Cl,INK, Agent yyr .f.FiSHi It, ■flttopiiEU-at-Law/, W‘Id and unproved lands for sale. Anti money to loan on real estate. LOOP Cm. . - NEBRASKA. li. GIBSON, DKAI-KH IN Furniture. < AKPETH, FNDERTAKEKS GOODS. West Hide Public Square. Lou i* City, .... Skk. ( V BEN8CUOTKB, litoi*. ok EXPRESS anii GENERAL DELIVERY L{NE. ( All Express or Freight orders promptly ituindod t« \y L KAMI, «DENTIST. HFFlUE -In Kami ami Marry llm«a, Kasl side I'ublm Mtuarn, lamp Oily, Neb. UN li ,v M, STVTIONH ■Vrf olia, MrAljii III'. IdlRJl ( if \ , Shnup|» hilling iiiisl Ashiou M UN Gl I l< L AT I «.| |. ,.,i y AH gran, hauled lu Me Mpip, up , li .upp Milling III iteU ate lu he ’ * *’ *■ (’t|> <i iiiiipii i »• n'.ii i, < its Altai Itte ttiaigel t',»i! anil