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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1892)
r r ? f FARII DEPARTMENT. rSai AFFAIRS OF WOMEN. I to the neuron is warm the nice yard out of dm where Jt can stay during the daytime, and ia which it can learn to eat grass and Cr.nk t ni.Tiit ami wa'er. Taa fit ud the Chick. Of the many millions who daily use eggs, how few know anythitg of taur i stormJ th9 ci-f s;iouij te tied m a clean formation or structure, ana yet em- : gta,, ia tu u TJie .j as it is, its mechanism is wonaeriui. as , shoul1 te evervone knows says the t armer anu , Dairvman. it is composed of yolk and ' ai;d continued until the first cf Winter, and ia the cast of late ca-ves, c:1! '.-in ffr ... I in white in a min uiur c..- - . , . ,; w(.athfer is cold, so that me caa sheU Tery britUe and of Tanous coiors. . f d without The yolk ia composed of blood assinii- diSCOUlfljrt? it chou!u tied ia a warm lated through the working power of , stail in the barn, and, in add.tion to the hen. and a proportion of oil arawa i . g,.ou;J supl.i,i irom the grain she eats. The white is . . During the first jear a thick mucilage derived from the j . . ,f ,l(uU nut and largs cait.e. it is the best way to keep two or more r V I st V. i-i" Am ! green 01 vegeiaoie putuuu i . , yArdo l wltu covrs diet, wiii.e me meuuoraue i made from the woody, fibrous sub start' of the same. The yolks, or ova cahes together, and allow tiiem a suia.l vard of their o n. In hummer, after grow in a cluster on tne spine uu P f jeafa they can rua ln through a tuft of soft skin between the ; mUh tfce i( a lungs and kidneys, one being formea every twent-four or thirty-six hours while the hen is laying which is en closed in a very thin skin. On the ma turing of the yolk this skin breaks, let ting it drop into the mouth of a funnel shaped duct, in length from fifteen to, twenty inches, consisting of three di visions, the termininus of each being an elbow. The inner side of this canal is very soft and pliable, being com posed of folds lapping partially over each other, the last division being very much finer in texture than the others. While passing through the first division the length of which is five inches, the j oik makes three distinct revolutions and the white is put on in the same number of layers. In the second, the same length a3 the first, the yolk with the white around it, gets its shape from the rotary motion of its course; and aiso the mejabrane which encloses it; while in the third division the shell is received, which is a thin fluid, in color to suit the breed. At the turning cf this division the duct is g'.ot-e shaped and here the egg turns and comes out big end or head first. The egg is fer tilized by the influence of the mail bird which passes through a small duct along the spihe of the spine of the clus ter of small ova. The yolk is suspen ded in the center by two spiral cords one end being attached to each end of the yolk, the other end passing through the white, being fastened to the membrane lining of the shell. The cords are laid "right and left handed,' thus holding it with the heavy side down, no matter in what position the egg may be held or placed . 1 he chick is formed entirely from white, and here we see the use of the three revolutions in the first division. The first layer forms the bone and sinew, the second the flesh, the third the skin and leathers. The first part formed is the eyes, appearing as two black specks, one at each side of the suspending cord at the large end, next the skull bone between, and in order the neck, spine, legs and wings, at nine days there is a complete circulation and life, and at fourteen days the white is all taken up. 1 he chords have now made a connection in the stomach and protrude from the naval in a number of blood vessels and enclose the yolk in a network of small ones, and through these the chick draws its nourishment from the yolk, transformed to its origi nal substance, blood. After the shell I, cracked, and the chick has gained strengh, these two large blood vessels draw into the belly what remains of the yolk, the naval is closed, the course is all clear, and having cracked the shell all around, the little creature gets its head against one end aud its tiny feet against the other, the parts separate and out rolls the chick. Nothing more interesting can be imagined than close ly observing the process of incubation in its various stages, and the mind is deeply impressed with the wisdom at d power of the Great Being "Who doetli all things well." The Cmir. We reply to inquiries of a corres pondent concerning t he calf by publish ing the following: The calf will usually be able to stand and to secure the milk which it needs without aid, but, in case of weakness, it should be held to the cow until it gets its food . In any case the calf should be allowed to stay with the cow for three or four days and take as much milk as he wants. The remainder of the milk should be drawn 'by hand at least twice a day. If the calf is designed for veal, lie may, at the end of the time stated, be tied with a strap around the neck. At rooming and night he should have access to the cow. Jf she does not give all the milk the calf wants he may be taught to eat a little meal If In dian meal is given it should be cooked. Oat meal may be fed either cooked or raw. Some live stock owners prefer oil meal. Only a small quantity should be giviu at first, and the increase in amount should be very gradual If the calf is to be raised it should be taken from the cow at the end of the third or fourth day and tied in a stall which is well out of her tight It should be taught to drink, and, for several weeks, should bare new and warm milk. Then, as most farmers consider this food altogether too ex pensive for permanent use, the new milk may be gradually diminished and I he quantity kept good by the addition of milk that lias been skimmed. After iwhiie skimmed milk, which should always be warmed when fed, with the addition of little oatmeal may be used 1 the same pasture shelter U provided to protect them from storms and from extreme heaf- Dairy DoU. Prof. Whi'.cber, of the New Hamp shire Experiment Station, says me Dairy World, finds that the milk from his herd costs an average of JTA cents per quart on good feed. 1 he cow pro duced it at a costoflo'J c-uts, while the milk of the poorest cow cast 4.' On a richer ration the cost from the best cow was reduced to I J- cents, while with the same cow fed on a poor, innutritious ration the cost went up to o 33 cents per quart. In speaking of dairy produce for England, the London News says: Twenty-one million of pounds sterling were paid last year to Centiuental countries for dairy produce alone. The butter and margarine imported weighed over 2,0uO,'juu hundred weight and the cheese nearly 2,rVJa Thete immense quantities will probably con tinue to be imported until inland freight charges become reduced. At present it is cheaper to send packages to London from many parts of York shire. There is no vagary so wild, no folly so absurd concerning milk and butter milk but that some crank is ready to commend it and support his commen dation by the authority of science, says the Jersey Bulletin. The latest that we have met with is the statement that "most springs and wells are impregnate with enough lime and sulphur to hurt the keeping qualities of butter." At nine-tenths of the water u.ced in butter making in the United States is from springs or wells, and it is rather late in the century to begin talk about such water imparing the keeping qualities of the butter. The fellow who wrote the quoted words has a case of water on the brain. Scald your hog just as soon as it is done bleeding. A Single Ilutterfly. A young man camping in the Sierras discovered and captured a butterfly of an unusual species. lie sent it to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington and received a check for 81,500, with the request to make careful search for other moths of the. same kind. It was an individual of a fossil species, supposed to be extinct, and great was the excitement among scientists at the discovery that one of the race had been recently alive. Although diligent search had been made by men paid for the service no other specimen has been found. A Magnificent Carpet. On view at the exhibition at the Commercial Museum in Venna is a large silk carpet, the property of the imperial court, of considerable histori cal aud artistic interest. The carpet, a marvel of its kind, was presented to the Emperor Charles VI. by Czar Peter the the Great, and is a magnificent speci men or old oriental carpet-weaving, it is unequaied for the richness aud purity of its colors, and the hues and tints of its silken fleeces change kaleid- oscopically according to the position in wmcn it is exposed to the light. This remarkable piece of tapestry represents in brilliant colors a picture of the chase at the Persian court, while the border is adorned with strange representations of feathered genii and flying dragons. Derivation of Hnrrab. One familiar English word of ours "hurrah" says Sarah Orne Jewett in her interesting work on the Normans, is said to date from Jfolfs reign. "Hou," the Frenchman called our Hop- and there was a law that if a man was in danger himself or caught his enemy ao ng any aamage he could raise the cry, "Ha, Rou!" and so invoke justice in Duke Rolfs name. At the sound of the cry everybody was bound on the instant to give chase to the offender and whoever failed to resnond t(l til cry of 'Ha Rou!" must pay a heavv line to Rolf himself. Thus hear. ti. old English fashion of "hue and cry," as well as our custom of'o- "Hurrah!" when we are nleased and t! cited. like .4 boat Womea. U Lexington, Miss, Moliie Iloskins h.T3 chars of the telegraph office, Emily Wight is poitir.UtKas and Duie Cole is the expr a0'nt. Mr. Gladstuii intends to interview Mme. PasUirtseiT dunni his con l.ncntal vist for the purpose of writin? an article upon Marie li.shkirtse f and her dairy. It wis the oil Imcd.i Lauzan who said: "If ou want to succeed at court you must treat the duchesses ladies' and the' maids diichesies." IlitnKr.ox, pn-s.dent of the Cuya hoga Falls, ,. suffrage society, hs. since the death of her husband, carried on his bus.nesi as editor of the Cuya hoga Falls Reporter, with marked editorial and executive ability. Annie .Triiness-Miller, to whom was born not long ago a baby daughter, s'aru out this week on an extended lecture t nr. beginning at Toronto and ending in the summer at Boston. The Duchesse Bologuine of Milan has realized a largo sum of money Dy the sale of her jewels, fans and laces, and is devoting tiie proceeds to the erection of a children's hospital in the suburbs of Milan. Tha New York woman s progress club ha3 ninty-tive member, each engaged in littrary occupation. Its ob;eci is to gain for women the advantages arising irom unity, fellowship and co-operation with those engaged iu similar pursuits. A Humane Practice. A Boston paper says: "The proprie tors of one of the biggest and best of the up-town shopping stores make it a practice to allow their counter girls to go to resting rooms especially prepared there to sit down and rest themselves for a quarter of an hour at stated inter vals during each day.,' Imitation of this ln all large cities would not be a base proceeding. Nutv of r'anllion. New and pretty bangle bracelets are in the shape of fragile vines with leaves and berries made of gems. These twist around the arm after the style of the ugly Cleopatra Bracelets and serpaut bangles. Cold and silver appear as part of decorative effects in both dress aud millinery. Heal gold threads are in troduced into colored embroideries designed for elegant costumes and handsome evening wraps of white and gray cloth, velvet and satin de Lyon. Narrow black silk ruches made to resemble black feather trimming are used on spring and summer silks, both dark ond light, also pointe do Gene laces of every width, and on pretty toilets of pompadour muslin, the flounce, yoke and sleeves are of this lace, with a Watteau bow of ribbon about three inches wide, set at the point of the slightly open neck in the back, tho loops lone, and the endes reaching to the skirt hem. Triangular pieces of chiffon, China crepe, or silk net, edged all around with a three or four inch double rtitlle of point de Gene or cream silk lace and sometimes embroidered in each corner with a small spray of flowers make simple yet vey dressy liohus for evening wear. These pointed neckerchief, trimmed with but a single rullle, particularly becoming to stout women, the two declined points in front being brought down a little below the line of the belt lengthen con siderably tho appearance of a short waist. One woman in every sixty in London is a gin drinker, and one in every twenty is a pauper, while one in every thirteen in illiterate. Robert Louis Stevenson's mother is living with liim in the South Sea islands and is astonishing the natives with her prim widow's cap and black silk dres. The Girls' Friendly Society of England is a union of over 170,000 women and girls of all classes, provides homes of rest and trainiusr. lodtres. libraries, etc. Mrs. Jessie Russell of Bay Lodge, is 106 years old and has never had any serious sickness. She waits upon nerseir ana is a daily reader of the newspapers. Five generations of the family are now living. ' Jnonly five states has the mother absolute legal right to the custody of her own children. Theie are Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon and Washington. In all other states the right of Fatherhood is paramount. The countess of Aberdeen has opened in Glasgow a hospital for women, where they will be attended by women physicians and nurses. The experiment is being watched with much anxiety to tee whether the patients will manifest confidence Id their sisters as doctors. fiT DY Or Dill. Tn' the fcial commodity "Oh, no: ther U.'L V.M m a il lh)s lllodjiei rulings as j run a static v n t.lZ kVi Upp'H-d to tbed.nVreot tariffs acd new .tacbed tothe LB' 'it . "!r.L.M-th.-. bWof 'em that Lave up for you, , i ,rk and vated l.u he "a I aj, since tl lt deification yawn foryou ' t the c.ty editor called 1 wiS 3I,ei After you get all those mere!, the e, rruWrslhiit J "U shouli pool up on. J pacing th floor-, the filial commodity 1 1 Mi, no: titer anl the modified rulings as i run a station Mile Sarmisa, the first woman admitted to the bar ia Franc., Is said to have taken the highest rank in a class of 500 men nt the Ecoledu Droit Paris, where she studied after receivinir the degree of Bachelor of Letters and Science in Bucharest. She begun to practice law in the latter city, wherr tier father is a banker. The Philadelphia New Century club is one of the most successful and active ot women's socieths. The membership of the club which was at first limited to 50, has been doubled and a long list of BDDlicanu waiting for the admission. ar Parents tell others a great deal about themselves by the names they gl their children. niut:, ' tT(. desk thit the c.ty he vm there. .i . . i., world 1 "u i lU.UfeJ UI. - . , I to a uii -l i.ere are ,y; adapted i SOUl' down pa', it wouij oe i little tin. I' ihe 1"c:U c!"firtion anl tariff -!-" t terminal points anl-n-t the routing instructions com nieiix ry. Hello! there's last Tell 'era tm. l'e got to i..o an i -",,tuJ to tt,,u!J I on- .i.-.i fr-:oht rominz at ' p . 'ft ... - - w iari;ii-t th-t ' iu.tutii fur Wi.ted. T tie l, .rMthe Street aild CoUect S01I1S t h.i u -V...1 can check out my freight Oil : . ...' , .. lii-J o & ; I he couJ K -A--ii Mu ll No. 1 Ani hi : in wthlrew. tor wa!kl in and said: he's got anything for You see. 1 app superintendent lur a assured my application s.dered the very firt -.n-l. liiei i suspense was not tr,r...J me, bat I cou.u i - -the friends w.tu wiioui I b-r.i.i-g considerably. t .....!.,,. t,a.i'.r the Vali'T. t mau that rounds up the 1 put the ipi-suou igu when they are wanted t" P' oul i patcher over the wire, and he answered a special, came aroiiuJ w.tit a note re- ..Nn;. v,.ry ,,u.u!y and distinctly. After questing me to call at the super.uteu- ! a while tle tram pulled out, and I was dent's cilice. Of cur.- i cotnpUd , lo,jk.17 ,or tue "lo..p ticket" to report with the re juest, and w.w to d H'y ; t1(.,u. when the tra.n dispatcher began m i,i ai-t su assistant agent . i fur a day or two at a lace tailed j j ; and he said: Niet No Beaufort, or something like that. 1 wanted tokiuw if I li l,'lr8 j time to go and pack my grip, u.n seemed to llimx bucii a urwj ..,... materially preju.bce the prospects o the road, so I grabbed the pass and made for the train, which I managed to catch after a brief but exciting chase. Then my 'gneV as the rail road men call it, began. "This train uou't stop at Beaufort, young feller," said the conductor, m he pocketed calmly on his rounds. I would have l.ked to have asked him what I was expecteeted to do about it but his countenance was so hteru and forbidding I did not dare. We were rapidly Hearing my desti nation, and something had to be d ne sol formed a brealun m ot my predic ament a .d he very kmiiy volunte:reJ to ask 'Fatty Duff" to slow down a little at Beaufort and h-t me oil. I presume he did so, yet if there was any reduction in the sjeed of the tram it was too slight for my uu; ractieed eye to detect. The bre ikuian encouraged me, however, an 1 as there appeared to to be no other alu-rriatiw, when we were nearly abna-it of the platform, 1 let go and dropped. I did not light right away, but when I did land the concussion was some thing awful, and as 1 rolled over and over it seemed to me I must have gathered up about all the splinters there were in the platform in different portions of my anatomy. I was still gorating when the last car whizzed by, but 1 heard the "hind man's timely warning: "Look out, young man, you'll tear your clothes!" It was a reckety old station, the wall frescoed with mashed tomatoes. F.mpty chicken co'ip.i, fruit boxes, berry chests and watermelon rinds scattered about the platform exhaled a faded and depressing odor, and the ouly visible indication of life or death were tne swarms of Hies buzzing drowsily in the hot sunshine. I picked my way to the ollice and presented my credentials to the agent, a tail lank man with a long neck, careworn features, and a stiff hut that looked out of place in the midst of such rural surroundings. Ila was absorbed in a newspaper, and it was some time before he noticed me. At length, however, he threw down the paiwr read my letter, and invited me to make myself at home. Then he unbosomed himself. "I'm sick and tired of this business. "They're gone. "Mop 'em." "I say they've gone." "retch 'em back." "They're gone, is " "Miut that key and go aul bring that train bark for orders!" 1 closed the key and wandered aim lessly out on the platform in the vague hope of seeing the agent or that some thing happen. To my surprise I saw that the freict.t had toped at the other end of the yard, about three (juaUrs of a miltj away. I could still hear thedi-spatcher calling, and knew by the vicious sound of the instruments that he wai mad. Thoughts of colli sions and the possibht ot being re- fwonsible for a terr.h.e accui-nt riasnea across my mind, and 1 started for that train on a run. The distance was greater than 1 had imagined, and I was completely blowu when 1 came up with it. The conductor was lying on his buck under a car fixing something about the air-brake. I managed t o ga.p out that the traiu dispatcher wanted hint for orders. "Tell him to go plump to h 1!" shouted the conductor, and then calmly conlioned his labor. As there seemed nothing else to be done 1 started back to tho station to deliver the message, anl had gone but a short distance when the engine passed rne backing up to the ollice. It was going too fast for me to board it, so the conductor ami engineer had been w aiting ten minutes or more when I eventually reached the station. "I f it's all the same to you, partner," said the conductor, with freezing politeness, "w e'd Just as soon get out of here. e ve irot families at the other I," kJ ible J fwition. Jails si) LttLtV. everv-ua, ne caught sight of u, .urn aioppeu short. TI - . . I HUM lluailS h. K. ' at me implorying!; each birdastheUwdiJ it had not Ue ea pound, weirar trap T W says ageuU must fc. selves will, and be game laws of their 1 could not ppj-afc answer in my downej tended bis hand to cm ,J sublime exaltation tO uumeiy countenanct "As the agent voice had the ternbk spair, "J am resist, I am forever undone, ) no malice, it was Ut J pens, remember. I jJ ana he jammed his hit J ears and ins eye glared j win never take me alitt' Then he strode out of J atssappeared. '-1. . . i iuku ui sm aa horiz.on and twiliu invaded the melanctioiT J Fresently a freight trJ and halted for m w. J that an empty box tu opposite tiie ol!,cr at! the hospitably opn id homesickness ami me. For a moment I iJ scream of mortal ai.. ears from the direction i and decided ma. Softly closing llaolj into the untenanted or a! engineer had "taken J pulled out of Ileau.'onr assistaut agent wuit J francisco Lutriinw. Irt On t bmimt Thomas Ilowan, tn, of Illness, has Uem:in condition of in:i;aui at the Kingi country m case th tt is )ec!ii.a;. Toi he presents it in "In lsTT 1 shi-fiM the bark Roman London for the vgxas artic Oce.mi for ifl Hunter, of XeUl owners, and CafO "? In.nt.r YY inor vi till 1 AJt.ll-J V ...w.. I relsofoiL TUpnc!.M ashore at some i ft!' i Iwpards, svaj aoi j end of tiie run, and 'ud like to get animals, and to fcsveUr there before they grow out of our re menibrance." 1 walked into the office and told the dispatcher I had stopped the train. ' Why don't you be all day about it?" he answered. "There's nothing for them it's too late to help "em any now." I was afraid of the conductor when I told him this. His jaw fell, and for fully a minute lie gazed at me in round eyed horror, then rushed from the office aud yelled to the enigneer; "Git a move on yerself! Git out of here be fore he has another fit."' After that it was comparatively quiet for a while. I made a feeble ef fort to understand something of the classifications, but soon gave up the attempt as hojieless. One or two lots of freight and express came In. and a "The work's enough to kill a mule, I T" , T P ,"'T, ,"m' ... .. ... .' denL 1 was becninni2 to think I was getting on to the business, when the but its the injustice and lack of appreciation that makes m e hot You can't pick np a paper without seeing a lot of 'rot' about the heroism of locomotive engineers and the terrible responsibility that makes train dis patchers hump-shouldered before their time, but never a single solitary word about station agents. Why, to read the paper a person would think an engineer went through life with his eye glued to the rail and a death-grip on the reversing lever, and that the dispatcher had to put in a'.l his spare time sopping his head with hair vigor to keep from turning gray in a single night. But look at the facts. "ny track walker can tell you that an engineer is asleep more than half the time when out on the line, and tiiat the only way to call his attention to a slow flag or a stop signal Is to heave a rock through the cab window, while as for the train di-paUher, we all know what he is-a petty tyrant with an eight-hour trick whose most arduous duties consist in rawhiding us poor wretches out on the line, bulldozing us into sending him a regular tribute of fruit, fresh eggs and butter. Heroism! Itesponsbility Well, if it ain't enough to give a person a distaste for strong drinkr Aud he disappeard in the direction of a saloon about half a mile down the road. When he returned he gave me an idea of my duties as assistant nm. "You're familiar with the interstate taruis and the transcontinental classification, I suppose v he said rwas obliged to confess my Igno ranee. 'That's lad." he renllwl -,... better sit right down and familiar! ze yourself with them. You'll find 'em all In those files, Besides the tariffs there's 724 supplements and 1,W7 amendments, ln addition to 2,887 H, agent returned. He looVed more care worn than ever as he sank wearily iuto the one chair the ollice afforded. "Well, how you rnakiu' it?" he asked. and I stated so far the progress seemed satisfactory. Next he looked at the way-bills, and wanted to know if 1 had unloaded that cow yet. 4 No," I answered; "not yet" "Not yet! he shrieked. "Great Scott. man, what does bections Itoy. 87 and HH of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and Section 2, Chapter a, of the Act or April 3, IH1H, say? I was about to confess mv Ignorance. but he stopped me. "Don't waste any mom precious time: get that critter unloaded before anyone sees her. tihe's been in the car over thirty-six hours, and we're liable to 80iX) fine." The cow was unloaded immedUtelv. When I returned to the office be called my attention to a bill of &H cents I bad collected on a washinz-machine. "1 oo. corrected that bill before you ., ... . . conecieu it, I hope r "Corrected it? No. What's wromrr "Oh, a mere triile: that corn niwtrr the Interstate Commerce law, and by overcharging 13 cents vnn'v u liable to a tine of 85,000, or two years in me i-eniieiiiiary. or both-thf all See what circular 2 201 who violate any of the provisions of the iniersiaie Commerce Law will ihem selves be personally liable to the penal ties imposed thereby. Ignorance of i ne taw is no excuse for it violation That's soothing, ain't It? And here' a case of brandy you nave forwarded lojowa, a l'rohibrtlon Bute. Thai another misdemeanor, but, thank God we can probably escape to the hil t be lore ute auiAorlUes ret on to it." He sprang from bis cfealrand began ions for one ot two yrts this occasion ours shift. Several of in t .... ir...l. I.Sr.,1 r Desolation lsUnd, T Atkinson and I'ortafw ball chose to be kit XI a small island about 11 where the main bodjiwi -IVr.iii.r, fiif tWO for about 1 iJ barrel! the two men. Just be' returned in the ixom t snow-fall set in, and ate time getting oat'T,, I.. our oil aboard II "gj, place on the island i ' home calling at ilor?n' . rt two men there. Tbe t'jr whelmed them, but T reached by dijfipaj J found alive, but before reaching ttea Snowball wasdMiit many days. .Ukiu f fellow, the son of t Indou. Both erei4 In returning to the Mf sized and eleven ol that manned h were i Vllliarns, the mate, m 'ortuguese, were pi tempt was nme i" taken by Atkinson rt am sure that later! i fnlltlll Itti'f nave uvt-u -on the lay or on it. 1 i.i l.'irrt.! il nWK4 claim forme. Jt"" A French - which win i'" distance ui, -v u gixesfortbe jft fionbysayh. only agaii-t ' ,2 an eneuif r against Wo' - . r when they The smallest ol Island. bnalW ",,,".ileVl,l(t?k lllgUHM w iiiia Vf t. Mrr. mDiinsT t- whole ""ftSSft ,al it would co habiUnU. Ad.!""""' nf I The wi little daughtf. j . i.mir i not 1I West presented , little daug'"-' t. - i. m hour t such " - ,1CI tthe birth Ueneitday. -Ad-deUy'KlB' IA V3 I