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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1895)
Loup City No ithwestern. VOL. X1IL-LOUP CITY, fill Kit.MAX COUNTY, X I'llilUv-K A, I'KIIMY. i >i:<i;M |:KK J7, IH'X, NUMBER 43 I'm*: Northwkstkrn « " W'' “*■" ' *»UUI.IMHRD ItVKKY KfriUAY a'J ini-. COUNTY HK AT, aico i<; Rdlinr and Fubllahar 40zz-.n vr .. ■ •„; Mrnasrt m - —-■— -»■. ' "i tv rrrgw TIMMS *1 60 par fur, II Paid m Advanea ts. . ...■i^^BX=sssr.~xs ■ -—_-ar ■atarwl at the Ixiup Cl»T Pnatamna lot Wu* ■laalou Uxough tka mailt ai ►a-xwA •laaa matur, —iwiriLi *— j if in iiwwnrr “tv . ,wu^mwMaKMB ooir KepoDlicai Newspaper li Stienii Cooity From a import from liomlon, Kri|< laod, that connlry in in a nour dla lema over the way they have been treated hy the dotted Stated over the Venezuelan ijuention. The fob lower* of Halenbury find no conaola tion from the working elanae* of Kurland,an they uphold thepoajtion taken try the (Jotted Staten a* far an they undernland the fjnufttlon, The Monroe doctrine in a rnyatry to them and they refute to he excited over the matter or to concern them nelvert with it. An exchange *uja: New*, new*, new*! It'* enough to give a men the hluea. Nobody married and nobody dead, nobody broken an arm or a bead; nobody come in to talk of the “crap;” no one got boozy and atari ed a aerup; no one got run in for taking a horn: nobody buried and nobody born. Ob! for a racket, a riot, a fii*m! Someone to come in ai.d kick up a muau: eomeone to atir up the peace laden air; aome body'a comment to give u* a scare, Somebody thumped within an inch ■of hie life; somebody run off with another man's wife; someone come in and pay up In* due#; anything, anything, Just #o it's new*. At last 0rover Cleveland lias got buck from hia great dock bunting tour,and donned hi* war paint arid addressed a message to Prime Mini* ter Salesberjr, of Kngland to keep hi* band* off poor Venezuela or prepare for war, for which all true American* uphold him. But alas, where is he going to get his army from, since Coxey’s unwashed host# have been scattered to the four corner* of the earth, with (Joxej- now seeking an office wherein hi* life would bo In le*s danger than at the bead of an army. Brown ha* sett Id down to married life. Kelly ha* gone the devil knowa where, and Bill (Jrecn ba» left hi* “matchle** brigade’’ to hold a judicial jag up here among the pop*. ' Ala*” where are we go ing to And a man to load the cannon. Ad exchange correctIr puts it thus: “Five years from today the rich man of this state will be he who takes advautsge of the present tinacial condition and adds to in stead of decreasing his inejests in real estate . When the tide turns, as it is sure to do ere another year passes over our heads, every man who has sold property at a great sacrifice, will he asking his friends to “push Ids faeu" for commiting ^ such a foolish and rash act. Keep your property; it is worth just hi much to you for a home hs it evei was, and to you who have no home, we would urge you to secure one now. Don't pay rent when prperty Is so low There are people wha have mane up their minds to sell, and sell they will just tuicause pro l»erty i« cheap The drouth I* ol greet length and breadth aud Is not only in Nebraska hut reaches out over many other states. When thl* ie broken Nebraska will regain its prosperity with great rapidity The Nebraskans wbo are eapllvated by lie eight and flavor of fruit grown in western (Colorado, eastern Mi* •Mori and other fruit growing OOUII Ills*, we would advise not to take every thing they hat) made iu Netv raska and invest it there till they go ^ aud give tk* market for their pro duct a thorough investigation li is a gre*' problem auHdig alt fruit tvow«r* w *t of ilit) Km*» tu"iiu lame anti tea matter of vital iwpmt. anew when there t* no proSlable out let for fruit the lands are virtually wt on bh<«* IKKIO/VTIO.K MUKVKV. The still*- Irrii'iilftD convention which nun'll today tu Sidney will have at com'll a lid a considerable n mount of information which lias not been aecmojable to previous bodies. Tills data lias been collected In a scientific manner by experts, sml may be considered reliable enough to serve as s s did basis for the del iberations of ttie convention. In the summer of I HIM the agrl ricullural experiment station and the department of civil engineering of the slate university hegsn col lecting siatislials regarding the water supply of Nebraska for irri gation. The results of this work up to the end of IHw4 are act forth in bulletin No. 41 of the experiment station. in October, 1 HIM, the United Stales geological survey began to co-operate in the work, and it has been followed by the state board of ugriculturul. While thoroughly appreciating the substantial uo-operntion of the older organizations, it is only fair to state that <lurlng the year now drawing to close the principal activity has been on the pint of the division Is* si i t uteri (ill 1/ rif ills* I lilt.i«rl Htfitf'M " . ’' rr geological survey, in charge of Mr, V. II Newell, anil the department of civil engineering of die state uni versity, In charge of Prof. 0. V. I’. Htout. The geological survey has estah Ii>Ik'iI nod maintained stations on several of toe livers of die stale, at which a daily record of the stage of the streams lias been kepi, ii lias also furnished iustrumeols and if. other ways has home the major part of the financial burden of the undertaking. The contribution of the department of civil engineering has been chiefly in the form of gratuitous personal services on the purl of the professor and students of that department. These force* have been able to make among other valuable tables, a statement of liie mean monthly flow of the rivers of Nebraska for the season of I8‘.i.r>. If this has not yet reached the members of the con vention, the following paragraphs may be of special service at tiiis time. The mean monthly flow of the north fork of the Republican at Henkletnun was 78 cubic feet per second in march, M) feet in April, 24.7 in May, I&5 in Jane, |2() in .July, :)4 in August and nothing in September. The Frenchman at Palisade yield ed 187 feet in April, 129 in May, 117 in June, 99 in July, 78 in Au gust and 74 in September. The Platte at Columbus, above the Loup, diaobarged 14,027 feet iu 27 daya of June, 8,085 in July and 722 in August. The Loup at Columbus proved to be tbe most regular stream ou the list. It dischared 2,7f>5 cubic feet per second in April, 2,99(5 feet in May, 8,691 feel In June, 2,122 feel in July, 9,289 feet iu August, 2,427 feet in September nud 2.4&0 feet in October. The North Loup a St. Paul muas •d 1,189 feet in 27 days of May, 1,081 feet iu June, Kt>4 feet iu July, 981 feet in August, 1,091 feet in Hepleiulier and ] ,140 feel iu Octo ber. The Middle Loup at the same town discharged I.l78 feet iu 27 days of May, 1,310 feet iu June, Hit! feet ill July, 978 feel iu Au gust, 8*7 feel in September and MO Ieet in October. The south fork of the Itopubllcau at Iteelilemni. carried enough water last M'teh to cover ay terse of laud to a depth of 19 inches iu f I hour*. Ou June 4 it would sotrer 490 ter**, oa Jane 94, |ft| acres, on Julv It ift.% atria, on August 7, it acres Iu Septeiulier it was i|n Ou June l Ho* ttepulilit mt si Oaf <rt| would cover 84,000 acres 19 Inches deep iu 24 hours Ou fjeptctulter 19 I till I to acre* A* the same Ills* the rivet alette t'ui 1 wiisou wee dry The I’lattc at Doliimtm* carried [ enough on Vl arch lilt to cmcr mrcs mill < ii Vim d, 11, lull ncies, The NurHi Loup at Out on Mm could cover ti,7 •{ ♦ ncre«. The North I'lntl mi tiering on June 14 w mid e iver glf.700 nercs 1 while «l Norlh I'hiHe on Heplelilliei 15 it would covi-r hut lull acres In ihcluet week of August the Middle Loop would cover gin neres at Mullen. 4U'2 acres hi Hencea. 5HH acres at Thedford, d II acres id Dunning and 1,75k acres at Loup (Jit)'. Hate Journal, rni-n Arcadia (,'Iisim|>Ii>ii Walter Horensoti lock a wheel spin to | Loup t/'lty yesterday afternoon. Wm. Cramar sold to .1, W, Landers cattle and hogs to the amount of •I.4MU Tuesday. Miss Della Boyce has been but a step removed from sick since last Tuesday John and W. J, Prall left unday for (Jierry county to make arrangements for wintering the I vn stock of the for trier When Parle Bound learned that a Topeka. Kansas, aucilonver reclaved #g5jxy> for • King a Manta Fee railway 1 he realized that the mistake of h!» Ufa was in moving to Nebraska, From MSehltelrt Monitor. Bert Whitmore left |»i*< night f• >r^ Alliance, Neb. Mrs, Ira Willi in sow Is reported very Irk tiil« wei k T. li Kcssoner left for tli < a-i M'o * dav on a colleeting tour John Wilson returned (art evening i fioui a trip to Hall union, v. Two of F W. Stark*' eld dren, little i Stevie and Ayl*, ate *l< k with (lie chicken pox.* Key. J. If. Hhoemnk* i -v**» I ken veiy alek wlio (lie fever Tuc*dii> and foir d to go to h"d, and now ho'h li • < e<l id wife are under il>e do' K d cate, - (Hover Cleveland ^i lioim* in time to give John Hull a litilu In j Hite hi wbut he would It ve in tho( way of u Christina* preanent from your uncle Ham if he did not *top picking on poor V'eney.uela The pop* are organizing and holding freo silver meeting* In the different] school houses over the county. Wei understand that their llrst meeting war held in Washington township last! Thursday evening In the Bristol school house, and that they will meet every Thursday of each week. From the Information which we now have at hand, all are invited to attend. The Kearney Iiicyle Manufacturing company ha* put a new wheel on the market for 1805. and have named it the MAk-Sar-Ben." It Is a high grade mu chine which they wl'l sell rt, 875 The “Kearney Special” 21 and 2!t pounds, wlfh many Impiovmerits for 1811(1. will Ic pushed a* their high priced wheel The factory as reorganized lias added lots of new machinery ami are now pre pared to build machines much more rupldly and in a better manner than last year. The factory Is no longer an experiment, ami Is running full time with a force of twenty-live hands - Kearney Bun. Uhippy Colds. Grlppy colds are’ epidemic and are promptly “broken up' by “77,” Dr. Humphrey's Rpociflc for colds and grippe. For sale ny all drug gists. Dr. Price'* Cream Making Powder Moat Perfect Made. NON-UKtIDt.NT Nona: In IHatrlut Court of Mhnrinnn Comity, Nabraaka: lloratto MutnUnr muulaar, I* lulu tilt v» John llnypa, — liny pm, wlfn of John llavra, Aral namt* unknown. M II Niitfaiil, CM Icali’a .National Ho it ea of M I'aiit Stshi uali tt. leponfu M Torkay. k itruli A Tpfbnnn, AOalbari J Hcoit. Kofek aiMl Jor dan arm, Thomaa Murphy, In OanOanta Alai* ol NabraakA, i ahoiifian County, \9 9 1 ha AAUt OafttuOuni# John lluvua anO llaya*. a If a .<i John llay**, Aral unknown, wltt tak* iiotta* that ott the* iftm liny of ItiurmlM-r I HIV thr •atO plaintiff j Ai»*«! hU pt»t11ton In ilia tlialritl tuuit of alo nnati rutmtv, Na'tra*ka aautowl AalO 0« | fauOant» » Im t in i .if * i. ar* t«i loraaio** a amain iitorta*** »a**mn | *0 i*y iha ihfanOant, Thouiaa Morphy in th* OafanOaitt, ton rut* M t'orkay upon Ilia! follow Iiia Omh itbaO raal natal*. * it oat* to I Ahmnaii »'ouniy anO Hint* of Nai«ra«k»a! I<» all Tna ra»l hall of u*tau»n i*t>nip | mimhI I’tnlon u»blp aMUu it ib north of i Manaa font tai n tilt a* *l of lit* Vlkprittv!|*C j lotMiJlau to »«h ttfa tint iMtitMui of i«n' mtiioMNooy »«»!*«, 0al*0 April III lAti. on# Im lit* *4'm itf friia t|na unO |ai«li'i utt April )•!, (Hit, auO on* for ftu ■*> on* an I < i*asai'l»* %aii April iat« )*# that uu A|il loli, h»i »|ti| iioorg* y |t» k« r *o<.| tt - i H* 1*4*0 «N»tO o.oftaaa* Im platnUlt H a! ihfHittaitia hav* Uual to |tat «*t0 nolt of I , 0mMm, anti Iha i«m« a**p«#*0 nt t )to i««l Mi«n I , Mil a»o| for Iha year* »•# a- I l«M an I ] p antHif iia« ait kita l Im Or* lata Iha al. a (mm* ttl aaakfatO by aaiO m< 'iirH1* t»* n* ' * imniaOtatali On* at*0 )*•*»«'* a»0 ||t< a * !• now Oka i katana Hi* •am of a •-war a <**♦ I tntviaat al i»« * **>*»! jt*>r an^out fi »♦ * April tat, im- I lauiHlt pi*>e ha a Ok41»« I HmI OaHalaa! n t put. ! hi lay * » I •ao.aoi Iha! hi I p»*ut>*** to* a I t.» »%t f I iwf * il«a amount ftotuO On* V »m ata t* o*«imO •** at-** a * t * » I |*Hp “t» u# Iwlun ilk OMk Oay *0 Jaiioaiy, t* • • Halm! ltd* I Ut 0«y ol (n otilwi, >.*■, 1 . ltit«HH« iNttim, l*imni l I •*’**’ It, *iuut««>. ••■»....• t.i» 4t>. • ! *»•«*• 11 i**v>* H»*a, i^.t it ik* i»i<»i1.1. i # f GOO., FOR EVERYBODY Almost «earyttody takes acme laxative medicine to cleanse l he system and keep the blood (Mire, line - who take SlMMOf-o LIVLW Rl OULATOB (liquid or powder) get all the benefits id u mil l and pleasant laxative and tonic that purlfie* the blood and strengthen, Ihe whole system, And more than IliN: SlMMONs I |V||, R»«,U i.ATOh regulate*. the l.lvei, keeps It a< live and healthy, and when the l iver I* In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Billou ness, ie 1 -ration, Sick Headache and (am-ii, 01, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. 'I hexe are all «aimed hy a sluggish I Iver, fiood digestion and freedom Imm stomach trouble-. will only te h id when the liver Is properly at work, If troubled with any of thr-ecomplaints, try SIMM')*.' I IV) It l<l/ii;i,AToi'. Ihe King of Uver Medi cines, and Better than Bills, f.VIHV I'ABKAffH *. Maw tIn- / Hiamp In red on wrapper. I. it. Zetlin & Co., Bfilla., Bn LAND EXCURSION UIRd?NIA, Tba H'ratbam Farm Agancy, Lynchburg,V*. will run a ona far# for if.a lourni trln paraua ally eonduelad land **alt«ra irafun, buy ing Oalwaln, C-dar k»|,|<)». Ituillngtor., Ot tumwa,Da* Moinaa, < il I' Hi and Intar madinia n.InU lAtb, Dacanibar 2nd and I'llti. *1* Ml, l.nula. ili.i,'«• HlgFour b on fa and < ii««api’»k<i and Ohio I'y, Ooudlandou trueh Unaauf kailk'.i"la,cln»a 14 mailcat from t>S Wan a' i" upward*. No drought, no blittarda, no fallur- of '.rona. You mu»tli4v*ac«rrilll'iii«froinlhaHoutlt #rn Farm Agancy toa-curnthn ona lara rata, which you r an g-t fraa by addr.aaing E. EPpre, waiinra i'»»»erig«r Agant, Cbaaapaafca It Ohio Ky, be i-uuw- Mo. Dr. Price’s Cream (taking Powder A I’ure Onp« Crum of TurUr Powder, NOTP'K TO I'JflNTfcltH I I o Kd'lfj < 'ount V ('Iff 1« of Hhenutto Co tfebn ku e*ifinale ihui the following book*. ylnt)k> and Matfonery will be required for Ho me of county oftleor* of Mb* nnnn eouiity for be eoinlnp v em *hree prow* of lead pencil*, bent, prude, hl« j/ro-1 penholder ’welv- ijuart* of Arnold* writing fluid ’waive pro*-. • - I #-e| J* )m ’ve hiltp I red blotter*, •wenty-four pro - * a* sorted rubber band*. 'wo dozen t»poripe top tnuellupf ’wo ream* I'miioi Japanese Ilium ab*truet pul cup '’our rein on Columbia extra f r<-1 elm h abuf-ract val eup Cfj/bf. # uuli’* record book (four plain and rnir twin ted form*) patent III X utile buck Mat penlnp ber.t fmp' r. (XX) triplicate tux ree«lp»- blocked IUU tax rce<>lpf * lui i Iplp • bound no I per orated, umi In book for county Treasury. IXM I ,% rerelpt** ftl dopl l ute hound and jar orttted fox# fn nook f"r if . fi-bip treasurer, ebutile mortpuifo file* >>■> In Hie, 't «44-1«-» poll book* uii't envelope;* JUKI >* *be«i blank*, ox) abort blank*. <xxt v, wheel blank* ,OK) full *be< i blank , hII blank* 10 be ifood i»iivy paper, OX; No(<• bead ' poofl heavy pttp- r (XX) f,otter b» ;-'i pood b< «vy pup* **, ,(KJOIPA Ineb Knvelope* XXX (xxi punch Kuvelop* , XXX. kuirt docket* one ciihu to ptt|/*' In < red with ulr < of i ourt, IM of juror*, court ofi-er*. and etddenl attorney*, on Mat rap paper in lot* of orty, 1 ox* Kleei Ion ballot* Mottled bid* for the above rnuwt lx* filed In the Olinty Clerk*office at f,oup(ittv Neb. on or (afore the flr*t day of January l*WI. bulled bill* will 111*0 be reeelvod for the follow in/ Kor •ubluhlmr delinquent tu» ll*t *ubll»hlii« County TrouNurur* lloanelal »tule n.nt ’ublUhlnp proceedIn«* of county board of luprTvl»or*. •iiidUhlnu lou.l unit brl.lii.' notion* and Ollier lotlre* rei|i|lrei| by the county loti led bid* for Itio u bo ye iniut bo tiled In be I'minty < lerU'* ofllt ■ at Coup City, Neli on irbefori Jnuiuii v I >| i*t»t County boui.1 re «rve* the rIt/In to rejeet itny und all bid* I luted ut lump CH> Neb till* 'nil day Of liri inlier im. (,<i| t* lints i — - i County Clerk suKiurr n hamc. Noth'* in lirrutty tflvtm tlmt tiy virtu* of in «ir*l*r «H mil* Umu»»«I hy tii* «al*rk of III* IlilriiH immi ttf III* Jihtlt ikt itlnirh I *»f **lir»»kA willilit Mini fMi coMMly it mm M* I loti m ii*r*)n i nii'tM i, Hun wm I.Mill* III Mlhl 4 yi*l*l»*r,t Mill* l»it 11*r. \% lliitui I \tttftv, Jmih'% I. Ilfl* oil, tlrMhm. Mofntt Mini riM>Ml|> on, M iuiiUchii uti 4 o o|*Mliy. iimmoom 14 11-iMhll I H IVnot fcn*|ill* Mlhl At iiiB 0«.u»)hi» uy, i 1 lint*, it.i u it id lUnk, >IA(| 41*0. VI Hflti will Mi Itu u'uiiMli it in oit Mi* flit ilny 1 ImMUiM'I. » '*•, 'll 11 t Milfoil-r « ttf III* mu i ft4 o«i «* in |<oii|i hi I v ♦ tHiuiiiy, tnlilMokt. (t»l •mU* Ml 1**4 III I' MU' Hull IO| « Mbit IU< fnlUtM tMrf tit »f(ltM"l I * % I l«» Mil fn* NtlMNwml «|l|4»l*f of •*tlloi( mi In h*M u*|nIhiiltt M .lilj Holt It ttf MM(f" I.Mtlh » «t U; 14**1 til III* I* | »lu I|mI m*m» hiiMii, miH illttiiM Ih mIhm'iuiim OUMly, N*l»ft|«fc« 4iiv«*M umit* u»y loo* t ifo>* *t• >l uv i*f *t»t • o« >»•>(, d« 4 It 1* I*. Mfofol* M4m%, Unfit I. Of |* I Ilf In*. Ul*«f lit* tit MM rthtliljl I In anutll I «*»t V.tieo i» bet*b> *t»o» |a< iW'.lflMt. |.,«t tap l-e. n hi.i.i >u I ha .... .. I,||I "1 *|M('Man> .duty, beb.aaM u. in e ,it|tiiiiiiiii'‘ii *f ,* el a. i.. i*i .alar t l,.,l.l.( \| .. » M MtIHM I c. . .»•!. It. I I rt.ielll fit. *U.«1 t* **>t l», *i < »•> ti»»d«. the It....,, el li««.i| I It t «l lh> udtea t I t.e . | J*. I * >' |n I >i.|i I tty I., Mid .o.o<>, «> a M. t. b« I t> new ad t »i Mt, inlet* *...( in Mtd **t».n 10*> Up • «i pud k>» l» >td i<u> *,alt-o Mid a, |> >«• j MMl i.i. an t»y k*iel *wl oMcMI Ml ht« *tt. 1.1 id tie. . Hi' ' I, tad. i.beMo i Meat, t notf Judo.*. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL I lake tin* opportunity to thank the Public for the liber al patronage beatowed upon me the pant year, and call your attention to tin* fact, that I have in Stock a large variety of article* Htiitable for Xew Yy«yk Your* Kenpectfully, K, UCIIWKR, Loup t'lty’e Itolieble Jeweler. i i It.O.VOK, A.P. L’ULLKY, Vice-President. Ueahier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. * General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, I600.0M, I si An* on Improved farm* at If INK pee neat. Beet Oewpecy and becO taw to be bod Is the wood. Coaoosroeniiirni —(tbemleal Notional Bank, New York GMjr, R. Yd kMkl w-WUonol Mhh« iinuU« Nabrookn VV. ,J. MSI IKK. OKO. K. BENHOHOTKB, Attorney *n<! Vo wry Public. Publlober Lour Cm tfoBTHW SOTUM FISHER Ac REN8CH0TER, HEAL ESTATE AGEJVT&. LOUP (JITY, • • NKBKAMKA. Town Lot*, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. i Insist on ....""1 ARA\ AliP HA/\A\ER SOPAj in packages J Costs no more than inferior package soda— C never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni- ■ | versally acknowledged purest in the world. I Hade only by CHURCH k CO., Hew York. 1 •old by rrocoro cmywfcoio. I ■ | Wrlu for Arm »ml ll.nmi.r Hook of Mtaoblo lUctpM—VRCK. S Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTI8E IN THE I The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM end local newspaper in