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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
M'Mm _ 'HOORUGHT 0R TIIK TOCSWWOWUICS k~ How soft the moonlight falls upon each crest , Of our loved mountains! In a limpid sheen Of silvered gold they lie and seem to | dream Mb' like tins! children on their mother’s B •■€'' breast. 'Phe klugly pines uplift their emerald crowns. The beech leaves rustle In the fitful gnle; The swaying branches cross esoh moonlit dale, And white 1 imise a foi's shrill hurk | sounds Within the woods and slowly dice All, this 1m ulghl! and such a night as this, Thrilled toy the rapture of the moon's soft kiss, It almost seems as glorious as day. Our mountains dream; the moonlight's mellow bliss Fades out and umrulug slnsiks Uie sky j with gray. —'f Iran lie Monthly. rv yr /y /■ y yv/yrTfY?B | „ HOW WE HAVER OUR DINNER. *j kh>../ / / / / / /< A.Jk/m A / / A It was really too toad, and the more i I think it over the more ashamed >1 j feel for my share In the unblushing 1 transaction. I lie way It happened was this; Yoti i see, Oiek Henson and I were nnsllcal students. W« were, moreover, the closest of chums, and we lodged to gether In the same room. One evening at alsmt II o'clock we stood In a corner irt our apartment Kiel surveyed with undisguised satis taetlon the scene before us. A large (lured mj ,'ltuin and wt All sal down Dick was a moat artistic liar, and T , was something In that l*nc myself, but j I must my that It Mixed the full e* | tent of our powers to maintain a calm demeanor as wo proceeded to convince our Innocent victims that the feast !*• fora them was prepared for their es pecial benefit and that the prepa ration thereof bad been a labor of true de : light. * Of Hen son'a plan of campaign I Itan not the faintest Idea. The only thing that suggested Itself to me was delay, for It was plain that the longer the ineal was postponed the leas the dam age done when the time rame for their <lepa rture. Hut the poor rrrattite* looked #o thirsty after their travels that I really felt pity for them. A glass or two of wine from the decanter would not be missed, anyway. "My dear aunt," I ventured without looking at Dick,^“let me give you a glass of claret. Trav eling Is such dry work that you'ieally must be famlshisl." They said nothing, but there was a look of pleasant sgpeetaney In I heir oyca which read assent. The decanter stood on a side tattle, and beside It was a confused mass of tail lies of all shape* nod slues containing pickled Hr,aids, frogs and such things. There , waa also a collection of bones and other medical appurtenance*. As I stepped up In this table Dick remarked, “lie careful, Arthur, not to confound ils> claret with that red stuff I brought home this afternoon. You know HnrdirfgV dog died of liydro pliolda last tdghi and I got a Isdile of hla blood to analyse." Then mining up to where 1 stissl, ostensibly to help me to distinguish one from the other, he whispered: "Horry, old man, It wouldn't hurt. I know, but we must begin at the Is* ginning, or else we shall have a frag meutal turkey on our hands." Here's n Prrllr M*ul Head Thai I" table occupied the center or tuu room, anil upon It waa (lie prettied *et out wo bad looked upon for many a day. 'I nere waa, In tire first place, a mag nificent cold roast tutkey flanked with glaasca of colory and the like; there were dishes of luscious fruit, several Juicy poach pies, a couple of delicious quivering blanc-mangea, and, towering over all, a grand center piece of beau tiful flower*. Tbe fact la, we were giving a little cold spread to a few friends of ours, whether male, female, or mixed It is not necessary to tell. There waa a full hour to apare be fore our guests would arrive, and. everything being In readlmaia, we sat down to rest a while, and to sum up how much our little iilTnlr would tax us financially. Fumbling In my Inside rocket for an envelope to figure upon, pulled out an unopened letter which I had hurriedly thrust there the day before anil entirely forgotten. •‘flood heavens. Dick!” I exclaimed as I read It and threw It across to him. "Here’s a pretty mess! Head that." The epistle ran as follows: My Dear Arthur: My alster and I will bo |cisslng through Boston late to morrow afternoon, on our way home. We shall have an hour or so to spare In changing trains, and If nothing pre vents we shall drop In u|>on you at your room. F.xpect us then shortly after 6. Your affectionate nuut, —Helen. ‘‘(Jreat guns, Arthur,” said Dick, "why the dlckena can’t you read your correspondence when you receive It? If you hail we might have arranged things differently. Where are your es teemed relatives bound?” "Home to Beverly." "And the train leuves?" “At 7:0S, I believe.” "Well, the depot Is fifteen minutes’ ride from here, so we shall get rid of them before our guests arrive, any way,” said Henson. "Hang It, mail, 1 know that, but this spread out. That’s what I’m thinking jLtiout. You know 1 don’t want our Pit tie orgy to be kuotvn at home.” tOgad! I didn’t think of that. Hold, tie tt! You say you got that letter yesterday. Then, of course, you ex lasted them and prepared this little dinner as a surprise, see?" “Hut henveiis and earth, what about our guests? We can’t ask them to alt down to a turkey that haa undergone leg sinput*tlun. to mere fragments of filmic mange, and to peach plea that have lost ninety degrees of their cir cumference. *’ “l.ook here, old man.'' -aid Dick, with exitais-rallng cooluoan, “you’ll spoil your collar If you're not careful. Don't get excited. Yon Just leave the matter with me” •Hut a hat -** ••silence now. I've got an Idea and I want to work It out. You uiuat ar range to have one present during your whole Interview that’a all.” Dfi'k weal Into a brown study and I relapsed Into nussty silence I fear I almost hoped something had happened m that train for I eouhln’t see, for I lie life of we b ns the matter waa to He brought to a satlsfactorf rendu sloa. Jr It had laheu ua a full hour to decor at* that t a Me to our satlafaetloa. and in umtresa tt and hide the viand* waa. ef course wut of the question More uter. *• III luch would havo tt. there wa* no spare m«>m la the tv-use to which we might tetM|s>rart|y have muted our quarter* presently the itu«r hell taag. and a minute Utter wv fiux tu hut unwel ceme relatives bounced lain the r<«»ut I her looked ae huagn as hears. I ah, you. ne Haul aioun, mu is ine one all right. Allow me!” “I don't care for any wine, thank you,” said my poor Aunt Helen, al though really she looked ready to faint from thirst. “Not any for me, either, thank yon," Maid her slater; “I rarely take wine.” “Oh, do lake something,"I urged. "No! Well, sit down to something more substantial.” Benson was an excellent story teller, and (In* next ten minutes lie employed In relating a number of choice lios ] pltal anecdotes and experiences calcu ! labsl to Increase the effect already 'produced. One yarn, I remember, was that of a fellow student who was one day making an Interesting dissection under the arm of a dead body, lie had got his face close to the subject, study ing it with Intense Interest, when sud denly the corpse's arm relaxed and rlnsiied the terrllled student In Us fear ful embrace. “Just Imagine.” Dick went on merci lessly, "Just Imagine my poor friend They Hoik Inclined and Oar Pra cloas Ulrd Wan Suvod with his faoe pressed close against that cold and clammy cadaver. But uow, let us to tire feast." With a shudder my aunts arose and ! moved toward the table. My heart misgave me. If they ooukl stund that last story, there was surely no hope of saving our turkey. Dick’s keener eye bhw that they ware weakening, however, and so he prepared to pile on the agony. Wo had hardly taken our seats when In* Iteguu again: • "By the way, Arthur, were you In the hull this morning when that Kgyp tlau mummy was unrolled? The smell Itli'li T*»la Mao »« Mtf4 Oar IMa ««»,“ wwa awful It ooiUilu't ha** baau |ir»p*rt) «*mo»l »r mlM*ikt«| "it.* fallow a* iiatll* faliiitnl town ih* i»»r*i M# udor ” “No, I **aa« I Hum* I t, fln il a* I )al>lw<t *lt« forh lm» thr bird u r. i* um |miM>.*lor* to i'*«l«| '*NoW Aukl llcb'ii lot at* fii> srott a in** tag I r*m*n»I•****! jou liha *>'*•• wall h*|d I fid thi* i >i« tall* IW hi) tan I I like* i ht*a» **b. h t hr * a>* taail t to dr«**i a|u*rt ** I habt aloft ih* own lug hwif* ha I •f«*h* but It fall Hanoi. *« A* far a* rail iHtfc** wa* «»«»•* w**l iw* *»*•* aunt* w*r* oo«w|tl*«*l) htMwhrd *••• With faint voice* they both dcrltnefl, ind our precious bird remained still s thing of beauty and * J‘*y *<»' •f'»r coining guests. Lest our stock of unappetisi ng stone, should run short, or .sir victims should somehow' compter their qualms. Dick very calmly arose and removed the piece de resistance from the table. Tint so tickled were we at our sue cess that we presently found ourselves ofT our guard. It was time to broach the pies, and we bad not ready a par tide of defense. Doubtless had Benson time to think i Mr Hiiswim kat flnwrlroiiir Ousels. the matter up he would have evolved some tale as destructive of a fruit ap petite ns of a tlesli one. However, It didn't muck matter, iis there was a I si ke simp near by. and we could very easily replace that |x>rtlou of ottr re past. Both my limits took n piece of pie, nnd we two conspirators also, for appearance Make. As we ale end chat led Dick dropped out of the conversation and f1 to musing. Ii was plain to my mind Hint he wets figuring out how* to stive those beautiful lilniie manges. There wasn't another of their genus within live miles, mid so they must lie saved at any cost., l'or my part I hadn't the ghost of an Idea how It was lo Is done, but 1 trusted In Dick nnd did my )>e*t to entertain our guests alone so' ns to give Id in full opimrtunlty for thought. At. last their pie was finished mid the fateful moment arrived. Glnudug at Dick I observed with Joy Hiflt n gleam of satisfaction held possiotslou of Ills optic. I roll mat we were saved. “Ob, 1 any, Arthur." said he. “did you hapiM'ii to read 11t article In the Medical Journal about a new and ap proved stiffening for Jellies and such dainties. You know Isinglass nnd those things commonly In use often Impart a strong flavor, and so while trying to remedy this defect, a hospital doctor hit tijKin <|tilte a lucky Wien." “And what did he use?" I asked, wondering what was (sowing next. "Nalls!" replied Dick, loeonlcally. "Nalls!'' echoed tsdli my aunts In chorus, "what, hard Iron nails'/” "oh. no,” said he, with a polite smile; "you misunderstand me: 1 mean linger nalla.” I really thought my aunts would have fainted on the s|sd, and I myself could not help giving an Involuntary start.. "Disgusting!” murmured Aunt Helen In nil almost Inaudible voice. "Well, yee," replied Dick, nothing abashed, "Unger palls are rather dirty perhaps, hut I should think they would make a very superior stiffening, and If you ask any one who bites hla nalla ho will tell you they have no taste of their own; so you see they liave a decided pull over Isinglass. Everybody knows of course that they contain a large amount of gelatine, fii'Mr like n horse's hoof, von know. which thoy make glue of." (ireal! I thought 1 would drop from my chair, and as for our un fortunate victims. They looked ns If they were going to lie sick. An awkward silence now followed. Presently my aunts remembered that they ought to do a little shopping be fore train time, and so off they went mentally resolving, Pll be bound, that If they ever dined with medical stu dents again, they would be careful to wear blinders and plug their ears tightly with cotton wool. Of course our little dinner proved a great success, for Dick's Inimitable re lation of the story (It was really too good to keep) put everybody In the lest of spirits, and the merriment did not ling HU the "wee sma’ hours nnent the twft.” Fish Storms. In early times records of the occur rence of showers of tlsh. corn, etc., were regarded ns alarming portents. Then came the time when they were regarded as fictitious—like the Af Ican lakes, Albert ami Victoria Nyan r,n. which were erased from the limps for nearly 100 years to tie restored In the present century. So with the fishes. We know that the records of their falling are true, and we know where they come from. A whirlwind sucks up the water of n stream or pond: the water and tlw* fishes are carried aloft - like the hay out of n rt«-W ant! tin*n a »ertial*lr »lm»n **f ««H( aatl Hah. Hi*r»’ la ilu’ fr>>m «nr xliMfiw \' »' \ Hnrtmi, ,1 I* »f firilfikuli t'tmlr, I »uul) I'lwlr IfvUlnl. ’ll* lb# I.Mb i.ltinr, i*n'u a itri ha «la>. <“>«** hr*i> Umii iIi>-|w rail aU-m uiuhtajr, Mhru a ut*liilr*r o! «t»**ll Habra nit*al kjr ahull I I »* In* Siva nr «! In* b< » h«|l Ml la Ik* |*t».i*nr* |t*uu*h «h'i» him Hint* an* w»rhln* I *rai a «am|'h' K> ib« > nail'll aa*l Inab I mir* |ut« I ihthb that ftu a-ihr **• •ah*’* mI iWm. I hair a tarn* <>a# la ainrlia, autl *ririal |M***|ila •#* tba mb " TO R FI* AIR THR PARTHFVO* Plait* Prflpnartf far the Prrarrvallon of This Rianas Ctrrk Temple. Tin* condition of the Parthenon, the possible damage done to It by the earthquake of 1891, has already been alluded to. Many exjierta having ex nmitied the Parthenon, aa to the beat method of preserving this marvel of Greek art, the subject la yet under discussion. Krnest Killer state* that the earthquake did the Parthenon lit tle, If any, harm. The worat accident to It happened when the Moroslnl laid siege to the Acropolis In UW7. Killer pro|sises using a particular cement, and holding together the cracked stones, lie wants “no modern patch work." Killer represented a minority report The majority report, headed by Prof. Doarofeld and Theophllus, devoted their attention to the archi trave ami other Injured portion* of the Parthenon. They want to remove the broken block of the architrave, to use Iron bars to support other parts, and to Introduce new stone, hut this new stone to ho made out of old material, so that no patching can 1>«* visible. Nothing having I men decided upon, a I third ex|K*rt, Prof. Julltia Ditrrn, lias been called on. He deems ihe archi trave to lie hopelessly mined, and i thinks It ought to be entirely restored. It Is future consequences he dreads - natural dlstegratlon brought aliout by rains ami frost. According to the Athenaeum, Iturm be tween what “Is urgent and not urgent, i necessary and desirable, what must be done and what might be done" AI sin i would be Its* *um re qulred for ihe pressing wauls of tlie Parthenon, and $40,(HID would cover all the outlay. There was some dllTer enco of oplidon when the mutter of workmen was entered on, as Hurra wanted Germans or Italians In pref erence to Greeks. And so the mot'ici* stands. The last expert Is M Mange. ; M Mange Is op]si*cd to “stone cement ing or any similar process of restora tion." His Idea Is to rivet In the hsisc i stones by means of Iron or copped | hook*. Ho describe* how difficult would be the removal of unsound parts, on account of the old way tlw* Greeks had of mortising their stones, and using lead, which fastened the lower blocks. He dreads that careless repair* or tinkering* might bringdown the whole western cornice. There Is no question ns to M. Mange’s su|s*rtor acquaintance with the methods of flic original Greek builders.- New York Times. NTKAM KM OINK MUST GO. I _ I Clcetrle Power (« Be ilir Propeller of (he PaUare. It Is only a matter of time when electric romls will !*• established be tween all Important clllcs. The sub stitution of the electric motor and spe cial devices for fast travel may be delayed by the managers of steam railways, whose business will be In jured thereby, hut the change has got to come. Present methods are not In keeping with the progressive science of the age. The ste.nn roads carry a ton of car weight for every passenger thev transport, where only 400 pounds will he required with the new system. The slaughter of people by crossing roads built at grade on the surface must be stopped, and this is one way to avoid It. Why should the malls oc cupy twenty-four hours In transit be tween New York and Chicago, when the distance can be covered In eight hours? Why should pnsnengers be (withered with sleeping car accommo dation* to make a Journey that can be accomplished within tlm short hours that now constitute a legal woiMbg l.i y? In the ftrott. system locomotives arc dispensed with. The motors are on the axles, under the cars. Hence It Is possible to dispense with <In* mighty locomotive, tlint has to he made near ly ns heavy ns the whole train In order to Recure a proper hold upon the track. Now that ocean steamers have so closely approached raljrond speed. It Is high time that the land roads forged ahead before the designers of water cruft catch up.—Llpplneott’s. At ■»•>.« till ore of the Slurs. The* modern astronomical principle on which stars are classified, namely, the resemblance and difference be tween their spectra, and Hie revela ttons characterizing this remarkable phenomenon, have led to various at tempts to indicate the stage of ad vancement attained by each particu lar orb In its life’s history or develop ment. Itenmrklng upon this, a recent writer cites I>r. Schelner as putting. In his late work on stellar speey-o seopy, those stars whose spectra con tain the bright lines of helium and, hydrogen In the first subdivision of his first class In evolution, Beta I.y rae and Gamma Cassloplae being two such stnrs; he regards them as having atmospheres composed of those gases, enormously extensive as compared with those of other •■tars, and possibly hotter than the gaseous euveh>|tes of their older companions. On the basis of tills theory tile tpiery Is considered pertinent as to how long It limy be since our world was in the condition of Bela T.yrae, whether any helium now floats In our outer atmosphere, how that particular portion which I* now Itnltedded In the earth's crust got there, aud other similar questions New York Run. The Blevater Disease llu • w «rU nue of the elevator meu in the oily hall, w hose couiac! with all sorts aud foiidttioos of men has developed In him a fondness for study lug character, has often wonder**! Just what word to apply In a malady which seems in atnici some of his passengers "Many people get Into the elevator.’ 'he re marked the other day, “aud seem to Imagine that I should know just where they want to get off They never <>|>ea their llua until I carry them heyuad their uesiluattna. wheu thev seem to think I am at fault for not lelHg a mind reader I B|«>ke to ISds r hnrtfcon tmtrews ihstt If sue day and told him I thought there 'Ughl to he some word > wined t« aptly . tr >i i its- those people lie sdvteed uw to . Mill them sph ottaus asd ssplalsed | t« me that aphonia was really a tarn I l irsiv teas of »i<ce-h h** now I ss I alwavs an the watch for spbesiai>a! I'hiim vbdti* Ne>*»d FOLLOWING FANCY. How the t'p-to-n™te tVopIo Find Plows- ^ nw In Wlnltr. People are fanrlfnl and It I* Fancy, after all, that la happiness, and the mo tive which ilirtates to the world. Some one fancies that the cozy Are at homo i and th" environment of favorite books Is enounh to make life worth living dur- j Ing the winter months. That will do for the way worn, weary, eaally satls Aed, old fashioned man and woman, but j the up to date ravaller and the new woman require a change—many rhangea In fact, and they seek In the ! dull winter day* to And the climate they | wearied of In aprlng and wlahed would , pass away In summer. Hitting behind i frosted window punes and gazing on the glistening snow crystals they sigh for tho warmth and brightness they loie better now than a few short months ago and, In no other country may these whims, these fancies be so easily gratiAcd ns In America. Abso lute comfort In these days, and In speed and safety, too, Instead of the wasted time and discomforts of the not distant past. Ponce de Loon who sought the fountain of Eternal Youth on the shores of Florida consumed many of the pre cious days of later life, and died before attaining the great prize. |)e Hoto was lured In the same direction and found at Hot Hprlngs. by the aid of Ulelah, the dusky Indian maiden, the wonderful product of (he “Breath of the Great. Spirit," but before he could return homo and apprise his friends of the groat dls ...I I_ ik. nlntil nf n/iM and youth, which he believed he had In his grasp he fell a victim to the mlustnl of the Great River and found a grave In ; Its muddy depths. To-day the seeker after health simply boards one of the magnificent trains of the Missouri Fa , nlflc System, and after something to eat and a nap. wakes up to find himself In this delightful winter Resort, ready j to embrace health which seems to he Invariably renewed by the magic of the I air and water. In l>e Koto's time the 1 secret of the Fountain of l.lfe was sedu lously guarded by the savages, but now a hospitable people opens Its arms to receive the tourist whether his quest be for health or amusement. Fancy some ( times tires of Hot Springs, strange as It may seem, but Fancy says “the fields beyond are greener" and the climate of Han Antonio Is more desirable and thus another ride In another palace, and new scenes and new faces please the eye and satisfy the restless cravings of this master of man. Thus from the Father ■ of Waters to the waves which wash the ! western shore of this great country the j tourist Is led by a whim, but most de ; llghtedly captive. Mexico has been l described as the ICgypt of the new ; world, and the comparison Is fitting, and he who dare not face the dangers of the deep, and prefers to retain his meals as well as his life, should make the journey to the land of the Monte zutnas, and there learn the story of the ages within the faces of a people which change less In tbe passing years than any other on the Western Continent. This Is the land of Sunshine and Color; of history and romance; and as bright eyes will smile at you from under be witching head gear as may be found in Castile or Arragon. Fancy carries one to California of coursp, and this Journey, as It once was termed, Is now so easily performed as l(j imvr Mini nil in Iin irinnn ami nui only a most emphatically delightful trip to be the subject of many future conversations. The land of fruits and flowers and fair women; Fancy can ask no more after this tour unless it baa been satisfied for once; and still It is Fancy which takes the wearied traveler back to the home and the familiar sur roundings and the friends and loves of home. There he may contemplate new Journeys and new dlvertlsements, but there lingers In his memory a pleasure he would not part with, and he hopes soon to again enjoy the comforts af forded by this Great System of Railway which has taken him safely out and brought him safely home and has not robbed him of the Joys which Fancy brings. F. P. BAKER. Thu region in the immediate vicinity of the Read Hea is said to be the hottest on earth. Take I'arku'i Ulngrr Tonic home with you You ill tlwi It tu etc ed your expects. I n» In nb.illug col is, tun] unity ills, kclitib ktnl wiikknuskok. Wisdom is the principal thin,;: therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding. Vaelu U »»( conducive to ylrukurr, oM**‘ei» IV when * d'H' lo, ,.*il by corns llitiot rooms will (ilt'ii'c you. for It lenovos ilitnn perfec I*. Donor women; they strew celestial roses oh the latliwuvof oar terrestrial life Moite I lso s l ure tor Cousumpliou is an A No. I Asthma medicine W R Wtt.iuvts. All tiiu b. Mis., A) rit II, IMM. Ueariug up under trouble and distress is alt we't enough, l ut many prefer to l eer up. Catarrh Can Mot Be Cara# With local application! as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh la a blood or constitutional dis ease, and In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acta di rectly on I he blood «nd mucous sur faces llall a Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine. It wee prescribed by one of the heel physicians In this coun try for years, and Is a regular prescrip tion. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting dlrectiy on th t mucous aurfacea. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces euch wonderful results In curing Ca tarrh Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHKNET * CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. Bold by druggists; price, 75c. Hall’s Faintly Pills. 26c. hew Korn, of Blood I'oUonlng. A 4-montliM-oUl infant. Maria < are gitta del Domino, died at Naw York recently from convulsions and septicae mia. a form of blood poisoning. Not tong ago the parent* of the little one, as i* the custom of Italians, had tho ear* of the ehild pierced for rings. Af ter the operation a piece of tine graeu Itos* was run through the ear and fast ened. so that the hole should not grow together. The dye in tho ple< e of floss, it Is believed, caused the blood poison ing. "Xanaon's Kaglo Cora gslve.” Warrant*<i tv rurf or muiiajr i«fut»/J».l A»k joja 4rug*!nt tor It. Vriw 16 ««nU. 0|M*ra In l<nn«l»rt. A new house for Italian Opera is tr be built in l.ondon on tiie site of Her Majesty's theater in llaymarkct, which was torn down some years ago. Marcus Meyer is to he manager and .1. II. Ms pleson operatic director. Mayer says the new Imperiul Opera Company, llin ited, will have a capital of #1.700,000. and will produce Italian opera and send their company each year on an Amerl can tour from October to April, while the Loudon season will be from May to. August. Tiie Mum Himi i.k asp Hake Hkhkov for is Cough or Throat Trouble I* "Browns Bronchia! Troche* 'They jk>a-«i* real merit The oldest | erfume* were those recovered from Egyptian tomls. dutlng 1.60H to !f,00b years I eiora the t'hriNtinu era liegeman'* I amplior lee wllli Uiy< erme. Ctirr. i 11.i. i IImii.I. and k kci*. Tsnrt-r nr Hors Eveq Cliiiblsth-, Pii*",, a, . c, u, t:iii.rk t N-w H*v«a, tx 'I he man who loan is east sall-lled with Ills pay. 6FIT* - All FII«»tow>«1 free hy l>r.Kllne'*Ore*l erve Meatorer. MoFlUafter the tlnuduc* uw. srvHnuarure.. Trestl.nan.l Sjttrtsl bottle fre. iu HIlax s. biudluljr. klm.-,tu| ak bat.,t'bil*.,»Uk “1 would like Home powder please ” “Kara or bug?"—Life. If the Ilaby is Cutting Teem. 1 S* sure And u.e tint old and well trial remedy, Mas WisALOW'e Bootmisu Srurr for Children Teething. The Pilgrim. (Holiday Number.) Full of bright sketches prose, poetry and illustra tions—by bright writers and artists. Entirely original, new and entertain ing. Mailed free to any address on re ceipt of six (0) cents in postage stamp*. Write to (ieo. H. Heafford. Publisher, 416 Old Colony building, Chicago, 111. There are at prettent exactly 1,680 miles of w ater main* in the city of London. Billiard tahla, second-hand, for sals cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. A«tx, MI H. Ikth Ht.. Omaha. Nab. KfflDPttlGft ONE ENJOY# Bote the method ana results when ' Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant I and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its i effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAA fKAUCUOO. CAL toumiai. tr. mm tom, air , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa J <«ot rid at once of the stiuymy, ictti my muart of » 1 BURNS or SCALDS j 2 or eUe they’ll leave uyly scare, lived dlrectiune and uae - : Hi ST. JACOBS OIL. \ nMin»iiwirn>»nnmnMW!>ni>mfm»tmwww ........-»-■■'■' ..-...—..■■■.m mmmmmmm Timely Warning:. Tho groat tuecftt of the chocolate preparation* of the house of Wniter Belter A Ce. (established in ITMli has led to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter baker A Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturer* of purs and high-frad# Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent No chemicals are used !n their manufacture*. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Watt*, baker A Co.'s geode. WALTER BAKER A CO., Limit*!, OOftCtttlPTtitt. MAM.