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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
r - ? I (tfzZ / Northwest i 4ft LOUP CITyTsHEHM an COUNTY, NKIU' ASK A, KUIDAV, i>K( KM1SKU l.‘{, lHt>o. NUMBER 41 The Northwestern m - sw -m • — ■«— ■ ■ wr—' ■ VUBUHHKD EVERY PRIUAY AT Til K COI/NTY MIC AT, WMO. H. HUMACIIOTH1H, Editor and Publlaher. TIHWI It 10 pot fnr. II Paid In Advance «... • .. --.'3W Seterwl M tba I<on» City far trana ■nine tb/cmfb tba uiatia aa laiial alaaa naUar. ■HPPMMMW'dVfltfBMMPBIHMi > EAMMVWMB oujr Repobiicaa Newipimr li Slernii Coeiir Now that the * lock holder* to tba H her inun County Irrigation, Water power and Improvement Company have decided to liond the canal and thereby rulae $06,000.00 with which ' to complete the enlerprlee, it la aafe to aay that all the land under the ditch can he Irrigated next fall. The queallon of time «nd place j for holding 'lie National republican' < convention waa nettled laat Tueaday I when the republican National Com- | inlttee meeting waa held, and the 1 great hooora fell upon old Mlaaourl < ^ and the city of Bt, Louie. June *ltb, I waa the day agreed upon. Ban Kraneiaco waa the eloneat competi Hurry Hayward, the Minneapolis murderer, who was convicted of the murder of Mies Catherine ding, December, I MM, was banged laet Wedueaday, lie contested Ida guilt at the Inal, end admitted that the gallow* wae about to receive one of the guiltleet wretches of the nine teenth cenluary. The murdered girl tool to r life Insured for $10,000 which Insurance was to go to Hay ward. Kentueky and Maryland have at laet become aware that it will not help Industry within their bordere to think one way and vote another. They have epurned the party whose ruinous polio? wa# UdUnit with «*»eh severity upon their industrial prog ress. What shell we expect from y Louhuna and other Houtbern states where the free-trade legislation of the democratic party has been ao prolific of disaster? in the past two veure the sugar interest of Lou isiana have been practicelly destroy ed and the iron industry of Alabama severely psrali/ed. Will theee stelae continue to uphold the party that impoverishes them? Or will they, in (Hint, follow the example of Kentucky and Maryland?—Amer ican Kconomist. Cripple Creek, Colorado, is being i developed aa a great mining coun- I try and the production of gold aeema i to be abundant. During tbe month of December the aaica of Cripple < Creek atock aggregated 11,827,867 i abarea. For tbe aame time in Nov- t ember but 600,000 abarea were aoid. Tbe aide* for tbe preaent month promote an enormou* total, aa the three minlug exchangee will be re- i i Inforced the coming week by night exchange and an open board. The calla urn now unde twice daily and y at all hours the atreeta ia front of the exchange are almoat impaaaaiile. Mining expert* ace no end to the preaeol urtuc, baaed, aa it ia, u|K»u Crippla Creek thirty miiaa of rich low grade aud fr#<|ueut Imnanaa ■orea. During the week juat cloaed tweiity four mining coinpaniea to arpnrate nl Cripple Creek were in* twirporaUei. im a ruea wan a uounimv, t‘«*pl* HNu llu 1k«ta font Will »»*r e»«r laUaHMalaiy, 8ii,oam hem no*, Ark—(Hpevial Correnpondenve.) “Fite Uollara Una for waahing hauda or face in thia apriug." i« the proclamation win h tn«< aulhoriltea of Ihia town hare writ ten in Muck lar with a ath k on « jwu.t ImiumI ami nailed up on a treeuenr where the Hlhutin apriug; gurgle* out ihittugh Ibrte iwall. mart iron pipe* winch protrude front t mnghatone wall in the aide of a locki hill. N»w, it w«a no trouhle for nre, treing a Nehraakan, ami neekaWmtnd to waah nty fait in \ a bowl of water, to refrain from lining the publia apring for Buck a purpoae. Hut here in tbia country nf jack oak wooda, roaka, rad upplea and poverty, here, where thouaanda if homaleaa people wander beak and forth on foot, on horaehaek and in coveted wugona, hack und forth from one aide of Arkanaaa to the »thor, from Tenneaaee to Indian rerritory in the apring and from Indian Territory to Tenneaaee in ibe fall, here, where duet begrimed, weary looking people meet you in •very country road and poer cur ouaiy at you aa you paaa by their lamping plaeea along the ruuuing itreama, hare, where there are tbou taude of white people who hare not reed aoap or waehed Id a white jowl, or even a bright clean baain, >r alept under their own root for ireare, It ia aonaidered prudent, rending tbia great influx of north irn people into the red apple uouu ry, to anapend the rulee, and de rive the native Arkanean and the vandaring Teuneaeeeaa of hia ac iuatomed privilege of waabing hia lauda and face in the apring. NKKHEH A I’XNAI/TV. 1 waa informed by an old wbite marded coloael, whom I found at he apring. that it bud become neoce ary to enforce tbia new reform by i penalty, not only in deference to he over aenaative tuatea of north iru nannlu wtio are aoinewhat ore udiccd against the south, hut faul ty well* here being the exception ini not the rule (wells corn jfl.oO i foot to have them drilled or dug) Hid the larger portion of the people iking poor and compelled to carry v*i«r for liouee use from the creek* md Hpringi there ha* grown up of aie a aueplcion that it ia not exact y proper, «ay nothiug of health, to Iriuk water from a spring where ivery Tom, Dick ana Harry, white uau, black man or red man, wasbee lie Lauda and face ‘ They can. up mm nown me creak than, wliah lie watab'e Jeet ez good to wash in,” aid the colonel. I did oof aek hie polite old man why they euforc d this reform againat the people, mt made no etfort to reetrain the eggy, lauk, long noeed hog* that bat iofe*t the street* of all these owns, or why they did not pans ome ordinance against the army of nules which were marked “reject id" during the war and which are itill shambling about in the atreeta )f the town, browsing from the icanty forage on the vacant lota _ J -1-1.1 ski..* -* th. •‘•“‘“is — — * ipri ng. I mad* no suggestion of bis kind. I was not expected to niggeet. I was from the north and vaa expected to go into ectaciee »ver everything I saw in the red ipple country, rather than to ace he eonditiona aa they are. Speaking of hotneiaas wanderera ,hu following from the Parkersburg •Hate Joarnal ia given to show that .here are more of that elaaa of peo ple here in Arkansas than in any yart of Nsbraaka. Bert Warner, an old Parkers burg boy who ia Ihrivtug in ths {real west, writes from Lincolu, Neb,, that the hard times are driv ing many easterners who sought wealth and fame in the western iouutry hack to ihsir homes iu the sastsrn states, lie says that prairie ichooiiere headed eastward are paaa lug through Liucoln daily, I'pon the while covers of theses big eou te> ansae are numerous I tinny say lugs, of which the following was it|Htn a big eehooucr Itearing the lew household eltsctaami ths family of a man deserting lbs west Isa fair ■ample: * Colorado irrigation, Nebraska starvation, pemucrntie administration, doing home to wite'a islatmua t lu ths uthsi »tde ol the prairie ■chooser was "In gt*| s« trusted, In Custer Count) we hustsd It is true that this nalionai talassi t) stttph Arkansas and Virginia hi lheir titlehtlpetl to bring on has ••lined bard lime*. It ia also true that in Nebraska, where more poor men have evolved into comfortable conditions in the laat fifteen years than in any southern state, that the drouth of laat year cauacd some of them to leave their farina in the western part of the alute nnn go haek eaat, but if the young men himself who is thriving in the w.’st and who writes each discouraging stories to hin friends in the east will cotne here be will fled in ono dey more homeless, wandering people and see mors of those traveling schooners than ba will see in say Nebraska town tn a mouth. I waf told by a reliable man in Hlloam who had traveled extensively through Arkansas and lxdian Territory that all thia country ia alive with home less people who wander about in coveted wugons, camping along the woody streams and having no per manent boms. The truth ia that it is almost impossible for s poor man to get a start here, and this condi tion having been so for years the poor of this county have remained poor, JO. T. L. IMIger brought a photo t.<> this office hint Wednesday, which h<‘ had Ju»t received by mail from Loveland, Colorado. The photo was that ot > b Hwaln, an extensive potato grower o that place, lie was standing willi a large potato of the Maggie M.ol'phy variety, on bit shouidcr a large mI.w.u.,1 u r h I m .1.1,• ..1,1, tht, follow IIIU inscription thereon: "Muggy Murphy potato, weight ad pounds ami 10 ozj Kor particular* of this and one hum dred and eighty other varieties enquir*! of J. B, Swain, Loveland, Colorado! Size 20 Inches long, not circumference! and 14 Inches Across." Mr. Swain Is t potato grower of great repute but bis lust production heats anything of th| kind yet scan. He is doing all bji . farming under irrigation, and the ri rults are astonishing. Mr.Hwsin MW ever admits that the potato which he had oo his shoulder oaly weighed 10 pounds and 10 ox. while it has the a\ eJ,"?u?fy hul ftIumsi/.« oTftio* man h Im snlf. The photo was more for un ad £ vcrtlsmcnt hut was accompanied liy jj circulars and statements supported i>y -i affidavits to the effect that he raised !, of many different varieties from 400 to 'i 000bushels per acre. So much for irrl- -i gation. _____________ i( i From Clear Omsk. b Westbcr warm and tbo snow hu* t> about all disappeared. J,’ Corn in these parts Is all picked and ^ In tha crib. Jim Dennis is at home looking after f< his finance hero. 'j1 Mead Is home from Ills pleasure trip i and the girls sre happy. » K. Kirk’s eblldreu are convelasoeut after a long run of fever, The uew Itretbercn preacher has a , very siuk wife. a Steinbeck Is hare having arlred from J. a years sojoarn In Colorado. r Kbcokdkk. ! 0 hippy Colds. Qrlppy c*l<l» are’ j epidemic and are promptly “broken up' by “77,” Dr. Humphrey’* Kpeciflc tor cold* and grippe. For sale by all drug glut*. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. NON-UKrtllfKNT NOTICK lu Dlstriot Court of rUiermbu County, Nebraska: I Horatio ifiuelser muolser, plaintiff vs John llayes, - llayes, wife of John lleyes, Orel name unknown, M || NUffetit, Clllsen's National Hank of at Paul Nebraska, llnoree M Toeksy, aarab A Terhune, Adalbert J Sian I, Kulak and Jor g«u*en, Thomas Murphy, Defeudauta male ol Nahreek*. (. , ahunuau County I * , The said dafeudama John llayes and i —- Hayes, wlfs of Joint llsyss, ilr*i Haute I uukuowu. will lake miller that >m lu* ISlb j I day of lieeetnlwr, t<#6. the said |tlalnua|, Sled hi* pelllliiii In tits dislrb I , uurl u! < •tieruiau mmniy, Ne’draakb aaalusl said do I (eudants, the ob)eel ami prwyei ol which t ate in forvebuta a eerlalu ittortgiu* elect!t j I e»t by Hie delendaui, I'hotue* Murphy toll Ibo (feteudanl. ti*UM* M Lwlsy ttpuu 111* I • follow!!!* Its, tilted leal esiale. sllual* In I ' aheiitraM iVlUBl* aud stale of S*hr**a*|J to wII f'be>a*l half of aecitoit iwenly-ji I oh* tilt la tow usbip sillets list act lb of j I Hauar Con two , lr acal of It.,, ,|k|driti* 'pa I ton rid tan lo secure I l<a |>at meal of two < i prounasot > uuA*e> dated April l#> '***, on* I lot lb* sun. of fS*•** «W« and not aid* on April 1*1, l-et, and oil* lot food due end I I t at aid* m April 1*1, Id*' lltal on Apltl I ala, !<**! ss id tioits* M T-a-kry . > I and I [ asst*and »*fd ttuilsii* l»* plaintiff IUI, deft miauls bat* fallen hi pay said wot* of j | hs*. and me lata* a .»cSas.l and tea I a I ff|i*o, ' •aid <aatf fur Ike sear* I1*1 end tw*t wad ’ ' : idainltlt ha* eleclswv la tlaUtt Iha ' aeo.ant lo uia.l by said wnot**** let lat < I \ unwanltaieli da, ami |aia*ilr an I Ito . j |a now due ihanes lb* aeot of pa a Si with 1 lalaieal at •»**» wn test p»i an mm |e.% « ! April ut, i*l Piemen pi..* for » A# i. : * bat doles la>t la Im i ndued lu 1«,I lb I 1 .lasoi I bat said ptwtat**-* b* * 1 to aat I I t*l t the * .. omi louad da* A ,.H aie Ia-p.,t»d lo ansae* .a t lablio, I Of. of WlolSlb* Srlbdai >1 j».‘ . aif. I«* , |i*l«.I ll.ta t ab ,*a| ol !•*» *.efan. <wkA j H'*b» I b» awkASba, I tamlid | f ' satat n* klamitstf Al b Hi •* blf Ally < j y Alsei l IlSIl lllll, > III uf lb* lUaAl > 11 atwil GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxatlvr tni dli Ine to cleanse the system and keep the bi'Kid pure. Those who take SIMMONS LlViK HHOULATOW (liquid or powder] cet all tne benefits ol a mild and pltasanl laxative and tonic that purifies the blood Slid strengthens Ihc whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGth LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It actlvi and healthy, and when the Liver is lr good condition yog find yourself fiee from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick HeaJ lie and Constipation, and rid ol that Morn out and debilitated feeling. These ore nil Caused by a .sluggish l iver. Goi d dlp.c'h'on and freedom from stomach trm.l will only be had when the llvei Is | | ,ly at work. If troubled with any oi i implainls, try SIMMONS LIVER Rp. d.ATOR. Th-' King of Liver Medl :lt, , d Better than Bills. •KVPUIV PAOHAUKsM; e: , up hi red on wrapper. .1. II. /..'Hlii Co., t'litin., i'li. LAND EXCURSION UIRdfNIA, The Konthern F«rm Agency, Lynchburg,V*. will run a on* faro for like round trip pernor* •lly conilur.tod hind Aofik^rtt «xciir«fon, leav ing Oalwein, C«(iir Rapid*. Ihirlinglon, Ot 11«> X il ll, if. ufi#l In t» » 1 ;• 11■ 1 <mi trunk IlncA of Hail R>u<ln,chm to market from <)0 un •< r*i upward*. No dr'Might, no blir/urd*, no failure of crop*. You mu»th»v* AtarriflcAto from the South ern Farm Agency to tecura the on* far* rata, which you cun get free by addre*»!nff B. 11. POPE, W«Ht«rn Fa»»«ng«r Agent, Chasapeak* & Ohio Ky. bt. Lotus, mo. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure (imp. Cream of Tartar Powder. f. I.ouls Ruin County Cleric of Kherman <"o.. ebrusku, estimate that the following book*, hoik* and stationery will bo required for tho hi? of county oHIour* of Hhcrnmn oounty for ii* coming year: lire* gross of lend pencil*, best grade, negro** penholders, welvo quart* of Arnold* writing fluid. waive gross steel pen*. vo hundred blotter*, went.v-four gross assorted rubber band*. wo dozen sponge top mucilage, wo ream* Cranes Japanese linen abstract •gal cap. bur ream* Columbia extra first class abstract gal cap. igbt, h quire record book* (four plain and nir printed form*) patent flexuble back flat fienlng. best paper, tssi triplicate tax receipt* blocked. 100 tax receipts in t riplicate bound and por >rated. £(X) In book for county Treasury. inn) tax receipts In duplicate bound and per muted, loo In book for township treasurer, chuttle mortgage files ‘.'(Hi In tile, I HCit.K poll book* and envelope*, non % sheet blanks. 000 - *4 sheet blanks, iss> l4 sheet blank*. ouo full sheet blank*, fill blank* to bo good cavy paper ooo Note heads, gobd heavy paper <ss) Letter head*, good heavy pup 000AVt Inch Envelope* XXX. ooo jo Inch Envelopes XXX ourt docket*, one case to page. Indexed, with lies of court, list of jurors, court o'Ucers. and mldeut attorney*, on flat cap pu-per in lot* of >rty 1,0® Flection ballots. Sealed IiIiIh [or the above must be Med In the junty Clerks ortloe at l.ouo Cliy. Neb. on or store the first day of January IHWI. ealed bids will also be received (or the follow nt For 'ubllthlint delinquent tux lUt ’ubllshltik County Treasurers llnaaclal atute tent, , •ubllshmr proceedings of oouuty bourd o( u per visors. ’utdlshlnit road and brldite notlees and other otlees required by tho county, staled bids (or the above must bo Hied In he county Clerk's omen at Loup City, Neb., on r before January 1st l>WI County board re erves the right to reject any and alt bids Huted at l.oup City Neb this Slid day o[ ksiemls'r im*s Lolls Itxis i-' - t County Clerk alir.llirfr"* HALM. Xiuiicu i« h«raby given thal by virltt* ur n or«lur uf »ulu U«Q«4 by lb# #i#rli lb# 11i»lv i- i .dtiri tit th* Iftli ju'lii lAl ilUlriiA uf i#i»*»ka wiiUlu atuifur *U«tuiait autiftty i) Hit tutu'u Mb*s««tn rtfii# V. Ilnrr wim iiakiitiif amt uuimi#! (’ fto*»h*r* Ltlllv ’liUlipr, WtUlttut l lUrt v, Jnu«« I Mrti* mi, Mailt# Hrlllutt, VI,.flitl an*! Mil, VW»l«MU Vi lUMltM l til t HJ i*u M|M4lty, iRMiidi H lltiavh, I' * W iiMi Kuyin* atml •umii i* J. t*. ttawarit Itaab. git umm. \% aui 1141mm v »r« ii«*f**n taut* will il laa uoIimA li tu *u Ui# flu 'lav I January, Ima. it lit# *»*ata*b*jr u( Un Mini i»» I uti|t City* aba*man vuuuly, latMrauik*. off«# fur *al* 41 |***bMa !ut tan t|v (uliiiflim ilman't iImmI taal lu nib t'w i#rbivial 1*t iwIUm mt t .u#. in it*u tuitiH ihiM* *’» ill, auiib uf aim# f tati««M 1 «t*.i t*« in* a«h i»nu ||»i It*4>i4kk. au4 *uaal* lu attaint** iHlulV, mi u < nit i**•*<! Ikii f» l Aav uf l«t * 111 e* I , | It I* 14ki>Kh *•*,**». Ihct IV muika ur rkitttuis tai# *t H»^ra«ba 1 m la i«**»*«» ik* tlI Hut - a !• k-*#*bv 4**9* aa* BMiMidMft ia§ b*#i* I* tfa s*a«l f »' *#!'*1 ate#it****» tMMUli, %*■ in *«bl m« is.* • , i*«ii*f a* * !u»».*M*lt*lMr 4 lit a4*tv <f H*i< m *1 aba#, laa****4» Alt f , * * I fit# «****• a#t fui <4i *4 at • *jk tin,*, 1 VI #• HvMMlHkV,JMM II t-u* uf J •****# y, I 1» l*a 1 IH* •**#« flb*lk*aak| 1 -* l*#. '•* l t *ly la t**4 MdMtif. at a let* d I MM# l>t 1 V1- %‘i |#l mh iat*»««t#4 la mM »«**%• am *# w»4i *«u w *a»4 hm • it C >11 iilvMi Hftitv-i mi tea# I a a-1 utitafeat aai ht* iib 4* v uf Tv#afimb»#a »#«%. >,im « Hut v si .aly Ja^vs SANTA CLADS HEADQUAPTEPS. Tho lurgeat ami lineal line vf good* that ever came to Loup CitJ Buitulde for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Everybody ia invited to call andaee my beautiful gooda and learn my ex tremely lew prioea;alao a full line of Guitara, Bangoa, Mandoline, Violins, Aecordcnna, llarmunloaa, Ktc., and a large aaaortment ef Quid and Silver Spectacle*. K. BOHWKR, Lonp Oity'a Reliable Jeweler. I). C. DOE. A. P. CULLBY, Vice-President. Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Ov :< *. Mook, • $800,000. i Inllietcu an faltl* ' . . _ . -_r - -j-i - - '.irlcrni Loans on Improved (arms at NOTE per cent. Bast Company sal M tow tabs had in tbs vast. Ookuaroarairmi—Chemical National Bank. New York dtp, V. ¥4 tanks **tloaal Manx. Omaha. Niheseta W. J. EJHIIKK, OKO. E. BENSCHOTEB, ! Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher LoufCitt Nokthwestebn | FISHER & BEN8CHOTER, REAM, ESTATE AGEJVT8. LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. r » _ # . BEWARE [Insist on asi: AK/\ ABP HAiWR SOPA in packages.1—“*• Costs no more than inferior package soda-— never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni \ ver sally acknowledged purest in the world. rude only by CHURCH k CO., Rew York. 1 Sold by rroceri ercrywben. S Writ* lor Arm and Uarnour Book ot Talnabi* B*cip**—run Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTI8E IN THE , j " “ 4VJ' ’ ~'"'m * ■ The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and lootU uowapapar in SHERMAN MINTY.